洛山达Lathander,晨曦之主 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | Lah-THANder |
【别名/面相】 | 阿曼纳塔Amaunator(仅4e时代,被洛山达冒充的远古太阳神,后脱离) |
【头 衔】 | ¢泛费伦:晨曦之主Morninglord,创造力的指挥者the Commander of Creativity,黎明之主the Morninglord,灵感的黎明Inspiration's Dawn,玫瑰金之神The Rose-and-Gold God,黎明使者Bringer of the Dawn,诞生与重生之主Lord of Birth and Renewal,春天与永恒青春的守护神Patron to Spring and Eternal Youth,自我完善的导师Mentor of Self-Perfection ¢阙森塔:黎明之主the Morninglord,青春之神God of Youth,活力能量Vitality,自我完善者Self-perfection,田径者Athletics |
【阵 营】 | NG |
【神 力】 | G |
【神 职】 | 春季Spring,黎明dawn,诞生birth,复兴renewal,创造力creativity,年轻人youth,活力vitality,自我完善self-perfection,田径运动athletics |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 裳提亚Chauntea,贡德Gond,西凡纳斯Silvanus,泰摩拉Tymora,拉芮Lurue,提尔Tyr,托姆Torm,伊尔马特Ilmater,淑妮Sune,黎尔拉Lliira,塞伦涅Selûne,欧格玛Oghma,密里尔Milil,迪尼尔Deneir,梅丽凯Mielikki,埃达丝Eldath |
【敌 对】 | 希瑞克Cyric,塔洛斯Talos,莎尔Shar,摩安多Moander,班恩Bane,巴尔Bhaal(现已消逝),米尔寇Myrkul,艾布兰多Ibrandul |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 极乐境Elysium/2th 厄洛妮亚群峰Eronia/清晨的荣光Morninglory |
【徽 记】 | ¢徽记1:一张玫瑰红圆盘A disk of rosy pink hue ¢徽记2,阙森塔:一对摔跤手的雕像a statue of two wrestlers |
【相关 神器】 | 洛山达之血Blood of Lathander |
1eFR<Old Empires.p062>洛山达Lathander
晨曦之主Morning Lord,青春之神God of Youth,活力能量Vitality,自我完善者Self-perfection,田径者Athletics
状态Status:中立善良NG,强大神力Greater Power,极乐境Elysium
徽记Symbol:玫瑰粉色调的木盘A wooden disk of rosy pink hue
或 一对摔跤手的雕像a statue of two wrestlers
洛山达Lathander 在 阙森塔Chessenta 受到崇拜,但并非是作为创造力的指挥官(那个领域属于 梅里斯Melith),而是作为完美的运动员。
Lathander is worshiped in Chessenta, though not as the commander of creativity (that sphere belongs to Melith) but as the perfect athlete.
Sacrifices to Lathander begin all athletic competitions, and athletes pray to him to ensure that they perform at their best. Lathander is portrayed in statuary as a runner or a wrestler, competing against great heroes. He some times comes to test great athletes; he never loses, but if his opponent demonstrates great ability, he grants a boon. Lathander's priesthood is small, but many pray at his shrines.
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
极乐境强大神力Greater Power of Elysium
这两位神明都无法向 国度天宇晶壁系Realmspace crystal sphere 外的祭司授予超过3级的法术。除此之外,祭司们无论是在行星上还是在 荒宇wildspace 中,都可正常获得法术。
Neither of these gods is able to award new spells higher than 3rd level to their priests outside the Realmspace crystal sphere. Otherwise, whether on a planet or in the wildspace, priests gain spells normally.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p090>洛山达Lathander
极乐境强大神力Greater Power of the Elysium,
神国名DOMAIN NAME:厄洛妮亚群峰Eronia/清晨的荣光Morninglory
盟友ALLIES:裳提亚Chauntea,贡德Gond,西凡纳斯Silvanus,泰摩拉Tymora,“独角兽”拉芮Lurue the Unicorn,提尔Tyr,托姆Torm,伊尔马特Ilmater,淑妮Sune,黎尔拉Lliira,塞伦涅Selûne,欧格玛Oghma,密里尔Milil,迪尼尔Deneir,梅丽凯Mielikki,埃达丝Eldath
敌对FOES:希瑞克Cyric,塔洛斯Talos,莎尔Shar,摩安多Moander(现已消逝now dead),班恩Bane(现已消逝now dead),巴尔Bhaal(现已消逝now dead),米尔寇Myrkul(现已消逝now dead),艾布兰多Ibrandul(现已消逝now dead)
徽记SYMBOL:一张玫瑰红圆盘A disk of rosy pink hue
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
作为一位精力旺盛的强大神明,洛山达Lathander(读作“Lah-THANder”)被称作 创造力的指挥者the Commander of Creativity 和 黎明之主the Morninglord。人们最常这样描绘他:最常见的是一种类似于他化身(见下)的形态;此外是作为一团发光的玫瑰色漩涡薄雾,中间有一对金色的眼睛。作为起始之神,洛山达传统上会接受 费伦大陆Faerûn 各地居民在某段旅程或努力开始初的祈祷。在缔结联盟或是建立新的企业或商行时,他的名讳将被援引。因此,这位神明在商人阶层中很受欢迎。虽然被描绘为一位年轻人,但洛山达高贵的姿态和举止在贵族阶层中为他挣到了好感,此外,也有很多欢迎他的信仰。因为他鼓励其神职人员自力更生、在费伦大陆各地建立新的神龛和神殿,可以说洛山达信仰的群众基础相当部分是由那些得到了洛山达神职人员援助的大量农民组成的。
A powerful, exuberant god, Lathander (Lah-THANder) is known as the Commander of Creativity and the Morninglord. When Lathander is depicted, he is most often shown in a form similar to his avatar (see below) or as a mist of glowing, rose-colored swirls with two golden eyes at the center. As the god of beginnings, Lathander traditionally receives prayer from many inhabitants of Faerûn at the start of a journey or endeavor. Lathander's name is invoked to seal alliances and start new ventures or companies. As a result, the god is very popular among the merchant classes. Though depicted as young, Lathander's noble bearing and demeanor serve him well among the nobility, who also favor his worship in many places. Because he encourages his clergy to strike out and start new shrines and temples all over Faerûn, Lathander's broadbased popularity is rounded out by the many peasant folk aided by his clergy.
