龙与地下城 Wiki



【音   标】LASH-ray-ehl
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】S(被误认为D)
【神   系】席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine
【主   神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
【神   国】奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus阿梵多国度Arvandor
【简   介】菲勒瑞赛尔Felarathael拉什瑞埃尔Lashrael 都是柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安炽天使神仆,但有时会被误认作半神力。祂们是对雌雄同体的孪生同胞。(除了祂俩之外,曾侍奉柯瑞隆的炽天使还有已堕落被流放的马尔凯基德)。


In 1379 DR, Felarathael and his fellow Lashrael went to the Fugue Plane under the orders of Corellon Larethian to retrieve the Darksong Knight Cavatina Xarann. They explained to her that from that point all the followers of Eilistraee had been transformed into dark elves and allowed back into Arvandor, where she was then led by the solars.

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p120>拉什瑞埃尔Lashrael

  拉什瑞埃尔Lashrael(读作“LASH-ray-ehl”)详见 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 条目,这位 保护者the Protector 的神仆有时会被误认作半神力。
See the entry for Corellon Larethian for details on Lashrael (LASH-ray-ehl), a servitor of the Protector who is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a demipower.

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p100>柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian(选摘)

  柯瑞隆的主要神仆是一对完全相同的灵魂:菲勒瑞赛尔Felarathael拉什瑞埃尔Lashrael。一些优雅族裔(尤其是金精灵)认为祂们是自行其是的半神,但柯瑞隆的报信者们实则都是炽天使,祂们的外形与高大闪亮、雌雄同体的精灵相似,并披覆闪烁着光芒的长袍。祂们最常被派遣为保护者到 诸国度the Realms 传递消息,而若是精灵们遭遇威胁,祂们也会被派去保护他们。然而,这对神仆性格迥异。拉什瑞埃尔很容易感情用事。在传递信息时,拉什瑞埃尔会带着强烈的信念发言,并且根据消息的具体情况极其地欢乐或悲伤。在战斗中,拉什瑞埃尔凶猛无情,既不要求施舍也不给予宽恕。另一方面,菲勒瑞赛尔则是一副理性超然的形象,祂以逻辑和冷静的理性对待所有情况。菲勒瑞赛尔语调缓慢、慎重,但祂的嗓音非常让人安心;在战斗中祂从容不迫。当拉什瑞埃尔或是菲勒瑞赛尔在战斗中击中一位受害者时,祂们可能会以以下效果中的其中一种代替:让受害者 沉睡sleeps(无豁免);将受害者随机传送1d10英里;使受害者变成一只林地动物;使受害者失忆。
Corellon's primary servitors are identical twin spirits, Lashrael and Felarathael. Held by some of the Fair Folk, particularly gold elves, to be demipowers in their own right, Corellon's messengers are solars who resemble tall, shining, androgynous elves clad in gleaming white robes. They are most often seen delivering messages for the Protector in the Realms, and they are also dispatched to defend elves if they are threatened. The two have distinctive personalities, however. Lashrael is given to emotional extremes. When delivering a message, Lashrael speaks with great conviction, and depending upon the message, enormous joy or sorrow. In battle, Lashrael is ferocious, neither asking nor giving quarter. Felarathael, on the other hand, is the very image of rational detachment, treating all situations with logic and calm reason. Felarathael always speaks in a slow, measured, but immensely reassuring voice, and fights with unhurried skill. When Lashrael or Felarathael strike a victim in combat, they may inflict one of the following effects in lieu of damage: victim sleeps (no saving throw allowed), victim is randomly teleported 1d10 miles, victim is polymorphed into a woodland animal, or victim suffers from amnesia.
