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Lycanthropes Werebear


【头   衔】熊爸爸Father Bear
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】L
【神   职】熊人werebears,保护protection,友爱fraternity
【神   系】黑暗族裔诸神Gods of the Dark Folk变形者神系the Shapechangers' Pantheon
【盟   友】芙瑞克Ferrix努比恩Nobanion
【敌   对】伊莎芭拉Eshebala达拉格尔Daragor斯夸克Squerrik
【神   国】万兽园The Beastlands/2th 黎明之森Brux熊巢Ursis
【徽   记】蜂蜜酒罐pitcher of mead
【简   介】拜拉多Balador 是熊人之神,他是虎人女神芙瑞克的兄弟。此君专好摸鱼(两种意义)和蜂蜜酒,因为懒而委托其祂神明代发神术。

2e<Monster Mythology.p109>前言Introduction(节选)

  在如此多的邪恶与黑暗之后,贤者们欣慰地转向考虑变形者神系中的第二对兄弟姐妹。拜拉多Balador 是熊人之主,智慧而细心,坚强但温柔。拜拉多将他的半人、半兽的天性当作一种祝福接纳;这令他能通过自己的双重本性,来认清许多种族在对待与他们不同者时的狭隘。虽然拜拉多没有从他那获得法术的牧师或祭司,虽然熊人中并非没有可以施展祭司法术者;他们是在成为兽化人、得到 兽化症lycanthropy 祝福(他们是这样看的)前便是祭司。拜拉多为了他们的利益而与他们的神明斡旋。他请求诸神允许熊人祭司维持他们的信仰(当然,要符合阵营的可接受性)。通常来说,拜拉多的恳求会被听从。智慧而亲切的熊人神在森林和精灵神祇中有些好朋友,那些人类的自然神祇则知道熊人对于森林和林地生态有多么宝贵的价值。在神话中,拜拉多 熊爸爸Father Bear,通常是某位伟大的自然/德鲁伊神祇的仆从,而那位神祇因这头熊忠诚而热爱的服务,而给予了他自由作为回报。
拜拉多的姐妹 芙瑞克Ferrix 是虎人的女神,在神话中她经常被描绘熊爸爸的姐妹 虎妈妈Mother Tigress,在拜拉多从他的神祇主人和导师获得了自由时,因拜拉多的恳求也获得了自由。他的姐妹并未如他这头熊这样提供了同样的忠诚或可靠的服务,但这位被拜拉多恳求的神祇是心慈的,在同一时间给予了他们自由,因为拜拉多不会接受只有他自己获得自由。芙瑞克是位轻佻的女神,她永远充满好奇。她想知道任何事,无论她所占有的知识可能是多么地无用或琐碎,同样她很容易因为任何新东西或意外的东西分心。她非常聪明、但并不智慧,这正好与她的兄弟相反,后者并不聪敏、反应也不迅速,但他有着他的猫科姐妹缺乏的深邃智慧。就像达拉格尔和伊莎芭拉通过互补的天性联系在了一起。有些神话讲述了这种双重的互补性,这样的连接不仅存在于每个配对中,在配对本身之间也有联系。但这些神祇之间大多是混乱而任性的,若他们在万物的终点是这样的命运,他们宁愿继续自己的目的与努力,而非对它进行评价。

2e<Monster Mythology.p114>拜拉多Balador(弱等神Lesser God)

