火矮人azer 和 火蜥蜴salamanders 至少在一件事上达成了一致:扎曼·鲁尔Zaaman Rul,善良火元素生物亲王the Prince of Good Fire Creatures,正是其宿敌 伊密克斯Imix 的私生子。当然,除了伊密克斯和扎曼·鲁尔外,没有人知其详情。
The azer and the salamanders agree on at least one thing: that Zaaman Rul, the Prince of Good Fire Creatures, is the bastard son of none other than Imix, his archenemy. No one knows for sure except for Imix and Zaaman Rul, of course.
扎曼·鲁尔与其父生性迥异,他召集了一支由其同类组成的庞大军队,其中包括:火矮人、火尾兽firetails、甚至还有个别叛逆的火神怪。在 焦梦平原the Plain of Burnt Dreams 上,他的军队对伊密克斯的堡垒发起了进攻,这场战斗的规模在火位面上都极为罕见。
Being of a very different temperament than his supposed sire, Zaaman Rul gathered together a great army of his brethren, including such diverse creatures as azer, firetails, and even a few renegade efreet. On the Plain of Burnt Dreams, his army attacked the fortress of Imix in a battle of a magnitude that the plane of Fire had rarely seen.
But Zaaman Rul grossly underestimated the might of his foe. The army of good was all but swept out of existence. As a result of this defeat, Zaaman Rul has gone into hiding. His supporters claim that he's biding his time, working to rebuild his army that he might again challenge his father.
扎曼·鲁尔是一位10呎高、红色皮肤的类人生物,有着一头漆黑的长发和一双黑色的眸子。他能随心所欲地召唤出那把已成为他标志的巨大火焰剑。他知道自己可能是 善良元素亲王the Princes of Elemental Good 中最弱小的一位。他发誓再也不会高估自己的实力、或是低估他的敌人。
Zaaman Rul is a 10-foot-tall, red-skinned humanoid with long black hair and black eyes. At will, he can conjure forth the great flaming sword that has become his symbol. He is aware that he is probably the weakest of the Princes of Elemental Good. He has vowed to never again overestimate his own prowess, or to underestimate those of his enemies.