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泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】艾欧Ao
【势力 范围】费伦大陆Faerûn(除 古老帝国Old Empires楚尔特Chult
【简   介】作为以 耐瑟神系the Netherese Pantheon 为主、由许多大小神系融合而成松散神系,泛费伦神系在费伦大陆占据着主导。
美丽、幸福与情欲诸女神The Goddesses of Beauty, Happiness, and Lust』:哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil淑妮Sune黎尔拉Lliira夏芮丝Sharess
正义三圣The Triad』:提尔Tyr伊尔马特Ilmater托姆Torm巴哈姆特Bahamut
魔法诸神力Powers of Magic』:密斯特拉Mystra阿祖斯Azuth维沙伦Velsharoon萨弗拉斯Savras
死亡三神The Dead Three』:班恩Bane米尔寇Myrkul巴尔Bhaal
狂怒诸神The Gods of Fury』:狂怒诸神是自然扭曲、邪恶与毁灭性一面,由 塔洛斯Talos 领导。成员包括:欧吕尔Auril犸拉Malar塔洛斯Talos安博里Umberlee
黑暗诸神The Dark Gods』:班恩Bane 领导的一系列黑暗邪神。成员包括:班恩Bane巴尔Bhaal劳薇塔Loviatar塔洛娜Talona伊亚契图·希维姆Iyachtu Xvim,也包括莎尔Shar
强大神力Greater power
中等神力Intermediate Power
弱等神力Lesser Power
伊亚契图·希维姆Iyachtu XvimD→L→DeadLE亚奇屠·剎姆班恩的神子,后者之后在其身上复活
德雷赛克·瑞文Drasek RivenM→DNE马斯克选民
艾瑞维斯·凯勒Erevis CaleM→D未知马斯克选民
凡德·龙刺Finder WyvernspurM→DCN凡德·维恩佛斯培;凡德尔·龙距艺术革新之神,被认为是个骄傲过头的人
桂伦·流风Gwaeron WindstromM→DNG桂伦·风暴;格瓦隆·万德斯多追踪之神
凯森·瑞尔Kesson RelM→DNE马斯克选民
红骑士Red KnightM→DLN殷红骑士策略之神
瑞瓦兰·坦舒尔Rivalen TanthulM→DNE旧译马斯克选民,阴魂城王子之一
准神力Quasi power圣灵Exarch
傅佐尔·彻伯瑞Fzoul ChembrylM→ELE班恩伊亚契图,月海暴君

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p014>泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon(半神力Demipowers)


  泛费伦神系是团充满火药味的混合体,由来自无数种文化、种族与信仰的神力组成,其在地理与族群方面的势力范围仍在持续扩张。这种活跃与发展相当部分可以归因于神系中常被忽视的半神力们。(泛费伦神系的强大、中等以及弱等神力于《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》详述。)就整体而言,诸国度the Realms 半神力的现状,远要比神系中的其他神力等级成员更不稳定。那一颗颗标志半神力的星宿,在诸国度里时时刻刻或上升、或下行。这个等级的大部分神祇在其擢升——或被降为——半神力后的几个世纪内,都将上升到弱等神力地位,或是在萎缩中步入消逝。因此,大部分半神力要么不知名到在诸国度里几乎没有凡人听说过他们的名讳,要么活跃到他们的追随者们对诸国度的历史发展所施加的短期影响,远超其信仰规模之相对比例。
The Faerûnian pantheon is a fractious amalgamation of powers drawn from myriad cultures, races, and beliefs whose geographic and racial spheres of influence continue to expand. Much of this vibrancy and growth is attributable to its oft-ignored demipowers. (The greater, intermediate, and lesser powers of the Faerûnian pantheon are detailed in Faiths & Avatars.) In general, the current status of demipowers in the Realms is far more fluid than the more powerful members of the pantheon. At any given time, each demipower's star is ascendant or descendant in the Realms. Most gods of this rank rise to the status of a lesser power or dwindle into death within a few centuries of becoming—or being reduced to being—a demipower. As a result, most demipowers are either so obscure that few mortals in the Realms have ever even heard their name or so active that their followers exert a short-term impact on the unfolding history of the Realms far out of proportion with the relative size of their faiths.

