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【音   标】TEER
【头   衔】公平者The Even-Handed,严峻之颚Grimjaws,残神the Maimed God,失明大君the Blind Overlord,受创者the Wounded One,正义之神the Just God
【阵   营】LG
【神   力】G→L→Dead→?
【神   职】正义Justice
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】伊尔马特Ilmater托姆Torm洛山达Lathander
【敌   对】马斯克Mask塔洛斯Talos班恩Bane巴尔Bhaal希瑞克Cyric塔洛娜Talona柯兹夫Kezef瓦里甘·瑟德伯恩Valigan Thirdborn
【从   神】伊尔马特Ilmater托姆Torm
【神   仆】伊尔马特Ilmater托姆Torm
【神   国】¢神国1:天堂山Mount Celestia/1th 露尼亚Lunia法庭The Court
¢神国2:约瑟园Ysgard/1th 约瑟园Ysgard阿斯加德Asgard瓦尔哈拉Valhalla
【徽   记】一副平衡的天平,被放置在直立的战锤顶上A balanced set of scales set upon the head of an upright war hammer
【简   介】提尔Tyr,右手被柯兹夫咬断、双目被艾欧戳瞎的正义之神。

2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars

  牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.

  有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.


  (公平者The Even-Handed)
  七层天堂强大神力Greater Power of the Seven Heavens

  无论 提尔Tyr 的祭司去到哪里,无论是在 国度天宇Realmspace 中还是其它天宇,他都会正常地授予他们法术,除非有其祂神明的祭司在场。在后一种情况下,提尔的祭司就像其他圣职者那样受限。(这是因为),如果因祭司身处之处,而限制祭司的法术等级是不公正的;而同样的,如果授予这位祭司的法术比其他神的法术多,也是不对的,这将不能保持神力的平衡。
Mo matter where the priests of Tyr go, whether in Realmspace or in another sphere, he allots them their usually number of spells in all accessible spell levels, unless a priest from another deity is there as well. In that case, the Tyr priest is limited just as the other holy man is. It is not justified to limit the spell levels a priest can use no matter where he may be, but then again, it is not right to award one priest with more spells than another, or else the balance of powers is not kept.

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p169>提尔Tyr


  (公平者The Even-Handed,严峻之颚Grimjaws,残神the Maimed God,失明大君the Blind Overlord,受创者the Wounded One,正义之神the Just God)

  天堂山与约瑟园之强大神力Greater Power of Mount Celestia and Ysgard,

  神国名DOMAIN NAME:露尼亚Lunia法庭The Court约瑟园Ysgard仙宫Asgard
  敌对FOES:马斯克Mask塔洛斯Talos班恩Bane(现已消逝now dead),巴尔Bhaal(现已消逝now dead),希瑞克Cyric塔洛娜Talona
  徽记SYMBOL:一副平衡的天平,被放置在直立的战锤顶上A balanced set of scales set upon the head of an upright war hammer
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN


  在艺术描绘中,提尔Tyr(读作“TEER”)被描述为一位失去右手的高贵战士,这只丧于 “混沌魔犬”柯兹夫Kezef the Chaos Hound 之颚的手证明了他精神的坚韧与强大。近些年来,他也已然失明,这是 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,艾欧Ao 之怒带来的灾祸。提尔的徽记反映了他的天性:正义因仁慈的武力和全副武装武装的警觉得以实现。他反对一切的欺骗、对规则的悖逆、进行了不公正的破坏或罪行的人。据说他是 费伦大陆Faerûn 诸神力中的后来者,他在一千多年前、大部分其祂诸国度神力都已建立了自己的势力之后出现。他的信仰广受欢迎,因为每个人都确切地知道提尔期望自己的信徒们去做什么,每个人都能信任 提尔教徒Tyrrans 是光荣、诚实、正义、公正的!
When he is depicted in religious art, Tyr (TEER) appears as a noble warrior missing his right hand, lost to Kezef the Chaos Hound in proving his resilience and strength of spirit. In recent years, he has been shown blinded as well, a fatality of the wrath of Ao during the Time of Troubles. Tyr's symbol shows his nature: justice through benevolent force and armed vigilance. He opposes all beings who deal in trickery, rule-breaking, and unjust destruction or misdeeds. He is said to be a latecomer among the powers of Faerûn, appearing over a millennium ago but after most other Realms powers had established themselves. His faith is popular, as everyone knows exactly what Tyr expects his faithful to do and everyone can trust Tyrrans to be honorable, honest, just, and righteous.

