提亞瑪特Tiamat,龍後 | |
基本信息 | |
【別名/面相】 | ¢巨龍&恩瑟&泛費倫:提亞瑪特Tiamat ¢巨龍:艾茲哈爾Azharul(被提亞瑪特弒殺融合的龍神) |
【頭 銜】 | ¢提亞瑪特:龍後The Dragon Queen,彩色巨龍the Chromatic Dragon,諸神之敵Nemesis of the Gods,黑暗女士the Dark Lady,混亂之後Queen of Chaos,不朽之後the Undying Queen,巴哈姆特之災Bane of Bahamut,貪饕the Avaricious ¢察斯薩:闕森塔之父Father of Chessenta,無敵勇士the Invincible Warrior |
【陣 營】 | ¢提亞瑪特&艾茲哈爾:LE ¢塔西克絲&察斯薩:CE |
【神 力】 | ¢巨龍/本體/提亞瑪特:L ¢巴比倫/面相/提亞瑪特:L |
【神 職】 | ¢提亞瑪特:邪龍Evil dragons,彩色龍chromatic dragons,邪惡的爬蟲evil reptiles,貪婪greed |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | ¢本體/提亞瑪特&面相/艾茲哈爾:巨龍神系Draconic Pantheon ¢面相/提亞瑪特:巴比倫神系Babylonian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | ¢巨龍/提亞馬特&艾茲哈爾:埃歐Io(阿斯格拉斯Asgorath) ¢巴比倫:安努Anu |
【盟 友】 | ¢提亞馬特:察斯薩Tchazzar,拜爾Bel,扎瑞爾Zariel,阿斯莫蒂斯Asmodeus |
【敵 對】 | ¢巨龍/提亞馬特:巴哈姆特Bahamut,艾茲哈爾Azharul ¢巴比倫:蘇美爾神系Sumerian Pantheon |
【從 神】 | ¢提亞馬特:察斯薩Tchazzar,(作為大魔鬼)瑪帕Malphas,安度西亞斯Amduscias |
【神 仆】 | ¢提亞馬特:葛絲塔紐思Gestaniius,史考索辛Skuthosiin,阿拉斯克勒班巴斯托斯Alasklerbanbastos,戈布Goap |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | ¢提亞馬特&塔克西斯:巴托地獄Baator/1th 阿佛納斯Avernus/提亞瑪特之巢Tiamat's Lair ¢恩瑟:主物質位面Prime Material Plane/國度天宇Realmspace/3th 托瑞爾星球Toril/費倫大陸Faerûn/古老帝國Old Empires/恩瑟帝國Unther |
【徽 記】 | ¢提亞馬特:五頭龍Five-headed dragon ¢熵:一片純黑的領域A field of pure black |
【簡 介】 | 提亞瑪特Tiamat 惡龍女神。 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p133>提亞瑪特Tiamat
(龍後The Dragon Queen,彩色巨龍the Chromatic Dragon,諸神之敵Nemesis of the Gods,黑暗女士the Dark Lady,混亂之後Queen of Chaos,不朽之後the Undying Queen,巴哈姆特之災Bane of Bahamut,貪饕the Avaricious)
巴托地獄弱等神力Lesser Power of Baator,
神職PORTFOLIO:邪龍Evil dragons,彩色龍chromatic dragons,邪惡的爬蟲evil reptiles,貪婪greed,闕森塔Chessenta
神域名DOMAIN NAME:阿佛納斯Avernus/提亞瑪特之巢Tiamat's Lair
敵對FOES:巴哈姆特Bahamut,吉爾伽Gilgeam(消逝dead),伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim,伊爾馬特Ilmater,馬杜克Marduk(消逝dead)
徽記SYMBOL:五頭龍Five-headed dragon(提亞瑪特Tiamat)
或 一頭紅龍迎向黑色山脈a red dragon against a black mountain(察斯薩Tchazzar)
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE(以及在 諸神之戰the Godswar 前的守序善良LG,中立善良NG,以及混亂善良CG)
提亞馬特Tiamat(讀作「TEE-a-maht」),彩色巨龍the Chromatic Dragon,她在 諸國度the Realms 被作為傳說般的 邪龍之後Queen of Evil Dragons 敬畏。雖然幾乎沒有人類、亞人或類人生物崇敬這位 黑暗女士the Dark Lady,而她的大多數五色龍後裔也只是在討好她,但提亞馬特仍是位獨立的神性存在,她的教派在諸國度正迅速蔓延。
Tiamat (TEE-a-maht), the Chromatic Dragon, is feared as the legendary Queen of Evil Dragons throughout the Realms. Although few humans, demihumans, or humanoids venerate the Dark Lady, and she is merely propitiated by most of her chromatic wyrm spawn, Tiamat is a divine being in her own right and one whose cult is rapidly spreading across the Realms.
在遠古時代 伊馬斯卡人the Imaskari 法師們綁架了一整群人類,並將他們帶到 費倫大陸Faerûn 作為自己的奴隸時,提亞馬特的教團也隨着恩瑟神祇的其祂信仰一起被帶入了諸國度。穆蘭人Mulan(他們後來的名字)崇敬 恩利爾Enlil 和他的子孫,而恩利爾的祭司們教導民眾:提亞瑪特是 混亂之後the Queen of Chaos(用詞有些不當)和 諸神之敵Nemesis of the Gods。在這個國家歷經其興起、到鼎盛、再到衰敗的那些個世紀中,恩瑟的神王們將每次挫折歸咎 龍後The Dragoa Quee。根據 恩瑟人Untheric 的神話,提亞馬特與「正義使者the Justice Bringer」馬杜克Marduk 交戰了許多個世紀。馬杜克最終毀滅了提亞馬特的顯現體,但他也付出了被從諸國度永久放逐的代價。
Tiamat's cult was brought to the Realms, along with the faiths of the rest of the Untheric pantheon, when in ancient times the Imaskari wizards kidnapped an entire population of humans and brought them to Faerûn to serve as their slaves. The Mulan peoples, as they came to be known, revered Enlil and his progeny and were taught by their priests that Tiamat was the Queen of Chaos (somewhat of a misnomer) and the Nemesis of the Gods. The Dragoa Queen was blamed by the god-kings of Unther for every setback that nation experienced as it rose to greatness and then decayed over the centuries. According to Untheric myths, Tiamat battled Marduk, the Justice Bringer, for centuries. Eventually Marduk destroyed Tiamat's manifestation, but only at the cost of his own permanent exile from the Realms.
在馬杜克的教派悄然而迅速地消失在遺忘中(這多虧了好妒的吉爾伽祭職人員)的同時,有一夥提亞馬特信徒的小教團未被提亞馬特的沉默嚇倒,它以地下組織的形式堅持了許多個世紀。而正是吉爾伽持續不斷斥提亞馬特為諸神之敵的行為,讓他自己在無意中幫助提亞馬特維持住了與諸國度的微弱聯繫。當 恩瑟神系Untheric pantheon 萎縮只剩下一小撮神力,當神王吉爾伽的統治墮落為了暴政,許多絕望的恩瑟公民為抗議轉而投向了這位一直受到吉爾伽批判的絕對仇敵——提亞馬特。
While Marduk's cult quickly and quietly faded away into oblivion (with the help of a jealous Gilgeam's priesthood), a small sect of Tiamat's faithful persisted in underground fellowship for centuries, undeterred by the Dark Lady's silence. Gilgeam himself unwittingly helped to maintain Tiamat's tenuous connection with the Realms by continuing to castigate her as the Nemesis of the Gods. When the Untheric pantheon dwindled to a small handful of powers and the god-king Gilgeam's rule degenerated into brutal tyranny, many of Unther's despairing citizens turned in protest to the very enemy that for centuries Gilgeam had held up to be reviled—Tiamat.
