正能量位面The Positive Energy Plane | |
【所屬 位面】 | 能量位面The Energy Plane |
【類 型】 | 內層位面/能量位面 |
【位面 之主】 | 無 |
【簡 介】 | 「為弘揚正能量,抖音不再支持以發佈社會時政、財經、法律或醫療等內容為主,或者粉絲量較高、影響力較大的賬號與商業推廣賬戶建立包含內容發佈能力的授權關係。」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬正能量爐 正能量位面The Positive Energy Plane 是正能量充盈之地,但它也是多元宇宙最危險的地方。物質在此會被充盈的能量粉碎為基本粒子,生命在此因過載而內爆為肉粉,這死法很酷是吧? |
2ePS<The Inner Planes.p060>正能量位面The Positive Energy Plane
法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
火Fire,野魔法Wild magic +
土Earth,水Water,死靈Necromancy ◆
如果你期望能從這個位面找個土著來告訴你來龍去脈,那你可想簡單了,巴佬。可不會有正能量土著會給你講新聞,所以你只有指望我了,堪薩斯·休斯Kansmaath Hugh,沒有人比我這個位面行者更了解這個地方。實際上我去過那裏,所以我比大部分位面行者知道的都更多。我會給你講這個位面上的情形,這樣你就可以避開一些讓要害死我的風險。
If you're expecting a native of this plane to tell you the ins and outs, think again, berk. There's nobody indigenous to Positive Energy to give you the chant, so you'll have to settle for me, Kansmaath Hugh, a planewalker who knows about as much of the place as anyone. I've actually been there, which is more than most planewalkers can say. I'll give you the chant on the plane so you can avoid some of the dangers that just about got me lost.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Berk 巴佬。一個笨蛋,尤指那些因為搞不清狀況而把自己捲入大麻煩的傢伙。]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Chant, the 表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. "What's the chant?"是打探最新消息常用的一句話。如一定要翻譯到主物質位面地球上來,那麼就是」What’s Up?」]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Lost 死亡。"He got lost" 指他不會活過來了,除非用復活術.]
But before I lann you, I gotta ask-why were you planning on going here in the first place? Are you sureyou don't want to think it over? Why do I ask? Well, let me begin....
正能量位面The Positive Energy Plane 是 生命位面the plane of life。它也被稱作 活力位面vim、元氣位面vigor、生命能量位面life-energy、靈魂位面the soul、精魂位面spirit、炁位面chi、查克拉位面chakra、昆達里尼位面kundalini(它還有許多其它名字)。它是創造的位面,所有事物都從它那獲取了其固有的美感、價值與存在。
The Positive Energy Plane is the plane of life. It's also called vim, vigor, life-energy, the soul, spirit, chi, chakra, or kundalini (and many more names as well). It's the plane of creation from which all things acquire their inherent beauty, value, and very existence.
那就是為什麼位面行者們總是把這個位面搞錯的原因。他們以為在這樣的地方不必擔心生存問題。這可能是全 多元宇宙the multiverse 最寧靜、最和諧的地方了,對吧?不!瞧,這個位面充滿了如此磅礴的生機與元氣之力,以至於任何來到此處的人都會很快被壓垮超載。能量,哪怕是讓生命的蓬勃、爆發的能量,如果太多了,就會像沒有一樣糟糕。大部分巴佬脆弱的軀體都無法應對能量的湧入,並將迅速爆炸。
That's why planewalkers always get this plane all wrong. They don't think they have to worry about survival in a place like this. It's probably the most peaceful, nurturing place in all the multiverse, right? Nope. See, the plane's filled with so much of this vibrant, energizing force that any-body coming here gets quickly overwhelmed and overloaded. Too much energy, even energy bursting and seething with life, is just as bad as none at all. The fragile physical bodies of most berks just can't handle the influx of energy and quickly explode.
A body can only describe the energy of the plane as vibrant and full of life. From this plane, all life in the multiverse (there's probably an exception, but I don't knowabout it) gets its spark. When a newborn comes into the multiverse, the fragile beginning of life originates here. When a wizard or priest creates a magical automaton and brings it to life, he gets the power from here. The tiny germ at the center of a seed that'll grow into a mighty oak originally came from here.
Like the name implies, this entire plane's one big (that is to say, infinitely so-the Editor) mass of energy. There's no terrain, no water, no sky-nothing but energy. There's no ground upon which to stand or build a shelter. Even pockets of other elements are blasted into tiny particles as soon as they arrive in the plane, so there're no handy spheres of air or chunks of earth to use as a resting place. The plane has no gravity, so there's nothing to orient a basher at all.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Basher 某人,中性詞。一般但不總是,暗指其是個暴徒或打手.]
