悠妲菈的孩子们Yondalla's Children | ||||
【主 神】 | 悠妲菈Yondalla | |||
【势力 范围】 | 半身人Halfling | |||
【简 介】 | 诸国度the Realms 的 小个族裔The Small Folk 崇拜着一支被统称为 悠妲菈的孩子们Yondalla's Children 的神系。根据半身人神学家们纠结的推理,这个团体也包含悠妲菈她自己,而有时这个术语也被用作全体半身人的统称。半身人神系中,诸男/女神们的名字在各个社区之间有很大的不同,而这种不同与亚种之间的差异几无相关性。与各种半身人神力相关的神话经常掺杂着当地先代半身人男/女英雄的传说,这些英雄具现了一位或多位神力对生命的教诲和态度。举例来说,两座几乎只相隔2打英里左右的半身人村庄,对悠妲菈的名字就可能不同。各个社群的居民虽然可能都信仰 保护者the Protector,但他们也相信保护者是位本地的神,相较于半身人种族整体、远更关心他们的村庄。 | |||
神祇名 | 神力 | 阵营 | 旧译 | 简介 |
悠妲菈Yondalla | G | LG | 保护者,半身人主神 | |
希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee | I | LG | 壁炉看护者,半身人的家庭与友谊女神 | |
席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl | I | N | 翠绿姐妹,半身人的农业与自然女神 | |
阿尔伏林Arvoreen | I | LG | 警惕卫士,半身人战神与守护之神 | |
布兰多布李斯Brandobaris | I | N | 欺诈者,半身人的盗贼之神 | |
尤拉加兰Urogalan | D | LN | 黑色猎犬,半身人的大地与死亡之神 | |
外神The Interloper Gods | ||||
泰摩拉Tymora | 幸运女神,被半身人作为半身人女神崇拜 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p161>半身人神系HALFLING PANTHEON
诸国度the Realms 的 小个族裔The Small Folk 崇拜着一支被统称为 悠妲菈的孩子们Yondalla's Children 的神系。根据半身人神学家们纠结的推理,这个团体也包含悠妲菈她自己,而有时这个术语也被用作全体半身人的统称。半身人神系中,诸男/女神们的名字在各个社区之间有很大的不同,而这种不同与亚种之间的差异几无相关性。与各种半身人神力相关的神话经常掺杂着当地先代半身人男/女英雄的传说,这些英雄具现了一位或多位神力对生命的教诲和态度。举例来说,两座几乎只相隔2打英里左右的半身人村庄,对悠妲菈的名字就可能不同。各个社群的居民虽然可能都信仰 保护者the Protector,但他们也相信保护者是位本地的神,相较于半身人种族整体、远更关心他们的村庄。最后,悠妲菈之名将以此方式被知晓,而与她相关的传说最可能起源于两位广受尊重的半身人女族长,每位都是各自村庄早期历史中的领袖。(这暗示着每位半身人神祇都有数量庞大、与之相关的地方名,而每位神祇条目的别名清单中,将标记为“无广泛的”。)列举在后的诸国度半身人神力名——阿尔伏林Arvoreen、布兰多布李斯Brandobaris、希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee、席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl、泰摩拉Tymora、尤拉加兰Urogalan、以及 悠妲菈Yondalla——是这位半身人神力在该位面各地最常为人所知、和其他种族的宗教学者指称他们时的名字。
The Small Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon of deities known collectively as Yondalla's Children. This group includes Yondalla herself, according to the tangled reasoning of halfling theologians, and the term is sometimes used to apply collectively to all halflings. The names by which the gods and goddesses of the halfling pantheon are known vary widely from community to community and have little correlation with subrace distinctions. The myths associated with the various halfling powers are often intermingled with tales of local halfling heroes and heroines of earlier generations who embodied the teachings and approach to life of one or more powers. For example, halfling villages scarcely two dozen miles apart might each have a different name for Yondalla. The citizens of each community might believe the Protector and Provider is a local deity concerned far more with their village than with the race of halflings as a whole. Finally, the name Yondalla is known by and the tales associated with her would most likely be derived independently from two widely respected halfling matriarchs, each of whom was a leader of her respective village early in its history. (To suggest the countless local names associated with each halfling power, each of the deity entries that follow have the notation "none widespread" in their list of aliases.) The names of the halfling powers of the Realms listed hereafter - Arvoreen, Brandobaris, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, Tymora, Urogalan, and Yondalla - are simply the names by which the individual halfling powers are most commonly known across the planes and the names by which religious scholars of other races refer to them.
