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2e<F&A.p002>诸国度的神力POWERS OF THE REALMS


  在 被遗忘的国度the Forgotten Realms 中,诸国度the Realms 的男女神明们被统称为 神力power。这一惯例在《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》全书都有运用。在修订版《被遗忘国度战役设定集Forgotten Realms® Campaign Setting box》中,所有诸国度的神力被分类为:强大神力、中等神力、弱等神力、半神力、准神力、神上神力、非人类神力、以及外来神力。本书《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》摒弃了准神力类别,并将之前的所有“准神力”划分进了强大、中等、弱等以及半神力中。(本书描述了半神力的职责,但半神力者们本身由另一部作品处理。)在这个系统中,消逝神力将依据其生前的地位评级。在这篇前言介绍中描述了神上神力 艾欧Ao 的职责,至于他作为神力和关于他教派的简述,也被包含在泛费伦神系章节中。
In the Forgotten Realms, the gods and goddesses of the Realms are referred to aspowers. This usage is followed throughout Faiths & Avatars. The revised Forgotten Realms®Campaign Setting box, categories all the Realms' powers as greater powers, intermediate powers, lesser powers, demipowers, quasi-powers, over-powers, nonhuman powers, and alien powers. Faiths & Avatars dispenses with the quasi-power category and places all powers previously ranked as quasi-powers somewhere within the categories of greater, intermediate, lesser, and demipowers. (The functions of demipowers are described here, but the demipowers themselves will he dealt with in another work.) Dead powers also are rated within this system according to their former statuses. The function of the over-power, Ao, is described within this introductory chapter, but a brief discussion of Ao as a power and his cult is also included in the Faerûnian Pantheon chapter.

  诸国度的非人类神力——精灵、矮人、侏儒、半身人、卓尔、兽人、以及其他非人类神系——不由《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》处理。关于这些神祇和祂们所属专属祭司的信息,请翻阅《怪物神话Monster Mythology》、《幽暗地域的卓尔Drow of this Underdark》、《矮人深坑Dwarves’ Deep》、《永聚岛的精灵Elves of Evermeet》、《巨人争霸Giantcraft》、《巨龙之书the Draconomicon》、以及其它被遗忘国度战役设定产品、与庞杂的《异度风景战役设定PLANESCARE® campaign setting》产品在AD&D游戏中对不同实存位面的详述。(这些流行的非人类神力将在未来由关于诸国度神祇的资料集处理。)
The nonhuman powers of the Realms—the elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, drow, orc, and other nonhuman pantheons—are not dealt with in Faiths & Avatars. For information on those deities and their specialty priesthoods, consult Monster Mythology, Drow of this Underdark, Dwarves’ Deep, Elves of Evermeet, Giantcraft, the Draconomicon and orher FORGOTTEN REALMS setting products, as well as the numerous RLANESCARE campaign setting products detailing the different planes of existence in the AD&D’s game.(Future sourcebooks on the deities of the Realms will deal with these popular nonhuman powers.)

  “外来神力”这个概念则带来了一个难题:许多现在被认为是“土著”的神祇都曾是外来神力。千百年来,祂们通过各种发生在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Totil 的跨维度迁徙,旅行到了诸国度。本书《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》处理的是那些在 费伦大陆Faerûn 被崇拜的神力——这是一片位于艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球上的区域,通常被认为包含了以下范围内的所有地方:永聚岛Evermeet 为其西北角,楚尔特丛林jungles of Chult 则为西南角,南至 光辉南方the Shining South,北到 大冰川the Great Glacier,东邻 卡拉-图大陆Kara-Tur,南接遥远东南的 扎卡拉次大陆Zakhara。本作并不覆盖 马兹特克大陆Mairica、扎卡拉次大陆、以及卡拉-图大陆的神系,而且虽然一般认为 楚尔特Chult穆尔霍兰德Mulhotand 是费伦大陆的一部分,但它们的神系与费伦大陆的主流迥然不同,因此也不在本作叙述(不过你可能会在未来的同类作品中见到它们)。
The alien powers present a problem in that many deities now considered “native”Faerûnian powers were once alien powers. They traveled to the Realms through many transdimensional migrations that have occurred on Abeir-Totil over the millennia. The powers dealt with in Faiths & Avatars are those that are worshiped in Faerûn , the region of Abeir-Toril that is generally considered to encompass everything from Evermeet in the northwest and the jungles of Chult in the southwest to the lands of the Shining South in the south and the Great Glacier in the north and to be bordered by Kara-Tur in the easr and Zakhara in the far southeast. The pantheons of Mairica, Zakhara, and Kara-Tur are not covered in this work, and though Chult and Mulhotand are generally considered to be part of Faerûn, their pantheons are significantly different from that of the bulk of Faerûn and are not described in this work (though they may be detailed in future accessories of this type).

