盖布Geb | |
基本信息 | |
【音 标】 | 无 |
【旧 译】 | 给布,杰柏 |
【别名/面相】 | 盖布山特Gebthant(塞尔Thay),盖巴寇特佩Gebakotep(恩瑟Unther) |
【头 衔】 | 大地之主Lord Earth,大地之下财富的王King of the Riches Under the Earth,天空与沙漠之下深处Farther Under the Skies and Sands |
【阵 营】 | N |
【神 力】 | I→L |
【神 职】 | 大地The earth,矿工miners,矿井mines,矿藏mineral resources |
与诸神的关系 | |
【神 系】 | 埃及神系Egyptian Pantheon&穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi Pantheon/荷鲁斯家族Horus's family |
【主 神】 | 无 |
【盟 友】 | 伊西斯Isis,奥西里斯Osiris,奈芙蒂斯Nephthys,弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin,摩拉丁Moradin;还有 苏Shu,泰芙努特Tefnut,努特Nut,祂们都未履及 诸国度the Realms |
【敌 对】 | 无 |
【神 仆】 | 神侍divine minions |
神国与教会 | |
【神 国】 | 土元素位面Elemental Plane of Earth/星底洞窟the Caverns Under the Stars |
【徽 记】 | 一座山脉A mountain |
【简 介】 | 盖布Geb 是 穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi Pantheon 的大地之神,其崇拜在 第一帝国the First Empire 的巅峰时期到达顶峰,在那时盖布被认为是位中等神力,但因不涉足政治而逐渐被边缘化。 他是 拉Ra 的孙子,苏Shu 和 泰芙努特Tefnut 的儿子,努特Nut 的兄弟和丈夫,伊西斯Isis、赛特Set、奥西里斯Osiris、奈芙蒂斯Nephthys 的父亲,荷鲁斯Horus 的祖父。 |
2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p099>盖布Geb
出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR
土元素位面弱等神力Lesser Power of the Elemental Plane of Earth,
神职PORTFOLIO:大地The earth,矿工miners,矿井mines,矿藏mineral resources
神域名DOMAIN NAME:土元素位面Elemental Plane of Earth/星底洞窟the Caverns Under the Stars
盟友ALLIES:伊西斯Isis,奥西里斯Osiris,奈芙蒂斯Nephthys,弗兰达·钢皮Flandal Steelskin,摩拉丁Moradin;还有 苏Shu,泰芙努特Tefnut,努特Nut,祂们都未履及 诸国度the Realms
徽记SYMBOL:一座山脉A mountain
信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any
盖布Geb,大地之神,穆尔霍兰德Mulhorand 最古老神祇中的一员。在由 拉Ra 创造后,苏Shu 和 泰芙努特Tefnut 生育了数量众多的子嗣。这些子嗣中的第一位便是变成了大地的盖布。盖布同样醉心于他的姐妹 努特Nut(即天空),他们立即相拥在了一块。在他们孕育了四个自己的孩子(即 伊西斯Isis、赛特Set、奥西里斯Osiris、奈芙蒂斯Nephthys)后,拉指示苏拆散了盖布与努特的拥抱。当 穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi pantheon 动身前往 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 时,为了进一步拆散这对高产似母猪的伴侣,拉命令盖布派遣一尊显现体跟随,而让努特留在苏和泰芙努特身后。
Geb, god of the earth, is one of the oldest deities of Mulhorand. Following their creation by Ra, Shu aand Tefnut produced numerous offspring. The first lof these was Geb, who became the earth. Geb was also enraptured with his sister, Nut (the sky), that they instantly embraced. After they had produced four children of their own (Isis, Set, Osiris, and Nephthys), Ra instructed Shu to break up the embrace of Geb and Nut. When the Mulhorandi pantheon left for Abeir-Toril, Ra commanded Geb to send a manifestation and for Nut to remain behind with Shu and Tefnut in order to further separate the prolific pair.
Geb was once a curious and quick-tempered god, but he has mellowed since his birth and now takes a more even-tempered, safe, and cautious approach to life. He speaks with a deep bass voice and emphasizes his words by striking the ground with the base of his staff, creating minor tremors with each stroke. He is jovial and appreciates humor both subtle and broad. He rarely engages in emotional displays, although his eyes burn hotter when he discovers a precious gem or rich vein of ore or when he is angry.
