欧吕尔Auril,冰霜少女 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | AWE-ril |
【别名/面相】 | 索库露珂Saukuruk(大冰川民众) |
【头 衔】 | 冰霜少女Frostmaiden,冰封黎明Icedawn,寒冷女神the Cold Goddess,冰吻女士Lady Frostkiss |
【阵 营】 | NE |
【神 力】 | 大妖精Archfey→D→L→I→D |
【神 职】 | 寒冷Cold,冬季winter |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon/狂怒诸神Gods of Fury |
【主 神】 | 塔洛斯Talos |
【盟 友】 | 塔洛斯Talos,安博里Umberlee,犸拉Malar,索列姆Thrym |
【敌 对】 | 阿塔At'ar(阿曼纳塔Amaunator),摩安多Moander,淑妮Sune,裳提亚Chauntea,希阿莉亚Shiallia,乌斯伽Uthgar,瑞勒瓦·德维尼恩Rellavar Danuvien |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 喧癫空隧Pandemonium/1th 砾石巨窟Pandesmos/冬厅Winter's Hall(洛基Loki 有时会以此为藏身处) |
【徽 记】 | 在一块边框为白色的灰色钻石(一枚菱形纹章)上,有一片白色雪花A white snowflake on a gray diamond (a heraldic lozenge) with a white border |
【简 介】 | 欧吕尔Auril 是冬季与寒冷的女神。她的经历与空暗女王有相似之处(在某些精灵社区中,她就被当作空暗女王的代名词),也是位堕落的大妖精。 长期以来,她都是狂怒诸神的一员,忍受着塔洛斯的庇护与压榨(这在动荡之年后愈演愈烈)。并与裳提亚(双方存在长期斗争)、卡署斯(但祂们的祭司很难碰面)、淑妮(她指责冰霜少女对美丽事物的破坏)、乌斯伽(因她对麋鹿部落的染指)、瑞勒瓦·德维尼恩(席德瑞恩诸神的冰魔法之神)敌对。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
喧癫空隧之半神力Demipower of Pandemonium
这位中立邪恶神明的祭司和牧师们必须小心。在 荒宇wildspace 中时,他们的施法者等级将-2。唯一例外便是与寒冷有关的咒语,是施展这类法术时,他们的施法者等级将+2。在 燃素海the phlogiston 中时,角色必须投掷对抗即死魔法豁免检定,否则将陷入昏迷直至燃素海的旅程结束。欧吕尔Auril 的祭司无法在燃素海中施法。
Clerics and priests of this neutral evil god must beware. While in wildspace, spells awarded work as though cast at two levels lower than the spell casters current level. The only exception to this are spells associated with cold, which work as though the character was two levels higher. In the phlogiston, the character must roll a saving throw vs. death magic, or pass into a comatose state until the ride through the phlogiston is over. No spell casting in this area is possible by priests of Auril.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p30>欧吕尔Auril
(冰霜少女Frostmaiden,冰封黎明Icedawn,寒冷女神the Cold Goddess,冰吻女士Lady Frostkiss)
喧癫空隧弱等神力Lesser Power of Pandemonium,
别名ALIASES:索库露珂Saukuruk(在大冰川的民众中among the peoples of the Great Glacier)
神域名DOMAIN NAME:砾石巨窟Pandesmos/冬厅Winter's Hall
敌对FOES:阿塔At'ar(阿曼纳塔Amaunator—现已消逝now dead),摩安多Moander(现已消逝now dead),淑妮Sune,裳提亚Chauntea,希阿莉亚Shiallia,乌斯伽Uthgar
徽记SYMBOL:在一块边框为白色的灰色钻石(一枚菱形纹章)上,有一片白色雪花A white snowflake on a gray diamond (a heraldic lozenge) with a white border
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
欧吕尔Auril(“AWE-ril”)在那些深受深冬影响或于 大冰川the Great Glacier 边缘苟且的地区最为强大。对她的崇敬主要出于恐惧。身为 狂怒诸神the Gods of Fury 的一员,她侍奉着 塔洛斯Talos,并且其道德观与这位自然的毁灭之神也有许多相似之处。她目睹了自己的大部分神力遭受着塔洛斯的侵蚀,也因此,过去的十年间的冬天也变得越来越冷,提醒着北方人才是谁仍支配着寒冷的神力。虽然她可以向其祂狂怒诸神求助,但她只对 安博里Umberlee 感到放心;塔洛斯通常会回应她,但在随后将占有所有的荣耀与崇拜。而 犸拉Malar 则对她心怀鄙视——当然,这种感觉是相互。
Auril (AWE-ril) is most powerful in those regions that are affected by deep winters or crouch at the edges of the Great Glacier. She is worshiped primarily out of fear. She serves Talos and is one of the Gods of Fury, and much of her ethos is similar to that of the god of nature's destruction. She has seen much of her personal power eroded by Talos, and as a result, the winters have grown colder in the past decade to remind the northerners who still controls the power of cold. While she can call on the other Gods of Fury for aid, she only does so with Umberlee with any confidence; Talos usually responds but then directs all the glory and worship to himself, and Malar despises her. The feeling is mutual.
