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拜兽教The Beast Cults
【主   神】
【势力 范围】无。主要崇拜者为原始人和兽化人。
【简   介】尊崇各种强大的生物、怪物和神性存在。这些教派通常在信徒规模和势力范围上都很小,并献身于某种或某类怪物。大部分已经惨死或沦为其祂神力的神仆。包括:[神仆]黑狮,黑鸦,麋鹿,金雕,灰狼,巨虫,狮鹫,红马,红虎(雪猫),天马,树魂,雷兽,“灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨,祖父海象,伟大白熊,“驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗;[消逝]蓝熊,瓦瑞,妃丽德等等
卡麻佐兹CamazotzLCE蝙蝠之主Lord of Bats
皮亚拉伊PyarayLCE洋底深渊、深地生物之主Lord of the Ocean Abysses, Creatures of the Deep
斯尼尔SneelLCE鼠之主Lord of Rats,流行于深水城下水道
贝斯帕尔BesparrDCG马之主Lord of Horses
菲莱特FileetDCN鸟类女士Lady of the Birds
哈萨斯塔克HaaashastaakDN疑似塞贝克面相,众蜥蜴之主宰Master of all Lizardkind
赫里亚克HlyyaakDCG骆驼之王King of Camels
米尔克拉尔MeerclarDCN猫类女士Mistress of Catkind
恩努尔尔西西Nnuuurrrr'c'cDN翼之王King With Wings
努鲁-阿赫Nuru-AhDN牛之主宰Master of Cattle
雷普拉RepraDCE巨蛇之王King of Serpents
鲁夫德拉克RoofdrakDN众犬主宰Master of All Dogs
“灰海豹”克莱弗·欧墨Clever Oomio the Gray SealD→SLG冰猎人人类的图腾之一,乌鲁提欧的高等精魂神仆
祖父海象Grandfather WalrusD→SLN冰猎人人类的图腾之一,乌鲁提欧的高等精魂神仆
伟大白熊Great White BearD→SLE冰猎人人类的图腾之一,乌鲁提欧的高等精魂神仆
“驯鹿母亲”萍德奥珀-保罗Pindalpau'pau the Reindeer MotherD→SLG冰猎人人类的图腾之一,乌鲁提欧的高等精魂神仆
黑狮Black LionD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘贝伦纳之井
黑鸦Black LionD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘乌鸦岩,其本体是巨型渡鸦
蓝熊Blue BearD→S→Dead乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘立石,其本体为洞熊,后被腐化并被犸拉猎杀、吞噬
金雕Golden EagleD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘独石,其部落失踪已久
灰狼Gray WolfD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘乌鸦岩
巨虫Great WormD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘巨虫洞窟,其本体是巨蠕虫(金属光泽的绿色、蝙蝠翅膀、红龙头)
红马Red PonyD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘独石,其部落失踪已久
红虎Red TigerD→S(雪猫Snow Cat),乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘贝伦纳之井
天马Sky PonyD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘独石,其本体为飞马
树魂Tree GhostD→S乌斯伽野蛮人的图腾之一,乌斯伽的高等精魂神仆,祖丘祖父之树,它是至高森林整体的精魂、希阿莉亚的兄弟
闪耀之剑The Bright SwordM一种森提亚城的信仰,对象为一件魔法武器
唱歌头骨教Cult of the Singing SkullM一只由被费林魔葵控制的夺心魔所操纵的头骨,被一些埃诺奥克大沙漠贝戴蛮族信仰
拜龙教The Cult of the DragonM最大也最强的拜兽教,其信仰对象包括龙巫妖、努尔提亚玛特
“骄傲者”德摩斯Dermos the Proud一只光辉南方的拉个人,自称是犸拉化身
蜘蛛之主Spider Lord一只在蜘蛛鬼林被崇拜的幽影
无眼教The Cult of the Eyeless阿斯卡特拉城一种崇拜一只自称为无形之眼的眼魔的邪教
崛起之眼The Risen Eye寇莫尔城一种崇拜眼魔的邪教
神圣天平The Sacred Scales寇莫尔城崇拜当地蛇人领导人的邪教
动物领主Animal Lords

1e<Dargon 54.p009>被遗忘的国度的神祇和半神:拜兽教THE DEITIES & DEMIGODS OF THE FORGOTTEN REALMS: Cults of the Beast

被遗忘的国度的神祇和半神:拜兽教THE DEITIES & DEMIGODS OF THE FORGOTTEN REALMS: Cults of the Beast