盖布的 神侍divine minions 能呈现为洞熊的形态。
Geb is served by divine minions that can assume the form of a cave bear.
盖布的化身Geb's Avatar
(战士Fighter 25,巫师Mage 23,牧师Cleric 15)
盖布展现为一位帝王般的高大男性,除了嶙峋的体魄外是位典型的穆尔霍兰德人。他有着暗棕色皮肤,无焰闷燃般、迟钝的红色眼睛,紧密编织、颜色如同肤色的胡须。他穿着一件大地色调的 卡拉西里斯长袍kalasiris,戴着一顶金色穆尔霍兰德式王冠,金箔的护腕则环绕着他的上臂。他施展来自任何学派或领域的法术,虽然他偏好土元素的学派和领域。在他的完全控制下,他所施展的所有土元素学派或领域的法术效果将3倍于正常效果。
Geb appears as a huge, regal Mulhorandi man of defined but craggy physique. He has dark brown skin, smoldering, dull eyes, and a short, tightly braided beard the color of his skin. He wears a kalasiris in flowing earth tones, a golden Mulhorandi crown, and beaten gold bracers around his upper arms. He casts spells from any school or sphere, although he favors the school and sphere of elemental earth. All elemental earth school or sphere spells he casts take effect at up to triple normal effect in all respects at his complete control.
防御等级 -4;移动 15;生命值 209;零级命中值 4;#攻击 5次/2轮
伤害 1d6+19(+3铁头棍,+14力量,+2对铁头棍的专精奖励)
魔抗 30%;体型 大型L (10呎)
力量 25,敏捷 23,体质 25,智力 22,感知 20,魅力 22
法术 祭司P:9/9/8/8/4/2/1,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
AC -4; MV 15; HP 209; THAC0 4;#AT 5/2
Dmg ld6+19 (quarterstaff +3,+14 Str,+2 spec, bonus in quarterstaff)
MR 30%; SZ L (10 feet)
Str 25, Dex 23, Con 25, Int 22, Wis 20, Cha 22
Spells P:9/9/8/8/4/2/1, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/3
Saves PPDM 3, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4
特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:
在战斗中,盖布传统上携带着一柄能复制与大地相关的任何魔法物品或法术的 +3铁头棍。例如,他能命令它起到一柄 巨掘之铲spade of colossal excavation 的功能或施展 化石为泥transmute rock to mud 法术。盖布能够对任何来自 土元素位面Elemental Plane of Earth、而进入了穆尔霍兰德势力范围的生物,施加绝对支配。每轮1次,作为其正常近战和/或施法动作的补充,他能召唤2d4个土元素为他战斗,或运用一道 禁锢术imprisonment 或 地震术earthquake 法术。以上述方法使用这两种法术是一种能力,而不计入上面提到的可记忆法术总数。
Geb traditionally carries a quarterstaff +3 in combat that can duplicate the function of any magical item or spell relating to the earth. For example, he can command it to function as a spade of colossal excavation or to cast a transmute rock to mud spell. Geb is able to exert absolute control over any creature from the Elemental Plane of Earth within the Mulhorandi sphere of influence. He can summon 2d4 earth elementals to fight for him or employ an imprisonment or earthquake spell once per round in addition to his normal melee and/or spellcasting actions. The use of these two spells in this way are an ability, and they do not count against the total number of memorizable spells noted above.
Geb can instantly negate any spell involving earth, rock, mud, or the like. Only +3 or better magical weapons can harm him, and he cannot be harmed by any physical weapon while he stands on solid ground. Geb regenerates 3 hit points per round while he is in contact with the earth.