人们对欧吕尔的描绘类似于她的 冰霜少女Frostmaiden 化身(见下)。她是位善变、虚荣而邪恶的生物,在她那颗冰冻的神性心脏中,没有一丝是留给真爱、高贵的情感或荣誉的地方。她经常玩弄那些冒犯了她的人,把他们困在暴风雪中、然后把他们逼疯,在将他们冻死之前,还会用温暖的幻觉和家的舒适来诱惑他们。她永恒的美丽冰冷而致命,这朵女人花——和与坚冰相映的情感——被永远保存在了一块厚厚的北极冰块中。
When portrayed, Auril appears similar to her Frostmaiden avatar (see below). She is a fickle, vain, and evil creature whose cold divine heart remains untouched by any hint of true love, noble feeling, or honor. She often toys with those who offend her, trapping them in snow storms and then driving them insane by tantalizing them with visions of warmth and the comforts of home before she freezes them to death. Her eternal beauty is cold and deadly, the flower of womanhood preserved forever in a slab of arctic ice—with sensibilities to match the ice.
欧吕尔的化身Auril's Avatar
(巫师Mage 27,战士Fighter 20,Cleric 15)
欧吕尔最常显现为两种化身形态:冰霜少女Frostmaiden 与 冰封黎明Icedawn。冰霜少女动作轻盈而激烈,在 费伦大陆Faerûn 除了南部和东部外的所有地区,都是最常见的欧吕尔化身。她有着冰蓝的肌肤和雪白、自由飘逸的长发,在她的娇躯上,裹着一袭结着霜冻、雪白而厚实的长袍。冰霜少女使用除了元素火学派和元素火领域外,所有学派和领域的法术。她只能使用对植物和动物有负面影响(比如使它们腐烂或被定身)的法术,但动物召唤法术除外,她的动物召唤法术带来的总是北极生物。她只能施展太阳领域的逆向(黑暗)法术。她所施展的所有寒冷法术都有3倍的正常伤害,并且在任何使用的豁免检定上有-3惩罚。
Auril appears most often in one of two avatar forms: the Frostmaiden or Icedawn. The Frostmaiden is a lithe, furious figure of action and is the most often seen avatar of Auril in all regions of Faerûn except the south and east. Her skin is blue, her hair is long, free-flowing, and white, and a fine gown of white lawn thickly furred with frost swirls about her. The Frostmaiden can cast spells from all schools except elemental fire and all spheres except elemental fire. She can only cast spells that have a negative effect on plants and animals, such as to cause them to rot or be held, except in the case of animal summoning spells, which always bring arctic creatures to her aid. She casts only reversed (darkness) spells from the Sun sphere. All cold spells she casts are at triple normal damage and a -3 penalty to any applicable saving throws.
Icedawn is a silent, gliding apparition of icy hauteur, an impassive figure in an ornate crown and hooked, spurred armor of opaque, light blue ice. She casts no spells.
