查谟Chamo,阿布里莫克特使 | |
基本信息 | |
【头 衔】 | 地狱公爵Duke of Hell,阿布里莫克特使Legate of Abriymoch |
【阵 营】 | LE |
【神 力】 | N |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 巴特祖贵族the Batezu Nobility |
【主 神】 | 彼列Belial |
【盟 友】 | 彼列Belial |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 巴托地狱Baator/4th 弗莱格索斯Phlegethos |
【简 介】 | 查谟Chamo 是侍奉彼列的魔鬼公爵之一,充当着他的特使。他一直谋划着有朝一日能取代他的主人、却又恐惧于他的女主人瑙弥。他的武器是一柄16位圣武士的头骨穿联制作的铁面棍。 在大清算的惩罚中,瑙弥在彼列的宫廷中被阿斯莫蒂斯诛杀、彼列退位让予其女菲尔娜,许多大魔鬼改换了门庭,而查谟与他的副手齐博斯的效忠对象仍然不明。 |
1e<Dragon 075.p015>九层地狱第一部分The Nine Hells Part Ⅰ
侍奉于In service of:彼列Belial
管辖或职位Command or position:特使Legate
(地狱公爵Duke of Hell)
出现频率FREQUENCY:唯一Unique(非常罕见Very rare)
生命骰HIT DICE:131 生命值hit points
在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:85%
攻击次数NO. OF ATTACKS:1 次
伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:根据武器类型By weapon type +4
特殊攻击SPECIAL ATTACK:见后See below
特殊防御SPECIAL DEFENSES:见后See below
阵营ALIGNMENT:守序邪恶Lawful evil
体型SIZE:中型M(6 呎高)
攻击/防御模式Attack/Defense Modes:全部All/全部all
查谟Chamo 充任了 彼列Belial 的特使,他谋划着有朝一日能取代他的主人。比起彼列,查谟更恐惧 瑙弥Naome,因为查谟与她太常想到一块而让他难以适应。礼貌却又唐突,查谟总是显得沉稳而无畏。据说他知晓 弗莱格索斯Phlegethos 每一处隐藏地点,并握有一柄 铁面棍iron-shod staff,顶端装饰有他多年来击败的16位圣武士的头骨,并黄铜锻制的铜环穿联。这是一柄 +1棍,能以触碰部分或完全无效化 蛛网术web、法师之锁wizard lock、定身术hold 法术和其它锁类或捆绑效果;当有善良阵营的生物在9呎内时,顶部的头骨将发出珍珠白的光芒。
Chamo serves Belial as legate, and plans one day to supplant his master. He fears Naome more than Belial, for Chamo and she too often think alike to suit him. Polite but abrupt, Chamo always appears calm and fearless. He is said to know every hiding place in Phlegethos, and possesses an iron-shod staff capped with the linked (by rings of beaten brass) skulls of sixteen paladins defeated by him over the years. This staff is +1, parts or negates all web spells, wizard lock spells, hold spells, and other locks or bindings at a touch, and it can detect good; the skulls upon its top glow with a pearly white radiance when a creature of good alignment is within 9".
随意使用,每次1道、每轮1次,查谟还能使用以下类法术异能:烟火术pyrotechnics,燃火术produce flame,火墙术wall of fire,烟墙术wall of smoke(等同于 雾墙术wall of fog),火球术fireball(4d6),魅惑人类charm person,驱散魔法dispel magic,阅读魔法read magic,巧言术tongues,侦测隐形detect invisibility,隐身术invisibility,传送术teleport,许愿术limited(如果满足他人,则为 有限许愿术limited wish)。
Chamo can employ the following spell-like powers, one at a time and once per round: pyrotechnics, produce flame, wall of fire, wall of smoke (equals wall of fog), fireball (4d6), charm person, dispel magic, read magic, tongues, detect invisibility, invisibility, teleport, and (fulfill another's limited) wish.
每日2次,查谟可以创造 反重力reverse gravity(持续时间直至他取消,或是他的注意力被某事件或攻击打断);每日1次,通过接触,他可能使一只生物 岩石化petrify(恒效的 化肉为石flesh to stone)。通过凝视,他可造成 恐惧fear(对抗法术豁免检定避免);每日1次,他可使用 震慑徽记symbol of stunning。随意使用,查谟可 召唤summon 1-6只 倒钩魔bearded devil。
Twice per day Chamo can reverse gravity (for as long as desired, or until his concentration is broken by events or attack), and once per day he can petrify (flesh to stone of permanent duration) one creature, by touch. He causes fear by his stare (save vs. spell to avoid), and can employ a symbol of stunning once per day. Chamo can summon 1-6 bearded devils (45% chance of success) at will.
Chamo appears as a white-haired, middle-aged man with big brown eyes. He has upward-pointing horns, black hooves, a forked tail, and black bat-like wings. His skin is scarlet, darkening to blue on his long-nailed hands. He usually wears loose robes of black with a high stand-up collar.
3r<Fiendish Codex II - Tyrants of the Nine Hells.p051>Layer 4:弗莱格索斯Phlegethos
在名义上,有几位公爵侍奉着 菲尔娜Fierna,包括独特魔鬼 巴兰Balan、巴瑟姆Bathym、伽兹尔Gaziel,外加 深狱炼魔pit fiend 喀兹拉Gazra。巴兰和伽兹尔仍然效忠于 彼列Belial,巴瑟姆和 扎潘Zapan 则将命运的赌注放在了彼列这边。查谟Chamo(阿布里莫克特使Legate of Abriymoch)和他的副手 齐博斯Zaebos 效忠对象尚不明确。
Fierna is nominally served by several dukes, including the unique devils Balan, Bathym, and Gaziel, plus the pit fiend Gazra. Balan and Gaziel are still loyal to Belial, but Bathym and Zapan have cast their lot with Fierna. The loyalties of Chamo (Legate of Abriymoch) and his deputy Zaebos remain unknown.