龙与地下城 Wiki



痛苦女士Lady of Pain,沉静陛下
The Lady of Pain
【头   衔】沉静陛下Her Serenity
【阵   营】LN
【神   力】N(等同G或更高)
【主   神】
【盟   友】鸦后The Raven Queen
【敌   对】奥斯卡Aoskar
【神   国】外域the Outlands印记城Sigil
【简   介】痛苦女士The Lady of Pain 是印记城的统治者和维护者,可能是第一批原初者,曾经在印记城中弑杀了传送门之神奥斯卡和大量其祂闯入印记城的低阶神明,并创造迷宫困住了大量各种存在(截止目前有3位人士逃出。)





Among the creatures of the planes, it's not at all uncommon for lowly beings to rise to heights of great power. No doubt they'd stay there longer if it weren't for the fact that the higher a body gets, the more enemies he has. But that doesn't stop every basher in the multiverse from trying to improve, and every once in a while a lucky few claw their way to the top, hold onto power tenaciously, and fight off all comers.

  本章中所写的老鸟并非神明(至少暂时还不是),但也差不离了。祂们像散发着恶臭的尸体般、浑身弥漫着神性的气息。你瞧,靠着爬上尸堆坟头,祂们打响了自己的名号,并从脚下的家伙身上唬弄到了赞美与敬拜。当然,祂们的力量等级差别贼大。最鶸的 深渊领主Abyssal lord,也不是 万兽园the Beastlands 动物领主animal lord 中的最强鸟可以匹敌的。但名望可以转化为原始的力量。某一老鸟让越多人知道自己,越有可能进入诸神的领域。
The bloods in this section aren't gods - yet. But they're close. The smell of divinity surrounds them like the stench of a reeking corpse. See, by climbing the heap, they made names for themselves, and are rewarded with praise and worship from those beneath them. Course, they have vastly different levels of strength. The toughest animal lord on the Beastlands is still no match for the weakest Abyssal lord. But fame does translate into raw power. The more folks who know a blood's name, the more likely it is that he'll pass into the realms of mythic belief.
[印记城黑话:Blood——专家,智者或是任何领域的老鸟。一个角斗士冠军可以是一个 blood, 一个强大的巫师也可以是blood.称呼某人为blood是对其特别尊敬的一种表示.]

  并非所有 类神力near-powers 都“想”成为羽翼丰满的神明;祂们自觉力量已经够了,并且时不时会屈尊纡贵地与凡人发生些瓜葛。但无论如何,所有类神力都是些危险存在,能给位面行者的最好建议就是远远避开。
Not all near-powers want to become full-fledged gods; they feel they have plenty of strength as it is, and they aren't above interacting with mortals. But all of these beings are dangerous, and the best advice for a planewalker is to steer clear.

痛苦女士The Lady of Pain

  关于 痛苦女士the Lady of Pain 的所有猜测多到足以让一位 管理者Guvner 塞满十座图书馆。或许她是位塔纳厘杂种,为了避开 无底深渊the Abyss渴望复仇的诸神力而躲在了 印记城Sigil 中?或许她是位强大的人类法师,是第一位习得后者的秘密——并因此能够控制——无极尖峰the Spire笼城the Cage?又或者,她是从某位龙神的蛋蛋中孵出来的吗?没人知道,但这不能阻止这些巴佬乱嚼舌根。
A Guvner could fill ten libraries with all that's been guessed about the Lady of Pain. Is she tanar'ri-spawned, hiding out in Sigil from the vengeful powers of the Abyss? Is she a powerful human mage, the first to learn - and thus control - the secrets of the Spire and the Cage? Is she a hatchling from the eggs of a draconic deity? No one knows, but that doesn't stop berks from flapping their bone-boxes.
[印记城黑话:Bone-box—嘴巴,得名于其中的牙齿,獠牙或其他之类的。 "Stop rattling your bone-box,"是告诉一个笨蛋停止恐吓或是吹牛。]

  不过所有人至少都同意这点:女士的刃发和神秘身形让所有窥探她的人心中跳动着恐惧。而那些反对她的人将被逐入 迷宫the Mazes 或是直接剥皮。她是印记城的象征,这就是所有人需要知道的全部。
All that folks can agree on is this: The Lady's bladed head and enigmatic form strike fear in the hearts of all who spy her. Those who oppose her are spun off into the Mazes or flayed outright. She's the symbol of Sigil, and that's about all anyone needs to know.

  当然,痛苦女士可不仅仅城市的标志物——她也是这座城市的守卫,女士控制着传送门,防止这个地方落入潜在的征服者之手。诸神被拒之门外;事实上,印记城是少数几个由凡人决定、凡人能自己呆着的自由之地。许多人让 管理者the Guvners、和谐会the Harmonium 和 慈悲灭绝会the Mercykillers 为这份自由制定了规则,但女士对此并不在意。
Course, she's more than the city's icon - she's its guardian as well, the one who controls the portals and keeps the place from falling into the hands of would-be conquerors. The gods are kept out; fact is, Sigil's one of the few places where freedom is determined by mortals and mortals alone. Many folks let the Guvners, the Harmonium. and the Mercykillers set the rules of that freedom, but the Lady doesn't seem to care.

See, the Lady can't be appeased or appealed to. She can't even be worshiped; any berk who praises her name is thrown into the Prison - if he's lucky enough to escape her dreaded gaze. The fact that folks go out of their way not to worship her sets her apart from most other near-powers (if that's what she truly is).

  无论真相如何,印记城关于女士为什么不允许信仰的谣言四处纷飞。其中一个谣言涉及了传送门之神 奥斯卡Aoskar:在几千年前,女士将他踹出了城里,他的名字现在是一道诅咒。但传言说,只要 门城the City of Doors 中保持着没有神明的状态,奥斯卡就将保持死亡状态。所以只要人们开始向女士宣誓,这位前传送门神力就可能再度归来。
Sigil being what it is, rumors fly about why the Lady won't abide worship. One involves Aoskar, god of portals: The Lady booted him out of town millennia ago, and now his name is a curse. But chant is that Aoskar'll stay dead only as long as there's no god in the City of Doors. If folks start pledging themselves to the Lady, the former power of portals will be able to return.

That's just one strain of the barmy talk than runs daily through the city's wards. Hard truth is, no one knows what the Lady is or what she's up to, and chances are no one ever will. She remains a mystery, and it's no dark that sods who dig too deeply for answers wind up in the Mazes (or worse). Best to let it lie.

