瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil,叶之主 | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | RILL-ih-fane RALL-uh-thihl |
【别名/面相】 | ¢席德瑞恩诸神:瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil,熊Bear,鹰Eagle,大乌鸦Raven,狼Wolf ¢攸尔诸神:瑞卡Relkath,马格纳尔Magnar |
【头 衔】 | ¢瑞里芬·莱勒菲:叶之主The Leaflord,野性者the Wild One,伟大橡树the Great Oak ¢瑞卡:无限分枝of the Infinite Branches,繁枝the Many-Branched,繁肢the Many-Limbed,攸木林的老者Old Man of the Yuirwood |
【阵 营】 | CG |
【神 力】 | ¢瑞里芬·莱勒菲:I ¢瑞卡&马格纳尔:D |
【神 职】 | 林地Woodlands,自然nature,野精灵wild elves,德鲁伊druids |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | ¢瑞里芬·莱勒菲:席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine ¢瑞卡&马格纳尔:攸尔诸神Gods of the Yuir |
【主 神】 | 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian |
【盟 友】 | 贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,埃达丝Eldath,埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien,梅丽凯Mielikki,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,西凡纳斯Silvanus,斯凯里特Skerrit,奥伯龙Oberon,奥西里斯Osiris,泰坦妮亚Titania,维拉内斯芮Verenestra,席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine,各种动物领主various Animal Lords |
【敌 对】 | 犸拉Malar,摩安多Moander,塔洛斯Talos,空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness,卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee) |
【从 神】 | 奇丽思·索丝瑞尔Kirith Sotheril,阿拉丝琳·德拉娜Alathrien Druanna |
【神 仆】 | 熊Bear,鹰Eagle,大乌鸦Raven,狼Wolf |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | ¢神国1:奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus/阿梵多国度Arvandor ¢神国2:喜乐王庭Seelie Court |
【徽 记】 | 橡树叶Oak tree |
【简 介】 | 瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil 是林地的保护者,是自然之和谐的守护人。他常被他的祭司们与一株巨大超凡的橡树联系起来,那棵树是如此的庞大,以至于它的根系与 诸国度the Realms 中其它一切植物的根系交结在一起,这株橡树矗立在 阿梵多国度Arvandor 的中心——奥林匹斯山Olympus 的 至高森林the High Forest。 |
2eFR<Demihuman Deities.pP.120>瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil
瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil
(叶之主The Leaflord,野性者the Wild One,伟大橡树the Great Oak,繁枝the Many-Branched,繁肢the Many-Limbed,攸木林的老者Old Man of the Yuirwood)
奔放之野中等神力Intermediate Power of Arborea,
神职Portfolio:林地Woodlands,自然nature,野精灵wild elves,德鲁伊druids
别名ALIASES:熊Bear,鹰Eagle,大乌鸦Raven,狼Wolf,“无限分枝”瑞卡Relkath of the Infinite Branches,“熊”马格纳尔Magnar the Bear
神域名DOMAIN NAME:奥林匹斯Olympus/阿梵多国度Arvandor 或 喜乐王庭Seelie Court
主神SUPERIOR:柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
盟友ALLIES:贝尔凡·野游者Baervan Wildwanderer,希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee,伊莉丝翠Eilistraee,埃达丝Eldath,埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien,梅丽凯Mielikki,席拉·佩莉萝尔Sheela Peryroyl,西凡纳斯Silvanus,斯凯里特Skerrit,奥伯龙Oberon,奥西里斯Osiris,泰坦妮亚Titania,维拉内斯芮Verenestra,席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine,各种动物领主various Animal Lords
敌对FOES:犸拉Malar,摩安多Moander(消逝dead),塔洛斯Talos,空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness,卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee)
徽记SYMBOL:橡树叶Oak tree
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil(读作“RILL-ih-fane RALL-uh-thihl”)是林地的保护者,是自然之和谐的守护人。他常被他的祭司们与一株巨大超凡的橡树联系起来,那棵树是如此的庞大,以至于它的根系与 诸国度the Realms 中其它一切植物的根系交结在一起,这株橡树矗立在 阿梵多国度Arvandor 的中心——奥林匹斯山Olympus 的 至高森林the High Forest。这株巨树将绿精灵所居住的林地中的四季与生命的一切低潮与高潮都吸引到了它体内。在同时,它在一切种类的疾病、掠食与攻击面前守御和滋养着那些土地。叶之主是 泰'奎瑟一族Tel'Quessir 的守护神,并受到许多 弗钦巨人voadkyn 的崇敬。
Rillifane Rallathil (RILL-ih-fane RALL-uh-thihl) is protector of the woodlands and guardian of the harmony of nature. He is often likened by his priests to a giant ethereal oak tree, so huge that its roots mingle with the roots of every other plant in the Realms, that stands at the heart of Arvandor, the High Forest of Olympus. The great tree draws into itself all the ebb and flow of seasons and lives within the woodlands of the green elves. At the same time, it defends and sustains those lands against disease, predation, and assaults of all kinds. The Leaflord is the patron of the Sy-Tel'Quessir and revered by many voadkyn.
