楚尔特神系Chultan Pantheon | ||||
【主 神】 | 乌塔欧Ubtao | |||
【势力 范围】 | 楚尔特半岛Chultan peninsula | |||
【简 介】 | 楚尔特神系起源于一场预言。在史前与荒神之间跨晶壁系的黎明战争中,诸神最终取得了胜利,荒神、“骗子”乌塔欧的背叛正是这场战争的终锤之一。 黎明战争期间,上古邪物与荒神之一、“暗夜巨蛇”丹德尔吞噬了艾伯伦-托瑞尔星球所在晶壁系国度天宇的太阳(后来诸神重新制造了新的太阳)。后来预言之神萨弗拉斯预言在亿万年后末日降临之时,丹德尔将逃出监狱、从火焰峰出现、再次吞噬太阳,诸神争吵不休、乌塔欧则自告奋勇成为哨兵。 | |||
神祇名 | 神力 | 阵营 | 旧译 | 简介 |
乌塔欧Ubtao | G | N | 无 | 楚尔特之神 |
艾寿多Eshowdow | D→Dead | CE | 无 | 乌塔欧分离出的黑暗面相,作为精魂独立成神,艾寿部族之神 |
外神The Interloper Gods | ||||
塞斯Sseth | I | CE | 无 | 蛇人之神,麦尔绍克的新面相 |
萨德·哈尔Thard Harr | I | CG | 无 | 野矮人之神 |
艾寿多Eshowdow(莎尔) | D | CE | 无 | 莎尔弑杀并吸收了艾寿多后的面相 |
地精神系The Goblin Pantheon | - | 无 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p080>楚尔特神系Chultan Pantheon
出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR
楚尔特神系Chultan Pantheon
在有记载的大部分历史中,楚尔特Chult 的人类都崇敬着 楚尔特创造者the creator of Chult 乌塔欧Ubtao,而排斥其祂所有神力。虽然非人类神祇例如野矮人的守护神 萨德·哈尔Thard Harr 和 地精神系goblin pantheon 同样活跃于这个半岛,但这个区域的人类崇敬的是一支一神神系。鉴于 诸国度Realms 普遍流行多神教,这样一种惯例至少可说是不寻常的,不过,对这种异常情况的解释与 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 过去与未来的历史紧密交织。
For most of recorded history, the humans of Chult have venerated Ubtao, the creator of Chult, to the exclusion of all other powers. While nonhuman deities such as Thard Harr, patron of wild dwarves, and the goblin pantheon have also been active on the peninsula, the humans of the region have venerated a pantheon of one. Given the pandemic polytheism of the Realms, such a practice is unusual to say the least, but the explanation for this situation is tightly interwoven with the past and future history of Abeir-Toril.
很久以前,“全见者”萨弗拉斯Savras the All-Seeing 曾预言:当艾伯尔-托瑞尔的末日降临,“暗夜巨蛇”丹德尔Dendar the Night Serpent 将通过 火焰峰Peaks of Flame 下的传送门现身。至于末日指的是什么?以及丹达尔是个标志性的征兆、或者干脆是引起灾祸的根本原因?这些问题甚至连众神都无法回答。此时此刻,在国度的无数神系之间,乌塔欧神置身于其祂诸神的争吵外。当诸神就如何为全见者的预言的到来做准备而争执不休时,乌塔欧挺身而出、自愿担任哨兵,而作为交换他将统治岗位周围的土地。其祂神祇欣然同意,因为祂们没有兴趣担忧一个可能要花费千万年才会显露的麻烦。
Long ago, it was foretold by Savras the All-Seeing that Dendar the Night Serpent would appear through a magical portal beneath the Peaks of Flame when the doom of Abeir-Toril arrived. What that doom might be and whether Dendar would be a heraldic symptom or the root cause of the problem was unclear even to the greater powers. At this time among the myriad pantheons of the Realms, the god Ubtao stood aloof from the squabbling of the other deities. As the powers debated how to prepare for the fulfillment of the All-Seeing One's prophesy, Ubtao stepped forward and volunteered to serve as sentinel in exchange for exclusive dominion over the lands surrounding his post. The other deities readily agreed, as they had little interest in worrying about a problem that might take aeons to unfold.
