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真空准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum
【所屬 位面】准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane負准元素位面The Negative Quasielemental Plane
【類   型】內層位面准元素位面
【位面 之主】日鳴Sun Sing
【簡   介】「 」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬真空鍋

真空准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum 處於負能量位面氣元素位面的交界,是多元宇宙最為空曠的地方。
在這裡一無所有,沒有光,沒有物質,也沒有生命,它代表了末日衛士團對熵的終極理解:它是萬物衰朽的終點,它總是會贏,它終究會贏,它就是 幽默老終The End。


2ePS<The Inner Planes.p122>真空准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum

  見識過真空位面後,我覺得冰位面都不算冷了。Now that I have been to Vacuum, the plane of Ice no longer seems cold.
  ——迪瓦克伊瑪爾Divacc'Imar,吉斯瑟雷人探險家Githzerai Explorer.

  絕對禁止Absolute Prohibition:氣Air
  法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
  火Fire ∴

  (法利斯·基爾·蘇瑪姆,一位末日衛士團祭司,對真空位面有以下幾點要說。Fallis Kyll Thummam, a Doomguard priest, has the following to say about the plane of Vacuum.
  ——編者the Editor)

Everything dies, fades, or decays.

  最終,甚至是最偉大的「存在」也將歸於虛無的一部分。幽默老終The End 總是會贏。而 真空位面The plane of Vacuum 就是幽默老終。
In the end, even the greatest of "somethings」 becomes a part of nothing. The End, always wins. The plane of Vacuum is The End.

  我們,末日衛士團the Doomguard,目睹着時間隨着巨輪轉動,多元宇宙在慢慢地衰落。內層位面The Inner Planes負能量位面the Negative Energy Plane 的邊界體現了我們的信念。雖然 灰燼位面Ash塵埃位面Dust鹽位面Salt 都體現了物質與水分的緩慢瓦解,但真空位面揭示了萬物的空無。當時間也迎來終結,宇宙腐朽為虛無,萬物都將變成真空位面。我們稱之為「空寂之境Empty Reach」,或者有時,正如我已經說過的,簡單地稱之為「幽默老終」。
We, the Doomguard, see that as the wheel of time turns, the multiverse slowly wanes. The Inner Planes bordering the Negative Energy Plane exemplify our belief. While Ash, Dust,and Salt manifest the slow disintegration of matter and moisture, the plane of Vacuum demonstrates the utter lack of everything. When time is over and the universe has decayed into nothingness, all will be as the plane of Vacuum. We call it the Empty Reach, or some-times, as I've already stated, simply The End.

  這個位面沒有差異化的邊界區域——它們全都是無盡的空虛、延伸到了永恆的極限。同樣的,它缺乏其它位面的隱藏區域或微妙的風險。它是一片純粹的空無。真空位面朝 側位面列表Parallelists 臉上吐了口唾沫,因為你會發現在其它位面里發現的一切東西都不會出現在這裡——除了極少數例外之外,這裡一無所有。
This plane has no differing border areas-it's all the same endless void stretching to the limits of eternity. Likewise, it lacks the hidden areas or subtle dangers of other planes. There's just nothing. The plane of Vacuum spits in the face of Parallelists, for just about everything that a body might find in the other Inner Planes fails to appear here—with just a few exceptions, nothing shows up here.

That's the whole point.


The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum lacks light, air, or water. It is completely without heat and has so little matter that it might as well be a blank slate. Its beauty lies in its simplicity.


Almost no one seeks the quasiplane of Vacuum. After all, there isn't a whole lot here for a body to see, and even fewer resources to exploit.

  傳聞說,甚至是在 印記城Sigil 里通往真空准元素位面的傳送門也非常之少。除了隨着我們的 軍械庫Armory 一起消失的那個外,大部分巴佬連一個都想不起來。
Chant is that very few portals to the quasiplane of Vacuum are to be found even in Sigil. 0ther than the one that vanished with our now-lost Armory, most berks can't think of even one.
[印記城黑話:Chant, the 表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情.]<br / [印記城黑話:Berk 巴佬。一個笨蛋,尤指那些因為搞不清狀況而把自己捲入大麻煩的傢伙。]

