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盐准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt
【所属 位面】准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane负准元素位面The Negative Quasielemental Plane
【类   型】内层位面准元素位面
【位面 之主】托耳·萨利努斯Tor Salinus(一头卤水龙brine dragon)
【下辖 地区】核心面Core Magma

水晶山脉Crystal Range:与负能量面的交界处,包含 盐堡Citadel Sealt
刺痛风暴Stinging Storm:与冰位面的交界处
盐海Saline Sea:与水位面的交界处

滞海Stagnant Sea:与软泥面的交界处
【简   介】“我只为自己带盐。”——贝恩·血蹄,于半人马干埚

盐准元素位面The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt 处于负能量位面土元素位面的交界,是多元宇宙最为咸的地方。它是所有咸党的终极圣地,甜党的无底深渊。


2ePS<The Inner Planes.p118>盐准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Salt

  还不算太差。我的意思是,我们用铲子取得了不错的进展,对吧?当然,这个工作是真渴。It's not too bad. I mean, we're making decent progress with our shovels, right? Sure is thirsty work, though.
  ——温马尔·科雷克Uinmar Correk,物质佬Prime

  法师学派改变Wizard School Alteration
  水Water ∴

  (以下文本翻译自一只特别聪明的本地准元素对 盐位面the plane of Salt 观点的叙述。为了清晰起见,它在某种程度上已被重撰。The following is a translated account of the plane of Salt from the point of view of a particularly intelligent native quasielemental. It has been somewhat redrafted for clarity.
  ——编者the Editor)

  盐准位面The quasiplane of Salt 是由固态结晶碱性物质构成的无限区块。这里缺乏光线,但栖息于此的生物能感觉到无限的重力。盐是贪得无厌的,它从万物中吸取水分,只留下干燥的尸体。我们的位面是无尽渴求的位面。我们渴望着你的水分。
The quasiplane of Salt is a limitless block of solid, crystal alkaline matter. It is devoid of light, but those who live here feel the endless pull of gravity. Salt is insatiably thirsty, drawing the moisture from everything and leaving only desiccated corpses behind. Our plane is the plane of endless need. We hunger for your water.

  我们总是干渴难耐。在邻近我们位面的地方有一片无尽的水世界。有一天它将是我们的。在接近 水元素位面Elemental Plane of Water 的地方,我们准位面的固体物质变得越来越具有流动性。随着时间推移,它形成了一片名为 盐海the Saline Sea 的广阔大洋。海浪拍打着准位面的边缘,将如此多的盐吸入水中,以至于任何凡物都无法在其中生存。事实上,据说哪怕是那些通常不需要担心这些的家伙,一旦触碰这片有毒的大洋,也会遭受致命血液中毒的风险。所有的液体都必须恐惧 盐位面之触the touch of Salt。
We always thirst. Near our plane lies a realm of endless water. It will one day be ours. Near this Elemental Plane of Water, the solid mass of our quasiplane becomes more and more fluid. In time, it forms a vast ocean known as the Saline Sea. The waves here laps against the fringes of the quasiplane, drawing so much salt into the water that no mortal creature can live within it. Indeed, even touching this toxic ocean is said to bring with it the risk of deadly blood poisoning even to those who normally need not worry about such things. All fluid must fear the touch of Salt.

  朝着 冰位面Ice 的方向,一场酸涩的冰雹暴风雪席卷了整个环境。在这些冰冻颗粒撞击肉体时,会造成疼痛的红肿并留下可怕的白色疤痕。这被称作 刺痛风暴the Stinging Storm。
In the direction of Ice, a blizzard of acrid hail fills the environment. Where these frozen pellets strike flesh, painful welts form and produce ghastly white scars. This is called the Stinging Storm.

  朝着 软泥侧位面Paraelemental Ooze 的方向,无边无际的盐块开始碎裂成一片厚厚的盐水沼泽。不久之后,它会化作碱蚀性的污泥,其威力足以吞蚀金属。这片被称作 滞海the Stagnant Sea 的可怜沼泽的,即便是对我们一族,也非是可随意旅行的地方。
In the direction of Paraelemental Ooze, the boundless mass of salt begins to crumble into a thick bog of brackish water. Before long, it becomes caustic sludge powerful enough to eat through metal. This wretched morass, known as the Stagnant Sea, is not a place to be traveled carelessly even by our kind.

