獁拉Malar,萬獸之主 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 標】 | MAH-larr |
【別名/面相】 | ¢泛費倫:獁拉Malar ¢維洪海域:追蹤者The Stalker(一位類地精神明) |
【頭 銜】 | ¢獁拉:野獸領主The Beastlord,萬獸之主Lord of Beasts,黑血之豹the Black-Blooded Pard,掠奪之熊the Ravaging Bear ¢倫德爾:熊神the Bear God |
【陣 營】 | CE |
【神 力】 | ¢獁拉:L ¢藍熊&赫恩&賽貝克:D |
【神 職】 | 獵人Hunters,掠食的野獸和怪物marauding beasts and monsters,血blood,殺戮欲bloodlust,邪惡獸化人evil lycanthropes,追蹤stalking |
與諸神的關係 | |
【神 系】 | ¢獁拉&藍熊:FR泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon ¢賽貝克:穆爾霍蘭德神系Mulhorandi Pantheon |
【主 神】 | 塔洛斯Talos→西凡納斯Silvanus |
【盟 友】 | 歐呂爾Auril,塔洛斯Talos,安博里Umberlee,班恩Bane,勞薇艾塔Loviatar |
【敵 對】 | 裳提亞Chauntea,迪尼爾Deneir,埃達絲Eldath,伊爾馬特Ilmater,拉芮Lurue,努比恩Nobanion,西凡納斯Silvanus,淑妮Sune,桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom,希阿莉亞Shiallia,烏斯伽Uthgar |
【神 仆】 | 伊迪亞克-奧瑞迪爾Ityak-Ortheel |
神國與教會 | |
【神 國】 | 卡瑟利Caceri/4th 群峰獄層Colothys/狩獵之地The Land of the Hunt |
【徽 記】 | 一隻棕色皮毛的獸爪,其彎曲的長爪末端帶著新鮮的紅色血液A brown-furred, bestial claw with long, curving talons tipped with fresh red blood |
【簡 介】 | 獁拉Malar 狩獵之神,狂怒諸神之一,代表著自然的邪惡扭曲一面。曾被柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安、桂倫·流風(凡人時)、努比恩、提爾、貓王等擊敗。 |
2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧師和專屬祭司們往往會因恐懼失去施法能力而擔心進入 荒宇wildspace。其實對這點無需再有疑問。當然,當牧師或是祭司進入太空時,他們神明的神力的確會發生一些改變,但多數時候,這些改變還沒到讓角色感到沮喪的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改變是積極的,但偶爾,神力可能會有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司們進入 燃素海the phlogiston、與其神明失去一切接觸的時候。在進入到晶壁系中時,某一角色是否會與他的神明完全而徹底的分離?接下來的章節將詳述:魔法船牧師與專屬祭司在荒宇中時,諸神與他們的關係、以及諸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(野獸之主The Beastlord)
塔耳塔洛斯半神力Demipower of Tartarus
黎爾拉Lliira、勞薇塔Loviatar 和 獁拉Malar 不能授予晶壁系外的任何祭司超過3級的法術。除此之外,一旦其祭司離開了晶壁系,野獸之主瑪拉就無法再授予其次要領域上的法術。在 燃素海phlogiston 中施法則是不可能的。
Lliira, Loviatar, and Malar are unable to award spells of greater than 3rd level to any priests beyond the crystal sphere. In addition to this, Malar the Beastlord is completely unable to award the spells under his minor sphere spell list once the priest is outside the sphere. All casting within the phlogiston is impossible.
2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p105>獁拉Malar
(野獸領主The Beastlord,萬獸之主Lord of Beasts,黑血之豹the Black-Blooded Pard,掠奪之熊the Ravaging Bear)
卡瑟利弱等神力Lesser Power of Caceri,
神職PORTFOLIO:獵人Hunters,掠食的野獸和怪物marauding beasts and monsters,血blood,殺戮欲bloodlust,邪惡獸化人evil lycanthropes,追蹤stalking
別名ALIASES:追蹤者The Stalker(維洪海域Vilhon Reach),倫德爾Render(無盡冰海Endless Ice 與 大冰川Great Glacier),藍熊Blue Bear(烏斯伽野蠻人Uthgardt barbarians),赫恩Herne(至高森林的獸人Orcs of the High Forest)
神域名DOMAIN NAME:群峰獄層Colothys/狩獵之地The Land of the Hunt
盟友ALLIES:歐呂爾Auril,塔洛斯Talos,安博里Umberlee,班恩Bane(目前消逝now dead),勞薇艾塔Loviatar
敵對FOES:裳提亞Chauntea,迪尼爾Deneir,埃達絲Eldath,伊爾馬特Ilmater,「獨角獸」拉芮Lurue the Unicom,努比恩Nobanion,西凡納斯Silvanus,淑妮Sune,桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom,希阿莉亞Shiallia,烏斯伽Uthgar
徽記SYMBOL:一隻棕色皮毛的獸爪,其彎曲的長爪末端帶著新鮮的紅色血液A brown-furred, bestial claw with long, curving talons tipped with fresh red blood
信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
獁拉Malar(讀作「MAH-larr」)是兇殘野獸之神。他與 安博里Umberlee 和 歐呂爾Auril 一道,作為 狂怒諸神Gods of Fury 的一員侍奉著 塔洛斯Talos。他被那些以殺戮為樂、為運動而狩獵、或是過度獵殺的獵人、以及墮落的遊俠、智慧食肉動物、以及獸化人崇拜。那些飽受野獸劫掠的人們會嘗試用新宰殺、帶血的肉來安撫 野獸領主the Beastlord,但獁拉很少會接受他們的懇求。在其更為正面的面相中,那些認可掠食動物不馴的自然、優雅與超道德的人也會崇敬他。
Malar (MAH-larr) is the god of the savage wild. Along with Umberlee and Auril, he is one of the Gods of Fury who serve Talos. He is worshiped by hunters who revel in the kill or who hunt for sport or to excess, fallen rangers, sentient carnivores, and lycanthropes. Those who suffer the depredations of wild beasts attempt to placate the Beastlord with offerings of freshly killed and bloody meat, but Malar rarely recognizes their entreaties. In his more favorable aspects he is revered by beings who identify with the untamed nature, grace, and amorality of predators.
