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2eSP<Realmspace.p050>赫卡斯星球的月亮们The Moons of H'Catha


  卫星名MOON NAME:特恩布尔星Turnbetl
  卫星尺寸MOON SIZE:980 英里miles
  近地点PERIGEE POINT:11,500 英里miles
  远地点APOGEE POINT:413,000 英里miles

  特恩布尔星Turnbetl 是距离 赫卡斯星球卫星系H'Catha system 中最靠近 赫卡斯星球H'Catha 的卫星。这颗B型月亮是个球体,其大气由严格来说高度不稳定的气体组成。这些气体一接触氧气就会立即爆炸。每可供一个人类在船上使用一个月的空气,爆炸威力等同于1个骰的火球术。因此,一艘有30名船员的船,若有足够使用两个月的空气,就会引起相当于60骰火球术的爆炸。很遗憾这可能将非常致命,因此强烈建议远离这颗卫星。
Turnbetl is the closest moon in the H'Catha system. This Class B moon is spherical, with an atmosphere made strictly of highly unstable gases. These gases,when exposed to oxygen, explode instantly. For every man-month of air on a ship, the explosion is equal to a one-die fireball. Thus, a ship with 30 crew members, with enough air for 2 months, would cause an explosion equal to a 60-die fireball. This, unfortunately, can be extremely lethal, so a quarantine of the moon is strongly advised.
