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沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller,地洞之主
【音   标】SEH-goe-jann URTH-cahl-ur
【头   衔】大地之友Earthfriend,岩石侏儒the Rock Gnome,地洞之主Lord of the Burrow,宝石挖掘者Digger of Dens,獾the Badger,狼獾the Wolverine
【阵   营】NG
【神   力】I
【神   职】大地Earth,自然nature,亡者the dead,岩侏rock gnomes
【神   系】金色丘陵诸领主The Lords of the Golden Hills
【主   神】加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
【盟   友】克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee杜马松Dumathoin盖布Geb谷蓝巴Grumbar凯兰沃Kelemvor泼斯洛菲尔Psilofyr莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl尤拉加兰Urogalan各种动物领主various Animal Lords侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen
【敌   对】阿巴索Abbathor希瑞克Cyric盖克努拉Gaknulak克奥耶克Kuraulyek库尔图马克Kurtulmak劳格兹得Laogzed米尔寇Myrkul厄尔德连Urdlen祖格莫伊Zuggtmoy
【神   国】双生天堂Bytopia/1th 杜西诺Dothion金色丘陵the Golden Hills宝石地洞the Gemstone Burrow
【徽   记】发光的宝石Glowing gemstone[[File:006LfLmpzy7gPzIWxsNcd&690.png |right|thumb|118x118px]]
【简   介】沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller 是侏儒的大地与自然之神,他主要关注的是栖居在大地之中和大地中挖掘的生物。他是所有在大地中上下穿梭的活物之友,是位与岩石本身说话之人。沙苟贞赋予了岩侏与掘穴动物交谈的能力,并教导他们如何与鼹鼠、獾以及其它地下生物交朋友。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p154>沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller

沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller

  (大地之友Earthfriend,岩石侏儒the Rock Gnome,地洞之主Lord of the Burrow,宝石挖掘者Digger of Dens,獾the Badger,狼獾the Wolverine)
  双生天堂中等神力Intermediate Power of Bytopia,

  神职PORTFOLIO:大地Earth,自然nature,亡者the dead,岩侏rock gnomes
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:杜西诺Dothion金色丘陵the Golden Hills宝石地洞the Gemstone Burrow
  主神SUPERIOR:加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold
  盟友ALLIES:克兰贾汀·银须Clangeddin Silverbeard希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee杜马松Dumathoin盖布Geb谷蓝巴Grumbar凯兰沃Kelemvor泼斯洛菲尔Psilofyr莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl尤拉加兰Urogalan各种动物领主various Animal Lords侏儒神系the gnome pantheon(除了 厄尔德连Urdlen
  徽记SYMBOL:发光的宝石Glowing gemstone
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN


  沙苟贞·大地唤者Segojan Earthcaller(读作“SEH-goe-jann URTH-cahl-ur”)是侏儒的大地与自然之神,他主要关注的是栖居在大地之中和大地中挖掘的生物。他是所有在大地中上下穿梭的活物之友,是位与岩石本身说话之人。沙苟贞赋予了岩侏与掘穴动物交谈的能力,并教导他们如何与鼹鼠、獾以及其它地下生物交朋友。与 半身人神系halfling pantheon尤拉加兰Urogalan 极其相似,地洞之主the Lord of the Burrow 也负责监督葬礼仪式和亡者,因为 被遗忘族裔the Forgotten Folk 在他的疆域之中埋葬了他们的亲人。沙苟贞是最早为 诸国度the Realms 的侏儒们崇拜的神明之一,仅次于 加尔·闪金Garl Glittergold。有些其他种族的学者认为,在过去的诸世纪中,地洞之主的影响力和神力已经衰落。实际上,其祂接管了他曾经照管的、侏儒生活方面的神力(贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer巴瑞瓦·影斗篷Baravar Cloakshadow卡勒杜兰·滑手Callarduran Smoothhands、以及 弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin)的出现,更多地是一种侏儒宗教信仰成熟的标志,而非对地洞之主已经虚弱的暗示。沙苟贞被那些栖居在大地之中者(尤其是岩侏,以及程度较小的地侏)广泛崇敬。地洞之主受到侏儒矿工、铁匠、珠宝商、幻术师以及奇械师的崇敬,但这些职业的大部分成员分别尊崇弗兰达·铁皮、加尔·闪金或是巴瑞瓦·影斗篷。
Segojan Earthcaller (SEH-goe-jann URTH-cahl-ur) is the gnome god of earth and nature whose primary concern is creatures who dwell within the ground and burrow through the earth. He is a friend to all living animals that move above and below the earth and one who speaks to the very rock itself. Segojan gifted rock gnomes with the ability to comrnunicate with burrowing animals and taught them how to befriend moles, badgers, and other subterranean creatures. Much like Urogalan of the halfling pantheon, the Lord of the Burrow has assumed oversight of funerary rituals and the dead, for the Forgotten Folk inter their fallen kinfolk in his domain. Segojan was one of the first gods to be worshiped by the gnomes of the Realms, second only to Garl Glittergold. Some scholars of other races have postulated that the Lord of the Burrow has declined in influence and power over the centuries. In truth the emergence of other powers—Baervan Wildwanderer, Baravar Cloakshadow, Callarduran Smoothhands, and Flandal Steelskin—who took over responsibility for aspects of gnome life that Segojan once oversaw is more an indicator of the maturation of gnome religious beliefs than a suggestion of weakness on the part of the Lord of the Burrow. Segojanis widely worshiped by those who dwell within the earth, particularly rock gnomes, and to a lesser extent, deep gnomes. The Lord of the Burrow is revered by gnome miners, jewelers, illusionists, and artificers, but most members of these professions venerate Flandal Steelskin, Garl Glittergold, or Baravar Cloakshadow, respectively.