  对那些非信徒来说,提尔有些高深莫测。他代表了如此严厉的正义,以至于很难辨识出这位神明更微妙的特质。对他的信徒们来说,他的形象是一位勇敢的父亲,不断地为他的追随者们在费伦实现天堂般的状态——他知道这个目标不会在一个不完美的世界来到。在他更深邃的思绪中,他有时会提及自己位于 露尼亚Lunia 的住所 正义之邸the Just House,并且有时候人们能从他身上感到一种奇怪的渴望,希望自己能够在一个完美家庭中那样处理好各种麻烦:带着爱、勇气和知识,每个人都将尽自己最大的努力不背叛自己的伙伴,因为他们所有人都羁绊着一种特殊的共同纽带。不幸的是,他同样知道这永远不会发生,并因此散发出一种严峻而悲伤的暗流。他极力保护自己的祭职者,正因如此,他比其祂许多神力都更有可能以某种形式的显现来帮助他们。
Tyr is rather enigmatic to those outside his faith. He represents such stern justice that it is difficult to see the more subtle qualities of the god. He is a courageous father figure to his faithful and struggles continually to achieve for his followers a paradisiacal state of affairs in Faerûn that he knows will never come in an imperfect world. In his more affectionate moods, he sometimes refers to his abode in Lunia as the Just House, and one senses from him at times an odd sort of longing to want to be able to deal with troubles as one could among a perfect family: with love, courage, and the knowledge that everyone will try their best and not betray their fellows because of a special bond that all share. Unfortunately, he also knows that this will never happen, and so emits an undercurrent of stern sadness for what can never be. He is terribly protective of his priesthood, and because of this, he is more likely to manifest in some form to aid them than many other powers.

  托姆Torm伊尔马特Ilmater 侍奉着提尔,并且这三位神祇有时会被合称为 正义三圣the Triad
Torm and Ilmater serve Tyr, and the three deities are sometimes called the Triad.

The Triad

提尔的化身Tyr's Avatar

  (战士Fighter 38,牧师Cleric 25)

Tyr appears as a fearless, burly, bearded warrior in light armor who is missing his right hand. He does not disguise or bandage the stump and is always armed with a magical long sword or war hammer. His eyes are a fierce steel-gray when he first appears, but always fade away to leave black, empty sockets before he vanishes. His brow is continuously surrounded by an imperial white radiance that marks him as divine to all. He can cast spells from all spheres except the reverse forms of necromantic sphere spells. He casts all spells from the law sphere at triple normal effect in all respects and a -3 penalty to any applicable saving throws.

  防御等级 -5;移动 15;生命值 231;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 5次/2轮 或 2次/1轮
  伤害 1d8+14 或 1d4+13(+3 锋锐长剑+3 战锤,+9 力量,+2 长剑专精奖励)
  魔抗 65%;体型 大型L(10呎)
  力量 22,敏捷 19,体质 21,智力 19,感知 18,魅力 17
  法术 祭司P: 11/11/10/10/9/8/4
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -5; MV 15; HP 231; THACO -10; #AT 5/2 or 2/1
  Dmg 1d8+14 or 1d4+13 (long sword of sharpness +3, war hammer +3, +9 STR, +2 spec. bonus with long sword)
  MR 65%; SZ L (10 feet)
  STR 22, DEX 19, CON 21, INT 19, Wis 18, CHA 17
  Spells P: 11/11/10/10/9/8/4
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  无论对方看上去是个啥,提尔都能辨识出游荡者职业的凡人。随意使用,他还能洞见隐形的物品和人物,知晓阵营know alignment侦测谎言detect lie。他的 +3 锋锐长剑 也附有这3种能力,这柄剑据说由 密斯特拉Mystra 参与制作、并由 艾欧Ao 或是提尔的前任交予他。他的 +3 战锤 对不死生物起着 瓦解硬头锤mace of disruption 的效果。他免疫所有幻术/幻象法术和魔法效果、以及任何种类的 恐惧fear情绪控制 魔法。
Tyr recognizes mortals of the rogue class for what they are on sight. He can also see invisible objects or people, know alignment, and detect lie at will. These three abilities are also possessed by his sword, a long sword of sharpness +3 said to have been dispensed to him by Ao or Tyr's predecessor, who had Mystra assist in its making. His war hammer +3 works as a mace of disruption against undead creatures. He is immune to all illusion/phantasm spells and magical effects and to any sort of fear or emotion-control magic.

其祂显现Other Manifestations
  为了预示他的眷顾或重大事项、决定、或话语,提尔经常显现为一声回响的锣声,并伴随着由不可见的男声唱出、欢腾无言的和弦歌唱。提尔也经常通过一副直立、发光的战锤图景展现他的意志,并以伴随的 心灵感应 效应来展现这位神明的意图与感受。这柄战锤也可移动、指向、击打、发射法术以促进提尔的意志。此外,提尔有时也会以突然出现的、极其顺从、智慧、训练有素的大型战犬行动。
To denote his favor or the occurrence of important deeds, decisions, or utterances, Tyr frequently manifests as the echoing stroke of a gong, accompanied by an exultant wordless chord sung by unseen male voices. Tyr also shows his will through the image of an upright, glowing war hammer accompanied by telekinesis effects that demonstrate the god's intent and feelings. The hammer may also move, point, strike, or emit spells to further the will of Tyr. In addition, Tyr sometimes acts through extremely obedient, intelligent, large, and well-groomed war dogs that appear out of nowhere.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营Clercy/b's Align.:守序善良LG
  驱散不死Turn Undead:专属祭司SP:可Yes
  支配不死Cmno. Undead:专属祭司SP:不可No

