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<The Rod of Seven Parts Book Ⅳ: MONSTERS.p013>瓦提族Vaati(风之公爵Wind Dukes)

瓦提族Vaati(风之公爵Wind Dukes)

  出现频率Frequency:非常罕见Very rare
  组织Okganizaiion:集体Collective 或 单独Solitary
  活动周期Activity Cycle:任意Any
  智力Intelligence:从 出众Exceptional 到 天才Genius(15-18)
  阵营Alignment:守序中立Lawful neutral
  防御等级Armor Class:5(每种姓和等级per caste and level)
  移动Movement:12,飞行FI 12 (A)
  生命骰Hit Dice:45(每种姓和等级per caste and level)
  零级命中值THAC0:17(每种姓和等级per caste and level)
  攻击次数No.of Attacks:1 次(每种姓和等级per caste and level)
  伤害/攻击DAMAGE/ATTACK:根据武器by weapon + 力量奖励Strength bonus
  特殊攻击Special Attacks:见下See below
  特殊防御Special Defenses:见下See below
  魔抗Magic Resistance:零Nil
  体型Size:中型(7 英尺高)
  士气Morale:从精英Elite 到 无畏Fearless(13-20)
  经验回报XP Value:2,000 + 4级以上每级1000


  瓦提族Vaati(读作“VAH tee”)或者说 风之公爵Wind Dukes 是支献身于 秩序Law 的不朽种族。他们身材高大、肌肉发达、雌雄同体。一般来说他们并不穿衣服,但经常会穿上腰带或是挽带以便携带武器和装备。瓦提族有着乌木色的光滑皮肤,其中闪烁着内在光芒的明亮白色双眼,以及天鹅绒般的黑发(通常被一直刮得很短)。
The Vaati (VAH tee), or Wind Dukes, are a race of immortals dedicated to Law. Vaati look like statuesque humans. They are tall, muscular, and androgynous. As a rule, they wear no clothing, but usually wear belts or harnesses to carry weapons and equipment. Vaati have smooth, ebony skin, brilliantly white eyes that sparkle with inner light, and velvety black hair (which usually is kept closely shaved).

Vaati speak their own language, which is very rhythmic and melodic. It contains many complex whistling sounds. A group of vaati talking produce something that soxmds more like chanting or wind whispering through the trees than conversation. Vaati adventurers also speak common. When surprised or exited, however, a vaati tends to let out a whistle rather than use an exclamation peculiar to its adopted language.

  万古之前,瓦提族统治着一个跨越几个 主物质位面the Prime Material Plane 世界、且在诸位面都有立足点的广阔帝国。当 秩序Law 与 混沌Chaos 之间的战争爆发时,瓦提族几乎被完全摧毁了。他们创造了 七节权杖Rod of Seven Parts 并用它来结束了这场战争,方得以幸存。
Aeons ago, the vaati ruled a vast empire spread over several worlds on the Prime Material Plane, with footholds throughout the planes. When war between Law and Chaos erupted, the vaati were nearly annihilated. They survived only by creating the Rod of Seven Parts and using it to end the war.


Vaati are peaceful and prefer to negotiate rather than fight. If pressed into action, or faced with chaotic foes, they display considerable strength and ingenuity in combat.

  随意使用,所有瓦提族都拥有以下类法术能力:操控温度,半径10 英尺control temperature 10' radius沙尘魔dust devil造风术gust of wind 和 羽落术feather fall。他们能以12的速度飞行(有些瓦提族飞得甚至更快),不过若逆着强风速度将会减半。他们可以使用自己的"造风术"能力来让自己的飞行速度加倍,持续1轮。他们的类法术能力等同于4级或其角色等级的施法者,取其高者。
All vaati have the following spell-like powers usable at will: control temperature 10' radius, dust devil, gust of wind, and feather fall. They can fly at a speed of 12 (some vaati fly even faster), although strong head winds reduce their movement by half. They can use their gust of wind ability to double their flying movement for one round. Their spell-like powers function at 4th level or at their character level, whichever is higher.