在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 發生前的數十年間,提亞馬特的教團在幾位被吉爾伽怨恨的敵人領導下,緩慢地重建着其隊伍和影響力。在 血鳥之年Year of the Bloodbird(1346 DR),教徒們成功地召喚了 黑暗女士the Dark Lady,那是一尊提亞馬特的化身,也可以呈現為一種三頭的彩色巨龍轉生體形態;而提亞馬特祭司們也在這諸世紀的沉默之後,再度開始得授法術。在接下來的十幾年裏,教眾和他們的女神在恩瑟各地暗中煽動叛亂,尋求推翻被憎恨的吉爾伽。而當 艾歐Ao 將諸神力從諸位面逐出後,提亞馬特被迫將其整個費倫面相顯現入她的恩瑟化身中。在動盪之年近於結束時,吉爾伽對提亞馬特發起了挑戰,並最終擊敗了她的三首轉生體,似乎在永久地毀滅了 龍後the Dragon Queen 的同時,終結了她對他永恆統治的威脅。
In the decades preceding the Time of Troubles, Tiamat's cult slowly rebuilt its ranks and its influence under the leadership of several embittered foes of Gilgeam. In the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR), the cultists successfully summoned the Dark Lady, an avatar of Tiamat who could also assume the form of a three-headed incarnation of the Chromatic Dragon, and Tiamat's priests began receiving spells once again after centuries of silence. Over next the dozen years, the cultists and their goddess secretly fomented rebellion throughout Unther, seeking to overthrow the hated Gilgeam. After Ao banished the powers from the planes, Tiamat was forced to manifest her entire Faerûnian aspect in her Untheric avatar. Toward the end of the Time of Troubles, Gilgeam challenged Tiamat to battle and eventually defeated her three-headed incarnation, seemingly destroying the Dragon Queen forever and ending her threat to his eternal rule.
恩瑟的至高統治者the Supreme Ruler of Unther 並不知道,提亞馬特並未被毀滅——她的本質只是分散到了該地區最強大的三頭巨龍身上。三頭巨龍中最強大的是名為一頭名為 察斯薩Tchazzar 的太古紅龍,他長期渴望成神,並以人類偽裝作為 闕森塔之父the Father of Chessenta 被他精心建立的教派崇敬(他甚至使用這個人類偽裝,成為了闕森塔人的國王和戰爭英雄,然後又偽裝了自己的死亡)。諸神之戰the Godswar 結束後不久,在毀滅和吞噬了其他兩頭提亞馬特精華的受體後,察斯薩立即轉化為了彩色巨龍的化身本身。提亞馬特以化身形態蟄伏了幾個星期,直到她的間諜偵知吉爾伽因艾歐重大調整的影響衰落到了半神狀態。她隨後在吉爾伽的 永恆勝利金字神塔Ziggurat of Eternal Victory 外,伏擊了這位遭受了嚴重削弱的神明。這場吉爾伽與提亞馬特之間的戰鬥肆虐了 外層位面Outer Planes 和恩瑟全境,並毀滅了 恩瑟拉斯城Unthalass 的大片區域。看上去提亞馬特和吉爾伽都在他們的遭遇戰結束時毀滅了,但實際上被毀滅的只有吉爾伽,而提亞馬特僅僅損失了一尊化身並遭受了一次狀態的嚴重下降——到半神等級——這就是她用於殺死吉爾伽所消耗的神性力量。
Unbeknownst to the Supreme Ruler of Unther, Tiamat was not destroyed—her essence had simply splintered among three of the most powerful dragons in the region. The greatest of the three, Tchazzar, a great red wyrm, had long aspired to godhood and was revered as the Father of Chessenta by the cult he had carefully cultivated (even to the point of taking on a human persona, becoming a Chessantan king and war hero, and then faking his own death). After destroying and devouring the other two receptacles of Tiamat's essence, Tchazzar was transformed into an avatar of the Chromatic Dragon herself shortly after the end of the Godswar. For several weeks, Tiamat bided her time in avatar form until her spies determined that Gilgeam had been reduced to demipower status in the aftermath of Ao's shake-up. She then ambushed the greatly weakened Gilgeam outside his Ziggurat of Eternal Victory. The battle between Gilgeam and Tiamat raged across the Outer Planes and through Unther, destroying much of Unthalass. Both Tiamat and Gilgeam appeared to be destroyed at the end of their encounter, but in reality only Gilgeam was, and Tiamat had merely experienced the loss of an avatar and a severe reduction in status—to the level of demipower—due to the divine power she expended to slay Gilgeam.
就在受重創提亞馬特準備好帶着勝利返回恩瑟時,拜其遠古宿敵 巴哈姆特Bahamut 所賜,由強大凡人組成的隊伍攻擊了她位於外層位面的巢穴。在這場戰鬥中,提亞馬特僅存的化身遭毀滅。這群凡人凱旋迴歸 達瑪拉Damara、並為那片土地贏得了提亞馬特的永恆恨意。提亞馬特需要滿一年才能創造一尊新化身——至於提亞馬特使自己成為恩瑟唯一統治者的機會,已經隨着費倫和穆爾霍蘭德神系迅速遷入以填滿填滿該地區的神權真空而溜走了。
Just as the battered Tiamat readied to return to Unther in triumph, she was attacked in her lair in the Outer Planes by a company of powerful mortals at the bequest of her ancient enemy Bahamut. In the battle, Tiamat's sole remaining avatar was destroyed. The mortals returned in triumph to Damara, earning that land Tiamat's undying enmity. It would require a full year for Tiamat to create a new avatar, and Tiamat's chance to establish herself as the sole ruler of Unther was lost as the Faerûnian and Mulhorandi pantheons quickly moved to fill the deific vacuum in that nation.
提亞馬特一點也未放棄在諸國度取得更進一步神力的計劃,並已再次將狀態提升至弱等神力。在恩瑟,她的教會繼續煽動叛亂,成為在這片破碎的土地追求權力的諸多派系之一。在闕森塔,提亞馬特偽裝為 無敵戰士the Invincible Warrior 與 闕森塔之父the Father of Chessenta 察斯薩Tchazzar,繼續擴張她的信徒隊伍。(察斯薩的徽記是一頭紅龍迎向黑色山脈。)在 瓦薩Vaasa 地區,為了給有朝一日向 血石之地the Bloodstone Lands 的英雄們復仇做準備,龍後圍繞着 危險堡Castle Perilous 的廢墟緩慢地聚集起了一群巨龍。
Tiamat has by no means given up her plans for acquiring increased power in the Realms and has already elevated herself in status to lesser power again. In Unther, her cult continues to foment unrest, one of many factions seeking power in that shattered land. In Chessenta, Tiamat continues to expand the ranks of her faithful in her guise as Tchazzar, the Invincible Warrior and the Father of Chessenta. (Tchazzar's symbol is a red dragon against a black mountain.) In Vaasa, the Dragon Queen slowly gathers a flight of dragons about the ruins of Castle Perilous in preparation for the day she seeks revenge against the heroes of the Bloodstone Lands.
作為實現她這些目標的第一步,提亞馬特把將 拜龍教the Cult of the Dragon 併入她的崇拜者隊伍作為目標。龍後將這個向整個費倫張開觸角強大的組織,視作一支正等待着某位合適的神性守護神——比如她自己——收留的無神教派。最近,在回應拜龍教的一位成員的請求(他認為自己呼喚來的是「所有龍巫妖的本質」)時,她顯現了一尊 不朽之後the Undying Queen 化身,並開始使自己成為這個曾經世俗的教派首位整體崇拜的神祇。雖然她預計到了來自拜龍教根深蒂固的領導層的強大阻力,但她仍期望她的追隨者在未來十年,能滲透和籠絡到這個教派的龐大網絡,進而將她提升為諸國度中的中等神力地位。
As her first step toward achieving these goals, Tiamat has targeted the Cult of the Dragon for incorporation into the ranks of her worshipers. The Dragon Queen views this powerful organization with tentacles stretching throughout Faerûn as a godless sect awaiting the adoption of an appropriate divine patron such as herself. She has recently manifested one avatar as the Undying Queen in response to the pleas of one member of the Cult of the Dragon (who thought he was calling upon the 「essence of all dracoliches」) and has begun setting herself up to be the first deity to be worshiped by the previously secular Cult as a whole. Although she expects significant resistance from the Dragon Cult's entrenched leaders, she expects her followers to infiltrate and co-opt the Cult's vast network over the next decade, elevating her further to intermediate power status in the Realms.