  有一道名為 嚎叫之門the Howling Gate 的小傳送門連接着 喧癲空隧Pandemonium 的瘋狂國度與真空准元素位面。使用它的鑰匙僅僅是與空氣接觸。由於喧癲空隧的旋風環繞着它吹過,這道傳送門一直保持着開啟的狀態,源源不斷的氣流穿過這道門進入到真空的空無之中。這陣風如夏季颶風般猛烈,可能會把某位粗心的旅行者猛拽着帶到那片令人窒息的深淵中。
A small portal called the Howling Gate links the barmy realms of Pandemonium with the quasiplane of Vacuum. The key to its use is simply contact with air. As the winds of Pandemonium whip around it, the gate remains forever open and a steady draft of air rushes into the emptiness of Vacuum beyond the gate. This wind gusts with the force of a summer's gale, threatening to yank a careless traveler through into the suffocating abyss beyond.
[印記城黑話:Barmy 瘋狂的,精神失常的,例如 "The winds of Pandemonium'll drive a body barmy if he stays too long." Barmies指瘋子,神經病,尤其是指那些在印記城中,被多元宇宙的無垠嚇倒的傢伙。]

  據信,通向真空准元素位面的旋窩可能懸掛在主物質位面世界之間的空曠中。當然,這樣的導管可能會危害到那些定期往返與這些空間的魔法船。但普通人幾乎不可能遭遇它們。(說到魔法船,那些老割經常吹屁某些喚作 燃素phlogiston 的東西——那很好,但燃素不是虛空,虛空也不是燃素)。
It is believed that vortices to the quasiplane of Vacuum may hang in the emptiness between prime-material worlds. Certainly such conduits might be a hazard to those spelljammers who ply such spaces, but they are hardly likely to be encountered by average folk. (Speaking of spelljammers, those cutters often rattle their bone-boxes about something called the phlogiston-that's fine, but phlogiston isn't vacuum and vice versa.)
[印記城黑話:Cutter 傢伙,夥計。 對於其他人的一種普通稱呼,不限男女,由於這種稱呼帶有一些親切的意味,所以比稱呼別人berk要好得多。]
[印記城黑話:Bone-box 嘴巴,得名於其中的牙齒,獠牙或其他之類的。 "Stop rattling your bone-box,"是告訴一個笨蛋停止恐嚇或是吹牛。]


The emptiness of the quasiplane of Vacuum defies most imaginations. It's so absolute that until a body's been here himself, it's near impossible to convey. Some graybeards sputter on about the dangers of a vacuum -that the lack of atmosphere doesn't allow a transmission of temperature and that without air, the lack of pressure'll cause a sod's own body to burst. Turns out, that's all screed. While the plane is marked by the complete lack of air, there is still pressure and constant temperature. To be sure, the former is slight and the ltter cool, but it could be so much worse. That's just the way it is. Sometimes the graybeards are wrong.
[印記城黑話:Graybeard 灰鬍子。智者或是學者。這個詞指那些已然上了年紀但依然頭腦清晰,知識豐富的老傢伙,但也可以用於稱呼任何博學之人,甚至是女人。]
[印記城黑話:Sod 可憐蟲,討厭鬼。指一個不幸的或可憐的傢伙。使用此詞時,是對一個不幸的傢伙表示同情或是對那些陷入自己製造的麻煩中的白痴的挖苦。]
[印記城黑話:Screed 一個勁地罵罵咧咧或某人在這樣做。如指人,則是指一個長篇大論都是胡言亂語的人或簡單地指一個好爭論的人。如"Don't listen to him, he's just a screed."]


  這裡沒有空氣(或是能化作空氣的物質),所以像 氣化元素airy element呼吸元素breathe element 這樣的法術無法運作。那些調用氣元素學派的魔法物品也不行。某人的生存時間取決於他的屏息生存時間,除非他施展 無須呼吸no breath 並完全不需要空氣。
There's no air (or matter to convert to air) here, so spells akin to airy element or breathe element do not work. Neither do magical items that draw on the Elemental Air school. A body'll survive only for as long as he can hold his breath, unless he can cast no breath and do without air altogether.

  這種對空氣的缺乏對特定形態的元素生物而言是致命的。氣態元素生物,像是煙准元素將在暴露於真空准元素位面中時,每輪失去1生命骰或等級。 This lack of air is deadly to certain forms of elemental creature. Gaseous elemental creatures like smoke paraelementals lose 1 Hit Die or level per round of exposure to quasielemental Vacum.