  提尔的所有专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All specialty priests of Tyr receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  虽然一些喜欢非黑即白选择的圣武士崇敬着提尔,但他最受那些使整个系统高效运行的官僚、法官、商人欢迎。提尔的信徒们以明确的道德术语看待世界;他们想要看见费伦大陆被彻底荡涤干净,法律的秩序被公正而勤勉的运用。他们对其他世界的观点不太宽容,不觉得模仿、嘲弄、甚至仅仅是关于他们信仰提的问题有什么趣味。提尔在文明世界中生存的很好,他的神殿在大部分大型城市中都有分布。他也在 布拉之岩the Rock of Bral(据传是 塞伦涅之泪Tears of Selûne 小行星群其中一颗小行星)上受到崇拜。
While some paladins preferring a straight black-and-white choice revere Tyr, he is most popular with the bureaucrats, judges, and merchants who make the entire system move efficiently. Worshipers of Tyr see the world in clear-cut moral terms; they like to see Faerûn firmly cleansed and ordered by laws that are evenly and diligently applied. They are not very tolerant of other world views and do not find parody, mockery, or even questions about their faith amusing. Tyr survives very well in the civilized world, and most of his temples are in larger cities. He is also worshiped on the Rock of Bral, rumored to be one of the Tears of Selûne.

  在动荡之年结束后10年之前,提尔并无专属祭司。贤者们的理论认为他不希望自己的神职人员中有人比其他人更受眷顾。最近,提尔的所有牧师都从他们的神明那得到了一道严峻的幻景:幻景中说他看见其祂信仰正用他们从各自神明获赐的特殊恩宠,来嘲笑正义的艰难之路,而提尔教派的教会已经崇高地服务于了这条道路,并勇敢地与这种困难作斗争。作为他们在这种情况下保持坚毅的奖励,提尔宣称,从今往后,提尔的所有神职人员都将得到提尔援助给他们的特殊力量来协助他们施行正义。在 1369 DR 的 月宴节Feast of the Moon 后,提尔的所有祭司都成为了专属祭司。
Tyr had no specialty priests for over 10 years after the Time of Troubles. Sages theorize that he wished to favor none of his clergy members over the others. Recently, all clerics of Tyr received a stern vision from their god in which he stated that he had seen that other faiths were mocking the hard way of justice with theit divinely granted special favors and that the Tyrran church had served nobly and struggled valiantly against the weight of such odds. In reward for their perseverance under such conditions, Tyr declared that henceforth all clergy of Tyr would have special powers to aid them in their enforcement of justice. All priests of Tyr are therefore specialty priests after the Feast of the Moon in 1369 DR.

  提尔的教会是一群高度组织化、正式化的祭职者,他们维持着内部规则与神殿防御系统。在提尔教派神殿中,信徒们可以得到住宿、新坐骑、治疗、法术援助、武器、工具和神圣的建议。如果某位信徒或祭司知晓某人曾为 正义之人the Just One 服务过,为对方提供告解和忏悔也是可能的。依升序,近些年来神职人员们使用的头衔如下:法律侍僧Acolyte of Laws,庄严兄弟/姐妹Solemn Brother/Sister,法律维护者Lawkeeper,提尔之剑Sword of Tyr,提尔之锤Hammer of Tyr,警惕的看守人Vigilant Watcher,正义队长Just Captain,复仇者Avenger,复仇大师Master Avenger,修道长Abbot,高阶修道长领主High Lord Abbot,高阶复仇者High Avenger,骑士指挥官Knight Commander,锤之领主Hammer Lord,正义捍卫者Defender of Justice,以及 平衡的维护者Keeper of the Balance。因为这群祭职者受到严格监管,所以特立独行的头衔非常少。
The Church of Tyr is a highly organized, formal priesthood that maintains internal rules and a system of fortified temples. At Tyrran temples, the faithful can find lodging, fresh mounts, healing, spell aid, weapons, gear, and holy advice. If a worshiper or priest knows that she or he has stinted in service to the Just One, confession and penance are also available. Level titles used by the clergy in recent years, in order of ascending rank, are: Acolyte of Laws, Solemn Brother/Sister, Lawkeeper, Sword of Tyr, Hammer of Tyr, Vigilant Watcher, Just Captain, Avenger, Master Avenger, Abbot, High Lord Abbot, High Avenger, Knight Commander, Hammer Lord, Defender of Justice, and Keeper of the Balance. Maverick titles ate few indeed, as this is a closely regulated priesthood.