提亞馬特距離加入 泛費倫神系Faerûnian pantheon 的只有一步之遙。唯一反對此事的只有 伊亞契圖·希維姆Iyachtu Xvim——他覺得龍後的暴君傾向對自己的野心和神職造成了太過緊密的阻礙。在 酒杯之年Year of the Tankard(1370 DR)年末至 斷弦豎琴之年Year of the Unstrung Harp(1371 DR)年中之間的某個時間,她將會加入正式加入泛費倫神系。
Tiamat is on the brink of joining the Faerûnian pantheon. Her only opposition lies in Iyachtu Xvim, who feels her tyrannical leanings impinge much too closely on his own ambitions and portfolio. She will officially join the pantheon by sometime between the end of the Year of the Tankard (1370 DR) and the middle of the Year of the Unstrung Harp (1371 DR).
Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant demipower who embodies all of the strengths of her chromatic progeny but few of their weaknesses. She is entirely focused on the acquisition of personal power and wealth and views mortals as hapless pawns in her struggles with other deities. She can be charming and fey when necessary, but her self-serving, evil, reptilian nature is readily apparent to those who look.
提亞馬特的化身Tiamat's Avatar
(戰士Fighter 25,牧師Cleric 25,法師Wizard 25)
Tiamat has favored two forms throughout Unther's long history:the Dark Lady and the Chromatic Dragon. In the wake of her recent setbacks and in view of her future plots, the Dragon Queen has developed a third form known as the Undying Queen. All of Tiamat's forms draw their spells from all spheres and schools save the spheres of chaos and sun. She rarely uses anything but reversed forms of healing and necromantic spells on anyone save herself.
The Dark Lady appears as a human sorceress of Mulan ancestry with long, dark hair and dark robes. She has a fey beauty, a seductive smile, and totally black eyes.
The Chromatic Dragon is a nightmarish amalgamation of a monstrous draconic body on four stubby legs that has five writhing necks and heads, each corresponding to one of the species of chromatic dragons. Each head's color runs the length of the neck and into the forepart of her body as strips, gradually blending to three stripes of gray, blue-green, and purple over her back and hindquarters, then merging into a muddy dark brown tail. Her underbelly and legs are greenish white fading into her upper body colors. Traditionally Tiamat's heads are colored red, green, blue, black, and white, but in fact the Chromatic Dragon can have many different subsets of heads, as long as there are no more than five total, each head's color and powers are unique, and each corresponds to an evil chromatic dragon species found in the Realms. For example, other known colors manifested by the Chromatic Dragon have included yellow and brown. In Chessenta, the Chromatic Dragon typically appears with a single red head and neck in keeping with Tiamat's guise as Tchazzar.
The Undying Queen is an undead manifestation of the Chromatic Dragon, a sort of multiheaded dracolich. It has skeletal wings and glowing points of light floating in shadowy eye sockets rather than normal draconic eyes.
黑暗女士Dark Lady
防禦等級 -12;移動 15;生命值 199;零級命中值 -4;#攻擊 1次或 2次/1輪
傷害 1d10+8+ 吸能術energy drain (+8力量) 或 使用武器+8 (+8力量)
魔抗 75%;體型 中型M (6呎)
力量 21,敏捷 20,體質 23,智力 19,感知 20,魅力 24
法術 牧師P:12/12/11/11/9/8/4,法師W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
AC -12; MV 15; HP 199, THAC0 -4;#AT 1 or 2/1
Dmg 1d10+8+ energy drain (+8 STR) or by weapon+8 (+8 STR)
MR 75%; SZ M (6 feet)
STR 21, DEX 20, CON 23, INT 19, Wis 20, CHA 24
Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/8/4, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
彩色巨龍或不朽之後Chromatic Dragon or Undying Queen
防禦等級 -12;移動 18,飛行 90(C),掘穴 9,游泳 30,跳躍 6;生命值 199;零級命中值 -4;#攻擊 5次+特殊
傷害 見後
魔抗 75%;體型 巨型G(500呎,其中:軀體280呎,尾部220呎)
力量 21,敏捷 20,體質 23,智力 19,感知 20,魅力 24
法術 牧師P:12/12/11/11/9/8/4,法師W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 3;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 4
AC -12; MV 18, FI 90 (C), Br 9, Sw 30, Jp 6; HP 199, THAC0 -4;#AT 5+special
Dmg See below
MR 75%; SZ G (500 feet—body 280 feet, tail 220 feet)
STR 21, DEX 20, CON 23, INT 19, Wis 20, CHA 24
Spells P:12/12/11/11/9/8/4, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/S/4
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
頭顱Head 斬首Slay⑴ 噴吐Breath⑵ 齧咬Bite 噴吐類型BW Formt⑶
藍色Blue 56 24d48+12 3d8+12 5呎寬×100呎長閃電束5-foot-wide×100-foot long lightning bolt
紅色Red 60 24d10+12 3dl0+12 90呎長火焰錐,在龍口一端5呎寬,底部直徑30呎90-foot-long cone of fire,5 feetwide at dragon's mouth and 30 feet in diameter at base
綠色Green 52 24d6+12 2d10+12 50呎長×40呎寬×30呎高有毒氯氣雲50-foot-long×40-foot-wide×30-foot-high poisonous chlorine gas cloud
黑色Black 48 24d4+12 3d6+12 5呎寬×60呎寬強酸流5-foot-wide×60-foot-long acidstream
白色White 44 12d6+12 2d8+12 70呎長寒冰錐,在龍口一端5呎寬,底部直徑25呎70-foot-long cone of frost,5 feet-wide at dragon's mouth and 25 feet in diameter at base
棕色Brown 56 24d6+24 3dl0+12 5呎寬×以60呎長強酸流5-foot-wide×60-foot-long acid stream
黃色Yellow 52 24d4+12 2d8+12 50呎長×40呎寬×20呎高熾熱噴沙50-foot-long×40-foot-wide×20-foot-high scorching sandblast
⑴This is the total number of hit points of damage a head can sustain before being destroyed. The avatar regenerates the head in 12 hours. Damage specifically inflicted on a head does not affect the general body total.
⑵The number shown is the damage for the breath weapon for the head in question.
⑶This is the damage caused by a successful bite.
⑷This is the general configuration of the head's breath weapon.
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在她的每輪,黑暗女士可以施展2道法術並用她的拳頭攻擊。她的接觸造成1d10+8點鈍擊傷害,外加受害者必須成功通過法術豁免檢定,否則將遭受 吸能術energy drain(如同9級法師法術)的效果。在她揮舞武器的罕見情況下,所揮舞的通常是匕首、棍、或是在一個案例中那樣,一柄無特殊魔法特性的短劍。她使用近戰武器時每輪攻擊2次,但無能量吸取效果。此外,隨意使用,黑暗女士還能轉化為旅行到星界或以太界,並能在3輪內轉化形態為彩色巨龍或不朽之後,在這段時間內,她所採取的都是防禦行動。
The Dark Lady can cast two spells and attack with her fist each round. Her touch does ldl0+8 points of bludgeoning damage, plus the victim must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer the effects of an energy drain (as the 9th-level wizard spell). On the rare occasions she wields a weapon, it is usually a dagger, staff, or, in one instance, a short sword of no particular magical distinction. She attacks twice per round with a melee weapon but with no energy-draining effect. In addition, the Dark Lady can travel astrally or ethereally at will and can change form into the Chromatic Dragon or Undying Queen in three rounds, during which time all she does it take defensive actions.