Vaati are immune to all forms of aging and are resistant to attacks based on the element of air. No air elemental creature will attack a vaati or even approach within five feet unless the vaati attacks first. Even then, vaati receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws, armor class, and ability checks involving air-based attacks of any kind, and any damage suffered is reduced by -2 per die (minimum of one point damage per die).

Vaati have infravision with a 90-foot range and can see though fog, dust, and similar air-based impediments to vision,

If they cannot avoid a fight, vaati usually try to gain a height advantage over their foes. They bombard the enemy with spells and missiles; they also use their ‘’feather fall
ability to foil incoming missile attacks.

More powerful vaati have additional class and spell-like abilities based on their castes, as detailed below. The level ranges given are only typical values, and higher or lower level vaati are possible.

  瓦提族的躯体相当耐揍,提供了额外的防御等级。更强大的瓦提族防御等级也更好。若瓦提族身着防具,他只能在防具提供的防御等级和自身的防御等级中取优。防御护腕Bracers of defense 和其它赋予固定防御等级的保护性物品也是一样。而那些像 防护戒指ring of protection 这样的物品则不同,佩戴它们时,瓦提族将获得完整的增益。
A vaati's flesh is resistant to blows and provides an excellent armor class. More powerful vaati have even better armor classes. If a vaati wears armor, he receives either the armor class bestowed by the armor or his own armor class, whichever is better. Bracers of defense and other protective items that bestow a fixed armor class work the same way. An unarmored vaati wearing a ring of protection or a similar item receives the full benefit of the item.

Vaati have a base morale of 13, which improves by one for each level beyond 4th for a maximum of 20 at 11th level.


  大部分瓦提族都生活在 艾夸谷the Vale of Aaqa,那是一处被群山环绕的幽静山谷。除了飞行外,别的交通方式都无法进入。传送是无效的,不过此处有几座通向 星界the Astral plane 的异界之门。这座谷地的位置被保密得很好。
Most of the remaining vaati live in the Vale of Aaqa, a secluded valley ringed with protective mountains. The valley is completely sealed to all means of transit except flight. Teleportation is ineffective, though there are several gates to the Astral plane. The valley's exact location is a well-kept secret.

The Vale of Aaqa is a well-regulated paradise with a constant temperature of 72 degrees, manicured fields and gardens, and stately pavilions surrounded by exquisite rock gardens. In the entire valley, there is not single blade of grass or leaf out of place. The valley could easily support 10 times more vaati than currently reside there, and most of the pavilions stand empty. Even this last stronghold of the race was depopulated during the war against Chaos.

  瓦提族社会分为7个种姓。瓦提族划分种姓的确切标准不为外人所知。所有人出生时候都是 韦尔加丹种姓the wergadeam(工人)。在青春期后的某个时候,年轻瓦提族将加入另一个种姓或是继续作为韦尔加丹种姓。在需要的时候,有些韦尔加丹种姓的成员也会加入能让他们发挥更大作用的种姓。其余六个种姓则是 胡迪姆种姓the houdeam(公民和军队首领、守卫和士兵)、海克雅德姆种姓the haikjadeam(教师、调查者和知识保管者)、特里格里德姆种姓the trygrideam(农民、动物饲养员、法官)、希尔德姆种姓the kheirdeam(医生、辅导员)、维迪姆种姓the vindeam(哲学家、保护者、顾问)、以及 布莱德鲁姆种姓the bledrudeam(也是哲学家、保护者、顾问)。
Vaati society is divided into seven castes. The exact criteria the vaati use to assign castes is unclear to outsiders. All Vaati are born into the wergadeam (worker) caste. Sometime after adolescence, a young vaati either joins another caste or remains a wergadeam. In times of need, some members of the wergadeam join other castes where they can be more useful. The other six castes are the houdeam (civil and military leaders, guards, and soldiers), the haikjadeam (teachers, investigators, and lorekeepers), the trygrideam (farmers, animal keepers, and judges), the kheirdeam (physicians and counselors), the vindeam (philosophers, guardians, and advisors), and the bledrudeam (also philosophers, guardians, and advisors).

