狄摩高根Demogorgon,恶魔王子、伊西鳐鱼之神 | |
基本信息 | |
【旧 译】 | 狄魔高根 |
【头 衔】 | 恶魔王子Prince of Demons |
【阵 营】 | CE |
【神 力】 | N→L |
【神 职】 | 能量吸取energy drains,支配domination |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 海洋诸神Gods of the Seas |
【盟 友】 | 祖格莫伊Zuggtmoy,美坎修特Malcanthet,大衮Dagon |
【敌 对】 | 格拉兹特Graz'zt,奥库斯Orcus,祖鲁格雷克斯Zuregurex,弗拉兹厄鲁Fraz-Urb'luu,瑟寇拉Sekolah |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 无底深渊the Abyss/88th 盐水沼泽the Brine Flats(又名 恶魔胃囊Gaping Maw 或 无底洞Abysm) |
【徽 记】 | 分叉之尾forked tail |
【简 介】 | 狄摩高根Demogorgon 是第三代恶魔王子,也是第一只塔纳厘恶魔。 |
<Monster Mythology.p085>前言Introduction(节选)
作为羽蛇之神,洁芮恩Jazirian 是 永恒巨蛇the Eternal Serpent 和其种族的 造物神the Creator-God。洁芮恩在其他种族造物神话中的缺失,被羽蛇很容易地理解为是由于他/她的影响在表面上无法看见;他/她拨动了弦、牵动了其祂神明。洁芮恩是崇高的目标与命运以一种特定表现形式的具现,而羽蛇们认为自己很幸运能够理解这种具现。他们的信仰决不会使这个种族变得傲慢自大,而是使他们谦逊,因为他们有福的本质驱策他们去帮助更不开化的其他生物。每当他们能独自在彩虹中目睹洁芮恩的缤纷色彩,在太阳升起时的露珠中,看见这位神灵多彩鳞片的倒影,他们就会觉得有责任拉那些不那么有福的人一把。
Jazirian, the couatl god, is the Eternal Serpent, the Creator-God to his race. Jazirians absence from the creation myths of other creatures is easily explained by couatl as being due to the seeming invisibility of his/her influence; he/she pulls the strings which make the other gods move. Jazirian is supreme purpose and fate embodied in one particular manifestation which the couatl consider themselves fortunate enough to be able to apprehend. Far from making this race arrogant, their belief makes them humble, for the nature of their blessing impels them to serve other, less enlightened creatures. If they alone can see Jazirian's rainbows in the ether and the reflection of the god's many-colored scales in the droplets of dew in the sunrise, they feel a duty to improve the lot of those less blessed.
2e<Monster Mythology.p088>狄摩高根Demogorgon(弱等神Lesser God)
狄摩高根Demogorgon 是另一位 塔纳厘领主the tanar'ri lords,类似于 朱庇莱克斯Juiblex、耶诺胡Yeenoghu 和其祂同侪,他在想方设法将影响力扩展到 无底深渊the Abyss 之外。很难确定他究竟为什么选择将 伊西鳐鱼ixixachitl 变成崇拜者,又是为什么这个智慧鳐类种族选择追随于他。或许狄摩高根是希望利用伊西鳐鱼推进他对 血战the Blood War 的宿愿,不过并不清楚他们将如何帮上他。已知的是狄摩高根被鲨华鱼人之神 瑟寇拉Sekolah 仇视着;有些神话将这只塔纳厘描绘为瑟寇拉曾经的奴仆,后者借由某件神器强迫他来服务。狄摩高根并不直接派遣伊西鳐鱼专门攻击鲨华鱼人,但若他的仆人们碰巧在某个地方发现了鲨华鱼人,而对将鲨华鱼人们作为下个目标发起集中攻击的时机成熟,而却没有发起攻击,将使他感到不悦。
Demogorgon is another of the tanar'ri lords who, like Juiblex and Yeenoghu and others, has managed to extend his influence beyond the Abyss. Why he chose the ixixachitl to become his worshipers, and why that race of sentient rays has chosen to follow him, is very hard to determine. Demogorgon may wish to use the ixixachitl to further the ambitions of the tanar'ri in the Blood War, although how they could help him is not clear. What is known is that Demogorgon has a hatred of Sekolah the sahuagin god; some myths portray the tanar'ri as a one-time vassal of Sekolah, magically compelled to service through an artifact. Demogorgon does not direct ixixachitl attacks specifically at sahuagin, but he is pleased if his servants happen to find themselves in a position where sahuagin are the logical next target for their massed attacks.
From the ixixachitl's point of view, they may be gaining power from their association with Demogorgon—as is the tanar'ri lord himself. Through some strange warp in the Abyss, it may be that the actions of vampiric ixixachitl in energy draining victims (in sacrifices in many instances) somehow transfer magical energy to Demogorgon and strengthen him. This twist in the planar fabric may somehow amplify and transform this energy, and some of it appears to create a backlash on the ixixachitl, who have become more powerful spellcasters than they once were. The fact that vampiric ixixachitl alone can become the most powerful priests seems to support this hypothesis.
In some worlds, a handful of half-insane human cultists revere Demogorgon; bloodthirsty pirates and cutthroats may be drawn to him. As yet, Demogorgon has no human priests, but in some world at some time this may yet come to pass. Certainly the tanar'ri lord seems to be growing in power, as his use of planar shifting magic (usually not possible for tanar'ri) shows.