彩色巨龍的五顆頭都可以完全彼此獨立地活動。在任意輪期間,每顆頭都能執行以下任意行動之一:齧咬、吐息它的噴吐武器、或是施法。各頭的齧咬攻擊造成的傷害如同對應顏色的太古龍;其總傷害綜述於上表。同樣,各個頭也擁有等同於對應顏色太古龍的噴吐武器。對抗彩色巨龍的所有噴吐武器豁免受到-4懲罰。最後,每輪1次,各個頭都能施展一道法術。所有頭可施展的法術總數在上述給出。各個頭在其「死亡」並變得無用前,可以承受的傷害總值在上述給出。如果彩色巨龍的所有頭都被殺,或者如果她的身體減少到0血,她將立即返回 阿佛納斯Avernus,但她的化身並不被認為被毀滅了。
The Chromatic Dragon's five heads can operate entirely independently of each other. During any round, each can perform any of the following actions:bite, breathe its breath weapon, or cast a spell. Each bite attack inflicts damage as though it were a great wyrm of the appropriate color; the total damage is summarized on the above table. Likewise, each head has a breath weapon equivalent to that of a great wyrm of the appropriate color. All saving throws vs. the Chromatic Dragon's breath weapons are made at a -4 penalty. Finally, each head can cast one spell per round. The total number of spells all the heads combined can cast is given above. Each head can withstand the number of points of damage indicated on the table above before it 「dies」 and becomes useless. If all of the Chromatic Dragon's heads are killed or if her body is reduced to 0 hit points, she immediately returns to Avernus, but her avatar is not considered destroyed.
雖然在地面上時,彩色巨龍的龐大體型阻礙了用爪和踢攻擊,但在飛行時,她可以使用雙爪攻擊,每隻造成1d10點傷害。她可以使用所有其它巨龍的攻擊方式,例如擒抱snatch(僅在飛行時,上限7個受害者)、碾壓plummet(僅飛行時;3d10+12點傷害)、翼擊wing buffet(1d10點傷害,若在敏捷檢定中失敗將被擊倒)、以及尾掃tail slap(2d20點傷害,若在石化豁免中失敗將被暈眩1d4+1輪),如同《MONSTROUS MANUAL》一書所述對巨龍的介紹材料。
Although the Chromatic Dragon's sheer size prevents claw and kick attacks while she is on the ground, she can use two claw attacks while flying, each of which inflicts ldl0 points of damage. She can use all other draconic attack modes, such as snatch (flying only, limit seven victims), plummet (flying only;3dl0+12 points of damage), wing buffet (1d10 points of damage and succeed at a Dexterity ability check or be knocked prone), and tail slap (2d20 points of damage and save vs. petrification or be stunned for ld4+1 rounds), as described in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome in the introductory material on dragons.
In addition, the Chromatic Dragon's long, serpentine tail is tipped with a sting that drips black venom. It is sinuous enough that she can attack enemies directly in front of her and to the sides, as well as behind her, though she cannot both sting and tail slap in the same round. The sting inflicts ld6 points of damage, and the victim must roll a successful saving throw vs. poison with a -3 penalty or die agonizingly at the end of the following round.
Finally, the Chromatic Dragons aura of dragon fear is 140 yards in diameter. Creatures of up to 5 HD/levels who catch sight of her are automatically affected (as well as all noncamivorous, nonaggressive creatures with fewer than 25 Hit Dice) and flee for 4d6 rounds. Trained war mounts of 4 HD or more, organized military units, and single creatures with more than 5 HD or levels do not automatically flee. Rather, they are entitled to a saving throw vs. petrification at a -5 penalty. If they fail this saving throw, they fight with a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls. No one save another deity is automatically immune to her fear effect.
不朽之後擁有彩色巨龍的全部力量,外加幾項額外能力。她能偵測到120呎半徑內的隱形物品和生物(包括那些躲藏在黑暗與迷霧中的)。任何時候,她都擁有240呎半徑的天生 順風耳clairaudience 的能力。對抗她恐懼光環的豁免檢定有-1懲罰。來自她(任何一顆頭顱)熾熱眼中的凝視,也能麻痹100碼內與她目光交匯、且在豁免中失敗的生物。(6HD或更多的生物在豁免檢定上獲得+3獎勵。)如果該生物在對抗不朽之後某顆頭顱之凝視的豁免檢定中成功,它將永久免疫那顆(也只有那顆)頭顱的凝視。
The Undying Queen has all of the powers of the Chromatic Dragon plus several additional abilities. She can detect invisible objects and creatures (including those hidden in darkness and fog) within a 120-foot radius. She possesses a natural clairaudience ability in a 240-foot radius at all times. Saving throws vs. her fear aura are made with a -1 penalty. The gaze of her glowing eyes (from any head) can also paralyze creatures within 100 yards if upon meeting her gaze they fail their saving throws. (Creatures of 6 or more HD gain a +3 bonus to their saving throws.) If a creature successfully saves against the gaze of one of the Undying Queen's heads, it is permanently immune to the gaze of that head only.
All the Undying Queen's physical attacks do an additional 2d8 points of chilling damage, and any victim struck by the Undying Queen who fails a saving throw vs. paralyzation is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. (Immunity to cold damage or negative energy energy-draining damage negates the chilling damage, but not the paralyzation.) Finally, the Undying Queen can control the actions of any undead creature not controlled by another deity or a priest of over 24th level within 60 yards.
任何形態下的提亞馬特都免疫所有5級以下的法術、毒素、麻痹、以及影響心靈和控制法術。她免疫所有來自附魔/魅惑學派或魅惑領域的法術。低於+2附魔的武器不能影響到她。她只受基於寒冷、火焰以及電擊攻擊的半數傷害。在彩色巨龍或不朽之後形態,她還免疫構成其當前頭顱排列的各亞種太古巨龍通常的免疫力(其中一些可能取代其它免疫力)。在不朽之後形態,她也免疫魔法或自然寒冷、電擊、瘋狂、以及 變形polymorph 法術。
Tiamat in any form is immune to all spells below 5th level and to poison, paralysis, and mind-affecting and controlling spells. She is immune to all spells from the school of enchantment/charm or the sphere of charm. Weapons below +2 enchantment do not affect her. She takes half damage from cold-, fire-, and electricity-based attacks. In Chromatic Dragon or Undying Queen form, she has all of the immunities common to great wyrms of each subrace represented in her current roster of heads (some of which may supersede other immunities). In Undying Queen form she is also immune to magical and natural cold, electricity, insanity, and polymorph spells.
其祂顯現Othter Manifestations
Tiamat commonly manifests in a fashion similar to a thunderbolt from the heavens. Such strokes of divine power are always equivalent to the breath weapon of a great wyrm of one of the chromatic species of dragon.
Tiamat shows her favor through the discovery of priceless treasures including gold, silver, precious gems, and rare works of art. Of course, the Dragon Queen expects the immediate sacrifice of any such discoveries to her ever-growing hoard, or her ire is quickly earned. Tiamat's displeasure is usually expressed by the inexplicable disappearance of a vast amount of hoarded wealth from a warded vault or other or other supposedly safe location. The Dragon Queen is served by all species of evil dragons, abishai baatezu of all colors, evil dragonets, and many species of reptiles, particular serpents.
教會The Church
神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,護教軍crusaders
神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序中立LN,絕對中立N,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:可,若為善良Yes, if good;專屬祭司SP:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No
呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No
提亞馬特的所有牧師、專屬祭司、護教軍得到 宗教知識 religion(恩瑟人Untheric)、宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)、閱讀/書寫 reading/writing(恩瑟語Untheric)、以及 現代語言modem languages(通用語Common)作為非武器熟練獎勵。此外,身為恩瑟人,他們也通曉作為母語的 恩瑟語Untheric,並得到 現代語言languages(通用語Common) 作為非武器熟練獎勵。
All clerics, specialty priests, and crusaders of Tiamat receive religion (Untheric), religion (Faerûnian) reading/writing (Untheric), and modem languages (Common) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. In addition, those who are Untheri know Untheric as their native tongue and receive modem languages (Common) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
除了在組成 古老帝國the Old Empires 的恩瑟、穆爾霍蘭德以及闕森塔外,提亞馬特在諸國度幾無人知。她被 血石男爵Baron of Bloodstone 蓋洛斯·龍魘Gareth Dragonsbane 擊敗的故事,仍然被吟遊詩人廣泛地流傳於整個達瑪拉。那些知曉她的人,更容易把她想成一隻強大的、傳說般的怪物,而非一位神性力量。據傳,她是邪惡亞種巨龍的母親和(或)女王。在巨龍中,提亞馬特歷來被認為是位人類女神——值得被尊敬和恐懼,而非崇拜。在最近的幾十年,一小撮彩色巨龍已加入了她的教派,但他們仍然相對稀少。
Tiamat is little known in the Realms outside of the Old Empires of Unther, Mulhorand, and Chessenta. Tales of her defeat by Gareth Dragonsbane, Baron of Bloodstone, are still widely told by bards throughout Damara. Those who know of her are more likely to think of her as a powerful, legendary monster than a divine power. She is said to be the mother and/or queen of the evil subspecies of dragons. Among dragons, Tiamat is traditionally considered a human goddess—worthy of respect and fear butnot worship. In recent decades, a few chromatic dragons have joined her cult, but they are still relatively rare.