Novices of Tyr are charged to: "Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions." Tyr and his followers are devoted to the cause of justice, to the righting of wrongs and the deliverance of just vengeance. This is not necessarily equality or fairness, as some make the maimed god out to represent, but rather the discovery of truth and the punishment of the guilty. Tyrrans tend to be stiff-necked about theology and to see matters in black and white terms.

Clergy of Tyr are sworn to uphold the law wherever they go, and to punish those wronged under the law. They are to keep complete records of their own rulings, deeds, and decisions. Through these records, a priest's errors can be corrected, his or her grasp of the laws of all lands can grow and flourish, and lawbreakers can be identified by others. No known in justice done by a Tyrran priest must go unbalanced. Priests of Tyr should also always be vigilant in their observations and anticipations, seeking to see what forces and which beings intend or will cause injustices and threaten law and order in the future. They should then act to prevent such challenges to justice in coming to pass. In short: Abide by the laws, and let no others break them. Mete out punishment where lawbreaking occurs.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  提尔的祭司在荒野地区担任法官、陪审员与刽子手,在那里没有法律只有刀剑。当他们执法时,他们的法典坚持的公平近似于“以眼还眼,以牙还牙an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”,但坚持着“无知的慈悲the mercy of ignorance”发酵形成的共同贸易惯例。后面半段的意思是,如果某人的的确确不知道什么是正确的行为,那么可以在进行警告和对本地法律的解释后,对轻微的违法行为给予一次宽宥——警告纪录将记录在祭司的 授律书Book of Lawgiving 众,以便日后分发给其他提尔教徒,因此这位犯过事的人可不会被原谅第二次。在文明地区,提尔教徒(不可避免地会被不信者背后呼作“暴君”)将成为法律专家并充任在费伦大陆的审判中为被告提供建议和“发言”的律师。他们收取的费用将流向 提尔教会the Church of Tyr。
Priests of Tyr serve as judge, jury, and executioner in wilderness areas where there is no law but that of the sword. When doing so, their code cleaves fairly close to "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," but does adhere to common trade custom leavened by "the mercy of ignorance." This last means that if a being is truly ignorant of the proper behavior, minor transgressions can be forgiven once with a warning, an explanation of the proper law—and a record of the warning being written down in the priest's Book of Lawgiving for later distribution to other Tyrrans so that the particular being will not be forgiven a second time. In civilized areas, Tyrrans (inevitably called "tyrants" behind their backs by nonbelievers) become legal experts and serve as the lawyers of Faerûn by dispensing advice and "speaking for" accused persons in trials. The fees they charge go to the Church of Tyr.

Tyrrans often go about lecturing othets on their shortcomings as to following laws, rules, and regulations, but they also serve to fearlessly take complaints about such formalities to the authorities who make such rules. No Tyrran will enforce a law that contradicts other laws or can be shown to be unjust. Note the concern is not that it is unfair, but unjust—defined in the Tyrran church as out of compliance with the principles and definitions adhered to by other laws in the body of legal doctrine of which it is a part. Priests of Tyr also have the duty of delivering just vengeance as punishment on the part of those who cannot do it themselves. Tyrrans undertake formal missions to do this, making promises to those to be avenged and forcing open confrontations with those the vengeance is to be visited upon, rather than working behind the scenes or employing intrigue.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  提尔的祭职者以月度为周期举行高级仪式,在每月初第一天举行 目睹正义典礼Seeing Justice 为发轫,每月第13天则为 致残仪式the Maiming,每月第22天为 致盲仪式the Blinding。这些主要仪式包括吟诵祷告、对这位神明高颂赞美诗、以及咒唤幻象:一柄发出耀眼白光的巨大战锤,悬挂于参与目睹正义典礼的会众上方;在致残仪式上,一只巨大的右手突然出现在会众头顶上方,周围环绕着一圈燃烧的鲜血,然后跌落到黑暗中、消失在视线之外;在致盲仪式上,一双燃烧的眼睛迸出泪水的喷泉,直至泪水溢尽、消失无踪。在致盲仪式的前段,神职人员将把以透明锦锻制成的象征性眼罩绑在主祭的眼上,以此提醒信众们提尔的失明。
The priesthood of Tyr follows a monthly cycle of high rituals, beginning with Seeing Justice on the first day of each month, the Maiming on the thirteenth day of the month, and the Blinding on the twenty-second day of each month. These major rituals involve chanted prayers, thunderously sung hymns to the god, and conjured illusions: a gigantic war hammer that glows blinding white hanging over the heads of the congregation at Seeing Justice; at the Maiming, a gigantic right hand that bursts into view above the congregation surrounded by a nimbus of burning blood, then tumbles away into darkness and fades from view; and two eyes that burst into fountains of flaming tears until they have entirely spilled away and are gone at the Blinding. Early in the cetemony of the Blinding, symbolic blindfolds of diaphanous damask are bound over the eyes of the celebtants by clergy to remind the worshipers of Tyr's blindness.

