水狮Water Lion | |
基本信息 | |
【阵 营】 | N(偏G) |
【神 力】 | L |
【神 职】 | 未知,但憎恨鲨鱼unknown, but hates sharks |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies/大海迷梦者Asathalfinare |
【盟 友】 | 大海迷梦者Asathalfinare,诺班尼恩Nobanion |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 未知 |
【徽 记】 | 海狮的头sea lion's head |
【简 介】 | 水狮Water Lion 极端神秘,并不清楚其动机和神职,据说其与寂静之歌有关。 |
2e<Monster Mythology.p095>水狮Water Lion(弱等神Lesser God)
遍历诸位面、并不清楚 水狮Water Lion 的家园所在,但他的化身不断漫游于 主物质位面Prime Material。关于他的动机存在着大量的神话。有时他看上去在寻找某个丢失的孩子、或是作为他最好朋友的某位失落神明,而出于忠诚而永远在诸位面寻找;把 寂静之歌Stillsong 当作后者的神话或许是最接近真相的。虽然并非他的任务的一部分,但水狮憎恨鲨鱼,每当看见就会出手攻击。
Water Lion's home across the planes is not known, but his avatars roam the Prime Material ceaselessly. There are many myths concerning his purpose. Sometimes he is seen seeking a lost child or a lost god who is his best friend, and from loyalty he roams the planes forever seeking; the myths which place the latter as Stillsong are perhaps closest to the truth. Although it is not part of his quest, Water Lion hates sharks and attacks them on sight.
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
Water Lion is very playful and may roar for the pleasure for it, sometimes with unfortunate effects. Water Lion is enchanted by song and can sense bards within a mile; he will reward a bard who sings for him with a gift of a pearl or some retrieved treasure from the sea bed. Usually, though, Water Lion appears to ignore communications directed at him and simply goes about his own business.
水狮也会黑郁症状发作,在发作期间,他基本不可接近并且可能会野蛮地攻击所有靠得太近者。在此期间,只有圣武士、海豚、以及海精灵有可能被允许与他接触,而他们必须保持沉默才能被允许靠近。在这些黑暗时段期间,若在它们流出后的1小时内汇集到容器中,海狮的泪水将等同于 高级治疗药剂potions of extra-healing。然而,任何饮下这样一瓶药剂者,必须进行对抗法术豁免检定,否则将受精神抑郁症2d4小时;饮者有50%的可能性在接下来的夜晚遭受一道 托梦术dream 法术影响。
Water Lion also has bouts of black melancholy, during which time he is almost unapproachable and may ferociously attack anyone who comes too close. Only paladins, dolphins, and sea elves are tolerated as potential contacts during such times, and they must stay silent to be allowed to approach. Water Lion's tears during these dark hours are equivalent to potions of extra-healing if gathered in a vessel within an hour of their being shed. Anyone drinking such a potion, however, must make a save versus spell or be affected by melancholia for 2d4 hours; the drinker is 50% likely to be affected by a dream spell the following night.
神职AoC:未知,但憎恨鲨鱼unknown, but hates sharks;
徽记SY:海狮的头sea lion's head。
AL n (g); WAL n/a; AoC unknown, but hates sharks; SY sea lion's head.
[译注:此处sea lion应指一种狮头鱼尾的奇幻生物。]
水狮的化身Water Lion's Avatar
(法师Wizard 10,祭司Priest 10)
水狮的化身展现为一头巨大的海狮,躯体由比盐水更粘稠的水组成,包含在赋予了其形状的、有弹性的等离子膜状物中。他施展来自所有德鲁伊领域、以及战斗、守卫、旅者领域的法术。法师法术则来自防护、元素 (水)、以及附魔/魅惑学派。
Water Lion's avatar appears as a huge sea lion whose body is composed of water that appears more viscous than brine, contained in an elastic plasma membrane giving it shape. He casts spells from all druidic spheres and also combat, guardian, and travelers. Wizard spells come from the abjuration, elemental (water), and enchantment/charm schools.
力量 18/00,敏捷 16,体质 16,
智力 17,感知 18,魅力 18,
移动 游泳24,体型 超大型H(15呎长),魔抗 20%,
防御等级 2,生命骰 14,生命值 112,
#攻击 3次,零级命中值 7,伤害 d10 + 6/d10 + 6(爪抓) 2d12(啮咬)
Str 18/00 Dex 16 Con 18
Int 17 Wis 18 Cha 18
MV sw 24 SZ H (15'long) MR 20%
AC 2 HD 14 HP 112
#AT 3 THAC0 7 Dmg d10 + 6/d10 + 6 (claws) 2d12 (bite)
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
此化身免疫元素(水)法术,但对元素(火)法术豁免-2。他免疫所有幻术/幻象和影响心灵法术。每日3次,水狮可以咆哮,影响所有60呎内听见他的生物;生物们必须成功对抗法术豁免,否则将被致聋2d4轮,(如果实用)并失去2d4道所记住的法术等级,而他们也将被 困惑confused 上2轮。
The avatar is immune to elemental (water) spells, but saves at -2 against elemental (fire) spells. He is immune to all illusion/phantasm and mind-affecting spells. Three times per day, Water Lion can roar, affecting all creatures hearing him within 60'; creatures must save versus spell or be deafened for 2d4 rounds and lose 2d4 memorized spell levels (if applicable), and they are also confused for 2 rounds.