'Course, getting from place to place on a plane where the places don't really matter (there really aren't any) doesn't mean much. Moving around's not really a body's main concern in the plane of Positive Energy. Survival is.
登上這個位面可能是你這輩子做過最艱難的事情。噢,你可能時不時讀到通向某些地方的傳送門和通道不太多,但通向 正能量位面the plane of Positive Energy 的才真叫隱秘。到達這裏的方式真不多。沒有人會特意去發明到達這個位面的方法(你必須承認,的確沒啥來這的理由),而那些發現了通向這裏的「自然」傳送門之人,可能會覺得這毫無價值,所以沒有記下它。
Getting to this plane's probably about the hardest thing a body'll ever do. Oh, a cutter reads now and again about some place that doesn't have many portals or paths leading to it, but the real dark is that they don't have a thing on the plane of Positive Energy. There just aren 't many ways to get here. No one's going to intentionally set up a means to come to the plane (there's not much reason to, a body's got to admit), and those who find a "natural" portal leading here probably won't consider it valuable enough to even make note of it.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Dark 任何秘密可稱為dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等於說 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."]
雖然很多頂級位面行者也不知道這點,但大部分位面旅行魔法物品,像是 異界之門立方cubic gates、大法師之杖staves of the magi、位面護符amulets of the planes 等等,都有內置的故障保險裝置,使其無法進入這個位面(可能還有 負能量位面the Negative Energy Plane)。
Lots of top-shelf planewalkers don't know this, but most plane-traveling magical items like cubic gates, staves of the magi, amulets of the planes, and what not have specific fail-safes built in that make it impossible to wind up in this plane (and probably the Negative Energy Plane as well).
[譯註:印記城黑話—Top-shelf 極棒的或最好的,如"The really top-shelf pubs are all in the Lady's Ward."]
到達這個位面的唯一正途,便是使用像 位面轉移plane shift 這樣的法術,或是通過一種非常困難的方式——一路穿越某個 正准能量位面the positive quasiplanes,直至達到其邊界——鬼知道這需要多少時間?
{{sp|sp = The only real way to reach this plane is by a spell such as plane shift or by the really hard way - traveling all the way through one of the positive quasiplanes until a body hits the border- and who knows how long that could take?
The energy that makes up the entirety of the plane is the chief hazard, though it takes some leatherheads a while to tumble to that. "Positive energy can't be bad, " they say. Wrong. A traveler gains 2d6 hit points per round spent unprotected within the plane. For the wounded, it's free and quick healing. Even those folks fit and fine gain the hit points as extra vigor that's added to their normal total lasts 2d10 turns if he leaves the plane. This becomes a problem when adding on the additional hp doubles the berk's total.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Leatherhead 皮革腦袋。引申為一個笨蛋,一個愚鈍的或沒腦子的傢伙。這個詞是用來稱呼某人為白痴的。也可作形容詞。如在 "a leatherheaded sod".]
[譯註:印記城黑話—Tumble to 恍然大悟。指搞明白,想出或查明了什麼東西。某人在籠城獨處閒逛時,最好搞明白印記城的秘密先。]
Then, as quick as a sword stroke, the sod's blasted into invisible gobbets of pulverized flesh as his soul flames, overloaded with positive energy, consuming him fronr within. It's not a pretty sight, believe me.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Sod 可憐蟲,討厭鬼。指一個不幸的或可憐的傢伙。使用此詞時,是對一個不幸的傢伙表示同情或是對那些陷入自己製造的麻煩中的白痴的挖苦。]
Equipment and all manner of physical objects face the same fate if taken to this plane. Everything taken to this plane, unless it's magical, must make a saving throw vs. disintegration or be dispersed into its component elements.
幸運的是存在有效的保護措施。防護負位面negative plane protection 有一種被巧妙地稱作 防護正位面positive plane protection 的變體,能通過保護你和你的物品不受位面能量的影響,從而避免你的靈魂被湧入的能量淹沒。
Fortunately, there's protection available. A version of the spell negative plane protection called, ingeniously, positive plane protection keeps a body's soul from being overwhelmed by the influx of energy by shielding the cutter and his belongings from the plane's energy altogether.