  在盐准位面与 尘埃面Dust 的交汇处,是一片名曰 销蚀之地the Consumption 的致命区域。这个地方就像一场无边无际的沙尘暴,尘埃和盐粒在其中互相急速旋转。进入销蚀之地的人会同时受到盐位面和尘埃免的负面影响——他们的身体将随着水分被榨干而分崩离析。没有东西可以在那生存。
Where the quasiplane of Salt meets that of Dust, a deadly region known as the Consumption stands. This place resembles an immeasurable sandstorm in which dustand salt swirl swiftly around each other. Those who enter the Consumption feel the negative effects of both Salt and Dust-breaking apart even as their moisture is leeched away. Nothing lives there.

  朝着其它方向移动,某人会进入到 真空准元素位面the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum。不过,在到达这片永恒真空前,你必须先通过 扁平之地the Flats。这片硬质盐滩构成的平原,其纹理从如玻璃般光滑到易碎多尘不等。在这片扁平之地上,你不仅会遭受盐位面的体液吸取效果,也面对 真空面Vacuum 的恶劣条件。许多准元素在此居住,因为这两种危险对我们都不构成威胁。
Moving in the other direction, a body eventually enters the Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum. Before reaching this eternal void, however, one must pass through the Flats. This vast plain of hard-packed salt ranges in texture from smooth and glassy to brittle and dusty. In the Flats one is subject not only to the fluid-draining effects of Salt but also the harsh conditions of Vacuum. Many quasielementals live here, for neither danger presents a threat to us.

  在盐准位面与 负能量面Negative Energy 致命辐射接触的地方,形成了一系列名为 水晶山脉the Crystal Range 的荒山。这些山峰究竟是怎么形成的?这个秘密我并不知道,但即使只是随意一瞥这副景观,也会给你留下一种某种力量正逐渐将准元素物质吸引到漆黑天空中的印象。准位面正常的吸水性在这里将加速。有生命的躯体几乎在很短的时间内就将析出全部体液,在水晶山脉星罗棋布地点缀死去访客形成的美丽盐雕。
Where the quasiplane of Salt comes into contact with the deadly radiance of Negative Energy, a chain of barren mountains known as the Crystal Range has formed. Exactly how these came to be is a secret I cannot tell, but even a casual glance at the landscape gives the impression that some force gradually draws the quasielemental material into the black sky. The normal moisture-draining property of the quasiplane accelerates here. A living body can be bled of all liquids in virtually no time, leaving the Crystal Range dotted with beautiful salt statues of those visitors who died here.


We have heard that the quasiplanes are considered "inhospitable" and the inhabitants "unfriendly." Mortals, we would gladly see you in our plane of Salt. Come bearing your precious fluids, and we will welcome you most pleasantly. (Ever heard the saying, "Come into my parlor"? I trust I need say nothing more.-the Editor)


  我们认为到达我们的准位面并不困难。在遥远的 印记城Sigil 和其它地方存在大量的传送门存在,那些以收割我们位面的财富为生的矿工们标记了它们。纯元素盐非常有劲(但那些用它装饰餐桌的人是为了向所有人宣告他们的财富和影响力。——编者)。
We understand that it is not difficult to reach our quasiplane. A number of gates exist in the far away city of Sigil and other places, used by miners who make their living harvesting our plane's bounty. Pure elemental Salt is potent (but those who grace their tables with it proclaim their wealth and influence to everyone—the Editor).

  有一道重要的传送门连接着一个名为 皮立翁荒野Pelion 的地方和盐准位面。在皮立翁荒野这片吹雪刮沙的土地上,你可能很难看到这扇所谓的 水晶三角Crystal Triangle——同样的,你在盐位面这边也很难看到它。这道门看起来像是从一块结实的玻璃上切割下来的。其真正成分仍是个迷。以破坏取样或其它方式来鉴定的尝试全部失败了。水晶三角有30呎高,并且就好像阳光一直照耀在它光滑表面上一般闪闪发光。
An important portal links a place called Pelion with the quasiplane of Salt. In Pelion, a land of blowing snow and sand, one may not see the so-called Crystal Triangle right away-it is likewise almost invisible within the Salt side as well. This gate has been cut from what appears to be a solid piece of glass. Its true composition remains a mystery. Attempts to chip or otherwise mark it have always failed. The Crystal Triangle is 30 feet on a side and gleams as if the light of a sun were always playing across its smooth surface.