  除了 厄尔德连Urdlen 这个明显的例外,由于他所掌控的领域与其祂侏儒神力的神职重叠,所以沙苟贞是侏儒神系其余成员的亲密盟友。沙苟贞与贝尔凡·影斗篷(侏儒的森林、旅行和自然之神)紧密协作,他们共同看顾的自然世界被分为了两部分:沙苟贞的深土掘穴动物,与贝尔凡的森林动物与植物。类似的,地洞之主也是卡勒杜兰·滑手的亲密盟友,他们他们共同看顾的那些栖居在大地中者也被分为了两部分:沙苟贞的浅地生物,以及 深地兄弟the Deep Brother 部分的深土生物。在较小的程度上,沙苟贞与弗兰达·铁皮的神职也存在重叠,因为 金属大师the Master of Metal 管理着被遗忘族裔的矿业——一种特殊的掘穴类型。两位神力紧密协作共同确保劳作于大量地下隧道中的侏儒的安全。除了他对大地与自然的照管外,沙苟贞也曾作为侏儒的魔法神而被崇敬。在巴瑞瓦·影斗篷的教团在 诸国度the Realms 的发展,以及专精幻术/幻象学派在侏儒施法者中的优势(侏儒奇械师是一种罕见的例外),让 狡猾者the Sly One 变成了被遗忘族裔唯一崇敬的侏儒魔法神。沙苟贞已经不再被认为对侏儒生活的这个方面有影响力。然而,沙苟贞依然与巴瑞瓦紧密协作,一起看顾着侏儒巫术的发展。
With the notable exception of Urdlen, Segojan is closely allied with the rest of the gnome pantheon, for his areas of control overlap the portfolios of the other gnome powers. Segojan works closely with Baervan Wildwanderer, the gnome god of forests, travel, and nature, and their shared oversight of the natural world is divided between burrowing animals of the deep earth for Segojan and forest animals and plants for Baervan. Similarly, the Lord of the Burrow is closely allied with Callarduran Smoothhands, and their shared oversight of those who dwell within the earth is divided between creatures of the shallow earth for Segojan and creatures of the deep earth on the Deep Brother's part. To a lesser extent, the portfolios of Segojan and Flandal Steelskin overlap as well, for the Master of Metal governs mining by the Forgotten Folk, a particular type of burrowing. Both powers work closely together to ensure the safety of gnomes engaged in extensive tunneling beneath the earth. In addition to his oversight of earth and nature, Segojan was once venerated as a gnome god of magic as well. The growth of Baravar Cloakshadow's cult in the Realms and the predominance of specialists in the school of illusion/phantasm among gnome spellcasters—gnome artificers being a rare exception—has led to the Sly One being revered as the sole gnome god of magic by the Forgotten Folk. Segojan is no longer seen as having influence in this aspect of gnome life. Nevertheless, Segojan and Baravar work closely together overseeing the development of gnome wizardry.

  在侏儒神系行列之外,沙苟贞是其祂自然与大地(以及较弱程度上的,死亡)神灵们的亲密盟友。他与 万兽园the Beastlands 的许多 动物领主the Animal Lords 关系尤其亲密。他是狗头人诸神的古老仇敌,经常与各种类人神力交战。厄尔德连与侏儒神系之间的古老仇恨很大一部分是在沙苟贞与 地底爬行者the Crawler Below 之间的无尽战争中展开的,在所有侏儒神明中,沙苟贞关注的领域受到厄尔德连血腥的恐怖与破坏的威胁最为直接。与侏儒神系的其祂成员相较,沙苟贞与厄尔德连正在进行着一场不间断的残酷消耗战。
Outside the ranks of the gnome pantheon, Segojan is most closely allied with other gods of nature and the earth, and to a lesser extent, death. He has a particularly close relationship with many of the Animal Lords of the Beastlands. He is an ardent foe of the kobold gods and often battles the various humanoid powers. The ancient enmity between Urdlen and the gnome pantheon unfolds in large part in endless battles between Segojan and the Crawler Below, for of all the gnome gods, Segojan's area of concern is most directly threatened by Urdlen's campaign of bloody terror and destruction. Much more than the other members of the gnome pantheon, Segojan and Urdlen are engaged in an ongoing and brutal war of attrition.