诸国度的崇拜Worship in the Realms

  被遗忘的国度the Forgotten Realms 的宗教基于多神论而非一神论。因为现实中大部分非东方现代宗教都秉持一神论,所以这点对于角色扮演游戏的玩家可能难以理解。在多神论宗教中,有多位神被崇拜,通常来说这种团体被称作 神系pantheons(意为某个族群的所有诸神)。在诸国度,穆尔霍兰德的宗教牵涉到了对神祇家族的崇拜,但在费伦大陆绝大多数宗教实践中,所涉及的神力集合里的神力门通常并没有血缘关系。在楚尔特,宗教实行的除了对两位神祇和祖先、地方、以及动物精魂集合的崇拜外,一直遵循着对自然力量的尊重。由 都帕Durpar黄金瓦尔Var the Golden 以及 依斯塔刚德Estagund 组成的 光辉之地the Shining Lands 的哲学思想,将万事万物都视为这个世界与那独一造物精神——阿达玛the Adama唯一者the One——的连接,反过来,万事万物也都被视为阿达玛或唯一者的一部分;诸国度的许多神力都被视为唯一者的不同面相,因此,光辉之地是诸国度宗教最宽容的地方之一,实际上所有神祇在此都受到尊敬(不过泛费伦神系仍然将光辉之地纳入了其影响范围——具体见后)。所有这些宗教都涉及到由多位被崇拜的神力组成的神系,不过这并不意味着某处的宗教必定有多个神系。这些便是诸国度的常态。
The religions of the Forgotten Realms are nor monotheistic. They are polytheistic. This is difficult for mans role-playing game players to understand, as most real-world nonoriental religions of the modem era are monotheistic. In polytheistic religions, multiple deities are worshiped, usually in groups called pantheons (meaning all the gods of a people). In the Realms, the religion of Mulhorand involves the worship of a family of deities. The religion practiced over most of Faerûn involves the worship of a collection of powers who are not generally related by blood. The religion practiced in Chult is the worship of but two deities and a collection of ancestral, place, and animal spirits, along with a regard for the force of nature. The philosophy of the Shining Lands of Durpar, Var the Golden, and Estagund sees all things in the world as connected and part of a single creation spirit, the Adama or the One;all the many powers of the Realms are different aspects of the One, and consequently the Shining Lands are some of the most religiously tolerant in the Realms, with literally all deities being reverenced here (although the Faerûnian pantheon holds its Shining Lands within its sphere of influence—see below). All of these religions involve the worship of multiple powers within a pantheon, although not necessarily multiple pantheons. This is the normal state of affairs in the Realms.

Thus, in abstract it is really ridiculous to think of one deity of the Realms becoming angry at a worshiper just for worshiping another deity. What matters to a particular Realms power is not that a follower worships someone else—most everyone in the Realms worships several someone else—but rather which other powers are venerated and which are appeased, and how serious a persons offerings and worship are to other deities. Some pantheons even do not care if their worshipers also venerate deities from other pantheons.

  除非情况特殊,否则请勿愚蠢地以某座神殿将独享其会众。诸国度的民众会在许多地方进行信仰活动,他们既会带着敬仰崇拜神力,也会出于安抚而礼拜神明。如果某人高度重视知识,又或者他是位费伦主要地区的歌手或吟游诗人,他可能将因此信仰 欧格玛Oghma。但如果这个人计划进行一场冬季的远洋航行,那么她也将礼拜 欧吕尔Auril安博里Umherlee,期望以献祭来安抚她们、保障旅程的平安。
It is also rather silly to think of a particular temple having a congregation that is exclusive only to it, except in special cases. The folk of the Realms worship in many places, and they worship the powers both by venerating them and by placating them. If a person has a high regard for knowledge or is a singer or bard in most of Faerûn, she or he worships Oghma. But if that same person is planning an ocean voyage in winter, she or he also worships Auril and Umherlee by placating them with offerings to persuade them to allow the trip to proceed safely.