防御等级 -2;移动 15(冰霜少女) 或 飞行 15(冰封黎明);生命值 201;零级命中值 1;#攻击 5次/2轮
伤害 1d6+6 或 +9(+3 冰斧,霜之烙印,+6 对使火/火栖生物,+1 力量,+2 对冰斧专精)
魔抗 60%;体型 大型L(10呎)
力量 16,敏捷 18,体质 25,智力 23,感知 16,魅力 23
法术 祭司P:8/8/6/6/4/2/1,法师W:6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5/5
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
AC -2; MV 15 (Frostmaiden) or Fl 15 (Icedawn); HP 201; THACO 1; *AT 5/2
Dmg ld6+6 or +9 (ice axe +3, frost brand, +6 vs. fire-using/dwelling creatures, +1 Str, +2 spec, bonus in ice axe)
MR 60%; SZ L (10 feet)
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 25, Int 23, Wis 16, Cha 23
Spells P: 8/8/6/6/4/2/1, W : 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/5/5
Saves PPDM 3, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
冰霜少女往往会迅速愤怒地投掷 欧提路克冰封法球Otiluke's freezing spheres,冰风暴ice storms,冰墙术walls of ice,寒冰锥cones of cold。她将这些法术作为一种魔法能力释放,但仍然获得上述的奖励。每轮1次,作为她其他动作的附加,她可以使用一道这样的冰之魔法能力。与她的长袍或手部触碰将留下 霜之烙印frost brand,这是一种永久性的蓝色半透明疤痕,无论与之触碰的是肉体、木材还是石材上,都将留下这一痕迹。她携带着一柄名为 霜之烙印frost brand 的 +3 冰斧,但她更喜欢使用法术。(攻击冰霜少女的人若位于她的近战攻击范围内,将每轮进行一次对抗法术豁免检定,否则将被 霜之烙印 标记,第一次被标记的人或事物将还遭受2d8点寒冷伤害。)
The Frostmaiden tends to hurl Otiluke's freezing spheres, ice storms, walls of ice, and cones of cold with swift anger. She casts those spells as a magical ability, but still receives the bonuses noted above once. She may use this ice magic ability once per round in addition to her other actions. The touch of her gown or her hand leaves the frost brand, a permanent blue, translucent scar that marks through flesh, wood, and stone alike. She carries an ice axe +3, frost brand, but prefers to use spells. (Attackers of the Frostmaiden must make a saving throw vs. spell each round they are within melee range of her or be marked by the frost brand, which also causes 2d8 points of cold damage the first time it marks a person or thing.)
随意使用,冰封黎明能够反转所有6级或以下等级的祭司和法师魔法到其施法者身上。她的登临总是以在场所有 欧吕尔教派Aurilian 祭司的生命——将她们从内部冻结——为代价。(如果这些人未被粉碎成渣,在之后她们可以从死亡中复苏。)她既不投掷法术,也不开口说话,而只是简单地四处飘来飘去,拖着一层厚厚的冰霜、覆盖身后的一切。她的通过将冻结所经之处20呎范围内任何没有魔法实体保护的事物。非智慧植物将被自动灭杀,智慧植物可以尝试进行一次对抗即死魔法豁免检定,从而仅仅被迫陷入休眠。其他活物在身处她20呎范围内时,必须需要每轮进行一次对抗即死魔法豁免检定,否则也将死亡。此外,与大量金属(如盔甲)接触的生物,在身处冰封黎明20呎范围内时,将每轮遭受2d4点寒冷伤害。在其20呎范围内的液体将自动冻结,这将迫使范围内的药剂进行一次成功的对抗寒冷豁免检定,否则将被毁坏。在其20呎范围内的金属和石材将变得冰冷易碎;如果被以成功的攻击骰掷中或击中,它们将有20%的可能性被粉碎。如果魔法物品在投掷百面骰得到被粉碎结果时,它们可以进行一次对抗粉碎打击豁免检定,以避免遭此命运。
Icedawn can at will turn all priest and wizard magics of 6th level or less back at their sources. Her appearance always costs the life of any Aurilian priests who are present, freezing them internally. (If they are not shattered, they can later be raised from the dead.) She does not hurl spells or bandy words, but simply drifts about, trailing a thick rime of ice that coats everything in her wake. Her passage freezes everything within 20 feet of where she passes that is not protected by magic solid. Plants are automatically killed unless they are sentient, in which case they may attempt a saving throw vs. death magic to be merely forced into hibernation instead. All other living things must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic every round they are within 20 feet of her or die. In addition, living beings in contact with a substantial amount of metal (armored, for instance) take 2d4 points of cold damage each round they remain within 20 feet of Icedawn. Liquids within 20 feet of her freeze solid automatically, and this forces potions within range to make a successful saving throw vs. cold or be destroyed. Metals and stone within 20 feet of her become chilled and brittle; they shatter 20% of the time if dropped or struck with a successful attack roll. Magical items or constructs may make a saving throw vs. crushing blow if the percentile roll indicates they shatter to avoid this.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
