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龙与地下城 Wiki


礦物准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Minerals
The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals 1
【所屬 位面】准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane正准元素位面The Positive Quasi-Elemental Planes
【類   型】內層位面准元素位面
【位面 之主】克里斯特列Crystalle
【下轄 地區】核心礦物面Core Mineral:克里斯特列的城堡Crystalle's Castle

自然熔爐Natural Forge:與岩漿面的交界處
無名邊界Unnamed Border:與土位面的交界處
迷霧洞窟Misty Caverns:與蒸汽面的交界處
寶石場Gemfield:與正能量位面的交界處,鉛塔Tower of Lead

【簡   介】「家有一口粥,不上門頭溝。」——貝恩·血蹄,於半人馬煮粥砂鍋

礦物准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Minerals 處於正能量位面土元素位面的交界,是多元宇宙最富饒的地方。


2ePS<The Inner Planes.p096>礦物准元素位面The Quasielemental Plane of Mineral

  忘了上層位面吧——這裏才是天堂。Forget the Upper planes.—this is Heaven.
  —— 一位瞪大眼的矮人A wide-eyed dwarf

  法師學派改變Wizard School Alteration
  氣Air,火Fire <
  土Earth +
  水Water ◆

  (這位直率乃至有些過於簡明扼要的旁白者是加丁·錘家,一位物質佬矮人礦工,他來過礦物准位面非常多次。雖然可能看上去不太像,但他真的非常喜歡那。This blunt and simplistic narrator is Gaddin Hammerhome, a prime dwarf miner who's been to the quasiplane of Mineral a number of times. It may not seem like it, but he really likes it there.
  ——編者the Editor)

  礦物位面The plane of Mineral 是片佈滿珍貴寶石和金屬的岩石之地,對吧?那就是夥計你該知道的,不過我必須把這頁紙寫滿他們才付錢,所以讓我們繼續。
The plane of Mineral is a rocky placefull of precious gems and metals, right? That's all a fellah really needs to know, but I gotta fill pages to earnmy pay, so I'll go on.

  一些人稱之為 多元宇宙地下寶庫it the Treasure Trove of the Multiverse。這一點沒錯,我支持這個說法。一個夥計能想像出的每一種有價值的岩石都分佈在礦物位面上。它們有黃金、白銀、秘銀、鑽石等等等等。不過,你不能簡簡單單進去拿了東西就走。大多數時候,會有些事情阻止你這樣做。
Some folks call it the Treasure Trove of the Multiverse. It is that, I suppose. Every sort of valuable rock a fellah can think of lies in the plane of Mineral. There's gold, silver, mithril, diamonds, and more. You can't just go in and take what-ever you want, though. Most of the time, something'll stop you.

  礦物位面是真滴大。(就像 內層位面the Inner Planes 的其它部分一樣,它當然是無限的。——編者)它的大部分地方都是實心的。當人們前往那裏去時,他們要四處挖掘才能移動。在某些地方,已經挖出了隧道。有時候這裏有天然洞穴。
The plane of Mineral is really big. (Infinite, of course,like the rest of the Inner Planes.-the Editor) Most of it's completely solid. When folks go there, they dig around to move. In some places, there's tunnels dug already. Sometimes there's natural caves.

  所以,那些大位面都是由純位面構成的,並且它們有時候會混在一起。當土位面和 正能量位面the Positive Energy Plane 交匯時,它們產生了礦物位面。那是因為有價值的礦物是土位面某種意義的積極一面。我覺得這說法很有道理。在我看來,礦物位面是整個土位面中最好的部分。它擁有品質最高的寶石,大量的富銀和純金,以及大量其它珍稀礦物和金屬。如果這個地方有什麼不好的地方的話,那就是一位矮人完全不需要為了尋找和提煉所需要的東西而工作。我不想在這裏訓練年輕礦工——他們會變成懶鬼的。
So there are all these big planes made of pure elements, and sometimes they mix together. Where the plane of Earth and the energy from the Positive Energy Plane meet, they produce the plane of Mineral. That's because the valuable minerals are some sort of positive aspect of the earth. Makes sense, I suppose. The way I see it, the plane of Mineral is all that's good in the earth. It's got the best in high-qualit gemstones, plenty of rich silver and pure gold, and a whole lot of other precious minerals and metas. If there's anything bad about the place at all, it's that a dwarf don't hardly need to work at all to find and extract what he needs. I wouldn't want to train young miners here—they'd get lazy.