Segojan is an earthy and pragmatic deity who always communicates in a direct and straightforward fashion. Although he attempts to defuse and avoid conflicts if possible, he is a fierce opponent if he or his followers are attacked, particularly when he or his followers are threatened in their homes. The Lord of the Burrow is only likely to dispatch an avatar when gnomes who dwell within the earth are threatened, usually in situations when interactions between rock gnomes, deep gnomes, and other races who inhabit the Underdark conflict.


沙苟贞的化身Segojan's Avatar

  (土元素师Earth Elementalist 34,德鲁伊Druid 34,幻术师Illusionist 24, Bard 20, Fighter 18)
Segojan often appears as a gray-skinned gnome who wears armor made of grass and roots. He favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, elemental (earth), and plant and from the schools of alteration, elemental (earth), and illusion/phantasm, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.

  防御等级 -3;移动 12,掘穴 12;生命值 230;零级命中值 -2;#攻击 5次/2轮
  伤害 1d8+15(+3 重击权杖rod of smiting,+7 力量,+2 专精于权杖)
  魔抗 70%;体型 中型M(4.5英尺高)
  力量 19,敏捷 15,体质 20,智力 22,感知 22,魅力 16
  法术 祭司P:14/14/13/13/11/9/9,法师W:9/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8*
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 1**;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 1**
  AC -3; MV 12, Br 12; HP 230; THAC0 -2;#A T5/2
  Dmg 1d8+15 (rod of smiting +3, +7 STR, +2 spec. bonus in rod)
  MR 70%; SZ M (4 1/2 feet tall)
  STR 19, DEX 15, CON 20, INT 22, Wis 22, CHA 16
  Spells P: 14/14/13/13/11/9/9, W: 9/9/9/9/9/8/8/8/8*
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 1**, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 1*
    *Numbers assume one extra earth elemental or illusion/phantasm spell per spell level.
    **Includes gnome +5 CON save bonus to a minimum of 1.

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  沙苟贞挥舞着 大地唤者Earthcaller,那是一柄拥有着两种独特力量的水晶石英 重击权杖,每种力量每日可以使用1次。当被按在量足够大的岩石上时(至少3000磅重), 大地唤者 能从石头中唤起一尊平均智力的石魔像。这尊魔像将侍奉这位神明一整日。当对地板、墙体或天花板大力击打时,如果沙苟贞想,大地唤者能产生 地震术earthquake 法术的效果。当持握者是他时,它的发数看起来是无限的。
Segojan wields Earthcaller, a crystalline quartz rod of smiting with two unique powers, each usable once per day. When pressed against a mass of rock of sufficient size (at least 3,000 pounds) Earthcaller can call forth a stone golem of average intelligence from the stone. The golem serves the god for an entire day. When struck sharply against a floor, wall, or ceiling, Earthcaller can generate the effects of an earthquake spell if Segojan so desires. It has an apparently limitless supply of charges when wielded by him.

  沙苟贞能轻易挖穿土壤、黏土甚至是石头。每日1次,他能召唤2d4只16HD的土元素,它们在重返 土元素位面Elemental Plane of Earth 前,将毫无疑义地侍奉他最多1小时。地洞之主免疫强酸、石化攻击和所有幻术/幻象学派法术。他只能为+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
Segojan burrows easily through earth, clay, and even stone. Once per day he can summon 2d4 16-HD earth elementals who serve him without question for up to one hour before returning to the Elemental Plane of Earth. The Lord of the Burrow is immune to acid, petrification attacks, and all spells from the school of illusion/phantasm. He can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.



其祂显现Other Manifestations

  与他有话直说的习惯一致,沙苟贞极少发送兆示给他的神职成员,宁愿要么直接派遣化身,要不以 魔嘴magic mouth 法术的形式显现直接向一位或多位追随者发言。当必须谨慎时,地洞之主会派遣小型掘穴动物以一种类似于 信使术messenger 法术的方式传达。
In keeping with his penchant for plain-speaking, Segojan rarely sends omens to members of his clergy, preferring to either dispatch an avatar or manifest in the form of a magic mouth spell that speaks directly to one or more of his followers. When discretion is required, the Lord or Burrows dispatches a small burrowing animal to communicate in a fashion similar to that of a messenger spell.

Sometimes Segojan manifests as a newly constructed tunnel. In most cases, such tunnels move with the intended traveler, collapsing behind him and opening before him as he moves through the earth. In other cases such tunnels are permanent and can be traversed in either direction as desired. In rare situations, when a follower is besieged by a potentially deadly opponent, the Lord of Burrows has been known to manifest as an earthen pit that suddenly appears directly beneath the opponent, enabling the gnome to flee.

Segojan is served by aurumvorae, badgers, earth elementals, galeb duhr, groundhogs, moles, raccoons, shrews, stone golems, stone guardians, weasels, wolverines, and voles. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of small tunnels dug by burrowing animals, the discovery of gems of any sort (but diamonds are especially favored) in the soft earth or other types of ground where they do not occur naturally, and by gentle zephyrs that blow through tunnels opened by gnomes bringing fresh air and the god's good will. The Lord of Burrows indicates his displeasure by causing tremors in the earth that lead to localized cave-ins and by causing gems to change to water and soak into the earth.