獁拉在狩獵與殺戮中得到了近乎性慾般的滿足。他陶醉於獵物散發的恐懼、渴望得到獵物的鮮血。他只會以低吼和劇咆來發言。萬獸之主The Lord of Beasts 蔑視德魯伊和他們的神祇們所尋求的 一體至衡the Balance,並且妄圖通過自己信徒的行動來推翻它。每當他有興致時(他幾乎總是如此)他都會顯現一尊化身到 費倫大陸Faerûn 在整個 諸國度the Realms 進行一場無盡的狩獵。
Malar achieves almost sensual fulfillment from the hunt and the kill. He revels in the fear radiated by the hunted and hungers for the blood of his prey. He speaks only in low growling undertone or vicious snarl. The Lord of Beasts despises the Balance sought by druids and their deities and seeks to overthrow it through the actions of his faithful. He manifests an avatar in Faerûn in an endless hunt across the Realms whenever the mood strikes him—which is almost constantly.
在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間,獁拉在費倫大陸四處被追蹤。已知他在一場名為 暗影咆哮the Roar of Shadows 的劇烈衝突中,在 古斯梅爾森林the Gukhmere Forest 中與 努比恩Nobanion 發生了交戰。與 翡翠閒庭Emerald Enclave 結盟的 獅神the Lion God 合力將他向北方和西方驅逐。當獁拉在 北地the North 現身時,他被 桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windstrom 無情追趕,無法擺脫這位 追蹤大師the Master of Tracking。野獸之主還挑戰並擊敗了 赫恩Herne,這尊隨著 歐格瑪Oghma 與其祂神力的古代移民潮被帶到諸國度的 狩獵大師the Master of the Hunt 墮落的轉生體。赫恩受到 至高森林the High Forest 中獸人的尊崇,而獁拉在那之後篡奪了他的神職。
During the Time of Troubles, Malar stalked the length and breadth of Faerûn. He is known to have battled Nobanion in the Gukhmere Forest in a fierce conflict known as the Roar of Shadows. The Beastlord was driven north and west by the Lion God working in an alliance with the Emerald Enclave. When Malar appeared in the North, he was relentlessly pursued by Gwaeron Windstrom and could not shake the Master of Tracking from his trail. The Beastlord did challenge and defeat Herne, a corrupted incarnation of the Master of the Hunt brought to the Realms by an ancient wave of immigrants along with Oghma and other powers. Herne was venerated by the orcs of the High Forest, and Malar has since assumed his portfolio.
在動盪之年的餘波中,獁拉已經被力量不斷增長的塔洛斯削弱了。因此,他被迫在非人類部落中尋找新的崇拜者,而現在已經有大量類人開始將這位野獸領主作為自己傳統神系的附屬物崇拜。獁拉也通過殺死他們的圖騰精魂並將獲取這些動物精魂的神職作為自己的面相,進而從幾個 拜獸教beast cults 隊伍中獲取了更多的人類崇拜者。第一隻倒在他的血爪中的野獸圖騰是 藍熊Blue Bear,這是一支因與下層位面生物廣泛接觸而腐敗墮落的烏斯伽人拜獸教,在其他地方則被作為 熊神the Bear God 倫德爾Render 崇敬。
In the aftermath of the Time of Troubles, Malar has been weakened by the growing strength of Talos. As a result, he has been forced to seek new worshipers among the nonhuman tribes, and now numerous humanoids have begun to venerate the Beastlord as an adjunct to their traditional pantheons. Malar has also acquired additional human worshipers from the ranks of a few beast cults by slaying their totem spirits and assuming the animal spirits' portfolios as aspects of his own. One of the first beast totems to fall to his bloody talons was Blue Bear, an Uthgardt beast cult corrupted by pervasive contact with lower planar beings and venerated in other lands as Render, the Bear God.