提亞馬特的神殿被建築在死亡以久的巨龍從前的巢穴中,通常是巨大的自然洞穴。它們由龍後的壁畫佔主導,在壁畫中,她被無數的配偶環繞、被數不清的人類、亞人以及類人生物崇拜。這類神殿全都充斥着大堆獻給龍後的財富,因此佈滿了怪物和機械的陷阱與守衛。在龍後大部分神殿深處,至少有一座、有時是兩座或更多的,青少年juvenile 或 少年young年齡段的巨龍巢穴,守衛着她的祭壇與神殿的財富。它們很少逗留超過幾十年,但提亞馬特的教徒總能很快招徠新居民。最顯赫的神殿常有包含一座通向巴托第一層阿佛納斯的永久 異界之門gate。
Temples of Tiamat are constructed in the former lairs of long-dead dragons, typically vast natural caverns. They are dominated by frescoes of the Dragon Queen, surrounded by her numerous consorts, being worshiped by countless humans, demihumans, and humanoids. All such temples are filled with vast piles of wealth to be sacrificed to the Dragon Queen and hence are rife with traps and guardian monsters and constructs. At least one, and sometimes two or more, juvenile or young adult chromatic dragons lair in the depths of most temples of the Dragon Queen, guarding her altar and the temple's riches. They rarely stay for more than a few decades, but Tiamat's cultists are always quick to recruit a new inhabitant. The most prominent temples often contain a permanent gate to Avernus, the first layer of Baator.
提亞馬特的神職人員由數量相等的專屬祭司(被稱作 魔龍領主wyrmlairds 或 魔龍看護者wyrmkeepers)和牧師組成。其餘的神職人員是護教軍,約佔總數的20%。魔龍領主是提亞馬特的專屬祭司,他們專注獻身於她作為闕森塔之父察斯薩的面相,而且只存在於那個國家。許多低階層的魔龍領主並不知道察斯薩已為龍後融合,而魔龍看護者存在於整個費倫的任何其它地方,尤其是恩瑟。
Tiamat's clergy is composed of equal numbers of specialty priests, known as wyrmlairds or wyrmkeepers, and clerics. The remainder, about 20% of the total, are crusaders. Wyrmlairds are specialty priests of Tiamat specifically dedicated to her aspect as Tchazzar, Father of Chessenta, and are found only in that nation. Many lower-ranking wyrmlairds are unaware that Tchazzar has been subsumed by the Dragon Queen, Wyrmkeepers are found everywhere else throughout Faerûn, especially in Unther.
提亞馬特的祭司們受到嚴格的階級和與之相應的頭銜制度的嚴厲管束。該信仰的侍僧被稱為 魔龍飼餵者Wyrmfodder。階級依升序排列,龍後的祭司們被稱作:紅銅聖杯的保管人Custodian of the Copper Chalice、白銀盾牌的守衛者Defender of the Silver Shield、琥珀金鱗甲的看守人Warden of the Electrum Mail、黃金節杖的保護者Guardian of the Gold Scepter、白金之冠的看守者Keeper of the Platinum Crown、白色魔龍之鱗Scale of the White Wyrm、黑色野獸之角Horn of the Black Beast、綠色巨餮之翼Wing of the Green Gargantua、藍色巴托魔之爪Talon of the Blue Baatoran、以及 紅色破壞者之息Breath of the Red Ravager。更高階的龍後祭司被統稱為 暗鱗之人the Dark Scaly Ones,這是一種起源於恩瑟的慣例。
Tiamat's priests are regimented by a strict hierarchy of ranks and corresponding titles. Acolytes of the faith are known as Wyrmfodder. In ascending order of rank, priests of the Dragon Queen are known as:Custodian of the Copper Chalice, Defender of the Silver Shield, Warden of the Electrum Mail, Guardian of the Gold Scepter, Keeper of the Platinum Crown, Scale of the White Wyrm, Horn of the Black Beast, Wing of the Green Gargantua, Talon of the Blue Baatoran, and Breath of the Red Ravager. Higher ranking priests of the Dragon Queen are collectively known as the Dark Scaly Ones, a practice originating in Unther.
Prior to the defeat of Gilgeam, priests of Tiamat were sworn to destroy the power of the god-kings of Unther, to seize the realm for themselves, and to get as much treasure as possible and sacrifice it to the Dark Lady. Tiamat's goals and ambitions have expanded considerably in the aftermath of Gilgeam's defeat.
Tiamat teaches that rival powers of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical. They seek only power, at any cost, despite their honeyed words. The Dragon Queen is the only being powerful enough to defy the gods and overthrow their despotic rule. Worshipers of the Dark Lady are to work tirelessly towards the day when their queen will banish the gods from Faerûn and unite the Realms under her rule. Toward this goal, all true believers must follow her commands unquestioningly and be willing to sacrifice themselves in her service. To overthrow the gods requires power, and power is acquired through the accumulation of wealth and magic. Power demands respect. Chromatic dragons everywhere are to be venerated as the spawn of the Dragon Queen and paid homage. When Tiamat assumes her throne, her draconic children shall serve her as dukes, and her clergy as their mortal vassals.
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Priests of Tiamat are primarily occupied by the twin tasks of acquiring an ever-increasing hoard of wealth for the faith and sabotaging the faiths of other powers. As a result, they occupy most of their waking hours with an unending series of thefts, assassinations, acts of vandalism, and arson. In Unther and Chessenta they are primarily concerned with seizing as much power as possible, while in western Faerûn, the cult's agents are focused on infiltrating and subverting the Cult of the Dragon.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
提亞馬特神職人員的成員為向他們的女主人致敬,舉行了眾多的日常儀式。其中最普及的兩種名為 什一奉獻the Tithing 和 致敬儀式the Rite of Respect。每日1次,提亞馬特的每位祭司都必須奉上一小筆什一奉獻,典型情況是幾枚金幣或一顆小寶石。當祈禱完畢、雙手張開時,有10%的可能性貢品已經消失。當這發生的日子,神職人員會認為自己和自己的努力得到了祝福。致敬儀式是場謙卑與討好的複雜儀式,在任何龍後的子嗣逼近時都必須舉行。這場儀式並不會在魔龍的怒火面前提供任何儀式性的保護,但如果未能完美的舉行儀式,則無疑會招致這類巨型爬蟲的怒意。
Members of Tiamat's clergy perform numerous daily ceremonies in homage to their mistress. The two most widespread are known as the Tithing and the Rite of Respect. Once per day each priest of Tiamat must offer a small tithe, typically several gold coins or a small gem. The tithe is hidden in the priest's cupped hands and a small prayer is offered. When the prayer is completed and the hands unfurled, there is a 10% chance the offering has vanished. On days when it is taken, the clergy consider themselves and their efforts particularly blessed. The Rite of Respect is a complicated ritual of abasement and appeasement that must be performed while approaching any spawn of the Dragon Queen. This ceremony does not provide any ritualistic protection from the wyrm's fury, but failure to perform the ceremony with rigorous perfection is sure to draw the great reptile's ire.