悠妲菈是半身人神系普遍公认的领袖,其祂神力无有异议地服从于她的权威,不过在实践中,整个神系是为了全民族的共同利益(而非为她的利益)而共同努力,根据需要她们甚至会一起派遣化身共同协作。在邪恶诸神中,侏儒神祇 地底爬行者the Crawler Below 厄尔德连Urdlen是公认与小个族裔最关系最紧密的,在个别神话中,他挖掘隧道进入了半身人的地洞和侏儒的穴居。虽然半身人的主神是女性,而男神们被认为掌管的是生活中有点外围(无论是否必需)的方面,但所有成员(无论性别)互相平等。各种半身人神的角色密切相关、有时有重叠。因此,在某些社区中,两位或三位神力——经常是悠妲菈、希劳拉妮、和/或席拉˙佩莉萝尔——会被视为同一位神力的不同面相。对于彼此间大部分方面的协作来说,在悠妲菈、阿尔伏林、希劳拉妮和席拉˙佩莉萝尔之间,以及尤拉加兰、布兰多布李斯、泰摩拉之间,他们神职的神性协作紧密无间。
Yondalla is the universally acknowledged leader of the halfling pantheon and the other powers defer to her authority without dissension, but in practice the entire pantheon works together in a collective fashion for the good of the whole race, even dispatching avatars to work together as needed. The closest the Small Folk have to an evil power among the gods that they acknowledge is the gnome god Urdlen, the Crawler Below, who is held in a few tales to tunnel up into halfling burrows as well as gnome dens. While the primary deities of the halflings are female and the male gods are seen as presiding over somewhat peripheral (if necessary) aspects of life, all are equally respected. The roles of the various halfling gods are closely related and sometimes overlap, at least from a mortal perspective. As a result, in some communities two or three powers - usually Yondalla, Cyrrollalee, and/or Sheela Peryroyl - are viewed as aspects of a single power. Divine coordination of portfolios is tightest among Yondalla, Arvoreen, Cyrrollalee, Sheela Peryroyl, and Urogalan, with Brandobaris and Tymora cooperating for the most part with each other.
因为泰摩拉最常受人类、而非半身人崇拜,故而她在《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》而非在本卷中全面详述。虽然就某种意义而言,幸运女士Lady Luck 在半身人神系中是位外来女神,但小个族裔支离破碎的神话允许她以各色各样的伪装在 费伦大陆Faerûn 各地的半身人社区中,作为地方女神被纳入。热爱冒险、幸运而又机智的半身人少女的传说,长期以来一直是半身人民俗传说的一部分,而泰摩拉被小个族裔普遍视作一位存在已久的地方半身人神祇,认为她只是把那些大个一族the Big Folk也骗来崇拜她。
Tymora is fully detailed in Faiths & Avatars and not in this volume because she is most commonly worshiped by humans, not halflings. Although Lady Luck is in some sense an interloper goddess in the halfling pantheon, the fragmented mythology of the Small Folk has allowed Tymora to be included as a local goddess under a wide variety of guises in halfling communities across Faerûn. Tales of adventurous, lucky, tricky halfling damsels have long been part of halfling folklore, and Tymora is commonly seen by the Small Folk as a long-standing local halfling deity who has simply conned the Big Folk into worshiping her as well.