  虽然许多泛费伦神系的半神力,包括 加葛斯Gargauth桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom卡尔萨斯Karsus拉芮Lurue红骑士the Red Knight赛雅茉芙Siamorphe乌鲁提欧Ulutiu,主要居住在 主物质位面the Prime Material Plane,但其他半神力将他们的家园安在了 外层位面the Outer Planes,靠近神系中更强大的成员。无论如何,总的来说费伦的半神力们相较于地位更高的神力们远更依赖主物质位面,且相较于那些更强大的同类,他们更可能表现出往昔凡人的特点与特征。因此,诸国度的半神力常被吟游诗人在歌曲与传说中描绘为一个人,而非一尊他们神职的具现。虽然强大、中等和弱等神力与他们神职所定义的世界观结合得更为紧密,但半神力有着更强的随时间推移而适应环境和进化自身的能力。
While many demipowers of the Faerûnian pantheon are primarily residents of the Prime Material Plane, including Gargauth, Gwaeron Windstrom, Karsus, Lurue, the Red Knight, Siamorphe, and Ulutiu, others make their homes in the Outer Planes alongside the more powerful members of the pantheon. As a group, however, the demipowers of Facrûn cling much more to the Prime Material than higher-status powers and are far more likely to exhibit characteristics and traits reminiscent of mortals than their more powerful associates. As a result, the demipowers of the Realms are frequently depicted by bards in songs and tales as individuals rather than as the embodiments of their portfolios. While greater, intermediate, and lesser powers are intimately bound to the world view defined by their portfolio, demipowers have a greater capability to adapt and evolve over time.

  泛费伦神系的半神力填补了诸国度信仰的几个重要生态位。一些半神力,譬如 桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom希阿莉亚Shiallia维沙伦Velsharoon,直接侍奉着强大和中等神力(或在服务期间成为了神性存在)。而某些半神力,例如 卡拉苟斯Garagos耶各Jergal霍尔Hoar、以及 萨弗拉斯Savras,他们的时代已经远去。而其他的那些,譬如 凡德Finder、红骑士、维尔寇Valkur、以及赛雅茉芙,则是在神系中崭露头角的新(或相对较新)神力。
The demipowers of the Faerûnian pantheon fill several important niches amongst the faiths of the Realms. Demipowers such as Gwaeron Windstrom, Shiallia, and Velsharoon serve (or began their tenure as divine beings by serving) greater and intermediate powers directly. Some demipowers, such as Garagos, Jergal, Hoar, and Savras, are gods who time has passed away. Others, such as Finder, the Red Knight, Valkur, and Siamorphe are up-and-coming powers new (or relatively new) to the pantheon.

  某些半神力,例如 夏芮丝Sharess 和霍尔,是从其他神系迁移而来的外来神,他们甚至仍有一只脚还踩在另一支神系中。而加葛斯则是一只谋取到神性地位与力量的 下位面Lower Planar 生物。有些半神力曾是凡人,包括 凡德Finder桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom卡尔萨斯Karsus赛雅茉芙Siamorphe乌斯伽Uthgar维尔寇Valkur、以及 维沙伦Velsharoon,他们借由各式各样而独一无二的方法登神。
Some demipowers, such as Sharess and Hoar, are interloper gods who have migrated from other pantheons and who even yet stand with one foot partially in another pantheon. Gargauth was a Lower Planar being who sought the status and power of divinity. Many demipowers were once mortal, including Finder, Gwaeron Windstrom, Karsus, Siamorphe, Uthgar, Valkur, and Velsharoon, and have ascended to godhood through a variety of methods, each unique.

  诸国度充斥着小众的教派和无名的教会。它们中有许多将动物的形象化用为它们的神、或他们神祇的代表形象。泛费伦神系两位现有成员——拉芮和 诺班尼恩Nobanion——身为非人类生物神祇,但之后因他们所代表(或被认为代表)的信念而发展起来的大量人类追随者,已经与他们所庇佑的生物混合在了一起。另外两位神祇乌斯伽和乌鲁提欧服务的是氏族化的部落社会。他们允许他们子民的氏族各自的原始神性概念,被呈现为侍奉着他们二位的拜兽教的图腾而继续存在。事实上,这些拜兽教原本可能是这些氏族的地方性半神力,但现在,这些图腾只是凌驾于它们之上的守护神极其强壮的跨位面神仆;对这些图腾的崇拜,则将滋养掌控它们的半神力。
The Realms is rife with minor cults and obscure sects. Many of these appropriate their gods or the representative forms of their deities from animals. Two current members of the Faerûnian pantheon— Lurue and Nobanion—served as deities to nonhuman creatures but have since developed substantial human followings as the principles they represent (or are thought to represent) have become commingled with the creatures they protect. Two other deities, Uthgar and Ulutiu, both powers serving very clan-oriented, tribal societies, have allowed for the their people's individual clan's original concepts of the divine to continue to be expressed as beast cult totems that serve the two of them. These beast cults may, in fact, have originally been local demipowers of the clans, but now they are extremely strong extraplanar servants of their over-seeing patron deity, and what worship the totems garner feeds the demipower that controls them.