在恩瑟,暗鱗之人聲稱 仲夏節Midsummer 的第一個滿月日是一個獻給混亂之後的聖日。這個日子(名為 復仇節the Festival of Vengeance)標誌着諸神之敵提亞馬特擊敗了吉爾伽。在恩瑟拉斯城,這一天以由(提亞馬特的)神職人員和信徒煽動的普遍無政府狀態、騷亂、以及大面積的混亂為標誌,並不時醞釀着蓄謀已久的復仇行動。在此期間,穆爾霍蘭德和費倫神系的祭司們會謀求遏制這場掠奪與破壞,但表現出色的官員們必須提防由 巨蛇衛士the Serpent Guards 執行的大量刺殺行動。
In Unther, the Dark Scaly Ones have proclaimed the day of the first full moon after Midsummer a holy day dedicated to the Queen of Chaos. Known as the Festival of Vengeance, this day marks the defeat of Gilgeam by Tiamat, Nemesis of the Gods. In Unthalass the day is marked by general anarchy, rioting, and widespread mayhem incited by the clergy and the faithful and is punctuated by the consummation of long-simmering acts of revenge. Duringthis time, the priests of the Mulhorandi and Faerûnian pantheons seek to contain the looting and destruction, but prominent officials must beware of the numerous assassination attempts executed by the Serpent Guards.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
鱗之祭壇The Altar of Scales,坐落於被毀的恩瑟拉斯城地下墓穴中,倖免于吉爾伽與龍後之間的衝突對莊嚴的 寶石之城City of Gems 所造成的破壞,而這座神殿就在由此產生的無政府狀態中得以繁盛。在龍後與吉爾伽的交戰之前,提亞馬特教派的領導人是被稱為 龍星女士Lady Dragonstar 的 緹格拉Tiglath。她在神明之戰中消失了,再也沒有出現在人們眼前。而黑鱗之人的 魔龍公主Wyrm Princess 與鱗之祭壇的高階女祭司,蘇妲-阿巴Shudu-Ab,她繼任緹格拉成為龍後在恩瑟的教派的首領。蘇妲-阿巴謀求將女王的疆域擴展到整個恩瑟拉斯(與此同時自己則作為提亞馬特的凡人攝政者),並最終統治恩瑟在其千紀之前巔峰時控制的全部領土。蘇妲-阿巴已經使提亞馬特位於 火樹地Fire-trees 的神殿神職人員就範,並讓大量的中心恩瑟人生活在對她潛行於夜的巨蛇守衛的恐懼之中。與蘇妲-阿巴的謀劃對抗的有穆爾霍蘭德與泛費倫神系的祭職人員(尤其是 安荷Anhur、伊西斯Isis、以及 密絲特拉Mystra 的神職人員)、名為 飛地the Enclave 的恩瑟法師團體、莫塔克城Mourktar 黑色領主的斗篷the Black Lord's Cloak 的 英帕瑟特·卡巴瑞斯·泰爾塔格Imperceptor Kabarrath Telthaug(他為自己謀求權勢)、以及該教派昔日的盟友、半精靈強盜 弗瑞費克斯Furifax(他懷疑蘇妲-阿巴背叛了緹格拉)。
The Altar of Scales, located in the catacombs of ruined Unthalass, survived the destruction of the venerable City of Gems resulting from the conflict between Gilgeam and the Dragon Queen, and the temple has flourished in the resulting anarchy. The leader of Tiamat's cult prior to the Dragon Queen's battle with Gilgeam was Tiglath, known as Lady Dragonstar. She disappeared during the deific conflict and has not been seen since. Shudu-Ab, Wyrm Princess of the Dark Scaly Ones and high priestess of the Altar of Scales, has succeeded Tiglath as the leader of the Dragon Queen's cult in Unther. Shudu-Ab seeks to extend her queen's dominion throughout Unthalass (with herself as Tiamat's mortal regent) and eventually rule over all the lands held by Unther at its height over a millennia ago. Shudu-Ab has already brought the clergy of Tiamat's temple in Fire-trees to heel, and much of central Unther lives in fear of her Serpent Guards who stalk the night. Opposing Shudu-Ab's designs are the Mulhorandi and Faerûnian pantheon's priesthoods (particularly the clergy of Anhur, Isis, and Mystra), the group of Untheric wizards known as the Enclave, Imperceptor Kabarrath Telthaug of the Black Lord's Cloak in Mourktar (who seeks power for himself), and the cult's erstwhile ally the half-elven bandit Furifax, who suspects Shudu-Ab of treachery against Tiglath.
危險堡Castle Perilous,是 「巫王」征異Zhengyi the Witch-King 從前的據點,其廢墟掩蓋了一座位於據點地牢中的隱藏提亞馬特神殿。不朽之後頻頻到訪 女王復生之翼The Wings of the Queen Reborn(這座洞穴狀大教堂的名字),似乎把這當作她遠離故鄉的家。自巫王於 毒蛇之年Year of the Serpent(1359 DR)隕落以來,在這片 瓦薩the Vaasan 荒地的古崖峭壁上,爆炸所遺的瓦礫堆中已聚集起各個顏色的彩色龍。邪惡魔龍的偵察性飛行活動已觸及達瑪拉,為他們女王的復仇做着準備。少量提亞馬特的祭司已開始重建危險堡的許多地下城,預備派遣教徒軍隊進入駐紮。這座神殿的代理人遍佈整個北方,覓求金屬龍的屍體和卵,因為不朽之後要繼續增漲其不死力量,就必須饕餮它們。
The ruins of Castle Perilous, former stronghold of Zhengyi the Witch-King, cloak a hidden temple of Tiamat in the strongholds dungeons. The Wings of the Queen Reborn, as the cavernous cathedral is known, experiences frequent visits from the Undying Queen, who seems to have made it her home away from home. Since the fall of the Witch-King in the Year of the Serpent (1359 DR), chromatic dragons of all hues have been gathering amidst the blasted mound of rubble on a lonely crag in the Vaasan wasteland. Reconnaissance flights of the evil wyrms have been ranging over Damara in preparation for their queen's vengeance. A handful of Tiamat's priests have begun rebuilding many of the dungeons of Castle Perilous in preparation for garrisoning the citadel with an army of cultists. Agents of the temple have ranged throughout the north seeking the corpses and eggs of metallic dragons upon which the Undying Queen must feast if she is to continue to grow in her undead power.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
The Serpent Guards are a fellowship of warriors and crusaders active in Unther and the surrounding lands. Fanatically devoted to the Dragon Queen and her spawn, the Serpent Guards guard the cult's temples, hunt down and kill interlopers who inquire too deeply into the cult's affairs, and carry on a campaign of assassination and theft against individuals and churches who seek to restore order to anarchic Unther.
五刺玫瑰騎士團The Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose 是個從巨蛇守衛隊伍中選拔的高階護教軍組成的精英組織。這些暗黑戰士-祭司致力於毀滅巴哈姆特的孩子金屬龍,他們是整個諸國度善良陣營巨龍的災星。只在過去十年裏,五刺玫瑰騎士團被認為殺死了二十或更多頭金屬龍。為了保存其規章,騎士團在偏遠的城堡保有着一座廣闊的圖書館,其間詳述了該教派在過往千年間,所獲得巨龍傳說的每個殘片。騎士團的指揮官籌劃着,對善龍數個世紀漫長的狩獵、和對每頭龍的巢穴一波又一波的攻擊。這些堅持不懈、看似無窮無盡的攻擊,對費倫巨龍的種群造成了巨大的損失。
The Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose an elite order of high-ranking crusaders drawn from the ranks of the Serpent Guards. Dedicated to the destruction of metallic dragons, the spawn of Bahamut, these dark warrior-priests are the bane of good-aligned dragons throughout the Realms. In the last decade alone, the Knights of the Five-Thorned Rose are believed to have slain a score or more of the metallic wyrms. In keeping with their charter, the Order keeps vast libraries in out-of-the-way citadels that detail every scrap of dragon lore the cult has acquired over the past millennia. Commanders of the Order plan out centuries-long hunts for good-aligned wyrms and waves of assaults against each individual dragon's lair. These persistent, seemingly inexhaustible, assaults are taking a great toll on the population of Faerûn's dragons.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The ceremonial garb of most clergy of Tiamat is a form-fitting body suit of reptile skin, preferably hewn from the hide of a great metallic wyrm, and a gem-encrusted dragon mask depicting the stylized image of one of the great chromatic beasts. Diaphanous, multihued cloaks of woven spider silk are draped over the back to suggest wings. Steel gauntlets, tinted red and painted to resemble dragon's claws, guard the hands. Snakeskin boots complete the ensemble. (This outfit does not carry any inherent AC, but looks quite intimidating.) Priests of Tchazzar dress in jet black scale armor and ornate masks or helms depicting red dragons and bear two-handed swords with saw-bladed edges. Their breast plates or tabards sport the symbol of Tchazzar. For all priests, the symbol of Tiamat is usually worn formed into a piece of jewelry for use as a holy symbol.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
在冒險時,提亞馬特的祭司們偏愛由教派的工匠製作的、風格類似於龍鱗甲的鏈甲或鱗甲,但他們可以根據冒險的情況,穿戴任何類型的盔甲。許多高階祭司揮舞着類似劍的 大蛇之刃serpent blades。這些致命的武器是以祖母綠和鱗片為劍柄和劍刃的長劍。當拔出時,這樣的武器會變成嘶嘶作響、被活化的大蛇,攻擊所有沒有戴 大蛇戒指serpent rings 的活物。大蛇之刃的劍柄的黃銅環用來在不使用時懸掛這柄刃器、在騎戰時用來將劍固定在揮舞者的手腕上、或是用繩子穿過陷阱門,朝着入侵者放死去它。
When adventuring, priests of Tiamat favor chain or scale mail armor fashioned by cult artisans to resemble dragon scales, but they can wear any type of armor, as appropriate to their adventuring situation. Many high-ranking priests wield swordlike serpent blades . These deadly weapons are long swords whose hilts and blades are emerald-green and scaled. When drawn, the blade of each such weapon becomes a hissing, animated snake that strikes all living things except those who wear serpent rings . The pommels of serpent blades are brass rings used to hang the blades when not in use, tie them to the wrist of the wielder for use in mounted battle, or lower them by cords through trap doors onto intruders below.
