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桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom,永不迷途的追踪者
Gwaeron Windstrom
【音   标】GWAIR-on WIND-strahm
【旧   译】桂伦·风暴,格瓦隆·万德斯多
【头   衔】追踪大师Masterof Tracking,林迹解读大师Master Interpreter of Woodland Signs,追踪者the Tracker,从未迷途的追踪者the Tracker Who Never Goes Astray,梅丽凯之口Mouth of Mielikki,永不迷途的追踪者the Tracker Never Led Astray
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】M→Q→D
【神   职】追踪Tracking,解读林迹interpreting woodland signs,北地的游侠rangers of the North
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】梅丽凯Mielikki
【盟   友】阿尔伏林Arvoreen贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer拉芮Lurue费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine梅丽凯Mielikki山达柯尔Shaundakul希阿莉亚Shiallia努比恩Nobanion索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira
【敌   对】犸拉Malar瓦普拉克Vaprak
【神   国】主物质位面Prime Material Plane国度天宇the Realmspace托瑞尔星球Toril费伦大陆Faerûn
【徽   记】一个暗红的“S”上,顶半部分覆盖着一个较小的白色五芒星,底半部分是一个较大的四趾动物棕色足迹A dark red “S” overlaid with a small, five-pointed, white star on its top half and a large, four-clawed animal print in brown on its bottom half
【偏好 武器】烈焰之心Flameheart(双手剑)
【相关 地点】桂伦之眠Gwaeron's Slumber
【简   介】桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom 曾经是位以食人魔为宿敌的北地凡人游侠,生前曾猎杀过犸拉的化身和多个显现。在去世后由梅丽凯擢升为半神,与拉芮希阿莉亚一起侍奉着这位丛林女士。

2eFR<RtR.p057>桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom

桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom


桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom

  被称作 追踪者the Tracker 的 桂伦Gwaeron 是位服务于 梅丽凯Mielikki 的较弱神力,是让游侠得以追踪与林迹解读的能力的具现。在 北地the North 的凡人中,他也充当着梅丽凯的仲裁者。他被描绘为一位身材高大、留有长发的男性,苍白的胡须与长发在微风中随风摇曳。
A lesser power in the service of Mielikki, Gwaeron is known as the Tracker, and represents that ranger ability that allows tracking and understanding woodland signs. Gwaeron serves as Mielikki’s intercessor with mortals in the North. He is portrayed as a tall, physically impressive man with a long, white beard and hair that whips in the breeze.

  桂伦有几座散布在 至高森林High Forest科曼索Cormanthor 中的神龛,但没有神殿可言。
Gwaeron has a few shrines scattered through the High Forest and Cormanthor, but no temples to speak of.

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p026>桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom

桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom

  (追踪大师Masterof Tracking,林迹解读大师Master Interpreter of Woodland Signs,追踪者the Tracker,从未迷途的追踪者the Tracker Who Never Goes Astray,梅丽凯之口Mouth of Mielikki)

  主物质位面半神力Demipower of the Prime Material Plane,

  神职PORTFOLIO:追踪Tracking,解读林迹interpreting woodland signs,北地的游侠rangers of the North
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞尔星球Toril费伦大陆Faerûn
  盟友ALLIES:阿尔伏林Arvoreen贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer拉芮Lurue费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine梅丽凯Mielikki山达柯尔Shaundakul希阿莉亚Shiallia努比恩Nobanion索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira
  徽记SYMBOL:一个暗红的“S”上,顶半部分覆盖着一个较小的白色五芒星,底半部分是一个较大的四趾动物棕色足迹A dark red “S” overlaid with a small, five-pointed, white star on its top half and a large, four-clawed animal print in brown on its bottom half
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG


  桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom(读作“GWAIR-on WIND-strahm”)是追踪与林迹解读技能的具现。数百年前,桂伦还是位漫游于 北地the North 的凡人游侠;在接二连三地成功追踪并猎杀了 犸拉Malar 至少一尊化身和几道显现后,他因 丛林女士the Lady of Forests 的拔擢而晋身半神力等级。这一壮举也为他赢来了 野兽之主the Beastlord 的永恒敌意,并在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间、犸拉被 努比恩Nobanion 击败后出现在北地时,引发了他们之间无休止的战斗。桂伦在北地四处追击这位野兽之主,犸拉却无法摆脱这位 追踪大师the Master of Tracking 的追踪。
Gwaeron Windstrom (GWAIR-on WIND-strahm) embodies the skills of tracking and understanding woodland signs. Gwaeron roamed the North as a mortal ranger many centuries ago, and he was elevated to the ranks of demipowers by the sponsorship of the Lady of Forests after successfully stalking and slaying at least one avatar and several manifestations of Malar in quick succession. This accomplishment has earned him the undying enmity of the Beastlord and resulted in any unending battle between them that was continued during the Time of Troubles when Malar appeared in the North after his defeat by Nobanion. Malar, the Lord of Beasts, was relentlessly pursued throughout the North by Gwaeron and could not shake the Master of Tracking from his trail.

  桂伦与 拉芮Lurue希阿莉亚Shiallia 一道侍奉 梅丽凯Mielikki。他在一些任务上为梅丽凯提供协助,并向她的游侠们教授解读林迹的方法。桂伦与精灵、侏儒和半身人神系中那些神职与梅丽凯、西凡纳斯Silvanus 以及他自己最紧密吻合的神祇缔结了联盟,这点在费伦神力之中实属罕见。他僻静、隐遁的风格令他能与 费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine 相处得、甚至比费马罗与 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 大部分成员更为融洽。当梅丽凯向这些神系中某位成员求助时,他便是自然而然的使者。在北地的凡人中,桂伦也以 梅丽凯之口the Mouth of Mielikki 的角色作为梅丽凯的仲裁者。如有直接宣讲的必要,他将代表她向凡人大众发言。
Gwaeron serves Mielikki along with Lurue and Shiallia. He aids Mielikki on some missions and teaches her rangers the way to read forest signs. Gwaeron is rare among the Faerûnian powers in that he has forged alliances with the deities of the elven, gnome, and halfling pantheons whose portfolios most closely match those of Mielikki, Silvanus, and his own. His quiet, reclusive demeanor allows he and Fenmarel Mestarine to get along better than Fenmarel does with most members of the Seldarine. When Mielikki has to ask a favor of a deity from one of these pantheons, Gwaeron is naturally the messenger she sends. Gwaeron also acts as Mielikki's intercessor with mortals in the North in his role as the Mouth of Mielikki. He speaks to most mortals on her behalf if direct speech is necessary.

  桂伦通常沉默寡言,每当他开口时,也总是句式简要、情感淡薄。追踪大师并不轻怒,但他的狂怒一旦被引爆将骇人地可怖。他全身心地憎恶巨魔,并将他们视为犸拉的亲族和在这片土地上,一种就长远来看、无疑将扰乱 一体至衡the Balance 的凋萎病。除了在 三猪地Triboar 附近、至高森林High Forest 中以及 科曼索Cormanthor 内被定期发现外,桂伦已知也会潜近 永恒荒野Evermoors 和北地的其他地方地方来狩猎 不死者the Undying Ones。
Gwaeron is normally taciturn, and when he does speak, he speaks in terse sentences and with little visible emotion. The Master of Tracking is slow to anger, but, once ignited, his rage is a fearsome thing. He utterly loathes trolls and considers them the kin of Malar and a blight on the land that will inevitably upset the Balance in the long run. In addition to being regularly spotted near Triboar, in the High Forest, and in Cormanthor, Gwaeron is known to stalk the Evermoors and the rest of the North hunting the Undying Ones.


桂伦的化身Gwaeron's Avatar

  (游侠Ranger 25,德鲁伊Druid 14)

Gwaeron appears as a tall and physically impressive human male dressed in clothing suitable to walking in the wilds. He is always seen stripped to the waist and is massively muscled. His flowing white hair and long white beard whip around in the wind of his travel as he wind walks about. Gwaeron draws his spells from the all, animal, astral, charm, combat, creation, divination, elemental, healing, plant, protection, sun, travelers, and weather spheres. He also has minor access to the necromantic sphere.