洛山达有着时而过度的热情、稍显的虚荣和对放纵的沉溺的名声,而这些缺陷在年轻人中都很常见。他也是位永远乐观、顽强坚持的人。他与 裳提亚Chauntea 的联盟对双方都有益处,因为他对诞生、成长与充满活力的生命的兴趣,与她的神职非常吻合。裳提亚与洛山达的教会是在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 后开始变得更亲近的,传闻说洛山达在爱情与政治两方面都在追求 大地母亲the Earthmother 的垂青。
Lathander has a reputation for being sometimes overly enthusiastic, slightly vain, and given to excesses, all flaws very common among the young. He is also eternally optimistic and doggedly perseverant. His alliance with Chauntea serves them both well, since his interests in birth, nurture, and vibrant life dovetail well with her portfolio. The churches of Chauntea and Lathander have only grown closer since the Time of Troubles, and rumors hold that Lathander has been courting the favor of the Earthmother romantically as well as politically.
洛山达的化身Lathander's Avatar
(战士Fighter 36,牧师Cleric 25)
Lathander appears as a golden-skinned athletic male of exceeding beauty who has just fully entered early manhood. He wears noble robes constructed in the colors of the dawn, carries himself proudly, and dresses in the finest golden plate armor if attending to matters that might turn violent. He has access to all the priestly spheres of magic. Spells he casts from the sun sphere have triple normal effect.
防御等级 -5;移动 15;生命值 234;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 5次/2轮
伤害 1d6+15 或 +18(+3/+6步兵钉头锤,+9力量,+2步兵硬头锤专精奖励)
魔抗 80%;体型 大型L(10 英尺)
力量 21,敏捷 20,体质 24,智力 22,感知 18,魅力 25
法术 祭司P:11/11/10/10/9/8/4
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
AC -5; MV 15; HP 234; THACO -10; ~AT 5/2
Dmg 1d6+15 or +18 (footman's mace +3/+6, +9 STR, +2 spec, bonus in footman's mace)
STR 21, DEX 20, CON 24, INT 22, Wis 18, CHA 25
Spells P: 11/11/10/10/9/8/4
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
在战斗中,洛山达携带着 晨曦宣言者Dawmspeaker——一把 +3步兵硬头锤。在他手中,晨曦宣言者 自动摧毁一切会被阳光影响的不死生物,对其他邪恶生物则造成+6伤害。在其他人手中,它的效用如同一把 +3 抹消权杖mace of disruption。在少数情况下,人们已知洛山达曾将 晨曦宣言者 出借给他认为配得上的个体或使命。在对 晨曦宣言者 存在的需求结束后,它会传送回洛山达身边。不论何时,洛山达都能随意创造出等同于阳光的光明,普照直径10英里的区域,持续至多1小时;在这么做之后,必须要经过两个小时他才能再来一次。洛山达也能自动驱散他以任何方式接触到的一切魔法黑暗。他也能仅凭一念就驱散120码范围内的全部魔法黑暗。因为他对晨曦的权柄,基于光、热或是火的攻击无法伤及他。因为他与裳提亚的同盟关系,也没有植物、智慧植物或是基于植物的攻击能伤及他。
In battle, Lathander bears Dawmspeaker, a footman's mace +3. In his hands, Dawnspeaker automatically destroys all undead creatures who are affected by sunlight and does +6 damage to other evil beings. In the hands of another, it works as a mace of disruption +3. On rare occasions, Lathander has been known to loan Dawnspeaker to those people or quests he deems worthy. When the need for its presence is over, it teleports to him. Whenever he wishes, Lathander can create light equal to sunlight over an area 10 miles in diameter for up to an hour, whereupon he cannot do this again until two hours have passed. Lathander also automatically dispels all magical darkness that he touches in any way. He can also dispel all magical darkness within 120 yards with a thought. Because of his dominion over the dawn, light- heat-, and fire-based attacks cannot harm him. Because of his alliance with Chauntea, no plant, sentient plant, or plant-based attack can harm him either.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
Lathander manifests his power as an intense rosy radiance surrounding the bodies of those he favors. Lathander's radiance also appears around objects to indicate special qualities about them and at confusing or dangerous junctures to indicate a safe or preferred path. This radiance causes those people it surrounds to be healed of all wounds, purged of any diseases, poisons, foreign objects, afflictions (including lycanthropy, feeblemindedness, insanity, and blindness), magical or psionic compulsions, fear, and curses. The radiance also telekineses people for short distances to get them out of harm's way. (They may be lifted out of a trap or out of the reach of enemies.)
