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2eSP<Realmspace.p042>明加布星与污染者星Mingabwe and Polluter

明加布星与污染者星Mingabwe and Polluter

  次级星体名称MINOR BODY NAME:明加布星Mingabwe污染者星Polluter
  次级星体类型MINOR BODY TYPE:受引力吸引的球形类地形体Gravitationally attracted spherical earth bodies


  明加布星Mingabwe 是颗被用作贸易站的B型天体,其轨道高度23.5万英里。明加布星的空气总是笼罩在严寒之中,但从不下雪。其月面四处皆是永久冰袋,现存唯一温暖之处在那些散布在其冰冻地面上的建筑物内。这些建筑物大多是贸易站和旅馆。
Mingabwe, a Class B astronomical body that serves as a trading post, orbits Glyth at an altitude of 235,000 miles. Mingabwe's air is constantly shrouded in bitter cold but it never snows. There is a permanent ice pack everywhere on the moons surface, with the only warm places in existence being those within the different buildings spread across its frozen surface. These buildings are mostly trading posts and inns.

There is no government on this moon, nor any police force. This lack of control does not create a state of anarchy, even though this moon is on the fringes of the empty frontier. Everyone tends to be trusting and friendly, even to those they have never met before. Part of the explanation is the implicit realization that there is no place to hide, should someone steal from them.

Of the several reported thefts on Mingabwe, all but two of the perpetrators have been caught and dealt with. Strangely enough, once punishment has been delivered, residents are again willing to trust the culprit. No one, however is given a second chance. In fact, those evil characters are never seen again.

  环绕明加布星的是更小的A型护星 污染者星Polluter,那是一块粗糙、满是流星陨坑的岩石,上面有些冻结的水、但没有大气。污染者星是块没有生命的岩石,从没被开发或测绘过。在这颗护星的某个地方,有两件邪恶魔法物品。在 贾斯汀·“行善”·恶魔杀手Justin "Do Good" Demonslayer 大脑中有残缺的腺体被移除前,它们属于他。在那时起,他开始使用“行善Do Good”这个化名,从此之后再未动摇过。
Orbiting Mingabwe is a smaller Class A moon called Polluter, a rough, meteor-pocked rock possessing frozen water but no atmosphere. Polluter is a lifeless rock that has never been exploited or mapped out. Somewhere on this moon, there are two magical items of evil. These belonged to Justin "Do Good" Demonslayer before the defective gland in his brain was removed. Since that time, he took up the "Do Good" alias, and has lived up to it ever since without faltering.