在塞-泰'奎瑟一族定居到 攸木林the Yuirwood 时,席德瑞恩诸神融合了古老的 攸尔诸神the gods of the Yuir,将祂们转化为了精灵神系各种神力的面相。其中 “熊”马格纳尔Magnar the Bear 和 “无限分枝”瑞卡Relkath of the Infinite Branches(也被称作 繁枝the Many-Branched、繁肢the Many-Limbed、以及 攸木林的老者Old Man of the Yuirwood),都变成了叶之主的面相。瑞卡轻易遭到了叶之主本质的融合,并缓慢地被再生为了叶之主本质的一尊原始的面相,而在过去的岁月中,叶之主的本质已被 优雅族裔the Fair Folk 日益驯服的生活方式掩去了光泽,即便是在塞-泰'奎瑟一族中也是如此。由于这种内心微妙的变化,在自瑞卡遭吸收的诸世纪以来,瑞里芬的原始灵魂已极有效地复原了。在同时期,塞-泰'奎瑟一族和 查-泰'奎瑟一族the Cha-Tel'Quessir(攸木林的半绿精灵)也复兴了他们最原始祖先的道路,并恢复了他们的部落文化,避免了伟大绿精灵文明(如 伊尔法兰Illefarn、塞尼塔亚Thearnytaar、艾伊鲁尔Eiellur、以及 塞奥比尔Syorpiir)接班人的形成。与瑞卡遭叶之主吸收的明显影响作用,在被吸收后“熊”马格纳尔几乎完全被融入了,甚至是在查-泰'奎瑟一族中也几无记忆。攸木林的半精灵只是在讲述着“马格纳尔的大长眠Magnar's Great Sleep”,说已经沉眠了诸世纪之长冬眠的“熊”仍未醒来。
When the Sy-Tel'Quessir settled the Yuirwood, the Seldarine merged with the ancient gods of the Yuir, transforming them into aspects of the various powers of the elven pantheon. Both Magnar the Bear and Relkath of the Infinite Branches, also known as Many-Limbed, Many-Branched, and the Old Man of the Yuirwood, became aspects of the Leaflord. Relkath easily merged with and slowly reinvigorated a primitive facet of the Leaflord's nature that had been slowly overshadowed over the ages by the increasingly tamed way of life of the Fair Folk, even among the Sy-Tel'Quessir. As a result of this subtle change of heart, in the centuries since absorbing Relkath, Rillifane's primordial spirit has returned to the fore to great effect. Concurrently, the Sy-Tel'Quessir and Cha'Tel'Quessir (half-elves of the Yuirwood) have rediscovered the ways of their most primitive ancestors and reforged their tribal cultures, eschewing the formation of successors to the great green elven civilizations such as Illefarn, Thearnytaar, Eiellur, and Syorpiir. In contrast to the obvious impact of the absorption of Relkath by the Leaflord, Magnar the Bear was almost totally subsumed after being absorbed, and this aspect of Rillifane is little remembered even among Cha-Tel'Quessir. The half-elves of the Yuirwood speak only of Magnar's Great Sleep, a centuries-long hibernation from which the Bear has yet to emerge.
很像 乌塔欧Ubtao、乌鲁提欧Ulutiu、以及 乌斯伽Uthgar,瑞里芬被一大群 高等精魂great spirits 侍奉着,包括原始的 熊Bear(被查-泰'奎瑟一族与“熊”马格纳尔合并了)、鹰Eagle、大乌鸦Raven、狼Wolf、以及其祂。叶之主的那些面相只被塞-泰'奎瑟一族和少许查-泰'奎瑟一族承认,而其他亚种的精灵或半精灵则并非如此。然而,不同于那些神力的崇拜者,瑞里芬的追随者们并不专门崇敬任何一位高等精魂(虽然他们在遥远的过去可能也曾这样做过)。相对的,叶之主的信徒会契合手头的情况,号令一只或多只与他们的神明相关联的精魂。瑞里芬与 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 全体成员、以及大部分森林与妖精神力关系良好。叶之主主要关心的是让所有生物都有机会扮演它们在自然中的角色而不滥用它们,这是瑞里芬与优雅族裔伟大的创造者与保护者 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 共同关心的议题。杉岚德瑞Thelandira 与瑞里芬亲密协作,致力于保存和保护自然世界,但他们对于狩猎有本质的分歧。基于 伟大弓手the Great Archer 与叶之主之间缔结的联盟精神考虑,索罗诺尔Solonor 禁止他的祭司和追随者们在瑞里芬徘徊不去的林中狩猎,令人敬畏的存在警告他们不要如此,除非他们有急迫重大的需求。虽然瑞里芬允许饥饿的人们以狩猎取食,但他厌恶为炫耀而打猎。瑞里芬与 “树人国王”埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien the Treant-King 和 “橡树之父”西凡纳斯Silvanus the Oak Father 关系亲密。此三神之间的会话内容繁冗,似乎没完没了,因为此三者中没有一位会进行仓促的判断或表达。瑞里芬一直是 喜乐王庭the Seelie Court 一位尊敬的客人,除了与埃曼提恩基安外,他与 “护林人”斯凯里特Skerrit the Forester 关系最为友好,并经常被与 “橡树公主”维拉内斯芮Verenestra the Oak Princess 浪漫地联系起来。
Much like Ubtao, Ulutiu, and Uthgar, Rillifane is served by a host of great spirits including the primeval Bear (comingled with Magnar the Bear by the Cha-Tel'Quessir), Eagle, Raven, and Wolf, among others. These aspects of the Leaflord are recognized only by the Sy-Tel'Quessir and a few Cha-Tel'Quessir and not by the other elven or half-elven subraces. Unlike those other powers' worshipers, however, Rillifane's followers do not venerate any one great spirit exclusively, although they may have done so in the distant past. Instead, the Leaflord's faithful call upon one or more spirits associated with their god as appropriate for the situation at hand. Rillifane is on good terms with all the Seldarine, as well as most sylvan and faerie powers. The Leaflord's primary concern is that all creatures have the opportunity to act out their roles in nature without abusing them, a concern Rillifane shares with Corellon Larethian, the great creator and protector of the Fair Folk. Solonor Thelandira and Rillifane work together closely to preserve and protect the natural world, but they do differ fundamentally on the issue of hunting. In the spirit of the alliance that binds the Great Archer and the Leaflord, Solonor does not permit his priests and followers to hunt within the woods where Rillifane's brooding, forbidding presence cautions against this, unless their need is great. While Rillifane permits hunting for food by hungry folk, he detests hunting for sport. Rillifane is closely allied with Emmantiensien the Treant-King and Silvanus the Oak Father. The trio's conversations are many and seemingly endless to others, as none of the three is given to hasty thought or expression. Rillifane is always a respected guest at the Seelie Court, and aside from Emmantiensien, he is friendliest with Skerrit the Forester and often romantically linked with Verenestra the Oak Princess.
瑞里芬安静、沉思、亘古不变。他是席德瑞恩诸神中最不轻浮者、最不可能心血来潮的人,并且常常是严肃而自私的。叶之主极少派遣化身的 主物质面the Prime,他不喜欢直接行动,而更喜欢通过他的牧师来实现他的意愿。瑞里芬的化身只会在 泰'奎瑟一族Tel'Quessir(通常是塞-泰'奎瑟一族)的栖息地受到重大破坏的威胁时派出。骤然的狂风摇曳着树上的叶子预示着这样的化身神临,对他的祭司而言,这是一种明确无误的征兆。
Rillifane is quiet, reflective, and enduring over eons unchanged. He is the least flighty of all the Seldarine, the least likely to act on a whim, and often grave and self-absorbed. The Leaflord rarely sends an avatar to the Prime, disliking direct action and preferring that his priests carry out his wishes. Rillifane's avatar appears only when major destruction of a Tel'Quessir (usually Sy-Tel'Quessir) habitat is threatened. The appearance of such an avatar is heralded by sudden gusts of wind shaking leaves from the trees, a sign unmistakable to his priests.