Breathing in this Energy Plane, where there's no air at all, can be a major difficulty. Now, I say "can" because sometimes it ain't. The dark of it is that an unprotected cutter, while she's absorbing the ambient energy of the plane, doesn't need to worry about suffocation. Even though she's unable to breathe, the plane's energy repairs any damage suffered by her lungs, brain, and whatnot from a lack of air. The plane's energy's enough to sustain her (food and water aren't really necessary, either, for the same reasons). Now, she might still feel like she can't breathe, and that takes some getting used .....
當處於免受該位面能量保護的法術影響下時,這位老鳥反而開始需要擔心呼吸問題。以 水中呼吸water breathing(改變旅行者的身體,使其可以呼吸構成環境的東西)或 化水為氣airy water(將環境改變為身體可以呼吸的物質)為模型的法術,在此不會生效,因為能量不會被轉化為任何東西。因此,需要呼吸的旅行者最好帶上自己的空氣,或者啥都別帶。
While under the influence of a spell that protects a body from the energy of the plane, a blood's suddenly got to worry about breathing. Spells based on the water breathing model (change a traveler's body so he can breathe whatever makes up the environment) or the airy water model (change whatever the environment is to something a body can breathe) don't work here, 'cause the energy can't be changed into anything. Thus, a traveler who likes breathing might be wise to bring along his own air or do without.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Blood 專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示 .]
一旦你得到了對能量的防護,並學會了如何呼吸,現在你就得開始擔心位面的能量會對來訪者的感官造成怎麼樣的破壞。如果不加保護,這裏燦爛的力量之瘴會立即讓可憐蟲們的雙目失明。保護你眼睛的最好方式就是簡單而可靠的眼罩。黑暗魔法會迅速被這個位面的力量扼殺。那些不知何故能通過耀眼的光線或眼罩視物之人,也無法看到100呎外的東西,因為它的能量是如此的強烈。聽覺不會太受影響,但大部分人都描述了觸覺比平時更能感知事物的故事。經驗豐富的老鳥能利用這種增強的感官來彌補喪失的視力(進行-6的感知檢定,允許他在這個位面中僅通過處決感官,感知到25呎內的移動)。不幸的是,由於處決的增強,法術的內感(如 痛苦徽記symbol of pain),在正能量位面的效果會翻倍。
Once you're protected against the energy and have figured out how to breathe, now you've got to worry about th havoc the plane's energy can play upon a visitor's senses. The brilliant miasma of power here'll blind a sod's eyes instantly if they're not protected. The best way to protect your eyes is the simple, trusty blindfold. Darkness magic's snuffed out right quick by the power of the plane. Those who can somehow still see through the blinding light or while blindfolded still can't perceive much beyond 100 feet since he energy's so intense. Hearing's not affected much, but most folks tell tales of being able to sense more by touch than usual. An experienced blood can use such a heightened sense to make up for his lost vision (a Wisdom check at -6 allows a cutter to sense movement within 25 feet of him while in this plane by sense of touch alone). Unfortunately, spells inficting sensations (like a symbol of pain) double in effectiveness in the Positive Energy Plane due to enhanced sense of touch.
在這裏發生的戰鬥真的很有趣。首先,這個位面將治療所有傷口——某些人說是時間癒合了一切,但我知道是正能量干的(這是在說笑,巴佬)。無論如何,被劃傷的人的確會發現自己被正能量淹沒,並在突然間變得更獲得了新生一般好。現在,如果某人獲得了對該位面正常的能量浪涌的防護,那麼他將發現自己將沒有這項特殊優勢。這就是為什麼一些機靈鬼想出了一種辦法:在受傷時暫時降下防護,讓治療能量進入。以下是操作方法:得到防護的傢伙進行敏捷屬性檢定。如果成功,那麼意味着他足夠快,可以進行一次嘗試(速度很重要,因為如果這種防護消失超過1瞬間,它就將永久消失)。接下來,他將進行感知檢定,以維持在防護降下期間保持對防護的控制——就像確保閘門暫時打開時,大壩不會破裂。如果兩項檢定都成功了,則這個可憐鬼將獲得2d6 hp,而不是去防護,整個過程將只花費1輪。如果第一次檢定失敗,則不會發生任何事情,時間將被浪費掉。如果第二個檢定失敗,防護將失效,此君將被能量衝擊淹沒,然後這個可憐鬼將面對該位面的全部偉力。
Combat can be really interesting here. First off, the plane heals all wounds- -some folks say it's time that does that, but I know it's positive energy (that's a joke, berk). Anyhow, it's true that a body that gets nicked finds himself flooded with positive energy and suddenly he's as good as new. Now, if a blood's got himself protected from the normal energy surge of the plane, he'll find himself without this particular advantage. That's why some canny basher figured out a way to lower the protection momentarily to let healing energy in when he got wounded. Here's how it's done: A protected basher makes a Dexterity ability check. If successful, that means he's quick enough to give it a try (quickness is important, because if the protection's down for more than just a moment, it's gone for good). Next, he makes a Wisdom ability check to maintain control over the protection while it's down- like making sure the dam doesn't break when the gates are temporarily opened. If both checks are successful, the sod gains 2d6 hp, doesn't lose his protection, and the whole thing takes only a single round. If the first check fails, nothing happens at all and the time's wasted. If the second check fails, the protection fails, overwhelmed by the onslaught of energy, and then the sod's subject to the full power of the plane.