其祂显现Other Monifesbahions
Geb often manifests as cracks forming in walls when his faithful risk mining into an unsafe section of earth. When pleased with a follower, he may manifest in the form of gems found at opportune moments. When displeased, Geb may manifest as an earthquake; its magnitude indicating the source of his displeasure. Oftentimes, Geb manifests in the form of earth elemental sightings when he wishes to lead his clergy or faithful to a particular spot in the earth. He may manifest as a dead canary when miners are about to uncover a pocket of lethal gas or as a giant brown rat fleeing a mine immediately prior to a collapse. All gemstones and metal ores are sacred to him, but he is especially fond of gold, silver, and electrum, the naturally occurring alloy of the two. He some-times shows his favor, presence, or disapproval by the actions or appearance of xorn, rust monsters, stone golems (of greater or lesser sort), bears, cave bears, moles, badgers, and odd-looking dwarves who appear to be Mulhorandi.
教会The Church
神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
神职阵营Clergy's Align.:中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN
驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可;专属祭司SP:不可
呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:不可;专属祭司SP:不可
所有的盖布牧师和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi)、阅读/书写 reading/writing(穆尔霍兰德语Mulhorandi)、以及 现代语言modern languages(通用语Common) 作为非武器熟练奖励。身为穆尔霍兰德人,他们也都通晓作为母语的穆尔霍兰德语。祭职人员主要为世袭,而且几乎所有的盖布牧师和专属祭司都是 盖布山特家族House of Gebthant 的成员,这个家族由盖布的神性 转生体incarnation 的人类后裔构成。有些许的矮人和侏儒崇拜盖布,而且自 动荡之年Time of Troubles 以来,已有一小撮金矮人被纳入他的神职人员。
All clerics and specialty priests of Geb receive religion (Mulhorandi), reading/writing (Mulhorandi), and modern languages (Common) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. As Mulhorandi, they all also know Mulhorandi as their native tongue. The priesthood is largely hereditary, and almost all of Geb's clerics and specialty priests are members of the House of Gebthant, composed of human descendants of divine incarnations of Geb. A few dwarves and gnomes worship Geb, and, since the Time of Troubles, a handful of gold dwarves have been admitted to his clergy.
盖布的崇拜在 第一帝国the First Empire 的巅峰时期到达顶峰,在那时盖布被认为是位中等神力,但盖布的祭职人员从不涉足政治,并因此被其他祭职人员慢慢地边缘化。今日,穆尔霍兰德神系的其祂成员和穆尔霍兰德居民以虚与委蛇的尊重来对待盖布。“是的,”荷鲁斯-雷Horus-Re 的祭司们说,“盖布是位强大的神祇,他的怒火令人恐惧。但他老了,而且他真的不需要将自己牵扯进太多穆尔霍兰德事务,这大概是最好的结果。”
Geb's worship reached its apex at the height of the First Empire, when he was considered an intermediate power, but Geb's priesthood never involved themselves in politics and hence were slowly marginalized by the other priesthoods. Today Geb is treated with condescending respect, both by the other members of the Mulhorandi pantheon and by the people of Mulhorand. “Yes,” the priests of Horus-Re say,“Geb is a powerful deity and his wrath is frightening. But he is old, and it is probably for the best that he really does not involve himself very much in the affairs of the Mulhorandi.”
Temples to Geb are always constructed underground, preferably in large, natural caverns greatly expanded by miners. Such sites exhibit great natural beauty (or deliberate imitations thereof) and include many of the cave formations found in living caverns, such as stalactites, stalagmites, columns, draperies, flowstone, and gypsum flowers, as well as underground pools, springs, and streams.
在公众场合,盖布的祭司都应被称为“祭司阁下Lord Priest”或“高阶祭司阁下Lord High Priest”(如果其等级为9级或更高),但其它信仰的傲慢祭司通常会省略“阁下”这个敬语。在他们的等级系统中,盖布的祭司使用的头衔如下:矿工Miner、钻研者Majer、深地挖掘者Deepdigger、大地之爪Earthclaw、以及 大地之心Earthheart,但头衔会根据神殿的变化而变化。因为大地之神转化其神职人员的速度非常缓慢,故而只有大约15%的盖布神职人员是被称之为 大地之子earthchildren 的专属祭司。
All priests of Geb are supposed to be addressed in public as “Lord Priest” or “Lord High Priest” (if of 9th level or greater), but haughty priests of other faiths often drop the honorific “Lord.” Within their ranks, priests of Geb use such titles as Miner, Majer, Deepdigger, Earthclaw, and Earthheart, but titles vary from temple to temple. Only about 15% of Geb's clergy are specialty priests, known as earthchildren, as the god of earth has been slow to convert his priesthood.