  除了这些高阶仪式外,提尔教徒还会举行向这位神明祈祷的日常仪式,其形式为一首歌唱祷词、一系列由资深牧师带领的应答性祈祷、一段来自 提尔圣裁the Sacred Judgments of Tyr 的短训诫或智慧阅览、以及一首在结束时的激昂赞美诗。在供奉这位神明的神殿与修道院中,这样的仪式夜以继日地每2小时就会举行一次,而最重要的部门将在黎明、正阳(正午)、6点左右、9点左右举行一次。黎明时分的 唤醒仪式The Awakening 是一场温和、振奋人心的信仰重申。正午的仪式 正阳之锤the Hammer at Highsun 是教会警卫与军事力量激动人心、欢欣鼓舞的表达。至于晚宴仪式 至高正义High Justice 则是对提尔戒律和教会宗旨严肃而自豪的庆祝。晚间仪式 正义烈士纪念典礼the Remembrance of the Just Fallen 则是一场对那些为正义而献出了生命、无论他是否是提尔的信徒的令人难忘、轻声吟唱的敬礼,这是一场尊重与尊敬的安静仪式,总是有许多目击者、甚至是那些并未追随提尔的人、也将泪如雨下。
In addition to the high rituals, Tyrrans celebrate daily rituals of prayer to the god, which take the form of a sung invocation, a series of responsive prayers led by a senior cleric, a short sermon of instruction or reading of wisdom from the Sacred Judgments of Tyr, and a rousing closing anthem. In temples and abbeys dedicated to the god, such rituals are celebrated every two hours around the clock, with the most important offices taking place at dawn, highsun (noon), the equivalent of six o'clock, and the equivalent of nine o'clock. The dawn ritual, The Awakening, is a gentle, uplifting renewal of faith. The noonday ritual, the Hammer at Highsun, is a stirring, exultant expression of the church's vigilance and martial might. The evenfeast ritual, High Justice, is a stern, proud celebration of Tyr's commandments and the church's purpose. The evening ritual, the Remembrance of the Just Fallen, is a haunting, softly chanted reverence for those who have laid down their lives for justice, both inside and outside the faith—a ritual of quiet dignity and respect that always leaves many witnesses, even those who do not follow Tyr, in tears.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  位于 泰瑟尔王国Tethyr 境内、扎泽司泊城Zazesspur 以南的 忠诚要塞The Fortress Faithful 可能是提尔目前最重要的神殿,因为正义之神的神职人员正聚集在此处帮助饱受战争蹂躏的泰瑟尔重建法律与秩序。他们从要塞修道院中派出了大批全副武装的巡逻队。
The Fortress Faithful in Tethyr, south of Zazesspur, is probably the most important temple of Tyr at the moment, as clergy of the Just God are converging on it to help restore law and order to war-torn Tethyr. They work in large, well-armed patrols sent out of the castle-abbey.

  然而,在等级制度井然有序的提尔教会中更神圣、更古老、更至高无上的则是位于 塞斯克Thesk 的 米尔瓦鲁内的提尔之手之邸the House of Tyr's Hand in Milvarune。它是 正义骑士团the Just Knights 的家园,这群重骑兵闪耀的盔甲和放低的长枪是许多入侵的 塞尔Thay 士兵目睹的最后一幅画面。因他们多年来对塞尔人军队的有效回击,有些贤者将这支优秀的军队称为“欣布最不可能的盟友the Simbul's least likely yet staunchest allies”。
More holy, older, and supreme in the well-ordered hierarchy of the church of Tyr, however, is the House of Tyr's Hand in Milvarune, in Thesk. The House is the home of the Just Knights, heavy cavalry whose gleaming armor and lowered lances are the last sights many an invading warrior of Thay has seen. Some sages have called this superb army "the Simbul's least likely yet staunchest allies" because of their efficiency in hurling back Thayan armies over the years.