  除此外还有一种非正式种姓。温德姆种姓the wendeam 负责看守 七节权杖Rod of Seven Parts混沌女王the Queen of Chaos。温德姆种姓是些独立者,并且本质上是群弃儿。
There is an another, unofficial, caste as well. The wendeam are wanderers that keep watch over the Rod of Seven Parts and the Queen of Chaos. The wendeam are independent beings and essentially outcasts.

The wergadeam never leave the Vale of Aaqa. The other castes, except for the wendeam, tend to remain in the valley unless sent away to handle some matter of vital interest to the race. The wendeam wander the Prime Material Plane and almost never set foot in the Vale of Aaqa.

The vaati employ no badges or markings to indicate caste. To a vaati, another vaati's caste is immediately and innately obvious.

To most observers, even the most open-minded, vaati seem stuffy and overconcerned with formal rules. They are excruciatingly regular in their personal habits and they have rules governing everything. They are quick to criticize any lapse in etiquette. Very lawful creatures usually are impressed by their behavior, but others find it tiresome.


Though fairly large and powerful, vaati eat very little. They seem to exist primarily on air. The Valley of Aaqa, however, produces a wide variety of foods, and the vaati can offer the occasional visitor a sumptuous repast.

Although they can be slain or laid low by disease, vaati are immortal. Most vaati are at least 3,000 years old, and many are much older than that. Vaati birth rates are very low; there are no more than one or two vaati children born in a century. The race will probably never recover from the losses it suffered during the war against Chaos.


Most vaati belong to this caste. They have Strength scores of 17, giving them a +1 bonus to attack and damage. They are typically armed with staves and knives. If prepared for war, they carry long swords and long bows. They have no special powers beyond those common to all vaati.


The houdeam conduct the vaati's civil and military affairs.

  他们的主要任务是守卫艾夸谷、盯牢谷地的来访者。在对抗混沌的战争中,胡迪姆种姓组建了一支规模成千累万的军队。那就是 七节权杖Rod of Seven Parts 历史中提及的 秩序的上尉the Captains of Law。
They are primarily charged with guarding the Vale of Aaqa and keeping a wary eye on visitors to the valley. During the war against Chaos, the houdeam formed an elite corps many thousands strong. These were the Captains of Law mentioned in the history of the Rod of Seven Parts.

  胡迪姆种姓是些5~14级(1d10+4)战士。他们的力量值为18/77,这带给了他们+1的攻击和伤害奖励。他们的基础防御等级为3,且每比4级高3级提升2。胡迪姆种姓通常装备着一柄双手剑、一张长弓和几把匕首。瓦提族使用的剑和弓有+1的附魔,并且胡迪姆种姓每比4级高3级附魔就会提升1点,直至最大值的+4。在非瓦提族手中,武器不仅将失去魔力,并且还将在2d6个月内遭受腐蚀、化作碎片。所有胡迪姆种姓都专精了双手剑。即便手无寸铁,迪姆种姓也可以按照他们的战士等级的标准速度进行徒手攻击。这些攻击可视作致命钝击伤害处理,造成1d4+4点伤害。当在使用致命徒手攻击时,胡迪姆种姓被认为处于武装状态(见 PHB 第9章)。若《玩家指南PLAYER'S OPTION™:战斗与战术Combat and Tatics》一书中的 武术martial arts 和 武器掌控weapon mastery 规则被使用,胡迪姆种姓将被认为专精了双手剑技C风格并掌控了双手剑。并且每比4级高3级掌握等级就提升1。
Houdeam are fighters of 5th-14th level (1d10+4). They have Strength scores of 18/77, giving them a +2 attack bonus and a +4 bonus to damage. Their base armor class is 3, and it improves by 2 for every three levels the houdeam has gained beyond 4th. A houdeam is usually armed with a two-handed sword, a long bow, and several daggers. The sword and bow have a +1 enchantment when used by a vaati, and the enchantment improves by one for every three levels the houdeam gains beyond 4th, to a maximum of +4. In the hands of a non-vaati, the weapons not only lose their enchantment, but also corrode, falling to pieces in 2d6 months. All houdeam are two-handed sword specialists. Even if unarmed, houdeam can make open hand attacks at the standard rate for their fighter levels. These can be resolved as pummeling attacks or as lethal attacks that inflict 1d4+4 points of damage. When making a lethal open hand attack, a houdeam is considered armed (see Chapter 9 of the PHB). If the martial arts and weapon mastery rules from the PLAYER'S OPTION™: Combat and Tatics book are in play, houdeam are considered specialists in martial arts style C and masters with the two-handed sword. They have one step of mastery for every three levels they have gained beyond 4th.

