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日鸣Sun Sing,真空的总督
【头   衔】元素大君Archomental,真空的总督Viceroy of the Void
【阵   营】邪恶?
【神   力】N
【神   系】元素大君Archomental
【主   神】
【神   国】真空准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum/某个负能量口袋
【简   介】与除克里欧那克斯外的所有准/侧元素亲王一样,真空的总督Viceroy of the Void 日鸣Sun Sing 也并非上古元素之神的后裔,而只是个自封的家伙。

2ePS<The Inner Planes.p122>真空准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum(节选)


Two creatures living the quasiplane of Vacuum merit special discussion. Both of them are evil, a trait which seems only to be amplified by the proximity of the Negative Energy Plane.

  日鸣Sun Sing 是一只神秘的生物,栖息在一个负能量口袋的中心。他究竟是如何在这样一个地方生存的,是一个许多人都想解开的谜团。
SUN SING. Sun Sing is a mysterious creature that lives at the heart of a negative energy pocket. Exactly how he survives in such a place is a mystery that many folk would love to unravel.

  没有人知道日鸣是谁或者是什么。在一些圈子中的传言说他是最后一只幸存的虚空魔蝠,通过变得如一位 元素大君archomental 般强大而得以幸存。其他人则说他是位巫妖或半巫妖,为了躲避与活人的一切接触而撤退到了这里。无论它的秘密是什么,在可见的未来中似乎都没有人能揭开。
No one knows for sure who or what Sun Sing is. Chant in some circles is that he's the last surviving void mephit, having survived by becoming nearly as powerful as an archomental. Others say that he's a lich or demilich who retreated here to escape all contact with the living. Whatever the dark of it is, no one seems likely to find out in the near future.
[印记城黑话:Dark 任何秘密可称为dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等于说 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."]

Chant-mongers claim that Sun Sing has a handful of undead agents moving through the multiverse. Numerous stories indicate that Sing's agents are hard at work gathering the pieces of some puzzle. These might be physical things or bits of information; no one knows. A body can only be certain of one thing: Sun Sing' s agents (if they exist) must certainly be as evil as he, and any operation to which they have committed themselves must be dire indeed.




  在数个纪元前那场牵动了整个多元宇宙的混乱与秩序的哲学冲突的大战中,一些奥比里斯领主盯上了内层位面,在那里战争早已展开。在内层位面它们遭遇到了诸如 元素大君archomentals 克里欧那克斯Cryonax本·哈达Ben-Hadar 以及无尽的火神怪大军等敌对的原住民。在位于 气元素位面the Elemental Plane of Air负能量位面the Negative Energy Plane 交界的一处没有空气的虚无国度,它们遇到了一种叫做 日鸣Sun Sing 的污秽存在,一种邪恶堪比最扭曲的奥比里斯(同样被视为是最强大)的无形恐怖。在短暂的战斗后,奥比里斯退回了深渊,将这种可怕的存在独自留在了它们发现它们的虚空中。
In the course of the great philosophical conflict between law and chaos that served as the backdrop for the Age before Ages, a number of obyrith lords turned their attention to the Inner Planes, where the war is thought to have started. There they encountered hostile inhabitants such as the archomentals Cryonax and Ben-Hadar, and the endless armies of the efreet. In a realm of airless void between the Elemental Plane of Air and the Negative Energy Plane, they discovereda malign entity called Sun Sing, a shapeless horror every bitas evil as the most twisted obyrith (and considerably more powerful). After a brief battle, the obyriths retreated to theAbyss, leaving the terrible entity alone in the void wherethey had discovered it.

Or so they thought. A sentient fragment of Sun Sing’s essence followed the demons back to their plane of origin, and it has lurked in the deepest recesses of the Abyss ever since. Its formless essence cannot interact with the Abyss or its hated demonic enemies, but in the millennia of its entrapment it has discovered a means of striking back by collapsingthe stable gates that link the layers of the Abyss to each other and fundamentally transforming them into vortices leading to the region of vacuum from which it originally emerged eons ago.

  虚空之门可以采取任何形态,大体上一般和正常运行完好的传送门的外形一模一样。然而接近传送门30尺内者必须成功做一次DC 18的强韧豁免以抵抗被指向传送门的难以置信的吸力以每轮10呎的速度拉向传送门。每轮都允许再一次豁免,成功则表示角色可以以四分之一的速度远离虚空之门。在10尺内豁免失败者将被拉入气元素位面与负能量位面交界的空间,除非被救否则将在1d4轮后死去。无需呼吸的角色不会死亡,但它们无法使用虚空之门返回它们来时的位面或是其他位面。
A vacuum gate can take any form, and physically appears in all ways like a normally functioning portal. Those who approach within 30 feet of the gate, however, must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save to resist being pulled by incredible suction toward the gate at a speed of 10 feet per round. Each round allows a different save, with success indicating that the character is able to move at one-quarter speed away from the vacuum gate. Those who fail the save while within 10 feet of the gate are sucked into the void where the Elemental Plane of Air meets the Negative Energy Plane, and die in 1d4 rounds unless somehow rescued. Characters who do not need to breathe do not die, but they cannot use the vacuum gate to return to the plane from which they were drawn, or any plane for that matter..

4e<HoTEH.p032>已知荒神候选名单Roster of Known Primordials(节选)

  许多荒神被归类为 元素大君archomental——祂们统治着广阔的元素疆域,支配许多低级生物向其效忠。这个团体包括 元素亲王elemental princes(详述于早前章节)。有些荒神被凡人尊为神明,被视作某一神系的成员。即便这些存在本质并非神性存在,但祂们向祂们的祭司降下了元素的力量,并被红多凡人崇拜。已被 无底深渊Abyss 彻底转化或消化的荒神不在此列表之中。将像 狄摩高根Demogorgon奥库斯Orcus巴菲门特Baphomet 这样的存在,视作 恶魔领主demon lords 而非荒神更为恰当。
Many primordials are categorized as archomentals—beings that rule vast elemental domains and command the allegiance of many lesser creatures. This group includes the elemental princes, detailed earlier in this section. Some primordials are revered as deities by mortals and are counted as members of pantheons. Even though these entities are not divine in nature, they bestow elemental powers on their priests and are venerated by hosts of mortal followers. Primordials that have been wholly transformed or consumed by the Abyss are not included in this list. Creatures such as Demogorgon, Orcus, and Baphomet are more properly described as demon lords, not primordials.


  名讳Name      绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes
  日鸣Sun Sing  真空的总督Viceroy of the Void 自由Free 涉及黑暗与虚空的元素大君Archomental associated with darkness, emptiness