Priests of Geb are friends of the earth. They have much in common with dwarves in that they love deep caverns and the splendors of mighty mountain ranges. Geb's clergy are commanded to seek out new veins of ore and gems, to fund and construct new mines that reveal Geb's beautiful creations, and to assist miners in the safe recovery of minerals and gems from the depths of the earth.
Novices of the church are charged as follows:“Know the earth. Explore its beauties and reveal its hidden secrets, but do so in such a way as to highlight their fundamental mysteries, not merely to exploit their monetary value. Protect those who work in the earth with respect and punish those who ravish it of its treasures without regard. Become one with the earth, and you will know Geb, who abides in it. Geb will lead you to inner peace through steadfast knowledge and lend you the strength of the living rock to defend and protect in your time of need.”
日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:
The clergy of Geb spend their days side by side with miners digging tunnels, with prospectors panning for gold, and with blacksmiths forging weapons and armor. At least once per year, priests must search out a new vein of ore or precious stones or lose their priestly abilities until they do so. Senior priests often go to the cities and seek funding from the clergy of Nephthys to excavate new mines and quarries.
圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:
每个夜晚,盖布的祭司必须安放一块宝石或矿石,将它埋入泥土中、在此期间进行晚祷。第二天早上,祭司必须挖出这块宝石并将它献给盖布、并在此期间晨祷。这双重仪式,被共同称为 隐藏的礼物与丰收的喜悦the Hidden Gift and the Bountiful Joy,以颂扬盖布对世界的馈赠和大地宝贵秘密的被揭示。
Each evening, a priest of Geb must locate one precious stone or mineral and bury it in the dirt while speaking evening prayers. The following morning, the priest must excavate the gem and offer it up to Geb while repeating morning prayers. These twin ceremonies, known collectively as the Hidden Gift and the Bountiful Joy, celebrate Geb's bequest to the world and the discovery of the earths precious secrets.
五月Mirtul,这个被那些参观穆尔霍兰德群山者称之为 融化时节the Time of Melting 的月份,它的第一天用于庆祝一个被称之为 开封节the Unwrapping 的节日。大约在这个时节,高山积雪汇入灌满了山上的溪流,经常会暴露出新的洞窟或矿脉。十二月Nightal 的最后一天,也被称之为 绘末之日the Day of Drawing Down,是一场标志那些这一年死于大地或山脉深处者的庄严仪式。每年他们会弄塌至少一处被遗弃矿井的入口,以纪念这个场合。
The first of Mirtul, a month known to those who visit Mulhorand's mountains as the Time of Melting, is celebrated in a festival known as the Unwrapping. Mountains streams fill with the runoff of alpine snow around this time, often exposing new caves and veins to mine. The last day of Nightal, known as the Day of Drawing Down, is a solemn ceremony marking the death of those died in the depths of the earth and mountains during the year. The entrance of at least one abandoned mine shaft is collapsed each year to commemorate the occasion.
主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:
Geb is worshiped mostly by miners, who set up crude shrines to him. His image adorns the openings of mine shafts. Each mountain range within the geographic sphere of influence of the Mulhorandi pantheon includes at least one major temple to Geb.
在动荡之年期间,盖布恢复了他的某些积极天性,并带领了一支他最忠诚追随者组成的军队建造了一座被称之为 黄金熔炉the Golden Forge 的秘密神殿,神殿坐落于被称之为 诸神之船the Ship of the Gods 的岛屿其岛上的一座火山深处。这座神殿的神职人员醒着的大部分时间都被花费在努力阻止火山爆发上,因为它自从 诸神降世the Fall of the Gods 之前就开始威胁要这样做。仅仅靠着他们孜孜不倦的努力,才阻止了 恩瑟Unther 从 夏色城Shussel 到 玛瑟普拉Messemprar 的沿岸被埋葬在10呎厚的火山灰中,不过这一壮举只有少数外人知晓。
During the Time of Troubles, Geb regained some of his activist nature, and he led an army of his most faithful followers to construct a secret temple known as the Golden Forge in the depths of the volcano on the island known as the Ship of the Gods. The clergy of this temple spend most of their waking hours struggling to prevent the volcano from exploding as it has been threatening to do since before the Fall of the Gods. Only their diligent efforts have prevented the coast of Unther from Shussel to Messemprar from being buried in 10 feet of volcanic ash, although this fact is known only to a handful of outsiders.
