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龙与地下城 Wiki


碧蓝时代Blue Age

碧蓝时代Blue Age -??? DR ~ -??? DR

  碧蓝时代Blue Age 是 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 上古史的一个时期,当时这颗行星上生命居住在连一整片的广阔大洋中。
The Blue Age was a time in the ancient history of Abeir-Toril when life on the planet resided in a single, vast ocean.

  诸神与 荒神primordials 之间的 黎明战争The Dawn War 在那事迅速蔓延蹂躏了这颗不幸星球的大部分地方,而其中一位荒神 “暗夜巨蛇”丹德尔Dendar the Night Serpent 吞噬了 塞伦涅Selûne 最受欢迎的作品之一——太阳the sun(顺带一提,吞噬太阳也是她的姐妹 莎尔Shar 自它诞生以来一直在尝试的壮举)。随后,艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的温度明显下降,不久之后,这颗行星上的大部分生命都灭绝了。碧蓝时代结束,阴影时代the Shadow Epoch 由此开始。
The Dawn War between the gods and the primordials raged mostly over this unfortunate planet at the time and one of the primordials, Dendar the Night Serpent, devoured one of Selûne's most favored creations, the sun (a feat her sister Shar had been attempting since its creation). The temperatures on Abeir-Toril subsequently dropped markedly and not long afterward, most life on the planet became extinct. Thus ended the Blue Age and the Shadow Epoch began.
