柯茲夫Kezef,混沌魔犬 | |
基本信息 | |
【頭 銜】 | 上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil,混沌魔犬the Chaos Hound |
【陣 營】 | CE |
【神 力】 | N |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 荒神Primordial,上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil,失落七神Seven Lost Gods |
【盟 友】 | 希瑞克Cyric |
【敵 對】 | 馬斯克Mask,提爾Tyr,密斯特拉Mystra,貢德Gond,克蘭沃Kelemvor,歐格瑪Oghma |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 外層位面Outer Planes & 主物質位面Prime Material Plane |
【相關 神器】 | 神災劍Godsbane |
【簡 介】 | 柯茲夫Kezef,混沌魔犬,上古邪物之一,失落七神之一。他是諸神之敵,以祈並者為食。 |
<Powers & Pantheons.p188>上古不朽邪物Elder Eternal Evil(柯茲夫Kezef)
出版時間:1997/09;國度時間:1370 DR
「混沌魔犬」柯茲夫Kezef the Chaos Hound
氣候/地形CLIMATE/TERRAIN:外層位面Outer Planes & 主物質位面Prime Material Plane
食性DIET:信徒The Faithful*(精魄spirits,祈並者petitioners)
陣營ALIGNMENT:混亂邪惡Chaotic evil
生命骰HIT DICE:26(208 hp)
每輪攻擊次數NO. OF ATTACKS:1
傷害/ 攻擊DAMAGE/ATTACKS:1d20 + 10
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACKS:總是贏得先攻Always wins initiative,強酸唾液acid spittle,唾液噴吐acid breath,蛆集群maggot swarm
特殊防禦SPECIAL DEFENSES:嚎叫Howl,燃燒之血burning blood,+3或更好魔法武器以造成傷害+3 or better magical weapon to hit,再生regenerates 5hp每輪,免疫「毒素」,免疫 定身、恐懼 或 魅惑 法術,免疫幻術、靈能與死亡魔法
經驗回報XP VALUE:34000

「混沌魔犬」柯茲夫Kezef the Chaos Hound 是在 艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Torirs 史前的黎明產生的古老、不朽的諸邪物之一。這隻天國的襲掠者看上去就像一隻怪誕、惡毒、有著赤紅雙目與老鼠尾巴的龐大獒犬。他的皮毛長滿了蛆蟲,這些蛆在幾乎沒有什麼遮掩覆蓋的肌肉和白骨上不停移動,爛肉如膿液般從舊傷上流出。而他的爪子在地面上留下的灼燒印記,一直蔓延到他身後燃燒的濃汁匯成的池塘。他尖利的牙齒在陽光下閃閃發光,就像一柄柄鋒利的匕首。他的血液是一種漆黑的毒液,只要一碰到就會燃燒,他散發著一種可厭的腐爛靈氣。
Kezef the Chaos Hound is one of the elder, eternal evils of the Outer Planes created in the dawn of Abeir-Toril's prehistory. The ravager of the heavens appears as a huge mastiff with unearthly, malevolent, red eyes and a ratty tail. His fur teems with maggots, the coat shifting incessantly over barely covered sinews and bones. His flesh oozes like pus from an old sore and his paws leave burning prints in the ground that spread into pools of burning ichor in his wake. His pointed teeth glitter like daggers of jet in the light. His blood is a dark, liquid ooze that burns on the touch, and he radiates a pestilent aura of decay. The fetid air of his breath extinguishes all nearby fires, and he reeks with the sweet stench of ancient death that can be detected from many miles away. Kezef can speak any language in a low and rumbling growl.
高等神會議the Circle of Greater Powers 決議禁止諸神或凡人與這隻野獸來往時,泛費倫神系Faerûnian pantheon 多位成員組成了一個聯盟,將柯茲夫囚禁在 喧癲空隧Pandemonium 名為 悲嘆空隧Cocytus 的層面許多個世紀。在他被捕後,諸神力與柯茲夫打賭:他不能解開 貢德·奇蹟使者Gond Wonderbringer 所制的帶子。柯茲夫同意讓貢德把一條短而結實的鏈子套在他脖子上,作為交換,提爾Tyr 的右手被放在混沌魔犬淌著口水的顎中。貢德把這條鏈固定在了喧癲空隧洞穴地板幾英里深的地下,密斯特拉Mystra 則用一種無堅不摧、可自我修復的發光魔法能量之幕包裹了這隻野獸。在這兩個陷阱中,柯茲夫既無法掙脫鏈子,也沒有人能穿越密斯特拉的光幕靠近他。當柯茲夫發現自己真的被困時,他咬掉了提爾之手,並在他努力解放自己的這幾個世紀中,一直享用著它的神性本質。
Kezef was imprisoned for centuries on the layer of the plane of Pandemonium known as Cocytus by an alliance of members of the Faerûnian pantheon when the Circle of Greater Powers forbade traffic by deity or mortal with the beast. After he was hunted down, the powers bet Kezef that he could not break a leash forged by Gond Wonderbringer. Kezef allowed Gond to place a short length of sturdy chain around his neck in exchange for Tyr placing his right hand in the Chaos Hound's slavering jaws. Gond anchored the chain miles deep in the floor of Pandemonium’s caves, and Mystra wrapped the beast in an unbreach-able, glowing curtain of magical energy that automatically repaired itself. From these two traps Kezef could not escape, and no one could reach him through Mystra's curtain. When Kezef discovered he was truly fettered, he bit off Tyr's hand and feasted on its divine essence for centuries as he strove to free himself.