神祇名Name神祇名,头衔Nicknames, titles神职Portfolio阵营Align.神格Rank家园位面Home plane
阿斯兰Aslan火鬃之主Lord Firemane狮之主Lord of Lions,强壮野兽Strong Beasts守序善良LG弱等神Lesser God七层天堂Seven Heavens
贝斯帕尔Besparr---马之主Lord of Horses混乱善良CG半神Demigod主物质位面Prime Materia
卡麻佐兹Camazotz---蝙蝠之主Lord of Bats混乱邪恶CE弱等神Lesser God主物质位面Prime Materia
菲莱特Fileet---鸟类女士Lady of the Birds混乱中立CN女半神Demigoddess主物质位面Prime Materia
哈萨斯塔克Haaashastaak---众蜥蜴之主宰Master of all Lizardkind绝对中立N女半神Demigoddess主物质位面Prime Materia
赫里亚克Hlyyaak---骆驼之王King of Camels混乱善良CG半神Demigod主物质位面Prime Materia
罗丝Lolth---蜘蛛魔后Demon Queen of Spiders混乱邪恶CE弱等女神Lesser Goddess无底深渊Abyss
拉芮Lurue银月Silverymoon能言野兽、智能怪物的女王Queen of Talking Beasts, Intelligent Mosters混乱善良CG弱等女神Lesser Goddess奥林匹斯Olympus
米尔克拉尔Meerclar---猫类女士Mistress of Catkind混乱中立CN女半神Demigoddess主物质位面Prime Materia
恩努尔尔西西Nnuuurrrr'c'c---翼之王King With Wings绝对中立N半神Demigod主物质位面Prime Materia
努鲁-阿赫Nuru-Ah---牛之主宰Master of Cattle绝对中立N半神Demigod主物质位面Prime Materia
皮亚拉伊Pyaray不可能奥秘的低语者Whisperer of Impossible Secrets洋底深渊、深地生物之主Lord of the Ocean Abysses, Creatures of the Deep混乱邪恶CE弱等神Lesser God主物质位面Prime Materia
雷普拉Repra---巨蛇之王King of Serpents混乱邪恶CE半神Demigod无底深渊Abyss
鲁夫德拉克Roofdrak---众犬主宰Master of All Dogs绝对中立N半神Demigod主物质位面Prime Materia
斯尼尔Sneel巨鼠The Great Rat鼠之主Lord of Rats混乱邪恶CE弱等神Lesser God主物质位面Prime Materia


  这些存在在 被遗忘的国度the Forgotten Realms 被智慧动物(以及一些角色种族)崇拜。建议禁止玩家角色牧师崇拜这些神。除了以下内容之外,所有内容均来自DDG未经修改的内容:斯尼尔Sneel 是 莱伯Leiber 的“鼠神Rat God”(DDG,p.102),雷普拉Repra 则是 阿贝普Apep(DDG,p.50)。贝斯帕尔Besparr赫里亚克Hlyyaak 以及两位“超凡之兽Supreme Beasts”阿斯兰Aslan拉芮Lurue(有时候会被称作 银月Silverymoon)则是我自己的发明。最后两位是儿歌中著名的《狮子和独角兽the Lion and Unicorn》。阿斯兰的详述收集自 克莱夫▪斯特普尔斯▪刘易斯C.S. Lewis 的《纳尼亚传奇Narniaseries》,独角兽的那些则采集自 伊丽莎白·古吉Elizabeth Goudge 的《古堡里的月亮公主The Little White Horse》。独角兽骑士团The Knights of the Unicorn(她们信仰拉芮)是一群出生在几座大城市中浪漫、异想天开的冒险者。
These are worshipped by intelligent animals (and some individuals of the character races) in the Forgotten Realms. It is recommended that player-character clerics not be allowed to worship any of these gods. All are from DDG without modification, except as follows: Sneel is Leiber’s “Rat God” (DDG, p. 102), and Repra is “Apep” (DDG, p. 50). Besparr, Hlyyaak, and the two “Supreme Beasts,”Aslan and Lurue (sometimes called Silverymoon) are my own inventions. The last two are the Lion and Unicorn of nursery-rhyme fame. Details of Aslan can be gleaned from C.S. Lewis’ Narniaseries, and those of the unicorn can befound in Elizabeth Goudge’s. The Little White Horse. The Knights of the Unicorn(who worship Lurue) are a romantic, whimsical group of high-born adventurers who are based in several large cities.

  “拜兽教Cults of the Beast”这一统称起源于一种古老的信仰,即所有这些信条仅仅是一种古老、腐朽、被禁止的宗教的碎片,这种宗教以人性中兽性(邪恶)的回归而欣喜,崇拜“野兽The Beast”。这种信念比现在的记忆更为本能,但这个名字已经存在了。
The collective title “Cults of the Beast”arises out of the ancient belief that all such doctrines are merely splinters of an old, decadent and forbidden religion which rejoiced in a return to the bestial(evil) side of man’s nature, worshipping“The Beast.” The belief is more instinctive than remembered now, but the name has stuck.