獁拉的化身Malar's Avatar
(遊俠Ranger 30,德魯伊Druid 17)
獁拉偏好以兩種形態在諸國度闊步。以 野獸the Beast 形態,他看起來就像一隻人高的貓類野獸,動作光滑而柔軟。它烏黑的皮毛上沾滿了鮮血,它的爪子和尖牙也不停地在滴血。野獸不能也不會說話。
Malar favors two forms when he stalks the Realms. As the Beast, he appears as a man-high catlike beast, sleek and supple in its movements. His ebony fur is matted with blood, and his talons and fangs endlessly drip blood. The Beast cannot and does not speak.
作為 狩獵大師the Master of the Hunt(也被稱為 荒野獵人the Wild Hunter),獁拉將呈現為一隻黑色皮毛、12英尺高的類人,其血紅雙眼之下是一個發出鼻息聲、被肉覆蓋覆蓋的洞,而非鼻子或者嘴,他有一副巨大的鹿角,可以用他來揮砍或穿刺目標。獁拉可以以這種形態說話,也能隨意讓他的鹿角消失或重現,這樣就能避免他的鹿角受傷,以及防止對手通過纏住角來俘獲他。狩獵大師通常有一群21隻最大體型(最大生命值)的恐狼(極地地區的冬狼)隨行。
As the Master of the Hunt, also known as the Wild Hunter, Malar appears as a black-furred, 12-foot-tall humanoid with red eyes above a whuffling, flesh-draped hole rather than a nose and mouth, and a large rack of antlers that he can use to slash or stab at targets. Malar can speak in this form and can cause his antlers to melt away and reappear at will, allowing him to avoid damage to his rack and to prevent opponents from trapping him by ensnaring his antlers. The Master of the Hunt is typically accompanied by a pack of 21 dire wolves (winter wolves in polar regions) of the largest possible size (maximum hit points).
Malar can cast spells from any sphere, although he favors spells from the animal, combat, and summoning spheres. Malar often joins in the hunts his clergy members promote—and when such a visitation occurs, his clergy members seek to impress him with their reckless valor and often fling away weapons to chase the quarry—frequently a bear, wolf, owlbear, or more fearsome monster—barehanded. Although Malar believes all creatures should look after themselves and that all who hunt should also know the pain and fear of the hunted, he does dispense healing on such occasions, bestowing curative magic through the burning-hot blood that drips from him.
防禦等級 -3;移動 21(跳高 21呎);生命值 207;零級命中值 -9;#攻擊 5次* 或 3次**
傷害 3d4+11/3d4+11/3d4+n/3d4+11/4d4+11(爪抓×4/獠牙,+11力量) 或 1d10+11(鹿角,+11力量) 和 1d6+16(+3 矛,+11力量,+2專精矛獎勵)
魔抗 70%;體型 大型L(12呎長——野獸,或 12呎高——狩獵大師)
力量 23,敏捷 24,體質 23,智力 15,感知 20,魅力 18
法術 祭司P: 10/10/9/9/5/3/2
豁免 麻痹、毒素與死亡魔法 2;權杖、法杖與魔杖 5;石化或變形 4;噴吐武器 4;法術 6
AC -3; MV 21 (leap 70 feet); HP 207; THACO -9; #AT 5* or 3**
Dmg 3d4+11/3d4+11/3d4+n/3d4+11/4d4+11(claw x4/fangs, +11 STR) or 1d1O+11(antlers, +11 STR) and 1d6+16 (spear +3, +11 STR, +2 spec, bonus in spear)
MR 70%; SZ L (12 feet long—Beast, or 12 feet tall—Master of the Hunt)
STR 23, DEX 24, CON 23, INT 15, Wis 20, CHA 18
Spells P: 10/10/9/9/5/3/2
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6
*The Beast can attack each round with four taloned claws and one fanged bite.
**The Master of the Hunt can attack once each round with his antlers and two times with his spear.
特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:
在兩種形態下,獁拉都將如聲音低沉的巨人般大笑。他是位可靠的獵人和追蹤者,在追蹤方面只被 桂倫·流風Gwaeron Windsrrom 和 梅麗凱Mielikki 擊敗過。每回合1次,隨意使用,獁拉能在1輪中在野獸與狩獵大師形態之間 形體變化shape change。在兩種形態中,除了正常的施展1道法術外,每輪1次,野獸領主還能額外施展1~7級 怪物召喚術monster summoning。獁拉總是可以選擇召喚的生物種類,但它們始終會是某種形式的掠食者。
In either form, Malar laughs like a deep-voiced giant. He is an infallible hunter and tracker, bested only at tracking by Gwaeron Windsrrom and Mielikki. He can shape change at will between the Beast and Master of the Hunt forms in one round, once per turn. In either form, the Beastlord can cast monster summoning I, II, III, IV, V, VI, or VII once per round in addition to casting a spell. Malar can always choose what sort of creatures respond to his summoning, but they are always some form of predator.