  防御等级 -2;移动 15;生命值 192;零级命中值 -4;#攻击 5次/2轮(双手剑)或 2次/1轮(复合长弓)
  伤害 1d10+14(+1双手剑,火焰之舌flame tongue *,+11力量,+2双手剑专精奖励) 或 1d8+16(+3复合长弓 ,束箭或 杀戮箭arrow of slaying ,+11力量,+2复合长弓专精奖励)
  魔抗 55%;体型 中型M(6.5英尺)或 大型L(10英尺)
  力量 23,敏捷 13,体质 23,智力 19,感知 21,魅力 17:
  法术 牧师P:9/9/9/7/4/2/1
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
    *烈焰之心Flameheart 对再生生物+2,对冷易伤、易燃或鸟类生物+3,对不死+4。
  AC -2; MV 15; HP 192; THAC0 -4; #AT 5/2 (two-handed sword) or 2/1 (composite long bow)
  Dmg 1d10+14 (two-handed sword +1, flame tongue*, +11 Str, +2 spec, bonus in two-handed sword) or 1d8+16 (composite long bow +3 , sheaf arrow or arrow of slaying , +11 Str, +2 spec, bonus in composite long bow)
  MR 55%; SZ M (6½ feet) or L (10 feet)
  Str 23, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 19, Wis 21, Cha 17
  Spells P: 9/9/9/7/4/2/1
  Saves PPDM 3, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
    * Flameheart is +2 vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using, inflammable or avian creatures, and +4 vs.undead.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Deft:

  桂伦专精于双手剑和复合长弓的使用,并被认为熟练所有其它武器。桂伦在北地潜行追踪时,通常挥舞着一柄被称作 烈焰之心Flameheart 的巨型 +1火焰之舌双手剑。他对巨魔的仇恨诠释了什么叫做宿敌。针对 瓦普拉克Vaprak 的后裔,桂伦在攻击和伤害骰上+4,而他的魔法刃如同所有 火焰之舌 武器,对巨魔具有额外伤害。
Gwaeron is specialized in the use of the two-handed sword and the composite long bow; he is considered proficient in all other weapons. Gwaeron is typically seen stalking the North wielding a massive two-handed sword +1, flame tongue called Flameheart. Gwaeron embodies the concept of a species enemy in his hatred of trolls. He is +4 to his attack and damage rolls against the spawn of Vaprak, and his magical blade does additional damage to trolls as well, like all flame tongues.

  桂伦的背上同样携带着一张 +3复合长弓 以及一袋 杀戮箭 和普通束箭。桂伦的 杀戮箭 作用于曾亵渎一片林区、而未救赎己罪的凡物智慧生物,而他的箭袋似乎能无穷无尽地创造、供应杀戮箭和普通束箭。桂伦偶尔会将这样的杀戮箭授予一位正在执行特定任务(即从特殊敌人手中保护一片森林)的游侠,除此之外,他的箭只在他的手中附有魔力。
Gwaeron also carries a composite long bow +3 and a quiver of arrows of slaying and normal sheaf arrows on his back. Gwaeron's arrows of slaying affect sentient, mortal creatures who have ever desecrated a forest without atoning for their misdeeds, and his quiver seems to produce an inexhaustible supply of both arrows of slaying and normal sheaf arrows. Gwaeron occasionally give one such arrow of slaying to a ranger on a specific quest to protect a forest from a particular foe, but otherwise his arrows retain their enchantment only in his hands.

  桂伦的追踪能力如同感知属性25的40级游侠。他甚至能追踪飞行中、已传送或进入了另一个存在位面——诸如 灵界Ethereal星界Astral Planes 的生物,而且,随意使用,他能尾随这个生物的踪迹进行 位面转移plane shift(仅自身)。不幸的是,那些传送到异界、飞行、或传送的踪迹会迅速冷却,甚至是他也不能追踪已超过一个月的这类踪迹。
Gwaeron tracks as a 40th-level ranger with a 25 Wisdom. He can even track creatures that are flying, that teleport, or that have entered another plane of existence, such as the Ethereal or the Astral Planes, and can plane shift (himself only) at will to follow the spoor of such creatures. Unfortunately, the trail of those who shift planes, fly, or teleport grows cold quickly, and even he cannot follow such a trail more than a month old.

