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深渊领主Abyssal Lord
【主   神】奥博克斯-奥博Obox-ob混沌女王The Queen of Chaos密斯卡Miska狄摩高根Demogorgon;深渊意志?
【势力 范围】无限层面之无底深渊Infinite Layers of the Abyss
【简   介】深渊领主Abyssal Lord 是无底深渊各个层面的统治者,他们大部分是恶魔(奥比里斯恶魔、塔纳厘恶魔、洛玛拉恶魔等),也包括许多邪神、其祂类神力(如史拉蟾领主)等等。
1帕祖尼亚Pazunia帕祖祖PazuzuN奥比里斯领主,低空王国之王子Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms
次级恶魔领主阿尔蒂娜诗AldinachN变幻女士the Lady of Change
(神国)托特利·伊斯特Teotli Itic泰兹卡TezcaG马兹特克神系的火神与太阳神
(神国)托特利·伊斯特Teotli Itic扎尔泰克ZaltecG马兹特克神系的战神和第三代主神
2穿孔蜂巢Driller's Hives塔尔扎克斯TharzaxN
3遗忘之地The Forgotten Land泽伊克泽斯亚ZzyczesiyaN
4大深渊The Grand Abyss阿斯玛AsimaN→Dead消逝已久的奥比里斯领主
次级恶魔领主阿尔蒂娜诗AldinachN变幻女士the Lady of Change
6万眼深渊Realm of a Million Eyes大主母Great MotherG眼魔主神
7幻影之域Phantom Plane塞斯伊奈克Sess'innekN→D塔纳厘领主,蜥蜴之帝the Emperor Lizard
8剥皮地狱The Skin-shedde剥皮者VolisupulaN
10腐败之土That Hellhole
13鲜血突岩Blood Tor本莎芭BeshabaI厄运女神
14蒸汽沼泽The Steaming Fen混沌女王The Queen of ChaosN/P奥比里斯荒神之一,深渊的第二代统治者
17死亡报偿Death's Reward阿布雷克斯AbraxasN不可探测者the Unfathomable
21第六火葬堆The Sixth Pyre卡尔杜姆KardumN巴洛炎魔领主the Lord of the Balors
23钢铁冰原The Iron Wastes科斯彻奇KostchtchieN→D塔纳厘霜巨人领主
30恐怖位面The Plane of Terror
45劳温德Rauwend格拉兹特Graz’ztN乌黯主君The Dark Prince
VerinN鲜血男爵The Blooded Baron,侍奉着格拉兹特
维茵VerinN格拉兹特之声Voice of Graz'zt,侍奉着格拉兹特
46阴影天空Shadowsky格拉兹特Graz’ztN乌黯主君The Dark Prince
阿齐亚尔ArzialN鲜血男爵The Blooded Baron,侍奉着格拉兹特
47沃茨Voorz'zt格拉兹特Graz’ztN乌黯主君The Dark Prince
阿齐亚尔ArzialN鲜血男爵The Blooded Baron,侍奉着格拉兹特
49沙顿农Shaddonon瑞克司萨丽RhyxaliN影魔女王Queen of shadow demons
53噬菌体温床Phage Breeding Grounds乌拉-纳斯Urae-NaasN史拉蟾领主,拉曼诺斯的配偶