  胡迪姆种姓拥有所有瓦提族共通的类法术力量,并且每日1次,还能让他们的双手剑舞空(如同 舞空剑swords of dancing)。在剑舞空时,胡迪姆种姓通常会展徒手攻击。
Houdeam have the spell-like powers common to all vaati, and can make their two-handed swords dance (as swords of dancing) three times a day. A houdeam typically makes open hand attacks while his sword dances.


  海克雅德姆种姓充当着记录者、警察以及教师。在对抗混沌的战争中,秩序的船长the Captains of Law 便包含了用来对付不死军队的海克雅德姆种姓队伍。海克雅德姆种姓还负责安保和警惕间谍。
The haikjadeam serve as record keepers, police, and teachers. During the war against Chaos, the Captains of Law included companies of haikjadeam for use against undead troops. The haikjadeam were also responsible for security and kept a lookout for spies.

  海克雅德姆种姓是群4~13级(1d10+3)圣武士。他们的力量值为18/97,这带给了他们+2的攻击和伤害奖励。海克雅德姆种姓的圣武士能力倾向于秩序与混乱、而非善良与邪恶。举例来说,他们拥有侦测混乱能力,而他们的保护光环是对混乱生物生效的。他们既能支配、也能驱散不死生物,具体取决于他们认为在这种情况下怎样的行动最为守序。通常来说,他们只支配守序不死生物。9级和更高等级的海克雅德姆种姓能施展来自战斗、治疗、预言和守序(出自《魔法卷册Tome of Magic》)领域的法术。
Haikjadeam are paladins of 4th-13th level (1d10+3). They have Strength scores of 18/97, giving them a +2 attack bonus and a +5 bonus to damage. Haikjadeam's paladin abilities are skewed toward Law and Chaos, rather than Good and Evil. For example, they have the ability to detect Chaos and their aura of protection is effective against chaotic creatures. They can command or turn undead depending what action they deem most lawful under the circumstances. Generally, they only command lawful undead. Haikjadeam of 9th level and higher can cast spells from the combat, healing, charm, divination and law (from the Tome of Magic) spheres.

Haikjadeam have a base armor class of 3, which improves by 1 for every two levels the haikjadeam has gained beyond 3rd. Haikjadeam are armed just as the houdeam are, though they do not have weapon mastery, open hand attacks, or the ability to make their swords dance.

  除所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力外,每日3次,海克雅德姆种姓还能 揭示真相reveal truth镇静空气calm air揭示真相 功能如 驱散魔法dispel magic 法术,但只对幻术和其它形式的魔法欺骗有效。这道法术能摧毁所有种类的幻术、迫使 变形polymorphed形体变化shape changed 的生物变回原型、揭示隐形的生物等等。若直接对生物施展,则目标必须尝试进行对抗法术豁免检定,否则将被迫在2d4轮内完全说真话。目标可以拒绝说话,但不能逃避真相。
In addition to the spell-like abilities available to all vaati, haikjadeam can reveal truth and calm air three times a day. Reveal truth functions as a dispel magic spell, but is effective only against illusions and other forms of magical deception. The spell can destroy illusion magic of all kinds, force polymorphed or shape changed creatures back into their true forms, reveal invisible beings, and so on. If cast directly on a creature, the target must attempt a saving throw vs. spells or be forced to speak only the complete truth for 2d4 rounds, The target can refuse to speak, but evasions of the truth are not possible.