The faithful of Lathander who are surrounded by the radiance also receive a brief message of some type from Lathander to guide them. Others may receive similar impressions if Lathander desires. If the radiance appears around a corpse of one of the faith, resurrection survival is automatically successful while the radiance is present.
Finally, Lathander sometimes uses robins, sunpeacocks (animals he favors for their plumage), sunpeacock feathers, butterflies, and aster blossoms as signs of his presence or favor.
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司Specialty priests,护教军crusaders
神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN
驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C: 可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No
支配不死Cmnd. Undhad:专属祭司SP:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可NO;护教军Cru:不可No
洛山达是所有牧师、专属祭司和护教军都得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, specialty priests, and crusaders of Lathander receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
富裕豪阔、广受欢迎的洛山达教会在 北地the North 各地都有奢华的神殿,其中一些甚至打破了人们对美好品位的认知的边界;至于那些不那么大胆且更加注重实用的洛山达教会建筑,更是遍及整个费伦大陆的大部分城市与城镇。这些神殿的主殿面朝东方、开口(至少是部分开口)朝向地平线,这样信徒们就能遥望黎明。一座神龛或是神殿的高阶祭司或女祭司通常被称为 修道长prior 或 女修道长,不过在各地的教会使用的头衔非常广泛。
Wealthy and popular, the church of Lathander has opulent temples throughout the North, some of which push back the borders of good taste, as well as less audacious and more serviceable structures in most towns and cities and dotting all of Faerûn. The main room of a temple faces east and is open to the horizon, at least in part, so that the faithful can see the dawn. The high priest or priestess of a shrine or temple is often called a prior or an abbess, although titles vary throughout the church.
洛山达的专属祭司自称为 晨曦领主morninglords。洛山达的牧师在自称和称呼他们的专属祭司与护教军弟兄时,都呼之为 黎明祭司dawn priests,并不计较其中的差异。在有组织的祭职者系统中有大约35%为专属祭司;其余为牧师或护教军。有大量侍奉晨曦之主的冒险者祭司都是专属祭司。洛山达教派Lathanderian 的宗教没有从一个教会覆盖到另一个教会包罗万象的等级制度,也不存在什么中央权威。当有教义或方针问题出现必须作出决定时,最早提出该问题的教会讲召集讨论会,让问题得到解决。无论其位阶与经验等级如何,也无论他/她手下的那处设施有多少祭司,每位 洛山达教Lathanderite 祭司都将被认为是其所负责神殿、神龛或教区的主宰。
Specialty priests of Lathander call themselves morninglords. Clerics of Lathander call both themselves and their specialty priest and crusader brethren dawn priests, ignoring any difference. About 35% of the organized priesthood are specialty priests; the remainder are clerics or crusaders. A larger number of the adventuring priests who serve the Morninglord are specialty priests. The Lathanderian religion has no overarching hierarchy from church to church and no central authority. When issues of doctrine or policy come up that must be decided upon, a conference is called at the church who initially presented the problem for consideration, and the issue is resolved. Regardless of rank or experience level, each Lathanderite priest is considered the master of the temple, shrine, or parish she or he is responsible for no matter the number of priests staffing the facility under him or her.