从属组织Affiliated Orders:
虽然盖布的教会没有军事组织或骑士团,但大部分盖布的冒险者祭司都是 秘银山脉团契the Fellowship of the Mithral Mountain 的成员。这个社团的成员共同致力于探寻那座负载着无数秘银矿脉、近乎神话的山脉。鹤嘴锄兄弟会the Brotherhood of the Pick 是支包括了穆尔霍兰德大部分矿工的社团,它充当着与领地的贵族谈判的联盟。
While the church of Geb sponsors no military or knightly orders, most adventuring priests of Geb are members of the Fellowship of the Mithral Mountain. The members of the society are united in their search for a near-mythical mountain laden with countless veins of mithral. The Brotherhood of the Pick is a society whose membership includes most miners in Mulhorand, and serves as a union of sorts for negotiating with the nobles of the land.
祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:
The clergy of Geb garb themselves in simple blacksmith's aprons over a kalasiris and iron-shod boots. They typically sport plain, burnished steel pectorals inlaid with gems and precious stones and bracers and armlets of gold, silver, or electrum. (Priests of Geb have a base AC 7 while wearing their ceremonial garb.)
Priests of Geb shave their heads bald, but male priests grow small beards on their chins that are kept tightly braided. They paint three blue circles on their foreheads indicating that they are priests and tint their skin deep brown. The relative worth of the metal used and gems inlaid in a priest's ceremonial garb indicates his or her relative affluence. The standard holy symbol of the faith is a miniature pick.
冒险装束Adventuring Garb:
When adventuring, priests of Geb dress practically for the mission and the danger they anticipate. They usually wear some form of metal armor, typically of heavier construction than is normal for Mulhorand.
专属祭司Specialty Priests(大地之子Earthchildren)
属性需求Requirements:体质Constitution 11,感知Wisdom 9
关键属性Prime Req.:体质Constitution,感知Wisdom
武器Weapons:所有钝击武器(类型B),步兵镐footman's pick
防具Armor:任何以金属为主的防具Any predominantly metal armor
主修领域Major Spheres:共通All,星界astral,元素elemental(土earth),守卫guardian,保护protection,治疗healing,召唤summoning,时间time,结界wards
次要领域Minor Spheres:战斗Combat,创造creation,元素(气、火、水) elemental (air, fire, and water)
魔法物品Magical Items:如同牧师
熟练需求Req. Profs:挖矿Mining,攀登mountaineering
熟练奖励Bonus Profs:估价Appraising 或 宝石切割gem cutting(任选1),坚忍endurance
❖ Dwarves can be earthchildren, though dwarven culture frowns on this choice somewhat as a deviation from tradition. In the future, gnomes may also be admitted to the clergy, but none have been thus far since gnome cultural peer pressure is very strongly against this life choice.
❖ Earthchildren have 60-foot infravision.
❖ Earthchildren permanently add 1 point to their Constitution scores and their Strength scores. This bonus may not take their ability scores past 18 and does not convey exceptional Strength. They also permanently subtract 1 point from their Charisma scores, though this subtraction may not take them below racial minimums.
❖ Earthchildren receive a +3 bonus to their use of the mining non-weapon proficiency and a five-slot bonus (+50% to mountain climbing with proper equipment) to the mountaineering non-weapon proficiency.
❖每日1次,大地之子能施展 侦测金属与矿石detect metals and minerals(如同1级祭司法术)。
❖ Earthchildren can cast detect metals and minerals (as the 1st-level priest spell) once per day.
❖ At 2nd level, earthchildren can detect grades and slopes as a dwarf does.
❖ At 3rd level, earthchildren can detect stonework traps, pits, and deadfalls as a dwarf does.
❖在第5级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 尘埃之盾dust shield(如同3级祭司法术)。
❖ At 5th level, earthchildren can cast dust shield (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第7级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 挖掘术dig(如同4级祭司法术)。
❖ At 7th level, earthchildren can cast dig (as the 4th-level wizard spell) once a day.
