海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies | ||||
【主 神】 | 无 | |||
【势力 范围】 | 海洋与海洋生物,天空与空栖生物 | |||
【简 介】 | 大部分被诸神播种了生命的世界都有着大量的水体;其中的许多世界地表大部分为海洋和大湖覆盖,使其表面水域面积超过了陆地面积。而在其上是无尽的天空;因此,天空与海洋诸神支配的世界非常广阔。 | |||
『大海迷梦者asathalfinare』:这个神祇团体包括一些善良与中立的海洋与天空神明,包括深海·赛悉拉、瑟米娜瑞、特芮西娜、萨兰娜塔、佩塞纳、依卓洛、水狮。 | ||||
神祇名 | 神力 | 阵营 | 旧译 | 简介 |
天空诸神Gods of the Skies | ||||
洁芮恩Jazirian | G | LG | 无 | 寰宇巨蛇之一,创世双蛇之一,羽蛇之神 |
柯瑞尔Koriel | I | LG | 无 | 麒麟之神 |
艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya | I | CG | 无 | 翼精灵女神 |
萨兰娜塔Syranita | I | NG | 无 | 飞羽族女神 |
奎林Quorlinn | L | N | 无 | 隼天狗之神,并不情愿成为神明 |
雷密斯Remnis | L | N(G) | 无 | 巨鹰之主 |
寂静之歌Stillsong | ? | NG | 无 | 极端神秘,似乎在历经某种蜕变过程 |
海洋诸神Gods of the Seas | ||||
深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas | I | CG | 海精灵之神,特芮西娜的配偶 | |
布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp | I | NE(CE) | 寇涛鱼人女神 | |
潘祖瑞尔Panzuriel | I | CE | 海怪之神 | |
派斯凯色希丝Piscaethces | I/N | LE | 血后,上古邪物,底栖魔鱼之神 | |
依卓洛Eadro | I | N | 洛卡鱼人与人鱼之神 | |
佩塞纳Persana | I | N(G) | 梭螺海人之神 | |
瑟寇拉Sekolah | I | LE | 鲨华鱼人之神 | |
瑟米娜瑞Surminare | L | N(G) | 海豹精女神 | |
水狮Water Lion | L | N(G) | 极端神秘,并不清楚其动机和神职 | |
特芮西娜Trishina | L | LG | 海豚女神,深海·赛悉拉的配偶 | |
狄摩高根Demogorgon | L | CE | 恶魔王子,伊西鳐鱼之神 | |
伊西德伦Ilxendren | L | CE | 恶魔鳐,伊赞鳐鱼之神 |
2e<Monster Mythology.p085>前言Introduction
Most worlds on which life has been seeded by the gods have significant bodies of water; many have a majority of their surface covered by oceans and great lakes so that the land mass is exceeded by watery domains. Above both is the endless sky; thus, the gods of the skies and waters hold sway over vast tracts of the worlds.
无数的生物于那些疆域遨游、翱翔,而它们的大部分,并不同属于生物学意义上的种族。它们有协议、有冲突、有中立、有迥然相异的目标与担忧,它们各自的神话互相几无共同之处。但确然存在一个松散的核心神祇团体,祂们一起协作(或者说至少是在致力于减少祂们本身之间、以及祂们的利害关系和子民之间的冲突),给这个多样化的神系带来了一些团结。这个团体即“大海迷梦者asathalfinare”——这是一个更长的精灵词汇的缩写,意为“那些生活在大海中,被真实的梦缠绕的人”。实际上,那句话指的是 爱之海Thalasia——即使祂们自己的家园可能位于其它位面,但这些神明中的许多成员会在这片 极乐境Elysium 中的宏伟海洋会面、分享水域。
A myriad of creatures swim and fly in these territories, and they are not a racially related grouping of creatures for the most part. They have agreements, conflicts, indifferences, very different goals and concerns, and their individual mythologies have little in common for the most part. But there is a central, loose grouping of deities who work together, or at least work to minimize conflict between themselves and their concerns and peoples, which brings some unity to a varied pantheon. This is the asathalfinare—a contraction of a much longer elven term, meaning "those who have their being in the sea haunted by the true dream." In turn, that phrase refers to Thalasia, the great ocean in Elysium where many of these gods meet and share the waters, although their own homes may be on other planes.