57拷虐真境Torturous Truth阿尔瓦雷斯AlvarezN净化公爵the Purging Duke
65蛛后王廷Court of the Spider Queen罗丝LolthL→N→D→I→G 塔纳厘蜘蛛领主,卓尔女神
66深坑魔网The Demonweb Pits罗丝LolthL→N→D→I→G塔纳厘蜘蛛领主,卓尔女神
67起伏丘陵The Heaving Hills弗兰贡因VerrangoinN
68咽没虚空The Swallowed Void
69呓语空陷Gibbering Hollow奥洛梅OllomeghN一位有着无穷食欲的荒神
70浮冰平原The Ice Floe
索尼隆SoneillonN年轻的老巫婆The Youthful Crone
72黑暗之光Darklight夜光虫NocticulaN无可否认者the Undeniable
73黑暗之井The Wells of Darkness
(囚禁)拉兹布拉尔Lazbral'thullN屠夫The Butcher
(囚禁)阿哈祖AhazuN掠夺者The Seizer,格拉兹特最初也最强的囚犯
(囚禁)艾拉芭·西梅尔Alba SimeulN别名玫瑰the Rose by Another Name
(囚禁)卡皮里CabiriN疯狂之眼The Eyes of Madness
(囚禁)哈卡穆利HacamuliN灰色骏马The Grey Horse,一位奥库斯的强大仆从
(囚禁)拉兹布拉图尔Laz'bralthullN恶魔屠宰领主Demon Lord of Butchery
(囚禁)马元Ma YuanN黑暗之井最危险的囚犯,上古邪物之一,屠神者
(囚禁)纱米-阿莫尔Shami-AmouraeN欢愉女士the Lady of Delights,初代魅魔之一,狄摩高根前配偶
(囚禁)塔克特·艾姆Tulket na AhmM黑暗之井唯一的凡人囚犯
(囚禁)纱米-阿莫尔Shami-AmouraeN欢愉女士the Lady of Delights,初代魅魔之一,狄摩高根前配偶
(已自由)莎卡特里ShaktariN六臂蛇魔女王Queen Of Mariliths
(已自由)拜耶蒙BayemonN未愈之伤the Unhealing Wound
(已自由)西拉格SiragleN不可言喻者the Ineffable
74祖母绿域Smaragd麦尔绍克MerrshaulkN寰宇巨蛇面相之一,蛇人之神,神国名为毒蛇之坑The Viper Pit
77天堂之门The Gates of Heaven芒克尔MunkirN白色守卫
奈基尔NekirN黑色守卫the Black Guardian
79呕吐隧道The Emessu Tunnels阿那泽尔AnarazelN豪勇之暗the Daring Darkness
81鲜血浅滩Blood Shallows奥博克斯-奥博Obox-ob→无N第一代恶魔王子
88盐水沼泽the Brine Flats恶魔胃囊Gaping Maw无底洞窟Abysm狄摩高根DemogorgonN→L第三代恶魔王子,最早的塔纳厘恶魔
拉塞尔LascerN阴影浅滩之主Lord of the Shadow Shoal
90哀嚎丛林the Screaming Jungle泄水树丛The Guttering Grove伊利西达胡尔IlsidahurN嚎叫之王the Howling King
100贫瘠之地The Barrens乌布利瓦OublivaeN
111邪恶之心The Mind of Evil舍尔鲁帕赛特Sch'thrruppassttN有时候被认为是蛇人的创造者,已经与该位面融为一体