❖在第10级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 咒唤土元素conjure earth elemental 和 驱逐土元素dismiss earth elemental(如同7级祭司法术和其逆向版本)。
❖ At 10th level, earthchildren can conjure earth elemental or dismiss earth elemental (as the 7th-level priest spell and its reverse) once a day.
❖在第13级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 移土术move earth(如同6级祭司法术)。
❖ At 13th level, earthchildren can cast move earth (as the 6th-level wizard spell) once a day.
❖在第15级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 地震术earthquake(如同7级祭司法术)。
❖ At 15th level, earthchildren can cast earthquake (as the 7th-level priest spell) once a day.
❖在第20级,每日1次,大地之子能施展 沉没术sink(如同8级祭司法术)。生物(但不包括魔法物品)在对抗这种能力的豁免检定时,受到-3惩罚。
❖ At 20th level, earthchildren can cast sink (as the 8th-level wizard spell) once a day. Creatures (but not magical items) receive a -3 penalty when making a saving throw against the use of this ability.
盖布教派法术Gebbite Spells
1st Level
侦测金属与矿石Detect Metals and Minerals
(祭司Pr 1;预言Divination)
持续时间Duration:1 回合 + 1 轮/级
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮
影响区域Area of Effect:10呎 x 120呎长方形
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
This spell allows its casters to divine the location of a single type of ore or mineral deposit. Casting priests concentrate on finding a specific type of metal or minerals. Priests can detect different types of metals and minerals (including gems) during the spell's duration, but only one type can be detected per round. If the substance is within a path 10 feet wide and 120 feet long, the exact location and approximate quantity of the metal or mineral is revealed. Casters can find metals and minerals of any type and can determine whether they are in a pure, refined form (pure silver, for example), raw ore (iron ore), or alloy form (adamantine). Casting priests can move at a walk and maintain the spell, but they cannot engage in strenuous activity and maintain it.
The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.
2nd Level
臂锤术Arm Hammers
(祭司Pr 2;祈唤/塑能Invocation/Evocation)
持续时间Duration:1 回合/级
施法时间Casting Time:5
影响区域Area of Effect:施法者
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术令祭司将其前臂和手转化为非魔法的战锤,足以击碎坚硬的岩石。当处于这道法术效果下时,施法者能以惊人的速度用双臂锤击,每回合对不动的构造造成一点结构伤害(见 地颤术earthshake 法术中关于许多建筑物的平均结构点)。当在任何类型的岩石中挖凿隧道时,施法者能以每轮1呎深或是每回合10呎深的速度创造一条通道。这条通道大到足以令与施法者体型类似的生物步行通过。
This spell enables the priest to transform his or her forearms and hands into nonmagical adamantine hammers with which she or he can chip away solid rock. While under the effects of this spell, the spellcaster can hammer away with both arms at an incredibly rapid pace, doing 1 point of structural damage (see the earthshake spell for average structural points for many buildings) to unmoving structures per turn. When tunneling into any form of rock, the spellcaster can create a passage at a rate of 1 foot deep per round, or 10 feet per turn. This passage is large enough for a creature of similar size to the spellcaster to walk through.
在战斗中使用 臂锤术 是很困难的,因为对手往往会迂回和闪避,而若击打的目标不是固定、不动的,这柄战锤的沉重将难以保持平衡。因此,虽然祭司能加快 臂锤术 摆动的速率到近乎盲目的速度,但当法术被用于战斗时,祭司只能每轮攻击2次(每只 臂锤 攻击1次),并且所有手臂都必须攻击同一个目标。每次攻击在命中上遭受-3惩罚并且只会造成1d8点伤害,因为这些笨重的武器的大部分击打都只是偏斜擦过。当在自然骰20时,祭司将成功地牢固地配合攻击,并造成2d10点伤害。
It is difficult to employ arm hammers in combat, as opponents tend to weave and dodge and the heavy weight of the hammers makes it difficult for the spell's casters to maintain their balance if they are not striking a fixed, immovable target. As a result, although priests can accelerate the rate at which the arm hammers swing to a near blinding rate, when the spell is used in combat, the priest receives only two attacks per round (one with each arm hammer) and must direct all of the attacks against a single opponent. Each attack strikes with a -3 penalty to hit and inflicts only ld8 points of damage, as most hits with these cumbersome weapons are merely glancing blows. On a roll of a natural 20, the priest manages to connect solidly with an attack and inflicts 2dl0 points of damage.