教会The Church

  神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可,祭司等级-4 Yes, at priest level -4
  支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No

  沙苟贞的所有牧师(包括战士/牧师、牧师/幻术师和牧师/盗贼)和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(侏儒gnome) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics (including fighter/clerics, cleric/illusionists, and cleric/thieves) and specialty priests of Segojan receive religion (gnome) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

The church of Segojan holds a prominent position in most rock gnome communities for the god is the patron of this subrace and his priests are involved in nearly every important aspect of gnome society. Although the clergy of Callarduran Smoothhands and Baervan Wildwanderer occupy more prominent positions in deep gnome and forest gnome communities, respectively, Segojan's church serves an important secondary function and works closely with the other clergies. In particular, forest gnome priests of Segojan emphasize their god's oversight of the natural world, while deep gnome priests of the Lord of Burrows emphasize their god's interest in the earth.

Segojan's temples are always constructed underground in a series of linked caverns connected by twisting passages. Such houses of worship share the traits of both a museum and a zoo. The creations of generations of gnome artisans adorn nearly every surface and include metal sculptures, sparkling jewels, elaborate illusions and others. Running wild amidst the displays of gnome craftsmanship are hundreds of small animals, ranging in size from tiny shrews to giant badgers.

  沙苟贞的初修士名为 出土者the Unearthed。地洞之主的正式祭司名为 大地唤者Earthcallers。根据升序,沙苟贞教派Segojian 祭司所使用的头衔如下:鼩鼱Shrew、鼹鼠Mole、田鼠Vole、貂Ermine、土拨鼠Groundhog、狼獾Wolverine、獾Badger、以及 食金兽Aurumvorax。高阶祭司有独特的个人头衔。专属祭司名为 大地之友earthfriends。沙苟贞的神职人员包括岩侏(80%)、地侏(18%)、以及林侏(2%)。女性占其祭职者主体(70%)。沙苟贞的神职人员包括专属祭司(50%)、牧师(30%)、战士/牧师(10%)、牧师/幻术师(9%)以及牧师/盗贼(1%)
Novices of Segojan are known as the Unearthed. Full priests of the Lord of Burrows are known as Earthcallers. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Segojian priests are Shrew, Mole, Vole, Ermine, Groundhog, Wolverine, Badger, and Aurumvorax. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as earthfriends. The clergy of Segojan includes rock gnomes (80%), deep gnomes (18%), and forest gnomes (2%). Females make up the majority of his priesthood (70%). Segojan's clergy includes specialty priests (50%), clerics (30%), fighter/clerics (10%), cleric/illusionists (9%), and clerics/thieves (1%).


The earth is the heart and soul of the Forgotten Folk. From its nurturing embrace spring forth the children of Garl; on its surface and amidst its tunnels and caves they dwell in life, and beneath its silent shroud they rest in death. Many are the treasures, both living and mineral, that Segojan has hidden beneath the earth's surface; preserve and protect the natural world that lies beneath the roots of those who dwell on the surface. Dig burrows, tunnel, and explore, for Segojan welcomes all gnomes into his domain. Beware the evil that ensnares those blinded by avarice and the destructive impulses from the Crawler Below. The Lord of Burrows shall protect those who dwell in his demesne and live in harmony with his teachings.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  沙苟贞的神职成员与其祂侏儒神明们紧密协作。在与贝尔凡·野游者的神职人员在一起时,他们努力维护和保护自然世界,尤其是地表之下自然世界的生态多样性。在与弗兰达·钢皮的神职人员在一起时,沙苟贞的信徒监督着采矿作业,并看护着侏儒矿工们的安全和防卫。在与卡勒杜兰·滑手的追随者一起时,他们致力于在那些居住在地表或地表直接的地下的侏儒和 幽暗地域the Underdark 地侏们的联系。沙苟贞的祭司们比其他人更积极地寻求保护幽暗地域各种种族之间的边界,它们的隧道和洞窟家园所处的地下环境比侏儒们经常探索的更深。形成了沙苟贞神职人员核心的岩侏祭司们,通常充当着代表地表侏儒社区们利益、派往深土亲族那的使者,其中许多人在寻求建立和维持两支亚种之间的贸易。根据他们的神明监管亡者的职责,地洞之主的祭司们为被遗忘族裔主持了大部分葬礼仪式,将侏儒们在凡世的形态埋入他的疆域之中
Members of Segojan's clergy work closely with the priesthoods of other gnome gods. In conjunction with the clergy of Baervan Wildwanderer, they work to preserve and protect the natural world, particularly the diverse ecology found beneath the surface. In conjunction with the clergy of Flandal Steelskin, Segojan's faithful supervise mining operations and oversee the safety and protection of gnome miners. In conjunction with the followers of Callarduran Smoothhands, they work to forge ties between gnomes who dwell on or directly beneath the surface and the deep gnomes of the Underdark. Segojan's priests go further than others in actively seeking to protect boundaries between the various races of the Underdark whose tunnel' and cavern homes lie deeper underground than gnomes usually explore. Rock gnome priests, who form the core of Segojan's clergy, often serve as emissaries to deep kinfolk on behalf of surface communities of gnomes, and many seek to establish and maintain trading between the two subraces. In accordance with their god's supervision of the dead, the priests of the Lord of Burrows preside over most funerary rituals for the Forgotten Folk, interring the mortal forms of gnomes in his domain.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Segojan is venerated at quarterly holy days that mark the first day of each new season. His faithful gather in plainly adorned earthen dens and offer up gemstones, both worked and unworked, in honor of the treasures of the earth that the Lord of Burrows provides. Such treasures are then placed in small holes dug by badgers before covering them with dirt. Segojan is said to command small burrowing animals to move the jewels elsewhere for gnomes to discover a new. Those corrupted by the taint of Urdlen have occasionally returned to the burrows where Segojan is worshiped in hopes of stealing the offerings. Despite timely excavation, none of the buried offerings have been found where they were buried.

