格萊西雅Glasya,地獄公主 | |
基本信息 | |
【別名/面相】 | 格萊瓦Glwa |
【頭 銜】 | 黑暗神童the Dark Prodigy,地獄公主Princess of Hell,欲魔女王Queen of the Erinyes,(大清算前)地獄王妃Princess of Hell,彌瑙洛斯王妃Princess of Minauros,(晉升後)瑪爾博吉領主Lord of Malbolge,第六領主Lord of the Sixth |
【陣 營】 | LE |
【神 力】 | N |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | 巴特祖貴族the Batezu Nobility →九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine |
【主 神】 | 瑪門Mammon→阿斯莫蒂斯Asmodeus |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 巴托地獄Baator/3th 彌瑙洛斯Minauros →.../6th 瑪爾博吉Malbolge |
【簡 介】 | 格萊西雅Glasya 是阿斯莫蒂斯與畢索澤雅之女,她是欲魔的女王和擁有公主位階的地獄貴族。她曾經是瑪門的配偶、彌瑙洛斯王妃,但在大清算後被其父拆散召回,任命為欲魔女王。後來接任暴斃老鬼婆女伯爵成為了地獄第六層大公。 |
1e<Dragon 075.p011>九層地獄第一部分The Nine Hells Part Ⅰ
侍奉於In service of:瑪門Mammon
管轄或職位Command or position:配偶Consort
(地獄王妃Princess of Hell)
出現頻率FREQUENCY:唯一Unique(非常罕見Very rare)
生命骰HIT DICE:69 生命值hit points
在巢穴中概率% IN LAIR:80%
傷害/攻擊DAMAGE/ATTACK:根據武器類型By weapon type +4
特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACK:見後See below
特殊防禦SPECIAL DEFENSES:見後See below
陣營ALIGNMENT:守序邪惡Lawful evil
體型SIZE:大型M(9 呎高)
攻擊/防禦模式Attack/Defense Modes:全部All/全部all
作為 瑪門Mammon 的配偶,格萊西雅Glasya 是一位更強大、更有影響力的雌性魔鬼。她通常不參與戰鬥,但她有一柄劍刃淬毒過的短劍(等效於 毒液匕首dagger of venom)。
As consort to Mammon, Glasya is one of the more powerful and influential of female devils. She does not normally engage in combat, but she has a short sword with a poisoned blade (equal to a dagger of venom).
隨意使用,每次1道、每輪1次,格萊西雅還能使用以下類法術異能:活化死屍animate dead,魅惑怪物charm monster,魅惑人類charm person,驅散魔法dispel magic,幻象術illusion,通曉陣營know alignment,毒咒poison,變形自身polymorph self,燃火術produce flame,閱讀語言read languages,閱讀魔法read magic,暗示術suggestion,心靈遙控teleportation,以及 許願術limited(如果滿足他人,則為 有限許願術limited wish)。每日1次,格萊西雅可使用一道 死亡一指finger of death。她可通過與一個對象交談來喚起 恐懼fear(適用於對抗法術豁免)。她可召喚1-2隻 雄霸魔malebranche(70%成功率)。她每回合再生2點傷害。
Glasya can employ the following spell-like powers, one at a time, at will: animate dead, charm monster, charm person, dispel magic, illusion, know alignment, poison, polymorph self, produce flame, read languages, read magic, suggestion, teleportation, and (fulfill another's limited) wish. Once per day Glasya can employ a finger of death. She causes fear by speaking to an individual, saving throw vs. spell applicable. She can summon 1-2 malebranche (70% chance of success). She regenerates 2 points of damage every turn.
Glasya is another typically diabolic devil, being well-built and goodlooking save for her wings, forked tail, horns, and copper-colored skin.