→Dead →D→N

齐雅温纱丽 KiaransaleeM→D


128斯拉格拜德Slugbed鲁浦西奥LupercioN懒惰男爵Baron of Sloth
137流放者的终点Outcasts' End阿扎泽尔AzazelN替罪羊主君Prince of Scapegoats
176虚伪之心Hollow's Heart弗拉兹厄鲁Fraz-Urb'luuN塔纳厘幻术领主
177蠕动之域Writhing Realm安古德克UgudenkN奥比里斯蠕虫之王
181腐烂平原Rotting Plain劳格兹得LaogzedD战蜥人之神
191尖叫之泉Fountain of ScreamsN
伊比伊鲁YibyiruN怨憎的腐臭女士The Rancid Lady of Bitter Bile,侍奉着朱庇莱克斯


230幻梦海湾The Dreaming Gulf
阿祖维德须AzuvidexusN→Dead饥渴之腹The Ravenous Maw
流放西尼芙蕾XinivraeN(将要成为)女妖女王Queen of Succubi
245灼烫之海The Scalding Sea争议
248隐层The Hidden Layer艾尓塔巴EltabN隐层之主
277贝利斯特Belistor伊斯拉尔YrsillarN虚空之主Lord of the Void
297叹息之崖The Sighing Cliffs琳卡布LynkhabN叹息女士Lady of Regret
300酆都Feng-Tu斗姆Tou Mu北斗女神
吕岳Lu Yueh瘟神
303硫磺之肛The SulfanorumN
313戈里翁之握Gorrion's Grasp争议中
333破碎之鳞The Broken Scale西都凯HiddukelI龙枪神系的贪婪与谎言之神
340漆黑风暴The Black Blizzard争议中N
359永恒之弧The Arc of Eternity埃尔达诺斯EldanothN无血幼枝the Bloodless Scion
377加伦舒平原Plains of Gallenshu
399蠕虫国度The Worm Realm厄尔德连UrdlenI侏儒神系的贪婪之神
400悲惨的埃斯卡兰迪特Woeful EscarandEdit悲哀的蒙大拿the Montain of Woe悲痛领主the Lords of WoeN一堆负责判决祈并者变成什么的家伙
403无雨荒原The Rainless Waste
421白色王国The White Kingdom多瑞森DoresainM→D食尸鬼之王,奥库斯的督军
422耶诺胡王国Yeenoghu's Realm死亡三角洲Death Dells耶诺胡YeenoghuN→L豺狼人主君
巴查德BechardN→Dead奥比里斯风暴领主Lord of Tempests
471安卓林纳Androlynne苍夜Pale NightN奥比里斯领主,恶魔之母
487野兽之巢Lair of the Beast浪荡公子之邸Mansion of the Rake坎切尔希斯KanchelsisI吸血鬼之神
489毒害之谷Noisome Vale争议
493浸溺之岛The Steeping Isle西拉格SiragleN禁忌者the Ineffable
507枕骨之地Occipitus艾狄马丘斯AdimarchusN疯狂主君the Prince of Madness
519穿洞者大军March of the Pierced Men
528恶臭王国the Stinking Realm莫洛Molor朱庇莱克斯JuiblexN无面之主
531维德拉Vudra莎卡特里ShaktariN六臂蛇魔女王Queen Of Mariliths
550活舌之森Forest of Living Tongues
558血肉锻炉Fleshforges德维格斯DwiergusN蛹茧主君the Chrysalis Prince
566灵魂冻结Soulfreeze亚瑟罗斯AserothN冬日战锁the Winter Warlock,由元素亲王转化为恶魔
586疯神之牢Prison of the Mad God迪卡拉泽DiinkarazanD迪洛矮人疯狂半神,被伊尔神思因囚禁于此
597天堂真境True Paradise索索托贝诺SocothbenothN劝诱者the Persuader
600莱克什The Lyktion巴菲门特BaphometN→L牛头人领主the Minotaur Lord
苍夜Pale NightN奥比里斯恶魔领主,恶魔之母
601冲突之国Conflagratum阿尔兹里乌斯AlzriusN炼狱焰光之主Lord of Infernal Light
643头骨洞窟Caverns of the Skull凯莉KaliL黑土之母the Black Earth Mother
651纳图里亚Nethuria弗喀里克VucarikN锁链之伴Consort of Chains
652腐蚀裂缝The Rift of Corrosion争议中
未知铁锈平原The Plains of Rust
未知拉扎克的尖顶The Spires of Rajzak拉扎克RajzakM已经在与格拉兹特的冲突中疯癫
未知信者之地BelistorN虚无领主Lord of the Nothing
赞阿苏ZanassuN→D→Dead次级恶魔领主,蜘蛛恶魔the Spider Demon
巴布BarbuN不受欢迎者The Unwelcome
凯隆CharunN巨锤手The Hammerer
切尔诺沃格ChernovogN绿神The Green God
辛西拉CyndshyraN七重折磨Of the Seven Torments
费德斯贾Felex'jaN虎王The Tiger King
格勒西GresilN档案保管人Custodian of Records
伊希尼克斯IxinixN黑水领主Lord of Blackwater
杰扎尔斯拉克J'zzalshrakN一只恶毒的老巴洛炎魔A bitter old balor
卡尔法佐尔KalphazorN犯节将军The Errant General
克泽特KerzitN卷册守卫Guardian of the Tome
拉玛什图LamashtuN抹消之女She Who Erases
拉雷LaraieN紧随之怖The Stalking Terror
马尔加里乌斯MalgariusN恶魔之树The Demon Tree
马斯提法MastiphalN狩猎君主The Hunting Sovereign
涅格尔NergelN“无命”主君prince of "unlife"
齐杰娜Qij-naN→Dead破碎者The Shattered,合谋弑杀马尔戈斯的6位塔纳厘领主之一
莱茵多兹Rhindorz'ztN→Dead黑色主君The Black Prince,合谋弑杀马尔戈斯的6位塔纳厘领主之一
塞特洛斯SertrousN异端主君Prince of Heretics
锡夫胡SifkhuN不可言喻者The Ineffable
乌博萨UbotharN雷霆之下The Thunder Below
克泽特KerzitN卷册守卫Guardian of the Tome