洛山达教信仰的初修士被称之 被唤醒者Awakened,在他们转正为正式祭司为,讲得到 黎明使者Dawnbringer 的头衔。依升序,黎明使者们普遍使用的头衔如下:黎明迎接者Dawngreeter,黎明领主Dawnlord(该教会不常使用女性格头衔),高阶黎明领主High Dawnlord,黎明主宰Dawnmaster,晨曦领主Morninglord,高阶晨曦领主High Morninglord,晨曦主宰Mornmaster,高阶晨曦主宰High Mornmaster,日出之主Sunrise Lord。
Novices in the Lathanderian faith are called the Awakened, and they gain the title of Dawnbringer upon becoming full priests. In ascending order of rank, the titles in general use by the Dawnbringers are: Dawngreeter, Dawnlord (the church does not use feminine form of titles often), High Dawnlord, Dawnmaster, Morninglord, High Morninglord, Mornmaster, High Mornmaster, and Sunrise Lord.
The charge given to most novice postulants to the faith of Lathander is: "Strive always to aid, to foster new hope, new ideas, and new prosperity for all humankind and its allies. Perfect thyself, and guard ever against pride, for it is a sacred duty to foster new growth, nurture growing things, and work for rebirth and renewal. Be fertile in mind and body. Consider always the consequences of thine actions so that the least effort may bring the greatest and best reward. Wherever you go, sow seeds of plants, tend the growing things you find, and plant seeds of hope, new ideas, and plans for a rosy future in the minds of all. Whenever possible, see each dawn."
洛山达的教义充满了乐观主义与坚持不懈的故事。对即将到来之事感觉良好相当重要,因为否则,消极想法自然会导致犯错。洛山达最喜欢的谚语包括:“向死而生From death, life”“太阳总会照常升起There is always another morning”以及“在黎明时分,美丽主宰一切,连道路也变得更加清晰In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer”。而教义中更为重要的是通过帮助、鼓励、援助,而非严格遵从仪式、遵从统治者、遵从更资深神职人员的命令,来侍奉洛山达。对神职人员来说,死亡是一种奖励,因为他们讲在来生“到洛山达那里去going to Lathander”。除非背要求完成一项任务,否则大部分神职人员不会背复生。
Lathander's dogma is filled with stories of optimism and perseverance. It is important to feel good about an upcoming event or else it will naturally go awry through negative thinking. Favorite sayings of Lathander include: "From death, life," "There is always another morning," and "In the dawn, beauty reigns, and the way is clearer." Far more importance is placed on acting in the service of Lathander by helping, encouraging, and aiding than in strict adherence to rituals, rules, and the dictates of superior clergy. This practical philosophy is shared both by Lathander and his senior clergy. Death is considered a reward for the clergy, since they are "going to Lathander" in the afterlife. Most clergy are not raised unless they are needed to complete a task.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Lathanderites seek to build anew, encourage the rebirth of barren areas and more productive growth in cultivated lands, drive out evil, and either restore civilization to heights it once had or lead it to new dizzying heights of interracial harmony, cooperation, and pursuit of the arts and progress. To do this, they battle monsters to nurture civilization; they plant seeds and new seedlings, they encourage and aid adventurers, travelers, traders, and pilgrims as the harbingers of culture; and they recover lost magical items, pieces of literature, and works of art. Lathanderites study, restore, and attempt to duplicate, emulate, or expand upon these recovered items and works when possible.
Temples and shrines also sponsor athletic events and competitions where people of all classes and races can strive together in nonhostile competition in wrestling, distance throwing, target archery, running, jumping, horseback riding, or any of a number of other noninjurious sports. Other competitions sponsored by Lathanderian churches are for honors in the literary and fine arts. Such competitions are usually for a prize, which may be money, a special item or piece of art, or even a work written about the victor by a famous poet or artist. Winning a competition sponsored by the Lathanderites brings great status in certain circles.
Temples and shrines of Lathander provide aid to adventurers and communities in their area as long as such aid is returned in good faith. Priests of Lathander try tirelessly to encourage those of good alignments to the more dedicated worship of the Morninglord if they are not already Lathanderites, but they do not insist on conversions or withhold aid if they are refused.
Lathanderites are expected to make regular offerings of ideas, inventions, coins, discovered artifacts, or food to Lathanderian temples and shrines. Much more valuable offerings such as magical items or quantities of gold are demanded of nonbelievers in return for special services like rescue missions or raising from the dead.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
正如大家猜测的那样,洛山达的大部分仪式都在黎明举办。在黎明时分采取的行动和达成的契约被认为将得到来自这位神明的祝福。在黎明时分在洛山达教派的神殿或神龛中举行婚礼被认为尤其受到祝福,所以尽管这令来访嘉宾多有不便,但教会仍然最常在黎明举行这类仪式。葬礼由一种名为“下行典礼the Going Down”的烛光典礼组成。这个仪式之后是持续到黎明祷告的守灵仪式。他们不会为被复活过的人送葬。
As may be surmised, most ceremonies of Lathander are held at dawn. Actions taken and contracts agreed to at dawn are considered blessed by the god. Marriages held at Lathanderian temples or shrines at dawn are considered especially blessed and so dawn is when the church most often holds such services, even if they are inconvenient for visiting guests. Funerals consist of a solemn, candlelit ceremony called the Going Down. This ceremony is followed by a wake that lasts until dawn prayers. Funerals are not held for those who are to be raised.
该信仰最重要的典礼是在黎明时分对洛山达的日常祈祷,通常在户外获胜能遥望黎明的地方进行。重要性紧随其后的仪式是暮光祷告。有些神殿和神龛除了这两种日常仪式外,还有一种在日中时向洛山达祷告和歌唱的额外可选仪式。当祭司们向洛山达寻求指引或帮助时,他们在这些日常祷告之外,会在祭坛上供奉祭品时增加特殊的祷词。这些仪式既欢快但又庄严,通常包括祈祷、歌唱、以及仪式性饮用被黎明触及的井水。在特殊场合、在仲夏节早晨、以及在春分和秋分的造成,洛山达祭司们将举行 黎明之歌the Song of Dawn,用混合了 人声和声vocal harmonies 与 对位和声counterharmonies 美妙而复杂的混响来赞颂洛山达。
The most important ceremonies of worship are the daily prayers to Lathander at dawn, often held outdoors or where the dawn can be seen. This ritual is followed in importance by the twilight devotions. Some temples and shrines also add to these two daily ceremonies an optional prayer and song to Lathander at highsun. To these daily devotions are added special prayers said when offerings are presented at the altar and when priests call on Lathander for guidance or aid. These ceremonies are all joyful, but dignified, and usually involve prayer, song, and ritual drinking of well water touched by the dawn. On special occasions, on Midsummer morning, and on the mornings of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, priests of Lathander perform the Song of Dawn, praising Lathander with a blend of vocal harmonies and counterharmonies of beautiful complexity.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
深水城Waterdeep 的 晨曦尖塔The Spires of the Morning 由 “至高光辉”根迪拉瑞High Radiance Ghentilara 领导,是洛山达最大(也可能最富裕)的神殿。泰尔皮尔城Telpir 的 晨曦之塔The Tower of the Morning 由 “至高光辉”杜内斯·海旅者High Radiance Durneth Seafarer 运转,它是洛山达第二显耀的神殿,不过就设计上来说,它比晨曦尖塔简单的多。
The Spires of the Morning in Waterdeep, headed by High Radiance Ghentilara, is the largest and probably most opulent of Lathander's temples. The Tower of the Morning in Telpir, run by High Radiance Durneth Seafarer, is the second most prominent of his temples, though much simpler in design than the Spires of the Morning.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
洛山达的教会有一支由圣武士、护教军和战士组成的骑士团,名为 紫菀骑士团the Order of the Aster。该组织的成员负责保护神殿与神龛、领导在需要时为教会提供服务的大型军师团体、以及在各地游荡并以洛山达的名义行善并促进他的崇拜。洛山达的神殿与神龛个体由于成本原因,通常不会维持规模庞大的常规部队,不过他们通常会留下他们认为负担得起且有必要的数量的紫菀骑士团的士兵和成员来守卫他们的设施。
The church of Lathander has a knightly order of paladins, crusaders, and fighters known as the Order of the Aster. Members of this order protect temples and shrines, serve to lead large military groups levied as needed to serve the church, and roam the land seeking to do good in Lathander's name and promote his worship. Individual temples and shrines of Lathander do not usually maintain standing military forces of substantial size due to their cost, although they often retain warriors and members of the Order of the Aster to guard their establishments in numbers that each temple decides are appropriate and affordable.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
洛山达的祭司们穿着穿着鲜艳的黄色、红色和粉色的长袖长袍。这些袍子通常被称为“太阳长袍sun robes”。那些拥有自己神殿的祭司会在长袍上点缀上华丽的金色装饰丝带。戴在后脑勺来模仿日出或光芒四射的太阳孔雀的日出头饰组成了典礼服饰的剩余部分。许多乡村神龛都以用颜色区分位阶的简朴法衣作为仪式长袍:初修士和圣职志愿者——棕色;老手和副司祭——赤褐色和深红色;资深祭司——朱红色;副修道长和位阶更高者——玫瑰红法衣;神殿或神龛的领导——白色。洛山达的圣徽通常或由以上了漆的木材制成,或由玫瑰石英或类似矿物切割而成,或者被附魔了暗淡的粉色光芒。
Priests of Lathander dress in bright long-sleeved robes of yellow, red, and pink. These are often called "sun robes." Those priests with their own temples have their robes trimmed with ornately crafted gold ribbons. A sunburst headpiece, worn toward the back of the head to emulate a rising sun or radiant sunpeacock, completes the ceremonial garb. The ritual robes used at many rural shrines are simple cassocks with a color scheme by rank. Novices and postulants wear brown; adepts and underpriests wear russet and crimson. Senior priests wear scarlet, and subpriors and those of higher rank wear rose-red. The leader of the temple or shrine wears white. Holy symbols of Lathander are often made of painted wood, cut from rose quartz or similar minerals, or enchanted to radiate a dim, pink glow.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring clerics usually wear more utilitarian garb, but prefer reds and yellows, to the point of tinting their armor those shades. Most priests of Lathander favor chain mail, and often the only obvious mark of Lathander they bear is a rose-red circle on their shields and helm brows.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(晨曦领主Morninglords)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 14,魅力Charisma 12
关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
武器WEAPONS:如同牧师Same as clerics
防具ARMOR:板甲及以下所有种类的防御,有盾牌All armor types up to and including plate mail and shield
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,魅惑charm,创造creation,元素elemental,治疗healing,死灵necromantic(仅逆向为恢复类型restorative forms only of reversible spells),植物plant,思想thought,太阳sun,结界wards,气象weather
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:战斗Combat,预言divination,守护guardian,时间time
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:无None
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:任选二Pick two:估价appraising,艺术才能artistic ability,木工carpentry,烹饪cooking,杂耍juggling,制皮leatherworking,演奏乐器musical instrument,制陶pottery
❖ Morninglords turn undead creatures at four levels higher than their listed level if the undead is affected by direct sunlight. Intelligent undead such as vampires know about Lathanderian specialty priests and either avoid direct conflict or act to remove the threat they pose as quickly as possible.
❖每日3次,晨曦领主能够创造 光亮术light(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖ Morninglords are able to create light (as the 1st-level priest spell) three times a day.
❖在第3级,每日1次,晨曦领主能够施展 妖火faerie fire(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖ At 3rd level, morninglords are able to cast faerie fire(as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
❖在第5级,每日1次,晨曦领主能够施展 昇阳术sunrise(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, morninglords are able to cast sunrise (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第7级,每日1次,晨曦领主能够施展 洛山达的恩惠boon of Lathander(如同4级祭司法术)。
❖ At 7th level, morninglords are able to cast boon of Lathander (as the 4th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第9级,每日1次,晨曦领主能够施展 虚假黎明fake dawn(如同6级祭司法术)。
❖ At 9th level, morninglords are able to cast fake dawn (as the 6th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖晨曦领主在使用以下非武器熟练时,得到+2奖励:估价appraising,艺术才能artistic ability,木工carpentry,烹饪cooking,杂耍juggling,制皮leatherworking,演奏乐器musical instrument,制陶pottery。投入这些熟练的额外非武器熟练槽将增加这些熟练的正常得分。
❖ Morninglords gain a +2 base bonus when using the appraising, artistic ability, carpentry, cooking, juggling, leatherworking, musical instrument, or pottery nonweapon proficiencies. Additional nonweapon proficiency slots devoted to these proficiencies increase the proficiency score normally.
❖在对任何人施展 死者复活raise dead 或 复生术resurrection 时,对应的复生生存检定将得到+10%奖励。(然而,复生生存值不能超过99%。)
❖ Morninglords convey a +10% bonus to the resurrection survival check of any being upon which they cast raise dead or resurrection. (The resurrection survival score cannot, however, exceed 99%.)
洛山达教派法术Lathanderian Spells
1st Level
施法时间Casting Time:4
影响区域Area of Effect:一只活物One living creature
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将使受影响的生物(可能是施法者本人)发出柔和而微弱的玫瑰色光芒。在法术失效或被驱散之前,受术者的行动和技能与 行动自由戒指ring of free action 赋予的自由相同,并将暂时解除所有因自然或魔法引起的疼痛、恶心、恐惧或毒液效果而产生的负面调整值或活动限制。(毒液的效果将被这道法术暂停,但不会被以任何方式无效化或减弱。)
This spell causes the affected being (who may be the caster) to glow with a soft, faint, rosy radiance. Until the spell expires or is dispelled, the spell recipient moves and functions with the same freedom a ring of free action grants and is temporarily released from any negative modifiers or activity restrictions due to natutally or magically induced pain, nausea, fear, or venom effects. (The effects of venom are suspended by the spell, but not negated or lessened in any way.)
2nd Level
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:触及的物品Object touched
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
This spell causes the caster's hands to glow with a bright rose-red radiance. At any time after the spell is cast until the priest casts another spell, loses consciousness, goes to sleep, or dies, the caster can choose to mend any one item. The item cannot be larger in volume than the caster's body.