瑞里芬的化身Rillifane's Avatar
(德鲁伊Druid 34,游侠Ranger 33,吟游诗人Bard 23,巫师Mage 18)
Rillifane appears as a green-skinned male elf clad in armor of living bark, armed with a great greenwood staff or long bow. He makes no sound as he moves, speaks very rarely, and fires his bow in silence. He favors spells from the spheres of all, animal, elemental, healing, plant, sun, weather, thought, and time and from the elemental schools, although he can cast spells from any sphere or school.
防御等级 -3;移动 15,生命值 227;零级命中值 -10;#攻击 2次
伤害1d6+15(+5 铁头棍,+8 力量,+2 专精于铁头棍) 或 1d6+13(+5 长弓,+8 力量)
魔抗 50%;体型 中型M(6呎高)
力量 20,敏捷 21,体质 22,智力 20,感知 23,魅力 19
法术 祭司P:Spells P:15/14/13/13/11/10/9,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 4;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 5
AC -3; MV 15; HP 227; THAC0 -10;#AT 2
Dmg 1d6+15 (quarterstaff +5,+8 STR,+2 spec. bonus in quarterstaff) or 1d6+13 (long bow +5,+8 STR)
MR 50%; SZ M (6 feet tall)
STR 20, DEX 21, CON 22, INT 20, Wis 23, CHA 19
Spells P:15/14/13/13/11/10/9, W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1
Saves PPDM 2, RSW 4, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 5
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
瑞里芬挥舞着 橡杖Oakstaff,那是一柄有着 林地法杖staff of the woodlands、虫群法杖swarming insects、以及 雷电法杖staff of thunder and lightning 全部力量的 +5铁头棍。随意使用,叶之主能将 橡杖 变成 一张 +5长弓。任何从瑞里芬的弓中射出的箭都能伤害到任何种类的生物,即便是那些只会受到特定魔法加值的武器影响到的生物。任何被从这张弓、由此化身射出的箭击中的生物,都必须成功通过对抗法术豁免检定,否则将立即死亡。此外,如上所列的猎箭伤害是不变的。瑞里芬通常携带着1d3件其它各种各样、也适应其作为一位林地或元素神力的魔法物品(例如 控制土元素戒指ring of elemental (earth) command、灭火魔杖flame extinguishing、夸尔的羽符Quaal's feather token 等等)。
Rillifane wields the Oakstaff, a quarterstaff +5 with all the powers of a staff of the woodlands, a staff of swarming insects, and a staff of thunder and lightning. At will, the Leaflord can cause the Oakstaff to transform into a long bow +5. Any arrow shot from Rillifane's bow can damage any type of being, even those affected only by weapons of a certain magical bonus. Any creature struck by an arrow fired from this bow by the avatar must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or die instantly. Otherwise, flight arrow damage, as noted above, is sustained. Rillifane usually carries 1d3 other miscellaneous magical items of a kind suitable to his nature as a woodland or elemental power with him as well (such as a ring of elemental (earth) command, wand of flame extinguishing, Quaal's feather token, etc.).
类似于4级祭司法术 召来林地生物call woodland,每天,叶之主能召唤最多100生命骰的森林或自然林地生物为他服务。每日各3次,只需轻挥手,这尊化身就能施展以下效果:魅惑人类或哺乳动物charm person or mammal、熄火术fire quench、驱离木材turn wood、棘墙术wall of thorns 以及 曲木术warp wood。随意使用,他可以在施展 树化术tree(橡树)或是在林中使用 植物传送术transport via plants, 他还能使用 植物交谈术speak with plants。叶之主在林地中移动时,有99%的可能性将完全无声。
Similar to the 4th-level priest spell call woodland beings, the Leaflord may summon up to 100 Hit Dice of sylvan or natural woodland creatures to do his bidding each day. With a wave of his hand, the avatar can cast each of the following effects three times per day:charm person or mammal, fire quench, turn wood, wall of thorns, and warp wood. At will, he may cast tree (oak) or employ transport via plants in woodlands and speak with plants. The Leaflord's movements in woodlands are 99% likely to be absolutely silent.
瑞里芬无法被 造成X伤、疾病、毒素、气体攻击或是 能量吸取伤害到。瑞里芬只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
Rillifane cannot be harmed by caused wounds, diseases, poisons, gas attacks, or energy drains. Rillifane can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.
其祂显现Other Manifestations
瑞里芬很少显现,但当他如此做时,他会采取笼罩着一只生物或一棵树的绿色或琥珀色光晕的形式。任何被如此笼罩的生物将被赋予力量,施展一道来自动物或植物领域的法术。被授予给该生物的典型力量包括:动物友善术animal friendship、神莓goodberry、定位动植物locate animal or plant、行踪无迹pass without trace、动物交谈术speak with animals、植物交谈术、或 树化术,所有这些都如施法者为7级祭司(若其本身祭司等级并未更高)般施展。任何被叶之主的灵光笼罩的树木将被活化为一位拥有在最大生命值的树人。有时这样的变化会是永久的,而有时这棵树将在侍奉瑞里芬一段时间后,回复到其原始形态。
Rillifane manifests infrequently, but when he does it takes the form of a green or amber nimbus that envelops a creature or tree. Any creature so enveloped gains the power to cast a single priest spell from the spheres of animal or plant. Typical powers granted to creatures include animal friendship, goodberry, locate animal or plant, pass without trace, speak with animals, speak with plants, or tree, all of which are cast as if the caster were a 7th-level priest (if she or he is not already higher). Any tree enveloped by the Leaflord's aura animates as a treant of maximum hit points. Sometimes such changes are permanent, and other times the tree reverts to its original form after serving Rillifane for a period of time.