The only way to move around is to literally "swim" through the energy, which doesn't let a body get anywhere very fast (half normal swimming movement rate). The real way to get anywhere is to just think of a location. That's it. Just think of a location in the plane and before he knows it, a basher's there. Instant teleportation. Walls and whatnot don't mean much in this plane.
For a plane of life, there's not much living here. Nevertheless, life always finds a way (they say), and so a couple of creatures call the Positive Energy Plane their home.
有傳言說,就像 元素位面the Elemental Planes 一樣,圍繞着正負能量位面有與之連結的元素生物。讓別人喋喋不休地討論負能量位面吧,而我可以告訴你,關於正能量元素的想法完全是些廢話。動動腦子,巴佬。它不是個元素位面。為什麼你會期望這裏會有元素?沒有人會期待會有世外桃源元素或者巴托地獄元素,對吧?
There's chant going around that the Positive and Negative Energy Planes have elemental creatures linked with them just like the Elemental Planes. I'll let somebody else rattle their bone-box about Negative Energy, but I can tell you that the idea of a positive energy elemental's just screed. Think about it a minute, berk. This ain't no Elemental Plane. Why'd you expect there to be elementals here? No one expects Arcadian elementals or Baatorian elementals, right?
[譯註:印記城黑話—Bone-box 嘴巴,得名於其中的牙齒,獠牙或其他之類的。 "Stop rattling your bone-box,"是告訴一個笨蛋停止恐嚇或是吹牛。]
在這個位面里,最接近元素的生物被稱作 夏格-雅xag-ya。與它被稱作 耶格-依xeg-yi 的負能量對立面一樣,它也是一種起源不明的能量生物。這些實體對大多數人來說都是如此的陌生,以至於根本無從理解它們——無論是它們會做什麼,還是它們為什麼而做。作為位面行者,與史拉蟾進行一場推理的機會,都比與夏格-雅交流的機會更大。所以,這裏有一些寶貴的建議:不要因為它是一種生命能量的生物就認為它是善良或有益的。這些東西遠遠超出了人們的理解範圍,它們甚至可能在意識到某人在那裏之前就已殺死了他。
The closest thing to an elemental in this plane's a creature called a xag-ya. It's an energy being of unknown origins with a negative counterpart called a xeg-yi. These entities re so foreign to the minds of most cutters that a body just can't understand them at all- not what they do or why they do it. A planewalker's got a better chance of reasoning with a slaad than communicating with a xag-ya. Here's some valuable advice, though: Don't assume that because it's a creature of life energy that it's good-natured or helpful. These things're so far beyond understanding that they might kill a body before they even realize he's there.
就像 夏格-雅xag-ya,獨爪蜃ravid 也棲息在這個位面中,也完全由正能量組成。不過,獨爪蜃真是把這點發揮到了極致,因為相較於毀滅接觸的事物(雖然它也做得到),它寧願給沒有生命的物體注入生命。精明的傢伙會避開這些生物(即使似乎它們沒有有意識地將它們的力量施加到遇到的東西上),否則就難免面對配件自由活動、鞋子自行其是的情況了。
Like the xag-ya, the ravid lives in this plane and is composed entirely of positive energy. The ravid really carries this to an extreme, however, because rather than destroying matter it comes in contact with (although it can do that too), it imbues lifeless objects with life. A canny basher'll avoid these creatures (even though they don't seem to consciously inflict their power on the things they come across), or else his sword'll start acting on its own and his shoes'll go where they please.
Now, while a body can't swing a dead tiefling without hitting a power that supposedly rules over the force of life and creation, a body won't find any of them living here. Why? Same reason I don't live here- -the energy's just too much. Even gods can't handle it.