   虽然 罗丝Lolth 在DD Gunder的“非人类神祇Nonhumans’ Deities”中被介绍,但我依然将她列入了拜兽教中,因为在 诸国度the Realms 中她被认为属于这个分类。罗丝和她的崇拜(作为一种拜兽教)是为人所知的——虽然这种拜兽教非常罕见——不过在卓尔精灵除了在传说中,并不将其作为拜兽教崇拜。
Although Lolth is presented in DD Gunder “Nonhumans’ Deities,” I have listed her also among the Cults of the Beast, for in the Realms she is considered so. Lolth and her worship is known — thoughit is very rare — and the Drow are not, except in legend.

2eFR<RtR.p060>拜兽教Beast Cults

拜兽教Beast Cults

  准神力队伍中还包括被 拜兽教Beast Cults 尊崇的各种强大的生物、怪物和神性存在。这些教派通常在信徒规模和势力范围上都很小,并献身于某种或某类怪物。
Also included in the ranks of the quasi-powers are the various powerful creatures, monsters, and godly beings revered by the Beast Cults. These cults are usually relatively small in numbers and domain, and dedicated to one particular monster or class of monsters.

  教徒中可能有祭祀、但更多的是萨满,并且经常也会吸引来非人类崇拜者。通常来说,这样的教派在荒野中最为强大,并强调所崇拜生物的破坏力。许多教派与 犸拉Malar 存在紧密联系,就像 阿祖斯Azuth 侍奉 密斯特拉Mystra红骑士Red Knight 侍奉 坦帕斯Tempus 那样侍奉着他。
Cultists may have priests, but more often have shamans in their service, and often attract nonhuman worshipers as well. In general, such cults are most powerful in the wilderness and emphasize the destructive power of the creature in question. Many cults have strong ties back to Malar, and serve him in the way that Azuth serves Mystra, or the Red Knight serves Tempus.

拜兽教最广为人知的例子如下The better known examples of the Beast Cults are:

蓝熊The Blue Bear:

  北方野蛮人部落中最著名也最令人憎恨的部落之一就崇拜 蓝熊Blue Bear——一只栖息在 地狱门堡Hellgate Keep 附近的生物。仿若一台如雷鸣般轰隆作响的毁灭引擎,蓝熊教派在整个 北地the North 都有追随者,而它的传说更是流传得更远。其教派首领是一只因 俘虏而闻名的(根据不同的报告)妖鬼婆或老鬼婆。
One of the best-known and most hated of the northern barbarian tribes is devoted to the worship of the Blue Bear, a demonic creature that lives in close proximity to Hellgate Keep. A thundering, roaring engine of destruction, the Blue Bear cult has followers throughout the North, and its legend has spread further still. Its leader is an annis or night hag (reports vary) known for eating her captives.

闪耀之剑The Bright Sword:

  该信仰以 森提亚城Thentia 为基地,本身并非一种拜兽教,而是一种崇拜一件活化魔法物品的教派。据说,闪耀之剑The Bright Sword 是一柄飞剑,在森提亚城的地下通道飞梭、穿越被淹没的地下室和下水道,去跟踪那些带着魔法物品进入其路径的家伙。
Not a beast cult per se, but rather a cult that venerates an animated magical item, this faith is based in Thentia. The Bright Sword is said to be a flying long sword that makes its way through the dark underpassages of the city of Thentia, through flooded cellars and sewers, to track down those with magical items who come into its path.

唱歌头骨教Cult of the Singing Skull:

  该教派据说源自 埃诺奥克大沙漠Anauroch,由一颗能说话的活化头骨领导。散塔林会Zhentarim 报告称,该教派的追随者妨碍了穿越这片沙漠的计划。
This cult, reported to come out of the desert of Anauroch, is led by an animated, talking skull. Followers of this cult have been reported by Zhentarim as interfering with plans to cross the desert.

“睿智巨虫”艾尔兰门Elrem the Wise Great Worm:

  作为北地野蛮人们崇敬的神明之一,巨虫the Great Worm 是一只有生命的不朽生物,据说他是 乌斯伽Uthgar(传说中所有北地野蛮人的祖先)的诸子之一。作为一头类龙生物,艾尔兰门Elrem 终年沉睡,只会为了给部落成员提供建议或保护时唤醒自己。他在 巨虫洞窟Great Worm Cavern 中为自己安下巢穴、为他的子民安置营地。
One of the venerated gods of the northern barbarians, the Great Worm is a living, immortal creature, said to have been one of the sons of Uthgar (the legendary forefather of all the northern barbarians). A powerful dragon-like creature, Elrem sleeps through the year, rousing himself only to advise or defend his tribesmen. He makes his lair, and his people their camp, at the Great Worm Cavern.