席德瑞恩诸神呼唤 辉赫神使agathinon、阿修罗asuras、以及 远古树人ancient treant 作为他们首选的神仆,但也被以下存在侍奉着:aasimar、aasimon、alaghi、琥珀龙、微蛉精、獾、半人羊、熊、belabra、曲魔兽、bomhardii beetles、buraq、cantobeles、精猫cath shee、半人马、库希灵犬、树精、土元素、einheriar、雅灵、精灵猫、ethyks、妖精龙、feystags、福犬、森林精魂、巨猞猁、巨茅膏菜、grigs、hamadryads、hol-lyphants、hybsils、美洲豹、丛林巨人、丛林巨蛇、kholiathra、leopards、矮妖、lythari、雾龙、mold men、猴蛛、月马、自然元素、norans、仙灵、天鹅仙女、山狮、水精、oreads、猫头鹰、皮克精、豪猪、伪龙、quickwood、ratatosk、可敬者reverend ones、喜乐精灵、银犬、歌唱树、skunks、小型森林哺乳动物、stag beetles、sunflies、风精、能言猫头鹰、thornies、thylacines、老虎、独角兽、vampire moss、森林的守护野兽、熊人、野猪人、虎人、野猪、野鹿、wolverines、狼、以及木巨人。他通过发现以下来演示其眷顾:琥珀amber、翡翠emerald、微斜长石microline、单片叶子或整棵树的颜色突变、新枝的萌芽和快速生长、或是毫不恐惧可以抚摸的森林动物突然出现。叶之主通过以下来预示他的不悦:使得整条树枝的叶子突然落在冒犯者的脚前、创造快速连续、反复再三的树枝断裂声、或是造成一种物品(例如一颗橡子)从空中落下,击中冒犯者的头部。
The Seldarine call on agathinon, asuras, and ancient treants as their preferred servants, but Rillifane is also served by aasimar, aasimon, alaghi, amber dragons, atomies, badgers, bariaurs, bears, belabra, bhaergala, bomhardii beetles, buraq, cantobeles, cath shee, centaurs, cooshee, dryads, earth elementals, einheriar, eladrins, elven cats, ethyks, faerie dragons, feystags, foo dogs, forest spirits, giant lynxes, giant sundews, grigs, hamadryads, hol-lyphants, hybsils, jaguars, jungle giants, jungle snakes, kholiathra, leopards, leprechauns, lythari, mist dragons, mold men, monkey spiders, moon-horses, nature elementals, norans, sprites, swanmays, mountain lions, nymphs, oreads, owls, pixies, porcupines, pseudodragons, quickwood, ratatosk, reverend ones, seelie faeries, silver dogs, singing trees, skunks, small forest mammals, stag beetles, sunflies, sylphs, talking owls, thornies, thylacines, tigers, unicorns, vampire moss, warden beasts of the forests, werebears, wereboars, weretigers, wild boars, wild stags, wolverines, wolves, and wood giants. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of amber, emeralds, microline, the sudden changing of colors of a single leaf or an entire tree, the budding and rapid growth of a new tree limb, or the sudden appearance of a forest animal that approaches to be petted without fear. The Leaflord indicates his displeasure by causing the leaves of an entire branch to suddenly fall off in front of the offending individual's feet, creating the sound of twigs repeatedly snapping in a rapid succession, or causing an object such as an acorn to fall out of the sky and strike the offending individual on the head.
教会The Church
神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;德鲁伊D:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No
呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;德鲁伊D:不可No;潜修者Mys:不可No
瑞里芬的所有牧师(包括兼职的半精灵牧师)、潜修者和专属祭司(包括兼职的半精灵专属祭司)得到 宗教知识religion(精灵elf) 和 阅读/书写reading/writing(月精灵文Espruar) 作为非武器熟练奖励。几乎所有塞-泰'奎瑟一族都崇敬他,而他的祭司们也充当着大部分绿精灵部落和社区的精神与世俗领袖。其他亚种的优雅族裔因叶之主教会支持自然之优越性的原则立场而对其极其钦佩,而无论他们旅行到哪,都会饱受尊敬。不过,一些瑞里芬的神职成员不妥协的立场,有时会引向与 艾尔-泰'奎瑟一族the Ar-Tel'Quessir、忒-泰'奎瑟一族the Teu-Tel'Quessir 以及其祂席德瑞恩诸神教派的这三方的领导人,在策略和阶级两者上的冲突。半身人(尤其是高佬半身人)、侏儒(尤其是林侏)、半人马以及 半人羚hybsil,若生活在精灵林地边境之内或之上,都会向叶之主奉上敬意。矮人极少与居住在森林中的瑞里芬追随者发生接触或是冲突,而人类倾向于将叶之主看作橡树之父西凡纳斯更为原始和野性的一面。
All clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics), mystics, and Specialty Priests(including multiclassed half-elven specialty priests) of Rillifane receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (Espruar) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Rillifane is venerated by nearly all the Sy-Tel'Quessir, and his priests serve as the spiritual and moral leaders of most green elven tribes and communities. The Leaflord's church is greatly admired by the other subraces of the Fair Folk for its principled stand in favor of the preeminence of nature, and the faith's priests are widely respected wherever they travel. Nevertheless, the uncompromising stance of some members of Rillifane's clergy sometimes leads to conflicts over both tactics and degree with the leaders of the Ar-Tel'Quessir, the Teu-Tel'Quessir, and other churches of the Seldarine. Halflings, particularly tallfellows, gnomes, particularly forest gnomes, centaurs, and hybsils all pay homage to the Leaflord if they live in or on the border of elven woodlands. Dwarves rarely come into contact or conflict with the forest-dwelling followers of Rillifane, and humans tend to view the Leaflord as simply an even more primitive and wild aspect of Silvanus the Oak Father.
Rillifane's temples are actually huge oak trees with platforms built among the branches and vine bridges connecting them to each other and platforms in adjoining trees. Shrines of the Leaflord, always a grand oak tree deep within the depths of a forest but too small to serve as a temple of the Leaflord, are chosen by members of Rillifane's clergy after receiving a dream or vision directing them to particular tree. Such shrines are marked by the priest with a carving of a small canary in the trunk about 2 feet from the ground. With the cutting back of forests and the subsequent growth of trees selected as shrines, it is not unheard of for such symbols to be discovered high above the ground and/or on the edge of a much-shrunken woods. Should a shrine be defiled in any way, the dedicating druid (or nearest worshiper of Rillifane if the druid is dead) instantly knows of the action and is expected to do everything possible to bring about the defiler's death.