大海迷梦者并无真正的首领,不过水生精灵的 深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 在这个团体中的地位举足轻重。正是他调解了许多潜在的冲突与分歧,而在这个团体中,与他关系最为友善的神祇同伴为数亦是最多。其祂成员是:瑟米娜瑞Surminare,海豹人女神;特芮西娜Trishina,海豚女神,她也是深海·赛悉拉的配偶;以及 萨兰娜塔Syranita,飞羽族女神。该团体还有一些边缘成员,祂们不太常与其祂成员碰面:佩塞纳Persana,梭螺海人之神;依卓洛Eadro,鱼人和洛卡鱼人的首领;以及名为 水狮Water Lion 的、迷一般的生物,不过他极少参与任何协议或决议;因为此类行为根本不合他的本性。
The asathalfinare have no true leader, but Deep Sashelas of the aquatic elves occupies a pivotal role in the group. It is he who mediates many potential conflicts and disagreements, and he who is most friendly with the largest number of his fellow deities within the group. The other members are:Surminare, the selkie goddess; Trishina, the dolphin goddess, who is Deep Sashelas' consort; and Syranita, the aarakocra goddess. Fringe members of the group, who meet with the others less frequently, are Persana, the powerful triton god, Eadro, the leader of mer-folk and locathah, and the enigmatic creature known as Water Lion, although he is rarely a party to any agreements and decisions; it simply isn't in his nature.
大海迷梦者分享知识,并致力于避免祂们子民之间的冲突。紧张的局势会在种族小范围栖息地的生存空间上、在如洗劫沉船(梭罗海人和海豹人尤其喜欢如此,不过瑟米娜瑞并不鼓励海豹人这样做,她将沉船视作水下之墓,通常应当不予干涉)这样的事务上、以及更普遍的领土性质原因(人鱼和梭螺海人经常濒于爆发斗殴)上浮现。但祂们也会因共同敌人进行会面和协作:鲨华鱼人、伊西鳐鱼、鲨鱼、以及由 潘祖瑞尔Panzuriel(不可见的渊薮的大邪神)召集、授予力量的邪恶水生生物的乌合之众。就像人鱼和洛卡鱼人一样,依卓洛在阵营上可能是中立的,但他意识到与善良阵营海洋生物的纠纷,经常能被不流血、不带来苦难地调停,而邪神们则只会试图不经讨论地进行种族灭绝。因此,那些并非善良阵营的神明,基本上也会常与大海迷梦者联系,因为这样做符合祂们的利益。大海迷梦者也致力于发展和保持与人类和及其祂天空/海洋神明的良好关系,而巨人的 思绰茂兹Stronmaus 对祂们尤有好感。
The asathalfinare share learning and work to avoid conflicts between their peoples. Tensions arise over living space for races with narrow-range habitats, over such matters as looting wrecks (favored by tritons and selkie but not encouraged by Trishina, who sees them as watery graves which should often be left alone), and because of a generally territorial nature (merfolk and tritons often come close to blows). But they also meet and work together because they have common enemies:sahuagin, ixixachitl, sharks, and the evil aquatic rabble raised and empowered by Panzuriel, the great evil god of the unseen depths. Eadro may be neutral in alignment, as are merfolk and locathah, but he is aware that disputes with good-aligned sea creatures can usually be mediated without bloodshed and suffering, whereas evil gods will simply seek to wipe out races without discussion. Thus, even those gods who are not of good alignment will often associate with the asathalfinare because it is in their interest to do so. The asathalfinare also work to develop and maintain good relations with human and other sky/sea gods, and Stronmaus of the giants is well disposed to them in particular.