  据说 月影群岛之兽the Beast of the Moonshae Isles巴尔Bhaal 的直接显现,但无人愿意向他咨询是不是。作为一只庞大的爬行动物,卡兹戈洛斯Kazgoroth 拥有强大的魔法力量,并由一支 隐逸巨人firbolg 军队和被称作 血战士the Blood Warriors 的忠诚不死部队侍奉。他已被以一种据说能完全杀死的方式弑杀了,但死亡并不能证明一位 诸国度the Realms 中神祇生涯的终结……
The Beast of the Moonshae Isles was said to be a direct manifestation of Bhaal, but none ever chose to put the question to him. A huge reptilian creature, Kazgoroth had great magical powers, and was served by an army of firbolgs, and loyal undead troops known as the Blood Warriors. He was slain in the manner that was said to render him utterly dead, but death has not proved to be a career-ending injury among the Realms deities..


  “独角兽”拉芮Lurue the Unicorn 是有语言能力的野兽和智慧怪物的混乱善良女神。她的崇拜者散布于 北地the North、以 银月城Silverymoon 为中心。拉芮还有一支以她名字命名的冒险队——独角兽骑士团the Knights of the Unicorn。该团伙以 博德之门Baldur's Gate 为基地。
Lurue the Unicorn is the chaotic good goddess of talking beasts and intelligent monsters. Her worshippers are scattered throughout the North, centering around Silverymoon. Lurue also has an adventuring company, the Knights of the Unicorn, dedicated to her name. This group is based in Baldur's Gate.


  古斯梅尔森林的狮神The Lion God of Gulthmere 努比恩Nobanion 被作为这片森林和栖息其中的野蛮土著的保护者。他被描绘为一头2倍正常体型的雄伟雄狮,在描绘中一旦被它的下颚咬住、凡世中就再无任何力量能撬开。
The Lion God of Gulthmere, Nobanion is viewed as the protector of that woods and the wild natives within it. He is portrayed as a great male lion of twice normal size, with jaws that, once clamped shut, cannot be opened by any force in the mortal world.

红虎Red Tiger:

  作为在 蛮荒边境the Savage Frontier 野蛮人部落中发现的众多 拜兽教Beast Cults 之一,红虎Red Tiger 是只兽性而野蛮的生物,最好将任他独自在那、追寻他自己的目标。红虎的追随者们是些喜欢独处的隐居猎人。他的崇拜在 寒冷森林the Coldwood 中最为强大。而他的徽记则是一张红色的咆哮虎脸。除去此处提到的 巨虫Great Worm蓝熊Blue Bear树魂Tree Ghost 教派外,北地the North 的其它强大教派还有 黑狮Black Lion黑鸦Blackraven麋鹿Elk灰狼Gray Wolf狮鹫Griffon天马Sky Pony、和 雷兽Thunderbeast(其图腾就像 楚尔特丛林the jungles of Chult 中的梁龙)。
One of the many Beast Cults found among the barbarian tribes of the Savage Frontier, Red Tiger is a bestial, wild creature, at best left alone and to his own private purposes. The followers of the Red Tiger are reclusive hunters who prefer solitude. His worship is most powerful in the Coldwood. His symbol is a red, snarling tiger face. Other powerful cults in the North are Black Lion, Blackraven, Elk, Gray Wolf, Griffon, Sky Pony, and Thunderbeast (whose totem resembles an apatosaur from the jungles of Chult), in addition to the Great Worm, Blue Bear, and Tree Ghost cults mentioned here.

树魂Tree Ghost:

  这个北方教派崇敬 至高森林the High Forest 整片森林的精魂,这种元素力量在控制着它的自然诸神面前就像潜意识一般。它也有了自己的部落,这些部落成员都效忠于 银月城Silverymoon至高女士 艾拉斯卓High Lady Alustriel
This northern cult venerates the collective forest spirit of the High Forest, an elemental force that acts as the subconscious for the nature gods that command it. It too has its own tribe, and these tribe members are loyal to High Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon.

拜龙教The Cult of the Dragon:

  作为最大也最强的 拜兽教the Beast Cults,这一组织可能更应该视作一个秘密团体。该教派由一位 竖琴手the Harpers 的弃儿缔造,相信巨龙们将在某日以没有生命的怪物形式归来、收复他们的领土。龙巫妖经常被这支教派用作仆从和崇拜对象。
The largest and most powerful of the Beast Cults, this organization may be better thought of as a secret society. Founded by an outcast of the Harpers, the Cult believes that dragons will return one day, in the form of unliving monsters, to reclaim their lands. Dracoliches are often used as servants and objects of veneration by this cult.