  在礦物位面與土位面接觸的地方,兩個位面正好融合到了一起。我當然說不清一個位面是從哪裏開始,又從什麼地方結束的。當你穿越礦物位面走向正能量位面時,如果可能的話,寶石將變得更加普遍,它們會像小星星一樣閃閃發光。當你越靠近正能量位面,寶石的光芒就越亮,直至寶石消失、只剩下光芒。那些覺得一切都必須有名字的傢伙,稱這個地區為 寶石場the Gemfield。其他人叫它 艾恩Ioun,不過我當然不知道那是為啥。
Where the Mineral Plane touches the plane of Earth, both planes just meld right together. I sure can't tell where one starts and the other stops. As you move through the plane of Mineral toward the Positive Energy Plane, the gemstones become evenmore prevalent, if that's possible, and they glow like little stars. The closer you get, the more they glow, until the gems go away and there's only glow. This area's called the Gemfield by folks that feel like everything's gotta have a name. Other folks call it Ioun, but I sure don't know why.

  這裏是 迷霧洞窟the Misty Caverns,位於 蒸汽位面the plane of Steam 的邊界。那地方就像它名字聽起來的一樣,對吧?
There's the Misty Caverns, where the plane borders the plane of Steam. That place's just like what it sounds like, right?
The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals 1

  礦物位面和 輻射位面the plane of Radiance 的邊界與寶石場非常像,但它被稱作 光輝之家Brighthome。我們有許多人在那裏的邊緣安了家,那裏的礦物只會呈現一點光芒。
The boundary between Mineral and the plane of Radiance is pretty much the same as the Gemfield, but it's called Brighthome. A fair number of my people make their homes right on the edge, where the minerals take on just a bit of a glow.

  在我們口語中有個地方被叫作 迪丹諾奇Diddanauch,不過有些人叫它 自然熔爐the Natural Forge。這地方滿是珍貴的金屬,但大部分都是些熔岩礦石,沒錯吧?如果你能在這種高溫中生存,這是一個用那些金屬製作精細工藝品的好地方。(自然熔爐是礦物位面與 岩漿位面Magma 的交界處。——編者)
There's a spot called Diddanauch in our tongue, but some call it the Natural Forge. This place is full of precious metals, but most of them are molten ore, right? If you can survive in such heat, it's a good place to work with those metals to fashion some fine craftwork. (The Natural Forge is where Mineral borders Magma.-the Editor)

  閃耀泥沼Sparklemire 是一片古怪的地方。那裏看上去就是 土位面和 水位面Water 之間的 泥漿位面plane of Mud軟泥位面Ooze——編者),並且那裏與礦物位面的交匯處有一座巨大的地下泥海,裏面漂浮着水晶和閃閃發光的寶石。不過,這並不像聽上去那麼好,因為如果某個傢伙試圖蹚過或游過這灘爛泥,那些水晶將割傷你。我是真不明白為啥諸神會製造這麼噁心沒用的地方,但這不應該由我來判斷。我猜。
Sparklemire's an odd place. Seems that there's a plane of Mud (Ooze-the Editor) between Earth and Water, and where the plane of Mineral meets up with it there's a big underground sea of mud with crystals and sparkling gems floating in it. It's notas great as it sounds, though, since those crystals'll cut a fellah up if he tries to wade or swim through the mud. I sure don't understand why the gods made such a disgusting, useless place, but it's not for me to judge. I guess.


The whole place is underground. There's no surface here, right? That means no sun to blind you and no wind to chill your bones on your way home from a night's work in the mine-so that's fine by me. But most of the rock around as you tunnel isn't granite or limestone, though-it's all good usable ore. Like I said before, a miner's likely to get lazy here real fast.