这些神明之间的通用协议并不意味着祂们在 主物质位面Prime Material Plane 的种族是彼此最好的朋友。海地精koalinth(即 水生大地精aquatic hobgoblin)厌恶海精灵,而海精灵对前者也是如此。大部分其他水生种族对这场冲突漠不关心,因为海地精既未威胁到他们,也并不是个(像鲨华鱼人那样的)普遍难题。海豚会在这样的对抗中协助精灵,因为它们与精灵非常亲近(这理所当然,特芮西娜可是深海·赛悉拉的配偶!)。但海豹人、梭螺海人、洛卡鱼人、人鱼以及他们的亲族不会卷入,除非海精灵陷入了绝望的困境。
This general modicum of agreement between gods doesn’t translate into their races being best friends on the Prime Material plane. Sea elves detest koalinths (aquatic hobgoblins) in reciprocation of the koalinths feelings about them. Most other aquatic races are indifferent to this conflict because koalinths don't threaten them and aren't a general problem (unlike sahuagin). Dolphins will assist the elves in such a struggle because they are very close to the elves (Trishina is consort to Deep Sashelas, of course). But selkie, tritons, locathah, merfolk and their ilk won't get involved unless the sea elves are in desperate trouble.
以互相存在联系的方式,不同种族有着完全不同的、关于他们栖息地与世界的创世神话。对海洋生活的生物们来说,相较于那些陆栖和空栖者的那些神话,他们的神话通常更狭隘,其原因在于他们大多几乎没有关于地表环境的知识,这限制了他们对世界多样性的理解(当然,像海精灵和海豹人这样、来自陆地的生物除外)。但所有这些审核往往有核心元素。水栖生物通常认为,他们的守护神遨游于另一个位面一片浩瀚无边的海洋中,而那位神祇带着那片水域的一部分水(通常是以魔法器皿)到这个世界、创造了他们的家园。他们自己则是由水和海床上的泥土(或是珊瑚,甚或是某些神话中的海藻)塑成的。(在神话中),通常他们的神祇与某些其祂神祇交战并击败了对方,以此创造海洋的空间、或是为他们的种族创造宜居的条件或安全的居住空间;许多种族之间的芥蒂(例如人鱼和伊西鳐鱼、或是海豚和鲨鱼)都与这个主题联系了起来。当然,海精灵的造物神话更为复杂,他们认为 柯瑞隆Corellon 是他们的造物者和众世界的共同造物主,同时他们又认为深海·赛悉拉给予了他们的远古精灵祖先生活在水下并探索这深海之美的能力。
In a related manner, the different races have quite different sets of myths pertaining to the creation of their habitat and world. For sea-dwelling creatures, these are often more limited than those of land- and air-dwellers, not the least because of the fact that most of them have virtually no knowledge of the range of land environments, which curtails their understanding of the diversity of the world (land-visiting creatures such as sea elves and selkie are exceptions, of course). But there tend to be core elements in all these myths. Aquatic creatures consider, usually, that their patron deity swims in a vast ocean on another plane and that the deity brought part of those waters, often in a magical vessel, into the world to create their home. They themselves were fashioned from water and the earth of the sea bed (or coral, or even seaweed in some myths). Frequently, their deity has to fight and defeat some other deity to create the space for the oceans or to create livable conditions or a safe living space for their race; many racial antipathies (merfolk-ixixachitl and dolphins-sharks, for example) are tied to this theme. Of course, the creation myth of sea elves is more sophisticated, and these elves hold Corellon as their creator and co-creator of the worlds while considering that Deep Sashelas gave their ancient elven ancestors the ability to live underwater and explore the beauties of the depths.