2e<On Hallowed Ground.p048>类神力Near-Powers



Among the creatures of the planes, it's not at all uncommon for lowly beings to rise to heights of great power. No doubt they'd stay there longer if it weren't for the fact that the higher a body gets, the more enemies he has. But that doesn't stop every basher in the multiverse from trying to improve, and every once in a while a lucky few claw their way to the top, hold onto power tenaciously, and fight off all comers.

  本章中所写的老鸟并非神明(至少暂时还不是),但也差不离了。祂们像散发着恶臭的尸体般、浑身弥漫着神性的气息。你瞧,靠着爬上尸堆坟头,祂们打响了自己的名号,并从脚下的家伙身上唬弄到了赞美与敬拜。当然,祂们的力量等级差别贼大。最鶸的 深渊领主Abyssal lord,也不是 万兽园the Beastlands 动物领主animal lord 中的最强鸟可以匹敌的。但名望可以转化为原始的力量。某一老鸟让越多人知道自己,越有可能进入诸神的领域。
The bloods in this section aren't gods - yet. But they're close. The smell of divinity surrounds them like the stench of a reeking corpse. See, by climbing the heap, they made names for themselves, and are rewarded with praise and worship from those beneath them. Course, they have vastly different levels of strength. The toughest animal lord on the Beastlands is still no match for the weakest Abyssal lord. But fame does translate into raw power. The more folks who know a blood's name, the more likely it is that he'll pass into the realms of mythic belief.
[印记城黑话:Blood——专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示.]

  并非所有 类神力near-powers 都“想”成为羽翼丰满的神明;祂们自觉力量已经够了,并会屈尊纡贵地与凡人发生瓜葛。但无论如何,所有类神力都是些危险存在,建议位面行者最好远远避开。
Not all near-powers want to become full-fledged gods; they feel they have plenty of strength as it is, and they aren't above interacting with mortals. But all of these beings are dangerous, and the best advice for a planewalker is to steer clear.

深渊领主Abyssal Lords

Abyssal Lord

  这些塔纳厘哪怕在所有塔纳厘当中也算糟糕透顶——而对多元宇宙来说,塔纳厘种族再怎么往好里说也至少是个坏消息。这些领主们统治着 无底深渊Abyssal 的整个层面,统御着广阔的塔纳厘军队,默默地进行着 血战the Blood War。祂们全靠着自己的坚韧意志和对他人的残酷蔑视脱颖而出,是结合了诸神般的智力与所有低级塔纳厘共有的残忍与危险的恐怖产物。几千年来,这些老鸟已使自己充满仇恨与邪恶的诡计完美无缺,而祂们对彼此、怀着对其他交战对象一样炽热的愤怒。
Of all the tanar'ri, these are the worst-and the whole race is bad news at best. The lords rule entire Abyssal layers, command vast armies of tanar'ri, and prosecute the Blood War mereilessly. They've elevated themselves through sheer force of will and cruel disdain for others, and they combine a godlike intelligence with all that's brutal and dangerous about the lesser tanar'ri - with horrifying results. Over millennia of existence, the bloods've perfected hatred and diabolical trickery, and they rage against one another as much as they fight anyone else.

  基本上,祂们便是多元宇宙中最邪恶的八嘎。虽然彼此截然不同,但每位都代表了低级塔纳厘种群的理想。屁民们认为 无底深渊the Abyss 的每个层面都有自己的领主,而深渊层面数量的不可计数意味着领主的数量也远超任何人的想象。不过这张清单列下了其中最为凡人所知的成员、以及祂们的层面(如果有的话):
Basically, they're some of most evil bashers in the multiverse. Each is radically different, but they all serve as ideals for the hordes of lesser tanar'ri. It's thought that each layer of the Abyss has its own lord, and the uncountable number of layers means there must be more lords than a body'd want to think about. But here's a list of those best known to mortals, along with their layers(if any):