  镇静空气 则将平息海克雅德姆种姓30英尺半径内的所有类型的风。所有魔法或自然的风都将变为微风。而来自 气元素位面the elemental plane of air 的生物将无法进入这个半径内——强迫通常会避开此的生物进入,这个镇静之环就会崩溃,就像 防护邪恶protection from evil 法术那样。所有基于声音的攻击在该半径内都将无效化。该效果海克雅德姆种姓每级持续3轮。
Calm air quiets all forms of wind in a 30-foot radius around the haikjadeam. All winds, magical or natural, are reduced to gentle breezes. Creatures from the elemental plane of air cannot enter the radius—the circle of calm collapses if deliberately forced against a creature that normally would be hedged out, just as a protection from evil spell does. All sound-based attacks are negated within the radius. The effect lasts three rounds per level of the haikjadeam.


The trygrideam are charged with tending all the plants and animals in the Vale of Aaqa. It is they, and teams of wergadeam working under their direction, who maintain the valley's park-like appearance. The trygrideam also mediate any disputes that might arise between vaati and pass judgment on visitors who break vaati law.

  特里格里德姆种姓秘密地与温德姆种姓保持着联系。他们对 七节权杖Rod of Seven Parts混沌女王the Queen of Chaos 非常感兴趣,如有必要,他们随时准备进行干预,以使权杖远离混沌女王之手。
Trygrideam secretly keep contact with the wendeam. They are keenly interested in the Rod of Seven Parts and the Queen of Chaos, and they stand ready to intervene to keep the Rod out of the queen's hands if necessary.

Trygrideam are druids of 4th-13th level (1d10+3). They have Strength scores of 16, giving them a +1 bonus to damage. Trygrideam have full druid abilities and can cast spells from the sphere of Law in addition to the spheres normally allowed to druids. Trygrideam have a base armor class of 3, which improves by 1 for every two levels the trygrideam has gained beyond 3rd. They carry druidical weapons, but favor staves.

  尽管他们为守序中立,但特里格里德姆种姓如《玩家手册Player's Handbook》中解释的那样追随德鲁伊教精神。与其他德鲁伊不同之处,在于他们观察自然时,他们看到了宇宙秩序的证据、而非周期性的现实。对他们而言,秩序是宇宙的自然状态,混乱扰乱了秩序、带来了毁灭。
Despite their lawful alignment, trygrideam follow the druidical ethos as explained in the Player's Handbook. They differ from other druids in that when they view nature, they see proof of a universal order, not a cyclical reality. To them, order is the natural state of the universe and Chaos upsets that order, bringing destruction.

  除了他们的德鲁伊能力以及所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力外,每日3次,特里格里德姆种姓还能使用以下能力:重雾术solid fog死云术cloudkill镇静空气calm air(见上文)。每小时1次,特里格里德姆种姓还能召唤一柄 旋窝之刃vortex blade旋窝之刃 类似于2级祭司法术 焰刃flame blade 创造的魔法武器,除了它是一股高压气流,造成1d4+6点伤害。她对气元素生物无效,而对基于土的生物将造成2倍伤害(2d4+12)。
In addition to their druidical abilities and the spell-like abilities common to all vaati, trygrideam can use the following powers three times a day: solid fog, cloudkill, and calm air (see above). Once per hour, a Trygrideam can summon a vortex blade. A vortex blade is similar to the magical weapon created by the 2nd level priest spell flame blade except that it is a blast of high-pressure air that inflicts 1d4+6 points of damage. It has no effect on air elemental creatures, and inflicts double damage (2d4+12) on earth-based creatures.

