龙与地下城 Wiki



【阵   营】LG
【神   力】I
【神   职】学习learning,保护protection,警惕邪恶vigilance against evil
【神   系】海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies
【神   国】漫游中
【徽   记】麒麟角和眼睛ki-rin horns and eyes
【简   介】柯瑞尔Koriel 是麒麟之神。有些人认为他是独角兽与飞马之神 埃彻提恩Eachthighern 之父,他是位孤僻的神,萨兰娜塔Syranita 天空中已知唯一能与柯瑞尔交谈的神祇。

<Monster Mythology.p085>前言Introduction(节选)

  柯瑞尔,伟大的麒麟之神,他孤独地在天空之中,极少与任何种族或神明打交道,他被自己的种族以及许多翼狮崇敬。柯瑞尔以任何其他生物无法比拟的速度飞行,而正如他完美的视力直达地平线,他对在他之前的时间发生过什么的知识也同样熟谙。柯瑞尔是位命运之神,他拥有整个世界设定的主要命运神(诺伦Norns伊斯塔斯Istus等等)的大量知识。柯瑞尔极少在任何一个世界活动,但若他觉得自己被迫要这样做,其后果往往将改变历史。对于柯瑞尔,巨人的 安南Annam 有着一种同类的吸引力,有些神话将柯瑞尔描述为在时间与造物本身终结之日,安南的坐骑。

2e<Monster Mythology.p090>柯瑞尔Koriel(中等神Intermediate God)

  柯瑞尔Koriel 是漫游天际的麒麟之神,一位强大而严肃的守序善良神明。在一些神话中,这匹伟大的坐骑允许原初的 创世神Creator God 或是神系的守序善良主神骑乘自己,并且经常与那位神明一起,将带着创造的力量降下凡间或是在万物的终点一同驰骋。他与这位主神的结合,估计强化了这位神明和(通过他与麒麟们的联系)柯瑞尔所创造的麒麟种族令人畏惧的魔法力量。他没有萨满或是祭司,因为他的魔法造物们强大到不需要任何保佑。
Koriel is the sky-roaming god of ki-rin, a powerful and stern god of lawful good. In some myths, this great steed allows himself to be ridden by a prime Creator God or the major lawful good god of a pantheon, and often he, together with that god, will bring creative forces down to the earth or will ride together at the end of all things. His association with this supreme-god figure strengthens the formidable magical powers both of the god and, by association, of the race of ki-rin Koriel created. He has no shamans or priests since his magical creations are powerful enough not to need any further blessings.

  柯瑞尔警惕而戒备。就像麒麟们在 主物质位面the Prime Material 所做的那样,他以惊人的速度飞越 外层位面the Outer Planes,寻觅任何邪恶的侵犯。他通常不会不征询其祂神祇的意见就擅自行动,但当他必须战斗时,他将是彻底无情的。他伟大的速度也使他成为了一位伟大的旅行家,他并不安分、好奇心从不熄灭,渴望在许多世界和位面中发现新的知识。
Koriel is watchful and vigilant. He flies at astounding speeds through the Outer Planes, looking for any encroachments of evil, just as the ki-rin do in the Prime Material. He will not often act without consulting other deities, but he is utterly ruthless when he must fight. His great speed also makes him a great traveler, restless and ever-curious, eager to discover new knowledge in the many worlds and planes.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

  柯瑞尔没有祭职人员,但当他选择如此做时(或是有时若被祈求时),会与特定的麒麟 通神commune。他不会过度干涉其它生物的事务,除非活跃的邪恶生物因迫害弱小的生物或使用强大的魔法引起了他的怒火。
Koriel has no priesthood, but will commune with individual ki-rin when he chooses (or sometimes if invoked). He does not interfere greatly with the affairs of other creatures unless actively evil beings cause him offense by persecuting weaker creatures or by using powerful magic. Only in extreme need will he send an avatar to deal with this, preferring to alert mortal ki-rin to such dangers and wickedness.


  神职AoC:学习learning,保护protection,警惕邪恶vigilance against evil;
  徽记SY:麒麟角和眼睛ki-rin horns and eyes。
AL lg; WAL lg (ki-rin); AoC learning, protection, vigilance against evil; SY ki-rin horns and eyes.

柯瑞尔的化身Koriel's Avatar

  (圣武士Paladin 20,法师Wizard 18,祭司Priest 18)

Koriel's avatar appears as a great ki-rin with gold and silver fur and a mane of rainbow hues. He uses spells from all spheres and schools.

  力量 19,敏捷 19,体质 19,
  智力 24,感知 24,魅力 24,
  移动 36,飞行600,体型 超大型H (16呎长),魔抗 50%,
  防御等级 -7,生命骰 16,生命值 144,
  #攻击 3次,零级命中值 5,伤害 4d4/4d4(蹄踢) 6d6(角抵)
  Str 19 Dex 19 Con 19
  Int 24 Wis 24 Cha 24
  MV 36 fl 600 SZ H (16' long) MR 50%
  AC -7 HD 16 HP 144
  #AT 3 THAC0 5 Dmg 4d4/4d4 (hooves) 6d6 (horn)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  该化身的法师力量与正常的麒麟相同。他的豁免骰从不会遭过2(不计调整值),并且他被允许对抗不允许豁免的法术进行豁免骰 (该基础豁免为4)。被他的角击中的任何邪恶的生物,除非在-4惩罚的对抗即死魔法豁免中成功,否则将被彻底杀死;若该生物并不来自主物质面,那么即便他豁免通过也将被驱逐。若该化身如此决定,柯瑞尔的歌声将驱散200呎内任何元素或其它被咒唤/召唤的生物(-4的对抗法术豁免以避免)。每日各1次,该化身能念出一道 圣言holy word 和制造 复生术resurrection 效果。
The avatar's wizard powers are those of a normal ki-rin. His saving throws are never worse than 2, regardless of modifiers, and he is allowed a saving throw against nosave spells (this is a base save of 4). Any evil creature struck by his horn is slain outright unless it makes a successful save versus death magic with a -4 penalty; if the creature is not from the Prime Material, it is banished even if it does save. Koriel's song dispels any elementals and other conjured/summoned creatures within 200' if the avatar so chooses (save versus spell at -4 to negate). Once each per day, the avatar can speak a holy word and effect a resurrection.