在戰鬥中,野獸通常會發起猛撲,這樣它就可以在一輪中使用4隻獸爪外加他的齧咬。隨意使用,他的齧咬可造成獸化症(隨機邪惡獸化人形態)。狩獵大師以他的鹿角和他的巨型 +3矛 攻擊。如果其鹿角骰出的命中骰比所需的高出4或更多,荒野獵人就能成功獲得2倍傷害。如果因任何原因他丟下了自己的魔法矛,那麼隨意使用,他可讓矛重新出現在自己的手中。
The Beast customarily pounces in battle so he can attack with all four talons in a round in addition to his bite. His bite inflicts lycanthropy (of a random form of evil were-creature) at will. The Master of the Hunt attacks with his antler rack and his massive spear +3. On rolls of 4 or better more than he needs to hit with his antlers, the Wild Hunter successfully gores for double damage. His magical spear vanishes if he lets go of it for any reason and reappears in his hand at will.
獁拉每輪再生5點傷害。他可通過從野獸變為狩獵大師(或者反過來)治療5d8點傷害。他免疫任何類型的 魅惑 法術或類法術效果,也無法被迫其將身體形態變成任何他不願呈現的狀態。除了物理攻擊或法術外,獁拉沒有什麼對不死生物的其它特殊效果;不過,任何類型的不死生物(除了其祂神祇)都不能傷害到獁拉,並會本能地避開他。
Malar regenerates 5 points of damage per round. He heals 5d8 points of damage and regenerates mutilations by changing form from Beast to Master of the Hunt or vice versa. He is immune to charm spells or spell-like effects of any sort and cannot be forced to change physical form to any shape he does not wish to assume. Malar has no special effect on undead creatures other than can be accomplished by his physical attacks or spells; however, undead beings of any sort (except deities) cannot harm him and avoid him instinctively.
其祂顯現Other Manifestations
Malar prefers to manifest as a cloud of darkness in which two large, red, feral eyes gleam. From this cloud may issue forth his voice, bestial roars or snarls, or (most often) deep, snarling laughter.
獁拉也可顯現為、或是在1輪中變形成一條野獸肢體(與 獸爪術beast claw(詳述見後)法術咒喚出來的類似),這條被活化的肢體覆蓋著皮毛、沒有實體,它可以:指向;用飄浮的熾熱血液在空中中繪製徽記或書寫字母;攜帶或操作物品;戰鬥(耙抓造成3d4點傷害,每輪可以-8的零級命中值擊打2次,防禦等級 0,移動速度 飛行21(A),生命值 101hp)。後一種顯現通常版蘇子和一種難以想像、令人骨顫的深沉低吼。
Malar may also manifest as, or change in one round to, a disembodied, animated furry beast limb (akin to that conjured up by the beast claw spell, described below) that can point, draw symbols or write in the air in letters of floating, blazing blood, carry or manipulate items, or fight (raking for 3d4 points of damage, striking twice per round at THACO -8, and having AC 0, MV Fl 21 (A), and 101 hp). An impossibly deep, bone-shaking snarl usually accompanies this latter manifestation.
獁拉經常通過以下存在活動:所有種類的掠食動物(尤其是熊)、所有種類的獵食性野貓、移位獸、牙龍、人豺jackalweres、gargantua、吸血狼(高級或低級)、邪惡獸化人、梟熊、佩利冬、人狼wolfwere、狼獾、食金獸aurumvorae、狼、甚至是(非常罕見)泰拉斯奎巨獸tarrasque。眾所周知,他會在獵食者和/或獵物稀少的區域,在適當的地方播種 地棲卵deepspawns,以確保狩獵永不結束。
Malar acts frequently through all sorts of predators, particularly bears, wild hunting cats of all sorts, displacer beasts, fang dragons, jackalweres, gargantua, leucrotta (greater and lesser), evil lycanthropes, owlbears, perytons, wolfweres, wolverines, aurumvorae, wolves, and even (very rarely) the tarrasque. He has been known to place appropriately seeded deepspawns in regions where predators and/or prey are scarce so as to ensure the hunt never ends.
教會The Church
神職人員Clergy:牧師Clerics,專屬祭司specialty priests,戰士fighters,法師wizards
神職陣營Clergy's Align.:守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡CE
驅散不死Turn Undead:牧師C:不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No;戰士F:不可No;法師W:不可No
支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧師C:可Yes;專屬祭司SP:不可No;戰士F:不可No;法師W:不可No
獁拉的所有牧師和專屬祭司都得到 宗教知識religion(泛費倫Faerûnian)作為非武器數量獎勵。獁拉的牧師必須有 狩獵hunting 非武器熟練,動物知識animal lore 和 動物訓練animal tracking 則受到強烈推薦。獁拉的牧師被允許使用匕首。
All clerics and specialty priests of Malar receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency. Malar's clergy are required to take the hunting nonweapon proficiency, and animal lore and tracking are both highly recommended. Clerics of Malar are allowed to use daggers.