  在大部分侏儒社区、尤其是在岩侏中,大地之拥The Earthen Embrace 是一种相对普遍的葬礼仪式。侏儒关于亡者葬礼的习俗被认为可以追溯到他们于 耐瑟的白银时代Netheril's Silver Age 的后半段、于1472 NY的解放之前,耐瑟瑞尔人the Netherese 对被遗忘族裔的奴役。在侏儒社区中,倒下的尸体极少被放置在任何形式的棺材或石棺中(除了有一些会使用木棺材的林侏社区)。相反,侏儒尸体会被沙苟贞的祭司涂上一层厚厚的特制泥。这种土层将在3天内干燥和硬化,直到达到石头的稠度和强度。在这3天中尸体将为泥土木乃伊作预备,侏儒幻术师将操作小魔法到这具硬化的土壳中,以复制亡者生前的形象。在预备完成后,泥木乃伊将被装饰以栩栩如生者的幻术,并在随后在小型掘穴动物皮草的地毯中,被运到该社区的中心集会地点,或是在更大的定居点中被送往与死者最密切相关的神殿中。亡者的朋友与亲人们(这个群体经常包含了整个社区)随后围绕着这具躯体聚集,叙述谢世者喜欢的故事并诉说其在世时的故事。最后,这具尸体将被集合的神职人员祝福并由沙苟贞的祭司带到位于某处土葬龛的最终安息之地。
The Earthen Embrace is a relatively widespread funerary ritual observed in most gnome communities, particularly among rock gnomes. Gnome customs regarding the interment of the dead are believed to date back to the enslavement of the Forgotten Folk by the Netherese before their emancipation in the latter half of Netheril's Silver Age in 1472 NY. In gnome communities, the bodies of the fallen are rarely placed in any form of coffin or sarcophagus (except for some communities of forest gnomes who employ wood coffins). Instead gnome corpses are slathered with a thick coating of specially prepared mud by priests of Segojan. This coating dries and hardens over a period of three days until it achieves the consistency and strength of stone. During the three days it takes to prepare an earthen mummy, gnome illusionists work small magics into the hardening earthen shell to replicate the image of the deceased as she or he appeared in life. After preparation, an earthen mummy is adorned with lifelike illusions and then carried on a carpet of furs of small burrowing animals to the central gathering spot of the community, or in larger settlements to the temple with which the deceased was most closely associated. Friends and relatives, a group that often encompasses the entire community, then gather around the body to recount favored stories of the deceased and to tell tales of his or her life. Finally, the body is blessed by the assembled clergy and borne off by the priests of Segojan to its final resting place in an earthen burial niche.