  随意使用,桂伦能 御风而行wind walk。除了他的正常行动外,每轮1次,如同18级法师,桂伦还能施展 烈焰裹尸布shroud of flame(如同《巫师之页Pages From the Mages》里的5级法师法术)。随意使用,他的触碰能向受术者灌注 自然协同natural attunement
Gwaeron can wind walk at will. He can cast shroud of flame (as the 5th-level wizard spell found in Pages From the Mages ) once per round as an 18th-level wizard in additional to his normal actions. His touch can imbue a recipient with natural attunementat will.

Gwaeron is immune to any spell, ability, or spell-like effect that would cause him to become lost, and only divine forces can actively make him lose a trail once he acquires it.


其祂显现Other Manifestation

  桂伦偶尔会显现为一团环绕着某处林迹的 妖火faerie fire 灵气,这处林迹能在追踪某些存在或生物时为追踪者提供模糊的线索。桂伦有时也会神现为一头鹿、一头熊或一些其他林地生物。这位 林迹解读大师Master Interpreter of Woodland Signs 通常将这作为一种教学方法。在某位初学者游侠发现了某处他并不熟悉的足迹不久后,桂伦便神现为相应的生物,令这位游侠能得到启发。
Gwaeron occasionally manifests as a nimbus of faerie fire around a woodland sign that could serve as an obscure clue when trying to track some being or creature. Gwaeron also sometimes appears as a deer, a boar, or some other woodland creature. The Master Interpreter of Woodland Signs often does this as a means of instruction. Soon after a novice ranger discovers a spoor that he is unfamiliar with, Gwaeron appears as the corresponding creature, enabling the ranger to make the appropriate induction.

  桂伦的另一种显现是人类裸足的印痕,这些容易辨识的踵印构成了他徽记的模糊印记。当某位虔诚的信徒跟丢了踪迹,他便可能以这个形式显现。借由发现异常印痕指明的方向,这位游侠通常便能重拾失落的踪迹。在某人陷入沮丧前,桂伦偶尔会显现为一片一瞬间的足印。受眷的生物自动受到一道 自然协同 法术的效果。
Another of Gwaeron's manifestations is as the print of a bare human foot with a faint impression of his symbol recognizable in the heel print. He may manifest in this fashion when a devout worshiper loses a trail. By looking in the direction indicated by the anomalous print, a ranger can often pick up the lost trail again. Occasionally Gwaeron manifests as a footprint a split second before a being steps in the depression. Beings so favored automatically receive the effects of a natural attunement spell.

  桂伦被种类众多、自然出没于森林的生物侍奉着。成群的草食动物在他的指挥下移动掩盖某道踪迹,而各种鸟儿(特别是乌鸦、鹊以及蓝色松鸦)则会前往遮掩迹象,来从某个敌人那里隐藏他的某位追随者、或揭示迹象指示踪迹让受眷者能轻易地追踪。妖精龙Faerie dragon 和伪龙都是他宠爱的事物。
Gwaeron is served by a wide variety of naturally appearing forest creatures. Herds of herbivores move to obscure a trail at his command, and various birds, particularly crows, magpies, and blue jays, may move to obscure or reveal clues indicating a trail to disguise them from a foe of one of his followers or make them readily apparent to a favored tracker. Faerie dragons and pseudo-dragons are also favorites of his.