Auril usually manifests as icy breath accompanied by a cold, ruthless chuckling and a blue-white radiance that leaves a thin line of frost to mark its passage. She also appears as a blank-eyed face of frost with long, wind-whipped white hair that radiates intense cold. Auril uses this latter manifestation if she wants to speak, slay, or confer items of power upon worshipers. She slays with her life-chilling kiss and confers boons by breathing them out of the face's mouth. Her victims must make a successful saving throw vs. death magic to survive the face's kiss.
Auril also indicates her favor or disfavor or sends aid through the presence or actions of watet elementals, ice para-elementals, undead, winter wolves, frost giants, and other arctic creatures.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,萨满shamans
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:不可NO;专属祭司SP:不可No;萨满Sha:不可No
支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:不可No;萨满Sha:可Yes
欧吕尔的所有牧师、专属祭司和萨满得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。一旦接受女神的 受拥仪式Embraced,欧吕尔的牧师们就将免疫自然寒冷伤害并对暴露效应免疫。
All clerics, specialty priests, and shamans of Auril receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Upon being Embraced by the goddess, clerics of Auril become immune to natural cold damage and the effects of exposure.
人们为了拖延她的威胁——以严冬来笼罩 费伦大陆Faerûn——而对欧吕尔奉上恐惧与崇拜。北地the North 的设陷阱捕兽者、矿工和移民者,一些大冰川的野蛮人和居民,以及蜷缩在任何冰川边缘陆块的定居者,会为了安抚她在冬季的狂怒而崇仰和尊敬她。近些年来,随着冬季变得越来越长、越来越冷,越来越多的人们在其神职人员的敦促下开始向欧吕尔祈祷。有几个霜巨人氏族在侍奉她的萨满的领导之下。
Auril is feared and worshiped in order to hold off the depredations of the harsh winters with which she threatens Faerûn. Trappers, miners, and settlers in the North, some barbarians and inhabitants of the Great Glacier, and residents of the lands crouching at any glacier's edge revere her and honor her in attempts to placate her cold fury come winter time. In recent years, winters have been getting longer and colder, and more and more folk have been making the prayers to Auril that her clergy urge be done. A few clans of frost giants are led by shamans in her service.
欧吕尔的女祭司们在费伦大陆各地、尤其是北地漫游,不过他的神职人员现在更常见于 央土the Heartlands。虽然欧吕尔的教会队伍中也有少量男性,但冰霜少女的绝大部分神职人员都是女性。被称为 寒冰女祭司icepriestesses 和 寒冰祭司icepriests 的欧吕尔专属祭司占了欧吕尔祭职者的三分之一。欧吕尔专属祭司与牧师的关系非常融洽。整个教会是个非常松散和非正式的组织,神职人员们四处游荡,基本上都是独立的。欧吕尔的大部分祭司通常都只使用“欧吕尔之手Hand of Auril”或“寒冰之息Icebreath”作为荣衔,但在像位于 灿烂镇Glister 的 欧吕尔之息教堂the House of Auril's Breath 这样的神殿中,神职人员会使用正式头衔。依升序,它们包括:圣职志愿者Postulant,您的Votre,冰风Icewind,风暴姐妹/兄弟Storm Sister/Storm Brother(该头衔授予3~8级之间大部分祭司),寒霜之触Frosttouch,深寒女士/领主Lady/Lord Cold,深冬女士/领主Lady/Lord Deep Winter,寒冷之环女士/领主Lady/Lord Cold Circle,至高寒冰之手High Hand of Ice。
Priestesses of Auril roam the lands of Faerûn, especially in the North, though her clergy are now being seen more often in the Heartlands. Auril's church has a few males within its ranks, but most clergy of the Frostmaiden are female. Specialty priests of Auril, called icepriestesses and icepriests, make up one-third Auril's priesthood. The relationship between the specialty priests and the clerics of Auril is very good. The entire church is very loosely and informally organized, and clergy members wander and are largely independent. Most priests of Auril use only the honorific "Hand of Auril" or "Icebreath," but at temples such as the House of Auril's Breath at Glister the clergy use formal titles. In ascending order, these are: Postulant, Votre, Icewind, Storm Sister/Storm Brother (a title given to the great bulk of priests between 3rd level and 8th), Frosttouch, Lady/Lord Cold, Lady/Lord Deep Winter, Lady/Lord Cold Circle, and High Hand of Ice.