獁拉並非是位有許多忠實追隨者、廣受歡迎的神明。就像 安博里Umberlee,人們通常為了阻止他的裁決(通常由野獸預告)而非為了懇請而祈喚他。然而,的確也有追隨於他的忠誠團體,他們恐嚇文明地區、通過狩獵維生。
Malar is not a popular god with many devoted followers. Like Umberlee, he is invoked usually to prevent his intercession (usually heralded by wild beasts) as opposed to beseeching it. Groups devoted to following him are present, however, terrorizing civilized areas and surviving by poaching what they need.
獁拉的神殿是些簡陋的場所。通常便是以向內彎曲的尖牙狀石頭、在幽暗的森林峽谷中排成一圈。許多神殿(特別是那些位於 獁拉教徒Malarites 的活動受到當地居民厭惡、更文明的地區)被建立在廣闊的石灰岩洞穴之上,並由環心的天坑進入。扭曲的地下通道被作為狩獵場,無情的獁拉教徒們通過它來跟蹤從周圍地區俘獲的智慧獵物(尤其是人類和亞人)。
Temples of Malar are simple affairs. Typically they are inwardly curving, fang-shaped stones arranged in a ring in shadowy forest glens. Many temples, particularly those located in more civilized settings where the activities of Malarites are viewed with loathing by the local populace, are built above extensive limestone caverns and accessed via a sinkhole in the circle's center. The twisting subterranean passages serve as hunting grounds through which ruthless Malarites stalk sentient prey (particularly humans and demihumans) captured from the surrounding region.
獁拉的教會束縛鬆散,沒有中心等級制度。這使得與其對抗或將其拔除變得更加困難,因為一窩獁拉教徒被控制了,另一窩又冒出來了。教會組織是建立在狩獵這一概念建立起來的,並由本地、獨立的細胞(或者說「獵群Hunts」)組成。每一獵群的首領與最強個體被稱為 狩獵大師the Huntmaster,他可能是位祭司、戰士、法師(非常罕見)或者變形掠食動物(例如人狼或邪惡獸化人)。若為人類,這位狩獵大師可以通過其頭飾識別出來:通常是只熊、大貓、或其他這位領隊徒手殺死的生物。狩獵大師的職位需在由狩獵大師決定的地點、時間與目標動物的、信徒的儀式狩獵中,通過挑戰贏取——如果落敗的在任者不肯辭職,那麼將發生一場至死方休的搏鬥。
The church of Malar is loosely bound and without a central hierarchy. This makes it all the more difficult to counter or remove, for as soon as one den of Malarites is contained, another arises. The church organization is built around the concept of the hunt, and consists of local, independent cells or "Hunts." The leader and most powerful individual of each hunt is known as the Huntmaster, who may be a priest, warrior, wizard (very rarely), or shapechanging predator (such as a wolfwere or evil lycanthrope). If human, the Huntmaster can be identified by his or her headpiece: usually a bear, great cat, or other creature the leader has killed with his or her bare hands. The office of Huntmaster is won by challenge—a fight to the death if the incumbent does not resign—and the Huntmaster decides the locale, time, and prey to be stalked in the ceremonial hunts of the faithful.
獁拉教派的祭司被稱為 狩獵之主Lords of the Hunt 或 狩獵領主Huntlords(將他們與僅僅是「獵者of the Hunt」的世俗追隨者區分開來)。除了被用作資深神職人員尊稱的「老獵人Old Hunter」外,他們不使用個人頭銜,但神職成員們經常會被稱作「牡鹿兄弟Brother Stag」或「惡狼姐妹Sister Wolf」,以此表彰他們孤身僅以匕首、赤手空拳、或是以 獁拉之爪claws of Malar 殺死的最強大野獸。專屬祭司被稱為 獸爪talons。
Malarite priests are known as Lords of the Hunt or Huntlords (to distinguish them from lay followers, who are merely "of the Hunt"). No individual titles are used, except "Old Hunter" as an address of respect to senior clergy, but clergy members are often known by names such as Brother Stag or Sister Wolf in recognition of the most powerful beasts they have slain alone with only their daggers, their bare hands, or claws of Malar. Specialty priests of Malar are known as talons.
Survival of the fittest and winnowing of the weak are Malar's legacy. A brutal, bloody death has great meaning: "May you die an old man" is an insult among Malarites. The hunt is the fulcrum of life and death, and the focus point of life is the challenge between the hunter and the prey, the judgment of who may live or die. Malarites are expected to view every important task as a hunt and to remain ever alert and alive. They must walk the wilderness without trepidation, as Malar does, and must show no fear in the hunt. By being bold, they expect to win the day.
Malarite novices are charged as follows "Savagery and strong emotions defeat reason and careful thought in all things. The strong must slay as frequently as possible and exult in the doing if they are to survive and achieve dominance of the pack that society truly is under the polite veneer it maintains. Taste the blood of those you slay and never kill from a distance. The glory and danger in the hunt should be told to all in grand tales. Work against woodcutters, farmers, and all fools who seek to cut back the forest and slay beasts because they are dangerous. Suffer no druid to live, for they believe not in survival of the strong, but in a weak-minded balance that allows the inferior to survive and often to rule. Slay not pregnant wild creatures, young wild animals, or deepspawns so that dire beasts to hunt may always be plentiful."