Without any air to get in the way, one would think that a body could see an awfully long way. And, indeed, this is true enough, if he has his own light source. There's no natural ilumination here, and no air for things like lanterns or torches. Any other light source, including magical spells, iluminates twice the normal range.

Infiravision works well enough in the quasiplane of Vacuum. The same increase in range applies to this sight as well, so a creature whose infravision normally allowsit to see as far as 90 feet would be able to see heat sources at a distance of 180 feet.


The nature of Vacuum has a terrible effect on inanimate things as well, which becomes most apparent in the case of articulated mechanisms. Vacuum welding affects anything from the joints in a suit of plate armor to the mechanical limbs of a clockwork horror.

For each hour that an articulated mechanism of any complexity spends in the quasiplane of Vacuum, a saving throw vs. acid is required. If the device is simple (like the knee -joint on a suit of armor), a +4 bonus is applied to the roll. Complex devices such as clockwork mechanisms suffer a -4 penalty to the roll. Other adjustments may be substituted or added as desired by the DM. Failure at this saving throw indicates that the object in question has frozen up and is no longer able to move. Repairs are possible, but only after the object is removed to a place with a breathable atmosphere.


  在真空准位面中,某人可以像在 氣元素位面the Elemental Plane of Air 中那樣,從一處移動到另一處。因此,他只需要選擇一個「向下」的方向,就可以利用此方式墜落。
A body in the quasiplane of Vacuum can travel from place to place just as he might in the Elemental Plane of Air. Thus, he need only choose a direction as "down" and begin to fall that way.

Creatures who use wings or other such means to fly find themselves unable to get about in the quasiplane of Vacum. After all, such things function only when there is air (or some related medium) for them to beat upon.

  有推進功能的魔法裝置運轉的很好。舉例來說,飛行術fly 將允許某人以合理的速度行進。像 飛行掃帚broom of flying飛毯flying carpet 這樣的魔法物品運行的也很好。然而,那些模仿翅膀的魔法物品將無效。
Magical means of propulsion function well enough. A fly spell, for example, permits a body to travel at a fair speed. Magical items like a broom of flying or a flying carpet function as well. However, magical items that mimic wings do not operate.


While many think that the quasiplane of Vacuum is devoid of life, this is far from the truth. To be sure, it's not overflowing with animals or even elementals, but some tough creatures dwell here and a body has to know what to watch out for if he's going to spend much time in the plane.


A good many quasielementals strut about amid the vacuum. They're aggressive things, destroying anyone or anything they come across in their desire to eliminate all matter from their virtually pristine home.

  不存在如真空魔蝠這樣的東西——至少現在沒有了。傳言說,這些生物曾經分布在整個准位面上,直至它們錯誤地站在了准元素的對立面。隨後發生了一場種族滅絕戰爭,在這場戰爭中,虛空魔蝠void mephits(它們的正確稱呼)被滅絕了。
There's no such thing as a vacuum mephit-at least, not any more. Chant is that these creatures were once found all over the quasiplane, until they got themselves on the wrong side of the quasielementals. A genocidal war followed in which the void mephits (as they were properly called) were swept out of existence.

That's the way of Vacuum-when one battles here, it's over such basic concepts as existence or nonexistence. A canny planewalker leaves anything less basic or primal behind.


No natural animals live in the quasiplane of Vacuum. Occasionally a body comes upon a pocket of air in which a flock of birds or other aerial creatures lair, but that's the extent of it.

There are such things as vacuum animentals, even though a lot of leatherheads might tell you otherwise. The misconception is unsurprising, because there are very few of them and they tend to be about as reclusive a bunch of creatures as a body will find anywhere.
[印記城黑話:Leatherhead 皮革腦袋。引申為一個笨蛋,一個愚鈍的或沒腦子的傢伙。這個詞是用來稱呼某人為白痴的。也可作形容詞。如在 "a leatherheaded sod".]

Few monsters drift in the open space of Quasielemental Vacuum. As a body might imagine, though, they're generally exceedingly tough. After all, anything less won't survive for very long. A handful of the monsters found here are similar to those which spelljammers have reported encountering in the great voids between worlds.