  大部分人都有几位定期礼拜的神力,而对其他神祇,则只会在步入或从事由这位神祇掌控的某种情境时,才会对这位不悦的神力进行安抚。诸国度的大部分人也会最终选择一位他们能最舒心崇敬的神祇作为守护神,将自己最大的虔诚奉献给祂。守护神,将是最终护送此人灵魂的神力,祂将把信徒的灵魂从 冥界the Fugue Plane(人死后灵魂立刻去的地方)送到来世,化作这位守护神在 外层位面the Outer Planes 的神国(或至少是所在位面)的 祈并者petitioner。而那些拒绝任何信仰、或是在生活中基本只给予了口头而非真相信仰之人,死后将被称作 无信者the Faithless。他们形成了环绕 纷争之城the City of Strife 的活城墙,直至溶解才得解脱。(这座城池位于 灰色荒野the Gray Waste 奥伊诺斯Oinos 的死亡神国中,现任亡者之主 克兰沃Kelemvor 可能很快就会将其改名。)在墙上附着着非自然的浅绿色霉菌,便是这些霉菌将给他们带来最终的会毁灭。至于那些故意背叛了自己信仰和所作个人誓言的 伪信者The False,将在克兰沃在 水晶塔the Crystal Spire(克兰沃在纷争之城中的寓所)对他们的案件作出裁决后,被贬到纷争之城接受永恒的惩罚。
Most folk have a handful of powers that they regularly venerate, only appeasing an unpleasant power when they are entering or engaged in a situation where that deity holds sway. Most people in the Realms also eventually settle on a sort of patron deity who they are most comfortable venerating and who they hold in the greatest reverence. A person’s patron deiry is the power that eventually escorts that person's spirit from the Fugue Plane, the place where spirits go right after people die, to its afterlife as a petitioner in the Outer Planes in the realm (or at least the plane) of its patron deity. (Those who firmly deny any faith or have only given lip service most of their lives and never truly believed are known as the Faithless after death. They are formed into a living wall around the City of Strife—Kelemvor, the new lord of the dead, may soon rename it—in the realm of the dead in Oinos in the Gray Waste and left there until they dissolve. The unearthly greenish mold that holds the wall together eventually destroys them. The False, those who intentionally betrayed a faith they believed in and to which they made a personal commitment, are relegated to eternal punishment in the City of Strife afrer their case is ruled upon by Kelemvor in the Crystal Spire (Ketemvor’s abode in the City of Strife).

Some folk of Faerûn choose to devote their lives to a particular god. Most often these people are priests;others belong to other classes, such as paladins or mages. These folk are expected to be loyal to their faith because of the commitment they have personally sworn to a power, alrhough they may respect the faiths of other deities who their deity serves or is allied to.

崇拜与神性力量Worship and Divine Power

The powers of the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting are divided into different categories:greater, lesser, intermediate, and demipower. The ranking (and relative power) of a deity in the Realms is determined by the numbet and devotion of a power's followers. Without worship, powers wither, declining in deific rank and ability, and can even perish.

  并不清楚究竟需要多少崇拜、多少追随者,神力才会得到擢升(或贬落)到某一神格。而显而易见的是,艾欧为神圣能力的评级制定了某些神性的公式,但他未对任何人(即使是对神力们)透露过。在任何人的控制之外,诸神力神格的擢升与贬落的神性机制平稳地运行着。通过使用强大的崇拜仪式或神器(譬如让 伊亚契图·希维姆lyachtu Xvim 突然从半神力擢升到弱等神力的仪式),可以暂时对其施加影响,但这种系统中的“钉子”必须以长期的稳定崇拜加以巩固,否则快速获得的神力将在几个月到一年内被过滤掉。凡人也能清清楚楚地看到这套机制,而虽然神力们能粗略地猜测它是如何运作的,却不能对它的精确本质或者它的问题加以辨识,进而利用其中的任何神性漏洞。
Exactly how much worship and how many followers it takes for powers to rise (or sink) within the ranks is unknown. It is evident that some sort of divine formula for the rating of deific ability has been enacted by Ao, but he has never revealed it even to the powers themselves. The divine mechanism for powers to rise and fall in rank operates smoothly and without anyone to control it. It accounts fot the worship of followers devoted to only one deity and the more casual worship of the average inhabitant of the Realms of several or many powers. It may be influenced temporarily by the use of powerful worship ceremonies or artifacts (such as the ceremony that allowed lyachtu Xvim to suddenly rise from demipower to lesser power), but such “spiking” of the system must be reinfotced by stable, long-term worship or the quickly gained power leaches away within a few months or a year. The mechanism is totally transparent to mortals, and while the powers can guess roughly how it works, they cannot discern its precise nature or its quirks so as to exploit any divine loopholes.