  另外值得注意的是,有一座位于 国度天宇Realmspace 内的著名提尔教派神殿并不在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 表面。提尔教派的教会在 布拉星Bral塞伦涅之泪the Tears of Selûne 之一)上名为 提尔的泛神神殿the Pantheist Temple of Tyr。它的神职人员和仪式符合托瑞尔人信仰的标准,但它的祭司在将提尔作为正义之神信仰的同时,也将他作为战士之神崇拜。他们认为提尔是所有善良阵营战士的守护神。提尔的泛神神殿祭司们承认任何守序善良阵营的正义或战争之神为他们神明的化身,并且经常能在那些提尔之名未见其闻的晶壁系中得授法术。作为一位正义之神,提尔的信仰在被称为海盗天堂的布拉星并不很受欢迎。神殿的祭司们觉得有义务在他们揭露他们发现的犯罪和不公,并导致了几次小规模的圣战。提尔的祭司们和来自任何晶壁系的守序善良战士们都在泛神神殿受到了热烈欢迎,虽然他们很难适应这里提倡的“提尔”在不同地方有不同的名字。
Also of note is the one known Tyrran temple in Realmspace not on the surface of Abeir-Toril. The Tyrran church on Bral (one of the Tears of Selûne) is known as the Pantheist Temple of Tyr. Its clergy and ceremonies conform to the standards of the Torilian faith, but its priests worship Tyr as a warrior god as well one of justice. They consider Tyr the patron of all good warriors. Pantheistic priests of Tyr recognize any lawful good deity of justice or war as an avatar of their deity and often gain access to spells in many crystal spheres that do not know Tyr by that name. As a deity of justice, Tyr is not very popular in Bral, which is known as a pirate haven. The priests of the temple feel obligated to take on crime and injustice wherever they find it, and this has led to several small, crusading wars. Priests of Tyr and lawful good warriors from any crystal sphere find a warm welcome at the Pantheist Temple of Tyr, although they may have a hard time adjusting to the idea promoted here that Tyr goes by different names in different places.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  提尔的教会有许多从属的骑士团组织。各个神殿通常有依附于它们或受它们赞助的特殊组织或队伍,例如上文提到的米尔瓦鲁内的提尔之手之邸的正义骑士团。有两支受到教会赞助的圣武士组织,分别为 神圣审判骑士团the Knights of Holy Judgment 和 慈悲之剑骑士团the Knights of the Merciful Sword。第一个组织倾向于吸纳那些强调“守序”的人,后一个则倾向于“善良”。两个组织中的骑士都可以加入一支名为 严厉之颚的铁锤the Hammers of Grimjaws 的精英圣武士组织(由7级或更高等级组成)。
The church of Tyr has many affiliated knightly orders. Individual temples often have special orders or companies attached to them or supported by them, such as the Just Knights of the House of Tyr's Hand in Milvarune, mentioned above. Two church-sponsored orders of paladins are the Knights of Holy Judgment and the Knights of the Merciful Sword. The first order tends to attract those who emphasize the "lawful" in their alignment, and the second the "good." Knights from either order may join an elite order of paladins (of 7th or greater experience level) known as the Hammers of Grimjaws.

To join the Hammers, a paladin must be nominated by a member of the Hammers, and his or her nomination must be seconded by a senior priest of Tyr. If both these requirements are met, she or he must stand vigil in the holy sanctuary of a temple of Tyr all night. If the paladin is judged worthy by Tyr, Tyr sends the paladin a vision of his war hammer. If no vision appears, the paladin is deemed yet too inexperienced, but not a failure, and may be nominated again after some time has passed. If Tyr sends a vision of his sword, the paladin has knowingly or unknowingly failed Tyr in some way and must immediately complete a quest to atone. If the quest is completed, Tyr is pleased and forgives, and the knight is admitted into the Hammers. There is no quitting a quest under these conditions; either the paladin succeeds or dies trying.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

The vestments of Tyr are blue and purple robes with a white sash. A white glove or gauntlet is worn on the left hand and a black one on the right to symbolize the loss of the god's right hand.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

For everyday use, most priests of Tyr wear armor or practical clothing adorned on the shoulders and back with the symbol of the hammer and scales of Tyr.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(圣裁者Holyjustices)【译者:五杀小乌龟】

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 9,感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,感知Wisdom
  武器WEAPONS:全部钝击武器All bludgeoning weapons,长剑long sword,重剑bastard sword
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,战斗combat,创造creation,预言divination,守卫guardian,治疗healing,守序law,死灵necromantic,保护protection,召唤summoning,太阳sun,结界wards,战争war
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:元素Elemental
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:礼仪Etiquette
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:本地历史Local history,古代史ancient history(根据其故乡of their native land)

  ❖ Holy justices know the laws and legal codes of the land they live in and the land they were raised in (which may be two different lands). They automatically know all commonly known and uncommonly known information within that body of law and its attendant procedures. If asked to call to mind an incredibly obscure point of the law of their homeland or native land, they may make an ability check against their Wisdom or Intelligence, whichever is higher, to recall the point in question. They must make a similar ability check to know the common laws of other lands; to recall the uncommon legal practices or obscure legal points of order of foreign lands, this ability check is at a —3 penalty or a -6 penalty, respectively.

  ❖ Saving throws against spells or spell-like abilities from the law sphere cast by a holy justice are made at a -2 penalty.

  ❖每日1次,圣裁者可以施展 人类定身术hold person(如同2环牧师法术)。
  ❖ Holy justices are able to hold person (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在3级,每日1次,圣裁者可施放 一人之力strength of one(如同3环牧师法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, holy justices are able to cast strength of one (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在5级,每3天1次,圣裁者可以施展 阅读记忆memory read(如同3环牧师法术);此外每旬1次,他们还可使用 令行禁止impeding permission(如同5环牧师法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, holy justices are able to memory read (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once every three days and impose the need for impeding permission (as the 5th-level priest spell) on another once a tenday.