~ Y1 @Y59CRD6N(6V1--Z63

教会The Church

  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死Turn Undead:游侠R:不可No
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:游侠R:不可No

  所有的梅丽凯游侠(包括那些宣誓为桂伦服务的)得到 宗教知识(费伦)religion(Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All rangers of Mielikki (including those sworn to Gwaeron's service) receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  并不存在与梅丽凯教会存在明确区分的有组织桂伦教信仰。与之相反,桂伦受到北地力图学习解读林迹和追踪逃犯或野味的游侠·与追踪者的尊敬。成员来自梅丽凯神职人员的游侠组织 寂静之道的追迹者团契the Fellowship of Stalkers of the Silent Path 则专奉着这位追踪大师。
There is not an organized Gwaeronan faith distinct from the church of Mielikki. Instead, Gwaeron is venerated by rangers and trackers of the North who seek to interpret woodland signs and to track outlaws or game. The Master of Tracking is served in particular by an order of rangers known as the Fellowship of Stalkers of the Silent Path who are drawn from the ranks of Mielikki's clergy.

  在北地,丛林女士的神殿和神龛(譬如建在小村 摩比瑞恩之盾村Mornbryn's Shield 中的神龛),通常也包含一座献给追踪大师的小神龛或侧祭坛。供奉桂伦名讳的神龛通常只是在某块独立巨石刻上桂伦徽记的简陋祭坛,它们主要分布在至高森林和科曼索境内。
In the North, temples and shrines of the Lady of Forests, such as the shrine found in the hamlet of Mornbryn's Shield, often include a small shrine or side altar to the Master of Tracking within their confines. Shrines consecrated in Gwaeron's name are typically simple altars made of a single boulder inscribed with Gwaeron's symbol and are mainly found within the High Forest and Cormanthor.


  桂伦的教导反映了梅丽凯——他侍奉之人——的教义。智慧生物能与野生生物和谐生活,而不需要以一方的名义毁灭另一方。桂伦教Gwaeronan 被教导应拥抱荒野而不是恐惧它,因为荒野之道是条善之道。他们维护着平衡,学习着所有生命的隐藏之道。他们既不允许树木被不必要地砍伐,也不允许森林被焚烧。他们生活在森林之中,他们也成为了森林的一部分,与森林的敌人进行着永无止境地战斗。
Gwaeron's teaching mirror those of Mielikki, whom he serves. Intelligent beings can live in harmony with the wild without requiring the destruction of one in the name of the other. Gwaeronans are taught to embrace the wild and not fear it, because the wild ways are the good ways. They are to keep the balance and learn the hidden ways of all life. They should not allow trees to be needlessly felled or the forest to be burned. They are to live in the forest and be a part of the forest, not dwell in endless battle against the forest.

Stalkers of the Silent Path must protect forest life and strive to keep the balance that indiscriminate fire-users, woodcutters, and hunters break. They are to live in harmony with the woods, to teach others to do so, and to punish and frustrate those who hunt for sport (not food) and who practice cruelties upon wild creatures. Gwaeronans are to take their roles as protectors very seriously and to keep in check the numbers of sentient, generally malicious wild creatures and humanoids who would distort the Balance just as much as incursions from civilized, careless and thoughtless humans.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Stalkers of the Silent Path walk the trails and wilderness of the North practicing their craft, becoming attuned to their environment, and observing the activities of the “monster” races. When called upon by the church of Mielikki or hired by local rulers, they track down fugitives from justice, elusive predators (both human and beast), or lost travelers. Some join militias, mercenary companies, or adventuring companies where they typically serve as scouts. In times of famine, Stalkers travel to regions where game is scarce and the inhabitants are in danger of starving and use their skills to provide food.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Gwaeron has no special holy days outside of those commonly celebrated by the faith of Mielikki. After a successful “stalk, " Stalkers of the Silent Path and any would-be tracker who invokes Gwaeron's name are expected to leave a circle of six footprints in the ground with their right foot, the heel of each print nearly touching and the toes facing outward.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  据说桂伦沉眠于三猪地镇以西一棵笔直的树,这棵树被称为 桂伦之眠Gwaeron's Slumber。在罕见的情况下,可以看见他走进或走出这棵树。崇敬梅丽凯的游侠们常常拜访桂伦之眠进行祷告,但那里并没有神龛,而且桂伦也从不在前来寻找他的人面前现身。据说在这棵树入睡的梅丽凯信徒,会在梦到女神希望他们去做什么的暗示。如果这位信徒不是一位游侠,这个人将获得如同游侠、一生一次、持续整日的追踪能力。为避免触怒桂伦,三猪地的法律禁止在这些树木中采伐木材、或在这片林中狩猎动物。当地民兵在森林中巡逻防备兽人、巨魔和其它智慧怪物在那露营——不过低智力的怪物从未在桂伦之眠出现过。
Gwaeron is said to sleep in a stand of trees just to the west of the town of Triboar, known as Gwaeron's Slumber. On rare occasions he can be seen walking into or out of the trees. Rangers who venerate Mielikki often visit Gwaeron's Slumber to pray, but there is no shrine there and Gwaeron never appears to those who come seeking him. It is said that worshipers of Mielikki who sleep in this wood receive in their dreams some hint of what the goddess wants them to do. If such a worshiper is not a ranger, the person gains a once-in-a-lifetime, day-long ability to track as a ranger does. To avoid angering Gwaeron, there are laws in Tri-boar against cutting any wood from these trees or hunting any creature in the woods. The local militia patrols the forest to prevent ores, trolls, and other such creatures from camping there—but less intelligent monsters have never been seen in Gwaeron's Slumber.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