  关于诸神力围绕着崇拜的竞争,学者偶尔会想知道为什么强大的神不简单地弑杀掉较弱的神,从而减少竞争的领域,以及为什么会有神祇选择侍奉另一位同侪。博学而富于哲理性的祭司和修道士们已经发展出了一种理论来解释这个问题。较弱的神祇有时会侍着神格高于自己的神祇,这是为了从这位强大的神力那里得到承诺,在其他神祇的神性掠食面前保护他。作为交换,较强神祇在达成自己的目标时,较弱的神祇为他提供了更多的帮手。通常来说,尤其是在邪恶神灵中,这种关系看上去犹如敲诈勒索。学者们推测,也许,较弱的神祇有时会将自己的神性力量中的一些交给更强大的神力,以巩固这一约定,又或许,如果更弱的神祇不宣誓不为这位更强大的神祇服务、并缴纳神性力量的供奉,受到大量崇拜、更为强大的后者会威胁将“榨干”这位较弱的神力甚或是将其彻底毁灭。如果这是真的,它看上去为为什么那些神职重叠的神力们的往往倾向于这种安排提供了一种解释。据推测,只有类似的神性能量才能在神力与神力之间被自愿分享和让渡。在 狂怒诸神the gods of fury 的统治制度中,塔洛斯Talos 统治着 欧吕尔Auril玛拉Malar 以及 安博里Umberlee;在众多的 自然诸神the gods of nature 中,西凡纳斯Silvanus 的地位高于 埃达丝Eldath梅丽凯Mielikki正义与责任诸神the gods of justice and duty 中,提尔Tyr 领导着 伊尔马特Ilmater托姆Torm;而 吟游知识诸神the gods of bardic knowledge,则是 欧格玛Oghma 领导着 迪尼尔Deneir黎尔拉Lliira、以及 密里耳Milil;如果依据这种理论,你可能会发现这些关系既实用主义,也不那么仁慈。据推测,这种约定是建立在仁爱或是勒索之上,由所涉及神力的道德倾向决定。
With the powers in competition for worship, scholarly folk have occasionally wondered why strong deities do not simply kill the weaker ones, thus thinning the field of competition, and why any deity would choose to serve another. Learned and philosophical priests and monks have developed a theory that explains this. Weaker deities sometimes serve deities higher than they are in tank because the stronger powers have promised to protect them from the divine predations of other deities. In exchange, the weaker deities provide more hands for the greater power to use toward its ends. Often, especially among evil deities, there seems to be an almost extortionistic aspect to this relationship. Perhaps, scholars speculate, weaker powers sometimes pay some amount of their divine power to stronger powers to strengthen this arrangement, or perhaps stronger powers who are receiving a lot of worship threaten to “squeeze out” weaker powers or outright destroy them if the weaket deities do not swear to serve them and provide a tithe of divine power. If this is true, it would seem to provide an explanation as to why powers whose portfolios seem to overlap tend toward this arrangement. Presumably only similar divine energy can be shared or passed on willingly from power to power. The hierarchies of the gods of fury, with Talos ruling over Auril, Malar, and Umberlee; many of the gods of nature, with Silvanus ranking over Eldath and Mielikki;the gods of justice and duty, with Tyr leading Ilmater and Torm;and the gods of bardic knowledge, with Oghma leading Deneir, Lliira, and Milil, are revealed as pragmatic and possibly less than benevolent when viewed in the light of this theory. Presumably the beneficent or extortionistic qualities of such arrangements are established by the moral inclinations of the powers involved.