日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:
Priests of Malar indulge in hunting as often as possible and strive to route the hunt to make it as dangerous as possible, so that its finale (the killing of the quarry) takes place in a settled area (so that the Malarites can demonstrate their superiority, of course). Common folk who do not appreciate having desperate leucrotta, wolves, displacer beasts, and the like chased through town tend to hate and fear Malarite clergy members—which is the whole idea: Those who do not venerate the Lord of Beasts should respect him out of fear.
獁拉教派的神職人員也宣傳狩獵的樂趣和豐厚的收益,努力阻止農場與定居點的擴張,以便能儘可能多地保護荒野。他們致力於對抗 裳提亞Chauntea、迪尼爾Deneir、埃達絲Eldath、西凡納斯Silvanus 以及 伊爾馬特Ilmater 的祭職者,就像歹徒與無聊的年輕貴族那樣,發起襲擊與破壞。
Malarite clergy members also preach the joys and the bountiful yields of the hunt and work to thwart the expansion of farms and settlements so as to preserve as much wilderness as possible. They work against the priesthoods of Chauntea, Deneir, Eldath, Silvanus, and Ilmater, staging raids and vandalism much as outlaws and bored young noblemen indulge in.
獁拉教派的神職人員會盡其可能的殺死所有信仰的德魯伊,因為他們視德魯伊們所促進和維持的一體至衡為所有熱愛狩獵之人真正的敵人。他們認為,這妨礙了強者戰勝弱者理所當然的勝利。因此,德魯伊組織、那些與德魯伊有聯繫的組織、甚至是那些部分由自然神祇贊助(包括 豎琴手the Harpers)的組織,也會把握任何機會尋找並摧毀獁拉教派的據點。
Malarite clergy seek to slay druids of all faiths whenever possible, for they see the natural Balance that druids promote and maintain as the true foe of all who love to hunt. They believe it interferes with the rightful triumph of the strong over the weak. Consequently, druid organizations, those with druidic connections, and those sponsored even partially by nature deities (including the Harpers) also seek out and destroy Malarite strongholds at any opportunity.
聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
對獁拉的崇拜以狩獵為中心,包括在追逐前、追逐中以及在對被殺的獵物祝酒時(有時是祝飲被殺獵物的血)進行個人的祈禱。他們將在一場狩獵中的所有被殺動物的身上吟誦 鮮血之歌Bloodsong——並且,在享用在狩獵中的任何動物時,還將有特殊儀式祈禱和聖歌。
Worship of Malar centers around the hunt and tends to consist of personal prayers to the Beastlord offered before the chase, during pursuit, and while drinking a toast over the slain quarry (sometimes a toast of the blood of the very animal killed). The droning Bloodsong is intoned over the bodies of all creatures slain during a hunt—and specific ritual prayers and chants should accompany feasting on any beast slain during a hunt.
該信仰的唯一高級儀式便是 牡鹿宴the Feast of the Stags 和 至高狩獵the High Hunts。牡鹿宴在 豐收祭Higharvestide 慶祝,那時獁拉神職人員將舉著他們在之前一旬(那將是一場瘋狂的殺戮狂歡)中殺死的野獸首頭穿越定居區,並帶領所有願意來的人赴宴。在持續兩天的饕餮盛宴上,由獁拉教徒獵殺的野獸將被作為主菜,而所有人都將被邀請(就連德魯伊可以來,在「餐桌上的和平the Peace of the Table」的保護下,安然進餐)。在這場宴會上,神職人員將公開承諾,在整個冬天前都將為指定的寡婦、老人、體弱多病者和孤兒們的餐桌進行狩獵。這一天表示著大部分社群對獁拉信仰尊敬的年度高潮。
The only high rites of the faith are the Feast of the Stags and the High Hunts. The Feast is celebrated at Higharvestide, when Malarite clergy parade through settled areas bearing the heads of the beasts they have slain during the previous tenday (a frenzied orgy of killing) and lead all who desire to eat to a feast. The beasts hunted down by Malarite hands are the main dishes at this two-day-long revel of gluttony, and all folk are invited (even druids may come and dine in safety, protected by "the Peace of the Table"). At this feast, clergy publicly undertake to hunt throughout the winter ahead for the tables of specific widows, aged folk, infirm individuals, and orphan children. This day marks the annual high point of regard for the faith of Malar in most communities.