Burial practices vary slightly from community to community, but generally changes to the basic ritual are performed only for gnomes who have received some measure of renown and thus entered into the rich oral tradition of gnome folklore. A fairly common practice in such cases is the placement of small gemstones and other treasures in the coating of mud before it hardens. This practice has resulted in grave robbers (including avaricious followers of Urdlen) plundering gnome burial sites in search of hidden treasures and the desecration and destruction of mummies thus unearthed. As a result, gnome burial sites are unmarked so as not to betray their location to nongnomes. They are often located deep beneath the surface at the end of narrow winding tunnels that are then completely collapsed. Other prominent gnomes are recognized by permanent illusions that persist long beyond the three-day mourning period that may actually move about as the gnome did in life. In the rarest of ceremonies, gnomes of great renown are honored by wrapping their earthen shell in the hide of an aurumvorax.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  坚固小圆盾Hardbuckler,这座要塞化的村庄坐落于 黄昏之路the Dusk Road 上,丘陵边缘Hill's Edge 与崔尔Triel的城市们之间的中途。这座主要居住着侏儒的村庄是一个被遗忘族裔早期王国的心脏,那个王国的小社区们可能毗邻 特瑞尔塔丘陵Trielta Hills北幽暗林Northdark Wood、以及 河岸森林Reaching Woods。坚固小圆盾的主要产业是提供安全的存储设施,在村庄街道下无数洞穴被挖掘了隧道用于存放几十支商人和冒险队的贵重物品。在这些储藏洞穴之下深处,坐落着一座名为 伟大之獾的兽穴the Den of the Great Badger 的沙苟贞神殿。据传在 动荡之年the Time of Troubles 期间,它是地洞之主和地底爬行者的化身宏伟搏斗的发生地。在由厄尔德连追随者们的乌合军队发动的、杂乱无章的攻击面前,归功于由祭司们以及来自周边地区的武者们发起的英勇防御,这座神殿免遭于入侵。这处著名的沙苟贞礼拜场所从此得到了“难攻不落的兽穴the Impregnable Den”这个绰号,并在几乎被侵占后的十年来,它已大为扩展。七座主要空穴(从周围的土中凿出的洞穴)以一条迷宫般的隧道彼此、以及和上方的储藏洞穴相连,大部分隧道的宽度都只能勉强让一位无武装的侏儒通过。无数的掘穴动物制造了穿过侏儒挖掘的隧道以及它们自己的更小通道的路径。幻术和简单的陷阱无处不在,它们被布置用于阻挡入侵者而非栖居于沙苟贞温暖的怀抱之中的人。除了神殿的定居的祭职者外,还有一家由学者、法师和工匠、以及他们衍生的家庭组成的大型社区定居在沙苟贞的神圣厅堂中。他们试图维护被遗忘族裔的文化遗产,开发新的文化表现形式。一群修补匠在持续试验神殿中存储的、耐瑟瑞尔古器物的丰富宝库,这是他们被解放的祖先的遗产——这些祖先为了补偿自己一代又一代地没有报酬的劳役而拿走了应得份额的魔法小饰品。这座熙熙攘攘的蜂巢由 狼獾之心Heart of the Wolverine 芬恩·空穴守卫Finn Hollowward 主持着,他帝王般的风度和其在地上的侏儒社区中拥有的广泛关系,已在坚固小圆盾的来访者中引起了“有位侏儒国王”的传说。
The fortified village of Hardbuckler sits astride the Dusk Road, midway between the cities of Hill's Edge and Triel. Inhabited largely by gnomes, the village sits at the heart of an incipient realm of the Forgotten Folk whose small communities may be found in the neighboring Trielta Hills, Northdark Wood, and Reaching Woods. Hardbuckler's major industry is the provision of secure storage facilities, and innumerable caverns have been tunneled beneath the village's streets to house the valuables of several score merchants and adventuring bands. Deep below the storage caverns lies a hidden temple of Segojan called the Den of the Great Badger. It is said to have been the site of a great struggle during the Time of Troubles between the avatars of the Lord of Burrows and the Crawler Below. The temple stood inviolate thanks to the heroic defense mounted by its resident priests and warriors from the surrounding region in the face of the disorganized assault mounted by the ragtag army of followers of Urdlen. Nicknamed the Impregnable Den ever since, Segojan's preeminent house of worship has been greatly expanded in the decade since it was nearly overrun. Seven primary hollows (caverns hewn from the surrounding earth) are linked to each other and the storage caverns above by a labyrinth of tunnels, most of which are barely wide enough for an unarmored gnome to passwith difficulty. Countless burrowing animals make their way through the gnome-carved tunnels as well as their own smaller passageways. Illusions and simple traps are everywhere, placed to hinder invaders but not those who dwell in the Segojan's warm embrace. In addition to the temple's resident priesthood, a large community of gnome scholars, sorcerers, and artisans, as well as their extended families, dwell amidst Segojan's hallowed halls. They seek to preserve the cultural heritage of the Forgotten Folk and to develop new modes of cultural express-ion. A group of tinkerers continues to experiment with the rich trove of Netherese artifacts stored within the temple, a legacy of their emancipated ancestors who took their fair share of magical trinkets in payment for generations of labor without recompense. This bustling hive is presided over by Heart of the Wolverine, Finn Hollowward, whose regal demeanor and extensive contacts among the gnome communities above has led to legends of a gnome king among visitors to Hardbuckler.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  地下守卫The Watchers Below 是支由侏儒战士、战士/牧师、牧师和专属祭司组成、结构松散的组织,分布于大部分岩侏社区里,也存在于 斯涅布力侏儒the svirfneblin 之中。成员们构成了隶属于一家或更多侏儒社群的半自治分会。这些团体以相当平等的组织结构来自我管理。地下守卫的主要目标是守卫侏儒家园抵御厄尔德连和追随地底爬行者的堕落被遗忘族裔的威胁。此外,该团契的成员们也在保卫侏儒社区们的地下边界,抵御不可计数、谋求通过征服和掠夺扩张范围到侏儒拥有的领土中的幽暗地域邪恶种族。
The Watchers Below are a loosely structured order of gnome fighters, fighter/clerics, clerics, and specialty priests found in most rock gnome communities, as well as among the svirfneblin. The members form semiautonomous chapters that are affiliated with one or more gnome communities. These groups govern themselves with fairly flat hierarchies. The primary aim of the Watchers Below is to guard gnome homelands against the ever-present threat of Urdlen and depraved Forgotten Folk who follow the Crawler Below. In addition, members of this fellowship defend the subterranean borders of gnome communities against the numerous evil races of the Underdark who seek to extend their reach into gnome-held territories through conquest and raids.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