神的影响范围Spheres of Godly Influence

  活跃于 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 的诸神力,将地表世界打碎成了一块块处于祂们影响范围下的不同的区域。不同的神系组织(想不出更好的词了),统治着这颗星球的不同区域。如同可以在 影响区域the Spheres of Influence(可以在本章之前的内容找到)地图上看见的,马兹特克神系Maztican pantheon 统治着 马兹特克大陆Maztica扎卡拉神系Zakharan pantheon 统治着 扎卡拉次大陆Zakhara卡拉-图大陆Kara-Tur天庭the Celestial Bureaucracy 统治着卡拉图大陆,泛费伦神系Faerûnian pantheon 统治着 费伦大陆Faerûn 主体,而 楚尔特神系Chultan pantheon 则在 楚尔特Chult 掌握着主导地位。穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi pantheon穆尔霍兰德Mulhorand穆洪Murghom 的终级神力,并在 恩瑟Unther(这片土地刚刚经受了近期最动荡的神性重组)、阙森塔Chessenta、以及 落湮沙漠the desert of Raurin 拥有着与泛费伦神系等同的权力。
The powers active on Abeir-Toril have broken the surface of the world up into different areas over which they have spheres of influence. Different pantheon groups, for want of a better term, have dominion over different areas of the globe. As can be seen on the Spheres of Influence (found earlier in this chapter) map, the Maztican pantheon rules Maztica, the Zakharan pantheon has dominion over Zakhara, the Celestial Bureaucracy of Kara-Tur rules Kara-Tur, the Faerûnian pantheon has dominion over the majority of Faerûn, and the Chultan pantheon holds sway in Chult. The Mulhorandi pantheon holds ultimate power in Mulhorand and Murghom and holds equal power with the Faerûnian pantheon in Unther (a land that has undergone the most volatile recent divine restructuring), Chessenta, and the desert of Raurin.

A pantheon holds ultimate sway within its own sphere of influence (if it is uncontested). Priests from other pantheons may cross into its sphere of influence, receive spells, and remain relatively unnoticed and unmolested by the deities whose sphere of influence they are in provided they do not attempt to convert the inhabitants of the region, set up a temple, or engage in a holy war. Any of these last activities provokes a pantheon to act in its own self-interest. At this point, most powers have their priesthoods or knightly/military orders take action to eject the foreign influence (most good and neutral deities) or expunge it (most evil powers).

  神系间乃至同一神系成员之间的纠纷,通常都由 极星帐篷the Pavilion of Cynosure 内的 神力之环the Circle of Powers 的会议解决,极星帐篷位于 以太位面Ethereal Plane 某处的半位面上,此处被活跃于诸国度的所有神力作为中立之地,为所有纠纷涉及的所有各方提供了一处开放性的公共讨论场所。一项得到了所有活跃于诸国度的基本原则是:神系在其势力范围内拥有基本的主权,因此,当受到另一个势力范围的代理人威胁时,它有权付诸行动。
Disputes between pantheons and even between members of a particular pantheon are usually settled by meetings of the Circle of Powers in the Pavilion of Cynosure on a demiplane floating somewhere in the Ethereal Plane, which is held as neutral ground by all powers active in the Realms and provides an open forum for all parties involved in a dispute. A fundamental principle upheld by all pantheons active in the Realms is the essential sovereignty of a pantheon within its sphere of influence and, consequently, its right to act when threatened by agents of another sphere of influence.

  在此刻,泛费伦和穆尔霍兰德神系有限地统治着恩瑟、阙森塔以及落湮沙漠。还不清楚谁将获得恩瑟的终级主权,而直到最近,它的边境还在界定现已不存在的 恩瑟神系Untheric pantheon 势力范围。在此刻,两支神系互相还维持着疏远的友好,并对这种形式采取了一种“等等看”的态度。沉睡的穆尔霍兰德神力们,在如此漫长的岁月中一直安于停留在自己古老的边界中,祂们已经被 诸神之战the Godswar 唤醒变成了更为活跃的角色,并且诸世纪以来第一次尝试实际获得更多的崇拜者。此刻,泛费伦神系在恩瑟获得新崇拜者方面更为活跃,但自从 伊师塔Ishtar 以来,穆尔霍兰德神系已经在此建立了牢固的信仰基础,伊师塔在表面上看是位恩瑟神力,但实际上只是穆尔霍兰德神力 伊西斯Isis 的别名,在恩瑟已经经营了多个世纪。
The Faerûnian and Mulhorandi pantheons hold codominion over Unther, Chessenta, and the desert of Raurin at the moment. It is yet to be seen who will gain ultimate sovereignty in Unther, as until recently its borders defined the sphere of influence of the now-defunct Untheric pantheon. At the moment, the two pantheons remain distantly cordial with each other and are taking a “wait-and-see" attitude toward the situation. The sleeping powers of Mulhorand, so long content to remain within its ancient borders, have been roused by the Godswar to a more active role and are trying for the first time in centuries to actually gain more worshipers. The Faerûnian pantheon is the more vigorous one at the moment in acquiring new worshipers in Unther, but the Mulhorandi pantheon has a substantial established base of the faithful since Ishtar, superficially a power of Unther, was actually an alias under which Isis, a Mulhorandi power, worked for centuries in Unther.