海洋中的邪神们并不存在与大海迷梦者类似的协议。巨鲨The Great Shark 瑟寇拉Sekolah 驱使着鲨华鱼人们迈向更伟大的征服,而不觉得诸海中的其他种族算是同类。他根本上是头贪婪、恶毒的怪物。作为伊西鳐鱼的守护神,狄摩高根Demogorgon 是位隐秘的 塔纳厘领主tanar'ri lord,他试图避免与鲨华鱼人的过度冲突,而是等待着直到他的神力和他那些危险而恶毒的祭司们发展茁长的那天。在神话中,其他种族对两位神明的呈现有很大的不同;鲨华鱼人被视作瑟寇拉复杂的、最早的造物的一部分,而狄摩高根则被视作一位篡位者,一位被伊西鳐鱼接纳的后来者,至于理由,其他种族只能猜测。鲨华鱼人们认为自己的神明是将软弱、无能的事物扫清的、强大而雄伟的力量,认为他创造了他们和他们的鲨鱼仆人,来改进海精灵、海豚、以及类似的可怜而值得轻视的种族的诸神那衰弱的成果。而关于魔鬼鱼们可不会向外人透露它们在这方面的想法。它们的神话通常将狄摩高根呈现为一位救世主神,认为是他给它们带来了魔法来与敌人们战斗(通常是威胁着要毁灭它们的鲨华鱼人)、并使它们变得强大。
The evil gods of the oceans have no agreements akin to those of the asathalfinare. The Great Shark, Sekolah, drives the sahuagin to ever greater conquest and has no feeling for any other race of the seas. He is simply a rapacious, vicious monster. Demogorgon, patron deity of the ixixachitl, is a secretive tanar'ri lord who tries to avoid excessive conflict with the sahuagin, biding his time until his own powers and those of his dangerous and malicious priests have grown. In myth, these two are presented very differently by other races; Sekolah's sahuagin are seen as part of the earliest creation, for which he is responsible, while Demogorgon is an usurper-deity, a latecomer who has been adopted by the ixixachitl for reasons the other races can only guess at. Sahuagin themselves see their own god as a powerful, majestic force who sweeps away weak and useless things, and who created them and their shark servitors to improve on the effete efforts of the gods of sea elves, dolphins, and similar pitiful and contemptible races. As for the thoughts of devil fish on the matter, they do not reveal them to outsiders. Their myths usually present Demogorgon as a savior-power, one who has brought them magic to fight their enemies (frequently the sahuagin who threaten to decimate them) and strengthen them.
该神系黑暗面的最后部分是恶毒的潘祖瑞尔,他在一系列的邪恶水生种族中汇聚着仆人,包括海地精、水食人魔、一些变节的鲨华鱼人、甚至(根据传闻)还有少量枯瘦巨魔。这些种族没有关于他们黑暗之主以及他在造物中扮演的角色的神话,但从其它来源来看,情况似乎是这样的:潘祖瑞尔是位被放逐的神明,他已发现了一条重返其诸海的古老栖处的方法。深海·赛悉拉与一位强大的人类海神(尼普顿Neptune、波塞冬Poseidon、玛娜曼·麦克·利尔Manannan mac Lir 等等,取决游戏世界战役)是这场驱逐的主导者。而潘祖瑞尔对其祂神灵所犯下的罪过,则总是傲慢自大和统治使用水生种族的欲望。关于他的神话总是强调他对所有种类的海洋怪物负有责任,并将它们归因于他千变万化的创造力——他扮演了一些这样的角色:与其祂神明协作,帮助祂们创造或加强祂们的邪恶种族,而在祂们接受他的帮助与力量的过程中,祂们也逐渐落入了他的掌控。所以,深海·赛悉拉认为他的放逐有利于海洋远离邪恶;但潘祖瑞尔太过强大,每过十年,他的邪恶与他的影响力都在更进一步。
Completing the darker side of the pantheon is the vicious Panzuriel, who collects unto himself servants from a range of evil aquatic races—koalinths, merrow, some renegade sahuagin, and even (it is rumored) a few scrags. These races have no myths about their dark lord and his role in creation, but from other sources it seems that Panzuriel is a banished god who has found a way to return to his old haunts of the seas. Deep Sashelas, together with a powerful human sea god (Neptune, Poseidon, Manannan mac Lir, Procan, etc., depending on the game world setting) is primarily responsible for this banishment. Panzuriels crime against other deities is always that of overbearing pride and the desire to dominate all aquatic races. Myths about him always stress his responsibility for sea monsters of all kinds, and ascribe to him a protean creative power——he has some role working with other gods, helping them to create or strengthen their evil races, and in so doing as they accept his help and power, they increasingly fall under his control. So, his banishment might help to free the seas from evil, Deep Sashelas considered. But the banishment does not quite work fully; Panzuriel is too powerful, and his wickedness and influence stretches further with every passing decade.