瑞里芬的初修士名为 橡子Acorns。叶之主的正式祭司名为 橡树之心Oakhearts。依升序,瑞里芬教派Rillifanean 祭司使用的头衔如下:矮苏树Felsul、银树皮Silverbark、针柏树Laspar、椭冠树Hiexel、蓝叶树Blueleaf、旋枝树Phandar、暗木树Duskwood、耸影树Shadowtop、以及 堰木树Weirwood。高阶祭司拥有独特的个人头衔,而德鲁伊们则有反映了他们在信仰分支中地位的头衔。专属祭司名为 德鲁伊druids(或是 皮行者skinwalkers)。瑞里芬的神职人员包括绿精灵(52%)、月精灵(26%)、兽化精灵lythari(8%)、金精灵(6%)、各种祖先的半精灵(4%)、弗钦巨人(3%)、以及一小撮其余种族的精灵(1%)。瑞里芬的神职人员以专属祭司为主导(75%,包括兼职的半精灵专属祭司),此外还有牧师(20%,包括兼职的半精灵牧师)和潜修者(5%)。瑞里芬的神职人员包含相当平均的男性(51%)和女性(49%)成员。
Novices of Rillifane are known as Acorns. Full priests of the Leaflord are known as Oakhearts. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Rillifanean priests are Felsul, Silverbark, Laspar, Hiexel, Blueleaf, Phandar, Duskwood, Shadowtop, and Weirwood. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles, and druids have titles reflecting their place in the hierarchy of that branch of the faith as well. Specialty priests are known as druids (or skinwalkers). The clergy of Rillifane includes green elves (52%), moon elves (26%), lythari (8%), gold elves (6%), half-elves of various ancestries (4%), voadkyn (3%), and a handful of other elven races as well (1%). Rillifane's clergy is dominated by Specialty Priests(75%), including multiclassed half-elven specialty priests, but includes clerics (20%), including multiclassed half-elven clerics, and mystics (5%) as well. The clergy of Rillifane contains a pretty even number of male (51%) and female (49%) members.
The Great Oak draws energy from all the living creatures of the world and nourishes, sustains, and protects them from outside threats. Live in harmony with the natural world, allowing each living being the opportunity to serve out its natural purpose in life. As the Leaflord's countless branches, his faithful are to serve as his mortal agents in the natural world. Defend the great forests from those who would ravage their riches, leaving only destruction in their path. Contest both the quick and the slow death of Rillifane's bounty and hold strong like the great oaks in the face of those who can see only their own immediate needs.
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
The church of the Leaflord generally keeps to itself, extending itself only to help fellow elves and other sylvan beings. The church hierarchy is organized regionally and divided into branches, as each type of priest serves a specific role. The druids who compose the bulk of Rillifane's clergy tend to the health of the forests and those who dwell within, fiercely contesting any attempt to further reduce those forests that remain. Many clerics serve as ambassadors of the faith, working outside the communities of the Sy-Tel'Quessir to educate other races and even other elven subraces how to better dwell in harmony with nature. The few mystics found within the clergy act much as individual druids do, eschewing the formal organization of the circles. In times of war, however, the leaders of each region unite the branches of the faith and the Sy-Tel'Quessir warriors into a single force.
瑞里芬的祭司们极度仇恨那些为炫耀而狩猎、恶意或不必要地伤害树木之人。尤为突出的是,所有瑞里芬祭司都对 犸拉Malar 的祭司怀有极大的恨意,因为 野兽之主the Beastlord 的追随者经常选择精灵为他们的狩猎对象,并且对侍奉叶之主者而言,他们的道德理念是一种诅咒。瑞里芬的祭职者被要求根除和毁灭那些本质被外在力量扭曲地反自然的有智慧植物。尤为突出的是,他们会试图毁灭绞架树、失忆苔藓、death's head tree、黑柳树black willow、蛇葡萄serpent vine、以及任何形态的邪恶树人(包括 黑暗树dark tree)。
Rillifane's priests are deadly enemies of those who hunt for sport or those who harm trees maliciously or unnecessarily. In particular, all priests of Rillifane have a great hatred for the priests of Malar, since the followers of the Beastlord often make elves the object of their hunts and their ethos is anathema to those who serve the Leaflord. Rillifane's priesthood is charged with rooting out and destroying sentient plants whose nature has been twisted by external forces into a warped perversion of nature. In particular, they seek to destroy hangman trees, obliviax, death's head trees, black willows, serpent vines, and any form of evil treant, including dark trees.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
在春分日和秋分日,瑞里芬的信徒每年两度聚集起来,在位于大森林中心深处的大橡树林举办妖精舞会。萌芽典礼The Budding 是在长时间的斋戒后,以舞蹈和歌曲来庆祝新生命的欢乐典礼。在这一天,将进行对一头古老而高贵的雄赤鹿的狩猎仪式,从此获取的鹿肉将打破叶之主信徒之前的斋戒。这一仪式是为了致敬瑞里芬的慷慨,并提醒他的追随者们那些在叶之主树枝下玩耍的生命的自然循环。变迁典礼The Transformation 标志着秋季的到来,在彼时,充满生气的色调将装饰叶之主的树冠。塞-泰-奎瑟一族和其他亚种的精灵会聚集到一起来庆祝瑞里芬的永恒承诺:树木将会再次开花,生命是一段不断更新的过程。
Rillifane's faithful gather twice yearly at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes to hold fey dances in large groves of oak trees deep in the heart of great forests. The Budding is a joyful celebration of new life celebrated through dance and song and preceded by an extended period of fasting. A ritual hunt of an ancient and noble hart is undertaken on this day, from which the venison serves to break the fast of the Leaflord's faithful. This ritual honors Rillifane's bounty and reminds his followers of the natural cycle of life that plays out beneath the Leaflord's boughs. The Transformation marks the arrival of autumn and the vibrant hues that bedeck the canopies of the Leaflord around this time. The Sy-Tel'Quessir and elves of other subraces who seek a form of spiritual rebirth or a major change in their lives gather to celebrate Rillifane's eternal promise that the trees will bloom again and that life is a process of continual renewal.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