  沙苟贞祭职者的典礼服装包括一顶裘皮帽和一套灰色或深棕色调的皮甲。地洞之主坚持不要浪费为了生技而狩猎的动物的任何部分,教团法衣中动物皮毛和外皮的使用是依循这种教诲的不变之道。该信仰的圣徽是一大块切割巧妙的宝石,其上施展了 光亮术light恒久之光continual light 法术。这位神明的力量改变了这道魔咒,使得这枚珠宝只要在充当着任意一位沙苟贞祭司的圣徽时,就能从内发光。
The ceremonial vestments of Segojan's priesthood include a fur cap and a suit of leather armor of gray or dark brown hue. The Lord of Burrows insists that no part of any animal that must be hunted for sustenance go to waste, and the use of animal furs and skins in the vestments of the church is a way of abiding by this teaching. The holy symbol of the faith is a large and skillfully cut gem into which a light or continual light spell has been cast. The power of the god changes this incantation causing the jewel to glow from within for as long as it serves as a holy symbol of one of Segojan's priests.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

  沙苟贞祭职者的典礼服装包括一顶裘皮帽和一套灰色或深棕色调的皮甲。地洞之主坚持不要浪费为了生技而狩猎的动物的任何部分,教团法衣中动物皮毛和外皮的使用是依循这种教诲的不变之道。该信仰的圣徽是一大块切割巧妙的宝石,其上施展了 光亮术light恒久之光 法术。这位神明的力量改变了这道魔咒,使得这枚珠宝只要在充当着任意一位沙苟贞祭司的圣徽时,就能从内发光。
In times of potential danger, priests of Segojan are permitted to use any armor or weapon that is a product of the earth. As this command is interpreted by the church to include any item made of wood, metal, or stone, priests of Segojan are essentially unlimited in their choice of armor and weapons (although clerics must still abide by the restriction to use only blunt, bludgeoning weapons). At other times, members of the clergy favor leather armor and usually carry a stone or metal rod as a weapon (treat as a club that inflicts 1d6+1 points of damage), even within the sanctity of their own burrow.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(大地之友Earthfriends

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:体质Constitution 12,感知Wisdom 9
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,创造creation,元素elemental(土earth),守卫guardian,治疗healing,植物plant,保护protection,召唤summoning
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言Divination,元素elemental(气air,水water),太阳sun,旅者travelers,结界wards
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师As clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:盲战Blind-fighting
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:动物知识Animal lore,挖矿mining,石匠stonemasonry

  ❖Earthfriends must be gnomes. While most earthfriends are rock gnomes or deep gnomes, gnomes of every subrace except spriggans can be earthfriends.

  ❖Earthfriends are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖每日1次,大地之友能施展 动物友善术animal friendship (如同1级祭司法术)或 融身入石meld into stone (如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖Earthfriends can cast animal friendship (as the 1st-level priest spell) or meld into stone (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,大地之友能施展 马西米兰的大地之握Maximilian's earthen grasp (如同2级法师法术)或 信使术(如同2级祭司法术)。
  ❖At 3rd level, earthfriends can cast Maximilian's earthen grasp (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) or messenger (as the 2nd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,大地之友能施展 一级动物召唤术animal summoning I (如同4级祭司法术)或 塑石术stone shape (如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖At 5th level, earthfriends can cast animal summoning I (as the 4th-level priest spell) or stone shape (as the 3rd-level priestspell) once per day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,大地之友能施展 二级动物召唤术animal summoning II (如同5级祭司法术)或 咒唤土元素conjure earth elemental (如同7级祭司法术,但被咒唤的是一只8HD的土元素)。
  ❖At 7th level, earthfriends can cast animal summoning II (as the 5th-level priest spell) or conjure earth elemental (as the 7th-level priest spell, but an 8-HD earth elemental is conjured) once per day.

  ❖At 7th level, earthfriends can shapechange into the form of any burrowing animal (normal or giant-sized) in a fashion similar to that of a druid with the abilities and restrictions thereof.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,大地之友能施展 三级动物召唤术animal summoning III石言术stone tell (如同6级祭司法术)。
  ❖At 10th level, earthfriends can cast animal summoning III or stone tell (as the 6th-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖At 13th level, earthfriends can summon an 8-HD earth elemental to do their bidding for up to 1 hour three times per tenday. The elementalnever turns on its summoner.

  ❖在第15级,每旬1次,大地唤者能施展 沉没术sink (如同8级法师法术)。
  ❖At 15th level, earthfriends can cast sink (as the 8th-level wizard spell) once per tenday.