  去另一個位面總是很困難的。那些真正熟悉位面旅行的人,了解所有把旅行者從一個位面送去另一個位面的門道種類,他們稱之為 傳送門portals。我只知道我使用的門道,它將我從一座 矛盾統一之境the Plane of Concordant Opposition(即 外域the Outlands——編者)的 幽暗地域the Underdark 的深邃洞窟中帶到這。從那裏,我遇到了一夥腦筋正常的 山羊人goat men,他們向我展示了一道位於深邃裂隙中通向礦物位面的傳送門,名曰 寶石之門the Gemgate。他們使用了一顆寶石作為鑰匙打開了那扇在我看來像是洞穴的門,沒錯吧?
Getting to another plane's always difficult. Those real familiar with planar travel know about all sorts of doorways that take a traveler from plane to plane, and they call them portals. I only know about the doorway that I used, which took me from a cavern deep in the Underdark to the Plane of Concordant Opposition (the Outlands-the Editor). From there, I met up with a bunch of level-headed goat men, who showed me a portal to the plane of Mineral in a deep chasm called the Gemgate. They used a jewel as a sort of key to open up the door that looked like a cave to me, right?

  我曾聽說,但未曾見過,在 主物質位面the Prime Material 珍稀礦物濃度極高的位置,有時候可能會形成一種被成為 旋窩vortex 的門道,如果有人走進,它將把這個夥計——無論他願不願意——丟到礦物位面。
I've heard, but never seen, that places on the Prime Material with a real thick concentration of valuable ores can sometimes form a natural doorway called a vortex that'll take a fellah-willing or not-to the plane of Mineral if he steps into it.


Things here are pretty much like they'd be underground, if you're familiar with mining at all. If you're not, what in perdition are you thinking going to the plane of Mineral Mineral for? Durn fools.


With the exception of scattered pockets of air, mist, and such, there isn't any air to breathe in the of Mineral, right? This means most miners have to use some blasted magical means of respiration. Myself, I stick to the natural air pockets and tunnels made by of other creatures. There's no need to get greedy, I say. That's a good way to get yourself dead.

Further, there's no light here, except near the planes of Radiance or Positive Energy, so it's hard to see unless a miner brings his own light to help him while he digs.

Sound travels very well through the plane of Mineral. The average fellah can even hear the passing of ethereal or phased creatures, right? They produce a hissing sound that can be heard at a distance of 60 feet. For those with keen hearing (including folks with the hear noise ability) this range is increasedto 90 feet. Any dwarf'll tell that when you're mining, sound's more important than sight.


It turns out it ain't too safe to spend much time here, which's what keeps folks from coming to this plane andmining it clean. Anyone not from the plane must make a saving throw vs. petrification each day or slowly grind to a halt and turn to stone.

That means some of the minerals that a fellah finds might have once been living creatures, right? Who wants to mine their friends, or see them get worked into jewelry or whatnot? Not me. Don't let anyone who's not real sturdy and stalwart tag along.


To move about, you've gotta dig, unless you find an existing tunnel or a natural fissure. I hear tell that these natural caverns are more common here than in the plane of Earth, and that most are filled with breathable air, so in that way things are easier here. On the other hand, the stone's realhard to dig through, right? It's great to find hard gemstones and metal ore, but they're tough to move through.

The following table determines the type of rock comprising a given region of the plane of Mineral. To keep itsimple, the table gives general descriptions instead of specific types of stone and minerals. (The rate of movement is otherwise as in the plane of Earth.-the Editor)

1  壓實的土壤Packed Soil  15
2-3  非常柔軟的岩石Very Soft Rock  17
4-6  柔軟的岩石Soft Rock  19
7-8  堅固的岩石Hard Rock  21
9-10  非常堅固的岩石Very Hard Rock  23

But don't dig too fast! The crystalline formations and mineral deposits tend to extend sharp edges and wickedpoints from their jagged unworked surfaces. These can cut through a clumsy traveler real quick, right? Each round afellah moves through a narrow, gemencrusted area in this plane, he suffers 1d4 hit points of damage. Each +1 of magical protection the traveler carries reduces this damage by 1 point (in increments of 1d3,1d2, and 1 [minimum]).


Some folks might be real surprised to hear that this realm ores and gems is so populated. It seems all these strange planes got their own inhabitants. Stands to reason, I suppose. If we live on our plane, something's sure to live on the others, right?


Now, what kind of blasted fool would give anytning a namelike that? Some human, I'd wager my gold teeth. Anyhow, these folks don't take too well to folks coming to the plane of Mineral and carting off their goodies. I guess can't blame'em. We'd do the same thing if it were our claim, right?