然而,的確有一段有趣的傳言。神力們確實訪問了這個位面。當諸神創造有生命的東西(看上去祂們經常這麼做)時,祂們會來到正能量位面來聚集起必須的能量灌注進生物中。據推測,祂們稱這個位面為 生命之井the Life Well(不過任何如此宣稱的巴佬都已經被諸神弄瘋作為肯定)。一些老鳥也會做同樣的事情來創造某些魔法生物——那些比魔像和自動機更高一級的東西。
Here's an interesting piece of chant, however. The powers do visit this plane. When the gods create something living (and they're always doing that, it seems), they come to the plane of Positive Energy to gather up the necessary power to pour it into the creature. Supposedly, they call this plane the Life Well (though any berk who claims to have gotten this from a god's barmy for sure). Some mortal bloods do the same thing to create certain magical beings-the ones a step above golems and other automatons.
[譯註:印記城黑話—Barmy 瘋狂的,精神失常的,例如 "The winds of Pandemonium'll drive a body barmy if he stays too long." Barmies指瘋子,神經病,尤其是指那些在印記城中,被多元宇宙的無垠嚇倒的傢伙。]
這裏只有一個地點,如果你仔細想想,會發現有個地方存在本身就相當了不起了。我真的很佩服那位名曰 妃達爾·迪達姆-胡魯斯Feadal Didam-Hurus(位面佬/女性人類/牧師10/超然會/絕對中立),她最終在正能量位面上完成了她的城堡——生命堡壘the Fortress of Life。
There's only one site here, but the fact that one exists at all is really something in and of itself, if you think about it. I've really gotta admire the tenacity of a cutter named Feadal Didam-Hurus (Pl/♀ human/C 10/ Transcendent Order/N), who finally finished her citadel, the Fortress of Life, here in the plane of Positive Energy.
Feadal used powerful spells and magical items gathered from the farthest corners of the planes to keep her fortress intact against the onrush of positive energy. Anyone within this structure, which includes three towers and a central keep, gains protection from all aspects of the plane. Even normal vision is possible and safe within its walls, although most visitors still find the place overwhelmingly bright.
在生命堡壘中,妃達爾保存着她所收集的 生命珍珠lifepearls。聽她講的故事,這個位面內有些地方的查克拉聚集地比其它地方更加密集。就像牡蠣中的沙子與砂礫被壓縮為珍珠一樣,在這些遙遠的地方,正能量被壓縮為了濃縮的凝聚點。她稱這些圓形的半透明濃縮生命能量的碎片稱為 生命珍珠。
In the Fortress of Life, Feadal keeps the lifepearls she's gathered. To hear her tell the tale, there're places within the plane where the chakra energy gathers more closely than in other spots. In these far-flung locales, positive energy compresses into concentrated a focal point like sand and grit in an oyster compress into a pearl. She calls these round, translucent bits of concentrated life energy lifepearls.
生命珍珠 可以從這個位面取下,用於治療傷病,甚至復活死者。每顆都有40發充能的 治癒法杖staff of curing 和 復生權杖rod of resurrection 的力量(但 生命珍珠 在消耗完所有「發數」後,將粉碎為一團5d6的火球)。妃達爾認為它們並非只是簡單的治療飾品,而是整個種族、物種、世界甚至是可能的位面的種子。因此,妃達爾認為它們是多元宇宙最強大的物體,她很好地保護着它們。傳言說,據說 夏格-雅xag-ya 和 獨爪蜃ravid 也很重視 生命珍珠lifepearls。
Lifepearls can be taken off the plane and used to heal the hurt and sick and even restore the dead. Each has the powers of a staff of curing and a rod of resurrection with 4d10 charges (but the lifepearl shatters in a 5d6 fireball upon the expenditure of all its "charges"). Feadal believes them to be much more than simple healing trinkets, and instead the seeds from which entire races, species, worlds, and even possibly planes are born. She likes to call them "concentrated creation." Thus, Feadal believes them to be the most potent objects in all the multiverse, and she guards them well. Chant has it that both the xag-ya and the ravids appear to value the lifepearls as well.
As far as spellcasting goes, spells that cause damage of any type cause the minimum amount possible. No spell key can rectify this, simply because mages haven't spent enough time on the plane to create one!
If a body needs great healing or a magical item recharged (usually, magical items involving healing), he can come to the Positive Energy Plane-as long as it's a real short trip. Even then, coming here's a big risk and there's probably a better means of accomplishing the task somewhere else (it's a big multiverse).