As discussed above, those rangers of Mielikki's clergy who are specifically sworn into Gwaeron's service are members of the Fellowship of Stalkers of the Silent Path. This informal order (composed exclusively of single-classed human and half-elven rangers) focuses on the interpretation of woodland signs and tracking all manners of beings and beasts. Members retain close ties to the regular hierarchy of Mielikki's faith and are considered regular members of that church as well as of the fellow-ship. They serve as the tracking, scouting, and hunting arm of Mielikki's faith, much as Gwaeron serves Mielikki.

祭司祭服Priestly Vestments:

Stalkers of the Silent Path dress practically for their environment, preferring clothing made of supple, sturdy leathers and comfortable boots. They let their hair and beards grow freely, but keep them neatly combed and arranged in practical styles. Female Stalkers of the Silent Path wear their hair in a long, loose braid down their back. Male Stalkers rarely go bald and can always grow beards. All Stalkers wear a patch or sport embroidery on their formal vestments displaying Gwaeron's symbol and respect the seasonal colors of Mielikki's clergy's ceremonial raiment in the dyes used to color their formal clothes. Many Stalkers choose to tattoo a blue or brown five-pointed star on themselves in honor of their dedication to the order of the Silent Path.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Gwaeron's followers dress practically when adven-turing, in clothing very similar to their formal garb, but not as colorful. Stalkers pay respect to the seasonal colors of Mielikki's clergy's garb in their trim or accessories while in the field, but not so as to make targets of them-selves in incompatible-colored terrain. When the weather permits, male Stalkers like to work bare-chested, and both male and female Stalkers prefer working barefoot or in soft moccasins when practical.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(游侠Rangers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 13,敏捷Dexterity 13,体质Constitution 14,感知Wisdom 14
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,敏捷Dexterity,感知Wisdom
  防具ARMOR:任意(如果装备着比镶钉皮甲更重的防具,在一些特殊能力增值上将受到惩罚)Any (penalties to some special abilities accrue if wearing heavier armor than studded leather)
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:动物Animal,预言divination,植物plant,旅者travelers
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同游侠Same as rangers
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:生存(林地)Survival (woodland)
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:以下选择三:动物知识Animal lore,草药学herbalism,狩猎hunting,设置陷阱set snares,现代语言modern languages(精灵语elvish),现代语言modern languages(侏儒语gnome),现代语言modern languages(半身人语haifling)
  桂伦Gwaeron 受到一支精英追迹者组织的崇拜,他们源于 梅丽凯Mielikki神职人员中的纯职游侠队伍。该组织被称为寂静之道的追迹者团契。该组织成员的能力和限制,除了上面和下面已的改变,与丛林女士的神职人员中其他所有游侠、以及与在《玩家手册Player's Handbook》和《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中的详述,完全一致。
Gwaeron is venerated by an order of elite trackers drawn from the ranks of the single-classed rangers in Mielikki's clergy. The order is known as the Fellowship of Stalkers of the Silent Path. The abilities and restrictions of members of this order, aside from the changes noted above and below, are identical to those of all other rangers in the clergy of the Lady of Forests as detailed in the Player's Handbook and Faiths & Avatars.