接月橡树Moontouch Oak 是一棵高达300呎的巨橡树的名字,也是依偎着这位森林巨人的树枝的叶之主神殿之名。这棵橡树坐落于 科曼索Cormanthor 缠树区the Tangled Trees 的中心,位于那 接月溪Moontouch Creek 汇入 杜阿桑普河the River Duathamper 的 精灵之流the Elvenflow 之北岸,被认为是 费伦大陆Faerûn 最大的活橡树。有些精灵传说宣传这棵树是叶之主仍然活着的化身之残留,在许多个世纪前,那位化身率领着塞-泰'奎瑟一族的部落向东、远离 皇冠战争the Crown Wars 的破坏。接月橡树的枝干上居住着约二廿位 翡翠叶之环the Circle of Emerald Leaves 的绿精灵德鲁伊,其历史可追溯到 阿柯拉Arcorar(后来被称为 精灵之林the Elven Woods)的塞-泰'瑟尔一族定居点早期历史。从 -982 DR 毒液之手Venominhandar 来到了 翡翠谷the Emerald Vale,到 -206 DR 那头太古绿龙最终被杀,接月橡树的德鲁伊和他们的亲人遭到了严峻的围困,然而虽然这条魔龙和它的奴才们多次袭击,这座神殿树从未被弃守。随着 毒液Venom(这头巨龙的名字)死去,塞-泰'瑟尔一族在接月橡树的德鲁伊指导下,开始恢复这片现在被称作 缠树谷the Tangled Vale 的林地。9个世纪后,当 黑暗军团the Army of Darkness 蹂躏了科曼索并最终毁灭了 迷思·卓诺Myth Drannor 时,接月橡树的德鲁伊们再次不屈地面对聂卡罗斯魔领导的袭击,而这座瑞里芬的神殿也从未被侵犯。自皇冠战争结束以来的9个千纪,接月橡树一直不屈地屹立着。这座神殿由一张这棵树的分枝雕刻出的平台和从大橡树的树干形成的树洞的网络构成,所有这些都以藤蔓编织的桥梁连接。幻景Hallucinatory terrain 法术和厚厚的叶子在外部世界面前极大地掩盖了这个宗教团体的存在,但翡翠叶之环的势力在整个缠树谷和之外的地方都能感觉到。“缠树谷的至高德鲁伊Great Druid of the Tangled Vale”卡塔尔·橡杖Katar Oakstaff 是领导者这个德鲁伊环的年老绿精灵,在迷斯·卓诺陷落前 冕王伊尔塔葛瑞姆Coronal Eltargrim 统治的最后岁月,其还是个孩童。
Moontouch Oak is the name of both a gargantuan oak tree over 300 feet tall and the temple of the Leaflord nestled amidst the forest giant's boughs. Located at the heart of the Tangled Trees region of Cormanthor on the northern bank of the Elvenflow where Moontouch Creek joins the River Duathamper, the temple tree is believed to be the largest living oak in Faerûn. Some elven legends claim that the tree is actually the still-living remnants of an avatar of the Leaflord that led several clans of the Sy-Tel'Quessir eastward, away from the devastation of the Crown Wars, many centuries ago. Moontouch Oak has housed approximately two score green elven druids of the Circle of Emerald Leaves in its branches since the early days of the Sy-Tel'Quessir settlement of Arcorar, as the Elven Woods were then known. From -982 DR, with the coming of Venominhandar to the Emerald Vale, until -206 DR, when the great green wyrm was finally slain, the druids of Moontouch Oak were sorely besieged, as were their kin, but the temple-tree was never abandoned, despite numerous attacks by the wyrm and its minions. With the death of Venom, as the dragon was known, the Sy-Tel'Quessir set about reclaiming the woodlands, now known as the Tangled Vale, under the direction of the druids of Moontouch Oak. Nine centuries later, when the Army of Darkness ravaged Cormanthyr and eventually destroyed Myth Drannor, the druids of Moontouch Oak again stood firm in the face of the nycaloth-led assault, and the temple tree of Rillifane was never violated. Nine millennia after the conclusion of the Crown Wars, Moontouch Oak stands unbowed. The temple consists of a network of platforms sculpted from the tree's branches and hollows cultivated in the great oak's trunk, all of which are linked by bridges of woven vines. Hallucinatory terrain spells and the thick leaf coverage mask the religious community's very existence from the outside world, but the influence of the Circle of Emerald Leaves is felt throughout the Tangled Vale and beyond. The aged green elf who leads the Circle is Great Druid of the Tangled Vale Katar Oakstaff, who was a child in the final years of Coronal Eltargrim's reign before Myth Drannor fell.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
虽然游侠们并未被包含在瑞里芬教会阶级制度之中,但有许多这样的精灵武者效力于隶属个别德鲁伊环的松散团契中,作为该信仰的军事组织。每支这样的游侠队伍都有自己的名字,但他们被统称为 橡杖战团the Order of the Oakstaff。
Affiliated Orders:While rangers are not included in the church hierarchy of Rillifane, many such elven warriors do serve in loose fellowships affiliated with individual druid circles as the militantarm of the faith. Each such band of rangers has its own name, but collectively they are known as the Order of the Oakstaff.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
Priestly Vestments:The ceremonial garb of the Leaflord's priests includes a laurel wreath worn on the head and armor fashioned of tree bark. Dark green dyes are rubbed into the armor to show rank within the church, with the darkest hue reserved for the high priests of the faith. Tree bark armor provides protection equivalent to leather armor, but the wearer incurs a -1 penalty for all saving throws against fire. The holy symbol of the faith is an acorn enclosed in amber.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
Adventuring Garb:When adventuring, members of Rillifane's clergy favor armor and weapons made from natural materials such as wood and animal parts, including those with magical enhancements.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(德鲁伊Druids)
职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 12,魅力Charisma 15
关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
武器WEAPONS:木棒Club,匕首dagger,飞镖dart,长弓long bow,弯刀scimitar,短弓short bow,镰刀sickle,投索sling,矛spear,木棍staff
防具ARMOR:皮甲Leather,兽皮甲hide,或 树皮甲tree bark armor,木盾wooden shield
主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,动物animal,元素elemental,治疗healing,植物plant,太阳sun,气象weather
次要领域MINOR SPHERES:预言Divination,思想thought,时间time
魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同德鲁伊Same as druids
熟练需求REQ. PROFS:动物知识Animal lore
熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:草药学Herbalism
所有的瑞里芬专属祭司均为德鲁伊。他们的能力和限制,除了上面和下面已的改变,集中在“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”的精灵祭司中讨论,并全面详述于《玩家手册Player's Handbook》中。
All of Rillifane's specialty priests are druids. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from the changes noted above and later in this section, are summarized in the discussion of elven priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests" and detailed in full in the Player's Handbook.
❖ Druids of Rillifane must be elves, half-elves, or wood giants (voadkyn). While most of Rillifane's druids are green elves, elves and half-elves of every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Rillifane's clergy.