Overall, the Faerûnian demipowers are an incredibly diverse assortment of deities. Those looking for a unifying thread to hold this contingent of the Faerûnian pantheon together will be frustrated at its total absence. However, among this contentious and ofttimes petty group the peoples of Faerûn frequently find powers with which they can identify on a more personal level—and powers that they are actually likely to meet face-to-face while yet alive.

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p023>泛费伦神系FAERÛNIAN PANTHEON

  泛费伦神系融合了从史前到今日的 诸国度the Realms 本地神祇,几千年来被发端于其它世界的移民潮带入的各种神系代表,以及 费伦大陆Faerûn 上大量从凡人行列飞升的新神力。虽然主要专注的是仅限于费伦的人类一族,但泛费伦神系的地理与种族势力范围一直在扩张(并伴随着该神系神祇原有数量的增涨),而这往往以诸国度其他神系的耗损为代价。
The Faerûnian pantheon is an amalgamation of native deities that date to the pre-history of the Realms, representatives of various pantheons brought into the Realms by waves of immigrants from other worlds over the millennia, and numerous new powers who have arisen from the ranks of mortals in Faerûn. Although primarily focused on humankind in only Faerûn, the geographic and racial spheres of influence of the Faerûnian pantheon are always expanding (along with the raw number of deities in the pantheon increasing), often at the expense of the other pantheons of the Realms.

  不同于楚尔特人Chultan、卡拉-图人Kara-Turan、马兹特克人Maztican、穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi、恩瑟人Untheric 以及 亚人demihuman 神系,并不存在统治泛费伦神系的主神。与之相反,泛费伦神系是个易怒的神力集合,他们仅仅透过自己的神职来感知彼此和诸国度,虽然有时会进行合作,但更常处于对立态势。有鉴于泛费伦神系相对“成功”地统治着 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 的很大一部分,贤者们推测,正是泛费伦神系对于内讧与分裂的嗜好,令其在发展和应对变化方面远比结构更古板的神系快。
Unlike the Chultan, Kara-Turan, Maztican, Mulhorandi, Untheric, and demihuman pantheons, no primary power rules the Faerûnian pantheon. Rather, the Faerûnian pantheon is a fractious assembly of sometimes cooperative but more often antagonistic powers who perceive each other and the Realms solely through the lens of their own portfolios. Sages speculate that the Faerûnian pantheon's predilection for infighting and disunity allows it to evolve and respond to change far quicker than more rigidly structured pantheons, accounting for the relative “success" of the Faerûnian pantheon in dominating a large portion of Abeir-Toril.

  泛费伦神系被名为 强大神力会议the Circle of Greater Powers 的寡头集团松散地统治着,后者在 以太位面the Ethereal Plane 一处特殊半位面上的 极星营帐the Pavilion of Cynosure 中进行集会,负责维护 一体至衡the Balance(定义为 艾欧Ao 留给诸神力的指导方针)和监管自己神系中成员的违犯行为。这种神性议会极少召开,行动只涉及重大的审议。强大神力会议反应时间之缓慢,令其在应对持续发酵的事件时,起到的作用更多是在截然对立的强大神力之间达成困难的妥协,而非彰显他们神性智慧集体水平的展示窗口。
The Faerûnian pantheon is loosely governed by an oligarchy known as the Circle of Greater Powers who meet in the Pavilion of Cynosure, which is located on a special demiplane in the Ethereal Plane, and who are responsible for maintaining the Balance (as defined by the guidelines left to the powers by Ao) and policing transgressions by members of their pantheon. This divine assembly meets only rarely and acts only with great deliberation. Its slow reaction time to on-going events is more a function of the difficulty of reaching compromise between diametrically opposed greater powers than an indicator of the assemblage's level of divine wisdom.