Because of their immunity to natural cold, priestesses of Auril are often seen scampering lightly through the snows in summer-weight clothing or bathing in frigid river waters in the depths of winter to no apparent ill effect. They need much less food than other beings because of this ability, and often roam the northlands energetically when blizzards have forced other folk to hole up against the weather. Many priestesses of Auril make a handsome living delivering medicines, messages, and needed supplies throughout the northlands in winter.
Auril charges her clergy to: "Cover all the lands with ice. Quench fire wherever it is found. Let in the winds and the cold; cut down windbreaks and chop holes in walls and roofs that my breath may come in. Work darknesses to hide the cursed sun so that the chill I bring may slay. Take the life of an arctic creature only in great need, but slay all others at will. Make all Faerûn fear me."
Auril's clergy are commanded to revere her and sing her praises into any chill breeze or winter wind. They are to make all creatures fear or worship her and to bring down her cold power against all so that all may know her and quake before her. They are not to raise their hands against any other priest of Auril.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Clergy of Auril seek to make all folk fear their goddess and her clergy (to cut down on the attacks they face) through the fury of the winter weather. They also try to make themselves personally wealthy and influential by carrying out tasks that others cannot in the worst winter weather and by magically protecting those who pay or obey from the worst winter conditions. Clergy members make offerings to the goddess of some of the wealth they amass by scattering it in falling snow during a storm or throwing it through cracks in river ice or glacial crevasses during the winter.
In the cold months, Auril expects each of her priests to force or persuade someone to pray to her in the approved manner by beseeching Auril for mercy and praising her for the "cold cleansing" she brings. This prayer must last for the length of time it takes a piece of ice larger than the "supplicant's" hand to melt against his or her bared flesh. It must be done out of doors and preferably at night. During the winter, Aurilian clergy are also expected to slay at least one creature by cold. This is often done so as to provide worshipers or potential worshipers of the goddess with food or to slay a personal foe of the priestess or priest.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
仲冬节之夜Midwinter Night 是欧吕尔神职人员一年中最神圣的日子。这是一个持续整晚的冰上舞蹈节,在此期间,女神希望她的神职人员们既能自娱自乐,也能吸引尽可能多的人加入到她的服务中来。
Midwinter Night is the most holy time of the yeat to clergy of Auril. It is a festival of ice-dancing that lasts the whole night through, during which the goddess desires her clergy both to enjoy themselves and to lure as many folk as possible into her service.
圣职志愿者们接受女神之道的教诲,她们必须通过欧吕尔最神圣的仪式才能获准加入她的神职人员:受拥仪式Embraced。这一个人仪式可能在一年的任何时间进行,但若是在冬季,这位圣职志愿者就需前往极地或高山地区寻找暴风雪。受拥仪式需要只穿一双靴子(不过这些靴子的靴帮可以高到大腿处)、一件纤薄的内衣、以及身上的欧吕尔神圣象征的彩绘在暴风雪中奔跑整夜。这位仪式参与者要么将在暴露中死亡,要么被女神以“她的拥抱Her Embrace”从痛苦与战栗中拯救出来。
Postulants are instructed in the ways of the goddess, and must undergo the most sacred ritual of Auril to gain admittance into her clergy: the Embracing. This personal ritual may occur at any time of year, but if it is in summer, the postulant must journey to arctic or high mountain regions in order to find a blizzard. The Embracing consists of running through a blizzard all night long dressed in only boots (though they may be thigh-high), a thin shift, and body paint depicting symbols sacred to Auril. Celebrants either perish of exposure or are accepted by the goddess by being rescued from the pain and shivering by Her Embrace.