❖ Elven druids of Rillifane are not allowed to multiclass. Half-elven druids of Rillifane are allowed to multiclass as fighter/druids, druid/mages, or fighter/mage/druids, but not as druid/rangers.
❖在达到7级前的任何时候,瑞里芬的绿精灵德鲁伊(有时被称之为 皮行者skinwalkers)都能在一场涉及1d4天的斋戒和冥想、并在随后的1d4天中追寻所出现的动物的仪式中,寻获一种图腾动物。一旦这位绿精灵德鲁伊得到了来自图腾动物的启蒙和智慧,他能在之后变形为那种动物形态(并且只有那种形态)。在第1级时,每三日1次,持续2d6小时,他能呈现为该动物形态。在第2到3级,为每两日1次,持续2d10小时。在第4到6级,为每日1次,持续3d20小时。在第11级或以上,皮行者能依其意愿一直呈现为该图腾动物形态。这样的变形得到的增益和受到的限制,等同于详述于《玩家手册Player's Handbook》中德鲁伊的变化形态能力。皮行者的这项能力取代了7级或更高等级德鲁伊变化形态成任意爬行动物、鸟类或哺乳动物的能力。图腾动物一旦选择就不可改变,这位德鲁伊也不能放弃皮行者能力来增加其可呈现形态的数量。
❖ At any time prior to reaching 7th level, green elven druids of Rillifane, sometimes known as skinwalkers, can seek out a totem animal in a ritual involving fasting and meditation for 1d4 days followed by 1d4 days of following the animal that appears. Once a green elven druid gains enlightenment and wisdom from the totem animal, she or he can thereafter shapechange into that animal form (and only that form). At 1st level, she or he can assume the totem animal form once every three days for 2d6 hours. At 2nd or 3rd level, she or he can assume the totem animal form once every two days for 2d10 hours. At 4th,5th, or 6th level, she or he can assume the totem animal form once per day for 2d20 hours. Between 7th and 10th level, she or he can assume the totem animal form once per day for 3d20 hours. At 11th level and above, a skinwalker can assume the totem animal form at will for as long as she or he wishes. Such transformations receive the same benefits and are governed by the same restrictions as the shapechange ability of druids as detailed in the Player's Handbook. This skinwalking ability replaces the normal ability of a druid of 7th level or greater to shapechange into any reptile, bird, or mammal form. Once a totem animal is chosen, it cannot be changed nor can the druid renounce the skinwalking ability so as to increase the number of forms she or he can assume.
图腾动物的种类随机决定或由DM选择。图腾动物的例子包括乌鸦、隼、库希灵犬、丛林狼、狐狸、水獭、浣熊、兔子、猞猁、山狮、精猫cath shee 以及熊,但绝不会是狼。有些神话宣称兽化精灵便曾经是选择了狼作为其图腾动物的瑞里芬绿精灵德鲁伊。那些祭司与狼魂的联系是如此紧密强烈,以至于他们变成了 黎-泰'瑟尔一族the Ly-Tel'Quessir。尚不清楚塞-泰'瑟尔一族为何不再接受狼作为图腾动物,但千年来的皮行者仪式中再也未这样做。
The type of totem animal is determined randomly or selected by the DM. Examples of totem animals include crows, hawks, cooshee, coyotes, foxes, otters, raccoons, rabbits, lynxes, mountain lions, cath shee, and bears, but never wolves. Some myths claim that the lythari were once green elven druids of Rillifane who had wolves as their totem animals. The bond forged between those priests and the spirit of the wolf was so strong that they became the Ly-Tel'Quessir. It is unclear why the Sy-Tel'Quessir can no longer receive wolves as totem animals, but no such union has resulted from a skinwalker ritual in millennia.
瑞里芬教派法术Rillifanean Spells
除了下列法术外,保护者the Protector 的祭司们还可以施展详述于《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》梅丽凯Mielikki 章节的2级祭司法术 消除疫病banish blight,5级祭司法术 树疗术tree healing,以及 7级祭司法术 创造树人create treant;以及详述于《信仰与化身》西凡纳斯Silvanus 章节的4级祭司法术 橡树之心oak-heart。因为不明原因,叶之主已超过一个世纪不授予详述于《信仰与化身》裳提亚Chauntea 章节的7级法术 咒唤自然元素conjure nature elemental。
In addition to the spells listed below, priests of the Protector may cast the 2nd-level priest spell banish blight, the 5th-level priest spell tree healing, and the 7th-level priest spell create treant, all of which are detailed in the entry for Mielikki in Faiths & Avatars, as well as the 4th-level priest spell oak-heart, detailed in the entry for Silvanus in Faiths & Avatars. For over a century, the Leaflord has not granted the 7th-level spell conjure nature elemental, detailed in the entry for Chauntea in Faiths & Avatars, for reasons unknown.
[译注:Rillifane Rallathil并无the Protector头衔,这个头衔一般指代的是Corellon Larethian。]
1st Level
(祭司Pr 1;咒法Conjuration)
距离Range:10 码
持续时间Duration:3 轮 + 1 轮/级
施法时间Casting Time:4
影响区域Area of Effect:10 呎x 10 呎区域
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special
树液术 法术将以树液覆盖效果范围内的一切事物。在这道法术施展后,任何进入效果区域的生物,在处于被影响区域内时,其移动速度将减半。任何在施法时处于效果区域内的生物,必须成功通过对抗法术豁免检定,否则将被粘性物质覆盖。那些豁免成功者可以在回合结束时到达最近的未受影响的地方,然而若仍处于效果区域内,他们的移动速度也将减半。那些豁免检定失败的人其移动速度将降低到1,而其敏捷将减半。在处于这道法术影响下时,无法施展法术、要求进行任何类型活动的使用魔法物品、或是发动任何形式的物理攻击。除了失去的那些奖励(因低敏捷值)外,该生物还会蒙受+2防御惩罚(直至最大值的10)。有翼生物或使用了如 飞翔之翼wings of flying 这样的魔法物品的人,无法在影响区域中飞行。
A sap spell coats everything within the area of effect in tree sap. After the spell is cast, any creature entering the area of effect slows to half its movement rate while in the affected region. Any creature caught within the area of effect when the spell is cast must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or be covered in the sticky substance. Those who succeed can reach the nearest unaffected surface by the end of the round, although their movement rate is also reduced to half normal while within the area of effect. Those who fail their saving throws have their movement rate reduced to 1 and have their Dexterity reduced by half. Casting spells, employing magical items requiring any sort of movement, or launching any sort of physical attack is impossible while under the effects of this spell. In addition to any lost bonuses (because of lower Dexterity), the creature incurs a +2 Armor Class penalty (to a maximum of AC 10). Winged creatures and those employing magical items such as wings of flying cannot fly while within the affected area.