  這些准玩意甚至不是很喜歡從土位面來到這的 索爾石怪xorn 或 哈爾格拉石怪khargra。因為那些生物吃金屬,所以它們在這群試圖保護這個地方的、鬼知道叫啥名字元素里,不是很受歡迎。它們就像一支軍隊一樣有組織,在戰鬥中頑強得狠。
These quasi-folk don't even much like the xorn or the khargra who come here from the plane of Earth. These creatures eat minerals, so they're not too popular among the whatchacallit-mentals that try to defend the place. They're organized like a military, and real tough in a fight.


Now, if you ask me, an animal is a squirrel or a bird or something like that. Anything else is a monster, right? That, they tell me, makes me a 「clueless berk." Well, they can stick it right up their own "berks!" Folks on the planes got their weird ways of talking and strange ways of thinking- -goes to show that when a fellah's done with the planes he ought to go home to his kith and kin and forget all that "planewalking" business. Ain't healthy.
[印記城黑話:Clueless 指那些就是找不到北,不得要領的傢伙,通常是主位面佬。對一個位面生物使用這個稱呼常會引起爭鬥,也可做形容詞,如稱某人為無腦的巴佬 "clueless berk."]
[印記城黑話:Berk 巴佬。一個笨蛋,尤指那些因為搞不清狀況而把自己捲入大麻煩的傢伙。]

  這個位面四處都是討厭的生物,它們一看見你就想把你吃掉。水晶蠍Crysmals、索爾石怪、哈爾格拉石怪、甚至有一兩隻 大地蠕蟲thoqqua 在此築巢。要我說,如果沒有一把鋒利的好斧子,別去礦物位面。
This plane is lousy with critters that'll eat you as soon as look at you. Crysmals, xorn, khargra, and even a thoqqua or two lair here. Don't go to the Mineral plane without a good, sharp axe, I say.


  在礦物位面有一些你在別處永遠瞅不着的土著生物。我肯定從沒見過像它們這樣的玩意。一種是被稱作 tassingg 還是別的什麼該死名字的種族(指 水晶人tsnng——編者)。這些人看上去就像是水晶做的,對吧?他們對礦工不友好,並且賊喜歡魔法,這是兩個對他們不利的因素。
There's some native creatures in Mineral that you'll never see anywhere else. I've sure never seen their like. One kind go by the name tassingg or some blasted thing (tsnng-the Editor). These folks look like they're made right out of crystals, right? They' re not friendly to miners and they really like magic, so there's two strikes against them right there.

Mineral mephits are some strange lttle critters, I must say. Selfish, greedy, and self-important, they not only hate those that try to take valuable materials from the plane of Mineral, but they demand that a fellah give them whatever he might have brought with them as well. Like I said, a good axe...

  來自土位面的 土神怪dao 時不時會來這裏,並且天哪,我還見過 岩精Pech。因為兩者對矮人都不友好,所以我也沒啥可多說的。土神怪已與准啥啥締結了協議,所以他們可以自由前往想去的地方。真他阿娘的天才!
The dao from Earth come here from time to time, and I've seen pech too, by the gods. Neither's friendly to dwarves, so I don't have much good to say about them neither. The dao worked out a pact with the quasi-whosits, so they're free to go where they please and take what they want. Blasted genies!


  很顯然,聽一些人說,每個內層位面都有一兩個自己的王。這很合理,對吧?好吧,礦物位面有個自稱國王的傢伙(實際上,他自稱為 元素大君archomental——編者),但大部分居住在礦物位面的人都不需要理會他。
Apparently, to hear some tell it, each Inner Plane's got itself a king or two. Stands to reason, right? Well, there's a fellah here in Mineral who calls himself the king (actually, he claims to be an archomental-the Editor), but most folks off the plane of Mineral don't pay him no heed.

  克里斯特列Crystalle。這隻強大的生物看上去就像那些准啥玩意一個樣,並且維持着一座由水晶蠍、准元啥玩意、以及金子、銀子、甚至是秘銀製作的魔像守衛着的龐大城堡。他的統治相當平靜,在大多數情況下,他似乎是位善良而寬容的統治着。無論如何,據我所知,他沒有任何入侵物質位面或其它任何玩意的類似計劃。 CRYSTALLE. This powerful creature looks like one of those quasi-fellahs and maintains a huge castle defended by crysmals, quasi-ele-whatevers, and golems made of gold, silver, and even mithril. His rule's a fairly peaceful one, and he seems to be a good and kind ruler for the most part. He doesn't have any plans to invade the Material Plane or anything like that, as far as I know, anyway.