Thereafter, clergy members usually pray in private, by lying out in the snow all night long in prayer vigil. In summer, her clergy usually immerse themselves (except for their heads) in the coldest water they can find, typically by lying down in a fast-flowing stream. Auril answers their queries and gives them directions and missions through mind visions.
还有两种非正式、但也被热烈庆祝的仪式分别是 将临风暴the Coming Storm 与 终末风暴the Last Storm——神职人员合作将她们能召集的所有寒冷魔法集合唤来的咆哮冰风暴。它们将给一个城镇或地区带来剧烈的天气,标识着冬季的来临、或春季到来时的最后一丝喘息。
Two informal but enthusiastically celebrated rituals are the Coming Storm and the Last Storm—howling ice storms called up by clergy working en masse with all the cold magic they can muster. Together they bring fierce weather down upon a town or region to mark the onset of winter or its last gasp as spring begins.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
位于 月海the Moonsea 以北 灿烂镇Glister 的 欧吕尔之息教堂the House of Auril's Breath,是寒冷女神规模最大、也最有影响力的神殿,在这里,会有超过1600人——全是些不敢不尊敬欧吕尔的矿工和毛皮猎人——聚集在火堆周围,参加夜间的 火与冰典礼Fire and Ice rituals。至高寒冰之手High Hand of Ice(高阶祭司)马拉喀尔·兰塔Malakhar Rhenta 领导着14位左右的资深女祭司组成的 风暴之环the Storm Circle,管理着神殿并策划她们要时候的气象魔法。欧吕尔之息教堂在非信众中更常见的名字为“寒冷教堂the Cold House”或“冷慰塔Cold Comfort Towers”。
The House of Auril's Breath in Glister, north of the Moonsea, is the largest and most influential temple to the cold goddess, boasting a congregation of over 1,600 gathering around the fires for nightly Fire and Ice rituals (all of them miners and fur trappers too afraid not to venerate Auril). High Hand of Ice (high priest) Malakhar Rhenta leads the Storm Circle of 14 or so senior priestesses in running the temple and planning the weather magic they work. The House of Auril's breath is known more commonly to those not of the faith as "the Cold House" or, more bitterly, "Cold Comfort Towers."
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
在欧吕尔的教会中不存在附属军事组织或骑士团。这一现象的原因仅仅是因为她不想发起旷日持久的军事行动——欧吕尔宁愿向那些冒犯了自己的人施以暴风雪,而非派遣军队。不过,有些异教团体与团契是围绕着她的信仰(或对她的崇拜有所依赖)成长起来的。这些团体保留:冰霜教派the Cult of Frost,其驱动目标是获得名为 寒冬之戒Ring of Winter 的神器;冰霜女巫会the Frost Witches,这是一支法师团体,她们曾以欧吕尔之名记录了至少一本冰霜与寒冷魔法的巨著,并被认为知晓《白色遗录Codicil of White》的位置,那是一本描述了欧吕尔教派仪式并包含了一些法师法术的祭司书籍;依斯提悉亚姐妹会the Sisters of Istishia,她们将 依斯提悉亚Istishia 作为寒冷的先导与欧吕尔的神仆崇拜。依斯提悉亚姐妹会的崇拜似乎是让依斯提悉亚、而非欧吕尔受益——因为有些欧吕尔教派的女祭司被赋予了一项神圣的使命:找到这些姐妹会并“纠正”她们的神学观。
Auril's church has no affiliated military or knightly orders. She is just not of a mind to sponsor prolonged martial actions; she would lather send a blizzard down on those who offend her than troops. An odd assortment of cults and fellowships have grown up around or become attached to her worship, though. These groups include the Cult of Frost, whose driving goal is the acquisition of the artifact known as the Ring of Winter; a group of wizards known at the Frost Witches, who have recorded at least one tome of frost and cold magic in Auril's name and are reputed to know the location of the Codicil of White, a priestly book describing Aurilian rituals and containing some wizard spells also; and the Sisters of Istishia, who worship Istishia as a herald of cold and servant of Auril. The Sisters of Istishia's worship seems to benefit Istishia, not Auril, as a few Aurilian priestesses have been given a divine mandate to seek out the Sisters and "correct" their theology.