势力范围图Spheres of Influence Map

Spheres of Influence Map

神性移民Divine Immigrants

   在 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 尚年轻时,诸国度the Realms 人类神祇的势力范围并不那么明确,因为祂们的崇拜者并不会如此拥挤地聚集在托瑞尔的某个地方,而可能遇见彼此。很长的一段时间,某支人类神系会简单地立桩标示,无争议地认领某片大陆或大范围的地域。来自其它晶壁系整支、整支的人类神系或亚神系以这种方式在托瑞尔的大陆上找到了家。祂们并不担心生活在遥远的大陆上,其他神系那些认领了类似神职的神祇。
When Abeir-Toril was young, the human deities of the Realms were not so formal about their spheres of influence because their worshipers were not so crowded together on the sphere of Toril as to likely ever encounter one another. For a long time, a human pantheon would simply stake out a claim on a continent or large geographic area uncontested. Entire human pantheons or subsets of pantheons from other crystal spheres found homes on the continents of Toril in this way. They did not worry about other human pantheons with deities who claimed similar portfolios living a whole continent away.

Eventually, though, pantheons started to see intermixture between their worshipers as various groups wandered across the face of Toril, and they began to worry about how to deal with the threat to their power base that such immigrations caused. As a solution to this, they agreed on the formation of the spheres of influence discussed above. Within these spheres of influence, while more than one deity may have similar portfolios, no more than one of such parallel powers can ascend in deific stature to a higher rank than demipower.

  如果跨天宇的移民浪潮发生(最常由某道打开的 异界之门gate 带来),而且如果这些移民到诸国度的凡人继续崇拜着自己的旧神。那么,若这些人移入的诸国度势力范围早已经有了神力,而这些神力又占据着与移民的旧神类似的神职,通常会发生以下两种状况中的一种:或者,移民们将崇拜早先已在诸国度立足的神力,要不移民们的神力将闯入这片新晶壁系,并为了这存在争议的神职的控制权与诸国度的旧神力交战。在第一种情况,这位得到新崇拜者的神力将会最终通知他或她的新神职人员和崇拜者,让祂们对自己的行为、穿着或神学进行适当的改变,以适应祂们现在所处的这个新晶壁系。在第二种情况,一场为了统治权的神性都在将接踵而至,而某位神力将获胜(通常是以一场短暂而壮丽的战斗取胜,但有时会是在多年操纵和神性阴谋后才得到结果)。战败者或者将被从诸国度放逐,或者贬落到微弱神力等级并画上句号。无论如何,若晶壁系新移民所移入的该诸国度势力范围,没有任何被崇拜神祇的神职与那些移入的相同,在大多数情况下,移民神可以不受阻碍地自由进入这片新的晶壁系和势力范围。这样的移民流常见于费伦神系中,后者在势力范围形成后有许多波次的移民。
If a wave of transpheric immigration occurred (most often brought on by a gate opening), the mortals who emigrated to the Realms continued worshiping their old deities. If the Realms sphere of influence those people immigrated to already had powers who possessed the same portfolios as the immigrants' old powers, one of two things would normally happen:either the worship of the immigrants would go to the already-established Realms powers or the immigrant powers would cross to the new crystal sphere and battle with the old Realms' deities for control of the contested portfolio. In the first case, the power now receiving new worship would eventually inform his or her new clergy and worshipers of the appropriate changes to make in their behavior, dress, or theology to accommodate the new crystal sphere they found themselves in. In the second case, a divine struggle fordominance ensued, and one power won (usually after a short and spectacular battle, but sometimes after years of manipulation and divine intrigue). The loser either was banished from the Realms or was reduced to the level of a demipower and lingered on. If, however, the Realms sphere of influence in the crystal sphere the new immigrants moved to lacked any deity with the portfolio of a deity worshiped by these immigrants, the immigrant’s deity was free to cross over to this new crystal sphere and sphere of influence uncontested, and in most cases did so. Such immigration-induced flux was common within the Faerûnian pantheon, which had many waves of immigrants after the spheres of influence were formalized.