As suggested by the conflicting representations of the halfling gods in various communities across Faerûn, the mentality of a typical halfling holds that the only really important things are those that happen close to home. The Small Folk are far more interested in worshiping an immediate and beneficent deity - one whose responsibilities are to them, and no one else - rather than an abstract power who is presumed to oversee the entire race. The remoteness of most human deities, for example, bewilders many halflings, as does the deference human worshipers show to their deities. Halflings are not irreligious; while they treat Yondalla and her brood with respect, they are far less in awe of their pantheon than is the norm between deity and follower for other races. As halflings see it, they have a simple bargain with their gods. In return for their veneration by the Small Folk, the powers promise to take care of all halflings. Halfling priests exist to see that both sides of the bargain are kept - to remind halflings to give the powers their due and to remind the halfling powers that they are responsible for the safety and comfort of their loyal followers. Many stories from halfling folklore remind the Small Folk that before they began to worship Yondalla and her Children, halflings were a shy and fugitive people who lived as hunter-gatherers on the edges of civilization and who hid in isolated burrows from the humanoids and monsters that preyed upon them. As a result, most halflings feel both gratitude for the gifts of Yondalla's Children and affection toward their deities.
小个族裔倾向于将小的地方神祇——半身人民间传说中的 小神众the Small Gods 或是 千家诸神the Thousand Home Gods——的迹象,视为他们周围环境与日常生活各方各面的一部分。每座屋子通常有自己的壁炉守护者,灵感经常来自该氏族历史中的女族长或创始人。开辟了某个小社区的农场所有人可能会在未来某年被赋予类似的地位——那意味着,在与村庄的健康与繁荣相关事项上,他或她的灵魂可能会被援引。当地的神话可能命名了一位烤面包女神,并在烤出一炉优质面包时赞扬她;或是庆祝当地的的葡萄酒酿造之神,并要求在饮下任何精美的葡萄酒后,为其干杯。如果猎物丰富,半身人们经常会将周边森林的力量描绘为一只野兔或是狐狸,并将感激和吃剩的食物留给他/她作为祭品。捕鱼的半身人通常崇敬河川的居民(例如一条古老或战创累累的鳟鱼),如果后者允许自己被抓住,渔民总是会把它放生。其他种族的一些神学家推测,矮小族裔的千家诸神只是半身人神力们建立的面相,而其他人则说它们大部分是 自然精魂nature spirits。半身人们发现几乎不需要区分悠妲菈的孩子们与小神众,并且罕见会劳神去这样做。
The Small Folk are inclined to see evidence of small local deities - the Small Gods or the Thousand Home Gods of halfling folklore - in many aspects of their surroundings and daily lives. Each house commonly has a protector of its own hearth, often inspired by some matriarch or patriarch in the clan's history. The homesteader who starts a small community might well be accorded a similar status in later years - that is, his or her spirit might be invoked on matters relating to the health and prosperity of the village. Local myths may name a goddess of breadmaking and credit her if a particularly good batch of bread comes out or celebrate a local god of winemaking and demand a toast to him after the first drink of any exquisite vintage. If game is plentiful, the power of the neighboring woods, often pictured as a hare or a fox, is thanked and token morsels of food are left to him or her as offerings. Halflings who fish commonly revere venerable river denizens, such as an ancient or battle-scarred trout, and fisherfolk always throw back the river deity if she or he allows himself or herself to be caught. Some theologians of other races speculate that the Thousand Home Gods of the Small Folk are simply aspects of the established halfling powers, while others say that at most they are nature spirits. Halflings see little need to differentiate between Yondalla's Children and the Small Gods and rarely bother to do so.
在各种神话的形式中,悠妲菈被视为半身人族群的母亲或是养母。在一项传统中,有时是悠妲菈分娩出了半身人种族,有时是她从不同的自然元素中创造了他们,而有时(罕见地)是她把一些悲伤孤独的森林动物(经常是 棕精brownie)变形为了半身人,使他们成为了她单独创造的种族。而在其它更常见的神话传统中,认为悠妲菈找到了在灌木丛后、在河边散步、或是唬骗了某个大个族裔去做某些使小个族裔获益的蠢事的半身人,从而收养了他们。无论神话怎么讲,半身人们对悠妲菈的深刻认同都已根深蒂固。在他们诸多版本的创始传说中,悠妲菈说服了其他人类和亚人的诸神力,而获得了经常为半身人定居的肥沃田野与牧场。
In a variety of mythic forms, Yondalla is seen as the mother or adopted mother of the halfling people. In one tradition, sometimes Yondalla gives birth to the halfling race, sometimes she creates them from disparate elements of nature, and sometimes (rarely) she transforms some saddened solitary sylvan creature (usually a brownie) into a halfling, making the race her creation alone. Other more common mythic traditions hold that Yondalla adopted the halflings after finding one of them hiding in a thicket, walking along a riverbank, or tricking one of the Big Folk into doing something foolish to the advantage of the Small Folk. Whatever myth is told, halflings have a deep identification with Yondalla at a physically rooted level. In many versions of their founding myths, Yondalla uses her powers of persuasion with the powers of the other human and demihuman races to gain the fertile fields and meadows of the lands usually settled by halflings.