  ·巴菲门特Baphomet(第600层,无尽迷宫the Endless Maze
  ·狄摩高根Demogorgon(第88层,恶魔胃囊the Gaping Maw
  ·弗拉兹厄鲁Fraz-Urb'luu(据说在 灰色荒原Gray Waste 有一处小神国said to have staked out a small realm on the Gray Waste)
  ·科斯彻奇Kostchtchie(第23层,钢铁冰原the Iron Wastes
  ·塞斯伊奈克Sess'innek(第7层,幻影之域Phantom Plane
  ·弗喀里克Vucarik,锁链之伴Consort of Chains(漫游wanders)
  ·耶诺胡Yeenoghu(第422层,渗液森林the Seeping Woods

  这堆 深渊领主Abyssal lords 在主物质位面佬和位面佬巫师中可谓家喻户晓。任何与邪魔们打交道的可怜虫都知晓祂们的黑暗名讳,每当听见有人大声念出就瑟瑟发抖。这些领主热衷于操纵凡人,引导对方做出愚蠢的选择、或是引诱他们成为伪神祭司。高级邪魔甚至能授予最高3级的法术(如果祂们不嫌麻烦亲身登临授予力量的话,则最高4级)。而且祂们经常通过魔法物品礼物和塔纳厘仆从引诱凡人侍奉自己。其中一些可怜虫甚至围绕着某一邪魔空洞教导,建立了一些宗教。
These Abyssal lords are well known to prime-material and planar mages. Any sod who deals with fiends knows their dark names and shivers when they're spoken aloud. The lords love to manipulate mortals, steering them toward fool ish choices or luring them into false priesthoods. The high-up fiends can even grant spells of up to 3rd level (or 4th level, if they appear in person to bestow the power). And gifts of magical items and tanar'ri servants often woo mortals into serving the Abyssal lords. Some of the sods even establish religions based around the fiends' hollow teachings.

See, if there's one thing the lords have learned over their long years, it's how to imitate deities. Most of them aren't true powers, but a berk who forgets that might as well pack it in. Abyssal lords don't take lip from anyone, and they're remarkably tenacious when it's their own dignity they're avenging.

  当然,这些领主仍然希望有朝一日能摆脱神明的伪装、变成真家伙。而这的确发生过。举例来说,巴菲门特Baphomet狄摩高根Demogorgon朱庇莱克斯Juiblex、以及 耶诺胡Yeenoghu 都已得到了真正的神性(那位名字已经被从无底深渊所有记录中抹去的失落不死神力也一样)。祂们已用自己的邪恶和意志力量,在多元宇宙中为自己创造了位置,而且祂们的上升势头仍然没有放缓的迹象。
Course, the lords hope to one day shed the pretense of godhood and become the real thing. And it happens. For example, Baphomet, Demogorgon, Juiblex, and Yeenoghu have gained true divinity (as has the lost power of the undeead, whose name has been stricken from all records of the Abyss). They've made places for themselves in the multiverse through perversity and strength of will, and they show no signs of slowing their ascent.

If enough Abyssal lords reach such heights, who knows how mighty the plane itself could grow? What's more, because the lords are chaotic, no one can tell what they're planning. They all work separately and thus are even harder to combat. It's a good thing they struggle against one another as well, or the rest of thecosmos'd be in serious trouble.

