斡迈的橡子Acorn of Wo Mai | |
基本信息 | |
【等 级】 | 神器Artifact |
【物品 类型】 | 奇物 |
角色关系 | |
【战 役】 | SP/Kara-Tur |
【创 作 者】 | 斡迈Wo Mai |
【简 介】 | “魔封波!”——武泰斗 斡迈是卡拉-图历史上最著名的冒险者之一,他是福农的后裔、大乱世漆黑轮回时代的终结者,他最伟大的冒险是找回了传国玉玺,建立了高朝,重新统一了受龙帝国。 |
2e<Book_of_Artifacts.p011>斡迈的橡子Acorn of Wo Mai
斡迈的橡子Acorn of Wo Mai
斡迈的橡子Acorn of Wo Mai 是座庞大的铅灰色铅制器皿。就像它名字所暗示的那样,它被制作成了一颗至少有3呎高的巨大 橡子Acorn。两条刻有奥术文字的金色带子从上到下环绕着它,在一副大印封下交汇,印封之上是一条盘绕在一柄剑上的龙。尽管它看上去沉重异常,但一位强壮的人可以轻松地携带它。它有时候会发出砰砰声,触感温暖。
The Acorn of Wo Mai is a large lead vessel, dull gray in color. As its name suggests, it is fashioned to look like an enormous Acorn, almost three feet in height. Two golden bands, inscribed with arcane characters, encircle it from bottom to top, where they meet under a large seal of a dragon coiled around a sword. Although it appears to be tremendously heavy, the artifact can be carried by a strong individual with ease. It sometimes makes faint thumping noises, and is warm to the touch.
根据远东的古老传说,斡迈的橡子 是一只强大邪魔的监狱,它曾一度暴虐地统治着东土边缘的一个伟大帝国。这只邪魔由战法师召唤,但它逃脱了它们的控制。听闻了这只邪魔的残忍行径,伟大的 斡迈Wo Mai 向它发起了挑战。他们打了很长的时间,这只邪魔信心满满,因为它的生命力量被隐藏在了很远的地方,因此无法被杀死。当斡迈发现了这点时,他用无法切断的铁链锁住了这只邪魔。接下来,他和他的同伴们创造了 斡迈的橡子 将邪魔囚禁其中,并将这份战利品带回了朝廷。当宫廷遭野蛮人入侵时,斡迈的橡子 失传了。
According to ancient eastern legend, the Acorn of Wo Mai is the prison of a powerful fiend who once ruled and terrorized a great empire at the edges of the eastern lands. The fiend was summoned by war-wizards but escaped their control. Hearing of this fiend's cruelties, the great Wo Mai challenged it to battle. They fought long, the fiend confident, for its life force was hidden far away, and it could not be slain. When Wo Mai discovered this, he bound the fiend in irons that it could not break. Next, he and his companions shaped the Acorn, imprisoned the fiend inside, and brought the prize back to the imperial court. When the court fell to barbarian invaders, the Acorn was lost.
[译注:-240 DR 囚剑之年Year Of Enslaved Swords:铜魔特若斯Copper Demon of Tros 的统治结束,他曾将 受龙帝国Shou Lung 西部国土的大片区域置于自己的奴役之下长达八年之久,并以一种残忍的手段统治着这些土地。这只野兽被 七杰the Seven Heroes 与 七非人the Seven Nonmen 所杀。据信,斡迈Wo Mai[-265, -225]也是这些英雄中的一员。其中,困住怪物使用的铁链是神器 鲍的象牙链Ivory Chain of Pao(即捆仙索)]
战役使用Campaign Use
斡迈的橡子 如果被允许落入玩家角色手中,那么最好就这么干,因为它的力量(与诅咒)将创造许多角色扮演的机会。玩家可以将 斡迈的橡子 作为宝藏的一部分,或是从被恶魔控制的另外之人手中夺得。这只邪魔会引诱玩家角色来帮助它,并一再强调保密的重要性。如果它成功了,邪魔将操纵角色、乃至整个团队来释放它。如果任何玩家表示反对,这只邪魔将尽最大的可能让其他人反对它的这个敌人。
The Acorn is best used if allowed to fall into the hands of the player characters, since its powers (and curse) will create many role-playing opportunities. The PCs could find the Acorn as part of a treasure trove, or wrest it from another whom the fiend has gained control of. The fiend will seek to seduce a player character to his aid, all the time stressing the need for secrecy. Should he be successful, the fiend will manipulate the character and even the entire party into freeing it. Should any player character oppose this, the fiend will do its best to turn the others against its enemy.
为了摆脱这件神器,玩家应该找到一些方法来隐藏 斡迈的橡子,最好是永久隐藏。或者,他们可以将它带到 下层位面the lower planes 并打开它,从而将这只邪魔困在它自己的位面上。
To rid themselves of this artifact, the player characters should find some way to hide the Acorn away, preferably forever. Alternatively, they could carry it to the lower planes and open it, trapping the fiend in his own plane.