半身人历史以口述传统传承,小个族裔的起源时间因此被遗忘已久。虽然大部分半身人现在声称 鲁伦Luiren 是他们祖先的家园,但南方地区的考古记录中却几乎没有他们,而其他具有相当规模半身人群体的地方的历史暗示,小个族裔在 蟾踞山脉the Toadsquat Mountains 居住了超过12个世纪。矮人和精灵的记录标明,在 立石the Standing Stone 于 科曼索Cormanthor 竖起之前大约7800年,建立了卡林帝国the Calim Empires的神怪们带来了人类和半身人奴隶。虽然那些那些早期半身人的后代中有许多今日仍然在卡林珊Calimshan生活(和受奴役),在那些沿着 剑湾the Sword Coast 崛起衰亡的诸王国、自 德伽the Djen 抵达以来残缺的记录中,记述了小个族裔自他们抵达现在的卡林珊的土地以来、向北的稳定迁徙。今日,相当多的半身人族群集中于以下地方:泰瑟尔Tethyr的 紫丘the Purple Hills 中;安姆Amn 东边陨落已久的 梅瑞汀Meiritin 的废墟包围中;黑暗堡Darkhold 西边的 日落谷the Sunset Vale 中;以及沿着 德林毕尔河River Delimbiyr 的下游。然而,即便是庞大的 卡利山特Calishite 移民社群也不能解释半身人在整个费伦大陆的广泛分布,而只能把小个族裔的古代史留给传说与神话的领域。
Halfling history is maintained by an oral tradition, and thus the origins of the Small Folk have long been lost to time. While most halflings today claim that Luiren is their ancestral homeland, there is little in that southern nation's archeological record or in the history of other lands with sizable halfling populations to suggest more than 12 centuries of residence by the Small Folk south of the Toadsquat Mountains. Dwarven and elven records suggest that the genies who founded the Calim Empires brought with them both human and halfling slaves approximately 7,800 years before the Standing Stone rose in Cormanthor. While many of the descendants of those early halflings still live (and are still enslaved) in Calimshan today, fragmentary historical records from the countless realms that have risen and fallen along the Sword Coast since the arrival of the Djen chart the steady northward migration of Small Folk since their arrival in the lands of what is now Calimshan. Today, sizable halfling population clusters are found in the Purple Hills of Tethyr, amidst the ruins of long-fallen Meiritin in eastern Amn, in the Sunset Vale west of Darkhold, and along the lower reaches of the River Delimbiyr. However, even the great Calishite diaspora cannot account for the widespread distribution of halflings throughout Faerûn, leaving the ancient history of the Small Folk to the realm of legend and myth.