  每日1次,8级或更高级的特里格里德姆种姓能召唤1~7道强大的旋风。每道旋风都有7英尺高、顶部都有3英尺宽。旋风的飞行速度为 21(MC A),零级命中值为 10,生命值为 30,并有着等同于创造者的防御等级。他们每轮攻击1次,造成4d4点伤害。只要能看见,创造者就能在任何距离上引导旋风。控制旋风需要最小的专注度。伤害创造者并不能驱散掉旋风,但创造者在控制旋风时除了移动不能进行其它行动。若创造者被杀或是失去意识,旋风则将消散。旋风可自由地攻击气态生物;也能驱散魔法云。持续时间为瞬间的魔法云(如绿龙的吐息)则不受影响。恒定的云则只在处于旋风影响区域中时才会被驱散。如果在有灰尘、沙子、尘土、灰烬或是其它什么类似玩意覆盖的地面上掠过,旋风将带起这些松散材料、创造一团半径15英尺的不透明云团。被困的生物在待在里面时将会失明,在离开后仍将持续1轮。
Once a day, a trygrideam of 8th level or higher can summon one to seven powerful whirlwinds. Each whirlwind is seven feet tall and three feet wide at the top. They fly at a speed of 21 (MC A), have a THAC0 of 10, 30 hit points, and their creator's armor class. They attack once a round for 4d4 points of damage. The creator can direct the whirlwinds at any distance as long as he keeps them in sight. Controlling the whirlwinds requires minimal concentration. Damage to the creator does not dispel the whirlwinds, but the creator can take no action other than movement while controlling them. If the creator is killed or loses consciousness, the whirlwinds dissipate. A whirlwind can freely attack gaseous creatures; it can also disperse magical clouds. Magical clouds with instantaneous durations, such as green dragon breath, are unaffected. Permanent clouds are dispersed only as long as the whirlwind remains in their areas of effect. If skimming along the ground in an area covered with fine dirt, sand, dust, ash, or the like, a whirlwind picks up the loose material, creating an opaque cloud with a 15-foot radius. Creatures caught in the cloud are blinded while they remain inside and for one round after they leave.


The kheirdeam are the vaati's physicians and spiritual counselors. They tend other vaati the way the trygrideam tend the animals and plants in the Vale of Aaqa. During the war against Chaos, the kheirdeam formed a medical corps that cared for the wounded and acted as reserve troops.

  特里格里德姆种姓是些5~14级牧师(1d10+4)。他们的力量值为16,这带给了他们+1的伤害奖励。除去牧师通常可用的,特里格里德姆种姓还能施展来自秩序领域和涉及气(凌空而行air walk净化之云cloud of purification咒唤七元素conjure air elemental/驱逐气元素dismiss air elemental、以及 御风而行wind walk)的法术。特里格里德姆种姓的基础防御等级为3,且每比3级高2级提升1。他们携带着牧师武器,但偏好木棍。
Kheirdeam are clerics of 5th-14th level (1d10+4). They have Strength scores of 16, giving them a +1 bonus to damage. Kheirdeam can cast spells from the sphere of Law and all spells in the elemental sphere that involve air (air walk, cloud of purification, conjure air elemental/dismiss air elemental, and wind walk) in addition to the spheres normally allowed to clerics. Kheirdeam have a base armor class of 3, which improves by 1 for every two levels the trygrideam has gained beyond 3rd. They carry clerical weapons, but favor staves.

  除了他们的牧师能力以及所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力外,每日3次,特里格里德姆种姓还能如海克雅德姆种姓那样 揭示真相reveal truth镇静空气calm air。他们既能支配、也能驱散不死生物,具体取决于他们认为在这种情况下怎样的行动最为守序。
In addition to their clerical abilities and the spell-like abilities common to all vaati, kheirdeam can reveal truth and calm air three times a day as the haikjadeam do. They can command or turn undead, depending on what action they deem most lawful under the circumstances.

维迪姆种姓Vindeam与 布莱德鲁姆种姓Bledrudeam

These two castes are the vaati's wizards. When not busy casting spells, they function as scholars, philosophers, and advisors. In the war against Chaos they served as support troops and magical artillery. Today, they stand ready to defend the Vale of Aaqa. They also conduct most of the vaati's business outside the valley, serving as ambassadors and troubleshooters.

Vindeam and bledrudeam are wizards of 4th-13th level (1d10+3). They have Strength scores of 15.