在任何时候施法的祭司都能终结 臂锤术。在处于这道法术的影响下时,施法的祭司每回合必须进行一次成功的体质属性简单。若检定失败而施法者未立即终结法术的效果,那么他必须在接下来的每轮进行一次额外的体质属性检定。若在任何时候第二次属性检定失败,祭司必须进行成功的身体休克幸存骰,否则将因劳累而死亡。若身体休克幸存骰成功,法术将立即终止而施法者将筋疲力竭,必须立即进行至少8小时的彻底休息(甚至不允许步行)。
Arm hammers may be ended at any time by the casting priest. While under the effects of this spell, the casting priest must make a successful Constitution ability check every turn. If a check is failed and the spellcaster does not end the spell effect immediately, she or he must make an additional Constitution ability check every round thereafter. If the priest fails a second Constitution ability check at any point, the priest must make a successful system shock survival roll or die from the exertion. If the system shock survival roll succeeds, the spell ends immediately and the caster is exhausted, and must rest immediately and completely (not even walking is allowed) for at least 8 hours.
若对手在祭司挥舞的臂锤上施展了 粉碎音波shatter 或类似的魔咒,臂锤术 法术将立即终结,并且这位祭司将遭受2d8点伤害。在处于这道法术效果下时,加速术haste 和 缓慢术slow 在施法者身上不会生效。此外,在处于这道法术效果下时,施展有姿势或材料成分的法术是不可能的。
If an opponent casts shatter or a similar incantation on a priest employing arm hammers, the arm hammer spell effect ends immediately, and the priest suffers 2d8 points of damage. While under the effects of this spell,haste and slow spells have no effect on the spellcaster. In addition, casting spells with somatic or material components is impossible while under the effects of this spell.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and two miniature stone hammers carved from a single stone using only stone implements.
3rd Level
尘埃之盾Dust Shield
(祭司Pr 3;塑能Evocation)
持续时间Duration:1 轮
施法时间Casting Time:6
影响区域Area of Effect:1 平方码/级
豁免检定Saving Throw:无None
这道法术将通过使空气中的尘埃形成牢不可破的屏障,来创造一面闪闪发光的隐形力墙。在施法时,祭司必须想象出这面屏障的形状、大小、方向,但它必须是二维的。一旦被施展,这么屏障就不可移动,且除了 驱散魔法dispel magic 法术或施法者的心灵控制(随意使用,施法者可以解消它)外,不受魔法影响。盖布的祭司通常使用这道法术来支撑坍塌的矿井,从而让矿工们有时间逃离。
This spell creates a scintillating, invisible wall of force by causing the dust particles in the air to form an unbreakable barrier. During the casting, the priest must mentally picture the shape, size, and orientation of the barrier, but it must be two-dimensional. Once cast, the barrier is immovable and unaffected by magic except for a dispel magic spell or the mental command of the spellcaster (who may dismiss it at will). Priests of Geb commonly use this spell to shore up collapsing mine shafts, thus allowing miners time to escape.
若尘埃屏障尺寸小于1平方码,祭司便能在施展时指定 尘埃之盾 附着在其左前臂或右前臂上。这位祭司随后能使用这面屏障作为塔盾使用,为其防御等级提供+3(总值)的奖励。这样的盾牌无法被卸除(因为它实际上并没有被持握),但它的存在也令使用的牧师无法以持盾的胳膊做任何在持有真盾时无法做的事情。这道法术不能被用来与正式的盾牌或 护盾术shield 法术结合。
If the dust barrier is less than 1 square yard in size, the priest can specify during casting that the dust shield attach itself to his or her left or right forearm. The priest can then use the barrier as a body shield providing a +3 (total) bonus to his or her Armor Class. Such a shield cannot be dropped (as it is not actually held), but its presence does not allow the priest to do anything with his or her shield arm that someone actually holding a real shield could not do. The spell cannot be used this way in conjunction with a regular shield or a shield spell.