所有费伦本地的半身人都分为3支不同的亚种:毛足hairfeet、强心stout、以及高足tallfellow。有一些间接证据表明,毛足半身人由小个族裔的原始族群组成,但半身人们普遍觉得,既然他们自己也很少注意不同半身人亚种之间的区别,这样的学术问题就显得可笑。研究卡利山特半身人移民的其他种族贤者提出强心半身人有一丝的矮人血统,而高足有一丝的精灵血统,这说明了他们分别的独特外观、以及与 粗壮族裔the Stout Folk 和 优雅族裔Fair Folk 的密切联系。作为支持他们理论的证据,学者们引用 沙纳塔Shanatar 的矮人和维尔达斯森林的精灵的记录,记录表明:逃脱的半身人奴隶在 行进山脉the Marching Mountains 地下和 达斯尔森林the Darthiir Wood 的枝桠之间避难,在离开继续建立自己的社区前,好几代人加入了矮人和精灵社会。复杂的问题是,鲁伦的土著半身人有尖耳,不同于他们诸国度其它地方的亲族;然而,他们也同样分为3个如前的亚种。明显地,任何在诸国度其它地方选择配偶的鲁伦半身人,其初代后裔的隐性尖耳特性永久地消失了。
All native Faerûnian halflings are divided into three distinct subraces:hairfeet, stouts, and tallfellows. There is some circumstantial evidence that hairfeet comprise the original racial stock of the Small Folk, but halflings generally find scholarly questions on such matters ridiculous as they themselves pay little attention to the differences between the halfling subraces. Sages of other races who have studied the Calishite halfling diaspora have suggested that stouts have a trace of dwarven ancestry and that tallfellows have a trace of elven ancestry, accounting for their distinctive appearances and close relations with the Stout Folk and Fair Folk, respectively. As evidence in support of their theories, scholars cite dwarven and elven records of Shanatar and Wealdath which indicate that escaped halfling slaves took refuge beneath the peaks of the Marching Mountains and the boughs of the Darthiir Wood, joining the dwarven and elven societies found therein for several generations before moving on to found their own communities. Complicating matters is the fact that halfling natives of Luiren have pointed ears, unlike their kin elsewhere in the Realms; however, they too are divided into the same three subraces. The decidedly recessive pointed-ear trait vanishes permanently in the first generation of descendants of any Luiren halfling who takes a mate from the ranks of the halflings of the rest of the Realms.
最后,应该指出的是 安那迪恩半身人Anadian halflings,安那迪恩Anadia 是 国度天宇the Realmspace 系统的内行星,他们是安那迪安的极地地区的居民,在费伦大陆几乎是未知的(且不在随后的神祇描述中讨论)。据 伊尔明斯特Elminster 说,在诸国度的安纳迪亚半身人总人口用一个半身人的手指和脚趾就能数出来。
Finally, it should be noted that Anadian halflings, residents of the polar regions of Anadia, an inner planet of the Realmspace system, are almost unknown in Faerûn (and are not discussed in the deity descriptions that follow). According to Elminster, the total population of Anadian halflings resident in the Realms is countable on a single halfling's fingers and toes.
尽管在费伦各地的半身人种族中存在隔绝,但所有亚种的半身人都持续崇敬着相同的核心神系(尽管有着各种各样的名字)。虽然有些半身人神力在某些亚种中吸引的信仰比例超过诸国度半身人人口比例(55%毛足、30%强心、15%高足),但差异轻微。各种半身人亚种,在崇拜半身人神系的方式上唯一真正的区别是:毛足倾向于接受非固定的人类神力(譬如泰摩拉);然而,强心则有时会效忠于 摩丁萨曼诸神the Momdinsamman 的特定成员;而高足半身人则是有时会效忠于 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine(精灵神系)的特定成员。
Despite the divisions in the halfling race across Faerûn, halflings of all subraces continue to venerate the same core pantheon, albeit under a variety of names. While some halfling powers draw a greater fraction of one subrace or another to their faith than the overall population balance found in the Realms (55% hairfoot,30% stout,15% tallfellow), such variances are slight. The only real difference in the way the various subraces worship the halfling pantheon is that hairfeet tend to adopt the occasional human power (such as Tymora), whereas stouts sometimes give homage to individual members of the Momdinsamman (the dwarven pantheon) and tallfellows sometimes give homage to individual members of the Seldarine (the elven pantheon).
通用的半身人祭司能力General Halfling Priest Abilities:
半身人祭司的通用能力和限制,除了标注在各半身人信仰章节后的特殊变化外,在“附录1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”关于半身人祭司的讨论中总结。
The general abilities and restrictions of halfling priests, aside from the specific changes noted later in this section for each halfling faith, are summarized in the discussion of halflins priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests."