海姆Helm,守护之神 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | HELM |
【头 衔】 | 永不休眠之眼He of the Unsleeping Eyes,看守者the Watcher,哨兵the Vigilant,哨卫者the Vigilant One,伟大守卫the Great Guard,守护之神the God of Guardians |
【阵 营】 | LN |
【神 力】 | L→I→Dead→I |
【神 职】 | 守卫Guardians,保护者protectors,保护protection |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 托姆Torm |
【敌 对】 | 班恩Bane,巴尔Bhaal,卡拉苟斯Garagos,马斯克Mask,莎尔Shar,塔洛斯Talos |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 机械境Mechanus/永恒哨位Everwatch |
【徽 记】 | 一只睁开的凝视之眼,其瞳孔呈蓝色,眼睛的轮廓被描画在一只右手战争铁手套的背面、或是一只左手战争手套的正面An open, staring eye with a blue pupil and outline painted on the back of a right-hand war gauntlet or the palm of a left-hand war gauntlet |
【简 介】 | 海姆Helm 是守卫之神,(尝试)垄断了费伦的保镖和保安行业。 大善神洛山达制造的黎明之劫导致了其女友穆丹娜Murdane的溺亡,他的性格因此变得冷硬,专注于职责而不问是非。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧师和专属祭司们往往会因恐惧失去施法能力而担心进入 荒宇wildspace。其实对这点无需再有疑问。当然,当牧师或是祭司进入太空时,他们神明的神力的确会发生一些改变,但多数时候,这些改变还没到让角色感到沮丧的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改变是积极的,但偶尔,神力可能会有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司们进入 燃素海the phlogiston、与其神明失去一切接触的时候。在进入到晶壁系中时,某一角色是否会与他的神明完全而彻底的分离?接下来的章节将详述:魔法船牧师与专属祭司在荒宇中时,诸神与他们的关系、以及诸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(永不休眠之眼He of the Unsleeping Eyes)
涅槃境弱等神力Lesser Power of Nirvana
这位神明的祭司在 国度天宇Realmspace 时,施法能力不变。
The spell casting abilities of the priests of this god are not altered while the caster is within Realmspace.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p068>海姆Helm
(永不休眠之眼He of the Unsleeping Eyes,看守者the Watcher,哨兵the Vigilant,哨卫者the Vigilant One,伟大守卫the Great Guard,守护之神the God of Guardians)
机械境中等神力Intermediate Prower of Mechanus,
神域名DOMAIN NAME:机械境Mechanus/永恒哨位Everwatch
敌对FOES:班恩Bane(目前消逝now dead),巴尔Bhaal(目前消逝now dead),卡拉苟斯Garagos,马斯克Mask,莎尔Shar,塔洛斯Talos
徽记SYMBOL:一只睁开的凝视之眼,其瞳孔呈蓝色,眼睛的轮廓被描画在一只右手战争铁手套的背面、或是一只左手战争手套的正面An open, staring eye with a blue pupil and outline painted on the back of a right-hand war gauntlet or the palm of a left-hand war gauntlet
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
海姆Helm(读作“HELM”)是守卫、看守与警卫的典范和缩影,过去的许多年里,在那些需要时刻警惕邪恶登门拜访的人民中他备受尊崇。作为一位神明,他曾更为强大,却因困难时期的两次行动而陷入困境。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,不同于被剥夺了神力、受困于 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 地表的其祂神祇,海姆被保留了力量,并受命看守通往 外层位面Outer Planes 的大门,禁绝 诸国度the Realms 的丽其祂神力通过。然则海姆的这项任务完成地过于成功了,以至于在他脚下,大量神性神性存在陨落引发的毁灭与湍流是如此的众多。
Helm (HELM) is the epitome of the guardian, the watcher, the guard, and has in years past been greatly venerated by those who need to remain watchful for evil at their doorsteps. He was once a much more powerful god, but has fallen upon hard times through two actions. During the Time of Troubles, Helm was left with his powers and ordered to hold the gates to the Outer Planes against the other powers of the Realms when the other deities were stripped of their power and confined to the surface of Abeir-Toril. Helm did so all too successfully, and much of the resulting destruction and deific turmoil caused by the many divine deaths of the Godswar is laid at his feet.
在 南方the South 海姆仍然强大,但当他的祭司们被深深卷入到一场对 真实世界马兹特克the True World of Maztica 的入侵时,这位神明历经了进一步的挫折。他们不屈不挠、往往凶狠残酷的行径,进一步损害了这位神明的声誉。由于这些行动给他带来的刻板、冷酷名声,恰逢 托姆Torm 与 贡德Gond 吸引新追随者之际,海姆的星光正在黯淡褪色。
Helm remained strong in the South, but experienced a further setback when his priests became deeply involved in an invasion of the True World of Maztica. Their unflinching and often brutal actions counted further against the god's reputation. Because of the inflexible and cold reputation those actions gained him, Helm's star is fading at a time when Torm and Gond are attracting new followers.
Helm is difficult to understand and is often viewed as emotionless, heartless, and devoted only to his duty or goal at the cost of all mortal consideration. While he is devoted to the point of obsession, he is not heartless, but merely a stern disciplinarian. He is fond of children and has been known to be most uncharacteristically lenient (for Helm) when dealing with small infractions by them or on their behalf.
In attempting to comprehend Helm's driven nature, many mortal sages have attempted to account for him throwing himself into his work by blaming his behavior on a broken heart caused by long-unrequited or spurned love. Others say he lost a great love to tragedy or eternally grieves for a lost relative, such as a brother, sister, or child. Still others account for his behavior more coldly as a burning ambition to become the greatest of deities. Helm has never given credence to any of these theories, as he considers such speculations frivolous use of time that could be spent more honestly at productive work.
海姆的化身Helm's Avatar
(战士Fighter 35,牧师Cleric 23)
自动荡之年以来,海姆越来越不愿意以化身形态在 费伦大陆Faerûn 出现,通常只有某位资深祭司或某座神殿遭遇直接威胁时,他才会接受咒唤如此现身。海姆总是以一位身着全身板甲、面目为头盔遮掩的男性巨人的形象神临,其身高根据外观的不同而不同。他能从任何领域获取法术。
Since the Time of Troubles, Helm has been increasingly reluctant to appear in Faerûn in avatar form, typically doing so only when a senior priest or temple is directly threatened and he is called upon. Helm always appears as a giant man in full plate armor, his face concealed by his helm. His height varies from one appearance to the next. He can draw spells from any sphere.
防御等级 -5;移动 15 或 飞行 24;生命值 222;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 5次/2轮
伤害 2d4+15(+3 重剑,+10力量,+2对近战武器专精奖励)
魔抗 65%;体型 超大型H(14~20呎之间的任何数值)
力量 22,敏捷 18,体质 21,智力 19,感知 24,魅力 17
法术 祭司P:13/12/12/12/12/9/3
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
AC -5; MV 15 or Fl 24; HP 222; THACO -10; #AT 5/2
Dmg 2d4+15 (bastard sword +3, + 10 STR, +2 spec, bonus in melee weapons)
MR 65%; SZ H (anywhere from 14 to 20 feet)
STR 22, DEX 18, CON 21, INT 19, Wis 24, CHA 17
Spells P: 13/12/12/12/12/9/3
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
如果 守护之神the God of Guardians 神临之处过于局促,无法容纳他的完整身高,那么将只有他的上半身出现,以上文给出的飞行速度漂浮与飞行。海姆可以使用任何种类的武器,并且被认为专精于任何类型的近战武器;但他最常双手挥舞一柄 +3重剑。他能以一圈飘浮盾牌环绕自身,如果他想,这些盾牌能以100%的成功率将所有魔法、灵能、吐息武器和凝视攻击反射回源头,这将替代他在这一轮的施法行动。如果盾牌被毁,它将爆炸为一道100呎长、直径20呎的 寒冰锥cone of cold,直指毁灭了它的生物。这道 寒冰锥 将造成6d12点伤害。这些盾牌属性如下:AC 0,移动速度 飞行24(机动力A),生命值 66。
If the God of Guardians appears in a place too small to permit his full height, only his upper torso appears, floating and flying about at the given flying rate. Helm may use any sort of weapon and is considered specialized in all forms of melee weapons; he has most often been seen wielding a bastard sword +3 two-handed. He can surround himself with a ring of floating shields that reflect back all magic, psionic, breath weapon, and gaze attacks 100% at their sources if he wishes, rather than cast a spell during a round. If a shield is destroyed, it explodes into a 100-foot-long cone of cold 20 feet in diameter directed at the being that destroyed it. This cone of cold does 6dl2 points of damage. These shields are AC 0, move at MV Fl 24 (A), and have 66 hp.
海姆也可以掀起头盔的面罩释放一道100呎长、直径20呎的 寒冰锥cone of cold,造成9d12点伤害,或者选择发射一道与其头盔尺寸相同的 驱散魔法dispel magic 或 解离术disintegrate 椎体。海姆能看穿所有幻术,看见隐形的生物和物品,随意定位物体的位置。他无法被击倒或弄翻,在所有已知的爆炸、外力、地震和火山爆发面前都能毅然屹立。他免疫魅惑、改变情绪和支配意志的法术、类法术能力与灵能能力。
Helm can also unleash a 100-foot-long cone of cold 20 feet in diameter that does 9dl2 points of damage by raising the visor of his helm, or he can choose instead to emit a dispel magic or disintegrate cone of identical dimensions from his helm. Helm can see through all illusions, see invisible creatures and items, and locate object at will. He cannot be knocked down or overthrown; he stands firm against all known explosions, forces, earthquakes, and eruptions. He is immune to spells, spell-like abilities, and psionic abilities that charm, alter emotions, or dominate the will.
Helm can awaken any or all beings who worship him whenever he is present in Faerûn. At his desire, all guardians and defenders who worship him wake up and become alert. He banishes all sleepiness, weakness, nausea, or magics that place his guardians and defenders under the influence of others (such as charm spells). These conditions are ended, not merely suspended.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
海姆通常显现为一只上竖、伸出手掌的金属护手,作出“停止”或防护的手饰,或是一只封闭而警惕的战争头盔。从这些图像中散发着:医疗术heal 或 法术灌输imbue with spell ability 法术,以此为守卫提供援助或授予力量;防御性魔法屏障;结界之雾wardmist 魔法;揭示幻术与隐藏或伪装的攻击者、了解其真面目的力场;以及迫使相位外、灵界、星界、或是其它无法触及的生物完全进入费伦大陆所在 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 的相位,使其可以被守护者们攻击到。头盔显现很少会释放攻击性法术,但这种情况的确出现过。此类法术大多将从头盔幻影中射出,通常是细微的闪电光束。
Helm often manifests as an upright, palm-out metal gauntlet making a "stop" or warding gesture or a closed, watchful war helm. From such images emanate heal or imbue with spell ability spells to aid or empower guardians, defensive magical barriers, wardmist magics, fields that reveal illusions and hidden or disguised attackers for what they truly are, and beams that force out-of-phase, ethereal, astral, or otherwise inaccessible beings fully into phase on the Prime Material Plane on Faerûn so they can be attacked by guardians. It is rare for offensive spells to lash out from a manifestation of Helm, but it has occurred. Most often such spells come from the war helm apparition and tend to be thin beams of lightning.
When Helm manifests, all guardians and defenders within 10 miles wake up and become alert. He banishes all sleepiness, weakness, nausea, or magics that place guardians and defenders under the influence of others (such as charm spells). These conditions are ended, not merely suspended while the power of Helm is present.
海姆有时也会借由以下事物的存在或行动行事:恩赫里亚einheriar,helmed horrors,spectators,摩录多marut,守卫幽魂watchghosts,活钢living steels。此外,海姆还能选择在梦中传达生动的警告,如若某位信徒在睡眠中触碰到一件未出鞘的武器,由海姆传递给信徒的异象,有时也能被下一位接触武器的人看到——不管时间已经过去了多久。如果这位神明想,被祝圣献给海姆的武器也能在警告期间鸣叫、歌唱、发光、舞蹈或震动。
Helm also sometimes works through the presence or action of einheriar, helmed horrors, spectators, maruts, watchghosts, and living steels. In addition, Helm can choose to send vivid warnings in dreams, and if a believer sleeps touching an unsheathed weapon, the visions imparted to the believer by Helm can sometimes also be seen by the next being to touch the weapon, regardless of how much time has passed. Weapons consecrated to Helm can also thrum, sing, glow, dance, or vibrate in warning when the god desires them to.
教会The Church
神职人员CLERGY:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,武僧monks,圣武士paladins
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes;护教军Cru:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No;圣武士Pal:可Yes
支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;专属祭司SP:不可No;护教军Cru:不可No;武僧Mon:不可No;圣武士Pal:不可No
海姆的所有牧师、专属祭司、护教军和武僧得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, specialty priests, crusaders, and monks of Helm receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.
在动荡之年前,海姆在 北地the North 的大部分地区都是一种受人尊敬的信仰。它的大型神殿群通常位于危险和邪恶的地区(如 黑暗堡Darkhold),并被视作抵御邪恶族群和生物的最后一道防线。然而,受他强迫而滞留费伦大陆、充满破坏力的神性化身们,肆意地蹂躏了北地,令海姆饱受紧随动荡之年而来的叛教潮的折磨;而在入侵真实世界(马兹特克大陆)中军事与声誉的双重损失,更令 警惕者Vigilant 或 警戒之人Watchful Ones(海姆祭司)陷入衰落。直至最近,他们才在动荡之年前被称为 历经考验的真实者the Tested and True 的海姆资深祭司们坚韧不拔、不找借口的领导下,开始恢复民心、影响力、力量与组织。他们大多是些信仰坚定、忠贞不屈之人。他们相信海姆是所有神力中最受眷顾的,因为他被选中保留神力、管教其祂神明。
Prior to the Time of Troubles, Helm was a well-respected faith in most areas of the North. Its large temple complexes were usually situated near dangerous and evil areas (such as Darkhold) and were regarded as a first line of defense against evil people and creatures. Wracked by defections in the wake of the Time of Troubles, active persecution in the North by those angry that Helm forced the destructive divine avatars to remain in Faerûn, and military and popularity losses related to the invasion of the True World (Maztica), the Vigilant or Watchful Ones (priests of Helm) have been in decline. They have only recently begun to recover popular favor and influence, strength, and organization under the unflinching, no-excuses leadership of the veteran priests of Helm from before the Time of Troubles known as the Tested and True. Most of these folk are people of inflexible beliefs and loyalty. They believe that Helm is the most favored of all the powers, for he was chosen to retain his powers to discipline the others.
对历经考验的真实者而言,将海姆的名声从许多死魔区烙印上的名字“海姆的馈赠the Legacy of Helm”挣回来的日子是段艰难的岁月,但他们强大的纪律与海姆教会几乎完全军事化的阶级制度,几乎是为此量身定做。所有人都知道自己在海姆教会位阶中的地位,海姆亲自为他的高阶祭司/女祭司设定了目标,决定哪些神殿、修道院和神龛需要互相协作、为什么目标而努力。
Fighting their way back from a reputation that brands many dead magic areas "the Legacy of Helm," the Tested and the True are having a tough time, but one which their strong discipline and the almost military hierarchy of the church of Helm are well suited to handle. All know their position by their rank within the church of Helm, and Helm himself sets the goals for his high priests and priestesses, determining what temples, abbeys, and shrines are to cooperate with each other in which ongoing efforts.
海姆神职人员使用的头衔(依升序)如下:初修士Novice,专家Adept,可信者Trusty,警惕者Alert,守望骑士Watchknight,守卫Guardian,统治之刃Overblade,高阶守卫者High Watcher,资深钢铁之眼Senior Steeleye(一种适用于所有资深神职人员的头衔)。这些头衔都是直至动荡之年才开始被采纳的,并且历经考验的真实者和 看守者Watchers(专属祭司,被嘲弄地称为“诸神之眼Godseyes”)的成员被允许保留任何旧版、个人、或变体头衔。在某座神殿、修道院、或隐修院中担任领导或担当重要职务的神职人员,也可附加与其职责相关的头衔。
Titles used by the clergy of Helm are (in ascending order of rank): Novice, Adept, Trusty, Alert, Watchknight, Guardian, Overblade, High Watcher, and Senior Steeleye (a title applied to all senior clergy). These have been adopted only since the Time of Troubles, and members of the Tested and True and Watchers (specialty priests, derisively known as "Godseyes") have been allowed to retain any older, personal, or variant titles. Clergy who lead or occupy an important office in a temple, abbey, or monastery may also bear additional titles pertaining to their duties.
"He also serves who stands and waits and watches carefully" and "Careful planning always defeats rushed actions in the end" are popular sayings of Helm's faithful. Novices of Helm are charged to be vigilant and to be fair and diligent in the conduct of their orders. They must protect the weak, the unpopular, the injured, and the young and not sacrifice them for others. They must anticipate attacks and be ready, know their foes, and care carefully for their weapons so that their weapons can perform their duties properly when called upon.
"Never betray your trust" is the guiding phrase for faithful of Helm. Thiphilosophy extends to thinking about how best to guard and protect, both in terms of weapons and the deployment of guardians, and to anticipating what attacks may come and having a practiced plan ready to deal with such threats. The faithful and the priests of Helm train and exercise so as to always be able to carry out their duties as best they can.
海姆教徒Helmites 永远服从命令——只要这些命令遵从海姆的规定。海姆经常在现场响应祈祷时(通常是经由 预兆omen 法术),传达自己的意愿。他在发出指引性神示时,尤其是当他的信徒面临着——甚至是来自他的资深神职人员的——冲突命令或指令时,反应异常迅速。海姆对命令不死生物、而非把它们驱散或毁灭的想法深感憎恶,所以他的神职人员们不被允许这样做,甚至想都不该想。这种哲学思想上的差异,是海姆教会与托姆教会之间冲突的一项主要因素。
Helmites always obey orders, provided those orders follow the dictates of Helm. Helm's wishes are often revealed to his faithful in response to on the-spot prayer (often via an omen spell). He is very responsive in sending guiding vision, especially when his faithful face conflicting orders or directives, even from his senior clergy. The thought of commanding undead rather than turning them or destroying them is abhorrent to Helm, and so his clergy are not allowed to do so and would never dream of trying. This difference in philosophy is a major factor in the rivalry between his church and that of Torm.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
Helmite clergy believe they can win back the rightful power of Helm only through demonstrated excellence of vigilance and purity of loyalty in their roles as guardians and protectors. They have set about trying to train bodyguards everywhere and spreading the word that only Helm-tested worshipers of the God of Guardians are truly worthy and reliable to their masters.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
海姆教派信仰总是在每个 盾会节Shieldmeet 举办 致敬海姆典礼Ceremony of Honor to Helm,但其成员不遵循其他与历法相关、以守护之神名义举行的仪式。
The Helmite faith always holds a Ceremony of Honor to Helm on each Shieldmeet, but its members observe no other calendar-related rituals to the God of Guardians.
On a daily basis, worshipers of Helm should always pray to the Vigilant One upon awakening and before composing themselves for slumber. A faithful worshiper who poses a question to the god typically receives some sort of (often cryptic) guidance in dream visions. Helm may also grace a nonbeliever who is growing interested in his faith with such visions.
海姆教派最神圣的主要典礼是:志愿圣祭the Consecration of a Postulant,这是寻求成为海姆教会神职人员之人的献身典礼;以及 眷物圣祭the Consecration of a Glymtul,是将某件特殊物品(glymtul在古语中意为“亲睐之物”)献给海姆事业的仪式。其他值得注意的仪式有 净化仪式the Purification 和 神圣守夜the Holy Vigil。净化仪式是一种通过回归信仰、或为警惕、忠诚或信仰上的过失弥补赎罪,从而完成的信仰更新。神圣守夜典礼则标识着某位祭司的升职。这是一场长达整夜的专注仪式,在仪式中,这位祭司需要凭借自己的意志力,让他的武器漂浮在半空。武器由一位资深祭司通过仪式附法浮空,而这位祭司观察仪式时的警觉将使它一直徘徊漂浮。
The most holy major Helmite ceremonies are the Consecration of a Postulant, which is the dedication of a being seeking to be confirmed as one of the clergy of the church of Helm, and the Consecration of a Glymtul, which is a dedication of a special item to Helm's service (glymtul is an ancient word for "favored thing"). Other ceremonies of note are the Purification and the Holy Vigil. The Purification is a renewal of faith undergone by beings returning to the faith or atoning for a shortcoming in vigilance, loyalty, or worship. The Holy Vigil ceremony marks the ascension of a priest to a higher rank. It is a night-long ceremony of concentration in which a priest, by willpower alone, keeps his or her weapon floating in midair. The weapon is enspelled by a senior priest through ritual magic to levitate, and the vigilance of the priest observing the ritual keeps it hovering.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
海姆信仰最突出的中心是位于 特拉苏格城Tsurlagol 的 高贵之手the Noble Hand。高贵之手既是一座神殿,也是一座专业保安的训练学校。它在 至高警戒武器大师埃利姆·“猫爪”·图林High Watchful Weaponmaster Ellym "Catsjaw" Thourin的领导下蓬勃发展,这是一位颇有名气的退休冒险家。海姆信仰在 维洪海域the Vilhon Reach 和南方仍然强盛。战斗元帅钢眼托诺拉克·温特拉克斯Battle Marshal Senior Steeleye Tonorak Winthrax 领导下、伊尔加克城Iljak 的 警戒守卫神殿The Temple of the Vigilant Guard 是一座海姆教派在维洪海域的堡垒。
The most prominent center of Helm's faith is the Noble Hand in Tsurlagol. The Noble Hand is both a temple and a training school for professional guards. It flourishes under High Watchful Weaponmaster Ellym "Catsjaw" Thourin, a retired adventurer of some reputation. Helm's worship is also still very strong in the Vilhon Reach and also in the South. The Temple of the Vigilant Guard in Iljak, led by Battle Marshal Senior Steeleye Tonorak Winthrax, is a bastion of the Helmite faith in the Vilhon Reach.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
真实愿景的伙伴the Companions of the One True Vision 是一支由海姆教派的牧师、战士和十字军组成的组织,其成员作为坚定不移的忠诚突击部队而闻名,他们能够遵从命令,受雇去完成最困难的目标而不放弃,并在压倒性的冲突中坚守最关键的位置。然而,最近这个组织的许多成员都在海姆教派的马兹特克大陆行动中服役,这对其在民众中的声誉造成了打击。其他附属的海姆教派组织包括:一支名为 阵亡者的看护人the Watchers Over the Fallen 的小型战场治疗者团契;一支被称为 永恒守望骑士团the Everwatch Knights 的专职保镖团队,他们被神殿出租创汇;以及被称为 神明的警惕之眼the Vigilant Eyes of the God 的圣武士组织。
The members of the Companions of the One True Vision, an order of Helmite clerics, fighters, and crusaders, were known for being unswervingly loyal shock troops able to follow orders asking them to engage the most difficult objectives without breaking and hold the most trying positions against overwhelming odds. Recently, however, members of this order, many of whom served in the Helmite actions in Maztica, have taken a beating in popular reputation. Other affiliated Helmite orders include a small fellowship of battlefield healers known as the Watchers Over the Fallen, a group of dedicated bodyguards whom Helmite temples hire out to others to generate revenue called the Everwatch Knights, and an order of paladins called the Vigilant Eyes of the God.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
海姆的祭司们身披纤尘不染、闪闪发亮(通常被 永明everbright 附魔)、完好无损的全身板甲,搭配以敞面头盔(因为面罩会影响视线)。头盔上通常装饰以羽毛。这些盔甲可以用红色斗篷和铁灰色的搭肩衫来搭配,并且这类衣物——以及盔甲本身——胸、背的中央都可以以 不眠之眼the Unsleeping Eye 装饰。在南方地区,海姆教派的神职人员通常穿戴着最优质的全身板甲,并镶嵌有宝石、以金丝描绘,着重突出胸甲的胸部和背部中心那只巨大的金眼。在那些不欢迎重甲神职人员的地方,盔甲将被缩减为一套重型肩板,但头盔无论如何都会被保留。
Priests of Helm wear spotless, shining, (often everbright-enchanted), unblemished full plate armor with open-faced helms (a visor reduces vision). Often the helms are topped with plumes. Such armor may be accessorized with red cloaks and tabards of steel gray, and such garments—or the armor itself—may be adorned with the Unsleeping Eye in the center of both back and breast. In southern regions, Helmite clergy members often wear the finest full plate armor set with gems and worked with gold filigree in designs that accentuate great golden eyes set in the centers of their chests (on the breastplates) and backs. In areas where heavily armored clerics are frowned on, the armor is reduced to a set of heavy shoulder plates, but the helm remains in any case.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Because of the useful nature of the ceremonial gear of the priests of Helm, it is worn in the field as well as for ceremonial purposes, unless it is decorated with such costly materials that the priest fears it will attract thieves, in which case a more utilitarian version of the same full plate armor is worn. In either case, the armor is dominated by the symbol of Helm's eye on the chest, often shown in a sunburst or as the topmost level of a stepped pyramid.
5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p029>海姆Helm
看守者The Watcher,永不休眠之眼He of the Unsleeping Eyes,哨位者the Vigilant One
The god of vigilance and protection, Helm is seen as the epitome of the guardian, the watcher, and the guard. He is venerated by those who need to remain watchful for enemies or danger. Helm is a favorite deity of people who make a living by protecting someone or something, such as bodyguards, members of the city watch, and the guards of a treasury vault.
Helm embodies the spirit of watchfulness without regard to good or evil. In legends, he is honorable and keeps his word to a fault , such as when he guarded the celestial stairways during the Time of Troubles, preventing the gods from ascending them and continuing the chaos of that period, until the Tablets of Fate were found. Although his faith has known dark days, worship of Helm never truly faded away. Most of his followers believe that the Watcher can never be vanquished utterly, and recent events have borne out that assertion.
Helm's priests teach that one must be ever vigilant, ever aware, ever prepared for one's enemies. Patience, clear thought, and careful planning will always defeat rushed actions in the end. Those who favor Helm strive to be alert, clear-headed, and true to their word. These traits don't necessarily make them nice people, however, and as such many consider the faithful of Helm to be inflexible and merciless.