龙与地下城 Wiki



【阵   营】LG
【神   力】L
【神   职】爱love,忠贞fidelity,年幼者the young,嬉戏play
【神   系】海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies大海迷梦者Asathalfinare
【盟   友】大海迷梦者Asathalfinare
【神   国】天堂山Mount Celestia极乐境Elysium/4th 爱之海Thalasia
【徽   记】海豚幼崽dolphin with calf
【简   介】特芮西娜Trishina 是海精灵之神 深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 的配偶。深海·赛悉拉可以是轻浮而善变的,有许多关于他与诸如美人鱼、海豹精、凡人海精灵少女、人类女性、甚至是(传言中)一位女半神的风流韵事的神话。特芮西娜对这些迷途有一些、但不太多的忍耐力。赛悉拉那些席德瑞恩诸神同侪从特芮西娜辨识赛悉拉的漫游恋眷所在并妨碍他(通常是通过警告让他发情的对象)的能力中,获得了极大的消遣。

2e<Monster Mythology.p094>特芮西娜Trishina(弱等女神Lesser Goddess)

  特芮西娜Trishina 是 深海·赛悉拉Deep Sashelas 的配偶,她与他协作亲密。然而,她更为和平主义,更倾向于帮助任何陷入麻烦的生物,也更期望若展现理解与仁慈、深重的邪恶能随之皈依善良。特芮西娜把时间分配在 七层天堂the Seven Heavens爱之海Thalasia 之间,在爱之海,她掌管着这片海域部分海豚的灵魂,这些海豚是为了保护它们的幼崽而身亡的。
Trishina is consort to Deep Sashelas and works closely with him. However, she is more pacifistic, more inclined to help any creatures in trouble, and more hopeful that much of evil can be turned to good if understanding and kindness is shown. Trishina divides her time between the Seven Heavens and Thalasia, where she holds part of the sea for the spirits of dolphins who have died in defense of their young.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

Trishina's avatar is very likely to be accompanied by that of Deep Sashelas. She is active in sending her avatar forth alone to heal and aid dolphins or sea elves in distress (and sometimes even shipwrecked humans). She does not send omens to dolphin priests, using direct telepathic communications instead.


  信徒阵营WAL:任意善良any good(海豚dolphins,海精灵sea elves);
  神职AoC:爱love,忠贞fidelity,年幼者the young,嬉戏play;
  徽记SY:海豚幼崽dolphin with calf。
AL lg; WAL any good (dolphins, sea elves); AoC love, fidelity, the young, play; SY dolphin with calf.

特芮西娜的化身Trishina's Avatar

  (德鲁伊Druid 14)

Trishina's avatar can appear as a very pretty young sea elf female or as a female dolphin, changing form instantaneously at will. She uses spells from those spheres listed for her priests.

  力量 14,敏捷 17,体质 17,
  智力 17,感知 20,魅力 22,
  移动 9,游泳24,体型 中型M(5呎),魔抗 35%,
  防御等级 2,生命骰 11,生命值 88,
  #攻击 1次,零级命中值 9,伤害 1d6(殴击)或 以武器
  Str 14 Dex 17 Con 17   Int 17 Wis 20 Cha 22
  MV 9 sw 24 SZ M (5') MR 35%
  AC 2 HD 11 HP 88
  #AT 1 THACO 9 Dmg 1d6 (buffet) or by weapon

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  该化身免疫毒素、能量吸取、造成X伤以及即死魔法。她永久地散发着一道 次级法术无效结界minor globe of invulnerability20呎半径防护邪恶protection from evil 20' radius。每日4次,她能对一个对手施展 弱智术feeblemind,每日1次,将60呎范围内的某一生物的阵营变为守序善良(对抗法术豁免骰通过则无效,跨位面生物不受影响)。
The avatar is immune to poison, energy drains, caused wounds, and death magic. She permanently radiates a minor globe of invulnerability and protection from evil 20' radius. She can cast feeblemind upon an opponent 4/day, and once per day change the alignment of one creature within 60' to lawful good (saving throw versus spell to negate, extra- planar beings are unaffected).

祭职者的职责Duties of the Priesthood

The priests are pacifists unless protection of the young is involved, whereupon they fight fiercely and self-sacrificingly if they must. Dolphin and sea elf priests must aid each other's races and help non-evil creatures in distress, in or on the seas. Older priests are always held in respect. Priests rise in experience levels as they save the lives of other creatures much as some others gain experience for overcoming monsters.


  属性AB:感知 14,魅力 10;
  特殊能力PW:1)如同比正常低1级的法术般,施展所有防护法术(举例来说,10呎防护邪恶protection from evil 10' 计为3级法术);5)次元门dimension door;7)驱散邪恶dispel evil;12)圣言holy word
AB Wis 14 Cha 10; AL any good; WP dagger, quarterstaff (sea elves only); AR none; SP as druids, plus guardian, necromantic, protection, sun; PW 1)all protection spells cast as if one level lower (e.g.,protection from evil 10 counts as 3rd-level spell); 5)dimension door; 7)dispel evil; 12)holy word; TU turn; LL 10 (sea elves), 12 (dolphins); HD d4; Shamans no.