  該位面中的另一種威脅是真菌 伊加魯斯蕈egarus,它以虛無本身為養料。因為它對物質存在的需要,所以它對物質事物和生物——甚至是能量——的反應很糟糕。只有夠蠢的人才會在這種真菌滋生處周圍停留足夠長的時間,以發現它對消除他們的存在能做的事情。簡單來說,伊加魯斯蕈能將他們消滅。
Another hazard of this plane is the egarus fungus that thrives on nothingness itself. Because of its need for the absence of matter, it reacts badly to material objects and creatures- -even energy. Only the foolish remain around the fungal growth long enough to find out what it can do to rectify their existence. Quite simply, the egarus can take it away.


  有相當數量的不死生物,主要是幽魂和類似傢伙,在於負能量位面的交界處飛來飛去。它們與通常會避開其它任何事物的 幽靈死駭spectral deaths 共享着這片區域。
A fair number of undead creatures, ghosts and the like mostly, swoop around near the junction with Negative Energy. They share this region with spectral deaths, who generally avoid all contact with anything.

  被稱為 虛無者vacuous 的不死生物在這片空曠的荒野上巡狩,找尋落單的生物將其摧毀。不過,准元素們憎惡它們,兩個種族之間的戰爭永恆持續着。
Undead creatures known as vacuous hunt the empty wastes, looking for stragglers to destroy. The quasielementals hate them, however, and war between these two races rages eternally.


Two creatures living the quasiplane of Vacuum merit special discussion. Both of them are evil, a trait which seems only to be amplified by the proximity of the Negative Energy Plane.

  日鳴Sun Sing 是一隻神秘的生物,棲息在一個負能量口袋的中心。他究竟是如何在這樣一個地方生存的,是一個許多人都想解開的謎團。
SUN SING. Sun Sing is a mysterious creature that lives at the heart of a negative energy pocket. Exactly how he survives in such a place is a mystery that many folk would love to unravel.

  沒有人知道日鳴是誰或者是什麼。在一些圈子中的傳言說他是最後一隻倖存的虛空魔蝠,通過變得如一位 元素大君archomental 般強大而得以倖存。其他人則說他是位巫妖或半巫妖,為了躲避與活人的一切接觸而撤退到了這裡。無論它的秘密是什麼,在可見的未來中似乎都沒有人能揭開。
No one knows for sure who or what Sun Sing is. Chant in some circles is that he's the last surviving void mephit, having survived by becoming nearly as powerful as an archomental. Others say that he's a lich or demilich who retreated here to escape all contact with the living. Whatever the dark of it is, no one seems likely to find out in the near future.
[印記城黑話:Dark 任何秘密可稱為dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等於說 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you."]

Chant-mongers claim that Sun Sing has a handful of undead agents moving through the multiverse. Numerous stories indicate that Sing's agents are hard at work gathering the pieces of some puzzle. These might be physical things or bits of information; no one knows. A body can only be certain of one thing: Sun Sing' s agents (if they exist) must certainly be as evil as he, and any operation to which they have committed themselves must be dire indeed.

  毫無疑問,在探索真空准位面時,你可能遇到的最可怕生物就是「毀滅者」扎爾Zal the Destroyer(物質佬/男性眼魔/140 hp/混亂邪惡)。扎爾並非這個國度的原住民,但他似乎已經適應了此處的生活。
ZAL THE DESTROYER. Without a doubt, the most terrible known creature that a body might encounter while exploring the quasiplane of Vacuum is Zal the Destroyer (Pr/♂ beholder/140 hp/CE). Zal is not native to this realm, but appears to have adapted to life here as well as anything may.

Zal is a giant beholder, fully twice the size of his normal kin. Any saving throw made to resist his powers suffers a -4 penalty and the range of all his abilities is doubled. Zal is immune to vacuum, as are the three dozen normal beholders who act as his guards.

This terrible creature earned his name through wanton violence and unchecked annihilation. From his fortress (which stands on a tumbling fragment of elemental Ice) he commands the actions of a deadly army of quasielementals. Even the Doomguard recognize that Zal is a force to be reckoned with in this plane, and we keep a close watch on the Destroyer's movements.


While a few minor structures stand in the quasiplane of Vacuum, the inhabitants of this place are not generally builders. A body might consider Zal's fortress or the sanctuary of Sun Sing to be important, but they really don't merit descriptions as places a sod might visit. Still, a body needs to know about one highly important site in the quasiplane of Vacuum before he travels here.