  拜拉多Balador 是位守护者神,警备着森林与林地,虽然有点孤僻和害羞,但他鼓励追随者们通过与游侠、德鲁伊以及森林生物建立良好的关系,来分享他们的社区和生存空间。这位神明本尊漫步于 万兽园the Beastlands,从河流和湖泊中获取自己的食物,有时会劝说其祂神祇酿造他非常喜欢的蜂蜜酒。拜拉多并不聪敏、也不矫健,但他智慧、宽容并富有耐心,在被激怒时他又是强大的。他唯一的仇敌是邪恶的兽化人神祇。
Balador is a protector-god, watchful over forests and woodlands, rather seclusive and shy but encouraging his followers to share their community and living space by good relationships with rangers, druids, and sylvan creatures. The god himself roams the Beastlands, taking his food from the rivers and lakes, and sometimes persuading other deities to brew the honeyed mead he enjoys so much. Balador is not smart, nor is he swift, but he is wise, tolerant, and patient, and he is powerful when roused to anger. His only enemies are the deities of evil lycanthropes.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  拜拉多的化身可能在 主物质面Prime Material 深林中漫游,在那进行狩猎,以及与其他熊人、尤其是其中非常年幼的小熊人嬉戏。与 熊爸爸Father Bear 的相会是许多熊人传说的主题。他经常派遣化身对抗那些邪恶的兽化人神祇。
Balador's avatars may wander Prime Material deep forests hunting and playing with other werebears, especially the very young. Meetings with Father Bear are the subject of many werebear tales. He often sends avatars to oppose those of the evil lycanthropic deities.


  徽记SY:蜂蜜酒罐pitcher of mead。
AL cg; WAL cg (werebears); AoC werebears, protection, fraternity; SY pitcher of mead.

拜拉多的化身Balador's Avatar

  (战士Fighter 12,德鲁伊Druid 12)

  拜拉多的化身经常以熊类形态神临,虽然他也能神临为位被晒黑的英俊而高挑的人类男性游侠。他使用来自德鲁伊领域、外加保护与太阳领域的法术。 Balador's avatar usually appears in ursine form, although he can also appear as a tall, tanned, handsome human male ranger. He uses spells from druidic spheres, plus protection and sun.

  力量 18/00,敏捷 13,体质 18,
  智力 14,感知 18,魅力 16,
  移动 12,体型 中型/大型(6呎/11呎),魔抗 15%
  防御等级 -3,生命骰 15,生命值 120,
  #攻击 3次/2轮 或 3次,零级命中值 5,伤害 1d8 + 3(长剑)+ 6 或 2d8 + 6x2(爪抓)和 4d4(啮咬)
  Str 18/00 Dex 13 Con 18
  Int 14 Wis 18 Cha 16
  MV 12 SZ M/L (6'/11') MR 15%
  AC 0 HD 15 HP 120
  #AT 3/2 or 3 THACO 5 Dmg 1d8 + 3 (longsword)+ 6 or 2d8 + 6x2 (claws) and 4d4 (bite)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  该化身免疫毒素、疾病、麻痹、幻术/幻象法术、以及非魔法武器。仅在熊类形态,每日各3次,他能 治疗疾病cure disease治疗致命伤critical wounds;每日1次,咆哮着 创造恐惧create fear(如同魔杖)。在熊类形态中,如果在同一近战轮中、双爪都命中了同一个对手,这只熊将擒抱在之后自动造成每轮2d12+6hp伤害,并在他的其它攻击也造成最大伤害。该生物挣脱自由的机会是其弯杆百分比的1/3。作为一位游侠时,他携带着一柄 +3长剑,对邪恶兽化人和类地精生物造成2倍伤害。
The avatar is immune to poison, disease, paralyzation, illusion/phantasm spells, and nonmagical weapons. He can cure disease or critical wounds by licking 3/day each and roar to create fear (as wand) 1/day, in ursine form only. In ursine form, if both paws hit the same opponent in the same melee round, the bear will hug for 2d12 + 6 hp/rd of automatic damage thereafter and also inflict maximum damage with his other attacks. The chance for breaking free is one-third of a creature's bend bars percentage. As a ranger, he carries a longsword +3 which inflicts double damage on evil lycanthropes and goblinoids.


Balador has no priests of his own, but werebear- priests do exist; they worship their own gods and receive spells from them. They also revere Balador, because his entreaties to the gods on their behalf make it possible for them to remain priests. Almost invariably, a spell-providing god is neutral good or chaotic good, or perhaps a neutral sylvan/nature deity.
