正准元素位面The Positive Quasielemental Planes | |
【位面 別稱】 | 准位面quasiplanes |
【所屬 位面】 | 內層位面The Inner Planes |
【類 型】 | 內層位面/正准元素位面 |
【位面 之主】 | 無 |
【下轄 地區】 | 🔹礦物准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals 🔹輻射准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Radiance |
【簡 介】 | 「為弘揚正能量,抖音不再支持以發布社會時政、財經、法律或醫療等內容為主,或者粉絲量較高、影響力較大的賬號與商業推廣賬戶建立包含內容發布能力的授權關係。」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬核反應爐 |
四個 正准元素位面positive Quasielemental Planes(也稱為 准位面quasiplanes)懸掛在 元素位面the Elemental Planes 和 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 之間。它們將物質與能量結合到了一起,形成了與 多元宇宙the multiverse 其它任何地方都不同的、生動充滿變化的國度。在這裡,物質呈現出一種大多數人認為充滿活力——好吧,正能量——的品質。
The four positive Quasielemental Planes (also known as quasiplanes) hang suspended between the Elemental Planes and the Positive Energy Plane. They combine matter and energy to form vivid, dynamic realms unlike those found anywhere else in the multiverse. Here, matter takes on an energetic quality that most folks think of as being...well, positive.
閃電准位面The quasiplane of Lightning,亦被稱作 閃電位面the plane of Storms 或 復仇之地the Vengeful Land,這是一個烏雲密布、雷聲隆隆、(當然還有)巨大閃電的地方。如果不是因為呆上一秒就會被轟殺至渣,否則這裡會是個坐下來欣賞令人印象深刻的風景的好地方。
The quasiplane of Lightning, also known as the plane of Storms or the Vengeful Land, is a place of turbulent clouds, endless thunder, and (of course) vast arcs of lightning. If it weren't for the fact that a body can get himself fried in a second here, this would be a pretty nice place to sit back and admire the impressive scenery.
The hazards of this quasiplane are more or less self-evident. Even though a sod can breathe here, he's got to deal with tremendous winds and deadly electrical discharges. Toss in the lightning quasielementals who populate the quasi-plane, and the plane ends up as deadly as it is beautiful.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Sod 可憐蟲,討厭鬼。指一個不幸的或可憐的傢伙。使用此詞時,是對一個不幸的傢伙表示同情或是對那些陷入自己製造的麻煩中的白痴的挖苦。]
在 土元素位面the Elemental Plane of Earth 被 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 的光輝浸透之處,是 礦物准位面the quasiplane of Mineral 誕生之處。這是 多元宇宙the multiverse 的寶庫,裡面裝滿了珠寶、寶石和各種有價值的水晶。
Where the Elemental Plane of Earth is saturated by the radiance of the Positive Energy Plane, the quasiplane of Mineral is born. This is the multiverse's treasure trove, filled with jewels, gems, and all manner of valuable crystals.
Many leatherheads think they can pack some big bags, set sail for the quasiplane of Mineral, and strike it rich. What they forget, though, is that the realm's inhabited by some very nasty creatures who don't like a lot of claim-jumpers and cross-traders showing up and trying to cart off the very essence of their home.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Leatherhead 皮革腦袋。引申為一個笨蛋,一個愚鈍的或沒腦子的傢伙。這個詞是用來稱呼某人為白痴的。也可作形容詞。如在 "a leatherheaded sod".]
輻射准位面The Quasielemental Plane of Radiance 是由 火位面Fire 和 正能量面Positive Energy 之間結合而成、令人難以置信的光輝之地。雖然這是你能目睹的最美麗的景象之一,但它也是難以禁受的。那些不小心的讓會發現自己被光的轟擊弄的頭暈目眩、最終失明。
The Quasielemental Plane of Radiance is a place of incredible light born of the union between Fire and Positive Energy. Although it's one of the most beautiful sights a body could ever behold, it's also overwhelming. Those who aren't careful find themselves dazed and eventually blinded by the bombardment of light.
報告、傳言和各種徹頭徹尾的荒誕故事有時會提到生活在 輻射面Radiance 中的奇妙生物。其中唯一的問題,是沒有人知道什麼是真的,什麼不是。在一個如此令人目眩的地方,環繞四周是很困難的。不過,我可以跟你打賭,一切的奇蹟都等着掌握無盡光芒的去瞻仰。
Reports, rumors, and outright tall tales sometimes make mention of the wondrous creatures that live in Radiance. The only problem is that no one really knows what's true and what ain't. It's difficult to look around in a place so blinding. A body can bet, though, that all manner of miracles wait to be seen by those who can master the endless glare.
在 水位面Water 和 正能量面Positive Energy 的交界處,某個傢伙會發現自己被捲入了 蒸汽准位面the quasiplane of Steam 的白色薄霧中。這些蒸汽是雲和霧的材料。它們可以安全地呼吸、感覺皮膚清爽。
At the juncture of Water and Positive Energy, a cutter finds himself swept up in the rolling white mists of the quasiplane of Steam. These vapors are the stuff of clouds and fog. They can be breathed safely and feel refreshing against the skin.
不過,像往常一樣,你還是需要小心。這並不是說 蒸汽面Steam 存在比其它任何位面都更危險的生物,而是說來訪者很難知曉下一排雲層後潛伏的是什麼。
As always, though, a body's got to take care. It's not that Steam has more dangerous creatures than any other plane, but simply that a visitor seldom knows what's lurking behind the next bank of clouds.