  泛费伦神系以及诸国度的其他各支神系,都在艾欧,国度天宇之神上神力the Over-power of Realmspace 的监督之下。上帝艾欧Lord Ao 保持着自己冷漠的态度,充当着一位极少(如果不是完全不)进行干涉的永恒观察者,然后,只在维护一体至衡、批准或拒绝生物擢升到神位、以及确保诸神保持回应他们崇拜者时出手。
The Faerûnian pantheon, and every other pantheon in the Realms, is overseen by Lord Ao, the Over-power of Realmspace. Lord Ao holds himself aloof, an eternal observer who only rarely interferes, if at all, and then only to maintain the Balance, ratify or deny the ascension of beings to godhood, and ensure that the gods remain responsive to their worshipers.

  在两位强大神力——米尔寇Myrkul班恩Bane 将划定每位神力职责的 命运石板the Tablets of Fate偷走后,艾欧将泛费伦神系从天界打落到了诸国度。并非那块石板的失窃,而是这个神系成员们的不负责任,导致艾欧掀起了这场 诸神降世the Fall of the Gods。在随后那段被称作 动荡之年the Time of Troubles、化身危机the Avatar Crisis、或是 诸神之战the Godswar 的冲突时期,以下述作为标志:神力存在们被迫以几乎比最强大凡人还更强的较弱化身形态;他们被迫行走在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球地表的凡人之间;他们被禁止(并被强行阻止)返回他们位于外层位面的神域;在他们于托瑞尔的旅程所留下的破坏。魔法陷入了狂乱,而整个费伦大陆的凡人都在遭受失去了与信众联系的诸神的残酷双手蹂躏。动荡之年在一小撮勇敢的凡人将石板归还艾欧时结束。艾欧随后将诸神力恢复到了外层位面,并替换了那些丧生者,但他作出了限制,令他们的力量从此与崇拜者的数量和虔诚紧密相联。
The Faerûnian pantheon was recently hurled from the heavens to the Realms by Ao after two greater powers, Myrkul and Bane, stole the Tablets of Fate that delineated each power's responsibilities. It was not the theft of the tablets but the abdication of responsibility by the members of the pantheon that caused Ao to induce the Fall of the Gods. The period of strife that followed, known alternatively as the Time of Troubles, the Avatar Crisis, or the Godswar, was marked by the powers being forced to assume weakened avatar forms scarcely more powerful than the most powerful mortals walking the Realms, being forced to walk the surface of Abeir-Toril among mortals, being banned (and forcibly blockaded) from returning to their outer planar realms, and leaving havoc in the wake of their travels on Toril. Magic went wild and mortals throughout Faerûn suffered at the cruel hands of deities out of touch with their flocks. The Time of Troubles concluded when a handful of brave mortals returned the tablets to Ao. Ao then reinstated the powers to the Outer Planes and replaced those who had perished, but he bound their strength tightly to the number and faith of their worshipers.

  动荡之年很难说是第一次有大量的化身行走于诸国度、在他们的身后留下毁灭与魔法狂乱,而这或许也不会是最后一次。据信 黎明之灾The Dawn Cataclysm(已知发生在 耐瑟瑞尔帝国Netheril 陨落之后)预示了 迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor 的陨落。据说是彼时尚且年轻的神祇 洛山达Lathander 的天真尝试,引发了那场诸神之战,在那场尝试中,他试图改造诸国度、将邪恶或老旧从凡人的生活中彻底抹去,而新神祇的神系将在他热心肠的家长式指导下运转诸国度的神性事务。
The Time of Troubles was hardly the first time numerous avatars have stalked the Realms, leaving destruction and magical chaos in their wake, and is probably not the last. The Dawn Cataclysm, known to have occurred after the fall of Netheril, is believed to have heralded the fall of Myth Drannor. This Godswar is believed to have been sparked by a naive attempt by the then-youthful deity Lathander to remake the Realms from scratch with all that was evil or old eliminated from mortal affaits and a pantheon of new deities under his benevolent patriarchal guidance running the Realms's divine affairs.

Today the members of the Faerûnian pantheon are more intimately attuned to their worshipers and more attentive to their responsibilities and portfolios. The powers continue to bicker and scheme, however, while their ranks and geographic sphere of influence continue to grow.