  ❖在7级,随意使用,圣裁者可以 侦测谎言detect lie(如同4环牧师法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, holy justices are able to detect lie (as the 4th-level priest spell) at will.

  At 7th level, holy justices can make three melee attacks every two rounds.

  ❖在10级,每日1次,圣裁者可以强加 法制思想legal thought(如同6环牧师法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, holy justices are able to impose legal thoughts (as the 6th-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在10级,每日1次,圣裁者可以说出 圣言holy word(如同7环牧师法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, holy justices are able to speak a holy word (as the 7th-level priest spell) once a day.

  ❖在12级,随意使用,圣裁者可以 侦测隐形detect invisibility(如同2环法师法术)。
  ❖ At 12th level, holy justices are able to detect invisibility (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) at will.

  ❖ At 13th level, holy justices can make two melee attacks per round.

提尔教派法术Tyrran Spells

2nd Level



  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者的右手The caster's right hand
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术将把这位祭司的右手变为一对强有力的狼颚,以纪念 提尔Tyr 丧于类狼巨怪 “混沌魔犬”柯兹夫Kezef the Chaos Hound 的右手。这些狼颚将对所有成功命中的生物造成2d4点伤害。这道法术允许施法者每轮以狼颚攻击2次,并在法术生效期间在以狼颚或另一件武器进行的所有攻击骰上获得+1奖励。狼颚术 法术将在其施法者尝试施展另一道法术时消失,不过这位祭司可以在用左手挥舞武器或触发魔法物品的同时使用 狼颚术,因此在不影响法术的情况下,他仍然可以获得正常的多次攻击。
This spell turns the priest's right hand into a pair of powerful wolflike jaws in memory of the way that Tyr lost his right hand to the monstrous wolf-like being Kezef the Chaos Hound. These jaws deal 2d4 points of damage to all opponents the priest successfully attacks with them. The spell allows the caster to strike with the jaws twice per round and to gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls with the jaws or another weapon while the spell is in effect. A wolfjaws spell vanishes if its caster attempts any other spellcasting, but a priest can wield a weapon or trigger a magical item in his or her left hand and use a wolfjaws, thus gaining multiple attacks normally denied to him or her without affecting the spell in any way.

  施法者可随意立即终结 狼颚术。当法术在意这种方式提前结束时,施法者还能法术移除掉 狼颚术 最后一口造成的伤害,这位祭司可以用此能力与受伤的敌人讨价还价,或是纠正对盟友的错误攻击。当 狼颚术 处于效果中时,它将使身份证完全免疫所有地方的魔法或灵能 变形shape change 和定身效果。
The caster can end a wolfjaws instantly at will. When the spell ends early in this manner, the caster can also spell remove the damage dealt by the last bite of the wolfjaws, an ability that the priest can use to bargain with a wounded foe or to correct cases where an ally has mistakenly been attacked by the priest. While wolfjaws is in effect, it provides its caster with complete immunity to all hostile magical or psionic shape change and hold effects.

The material component for this spell is a bit of wolf fur or a tooth from any type of mammal.

5th Level

正义之锤Hammer of Justice


  距离Range:5 码/级yards/level
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术是 侦测谎言detect lie 法术的改良变种,将创造一道直立战锤的发光幻象,它通常是钢灰色的,但在说真话时将变成白色、说假话时变成黑色、并在唬骗的短句被说出时变得一片血红。它无法以任何已知方式说谎。因提尔的神力,这道法术标明了绝对的真理。如果被问询者以自己相信为真的谎言回答,锤子的颜色仍然将标识出这个谎言(反之亦然)。
This improved variant of a detect lie spell creates a glowing illusion of an upright war hammer, which is normally steel-gray in hue, but blazes white when truth is spoken, black when lies are told, and blood-red when true but deceiving phrases are uttered. It cannot be made to lie by any known means. By the power of Tyr, this spell indicates absolute truth. If a questioned being answers with a lie that the being believes to be the truth, a lie is still indicated by the hammer hue (and vice versa).

The illusionary hammer appears wherever the caster desires (within range), and thereafter moves to maintain the same distance from and orientation to the caster. The spell range refers to both how distant the hammer can initially be from the priest and how far from the hammer any questioned being can be for its truth-indicating ability to function. If someone questioned is out of range, the hammer grows dim, but the spell does not end. The caster can ask questions of any number of beings one at a time, and the telltale hammer is bright and visible to all.