3r<Dragon 359.p043>伊格维尔伏的恶魔志:外典Demonomicon of Iggwilv:Apocrypha

  《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》是本臭名昭著的巨著,它的作者是全世界最著名的恶魔专家之一,书中充斥着无数关于所有涉恶魔事物的密辛。然而,尽管它的亵渎书页上隐藏着所有的恐怖秘密与传说,但书中的内容只是 巫后the Witch Queen 对 无底深渊the Abyss 了解的表象而已。她的许多粗略笔记——以及许多页她在完结此书后取得的新发现——从未脱离对田野观察的匆忙涂鸦或是可怕的研究狂热。由于它们被排除在《恶魔志Demonomicon》之外,许多学者相信这些笔记并非 伊格维尔伏Iggwilv 本人所撰,而是那些也学习了此书的后人所著。正如许多人所认为的,这些作品可能就是巫后所写,并以伊格维尔伏有多种写作风格这一无可辩驳的事实,来解释其文风与表达手法的偏差。难道就不能各自有不同的写作风格吗?然而,有一点是显而易见的——不管它们是不是巫后笔记的正本:这本《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》的外典包含的秘密与天启,与那本恶名昭著的书一样可怕。这片文章被分成了不同的组别:对六类恶魔生活的短篇论述,以及对五位相对次要的恶魔领主的讨论——祂们即将成为明日的 格拉兹特Graz'zts奥库瑟斯Orcuses狄摩高根Demogorgons
The Demonomicon of Iggwilv is a notorious tome, its pages filled willi countless secrets penned one of the world's foremost experts on all things demonic. And yet, for all of the terrible secrets and tales hidden within its blasphemous pages, the contents of the book barely scratch the surface of what the Witch Queen knows about the Abyss. Many of her rough notes never made the transition from hastily scrawled field observations or binges of hideous research, and just as many pages of discoveries realized after she finished the book exist. Due to their exclusion from the Demonomicon, many scholars believe these notes weren't even writlcn by Iggwilv herself but by those who came after and who themselves studied from the book. Just as many argue that the writings could have been penned by none other than the Witch Queen and explain away deviations in writing style and presentation by pointing to the indisputable fact that Iggwilv has many forms. Could not each of these have different writing styles? Yet one thing remains apparent—legitimate notes of the Witch Queen or not: the apocrypha of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv, contain secrets and revelations just as horrific as those in the infamous book. This article is broken into disparate groupings of such notes: a short treatise on the six categories of demonic life and a discussion of five relatively minor demon lords on the cusp of becoming tomorrow's Graz'zts, Orcuses, or Demogorgons.

Demonomicon of Iggwilv

更多恶魔领主More Demon Lords

The Demonomicon mentions numerous minor demon lords as allies or enemies of the better-known demon lords. Five of these rising demonic stars are presmled here in brief, providing enough information to incorporate these minor (yet still deadly) demon lords into your campaign.

创造一位恶魔领主Create a Demon Lord

Each of these mini-Demonomicon lists "suggested stats" for each demon lord. In order to build as close an approximaition as possible for the demon lord in question, simply build the base stat block indicated in each demon lord’s entry and then apply the following demonlord "template." Of course, you can use this template on other stat blocks of your own design to build demon lords of your own that should fit right into the power levels assumed by the Demonomicon articles.

Note that several of the adjustments this template makes are left to you to determine—demon lords are unique creatures, and as such can only benefit from a more liberal application of the typical rules for templating monsters.


  该生物的种类变为 异界生物outsider,并得到 混乱chaotic 和 邪恶evil 作为亚种。所有恶魔领主都属于三种著名恶魔中的一种,也因此获得对应亚种的所有能力与特性。对奥比里斯恶魔来说,这意味着这位恶魔领主将拥有 疯狂形态Form of Madness。下列的每位奥比里斯领主都有自己的疯狂形态,你可以用这些(以及其祂所有奥比里斯领主都有的疯狂形态)作为创作你自己的奥比里斯领主的例子。更多关于疯狂形态特性的细节,见《魔族法典Fiendish Codex Ⅰ》。
The creature's type changes to outsider, and he gains the chaotic and evil subtypes. All demon lords are of one of the three known demonic races, and thus the creature gains the loumara, obyrith, or tanar'ri subtype as well, along with all the abilities and traits for that subtype. For obyriths, this means the demon lord gains a Form of Madness. Each of the ohyrith lords below have their Form of Madness presented—use these (and (he forms of madness possessed by other obyrith lords) as examples for building your own. For further details on the Form ot Madness special quality, see Fiendish Codex Ⅰ.

生命骰Hit Dice:

The creature's Hit Dice from race and any class levels become d8. The demon lord retains all special abilities granted by any former class levels (including spellcasting), but calculates its base attack and base saving throws using its new Hit Dice totals as an outsider.

防御等级Armor Class:

A demon lords Armor Class can vary, but in order to remain a challenge for a creature of its CR score, you should add natural armor bonuses (or in rare cases, deflection bonuses) to the base creature's AC so that its final Armor Class is close (within a few points) to its CR + 20.