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priests of Auril wear ice-white ceremonial robes with blue piping. The robes are cinched at the waist by a very wide silver belt, which also holds the requisite ceremonial ice axe. The ice axe bears the snowflake-in-lozenge symbol of the faith. (The ice axe is treated as a hand axe for combat purposes.) A silver circlet on the head is the final touch.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
When adventuring, most priests of Auril wear at least the circlet, the belt, and the ice axe with their normal day-to-day clothes. Since they are immune to the effects of cold, they usually wear only what clothing they think enhances their appearance, not necessarily what others are wearing for the weather. They never encumber themselves with excessive clothing or large sleeping bundles, preferring to travel light for maximum mobility.
5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p025>欧吕尔Auril
欧吕尔Auril,寒冬女神goddess of winter 中立邪恶NE 自然Nature,风暴Tempest 六角雪花Six-pointed snowflake
冰霜少女The Frostmaiden,霜吻女士Lady Frostkiss,寒冰黎明Icedawn
Auril, the merciless goddess of cold and winter, is worshiped mostly in regions that are affected by deep winters. Folk propitiate Auril with offerings and prayers for mercy. Her priests warn others to prepare for winter, and to stock extra provisions in order to have some to spare as offerings to the goddess.
Few favor Auril except for those who make their livelihood from winter or those who truly love the season. Her rare priests tend to be folk who would, but for their status, likely be outcasts from their communities. They practice celibacy and remain aloof from others when not serving in their official capacity.
路斯坎Luskan 有一座供奉欧吕尔的神殿——白色尖顶的 冬日殿堂Winter Palace。这座神殿是由白色石料雕凿出的数列石柱以及拱顶的无屋顶建筑。在外人的眼裡,欧吕尔的崇拜仪式看上去十分残酷。在路斯坎,游客会聚集在神殿,观看时常举行的 浸润游行wet parades,祈求者会身著携有冰霜的衣物。随后,他们会游行于被称为 欧吕尔之吻Kisses of Auril 六根石柱,这六根石柱分散在城市各处。信徒会在石柱间穿梭,向女神吟诵祷词。当抵达一根石柱时,一名祈求者必须攀登其上,并 亲吻女神kiss the lady(就是用嘴唇去碰触在顶端的生锈铁盘)。在冬季,这些事情就类似于疯狂的竞走,伴随著冻伤以及从光滑石柱上坠落的危险。附近旅店的人们,会为参与者的耐力下注,并为他们欢呼。那些完成比赛的人,会被认为让冬季更轻松了点,而这些人在整个冬季内几乎不用为食物或酒类买单。
Luskan has a temple dedicated to Auril, the whitespired Winter Palace. The structure is a roofless array of pillars and arches carved of white stone. The rituals of Auril's worship often seem cruel to outsiders. In Luskan, visitors gather at the temple to watch the frequent “wet parades,” a ritual in which supplicants don garments packed with ice. They then journey between six white pillars known as the Kisses of Auril, which are dispersed throughout the city. The worshipers move from pillar to pillar, chanting prayers to the goddess. Upon reaching a pillar, a supplicant must climb it and then "kiss the lady," touching lips to a rusty iron plate at the top. In winter, these events resemble frantic footraces, with the added risk of frostbite and injuries caused by falling from the slippery pillars. The parade runners are cheered on by patrons who come out of nearby taverns to place bets on the stamina of the participants. Those who finish the race are thought to have helped make the winter easier, and they rarely have to pay for food or ale all winter long.