2eSP<Realmspace.p073>群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
群星中的宗教Religion in the Stars
牧師和專屬祭司們往往會因恐懼失去施法能力而擔心進入 荒宇wildspace。其實對這點無需再有疑問。當然,當牧師或是祭司進入太空時,他們神明的神力的確會發生一些改變,但多數時候,這些改變還沒到讓角色感到沮喪的地步。
Clerics and specialty priests tend to worry about heading into wildspace because they fear the loss of their spell casting abilities. There no longer need be any doubt. Granted, when a cleric or priest heads in space, some of the powers of their gods do change, but for the most part, the changes are not drastic enough to warrant any frustration from the character.
有些改變是積極的,但偶爾,神力可能會有所削弱、乃至消失——尤其是在祭司們進入 燃素海the phlogiston、與其神明失去一切接觸的時候。在進入到晶壁系中時,某一角色是否會與他的神明完全而徹底的分離?接下來的章節將詳述:魔法船牧師與專屬祭司在荒宇中時,諸神與他們的關係、以及諸神本身。
Often these changes are positive, but occasionally, the powers can wane somewhat, or even disappear, especially when the priest heads out into the phlogiston and loses all touch with his god. Is there ever a complete and total separation between god and character while inside the crystal sphere? This next chapter describes the gods and their relationships with spelljamming clerics and specialty priests while in wildspace.
(黑暗之主The Black Lord)
修羅場之強大神力Greater Power of Acheron
據信,班恩Bane 已在 動盪之年Time of Troubles 期間隕落,但他的前信徒們對其仍然忠心耿耿。其正統信徒相信他仍然活着,希瑞克Cyric 神不過是班恩奪取了其祂兩位隕落神明——米爾寇Myrkul 與 巴爾Bhaal 神力後的新形態罷了。而已皈依的 班恩教徒Banites 覺得班恩事實上已經隕落,希瑞克繼承了王位、成為了紛爭之神,希瑞克目前掌管着班恩的「辦公室」。
Bane is believed to have died during the Time of Troubles, but there still is a strong vassalage among his former worshipers. The orthodox believers think that he is still alive, but that the god Cyric is merely a new form of Bane, expanded to take the powers of the other dead gods, Myrkul and Bhaal. The transformed Banites feel that Bane is actually dead, Cyric takes the mantle and position as god of strife, and it is the "office" of Bane that Cyric now holds.
無論正統還是已皈依的班恩教徒都會 七彩噴射星雲Color Spray Nebula 之中和附近集中居住。正統教徒相信這團星雲代表着他們神明的盛怒,將來到晶壁系中製造混亂與衝突,而已皈依的教徒則認為星雲實際上是動盪之年期間隕落的三位神明的本質。
There is a strong concentration of both orthodox and transformed Banites living near and in the Color Spray Nebula. The orthodox worshipers believe that this nebulosity is the wrath of their god, come to the sphere to wreak havoc and strife, while the transformed worshipers feel that the nebula is actually the life essence of the three gods that died during the Time of Trouble.
你可以發現班恩教徒在保衛星雲的邊界、抵禦來自魔法船種族與冒險者的入侵。這就是為什麼許多在太空中旅行的班恩祭司身上覆蓋着野生、惡性、癌變的東西。有關 七彩噴射星雲Color Spray Nebula 的更多信息,請參閱 附錄-天文Additional Astronomicals 一章。
Banites can be found protecting the nebula borders from the intrusion of spelljamming races and adventurers. This is why many of these spacefaring priests of Bane have wild, malignant, cancerous growths covering their bodies. See the Additional Astronomicals section for more information regarding the Color Spray Nebula.
班恩的祭司們在荒宇中不會獲得或失去任何施法能力。在置身 燃素海the phlogiston 時,他們能夠給施展自己主要領域的法術,但只能以更慢的速度、得授3級或更低等級的法術。每擁有一個經驗值等級,祭司就能每天獲得1法術等級的的法術。
The priests of Bane do not gain or lose any spell casting abilities while in wildspace. When they enter the phlogiston, they are unable to receive or cast any spells at all. If they enter an other sphere, they are able to cast spells from their major sphere, but they receive spells only of third level and lower, and at a slower rate. For every Tevel of experience possessed, a priest gain one spell level of spells per day.
5eFR<Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.p026>班恩Bane
班恩Bane,暴政之神god of tyranny 守序邪惡LE 戰爭War 豎立的黑色右手,拇指與其它手指併攏Upright black hand,thumb and fingers together
黑手 The Black Hand,黑暗之主 the Lord of Darkness
Bane has a simple ethos: the strong have not just the right but the duty to rule over the weak. A tyrant who is able to seize power must do so, for not only does the tyrant benefit, but so do those under the tyrant's rule. When a ruler succumbs to decadence, corruption, or decrepitude, a stronger and more suitable ruler will rise.
Bane is vilified in many legends. Throughout history, those who favor him have committed dark deeds in his name, but most people don't worship Bane out of malice. Bane represents ambition and control, and those who have the former but lack the latter pray to him to give them strength. It is said that Bane favors those who exhibit drive and courage, and that he aids those who seek to become conquerors, carving kingdoms from the wilderness, and bringing order to the lawless.
在 費倫大陸Faerûn 的許多時間和地點,班恩信徒由於屠殺襲擊者,推翻腐敗的統治者,或挽救瀕臨失敗的軍隊,而被視為救世主。但是在其他一樣多的地方,班恩信徒在創造或支持殘酷的獨裁統治,協助商業壟斷,或者帶來之前不存在的奴隸制。
At many times and in many places in Faerûn, the faithful of Bane have been seen as saviors for their efforts in slaughtering raiders, throwing down corrupt rulers, or saving armies on the brink of defeat. But in just as many other places, the worship of Bane has created or supported cruel dictatorships, aided mercantile monopolies, or brought about the practice of slavery where before it didn't exist.