2e<GtH.p155>巴特祖貴族The Batezu Nobility
巴特祖貴族The Batezu Nobility
人們廣泛認為 深獄煉魔Pit fiends 是巴特祖魔鬼的主宰,地獄等級制度的「玻璃天花板」。雖然領主們(至少是祂們的傳聞)廣為人知,但他們的直接下屬卻並非如此。巴特祖貴族baatezu nobility 是介於深獄煉魔與領主之間的魔鬼階級。祂們在領主們的宮廷中任職,並將自己的大把的時間揮擲在宮中進行內部的政治活動。雖然不為凡人熟知,但他們是 地獄Hell 的重要組成部分。
Pit fiends are widely thought to be the masters of the baatezu race, the "glass ceiling" of the infernal hierarchy. While the lords are known, at least by rumor, their immediate underlings are not. The baatezu nobility is a class of devils ranking between pit fiends and lords. They serve in the courts of the lords and spend most of their time politicking within and among the courts. Although they are not familiar to mortals, the nobles are an important part of Hell.
那些研究過巴特祖魔鬼種族的人已經知道,一隻 劣魔lemure 是如何穿過各個階級、層層晉升,通過變形為其它形態最終成為一隻深獄煉魔的。而整個地獄等級制度,根據法律規定,不同巴特祖魔鬼的形態都是有標準的。然而,一旦某位深獄煉魔被領主選中晉升貴族,這隻魔鬼將第一次被允許成為一個個體。每個魔鬼貴族都有自己的獨特形態,不過像翅膀和爪子這樣的特徵很常見。這些各不相同的形態是鑑別貴族成員的最可靠方法——儘管祂們盡皆可以 變形polymorph 這件事給這個問題增加了一些麻煩。
Those who have studied the baatezu race have seen how a lemure can rise through the ranks, changing through other forms to ultimately become a pit fiend. All throughout the hierarchy of Hell, the form of the different baatezu is standard, as law dictates. When a pit fiend is chosen by a lord to ascend to the nobility, however, the devil is allowed to be an individual for the first time. Each diabolic noble has a unique form, though features such as wings and claws are common. These different forms are the surest way to identify a member of the nobility, though the fact that each of them can polymorph adds some confusion to the issue.
The courts of the lords are full of barons, counts, dukes, princes, and holders of other noble titles. Each lord rates these ranks differently, so judging the relative importance of a noble can be quite difficult. Like most devils, the nobles are interested in getting ahead. They thus make excellent mid-level villains. Each noble is a unique and powerful adversary with his or her own agenda and the resources of Hell. DMs fearful of using the lords as enemies are encouraged to design a noble or two instead. Below are some example nobles. These can be used as the basis for creating new nobles, or incorporated into a game in the form given here.
格萊西雅公主Princess Glasya
(黑暗神童the Dark Prodigy)
格萊西雅公主Princess Glasya 是 阿斯莫蒂斯Asmodeus 與 畢索澤雅Bensozia 的女兒。她受孕與出生的情形皆是秘密,阿斯莫蒂斯沒有任何其他已知的子嗣。在格萊西雅的早年,她在某種意義上是個叛逆的孩子。她從一處宮廷跑到另一處宮廷,還跟 瑪門Mammon 有過點熱烈的關係。在 大清算the Reckoning 之後,阿斯莫蒂斯橫插一腳,強迫她和瑪門分手。
Princess Glasya is the daughter of Asmodeus and Bensozia. The circumstances of her conception and birth are mysterious, and Asmodeus is not known to have any other children. In her early days, Glasya was something of a rebel. She flitted from court to court, and had a torrid affair with Mammon. After the Reckoning, Asmodeus stepped in and ended her relationship with Mammon by force.