大蛇之刃Serpent blades:
其製造成本約為9000gp (經驗值價值7500),重量約6磅。它們的尺寸為中型M (通常4呎左右長),擊中造成類型穿刺P/揮砍S的傷害,速率7,對小型或人類體型目標造成1d4+1點傷害,對大型目標造成1d4點傷害。每柄刃的齧咬都會注入毒液,要求毒素豁免。成功豁免意味着受害者遭受3d4點額外傷害,並 緩慢 1d6+1輪,但他們在一天內不會再受到任何大蛇之刃毒液的另一次影響,在此期間對其大蛇之刃只會造成正常傷害。豁免失敗則意味着受害者將在被劍刃擊中後的那輪麻痹,立即遭受20點傷害,並容易進一步遭受毒液襲擊,直到其某次豁免成功。
Serpent blades cost about 9,000 gp to make (xp value 7,500) and weigh about 6 lbs. They are size M (typically 4 feet long or so), inflict Type P/S damage, are Speed Factor 7, and cause 1d4+1 points of damage vs. small or mansized targets and 1d4 points damage vs. large targets. Each blade's bite delivers a venom which requires a saving throw vs. poison. A successful saving throw indicates that victims suffer 3d4 points of additional damage and are slowed for 1d6+1 rounds, but they cannot be affected again by the venom of any serpent blade for a day, during which time a serpent blade does only normal damage. Failure of the saving throw indicates that victims are paralyzead for the round after the blade strikes, suffer an immediate 20 points of damage, and are vulnerable to further venom strikes until a saving throw is successfully made.
大蛇戒指Serpent rings:
Serpent rings are simple brass rings shaped to resemble a snake biting its own tail to form a band. They are worn by most servants of the Dragon Queen in good standing. They function as pass tokens for wards in Tiamat's temples and bear a minor enchantment identifying their wearers to serpentblades, which do not attack them under any circumstances. In addition, serpent rings render the wearer immune to all serpent blade venom and confer a + 1 bonus on all poison and acid saving throws.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(魔龍看護者Wyrmkeepers)
職業需求Requirements:感知Wisdom 14,魅力Charisma 13
關鍵屬性Prime Req.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
武器Weapons:所有鈍擊武器(類型B)All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons,長劍long sword
主修領域Major Spheres:共通All,動物animal,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,預言divination,守衛guardian,守序law,死靈necromantic,保護protection,時間time,結界wards,氣象weather
次要領域Minor Spheres:元素Elemental,治療healing,召喚summoning
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧師Same as clerics
熟練需求Req. Profs:古代歷史Ancient history(恩瑟年代the Ages of Unther),古代語言ancient languages(古魔龍語Auld Wyrmish)
熟練獎勵Bonus Profs:空中騎乘Airborne riding(巨龍dragons),現代語言modern languages(任選一種彩色龍語pick one chromatic draconic tongue)
❖在 動盪之年Time of Troubles(1358 DR)前,只有恩瑟裔人類能成為魔龍看護者;在諸神之戰後,提亞馬特接受任何血統的人類。
❖ Before the Time of Troubles (1358 DR), only humans of Untheric descent can be wyrmkeepers; after the Godswar, Tiamat accepts humans of any lineage.
❖每日1次,魔龍看護者能夠 造成恐懼cause fear(如同1級祭司法術 移除恐懼remove fear 的逆向版本)。
❖ Wyrmkeepers are able to cause fear (as the reversed form of the 1st-level priest spell remove fear) once per day.
❖在第3級,每日1次,魔龍看護者能夠 羽落術feather fall。
❖ At 3rd level, wyrmkeepers are able to feather fall once per day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,魔龍看護者能夠施展 恐懼術fear(如同4級法師法術)或 飛行術fly(如同3級法師法術)。
❖ At 5th level, wyrmkeepers are able to cast fear (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or fly (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖在第7級,每日1次,魔龍看護者能夠施展 龍鱗術dragon scales(如同4級祭司法術)。
❖ At 7th level, wyrmkeepers are able to cast dragon scales (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第10級,魔龍看護者能夠噴吐火焰,猶如他們每天都有1瓶可供其使用的 火焰吐息藥劑potion of fire breath。(見《地下城主指南Dungeon Master Guide》,並且請注意,在當天他們能以任何方式來分配他們那「4小口」進行噴吐:4次小型火焰噴吐、1次小型和1次3倍範圍的、2次2倍範圍的,諸如此類。)
❖ At 10th level, wyrmkeepers are able to breathe flame as if they had a potion of fire breath at their disposal each day. (See the Dungeon Master Guide, and note that they may breathe any combination of up to their virtual 「four small drafts」 during the day:four small fire breaths, a small and a triple-sized, two double-sized, etc.)
❖在第13級,魔龍看護者能選擇免疫一種類型的魔法或非魔法傷害(包括龍息版本):火焰、寒冷、強酸、閃電或毒素 (包括毒氣)。
❖ At 13th level, wyrmkeepers can choose immunity to one type of magical and nonmagical damage (including dragon breath version of it):fire, cold, acid, lightning, or poison (including poisonous gases).
❖ At 16th level, wyrmkeepers are able to summon a young adult dragon to serve them as a mount. The exact species summoned is determined by Tiamat, but typically corresponds to the breed most common to the region. Such wyrms serve until they advance one age bracket, they feel the terms of their service are being abused, or they are slain. Summoned wyrms are free-willed and are by no means under the control of their summoner. They must be placated, bribed, and bargained with repeatedly both prior to and during their service as a steed, as one would expect of an evil dragon. A wyrmkeeper may summon a mount no more than once per decade and only if no wyrm has served the priest in the past three years.
專屬祭司Specialty Priests(魔龍領主Wyrmlairds)
職業需求Requirements:力量Strength 14,感知Wisdom 12
關鍵屬性Prime Req.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
武器Weapons:所有鈍擊武器 (類型B)All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons,長劍long sword,雙手劍two-handed sword
主修領域Major Spheres:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,戰鬥combat,創造creation,預言divination,守衛guardian,治療healing,死靈necromantic,保護protection,時間time,旅者travelers,結界wards
次要領域Minor Spheres:元素Elemental,太陽summoning
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧師Same as clerics
熟練需求Req. Profs:古代歷史Ancient history(闕森塔的城邦戰爭the Wars of the City-States of Chessenta)
熟練獎勵Bonus Profs:空中騎乘Airborne riding(巨龍dragons),本地歷史local history(任選1座闕森塔本地城邦pick a native city-state of Chessenta),古代語言ancient languages(古魔龍語Auld Wyrmish)
❖ Only humans of Chessentan descent can be wyrmlairds.