  有个叫 科里安多村Coriandor 的精灵村庄已突然在这扇异界之门的两侧出现。在门的两侧,他们维持着一道魔法保护区的边界,里面是一片修建整齐的草坪、在这片白色海洋中形成了一片直径100呎的绿岛。(除了它的存在本身外)这个地方没有什么不寻常的地方,除非有人试图违背精灵们的意愿适应这道门。很显然,草坪可以活化,抓住甚至最强壮的生物,把它们拖到地表下的新坟里。
An elven village known as Coriandor has sprung into existence on both sides of the gate. On both sides they maintain a perimeter of magical protection inside which lies a perfectly manicured lawn that spreads out to form an island of green in a sea of white, 100 yards in diameter. Nothing unusual about this place suggests itself (aside from its very existence), unless one tries to use the gate against the wishes of the elves. Apparently the grassy field can come to life, grabbing even the strongest creatures and dragging them beneath the surface to an early grave.

  如果精灵们不阻止你,只要在门底撒上一把花籽,门就会打开。这种做法播种下的各种灿烂的花朵为三角水晶赢得了一个绰号,花园之门the Garden Gate。
If the elves do not have reason to prevent it, the gate opens with the scattering of a handful of flower seeds around its base. The brilliant array of blooms that have arisen from this practice has earned the Crystal Triangle its other nickname, the Garden Gate.

Additionally, a vortex to the quasiplane of Salt opens from time to time at the center of a dead sea or great salt flat. Similarly, they are reported to exist where large deposits of salt are found beneath the earth.


Many dangerous creatures lurk within the endless depths of our saline world. But these are not the greatest threats to an explorer in the quasiplane.


  这个位面从来访者踏足的那一刻就开始汲取赋予生命的体液。如果没有魔法防护,将造成每轮2d6点伤害。而那些水栖生物,如 人鱼mermen 或 海仙女nereids,将遭受双倍伤害。来自水位面或软泥或冰侧位面的元素生物,将每轮失去1个生命骰或等级,直至它被我们位面永不餍足的干渴吞噬殆尽。只要还身处我们的位面,这种伤害就无法被治疗。
This plane draws the life-giving fluids from a visitor from the first moment spent here. Without magical protection,this inflicts 2d6 points of damage per round. Creatures aquatic in nature, like mermen or nereids, suffer twice the normal damage. An elemental creature from the plane of Water, or a paraplane like Ooze or Ice, loses 1 Hit Die or level per round until it is consumed to feed our plane's insatiable thirst. This damage cannot be healed while on our plane.

Water and other fluids are quickly contaminated and destroyed in this place. At the start of each hour, such things must make a saving throw vs. acid or become so tainted with salt that they are rendered poisonous even before they are absorbed by the plane itself.


The quasiplane of Salt is primarily a solid mass. Because of this, a nonnative cannot breathe without magical help. Of course, cracks and fissures exist within the structure of the plane, as well as the occasional pocket of Elemental Air, where breathing might be a little easier. Also, portions of the plane are not solid salt, such as the border areas described above.

Also like other primarily solid planes, there is no light and scarce little open space, preventing normal vision.


While traveling through the quasiplane of Salt, a planewalker must keep a wary eye for crystal veins. These glisten like spun glass and lace their way through the salt just likeveins of metal in the plane of Earth.

  虽然看上去非常美丽,但它们的存在对任何穿行于这个位面的物体都构成了极大的威胁。甚至是借助 穿墙术passwall 这类法术的旅行,也无法安全通过这些矿脉。晶脉就像致命的匕首,在旅行者们看清楚前就将其一分为二,并将他的水排入饥渴的大地。
Although beautiful to look upon, they present a very dangerous hazard to anything moving through the plane. Even travel by means of a passwall spell cannot navigate safely past these veins. Crystal veins act like deadly knives, cleaving the traveler in twain before he even sees them and bleeding his water into the hungry ground.

Having accidentally stumbled into an area laced with crystal veins, a traveler must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. The outcome of this die roll indicates which of the following tables is consulted to determine the creature's fate.

1            无None
2            小割伤Minor cut(1d4 点伤害points of damage)
3            大割伤Major cut(1d6 点伤害points of damage)
4            小撕裂伤Minor laceration(1d8 点伤害points of damage)
5            大撕裂伤Major laceration(1d10 点伤害points of damage)
6            重伤Severe injury(2d8 点伤害points of damage)

1            右臂被割下Right arm severed(2d10 点points,-2 敏捷Dex)
2            左臂被割下Left arm severed(2d10 点points,-2 敏捷Dex)
3            右腿被割下Right leg severed(2d10 点points,-2 敏捷Dex)
4            左腿被割下Left leg severed(2d10 点points,-2 敏捷Dex)
5            被对半分Bisection(立即被杀instantly slain)
6            被斩首Decapitation(立即被杀instantly slain)


Nonnatives do not find it a simple thing to travel in the quasiplane of Salt. Call upon us and we may guide you to places of safety. (Travel here is handled just like digging through the deprhs of the plane of Earth. However, the consistency of this place is neaer denser than soft rock.—the Editor)


  栖息于此的生物反映了它们所居准位面的特性。其中有一些尤其异常,与 多元宇宙the multiverse 别处的生物都不相同。
The creatures that dwell here reflect the nature of the quasiplane they inhabit. Some are very unusual, unlike those found anywhere else in the multiverse.