在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 後,希瑞克Cyric 為了狩獵 克蘭沃Kelemvor 的靈魂而將它釋放。謊言王子The Prince of Lies 唬騙密斯特拉進去撕裂了籠罩柯茲夫的魔網,然後用他的 神災劍Godsbane(後來被發現是 馬斯克Mask 的一尊化身)擊碎了貢德的鎖鏈。於是柯茲夫重返 費倫大陸Faerûn 並開始追蹤克蘭沃的人生軌跡。當他到達 深水城Waterdeep 的 黑杖塔Blackstaff Tower 時,馬斯克和 散提爾堡西洋棋領主Lord Chess of Zhentil Keep 再次將柯茲夫囚禁在了 歐格瑪Oghma 以一種古老儀式提供的附魔蠟燭中。馬斯克隨後把蠟燭給了 格威迪恩Gwydion,一位在密斯特拉的操作下背叛了希瑞克的發條檢察官,後者在之後 紛爭之城the City of Strife 對希瑞克的叛亂中,釋放了混沌魔犬。直到克蘭沃取得 亡者之主Lord of the Dead 頭銜、神系的其餘成員威脅要在 無信者之牆the Wall of the Faithless 內重捉這隻魔犬前,這隻混沌魔犬一直在獵食享用希瑞克的市民。柯茲夫逃跑了,現在正在諸位面追蹤狩獵 陰影王子the Lord of Shadows 馬斯克(他發誓將永遠向他復仇)和他通常的獵物——信徒(外層位面的祈並者)。一直在逃竄的馬斯克一直能聽見背後柯茲夫地獄般的嚎叫。
Kezef was freed by Cyric shortly after the Time of Troubles to hunt for the soul of Kelemvor. The Prince of Lies tricked Mystra into ripping the magic weave enveloping Kezef and then shattered Gond’s chain with his sword Godsbane later revealed to be an avatar of Mask. Kezef traveled to Faerûn and began to follow Kelemvor's life trail. When he reached Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep, the site of the climactic battle between the avatar of Myrkul and Midnight, Adon, and Kelemvor, Mask and Lord Chess of Zhentil Keep reimprisoned Kezef in an enchanted candle with an ancient ritual provided by Oghma. Mask later gave the candle to Gwydion, a clockwork inquisitor turned against Cyric by Mystra, who then freed the Chaos Hound during a rebellion against Cyric in the City of Strife. The Chaos Hound feasted on Cyric's denizens until Kelemvor assumed the title of Lord of the Dead and the rest of the pantheon threatened to recapture the Hound within the Wall of the Faithless. Kezef fled and now stalks the planes hunting Mask, the Lord of Shadows, against whom he has sworn eternal revenge, and his normal prey, the Faithful (Outer Planes petitioners). Mask is forever on the run, always hearing Kezef's hellish baying behind him.
Combat: Kezef is incredibly quick, and always strikes first in combat except when battling a deity. In addition to the damage inflicted by his terrible bite, the Chaos Hound's spittle burns victims for an additional 1d10 points of acid damage per round for the three rounds after any successful bite. This additional acid damage is cumulative for multiple bite attacks.
In lieu of a bite attack, the Chaos Hound can breathe a puff of corrosive mist once per round in a 20-foot-diameter area in front of his mouth. This virulent acid can scour flesh from bones and inflicts 2d12 points of acid damage per round of exposure until neutralized or washed away by prolonged immersion in running water.
柯茲夫那震耳欲聾的嚎叫會導致聽見的凡人陷入 困惑術confusion 和 恐懼術fear(如同4級法師法術)。(這種恐懼甚至能影響神明,但他們在豁免檢定時得到+6獎勵。)成功的對抗法術豁免檢定能使嚎叫的影響拖後1輪。
Kezef's ear-splitting howl causes confusion and fear (as the 4th-level wizard spells) in mortals for as long as it is heard. (The fear can even affect deities, who receive a +6 bonus to their saving throws.) A successful saving throw vs. spell holds off the howl's effects for one round.