祈唤。斡迈的橡子 中的邪魔会提供良好的建议(智力20),通过心灵感应向主人提出的任何问题提供答案。每日1次,它还将授予 变形万物polymorph any object 的能力。
Invoked. The fiend within the Acorn provides good advice (Int 20), telepathically providing answers to questions posed by its owner. It also grants the ability to polymorph any object (1/day).
随机。从 表格26:次级类法术能力 中选择3项。
Random. 3 from Table 26: Minor Spell-like Powers.
诅咒。被困在 斡迈的橡子 中的邪魔是位邪恶的半神,它无比渴望得到释放。它能感知到周围的环境,特别是附近生物的生命力,并它会利用它的力量(和建议)说服主人将它从监狱里释放出来。当然,一旦被释放,它就将用死亡来报答它的前任主人。
Curse. The fiend trapped within the Acorn is an evil demi-god and craves its release more than anything else. It is aware of its surroundings, particularly the life forces of creatures nearby, and will use its powers (and advice) to persuade its owner to free it from its prison. Once freed, of course, it will reward its former master with death.
表格Table 26:次级类法术能力Minor Spell-like Powers
This table contains all of the minor powers that accompany many artifacts. All of these powers function as the spells of the same names and only work when the artifact is pointed at or touched to the target or area of effect. The artifact can:
投骰结果Die Roll 力量Power
1 每日5次,施展 加速愈合accelerate healing
2-3 每日7次,施展 虚幻之音audible glamer
4-5 每日7次,施展 祝福术bless
6-7 每日5次,施展 燃烧之手burning hands
8 每日5次,施展 信仰呼唤call upon faith
9-10 每日5次,施展 呼唤林地生物call woodland beings
11 每日5次,施展 平息混沌calm chaos
12-13 每日5次,施展 寒冻之触chill touch
14-15 每日5次,施展 七彩喷射color spray
16 每日3次,施展 疫病术contagion
17-18 每日3次,施展 恒久之暗continual darkness
19-20 每日3次,施展 恒久之光continual light
21-22 每日5次,施展 控制温度,10英尺半径control temperature, 10' radius(
23-24 每日5次,施展 创造饮食create food and water
25-26 每日5次,施展 诅咒术curse
27-28 每日5次,施展 舞光术dancing lights
29 每日3次,施展 黑暗术,15英尺半径darkness, 15' radius
30 每日3次,施展 驱散魔法dispel magic
31 每日5次,施展 沙尘魔dust devil
32-33 每日3次,施展 变巨术enlarge
34 每日5次,施展 注目术enthrall
35-36 每日3次,施展 艾伐的黑触手Evard's black tentacles
38-39 每日5次,施展 妖火faerie fire
40 每日3次,施展 恐惧术fear
41 每日5次,施展 火焰净化fire purge
42-43 每日6次,施展 火焰箭flame arrow
44-45 每日5次,施展 炽焰法球flaming sphere
46 每日3次,施展 凝视反射gaze reflection
47-48 每日3次,施展 护卫雕纹glyph of warding
49-50 每日7次,施展 油腻术grease
51-52 每日5次,施展 动物定身术hold animal
53-54 每日5次,施展 植物定身术hold plant
55 每日3次,施展 催眠图纹hypnotic pattern
56-57 每日3次,施展 隐形术invisibility
58 每日5次,施展 漂浮术levitate
59-60 每日5次,施展 魔法飞弹magic missile
61 每日5次,施展 音乐之球music of the spheres
62-63 每日3次,施展 虚幻之力phantasmal force
64 每日3次,施展 虚幻杀手phantasmal killer
65-66 每日5次,施展 植物生长plant growth
67-68 每日3次,施展 变形他人polymorph other
69-70 每日7次,施展 防护戏法protection from cantrips
71-72 每日3次,施展 暗影怪物shadow monsters
73-74 每日5次,施展 电爪shocking grasp
75 每日3次,施展 咆哮术shout
76-77 每日3次,施展 沉默术,15英尺半径silence, 15' radius
78-79 每日5次,施展 睡眠术sleep
80 每日3次,施展 缓慢术slow
81 每日7次,施展 减缓毒发slow poison
82 每日3次,施展 荆棘丛生spike growth
83-84 每日5次,施展 臭云术stinking cloud
85-86 每日5次,施展 岩石塑形stone shape
87-88 每日3次,施展 召唤兽化人summon lycanthrope
89-90 每日5次,施展 巧言术tongues
91-92 每日5次,施展 绊摔术trip
93-95 每日3次,施展 吸血鬼之触vampiric touch
96-98 每日5次,施展 蛛网术web
99-100 每日5次,施展 法师之锁wizard lock
建议的销毁方法Suggested Means of Destructi.on
❖此封印必须在 皇帝the Imperial Emperor 的御座上,以+5武器打破。
❖ The seal must be broken with a +5 weapon upon the throne of the Imperial Emperor.
❖ The inscribed characters on the golden bands must be erased.
❖它必须被修铸为 塔耳塔洛斯Tartarus 的一座火山。
❖ It must be cast into a volcano of Tarterus.
[译注:塔耳塔洛斯Tartarus 是巴佬们对卡瑟利的称呼。]