❖ Wyrmlairds can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no crossover penalty.
❖ Wyrmlairds receive a +4 saving throw bonus vs. fire or magical fire any sort.
❖在第3級,每日1次,魔龍領主能夠 人類定身術hold person(如同2級祭司法術)。
❖ At 3rd level, wyrmlairds are able to hold person (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5級,每日1次,魔龍領主可以施展 暗示術suggestion(如同3級祭司法術)。
❖ Ac 5th level, wyrmlairds may cast suggestion (as the 3rd-level wizard spell) once per day.
❖ At 7th level, wyrmlairds can make three attacks every two rounds.
❖在第10級,魔龍領主能夠噴吐火焰,猶如他們每天都有1瓶由可供其使用的 火焰吐息藥劑potion of fire breath。(見《地下城主指南Dungeon Master Guide》,並且請注意,在當天他們能以任何方式來分配他們那「4小口」進行噴吐:4次小型火焰噴吐、1次小型和1次3倍範圍的、2次2倍範圍的,諸如此類。)
❖At 10th level, wyrmlairds are able to breathe flame as if they had a potion of fire breath at their disposal each day. (See the Dungeon Master Guide, and note that they may breathe any combination of up to their virtual 「four small drafts」 during the day:four small fire breaths, a small and a triple-sized, two double-sized, etc.)
❖ At 13th level, wyrmlairds can make two attacks every round.
❖ At 21st level, wyrmlairds are able to summon a young adult red dragon to serve them as a mount. Such wyrms serve until they advance one age bracket, they feel the terms of their service are being abused, or they are slain. Summoned wyrms are free-willed and are by no means under the control of their summoner. They must be placated, bribed, and bargained with repeatedly both prior to and during their service as a steed, as one would expect of an evil dragon. A wyrmlaird may summon a mount no more than once per decade and only if no wyrm has served the priest in the past three years.
提亞馬特教派法術Tiamatan Spells
1st Level
寶藏嗅覺Treasure Scent
持續時間Duration:1 輪round/level
施法時間Casting Time:4
影響區域Area of Effect:20 呎半徑,隨施法者而移動-foot radius that moves with the caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
This simple spell enables a priest to detect precious metals and gems within a 20-foot radius. The priest can determine the type of metal or gem as well as the total number of individual pieces, whether they be gems, nuggets, or coins, but not the actual value of the treasure by means of this spell.
Although spellcasters cannot immediately divine the location of any treasure detected, they can tell if they are getting closer (「warmer」) or farther (「colder」) from the largest group of unknown items. For example, if a priest were aware of the treasure carried by his companions and himself, he could ignore their carried coins while honing in on a buried chest of gems. Likewise, if a chest of 1,000 copper coins and a chest of 100 gold coins were buried in separate locations in the same room, by means of this spell the priest could find first the copper pieces and then begin to home in on the location of the gold.
When casting this spell, the priest must make repeated sniffing sounds as the verbal component. Tiamat requires that any priest employing this spell sacrifice 20% of any newly located treasure to her within 10 days of its discovery or face her wrath.
4th Level
龍鱗術Dragon Scales
持續時間Duration:1 回合/級turn/level
施法時間Casting Time:7
影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
This spell creates a plating of dragon scales that grow from the priest's epidermis to cover all of the body except the head. The dragon scales give the priest a base AC of 4 or a +2 AC bonus, whichever is better. The spellcaster determines the tint of the dragon scales, but the chosen hue must correspond to that of a chromatic dragon species found in the Realms.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a single dragon scale.
6th Level
龍眠術Sleep of Dragons
施法時間Casting Time:9
影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物One creature
豁免檢定Saving Throw:通過即無效Neg.
通過這道法術,施法者能令某隻生物陷入與巨龍的冬眠類似的沉眠。在處於這種狀態中時,這隻生物不需要進食、飲水或呼吸,老化的速度僅每世紀1年。這種魔法的沉眠只有生物被殺、年老死亡(這通常需要上千年的時間)、或被以巨龍骨骼的碎片 (無論碎片有多小)觸碰,才會終結。 驅散魔法Dispel magic、移除詛咒remove curse,這樣普通的補救辦法是無效的。此外,針對一般 睡眠術sleep 法術的免疫力和魔抗,對龍眠也不會生效。
By means of this spell, the spellcaster causes a being to fall into a deep slumber similar to the hibernating sleep of dragons. While in this state, the being does not require food, drink, or air, and ages only a single year per century. This magical slumber can only be ended if the being is killed, dies of old age (a process that usually takes millennia), or is touched with a fragment of dragon bone, no matter how small. Dispel magic, remove curse, such general remedies do not work. In addition, immunities and magical resistances to the common sleep spell do not work for sleep of dragons.
The recipient of this spell must be touched by the priest. Unwilling targets who have been touched may avoid the effects of this spell if they make a successful saving throw vs. spell modified by their magical defense adjustment for high or low Wisdom.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a thimbleful of dragon's blood.
提亞馬特之嗣Spawn of Tiamat
距離Range:60 碼yards
持續時間Duration:1 回合 + 2 輪/級1 turn+2 rounds/level
施法時間Casting Time:9
影響區域Area of Effect:1 頭巨龍One dragon 或 1 位處於龍形態的人類a person in dragonshape
豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None
通過這道法術,祭司能令任何提亞馬特的後裔(定義為任何彩色龍)在這道魔咒持續時間內長出第二顆腦袋和第二條脖子。第二顆腦袋外觀與原頭相同,能在這頭龍的正常攻擊外,每輪再進行一次齧咬。在進行物理攻擊時,巨龍通常不能使用他們的噴吐武器,但只有在通過這道法術時,巨龍才能用它的第二顆頭使用噴吐武器的同時,讓原始頭和軀體進行物理攻擊或施展法術。然而即便是處於 提亞馬特之嗣 法術效果之下時,巨龍所有頭加起來噴吐總量依然無法超過每3輪1次。第二顆龍頭無智慧且完全在這頭巨龍控制之下。它不能用於使用法術。
By means of this spell, a priest can cause any of Tiamat's spawn (defined as any chromatic dragon) to grow a second head and neck for the duration of the incantation. Identical in appearance to the original head, the second head can bite once per round in addition to the dragon's normal attacks. Dragons cannot normally employ their breath weapon while making physical attacks, but by means of this spell only, a dragon can employ its breath weapon with its second head while attacking physically or casting spells with the original head and body. Even under the effects of a spawn of Tiamat spell, a dragon cannot breathe more than once every three rounds total from both heads. The second head is nonintelligent and completely under the control of the dragon. It cannot be used to cast spells.
第二顆頭和第二條脖子的有着與巨龍剩餘部分形態的AC。在法術持續時間結束,或專門針對它們的攻擊造成了20或更多傷害,額外的頭和脖子都會消失。專門針對它們的傷害不會計入對這頭巨龍的整體傷害,但如果這頭處於 提亞馬特之嗣 效果下的巨龍死亡,它們將會消失。一頭巨龍一次只能從一道 提亞馬特之嗣 法術中獲得增益。
The second head and neck have the same Armor Class as the rest of the dragon. The head and neck both vanish at the end of the spell duration or if 20 or more points of damage are inflicted specifically on them. Damage specifically targeted to the second head and neck does not count toward total damage to the dragon, but if a dragon under the effects of spawn of Tiamat dies, the head and neck disappear. A dragon can only benefit from a single spawn of Tiamat spell at a time.
據傳,提亞馬特在恩瑟的教團在使用這道法術的7級變體——提亞馬特的勒拿之嗣Lernaean spawn of Tiamat——它將 勒拿許德拉Lernaean hydrae 所呈現的特性灌注在第二顆腦袋中。同樣的,請注意:有些本身就崇拜提亞馬特的巨龍據說能夠使用他們的巨龍魔法來施展這道法術的某個版本。
According to legend, the cult of Tiamat in Unther employed a 7th-level variant of this spell, Lernaean spawn of Tiamat, that imbued the second head with the properties exhibited by Lernaean hydrae. Also, note that some dragons themselves who worship Tiamat are reputedly able to cast a version of this spell using their draconic magic.
The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a pair of hydra scales.