行动自如free action 法术或戒指或类似效果将无效化 树液术 法术的效果,但只覆盖受影响个体。以酒彻底浸透被 树液术 覆盖的个体,也将终结此效果。
A free action spell or ring or similar effect negates the effects of a sap spell for the affected individual only. Thoroughly dousing an individual covered in sap with wine also ends the effect.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a drop of tree sap.
2nd Level
橡子弹幕Acorn Barrage
(祭司Pr 2;附魔Enchantment)
距离Range:10 码
持续时间Duration:1 轮
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:1 枚橡子/级
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
通过这道法术,这位祭司能够从他手中、从地面上、或是从10呎内的橡树上,创造一场自然或魔法创造的橡子的弹幕。这些橡子将最多飞行40码,击中祭司希望的那些目标(目标数最多达这位祭司能活化的橡子数量)。这位祭司可以橡子瞄准任何活物或非活物目标的组合。这位祭司可活化的最大橡子数量为1 枚/每经验值等级。
By means of this spell, the priest can cause a barrage of acorns, either naturally or magically created, to launch from his or her hand, from the ground, or from an oak tree within 10 yards. The acorns can fly up to 40 yards, striking as many targets as the priest wishes (up to the number of acorns the priest can animate). The priest may direct the acorns in any combination at any living or nonliving targets that she or he can see. The priest can animate a maximum of one acorn per experience level.
Each acorn requires a successful attack roll to hit a target. The attack roll is made as though the acorns were missile weapons hurled by the priest with a sling. Range penalties do apply. Dexterity modifiers apply only if the acorns are held in the hand. The acoms inflict 1d2 points of damage each.
This spell is ineffective under water, and acorns hurled by this target have no magical ability to follow a moving target beyond the accuracy of the priest's targeting.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and as many acoms as needed.
4th Level
琥珀牢笼Amber Prison
(祭司Pr 4;咒法Conjuration)
施法时间Casting Time:7
影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物
豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.
这道法术将以一座坚固、半透明的黄色、橙色或棕黄色化石树脂牢笼包围目标。然而,若目标进行了成功的对抗法术豁免检定,这道法术将无效地消散。若被作为法术目标的生物已被树枝覆盖(如 树汁术sap 法术的结果),将在试图避开 琥珀牢笼 效果的尝试时在对抗法术豁免检定遭受-4惩罚。若这位祭司试图把目标的重要部分露出来(如头部或一只手),目标在避免此效果的豁免检定中得到+2奖励。(在使用这道法术时进行精确地控制,例如只露出鼻子或一根手指,是不可能的。)
This spell encases the target in a hard, translucent coating of fossil resin in a yellow, orange, or brownish-yellow hue. However, if the target makes a successful saving throw vs. spell, this spell dissipates without effect. A creature targeted by this spell who is already covered in tree sap, such as the result of a sap spell, receives a -4 penalty to the saving throw vs. spell when attempting to avoid the effects of an amber prison. The caster can choose to have a part of the target remain free from the amber when the spell is cast. If the priest attempts to leave a significant part of the subject's anatomy free, such as the head or a hand, the target receives a +2 bonus to the saving throw to avoid the effect. (Pinpoint accuracy, such as leaving just a nose or a finger free, is not possible when using this spell.)
琥珀牢笼 的需要花些时间,而在这段时间中,目标有可能从固化中的树脂挣脱资源或是被救出。在施法后的每轮,目标可以进行一次弯杆/举门尝试,成功则意味着 琥珀牢笼 被粉碎了。该成功率每轮下降1%,直至最小值的0。超大型或更大的生物能在一轮中自动打散 琥珀牢笼。在试图以武器粉碎它时,琥珀牢笼 被认为AC为0。对 琥珀牢笼 每施加3点物理伤害,法术的受害者就将遭受1点伤害,但其的弯杆/举门成功率将提升3%。若 琥珀牢笼 承受了总计30点或更多的物理伤害,它将立即粉碎,释放出被困的目标。若 琥珀牢笼 在对抗击破豁免检定中失败,粉碎音波shatter 法术将完全将其粉碎。
An amber prison takes some time to harden, and during that period it is possible for the target to break free or be broken free from the solidifying resin. Every round after the spell is cast, the target can make an attempt to bend bars/lift gates, success indicating that the amber prison shatters. The percentage chance of success drops by 1% every round, to a minimum of 0. Creatures of huge size or larger can automatically shatter the amber prison in one round. An amber prison is considered to be AC 0 for purposes of attempting to shatter it with a weapon. For every 3 points of physical damage inflicted on an amber prison, the imprisoned target of the spell suffers 1 point of damage, but his or her chance to bend bars/lift gates increases by 3%. If 30 or more total points of physical damage are inflicted on an amber prison, it immediately shatters, freeing the subject trapped within. A shatter spell causes an amber prison to crumble completely if it fails a saving throw vs. crushing blow.
若目标的空气通道被 琥珀牢笼 完全覆盖,在其变硬期间受困者仍然能得到一些透过它半透外壳的气流。因此,窒息发生的速度要比想象中的慢得多。在目标被包裹的每一轮,他必须进行成功的体质检定。每次士兵意味着目标的有效体质降低1点。当目标的有效体质值降到0,他将因窒息死亡。若在窒息发生前被释放,目标的体质将以每轮1点的速度回复到原始值。
If the target's air passages are covered by the amber prison, the prisoner still receives some air flow through the semipermeable encasement as it hardens. As such, suffocation occurs much slower than might be imagined. Every round in which the target is encased, she or he must roll a successful Constitution check. Every failure indicates that the target's effective Constitution drops by 1 point. When the target's effective Constitution score reaches 0, she or he dies from suffocation. If freed before suffocation occurs, the subject's Constitution rises to the original value at a rate of 1 point per round.
当 琥珀牢笼 的效果结束时,无论目标是如何被释放的(即便是在死亡后才被释放的),所有残余的琥珀碎片都将融化成一文不值的非魔法树液。
When the effects of an amber prison end, no matter how the subject is freed (even after death), all remaining shards of amber melt into worthless, nonmagical tree sap.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol, a chunk of amber worth at least 100 gp, and a drop of sap.