Vindeam specialize in spells involving the element air or gas. If the optional elemental schools from the Tome are in play, Vindeam have all the benefits and restrictions of air elemental specialists.

  维迪姆种姓则专精防护,详述见《玩家手册Player's Handbook》。
Bledrudeam are abjuration specialists, as described in the Player's Handbook.

Vindeam and bledrudeam are armor class 4; their armor does not improve as they increase in level. They carry wizard weapons and favor staves.

  除了所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力外,每日1次,维迪姆种姓还能施展 重雾术solid fog死云术cloudkill;每日3次,如 特里格里德姆种姓the trygrideam 那样召唤旋风。
In addition to the spell-like abilities common to all vaati, vindeam can cast solid fog and cloudkill once a day and can summon whirlwinds three times a day as trygrideam can.

  除了所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力外,每日1次,布莱德鲁姆种姓还能施展 法术翻转spell turning。每日3次,他们还能如海克雅德姆种姓那样 揭示真相reveal truth镇静空气calm air
Bledrudeam have the spell-like powers common to all vaati and can cast spell turning once a day. They can also cast reveal truth and calm air three times a day as haikjadeam can.


  温德姆种姓是一撮流浪瓦提族,他们的 秩序的上尉the Captain of Law 先祖在佩塞平原一役中拆散了 七节权杖 的碎片,并穿越位面裂隙追击 “狼蛛”密斯卡Miska the Wolf-Spider。因为他们把所有精力都花在了在一个个世界之间移动的 权杖,所以其他瓦提族将温德姆种姓视作弃儿;只有 特里格里德姆种姓the trygrideam 理解温德姆种姓奋斗的价值。
The wendeam are a handful of wandering vaati descended from the Captain of Law who scattered the pieces of Rod of Seven Parts at the battle of Pesh and pursued Miska the Wolf-Spider through the planar rift. Because they devote all their energies to tracking the Rod as it moves from world to world, other vaati see the wendeam as outcasts; only the trygrideam understand the value of the wendeam's efforts.

  温德姆种姓是些4~13级(1d10+3)游侠。他们的力量值为18/97,这带给了他们+2的攻击奖励和+5的伤害奖励。温德姆种姓与 混沌女王the Queen of Chaos 的长期斗争使他们变为了守序善良(这对提升他们在其他瓦提族中的声誉没有帮助)。他们拥有正常游侠的能力,并以蛛魔为宿敌。
Wendeam are rangers of 4th-13th level (1d110+3). They have Strength scores of 18/97, giving them a +2 attack bonus and a +5 bonus to damage. The wendeam's long struggle against the Queen of Chaos has made them lawful good (which does nothing to improve their reputation among other vaati). They have the normal ranger abilities, and their species enemy is spyder-fiends.

Wendeam have a base armor class of 3, which improves by 1 for every two levels the wendeam has gained beyond 3rd. Wendeam prefer lightweight weapons. Most carry long bows, darts, a dagger, and two short swords. They take full advantage of their ranger abilities and use a melee weapon in each hand when unarmored. Wendeam usually have at least one enchanted melee weapon of +1 or greater. Wendeam of 6th level or higher have a +1 weapon of some type and a 60% chance for another weapon of +2 or better. Wendeam of 10th level or higher have one or two +1 weapons and a 60% chance for another weapon of +3 or better. Wendeam weapons are standard magical items that do not become nonmagical or corrode if separated from their owners.

  温德姆种姓拥有所有瓦提族共通的类法术能力。此外,就像 秩序猎犬hound of law 那样,他们只要找到了踪迹就能跟上进行了传送中的生物。在跟随传送中的生物时,温德姆种姓能携带250磅的额外物品,外加10级以上每温德姆种姓等级额外150磅。
Wendeam have all the spell-like powers common to all vaati. In addition, they can follow any teleporting creature if they can find its tracks, just as a hound of law can. When following a teleporting creature, a wendeam can carry 250 pounds of additional weight, plus an extra 150 pounds for each level the wendeam has attained beyond 10th.