  ❖ Stalkers of the Silent Path receive a +1 bonus for every three levels of experience (round up) to their hunting and tracking proficiencies, to a maximum of +5.

  ❖ Stalkers of the Silent Path lead solitary, lonely lives and, as a result, do not attract followers at 10th level except for a single bloodhound of maximum hit points (who can never be replaced).

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,寂静之道追迹者能施展 自然协同natural attunement(如同2级祭司法术)。在第6级,他们能施展这个法术每日2次,在第9级和更高,他们能施展它每日3次。
  ❖ At 3rd level, Stalkers of the Silent Path can cast natural attunement (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day. At 6th level they can cast this spell twice per day, and at 9th level and above, they can cast it three times per day.

  ❖在第14次,每日1次,寂静之道追迹者能施展 御风而行wind walk(如同第7级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 14th level, stalkers of the Silent Path can wind walk (as the 7th-level priest spell) once per day.

桂伦教法术Gwaeronan Spells

Note that all clergy of Gwaeron also gain access to the applicable religion-specific spells of Mielikki.

2nd Level

自然协同Natural Attunement

  (祭司Pr 2;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只活物One living creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell enables the recipient to become fully attuned to the surroundings, to notice every detail of the environment, and to parse which facts are important and why. This spell provides the recipient with a +2 bonus to surprise rolls, a +1 bonus to initiative, and a +1 bonus to saving throws for its duration. If the recipient does not have proficiency in tracking, the ability is conferred for the spells duration. Recipients who are nonrangers proficient in tracking can track as a ranger for the duration of the spell (in other words, without the -6 penalty). Recipients who are rangers can track common trails with a +3 bonus for the duration of the spell. They can even track "impossible trails, " such as those left by flying or noncorporeal creatures, but with a -6 penalty. If a trail is ever lost during the spell's duration, ranger recipients are allowed a second chance to find the trail again.

The material component of this spell is a handful of dirt that is smeared on the spellcaster's palms.

5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p029>桂伦·流风 Gwaeron Windstrom


  桂伦·流风 Gwaeron Windstrom,追踪之神god of tracking 中立善良NG 知识Knowledge,自然Nature 掌心印有一个五角星的爪子Paw print with a five-pointed star in its center
  (梅丽凯之口Mouth of Mielikki,追踪大师the Masterof Tracking,永不迷途的追踪者the Tracker Never Led Astray)

  除了 北地the North 的游侠们,几乎无人向 桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom 祈祷。据说桂伦是位由 梅丽凯Mielikki 擢为神性的凡人,他充当着游侠们与梅丽凯的调解员。他被视作游侠大师、完美的追踪者、无与伦比的动物训练者、如巨魔和兽人这样的贪婪生物的克星。据说他看上去就像一位有着长长的白胡子、但却仍然矍铄而强大的老人,人们相信他会在 三猪地Triboar 附近的树林中休息和安眠。
Few aside from rangers of the North pray to Gwaeron Windstrom. Said to have been a mortal man elevated to godhood by Mielikki, Gwaeron serves rangers as their intercessor with Mielikki. He is seen as a master ranger, the perfect tracker, a peerless animal handler, and a dedicated foe of rapacious creatures such as trolls and orcs. He is said to look like an old man with a long white beard who is still hale and mighty, and he is believed to take rest and sleep in a stand of trees near Triboar.

Rangers pray to Gwaeron because he represents much of the work they do, and because he can speak to Mielikki on their behalf. In the North, most rangers view Mielikki as too mysterious, holy, and wild to be addressed directly with their requests, but they consider Gwaeron Windstrom to be one of them and thus understanding of their needs.

Gwaeron has no temples, but shrines dedicated to him can be found in many places that serve wilderness wanderers as trail markers. Each one is denoted by a carving of Gwaeron's symbol, a paw print with a star on the palm, on a prominent tree or stone.