Two dominant forms of elemental creatures thrive in this plane. The most widespread of these are we salt quasielementals, ourselves. Throughout the plane, our loose series of minor kingdoms stand testament to our longevity and power. I can tell you little else without betraying important and ancient secrets.

  另一个种族名为 晶面怪facets。虽然它们的绝对数量上超过了我们准元素,但它们的族群集中于水元素位面的边界上。虽然晶面怪可以在位面上的任何地方生存,但它们在这个地方呆的最舒适。
The other race is known as facets. While they physically out number we quasielementals, their numbers are concentrated along the border of elemental Water. While facets can survive anywhere in the plane, they are most comfortable in this place.

  第三个种族则不那么重要,它们是 盐魔蝠salt mephits。它们很少形成大聚落,而是分散地围绕着我们的准位面分布。盐魔蝠和它们的准元素兄弟们相处愉快,经常在我们中间自由地生活。不过,它们厌恶晶面怪,因为那些生物奴役了它们的许多亲族。
A third race, less significant, is the salt mephits. They seldom form large communities, instead scattering them-selves around our quasiplane. Salt mephits get along well with their quasielemental brothers, often living freely among us. They dislike facets, however, for those creatures holdmany of their kin in slavery.


  有大量的 元素动物animentals 在此分布。几乎所有这些生物都映射了那些在沙漠中栖息的普通动物。也许其中最危险的是蝎子和蛇,其中蝎子能长到大象大小,而蛇的毒素能立即将凡物变成干燥的水晶雕像。
Numerous animentals can be found here. Almost all of these creatures are reflections of those animals that make their homes in desert environs. Perhaps the most dangerous of these are the scorpions, which can grow to be the size of elephants, and snakes, whose toxins instantly transform a mortal body into moistureless crystal statues.

  虽然这个位面的脱水作用会迅速摧毁大部分生物,但我们知道有很多小动物在我们的位面上繁衍生息。斯洛格兽Sloggosh 是一种宽嘴四足动物,栖息在与晶面怪相同的区域,以盐和从水元素位面游来的生物为食。它们对我们不构成威胁,我的人民只害怕 哈喇子虫hlach,一种几乎隐形、吸取能量的寄生虫。
While the dehydrating effects of this plane destroy most creatures very quickly, we know of many minor creatures that thrive in our home plane. Sloggosh are wide-mouthed quadrupeds that inhabit the same areas as the facets, feeding upon salt and creatures that have swam in from the Elemental Plane of Water. They offer us no threat, but my people fear the hlach, a near-invisible, energy-draining parasite.

  大部分品种的怪物都比普通人类访客都更能忍耐这个位面的恶劣条件。在此遭遇的怪物都几乎是某种晶体或矿物生命,像是 格莱石人galeb duhr 或 晶怪crysmal。
Most types of monster are no better able to with stand the harsh conditions of this plane than the average human visitor. Monsters encountered here are almost always some form of crystalline or mineral life like galeb duhr or crysmal.


Various undead races have formed small necropoli in the quasiplane of Salt. They tend to be reclusive, basking in the proximity of the Negative Energy Plane without feeling the need to channel their hostilities toward the living. Indeed, I have heard that nonnatives who can cope with the fact that everyone around him is nothing more than an animated corpse may even be able to seek shelter among these undead.


  盐准元素位面没有神力,甚至没有 元素大君archomental。只有一只生物扬名于位面之外。
There are no powers in the quasiplane of Salt, nor even an archomental. Only one creature has made its name known outside the plane.

  托耳·萨利努斯Tor Salinus 是一头巨大的 卤水龙brine dragon,它也许是盐准位面中最强大的生物。他似乎对这个位面的正常脱水免疫,但这是一种自然的抗力还是魔法的效果,只有它自己知道。
Perhaps the most powerful creature in the quasiplane of Salt is Tor Salinus, a gigantic brine dragon. He appears to be immune to the normal dehydration of the plane, but whether this is a natural resistance or a magic alone is known only to him.