There's plenty of important sites in Mineral, most of them defined by the type of ore that a fellah can find there. Veins of ore run through this place the way forests run across the surface of a normal world. ("Normal" meaning "Prime," of course.-the Editor)

  這些准生物們在這個位面里維護了大量的堡壘,並且克里斯特列擁有一座強大的城堡。這裏也有一些秘密的矮人礦井,但我不會告訴你它們在哪,對吧?不管怎麼樣,你應該知道一個被叫作 鉛塔the Tower of Lead 的地方。
The quasi-creatures maintain a number of fortresscities in the plane, and Crystalle's got a mighty castle. There's some secret dwarven mines too, but I ain't gonna tell you where they are,right? Anyway, you should definitely know about a place called the Tower of Lead.
The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals


This place is a real mystery. It's a big, gray tower that juts up right out of the ground in the region they call the Gemfield. I've heard tell it's some sort of special link to the Positive Energy Plane,right?

  事實上,塔里有着除了 摩拉丁Moradin 本尊的外,一個矮人所見過最好的熔爐。沒有人知道它最初是誰建造的,但那些在這裏幹過的傢伙,這裏加工的成品比別的地方好上兩倍。但有個問題,對吧?沒有人知道為什麼,反正在這裏如果呆的時間太久的人會消失。我想它們被吸進了正能量位面,但我不知道具體是怎麼回事。我猜竅門就是當你有一些特別重要的事情要做的時候就來這裏,然後趁着情況還好的時候儘快離開。
The thing is, inside the tower lies about the best forge a dwarf's ever seen short of Moradin's own. Nobody knows who built it originally, but those that have worked it say that the work done here is twice as good as anyplace else. There's a catch, though, right? Nobody knows how or why, but folks that spend much time here disappear. I figure that they get drawn into the Positive Plane, but I don't know how. I guess the trick is to come here when you got something real special to work on, and then get out while the getting's good.

I've also heard tell that there's tools inside that no one knows how to use or what they're for. It's as though the place was equipped to work materials we don't even know about. And I don't know why these or any of the other tools have never been stolen out of the tower, but there must be a reason.


  我不是「位面行者」。我只是一位來自錘家老屋的卑微礦工,對吧?儘管如此,我第一次到礦物位面的原因是為了發財。當我意識到這並不像我聽說的那麼容易時,我仍然會回來,但心裏總是想着某個特別的目標。舉例來說,在 閃光泥潭the Glittermire 中可以找到一些治療泥鰍,當某種疾病威脅要摧毀我的氏族時,我去那拿了這些泥鰍。還有一次,我去了礦物面,因為我聽說有些整天呆在那裏的矮人在尋找守衛和士兵,來幫助抵禦當地土著(他們稱我們為看護人)的攻擊。
I ain't no "planewalker." Just a humble miner from the house of Hammerhome, right? Still, I first went to the plane of Mineral for the obvious reason-to get rich! Once I realized that it wasn't as easy as I'd heard tell, I still came back, but always with a particular goal in mind. For example, there's some healing loams to be found in the Glittermire that I went to fetch when a disease threatened to wipe out my clan. Another time, I went to Mineral because I heard that some of the dwarves that live here full-time were looking for guards and military men to help protect against attacks from the natives (minders, they called us).

  說到這裏,這邊的旅行者應該去一個被叫作 杜拉斯特Durast 的地方,大量的矮人在那裏建立了一座防禦良好的家園。我們的祭司甚至祝福了它,讓裏面的人不會因為位面之力而被石化。你唯一需要記住的事情(還有儘可能表現得最好——他們可不會容忍任何愚蠢的行為),就是對地點保密。記住,這個位面有大量土著盼着看見任何異類被殺死或驅逐。
Speaking of which, those travelers here ought to visit to a place called Durast, where a number of dwarves have established a well-defended homestead. Our priests have even blessed it so that nobody inside petrifies due to the plane's power. The only thing that you'll have to remember (other than being on your best behavior-they don't abide any foolishness) is to keep the location a secret. Remember, plenty of the plane's natives want to see anyone else killed or driven off.


  九層地獄the Hells 的法術之鑰是什麼?
What in the Hells' a spell key?

(The spell keys for the plane of Mineral, it turns out, are particular sounds produced by vibrating crystals. The tssng have mastered these and have even shared some of the secrets with those able to use magical means to communicate with them.-the Editor)