[译注:尼普顿Neptune——罗马海神;波塞冬Poseidon——希腊海神;玛娜曼·麦克·利尔Manannan mac Lir——凯尔特海神。]
天空诸神Gods of the Skies
此处考量的神明很明显都智慧而善良,不过有个例外:诡诈的隼天狗之神 奎林Quorlinn。当然,这里也有其他种族的天空神;洁芮恩Jazirian、柯瑞尔Koriel、以及 萨兰娜塔Syranita,祂们很难独自统治天空,也不愿这样做。但祂们是个华美而强大的群体,而独特的 寂静之歌Stillsong 则扮演着一个在任何其祂神系中未有所闻的角色。
The gods considered here are characteristically wise and good, with one exception:the tricky kenku god Quorlinn. Of course, there are sky gods of other races; Jazirian, Koriel, and Syranita hardly rule the skies alone and would not wish to. But they are a colorful and powerful group, and the unique god Stillsong has a special role unknown in any other pantheon.
作为羽蛇之神,洁芮恩Jazirian 是 永恒巨蛇the Eternal Serpent 和其种族的 造物神the Creator-God。洁芮恩在其他种族造物神话中的缺失,被羽蛇很容易地理解为是由于他/她的影响在表面上无法看见;他/她拨动了弦、牵动了其祂神明。洁芮恩是崇高的目标与命运以一种特定表现形式的具现,而羽蛇们认为自己很幸运能够理解这种具现。他们的信仰决不会使这个种族变得傲慢自大,而是使他们谦逊,因为他们有福的本质驱策他们去帮助更不开化的其他生物。每当他们能独自在彩虹中目睹洁芮恩的缤纷色彩,在太阳升起时的露珠中,看见这位神灵多彩鳞片的倒影,他们就会觉得有责任拉那些不那么有福的人一把。
Jazirian, the couatl god, is the Eternal Serpent, the Creator-God to his race. Jazirians absence from the creation myths of other creatures is easily explained by couatl as being due to the seeming invisibility of his/her influence; he/she pulls the strings which make the other gods move. Jazirian is supreme purpose and fate embodied in one particular manifestation which the couatl consider themselves fortunate enough to be able to apprehend. Far from making this race arrogant, their belief makes them humble, for the nature of their blessing impels them to serve other, less enlightened creatures. If they alone can see Jazirian's rainbows in the ether and the reflection of the god's many-colored scales in the droplets of dew in the sunrise, they feel a duty to improve the lot of those less blessed.
飞羽族女神萨兰娜塔扮演了一个将众神群体们聚合到一起的特殊角色。借由她与 艾德莉·法恩雅Aerdrie Faenya 的友谊,她与精灵诸神关系良好,而在 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 其祂成员中,她与深海·赛悉拉关系最近;通过他,她认识了海豚女神特芮西娜。她是天空中已知唯一能与柯瑞尔交谈的神祇,并且她总是与所有神系的善良阵营天空之神保持着良好的关系。她明白自己的种族并不强壮或是强大,而她也在寻求通过构建联盟,或是达成谅解让和平而温顺的飞羽族能够自由地实践他们的冥思之道,从而保护他们。虽然她并不强壮也不非常强大,但她很勇敢、也很忠诚,她与其祂神祇的友谊也不仅仅是为了自己的利益。
Syranita, the arrakocra goddess, has a special role as one who draws groups of gods together. Through her friendship with Aerdrie Faenya, she is on good terms with the elven gods, and of the other Seldarine, she is closest to Deep Sashelas; through him she knows Trishina, the dolphin goddess. She is the only deity of the skies known to talk with Koriel, and she is always on good terms with good-aligned sky gods of all pantheons. She knows her race is not strong or powerful, and she seeks to protect them by forming alliances or understandings which leave the peaceful and gentle aarakocra to their contemplative ways. While she is not strong or very powerful, she is brave and deeply loyal, and her friendships with other deities are by no means solely to her advantage.