Kezef regenerates 5 hit points per round. Any wounds he receives appear to immediately fester and then the putrefied flesh rapidly closes over the wound. The mass of corruption that is his skin shifts with each blow, as yielding as water, accounting for his high Armor Class.
Anyone successfully striking the Hound in melee must make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon or be splattered by his oozing blood which burns like molten copper. This hot liquid inflicts 1d8 points of heat damage per round until wiped off. Kezef can only be hit by magical weapons of +3 or better enchantment. He is totally immune to poison, hold, fear or charm spells, illusions, psionics, and death magic. His magic resistance drops to 40% when battling demipowers, and 20% when battling powers of greater stature.
隨意使用,混沌魔犬能在位面之間進行 位面轉移plane shift 或在同一個位面進行 無誤傳送teleport without。
The Chaos Hound can plane shift between planes or teleport without within a plane at will.
Kezef becomes insubstantial as a ghost when he runs, and in this state he can move at a nearly limitless speed over any terrain. For example, it took him one hour to travel Kelemvor’s path for four years of life. In this noncorporeal form, all that can be per-ceived of him is a ghostly blur that leaves a lingering scent of decay and a vague dread of darkened corners and howling in the night. When the Chaos Hound slows down, he becomes substantial once again and uses the movement rate listed above, although he can still travel over any terrain as if running on air. If he chooses, he can hide invisibly at will, leaving only a sense of being watched by some creeping an evil laugh and noxious scent.
當混沌魔犬在獵殺某個特定靈魂時,他可以立即將自己傳送到這個存在誕生的地點(通過 位面轉移 和 無誤傳送)。在狩獵過程中,他瘋狂地嚎叫著,並且是位如 桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom 般絕對可靠的追蹤者。與 追蹤大師the Master of Tracking 不同的是,他依賴殘留的情感氣息追蹤,這些氣味可能已經有好幾年甚至幾百年歷史了,一旦被他發現蹤跡,任何活物都無法躲藏。混沌魔犬從殘留在路上的情感共鳴,可以完完整整地復現這個存在生命的每一步。
When the Chaos Hound hunts a particular soul, he can immediately transport himself to the site of the sought being's birth (through plane shift and teleport without error). While on the hunt, he howls madly and is as infallible a tracker as Gwaeron Windstrom. Unlike the Master of Tracking, he tracks by lingering traces of emotional scent that may be years or even centuries old. Due to Kezef's astounding senses, no living creature can hide once he picks up its trail. The Chaos Hound can fully reconstruct every step of a being’s life from the emotional echoes that remain in its path.
Kezef can only be truly slain by mortals or powers under conditions similar to those required to slay a demipower. Otherwise he always reforms in Pandemonium after a week, free to hunt again.
柯茲夫是個獨一無二的存在,他漫遊於外層諸位面,狩獵信徒、追逐馬斯克。他喜好仇恨的滋味,有時會為了品嘗一團特別多汁的情感氣息而暫作休息、變為實質。倒胃口、不計後果的幸福氣息令他作嘔。他所到之處都會留下尖叫的噩夢——這是 「夢魘巨蛇」丹德爾Dendar the Night Serpent 的最愛。
Habitat/Society: Kezef is a unique being who roams the Outer Planes hunting the Faithful and chasing Mask. He relishes the scent of hatred, and sometimes pauses and becomes substantial in order to savor a particularly juicy emotional scent. He is nauseated by the scent of cloying, reckless happiness. In his wake he leaves screaming nightmares particularly cherished by Dendar the Night Serpent.
靈魂與精魄難以置信的頑強。只有神之手、像混沌魔犬這樣的古老、永恆的邪物、或是像 恐怖之河River Slith 這樣難以言述的墮落之地,才能真正毀滅它們。柯茲夫靠襲掠諸位面、捕食信徒的精魄實質生存。他不喜歡 無信者the Faithless 和 偽信者the False,並且對在世者尚未成熟的精魄的味道感到噁心。
Ecology: Souls and spirits are incredibly hardy. Only the hand of a deity, an elder, eternal evil such as the Chaos Hound, or a place of indescribable corruption such as the River Slith can truly destroy them. Kezef survives by raiding the planes and preying on the spirit-substance of the Faithful. He has no taste for the Faithless or the False and is sickened by the taste of the unripened spirits of the still-living.
[譯註:River Slith——詞源北歐神話,意為the Fearful]
When Kezef destroys one of the Faithful, the maggots which make up his pelt swarm away from his jet-boned skeleton to devour the corpse. The gorged creatures then mill slowly over Kezef's body, making him appear bloated. Any of the Faithful who are eaten in this fashion are forever and truly destroyed, beyond even the recall of the powers.