在清理地獄官僚體系門戶的同時,阿斯莫蒂斯認為最好也關照一下自家家務事。他勒緊了格萊西雅的籠頭,並明白無疑地提醒她,如果她還想維持現在的地位,就必須負點責任。格萊西雅大發雷霆,但她明白自己沒得選。阿斯莫蒂斯讓她掌管欲魔,在那之後她就以這個身份與 暗黑八魔將the Dark Eight 緊密合作。
While cleaning house in the hierarchy of Hell, Asmodeus thought it best to take care of his own affairs as well. He reined in Glasya and informed her, in no uncertain terms, that she would have to take on some responsibility if she wanted to retain the prestige of her position. Glasya threw a fit, but she knew she had no choice. Asmodeus put the erinyes under her command, and she has since worked closely with the Dark Eight in that capacity.
格萊西雅公主發現自己很享受作為欲魔領導者的職責。就像她手下的魔鬼一樣,格萊西雅也能不經召喚就前往主物質位面。她嚴密監視著欲魔們,常常在 變形polymorphed 後窺測她們,以確保她們在盡職盡責。她對物質界的誘惑並非無動於衷;這些年來她已經誘惑了她的那一份凡人。她尤其喜歡把她的獵物帶回地獄,再通知這些倒霉蛋他們已經死到臨頭。
Princess Glasya has found that she enjoys her duties as leader of the erinyes. Like the devils under her command, Glasya can visit the Prime Material Plane without being summoned. She keeps a close eye on the erinyes, often spying on them while polymorphed to make sure they are doing their jobs. She is not immune to the charms of the Prime; she has seduced her share of mortals over the years. She particularly enjoys taking her prey back to Hell and then informing them of their doom.
防禦等級 -2;移動 15,飛行 30;生命骰 12;生命值 96;零級命中值 5;#攻擊次數 2次;
傷害 1d8+6;
特殊攻擊 毒素、施法;特殊防禦 再生,+2或更佳武器方可命中;
魔抗 60%;體型 大型(9呎高);
士氣 狂熱(17);智力 傑出(16);陣營 守序邪惡LE;經驗值 17000
AC -2; MV 15, fly 30; HD 12; hp 96; TIIAC0 5; #AT 2; Dmg 1d8+6; SA poison, spell use; SD regeneration, +2 or better weapon to hit; MR 60%; SZ L (9' tall); ML fanatic (17); Int exceptional (16); AL LE; XP 17,000.
Glasya prefers to avoid combat, and she usually teleports away from any dangerous encounter. When pressed, she wields a sword +3 of virulent poison. This blade does 1d8+6 damage in Glasya's hands, and combines the properties of a dagger of venom and a sword of quickness.
除一般巴特祖的類法術能力外,每輪1次,格萊西雅公主能使用以下類法術能力:迷誘術beguile(譯註:按迷誘權杖)、魅惑怪物charm monster、偵測隱形detect invisibility、解除魔法dispel magic、指使術geas、光亮術light、自我變形polymorph self、燃火術produce flame、煙火術pyrotechnics、死者復活raise dead、閱讀語言read languages(譯註:八成是通曉語言寫錯了)、閱讀魔法read magic、復原術restoration、以及 火牆術wall of fire。每日1次,格萊西雅公主能施展一道 死亡一指finger of death,完成一道 有限祈願術limited wish。她也能以對某人說話的方式 喚起恐懼cause fear,她對那些礙她事的人所要遭受折磨的生動描述相當有名。每天3次,她可以召喚1d4個欲魔,或者一個深獄煉魔,成功率75%。
Once per round Princess Glasya can use the following spell-like powers, in addition to those normally available to baatezu: beguile, charm monster, detect invisibility, dispel magic, geas, light, polymorph self, produce flame, pyrotechnics, raise dead, read languages, read magic, restoration, and wall of fire. Once per day Princess Glasya can employ a finger of death and fulfill a limited wish. She can also cause fear by speaking to an individual, and is well known for her vivid descriptions of the torments that await those who cross her. Three times per day he can summon 1d4 erinyes or a pit fiend with a 75% chance of success.
Glasya regenerates 2 hit points per round, even when she seems to be slain. This is a legacy of her father, and she may be closer to true godhood than any of the lords.