柯瑞尔,伟大的麒麟之神,他孤独地在天空之中,极少与任何种族或神明打交道,他被自己的种族以及许多翼狮崇敬。柯瑞尔以任何其他生物无法比拟的速度飞行,而正如他直达地平线的完美视力,他对在他之前的时间发生过什么的知识也同样熟谙。柯瑞尔是位命运之神,他拥有整个世界战役的主要命运神(诺伦Norns、伊斯塔斯Istus 等等)的大量知识。柯瑞尔极少在任何一个世界活动,但若他觉得自己被迫要这样做,其后果往往将改变历史。对于柯瑞尔,巨人的 安南Annam 有着一种同类的吸引力,有些神话将柯瑞尔描述为在时间与造物本身终结之日,安南的坐骑。
Alone in the skies, rarely dealing with any race or god, is Koriel, the great ki-rin god, revered by his own creatures and by many lammasu also. Koriel flies at speeds unequalled by any other part of creation, and just as his sight is perfect to the very horizon, his knowledge of what lies before him in time is likewise extraordinary. Koriel is a fate-god, one who has much of the knowledge of the major deity of fate in the entire world setting (the Norns, Istus, etc.). Koriel rarely acts in any world, but if he feels himself compelled to do so, the consequences will often change history. There is a gravity about Koriel akin to that of Annam of the giants, and some myths depict Koriel as Annam's steed on the final day which ends time and creation itself.
The other two gods considered here are very different indeed. Quorlinn, the kenku god, wouldn't care whether or not Koriel and Annam (or anybody else) will be around on the final day of creation. This is perhaps the only known archetypal deity who spends a lot of time whining to no one in particular that he doesn't actually like being a god because the responsibility weighs him down. Irritable, a trickster and jaded jester, this oddball is strangely likeable; he may have an edge of malice at times, but there is no true viciousness in him, and in myths he has even sometimes helped races other than his own (although he is greatly embarassed by such tales). Still, he doesn’t have many friends among the other deities.
最后一位的天空神是独一无二的。在史前他就已将自己的名讳抛在了脑后,贤者们找不到任何关于它的踪迹。这位神灵通过在不同创造元素中承受的实验和仪式,致力于自身的自我净化;在水中,他已被溺死和重生;在土中,他被粉碎和再生;在火中,他被燃烧和纯化;而现在,在将自己奉献给 造物神the Creator Gods 的最终审判前,这位神明距离完成只差在气元素中的溶解和重塑。因为他在主物质位面的显现(这位神明如歌般出现在风中,带来了突然的寂静),他被简单地称之为寂静之歌。至于而他的法官是谁,将如何审判他,即便是对自己最智慧、最有价值的祭司们,诸神也不会泄露。
The final god of the skies is unique. He has left his name behind him in prehistory and sages cannot find any trace of it. The god has devoted himself to self-purification through trials and rituals suffered in the different elements of creation; in water he has been drowned and reborn, in earth crushed and regrown, in fire burned and purified, and now the god has all but finished his dissolution in the element of air and is reforming himself before he presents himself to a final judgement of the Creator Gods. He is known simply as Stillsong because of his manifestation on the Prime Material plane, the sudden instant of stillness which hails the gods appearance as song on the wind. Who his judges are and how they will judge him, the gods themselves will not tell to their wisest and most valued priests.
其他种族Other Races:
还有许多其他被包含在此处的种族被放在了其它章节:寇涛鱼人(和巨龙一样)放在了 有鳞族裔诸神Gods of the Scaly Folk 中,而具有飞行能力(而能被看作空栖生物)的妖精则放在了 森林诸神the Sylvan Gods 中。某些种族则在诸神祇中没有代表神,而可能崇拜其它种族或物种的神祇(如飞马崇敬 “独角兽之主the Unicorn Lord”埃彻提恩Eachthighern),或是干脆没有神(墨寇鱼怪就是个典型案例)。
Many races which could have been included here are found in other sections:kuo-toa are found in Gods of the Scaly Folk (as are dragons), while members of faerie races which have powers of flight (and could be seen as aerial beings) are found among the Sylvan Gods. Certain races not represented among the deities may worship those of other races or species (as pegasi revere Eaghthighern the Unicorn Lord) or have no gods (morkoths are a notable example).
化身能力Avatar Abilities:
Avatars will have special survival abilities related to the environment. Avatars of underwater deities can water breathe, use weapons specialized for underwater use, and so on.