当他抵达他的驻地时,乌塔欧着手建立了一片充满活力、葱翠茂盛的土地,并将人类、恐龙以及其它生物迁入其中。他在 楚尔特丛林Jungles of Chult 的心腹地带创立了伟大的城市 麦兹罗城Mezro 并在那居住了一段时间,然而信徒的不断叨扰驱使他回归了天界。楚尔特之创造者意识到就是创造那片森林的举措,从根本上疏远了他和楚尔特的凡人居民。为了弥补这一鸿沟,乌塔欧将他的一部分本质融入了楚尔特大地本身,融入到了地形特征、河川溪流、植被与动物生命中。这些乌塔欧之存在的碎片变成了无数的次等 自然精魂nature spirit。借助这些碎片产生的结果,乌塔欧得以再一次在基础层面上联结被关注的凡人。
Upon his arrival at his station, Ubtao set about creating a vibrant, lush land and populating it with humans, dinosaurs, and other creatures. He founded the great city of Mezro in the heart of the Jungles of Chult and dwelt there for a time, but eventually the nagging of his worshipers drove him back to the heavens. The Creator of Chult recognized that the very act of creating the jungle had fundamentally distanced him from its mortal inhabitants. To bridge this chasm, Ubtao imbued a portion of his essence in the land of Chult itself, into the terrain features, the rivers and streams, the vegetation, and the animal life. These fragments of Ubtao's being became countless minor nature spirits. By means of these fragments, Ubtao was able to once again connect on a basic level with the mortals he watched over.
乌塔欧本质分裂的一个意外副作用,是释放了他的存在一团被称为 幽影巨人the Shadow Giant 黑暗、原始面相。在过去的几个世纪,这团恶毒、潜伏的黑暗缓慢地演化为了名为 艾寿多Eshowdow 的半神力。艾寿多的诞生意味着楚尔特人类中一神教状态的终结,且可能预示着一支从乌塔欧的存在碎片的片段发展而来的神系的产生。然而,直至今日,只有艾寿多从乌塔欧的一个面相诞生,并成为一位自主的神性力量。
An unintended side effect of the fragmentation of Ubtao's essence was the release of a dark, primeval aspect of his being known as the Shadow Giant. Over the centuries, this malevolent, lurking darkness slowly evolved into a demipower known as Eshowdow. Eshowdow's birth marked the end of monotheism among the humans of Chult, and may have heralded the emergence of a pantheon of deities that will grow from the fractured shards of Ubtao's being. To date, however, only Es-howdow has emerged from an aspect of Ubtao as a divine power in his own right.
国度的其祂人类神系始终尊重乌塔欧对 楚尔特半岛Chultan peninsula 的统治权。但是,就像 塔纳厘恶魔tanar'ri 入侵者从巨人和类地精神系信徒队伍中窃取信徒的那样,乌塔欧的势力范围也受到了来自 寰宇巨蛇the World Serpent 一片复苏的碎片、蜥类创造者种族the sauroid creator 的残余信仰——“伟大巨蛇”塞斯Sseth the Great Snake 的攻击。(更多创造者种族信息见 黎明年代the Dawn of Time。)塞斯受到蛇人,一种外表完全是人类与蛇的混合体的堕落种族的崇敬,虽然塞斯的信仰在楚尔特半岛的人类中依然处于异教阶段,但在不久的将来,他将对乌塔欧信徒队伍造成稳定的侵蚀。对于塞斯对其统治权产生的威胁,乌塔欧的反应尚待观察。
The other human pantheons of the Realms have always respected Ubtao's dominion over the Chultan peninsula. But, like the tanar'ri interlopers who steal worshipers from the ranks of the faithful of the giant and goblinoid pantheons, Ubtao's sphere of influence has come under attack from a resurgent fragment of the World Serpent worshiped by the remnants of the sauroid creator race:Sseth the Great Snake. (See The Dawn of Time for more on the creator races.) Sseth is venerated by the yuan-ti, a degenerate race to all appearances a blending of human and serpent. While Sseth's worship by humans on the Chultan peninsula is still at the cult stage, he threatens to make steady inroads into the ranks of Ubtao's worshipers in the near future. Ubtao's response to this challenge to his dominion is has yet to be seen.