The material components of this spell are a handful of dust thrown into the air and the priest's holy symbol.
5 th Level
(祭司Pr 5; Alteration)
距离Range:30 码
持续时间Duration:1 轮
施法时间Casting Time:1 轮
影响区域Area of Effect:3 呎直径/级
豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊
这道法术是7级祭司法术 地震术earthquake 的弱化与定向版本。其影响区域是圆形的,并且这位祭司能指定一块区域作为目标遭受 地颤术 的影响,这块区域小至3呎直径的圆形,大至完整的影响区域(3 呎直径/级的圆)。
This spell is a weaker and more targetable form of the 7th-level priest spell earthquake. The area of effect is circular, and the priest can specifically target an area as small as a 3-foot-diameter circle up to the entire area of effect (a circle 3 feet in diameter per the caster's level) to suffer the effects of an earthshake.
When this spell is cast, a very localized tremor of high strength shakes the ground. Beings standing within the area of effect must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or be thrown to the ground and stunned (unable to act) for ld4 rounds and take 2d8 points of damage. If they succeed at their saving throws, they are thrown to the ground and take only ld8 points of damage.
建筑物、矿井壁以及其它构造物将由于 地颤术 遭受2点结构伤害。若建筑物或建筑物的目标部分遭受了全部结构伤害,则将化为废墟。下面给出了几种不同类型的建筑物和建筑部分的结构值。
Buildings, mine walls, and other structures take 2 points of structural damage from an earthshake spell. If a building or a targeted part of a building suffers full structural damage, it is thrown down in rubble. The average structural point values for several different types of buildings and parts of buildings is given below.
构造物Structure 结构值Structural Point Value
Building, stone (small, one-story) 30-50
建筑,木质Building, wooden 8-16
扶垛Buttress 20*
门,铁制Door, iron 10
门,木制Door, wooden 1
门,木制,增强Door, wooden, reinforced 3
吊桥Drawbridge 10-15
大门(双倍加固) Gate (double reinforced doors) 8-12
门楼,石质Gatehouse, stone 120
栅栏,木制Palisade, wooden 6-12
吊闸Portcullis 12
塔,圆形Tower, round 40-80**
塔,方形Tower, square 30-50#
墙,幕墙(每10x10x10 呎部分)
Wall, curtain (per l0xl0xl0-foot section) 20$
*All buttresses must be destroyed before what they support (a wall, a tower, etc.) takes damage.
**For towers roughly 20 to 40 feet high and from 10 feet to 30 feet in diameter (exterior measurements), not including buttresses.
#For towers roughly 20 to 40 feet high and from 10 feet to 30 feet square (exterior measurements), not including buttresses.
$This category is most often used to destroy part of a larger structure such as a castle or outer wall. To cause a section of wall to crumble, the wall must take enough structural damage to destroy its entire height, not just the bottom or top 10-foot section.
地颤术 也能作为一种协作法术施展。若多位祭司在同一时间、同一区域施展此法术,每道法术造成的结构伤害将因为参与的施法者数量而倍增。举例来说,3位盖布的祭司施展这道法术将能造成每道6点的结构伤害(总计18点),而4位则造成每道8点结构伤害(总计32点)。5位盖布教派祭司可以协力施展这道法术达到最大值(在同一时间同一区域造成总计50点结构伤害)。然而,对影响区域内的生物造成的伤害不会倍增,若同时施展了 地震术 (或是类似的法术或效果)不会有额外效果。
Earthshake can also be cast as a cooperative spell. If multiple priests cast this spell simultaneously on the same area, the structural damage caused by each spell is multiplied by the number of casters participating. For example, three priests of Geb casting this spell could each inflict 6 points of structural damage (total 18), while four priests could each inflict 8 points of structural damage (total 32). A maximum of five Gebbite priests may cooperate in casting this spell (for a total of 50 points of structural damage in one area at once). The damage caused to beings in the area of effect is not multiplied, however, and this spell has no additional effect if cast simultaneously with an earthquake spell (or similar spell or effect).
The material components of this spell are a handful of gravel thrown to the ground and the priest's holy symbol.