基础攻击Base Attack:

A demon lord's base attack bonus equals its number of Hit Dice.

特殊攻击Special Attacks:

Feel free to give your new demon lord a unique special attack. For the following five, one unique special attack is provided.

类法术能力Spell-Like Abilities:

All demon lords have the fallowing spell-like abilities in addition to any the base creature possesses:
  随意使用At will——星界投射astral projection渎神之语blasphemy(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌真言word of chaos),亵渎术desecrate侦测善良detect good侦测守序detect law高等驱散魔法greater dispel magic高等传送术greater teleport位面转移plane shift形体变化shapechange心灵遥控telekinesis邪居unhallow邪恶灵光unholy aura(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌斗篷cloak of chaos),邪影击unholy blight(奥比里斯领主改为 混沌之锤chaos hammer
  每日3次——任意一种 徽记术symbol

Each demon lord also possesses two addititonal at-will spell-like abilities, two additional 3/day abilities, and two additional 1/day abilities. These additional spell-like abilities should be chosen to match the demon lord's "theme." Each of the five demon lords detailed below list additional spell-like abilities.

A demon lord's base caster level for spell-like abilities ranges from CL 20th to 25th, based on the demon lord's overall CR (starting at CL 20th and adding to its CL for every 3 points its CR exceeds 18, to a maximum of CL 25th at CR33).

特性Special Qualities:

A demon lord gains all the special qualities granted by his demonic race subtype. In addition, all demon lords possess the following special qualities in addition to any the base creature possesses:

  ❖伤害减免Damage Reduction:所有恶魔领主都拥有DR20/寒铁cold iron、传奇epic 与 善良good。
  Damage Reduction: All demon lords possess DH 20/cold iron, epic, and good.

  ❖法抗Spell Resistance:恶魔领主的法抗=CR+13。
  Spell Resistance: A demon lord's spell rcsislance is equal to its CR+13.

  Telepathy: All demon lords possess telepathy to range of 300 feet (or 100 feet for obyrith lords).

  ❖额外特性Additional Qualities:大部分恶魔领主都有几个额外特性。下列的五位恶魔领主就提供了两项额外特性。
  Additional Qualities: Most demon lords possess a few additional special qualities as well. For the five demon lords listed below, two additional special qualities are provided.


All of a demon lord's saving throws are good saves, based on its total Hit Dice.


Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6, Dex +4, Con +6, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +6. In some cases, adjust these numbers even more to more closely approximate the demon lord's expected power or his theme. Manipulating a demon lord's ability scores is perhaps the best way to adjust his total power level.


Demon lords gain skill points according to their Hit Dice as if they were outsiders. Their class skills are those the base creature possessed from its race and any class levels it has, but the actual number of skill ranks should be recalculated using the demon lord's outsider Hit Dice.


  恶魔领主的专长中总是包括 黑暗圣言Dark Speech。
Demon lords always have Dark Speech as one of their feats.

挑战等级Challenge Ratings:

  《伊格维尔伏的恶魔志Demonomicon of Iggwilv》系列的恶魔领主挑战等级为24-33。使用这个范围后,只有恶魔现任的 恶魔王子prince of demons(当前是 狄摩高根Demogorgon)应为CR33,只有极少数领主CR超过30,没有恶魔领主弱于CR22。下列五位恶魔领主的CR就在此范围之内;为了使你设计出来的恶魔领主令人耳目一新,对自己所设计的全新恶魔领主,应当将他们的实力与本系列文章中出现的其祂恶魔领主相比较,以确定祂们的最终CR等级,不过,对基础生物的CR进行+2的调整,并从那里进行进一步的微调是个好的开始。
The Demonomicon of Iggwilv series sets the range of Challenge Ratings for demon lords at 24-33. Using this scale, only the reigning prince of demons (cacrently Demogorgon) should be CR 33, very few should be above CR 30, and no demon lord should be less powerful than CR 22. The vast majority of demon, lords axe CR 26-29. CRs for each of the five demon lords listed below are included. For brand-new demon lords of your own design, you should compare their strengths to other demon lords who have appeared in this series of articles to set their final CR scores, but a good place to start is to apply a +2 adjustment to the base creature's CR and make further fine-tuning adjustments from there.