角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:
Demogorgon usually restricts dispatching his avatars carefully. They are mostly sent in secret to advise and scheme with vampiric ixixachitl priests, and to confer shortterm additional powers on them in preparation for battle. Demogorgon's avatar will not readily become involved in any combats, but may lurk in the background, supporting his servants with spells and magic use.
神职AoC:能量吸取energy drains,支配domination;
徽记SY:分叉之尾forked tail。
AL ce; WAL ce (ixixachitl); AoC energy drains, domination; SY forked tail.
狄摩高根的化身Demogorgon's Avatar
(祭司Priest 14)
The avatar appears as a huge double-headed reptilian with babboonlike heads, scaly blue-green skin, and powerful lizardlike legs. He has a thick, forked tail. He uses spells from all priest spheres, always using reversed spells where applicable.
力量 17,敏捷 17,体质 18,
智力 19,感知 19,魅力 19,
移动 15,游泳15,体型 超大型H(18呎),魔抗 20%,
防御等级 0,生命骰 14,生命值 112,
#攻击 3次,零级命中值 7,伤害 d4 +1/ d4 +1(爪抓) d6 + 1(尾击)
Str 17 Dex 17 Con 18
Int 19 Wis 19 Cha 19
MV 15 sw 15 SZ H(18') MR 20%
AC 0 HD 14 HP 112
#AT 3 THAC0 7 Dmg d4 +1/ d4 +1(claws) d6 + 1(tail)
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
该化身只受基于寒冷和火焰的攻击、以及气体攻击的半数伤害,并且他免疫能量吸取、毒素、电击攻击、以及心灵控制魔法。化身爪抓将 造成疾病cause disease,24小时内若未被魔法治愈将致死;甚至在6回合内,该疾病也会造成受害者失去一条肢体 (它将简单地脱落),并失去当前生命值的20%。尾击命中将能量吸取1-2等级,除非进行了成功的对抗即死魔法豁免骰(-4罚值)。每日1次,他可以施展:魅惑人类charm person、魅惑怪物charm monster、支配术domination、超感ESP、弱智术feeblemind、进阶隐形术improved invisibility、变形自我polymorph self、位面转移plane shift。每日各1次,该化身能使用能使用凝视武器最多60呎;从他的左首释放的是 诱骗beguiling,而从他的右首释放的则是 精神错乱insanity(如同对应徽记)。
The avatar takes half damage from cold- and fire-based attacks and gaseous attacks, and he is immune to energy drains, poison, electrical attacks, and mind-controlling magic. The avatar's claws cause disease that is fatal in 24 hours unless magically cured; even within 6 turns, the disease causes the loss of one limb which simply drops off, the victim losing 20% of current hit points. A tail hit energy drains 1-2 levels unless a successful saving throw versus death magic is made (at -4). Once per day he may cast:charm person, charm monster, domination, ESP, feeblemind, improved invisibility,polymorph self, and plane shift. Once per day, each, the avatar can use gaze weapons to 60'; from his left head beguiling and from his right head insanity (as the symbol).
祭职者的职责Duties of the Priesthood
Demogorgon's ixixachitl priests must protect and strengthen their communities and lairs, building up strength for massive all-out attacks on neighboring sentient creatures. They then settle part of the newly-decimated area, build and strengthen themselves again, and may wait decades before making new major forays against other creatures.
The vampiric ixixachitl priests are of major importance and will not often be in the front line of combat. They will attempt to control the others, to ensure a good supply of captured creatures which can be energy drained in sacrifice rather than slain out of hand. The priests may even keep captives of immature age (sea elves, tritons, and the like), waiting for them to attain adulthood so that they have more life energy to drain during their terrible ritual sacrifices.
特殊能力PW:1)来自基于寒冷的攻击伤害减半;5)来自基于火焰攻击伤害减半;10)若祭司 能量吸取energy drains 了某位受害者,它将恢复2d4等级的法术;
AB Wis 13; AL ce (ixixachitl only); WP any; AR any; SP all, animal*, chaos*, combat, divination, guardian*, healing(rev), necromantic(rev), protection*, summoning*, sun(rev); PW 1) Half-damage from cold-based attacks;5) Half-damage from fire-based attacks; 10) if the priest energy drains a victim it regains 2d4 spell levels of cast spells; TU command at -4 levels; LL 8(12 if vampiric and has exceptional Wisdom); HD 1 + 1 per 2 levels gained after 2nd; Shamans no.
特别备注Special notes:
Special notes:For level limits, ordinary ixixachitl priests can attain 8th level, maximum, with any wisdom score higher than 13 (the basic requirement for being an ixixachitl priest). Vampiric ixixachitl priests can progress to 9th level with Wisdom 14-15,10th level with Wisdom 16-17,11th level with Wisdom 18 and 12th level with Wisdom 19 +. The hit dice progression in full is:Pr 1-3, 1 +1 HD; Pr 4-5, 2 + 2 HD; Pr 6-7, 3 + 3 HD; Pr 8-9, 4 + 4 HD; Pr 10-11, 5 + 5 HD; Pr 12, 6 + 6 HD.