在獁拉的命令下,他的每獵群(其宗教團體)都需在每年四季的每一季慶祝至少一次 至高狩獵High Hunt。至高狩獵是一場所有能走路的獁拉教派神職成員參與的狩獵賽事。他們穿著靴子和用親手殺死的野獸頭骨做成的頭飾,每人都只握有一柄簡單的小刀或 獁拉之爪。他們的獵物——一位有智慧的類人生物,通常是位男性人類——被放生在一片被獁拉教派神職人員的林區中(或者,如果必須的話,在一片廣闊的洞穴群中)。獵物可以使用任何他想要的、可合理獲得的非魔法物品——然後被以獁拉的榮耀為名,追殺到死。然而,如果獵物在一天一夜內逃出了狩獵的邊界(該界限在狩獵開始時設定),或者在狩獵開始後倖存到早上太陽從地平線升起,他將贏的自由,並且再也不會遇到這樣的追捕,並且可以向這位狩獵大師詢問其權力範圍內、不涉及殺死一位獁拉教徒的任何恩惠。
By Malar's command, every hunt (religious community) of his worshipers must celebrate at least one High Hunt in each of the four seasons of the year. A High Hunt is a sporting event attended by all Malarite clergy members able to walk. They wear boots and headpieces made from the skulls or heads of beasts they have personally slain, and each wields only a single knife or the claws of Malar. Their quarry—a sentient humanoid, usually a human male—who is set free in a wooded area (or extensive cavern complex if necessary) ringed by Malarite clergy members. The quarry is armed and armored with all the nonmagical items he or she desires that can reasonably be obtained—and then hunted to death for the glory of Malar. However, if the prey escapes the boundaries of the hunt (set up at its beginning) within a day and a night or survives until the sun has cleared the horizon on the morning after the hunt begins, he or she wins freedom, can never be so hunted again, and can ask any boon of the Huntmaster that is within his or her power and does not involve killing a Malarite.
The prey is often a druid and cannot be a worshiper of Malar. (Huntmasters cannot use the High Hunt to eliminate potential rivals within the clergy.) When slain, victims of the hunt are wholly burned to ashes as a meal for Malar.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
在 拜森提爾鎮Bezentil 的 神性獸窩The Divine Den,「至高狩獵大師」斯基思·特羅納加爾High Huntmaster Skith Tsornagar 統領著大約由70位獁拉神職者和2倍數量熱衷於狩獵的世俗崇拜者組成的會眾,這裡是獁拉信仰在 巨谷the Great Dale 以及整個 巨龍海岸the Dragon Reach 以東、塞爾Thay 以北 費倫大陸Faerûn 的中心。神性獸窩的神職成員會組織許多狩獵遠征隊到 托瑞爾星球Toril 的偏遠和危險地區尋找異域獵物。在他們之中有一打製造 真神獸爪the True Talons of the God(正式的 獁拉之爪)技藝精湛的鐵匠。
The Divine Den in Bezentil, where High Huntmaster Skith Tsornagar leads a congregation of 70 or so Malarite clergy members and twice as many lay worshipers who are avid hunters, is the center of Malar's faith in the Great Dale and all of Faerûn east of the Dragon Reach and north of Thay. The clergy members of the Divine Den mount many hunting expeditions to remote and perilous regions of Toril in pursuit of exotic prey. A dozen skilled smiths among them make the True Talons of the God (approved claws of Malar).
深地狩獵場The Deep Hunting Grounds 位於 深水山Mt. Waterdeep 下的 地脈迷城Undermountain 中,它是座強大而發展迅速的神殿,坐落於名為 魔龍森林the Wyllowwood 的地下森林中。貝尼塔·達克溫德Benita Darkwind 領導著由60或更多名祭司、以及同樣數量的許多戰士、遊蕩者和世俗信徒組成的會眾,積極地擴大著在地脈迷城的影響力,並在 深水城Waterdeep 的街巷中組織了數量越來越多的狩獵。
The Deep Hunting Grounds in Undermountain beneath Mt. Waterdeep is a powerful and rapidly growing temple located amidst a subterranean forest known as the Wyllowwood. Led by Benita Darkwind, the congregation of 60 or more priests and as many warriors, rogues, and lay worshipers is actively expanding its influence throughout Undermountain and mounting increasing numbers of hunts through the streets of Waterdeep.
從屬組織Affiliated Orders:
獁拉教會同樣包含了與任何獵群無關的獨行祭司。這些獨行的男女被稱為 野獸大師Beastmasters,他們與動物和其它掠食者存在一種近乎心靈感應的驚人融洽關係,傳聞說他們控制著類似於強力德魯伊的恐怖力量。野獸大師在性格和生活方式都近似於野蠻的野獸,通過多道同時存在的 尋找夥伴find companion 法術在大片荒野中控制了大部分的掠食者。(而其他神職人員同一時間只能有一隻動物夥伴。)野獸大師極少求助於他們領地內的其他獁拉教徒,但當他們這樣做事,當地的狩獵大師少會有會無視他們的要求。在野獸大師影響的地理範圍與荒野中的德魯伊之環之間存在鬆散的關聯。野獸大師個人和他們的爪牙與附近的德魯伊進行著無休止的暴力循環。
The church of Malar also includes lone priests unaffiliated with any particular hunt. These solitary women and men, known as Beastmasters, exhibit an amazing rapport bordering on telepathy with animals and other predators, and they are rumored to command fearsome powers resembling those of powerful druids. Beastmasters resemble savage beasts in disposition and lifestyle and exert control over most predators in large swaths of wilderness through the use of multiple, concurrent find companion spells. (Other clergy can only have one animal companion at a time.) Beastmasters only rarely call upon the aid of other Malarites in their territory, but when they do, few local Huntmasters defy their requests. There is a loose correlation between the geographic areas of influence of Beastmasters and circles of druids in the wild. Individual Beastmasters and their servitors contest in an endless cycle of violence with nearby druids.