  末日衛士團已滋滋這個准位面修建了一座重要堡壘。我們呼之為 呼氣城堡Citadel Exhalus,或是 余息大門the Portal of the Last Breath。圍繞着一扇特殊異界之門修建的呼氣城堡,允許我們直接與 終極毀滅者the ultimate Destroyer——負能量位面聯通。在這裡的許多人,包括 末日領主娜古爾the Doomlord Nagaul(位面佬/女性矮人/祭司 10濕婆Siva]/末日衛士團/中立善良),相信多元宇宙的解體是按計劃進行的,沒有理由倉促行事。
The Doomguard have fashioned an impressive fortress in this quasiplane. We call it Citadel Exhalus, or the Portal of the Last Breath. Built around a special gate, Exhalus allows us to commune directly with the ultimate Destroyer-the Negative Energy Plane. Many here, including the Doomlord Nagaul (Pl/♀dwarf/P 10 [Siva]/Doomguard/NG), believe that the disintegration of the multiverse proceeds on schedule and see no reason to hurry things along.

  有時候,萬亡會the Dustmen 也會到這來,在堡壘的安全處敬畏負能量位面。這與我們很相宜。死亡者The Dead 有着令人驚訝的禮貌,是些值得信賴的客人。
Sometimes, the Dustmen come here to revere the plane of Negative Energy from the safety of the Citadel. That suits us just fine. The Dead make surprisingly polite and trustworthy guests.
[印記城黑話:Dustmen 印記城中的一個派系.他們基本信仰是每個人都是死的.也稱為死亡者.]

  這種城堡為大約兩百位 惡化者Sinkers 提供了一個家,它不僅有通向 印記城Sigil 的傳送門,也有通向多元宇宙五、六個其它地方的傳送門——全的是我們擁有影響力的地方,這並非是巧合。
The Citadel provides a home to about two hundred Sinkers, and holds a portal not only to Sigil but to five or six other places in the multiverse- -all places where we hold a bit of influence, not coincidentally.

  當然,有人說我們實際上在這裡維持了一座神殿,專門用來崇拜負能量位面和終極毀滅的概念。他們更是進一步斷言,在最近印記城中的 軍械庫大戰Battle at the Armory 中,我們未失去全部的 毀滅黑洞spheres of annihilation
Course, there are those that say we've actually maintain a temple here dedicated to literally worshiping the plane of Negative Energy and the concept of utter annihilation. They further assert that our collection of spheres of annihilation were not completely lost at the recent Battle at the Armory in Sigil.

We Doomguard just smile knowingly when asked about it.


  來到真空位面的位面行者來與末日衛士團打交道,或是去做一件更蠢的事:尋找 薩薩卡斯的失落陵墓the Lost Tomb of S'sarkth。他們說,薩薩卡斯是一位一心想要在死後將財富留在身邊的強大國王。他對這個念頭是如此痴迷,以至於他命令他的魔法副官們將他完全密封、裝滿財富的墳墓丟進了真空位面里。
Planewalkers come to the plane of Vacuum to deal with the Doomguard, or to run a fool's errand looking for the Lost Tomb of S'sarkth. S'sarkth, they say, was a powerful king utterly consumed with the idea of keeping his wealth with him after his death. So obsessed was he that he bade his sorcerous lieutenants to cast his entire sealed, treasure-laden tomb into the plane of Vacuum after he died. Most folks believe this to be a foolish tale meant to send only the most addle-coved bashers to their dooms looking for a tomb in the void.
The Quasielemental Plane of Vacuum


Spell keys for this plane are difcult to employ, for they all take the form of vapors that must be offered up to the endless void of Vacuum. The difficulty in using these fumes, beyond storing and transporting them, lies in the fact that they must be exhaled to take effect. This wouldn't be much of a handicap save for the fact that the vast majority of them are at the least noxious and often toxic.

Even with keys, conditions remain difficult. There is lttle point in summoning creatures, since most die immediately, drowning in vacum. Only those fire spells that have instant effect work, since long-term ones cannot sustain themselves. If one must travel here, remember this last bit of advice: Though spells of Elemental Air cannot be cast in Vacuum at all, such enchantments can be cast before one arrives in the plane.