Tor Salinus appears to be determined to rule the whole of the plane, but not in the manner most would anticipate. The dragon does not desire power over others, wealth, or even knowledge. He desires instead to be the only living creature in the quasiplane of Salt. Indeed, his hatred of the living creature in also to the walking dead. As such, he makes no peace with the various undead communities that dot the quasiplane.

Although dragons were generally unknown to my people and my home, we now know from experience that a homicidal, maniacal dragon is not something to be taken lightly.


None of the races native to this quasiplane build cities or other large structures. The nature of the plane and the creatures it gives life to do not permit it. The scattered communities of quasielementals and undead generally do not grow very large. Although the dragon Tor Salinus gradually carves himself a large lair, it is not the kind of place a traveler can visit, so there is little point in describing it.


  末日卫士团The Doomguard 在盐准位面维持着一座令人印象深刻的堡垒(就像他们在每个负准位面做的那样)。它由构成位面本身的物质雕刻而成,无异于一座巨大的雕塑。每一个房间、每一座塔楼、每一座拱门,都是整个物体不可分割的一部分。没有砖块和其它组件的互相支撑,而只利用了盐物质本身。盐堡Citadel Sealt 堪称建筑与艺术的杰作。
The Doomguard maintain an impressive fortress in the quasiplane of Salt (as they do one each of the negative quasiplanes). Carved from the very substance of the plane itself, it is nothing less than a giant sculpture. Every room, every turret, every archway, is an integral part of the whole object. There are no bricks or other components that stand upon each other, only the material of Salt itself. Citadel Sealt is nothing short of an architectural and artistic masterpiece.

  末日领主The Doomlord 洛斯Roth(位面佬/提夫林/战士14/末日卫士团/混乱中立)监督着这个地方。我们听说许多想要加速多元宇宙熵死亡的末日卫士团成员跑到了这里避难。这并不奇怪,因为盐堡也欢迎下位面访客。末日卫士团在这里同时向塔纳厘恶魔和巴特祖魔鬼兜售武器和信息,试图加强 血战the Blood War。
The Doomlord Roth (Pl/& tiefling/F14/Doomguard/CN) oversees this place. We have heard that many members of the Doomguard who would like to accelerate the entropic death of the multiverse have taken refuge here. This is not surprising, because Citadel Sealt also welcomes lower-planar visitors. The Doomguard here have sold weapons and information to both the tanar'ri and baatezu in an attempt to intensify the Blood War.


As mentioned earlier, an assortment of nonnative races have established mining colonies in the quasiplane of Salt. Each and every one of them has found some unnatural means of blocking the fundamental effects of the quasiplane.

Races comfortable with life underground maintain the majority of these outposts. This includes dwarves, gnomes, goblins, and kobolds. At least one of these sites is owned and operated by a tribe of unfriendly stone giants.


Aside from working in the mines or guarding them from hostile creatures found in this plane, there may be little reason for a traveler to make his way to the plane of Salt. One option, however, includes joining forces with one side or the other of the coming war that will pit the facets of Salt against the entirety of the plane of Water. Since facets multiply when they encounter water, it may verywell be a struggle as eternal as the infamous Blood War.

  (目前的传言还声称,一只强大的疯子灵吸怪已盗取了一件名为 狂喜而死ecstasy's death 的强大灵能物品,并带着它来到了盐位面。据报告,他在这里把自己埋在了一处地下城般的居所中,周围环绕着被心灵控制的盐位面土著。在 外域the Outlands 上,一个 吉斯泽莱人githzerai 部落和一个矮人王国都悬赏了他的触手脑袋,显然他冒犯了他们。——编者)
(The current chant also claims that a power-mad illithid has stolen a powerful psionic object called ecstasy's death and taken it to the plane of Salt. There, reportedly, he's buried himself in a dungeon-like abode surrounded by mind-controlled Salt natives. A bounty rests on his tentacled head from both a tribe of githzerai and a kingdom of dwarves on the Outlands, who he's apparently wronged.—the Editor)


It is possible to overcome some or all of the plane's magic-warping effects through the use of spell keys. In this plane, they take the form of various fluids that must be added tothe normal material components associated with a given spell. These liquids are quickly absorbed by the quasiplane and lost, but the caster's spell functions normally. The most common of these elixirs are extracts of rare plants or spices, but fluids drawn from living animals have been known to be efficacious as well.