也有少量罕見的 野獸領主Beast Lords 侍奉著獁拉。這些獨行的施法者繁育出了一些非自然怪物,如 鯊蜥獸bulette、劍蜈蚣stegocentipede、梟熊、佩利冬之類。雖然大部分野獸領主都是人類,但也有個別來自其它種族,譬如靈吸怪和眼魔。一位北地著名的非人類野獸領主就是只靈吸怪巫妖,據信它以被毀滅的 德肯特礦坑Dekanter 為基地,試圖以野獸軍團征服一部分 幽暗地域Underdark 的黑暗國度。
Malar is also served by a few rare Beast Lords. These lone spellcasters breed unnatural monsters like bulettes, stegocentipedes, owlbears, perytons, and so forth. While most Beast Lords are human, a few are drawn from the ranks of other races such as illithids and beholders. One prominent nonhuman Beast Lord in the North is an illithilich, believed to be based in ruined Dekanter, who seeks to conquer part of the dark realms of the Underdark with an army of beasts.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Huntmasters wear headpieces made from the pelt and head of the most impressive beast they have been able to slay with their bare hands (usually a bear or great cat, but sometimes an owlbear, leucrotta, or peryton). Malarites carry hunting horns at their belts and are never without at least three daggers (usually one sheathed in each boot, two in belt sheaths, one strapped to either forearm, and another hidden in a nape-of-the-neck sheath under the hair or in an armpit sheath). Woodland garb of red or brown is the favored dress for hunts. By day, red hunt clothing is often concealed by a woodcloak of mottled black, gray, and green. Necklaces of animal bones, fangs, and claws and a variety of pelts are often worn in addition to normal hunt clothes when priests desire to impress.
冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:
在冒險時,獁拉的祭司們根據實用穿著,但大部分人喜歡用活生生的獸皮製成的盔甲,以便靈活而快速的移動。他們經常戴著用爪子和尖牙製成的項鍊和各種掠食動物的毛皮,以此對社區人員悄無聲息地炫耀獁拉教徒的狩獵能力。獁拉的獸爪們以及那些狩獵大師們被允許使用名為 獁拉之爪claws of Malar 的武器。獁拉之爪 是種握在拳中類似於黃銅指虎的金屬武器,其頂端鑲嵌著一排排鋒利的鋸齒邊,猶如獅爪。這位祭司需為這些武器分配一個武器熟練來使用它們。受訓的祭司可以用他們每輪每拳擊打1次。獁拉之爪 總重 1磅(每隻半磅),武器速率 2,尺寸 小型S,對小型S和中型M目標,造成1d6點穿刺與揮砍(類型 P/S)傷害,對大型或更大的目標造成1d4點傷害。
When adventuring, priests of Malar dress practically, but most favor armor constructed from the hides of living creatures that allows flexibility and rapid movement. Necklaces of claws and fangs and a variety of pelts from predator animals are often worn to quietly demonstrate a Malante's hunting prowess to the members of a community. Talons of Malar and Huntmasters are allowed to employ the weapons known as claws of Malar. Claws of Malar are metal weapons gripped in the fists that resemble brass knuckles studded with rows of sharp, jagged edges along the top like lion's claws. A priest must allocate a weapon proficiency for these weapons in order to use them. A priest trained in their use can strike once per round with each fist without disadvantage. Claws of Malar weigh 1 pound total (a half pound each), have a speed factor of 2, are size S, and inflict 1d6 points of piercing and slashing (Type P/S) damage to size S or M targets or 1d4 points of damage to size L or larger targets.
雖然上面已經列了這些武器的原始樣品,但最好的 真神獸爪True Talons of the God 只有一個來源:在拜森提爾鎮的神性獸窩,萬獸之主全費倫最重要的神殿。這種來源的爪子在狩獵中中被殺死的野獸的鮮血中得到了祝福,被附魔永不生鏽(甚至是被鏽蝕怪或受到會使它們生鏽的法術的攻擊),其上有迷你的標記,讓製造它們的鐵匠能認出其中的每一對。其他人也可以試著使用這些獁拉之爪,但如果非獁拉信徒或祭司的人如果這樣做將承受教會的怒火,據說這些怒火會轉化為獁拉教徒對此人的狩獵與殺戮,以此作為對其他人的警告。
Although crude local specimens of these weapons exist, the best True Talons of the God come from one source: the Divine Den in Bezentil, the most important temple to the Lord of Beasts in all Faerûn. Claws from this source are blessed in the blood of beasts slain in the hunt, enchanted to never rust (even if touched by rust monsters or assaulted by spells that should make them rust), and bear tiny markings that allow the smiths who made them to identify each pair. Other individuals can try to use the claws, but a nonbeliever or a nonpriest of Malar suffers the wrath of the church if she or he does so, and said wrath translates to the Malarites hunting down and slaying the individual as a warning to others.