这件物品必须被施法者触碰,并且施法者必须有意地选择影响它。这件物品可能曾经有生命,甚至可以在现在仍然有生命。当对活物使用时,玫瑰之触rosetouch 可以闭合创口——即便其中还有异物一—并闭合静脉和动脉,以防止进一步的失血,但不能回复已损失的生命值、生命力或功能性器官,也不能将断裂的肢体连接在一起。
The item must be touched by the caster, who must deliberately choose to affect it. The object may have been once living or even be presently living. When used on a living being, rosetouch closes gaping wouncis—even over a foreign object—and closes off veins and arteries to prevent further blood loss, but cannot restore lost hit points, life force, or functioning organs, nor knit together severed limbs.
当物品被修补之时,玫瑰色的光芒将围绕着物品明亮地跳动,而后消失。在 玫瑰之触 施用的那一轮结束时,这件物品将恢复完好。
As the item is mended, the rosy glow pulses brightly, surrounds the item, and then fades. At the end of the round in which the rosetouch is bestowed, the item is whole.
这道法术通常被用来修补破损的武器或工具。虽然它不能修复破碎或被消耗的魔法武器上的咒文,但对其物理结构的修复是永久性的、无法被驱散。被 玫瑰之触 处理过的武器不会获得任何攻击或伤害奖励,但在1轮/每施法者等级内,在决定是否能击中时,它视作魔法武器。
This spell is often used to mend broken weapons or tools. Although it cannot restore the dweomer of a broken or expended magical weapon, its physical repair work is permanent and cannot be dispelled. A weapon that has been rosetouch gains no attack or damage bonuses, but counts as a magical weapon for purposes of what can be hit by it for 1 round per level of the caster of this spell.
3rd Level
持续时间Duration:1+1d4轮 或 特殊Special
施法时间Casting Time:6
影响区域Area of Effect:以一只生物为中心的5呎球体
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
With this spell, the caster evokes a dazzling sphere of light equal to natural sunlight around himself or a touched being or item. All beings in contact with the sphere lose the use of infravision for 2d4 rounds, which is halved if a saving throw vs. spell is successful.
遭遇光球的吸血鬼和其它不死生物、蕈类生物、以及地下真菌都将遭受4d6点伤害(对抗法术豁免检定成功则减半)。当这些生物第一次(也仅仅是第一次)遭遇这耀眼灵光时,将在遭遇之后的那轮受到如同 困惑术confusion 法术的影响。基本来说,这意味着这些生物在第一次遭遇这光辉时,可以继续进行把它们带入这团光明之中的攻击或战斗行动,但在下一轮,它们将会陷入犹豫,无法继续进行攻击或采取任何刻意的行动。
Vampires and other undead, fungoid creatures, and subterranean fungi in contact with the sphere suffer 4d6 points of damage, which is halved if a saving throw vs. spell is successful. Upon their first contact (only) with the dazzling radiance, such creatures are affected as if by a confusion spell on the round following contact. Essentially, on first contact with the radiance, these creatures may continue an attack or fighting actions that bring them into the light, but on the next round they hesitate and are unable to attack or take any deliberate action.
Creatures harmed by sunlight are affected by the radiance as if they were caught in actual sunlight. Undead vulnerable to sunlight receive a saving throw vs. spell to avoid destruction.
这道法术的施法者可以选择令法术延迟暂不生效,直至在施法时低颂的激发词被再次念出时,才产生效果。除非受术者死亡、亦或法术被 驱散魔法dispel magic 驱散,否则在那之后的任何时刻,只需要念出这个词法术都将生效。此外,如果法术是以延迟形态施展在施法者自己身上,那么他甚至不需要开口说话,仅凭无声的意志即可激活。施法者的其它施法行为或魔法活动不会对这道法术产生影响,但其延迟效果不能在施法者激活魔法物品或释放其它法术的同一轮中释放。
The caster of this spell can choose to have it delay and not take effect until a word of activation that was whispered during casting is spoken again. The spell effect occurs at any later time when the word is spoken unless the touched being dies first or is affected by a dispel magic. In addition, if the delayed form of the spell is cast on the caster, it may even be activated by silent force of will alone; no word need be spoken. The spell is not affected by other spellcasting or magical activity on the part of the caster, but its delayed effect cannot be unleashed in the same round as the caster activates a magical item or casts another spell.
The material components of the spell are an aster seed and a piece of sunstone (aventurine).
4th Level
洛山达的神恩Boon of Lathander
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One being
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
在这道法术被施展后的接下来2轮中,受术者将在攻击和所有豁免骰上得到+1奖励,并且每轮可以额外攻击1次。受术者在这段时间内会发出玫瑰红的灵光。这种灵光外观类似于 妖火faerie fire,但并不会令对手获得在攻击被 妖火 所勾勒目标时所获得的增益。
On the two rounds following the round this spell is cast in, the spell recipient receives bonuses of + 1 on attack rolls and +1 on all saving throws and is allowed one extra attack per round. The spell recipient glows with a rose-red radiance during this time of augmented ability. This radiance is similar to faerie fire in appearance, but it does not carry with it the benefits that opponents would gain when attacking a creature outlined in faerie fire.