沙苟贞教派法术Segojian Spells

1st Level

沙苟贞的盔甲Segojan's Armor

  (祭司Pr 1;防护Abjuration,附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  持续时间Duration:1 day
  施法时间Casting Time:1轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:创造一套防具Creates one suit of armor
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

Prior to casting this spell, the priest gathers an armload of grass and roots and places the material in a pile. Next, an ounce of powdered iron is sprinkled over the collected foliage, and the spell is cast. As the incantation is uttered, the roots and grass weave themselves into a suit of armor tailored specifically to fit a specific individual of man-size or smaller. Others cannot wear it.

  一旦被穿戴上,沙苟贞的盔甲 将提供等效于鳞甲(AC 6)的保护。虽然它未拥有任何魔法奖励(+1等等),但它散发着魔力。因其的构成,它几乎没有重量,并拥有与普通衣服等同的负重值。它完全无效化了 魔法飞弹magic missile 和类似法术,防止它们伤害穿戴者。沙苟贞的盔甲被作为实际的盔甲处理,所以像 防御护腕bracers of defense 这样的魔法物品和像 护甲术armor 这样的法术不能被与其一起使用。
Once donned, Segojan's armor provides protection equal to scale mail (AC 6). Although it does not possess any magical plusses (+1, etc.), it does radiate magic. Because of its composition, it is nearly weightless and has an encumbrance value equal to normal clothing. It completely negates magic missile and similar spells, preventing them from damaging the wearer. Segojan's armor is regarded as actual armor, so magical items like bracers of defense and spells like armor cannot be used with it.

  当这道法术到期时,这套盔甲将立即分解为其组成部分。成功的 驱散魔法dispel magic 和类似效果能立即终结它。
When the spell expires, the armor immediately unravels into its component parts. A successful dispel magic or similar effect can end the spell immediately.

The material components are the caster's holy symbol and an ounce of iron powder.

2nd Level


  (祭司Pr 2;转化Alteration)

  领域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth
  持续时间Duration:1 回合 + 1 轮/级
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  当这道法术施展时,祭司的指甲将变长并变得如石头般坚硬。在法术持续期间,施法者能使用这些爪子挖穿土壤、沙子、黏土和砾石(但不能挖穿坚硬的岩石),以等同于移动 挖掘3 的速度进行挖掘,很像獾或其它掘穴动物。
When this spell is cast, the priest's fingernails lengthen and become as hard as stone. For the duration of the spell, the caster can use these claws to burrow through earth, sand, clay, and gravel (but not solid rock), excavating with enough speed to provide MV Br 3, much like a badger or other burrowing mammal.

In addition, the caster can use the claws as weapons. The priest can attack with both claws, each successful attack inflicting 1d4+1 points of damage, plus any Strength damage adjustment.

  若遭受了成功的 驱散魔法dispel magic、施法者死亡、或是被施法者无声地命令,法术将提前结束。
The spell ends early if subjected to a successful dispel magic, if the caster dies, or by the caster's silent command.

The material components for this spell include the caster's holy symbol, a tuft of fur from a burrowing mammal, and a tiny replica of a shovel.

7th Level

召来守护石像Call Stone Guardian

  (祭司Pr 7;咒法Conjuration)

  领域Sphere:元素土Elemental Earth
  持续时间Duration:1 回合/级turn/level
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:3,000 磅石头lbs. of stone
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This powerful spell enables a priest to temporarily form a stone guardian from a solid block of stone of sufficient volume (3,000 Ibs. minimum) with all the abilities and restrictions of a creature of this type. The guardian called forth is nonintelligent and can only follow simple commands issued by the priest involving direct actions with simple conditional modifiers.

The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a specially crafted rod of pure quartz that requires at least 10 days to shape at the cost of at least 1,000 gp. The priest must hold the rod to control the stone guardian and its premature shattering ends the spell. At the conclusion of the spell, the rod shatters into worthless shards.

守卫石像Stone Guardian:

  防御等级 2;移动 9;生命骰 4+4;零级命中值 15;#攻击 2次;伤害 1d8+1 (拳重击)/1d8+1 (拳重击);特殊防御 只受来自刃器的1/4伤害;只受所有来自寒冷、火焰或电击攻击的1/2伤害;免疫普通投射武器;特殊弱点 能被 化石为肉stone to flesh化石为泥trasmute rock to mud塑石术stone shape挖掘术dig 立即毁灭;体型 中型M到大型L(6~8英尺高);士气 无畏(20);智力 无(0);阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 420。
  Stone Guardian:AC 2; MV 9; HD 4+4; THAC0 15;#AT 2; Dmg 1d8+1 (punch)/1d8+1 (punch); SD one-quarter damage from edged weapons; one-half damage from all cold, fire, or electrical attacks; immune to normal missiles; SW can be instantly destroyed by stone to flesh, trasmute rock to mud, stone shape, or dig ; SZ M to L (6'-8' tall); ML fearless (20); Int non (0); AL N; XP 420.