  即便是施法者本人也无法让这柄在法术失效前消失。幻象之锤无法被任何已知的魔法或物理攻击触碰或扰乱。虽然6级或更高等级的魔法屏障可以将它阻挡在特定区域之外,但没有任何已知手段能摧毁它。驱散魔法Dispel magic正义之锤 无效。当法术结束时,战锤将变暗,在完全消失前看上去将向下坠落。
The hammer cannot be made to disappear before the spell expires even by its caster. The illusory hammer cannot be contacted or disturbed by any known magical or physical attack. Though magical barriers of 6th or greater level can ward it away from a given area, there is no known means of destroying it. Dispel magic has no effect on a hammer of justice. When the spell does end, the hammer goes dark and seems to fall before it fades away entirely.

  这道法术的材料成分是一只以钻石、黑曜石、象牙、玻璃或其它纯净、单一色调、黑色、白色或红色的无生命物质塑成的迷你战锤(成本因材料的不同而不同,但平均价格为25 金币)。
The material component for the spell is a miniature war hammer fashioned from diamond, obsidian, ivory, glass, or another pure, single-hued, black, white, or red, nonliving substance (cost varies with materials, but average is 25 gp).

6th Level

剑与锤Sword and Hammer


  距离Range:10 码/级yards/level
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:9
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  这道法术将创造一对正常尺寸2倍的阴影剑和阴影战锤。这些被活化的魔法构造物并非有形的物品。它们将以施法者为中心在法术范围内飞行,移动速度 30呎(A),每轮以零级命中值 4 击打由施法者以精神选择的一只生物或物品1次。两件武器可以攻击同一目标,也可以分别攻击一个目标。它们也可以根据施法者的意愿随时更改目标。如果它们击中了相同的目标,则对方没有豁免机会来避免它们造成伤害,如果只有一件武器击中,则可进行对抗法术豁免检定来使遭受的伤害减半。
This spell creates a shadowy sword and war hammer of twice normal size. These are animated magical constructs rather than tangible items. They fly about within the spell range, which is centered on the caster, at MV 30 (A), striking once per round at THACO 4 at a being or object mentally chosen by the caster. The two weapons can attack the same target or each strike at a separate target. They can change targets as often as the caster desires. The sword inflicts 4d4 points damage, and the hammer deals 2d4 points. If they both attack the same target, there is no saving throw to avoid the damage they inflict, but a creature facing only one of the spell weapons is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to suffer only half damage.

The weapons are considered sufficiently enchanted to hit any sort of foe (such as those hit only by weapons of +3 enchantment). They automatically continue to attack the same target they did on the previous round if the caster is slain, departs, or turns his or her attention to other spellcasting. (When such a spell is finished being cast, the caster may return his or her attention to the sword and hammer and reassign them to other targets if desired.)

  由 剑与锤 创造的构造物的攻击将是无声、非金属、不会被幻术愚弄、并且不能被施法者外任何人以魔法控制的。在法术失效时,它们将瞬间消失,如果施法者希望法术结束,它们将提前消失。
The magical constructs created by sword and hammer strike silently, are nonmetallic, cannot be fooled by illusions, and cannot be magically controlled by anyone other than the caster. They vanish in a twinkling of lights when the spell expires or earlier if the caster wills the spell to end.

7th Level

重焕青春的辉煌Resplendence of Renewed Youth


  持续时间Duration:1 年year
  施法时间Casting Time:1 小时hour
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物One creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell allows a creature to tap into its spiritual strength in order to bring its body back to the peak strength of youth for one year. In a human, this would mean that the affected body would return to the shape it had when the recipient was around 25 years of age. Recipients of this spell lose all the negative aspects of old age, such as lost hit points, levels, or ability score points, and so on, as well as gaining immunity to all diseases for the duration of the spell only.

  这道法术只在对那些在一生中表现出过非凡的智慧与虔诚的人,并且他们现在有一项超凡的关注点且目前的身体状况使得他们无法完成的事情上时,才会生效。因此,在尝试这道法术前,强制要求施展一道 使命术quest spell。而放弃这项使命意味着放弃 重焕青春的辉煌 法术的全部增益。
This spell functions only on characters who have shown exceptional wisdom and piety during their lives, and then only if they have an exceptional focus that their current condition prevents them from completing. Casting a quest spell is thus mandatory before attempting this spell. Dropping this quest means forfeiting all advantages of the resplendence spell.

Characters can benefit from this spell only once in a lifetime. When the spell expires, the recipient's body returns to the state it would have normally for its years. The spell heavily drains the body of the recipient, and so adds an additional 1d10+3 years to the recipient's true age when it expires.

  这道法术是提尔教会的奥秘之一,只有在情况危急需要一位伟大英雄的帮助时才会使用。传言说 淑妮Sune 教会已多次尝试学习这道法术的秘密。
This spell is one of the secrets of the church of Tyr and is used sparingly, only when it needs the help of a great hero in dire circumstances. It is rumored that the church of Sune has many times tried to learn the secret of this spell.