5th Level
洛山达之盾Shield of Lathander
施法时间Casting Time:8
影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One being
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
If the recipient of this spell is unwitting or unwilling and engaged in combat, a successful attack roll is necessary to touch that being. The spell's recipient must be touched within three rounds of the spell being cast or the spell is wasted and lost.
在被触碰后的那一轮中,洛山达之盾Shield of Lathander 将保护受术者免受所有纯物理手段造成的伤害。被保护生物仍然会受到法术与魔法物品所释放的全部正常伤害,但魔法武器攻击中的物理部分会被无效化。如,一把 +2长剑 击中受此法术保护的受术者时,只会造成2点伤害(由其魔法奖励带来)。没有附魔加成的魔法武器只能造成1点伤害。
Shield of Lathander protects a single touched creature from all damage due to purely physical means on the round after it is touched. The protected being takes full normal damage from spells and magical item discharges, but the physical component of an enchanted weapon's attack is negated. For instance, a long sword +2 striking a protected recipient of this spell would inflict only 2 points of damage (due to its magical bonus). Enchanted weapons lacking pluses cause only 1 point of damage.
6th Level
人造黎明False Dawn
施法时间Casting Time:9
影响区域Area of Effect:30呎半径球体
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
人造黎明False dawn 将在效果区域咒唤出一道仿若日出的明亮红光。这道光芒明亮到足以供阅读采光、驱散魔法黑暗、甚至即便有人试图驱散它或在该区域中构筑魔法黑暗,它也将在法术持续时间期间顽强存在。
False dawn calls into existence a bright reddish light, as if a sunrise were occurring, within the area of effect. This light is bright enough to read by, dispels magical darkness, and persists for the spell duration despite any attempts to dispel it or to establish magical darkness in the area.
人造黎明 效果区域内的所有不死生物将遭受6d4点伤害。不死生物不允许对这种伤害进行豁免检定,如果这种伤害将摧毁它们,那么它们的遗骸将立即崩溃,不能再被活化为不死生物。受影响的不死生物也会在 人造黎明 登场之后的那一轮行为迷惑(如同被 困惑术confusion 法术影响)。这些被迷惑的不死生物无法自主地移动、发动攻击、或使用它们的特殊魔法异能。
All undead creatures within a false dawn suffer 6d4 points of damage. Undead creatures are not allowed saving throws against this damage, and if it destroys them, their remains instantly crumble and can never again be animated to undeath. Affected undead also act confused (similar to the effects of a confusion spell) on the round after the false dawn appears. These confused undead beings cannot move, launch attacks, or use specific magical powers of their own volition.
在 人造黎明 期间,所有生物都将丧失红外视觉,并且将在法术持续时间结束、或离开其效果区域后,仍然持续1d4轮。
All creatures using infravision have it foiled during the false dawn and for 1d4 rounds after it ends or they leave its area.
The caster cannot choose to exempt any creatures within the area of effect from these effects. The spherical area of effect extends below the caster's ground level and into the air above him or her.
This spell consumes a clear-, red- or yellow-hued gemstone or gemstones of not less than 1,000 gp total value that fades away to nothingness in the caster's hand.
7th Level
高等洛山达之盾Greater Shield of Lathander
施法时间Casting Time:1轮
影响区域Area of Effect:一只生物One being
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
If the recipient of this spell is unwitting or unwilling and engaged in combat, a successful attack roll is necessary to touch that being. The spell's recipient must be touched within three rounds of the spell being cast or the spell is wasted and lost.
在被触碰后的那一轮中,高等洛山达之盾Greater shield of Lathander 将保护受术者免受所有伤害,无论伤害类型是魔法、物理还是灵能。高等盾牌 还将暂停受术者身上的任何魔法气体、探知、或其它强迫效果(包括灵能控制与攻击)。请注意,在这一轮的保护中,受保护的生物无论是处于或被置于承受伤害的状态(比如被压在水底、跳下悬崖、或被埋在岩崩或倒塌建筑物之下),并不会得到对伤害的免疫。在法术到期之后的那轮,他们将遭遇那以情境所要求的全部正常伤害。然而,人们可以利用这道法术给出宽宥的时间来激活治疗或逃生法术。
Greater shield of Lathander protects a single touched creature from all damage—whether magical, physical, or psionic—on the round after it is touched. The greater shield also suspends the functioning of any magical geas, quest, or other compulsions on the touched being including psionic controls and attacks. Note that protected beings in or placed in damage-taking situations during the round of protection (such as pinned under water, leaping off cliffs, or buried under rockslides or collapsing buildings) are not rendered immune to damage. On the round after the spell expires, they suffer the full normal damage that the situation dictates. Beings can, however, use the round of grace given them by this spell to activate healing or escaping magics.