神力的诞生The Birth of Powers

  神力能以多种方式形成。在诸国度the Realms 中,虽然有些神力被描述为其他某某神力的孩子,但这些“出身”看上去更多是一种对于神祇关系方便的描述,而非新神力形成的实际方法。至少,在凡人存在的时间里,没有哪位神力被认为直接生下了另一位神力。神力 提喀Tyche 分裂为了两位神祇——本莎芭Beshaba泰摩拉Tymora,而这种情况已有先例。在必要时,神力们似乎能够将自我分割为至少两个独立部分,而这些部分中至少有一片将变成完全不同的存在。
Powers can come into existence in a number of ways. In the Realms, although some powers are described as being the children of other powers, these births seem to be more a convenient way to describe the relationships among deities than an actual method for new powers to come into existence. At least, no power is believed to have ever directly given birth to another while mortals were in existence. One power, Tyche, split into two deities, Beshaba and Tymora, and this occurrence has had precedent. When necessary, powers seem to be able to carve themselves into at least two separate pieces, with at least one of the parts becoming an entirely different being.

  在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 很久之前,如同创造 国度天宇Realmspace 晶壁系那样,艾欧Ao 明显创造了诸国度的某些神力。然而,在对需要他重新调整的诸国度平衡作出裁决、并拉开动荡之年事件之前,他已经将诸国度的神力们留下、自行变化和发展了不可计量的若干千纪。
Long before the Time of Troubles, Ao evidently created some of the powers of the Realms, as well as the crystal sphere of Realmspace. However, he left the Realms powers to change and evolve for millennia untold before deciding that he needed to readjust the balance of the Realms and set in motion the events of the Time of Troubles.

During those millennia, the powers split themselves, gave birth, killed each other, raised sufficiently powerful mortals to godhood, and welcomed wave upon wave of emigrant powers, brought by waves of mortal emigration from other spheres, into their ranks. They were unchecked in their proliferation and self-destruction. Only after the Time of Troubles did Ao take an active part in the generation of new powers, the resurrection of dead Realms powers, and permission or denial of the emigration of multispheric powers into the Realms.

After the Time of Troubles, in order for a candidate for divinity to attain godhood, Ao must give his consent. He does this either formally in a presentation ceremony carried out beyond the eyes of mortals or informally by allowing a being to become a deity in the Realms. Usually a mortal attempts to become a deity through the accumulation of power, the use of arcane rituals, the use of artifacts, the sponsorship of an already-established power, or some combination of these. At some point in the process, Ao makes a decision. If that decision is “no," the candidate does not become a deity.

Often in attempts to attain divine status through powerful rituals or the use of artifacts, failure (in the form of a tacit “no" from Ao) results in the mortal becoming a lich, being transformed into some other form of odd undead creature, or being totally destroyed.

  通常,如果有神性力量在艾欧之前介入了对某位候选人的襄赞,那么如果这位凡人将在被艾欧否决后继续活着,进而被期望克服被艾欧拒绝的原因而得到第二次机会,或者被送到来世,在 外层位面Outer Planes 成为那位提供襄赞的神祇强大的神仆。艾欧没有义务解释他的裁决。
Usually if a divine power is involved in some sort of sponsorship of a candidate before Ao, a rejection means that the mortal either continues on in life, hoping to overcome whatever the cause of Ao's rejection was and to be given a second chance, or passes on into the afterlife to become a powerful servant of the sponsoring deity in the Outer Planes. Ao is never obliged to explain his decisions.

In game terms, in order to even attempt an ascent into godhood, a mortal in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting should have achieved at least level 25, have one attribute score of 21 or above, and have another attribute score of at least 19. She or he must then spend a great deal of time researching methods to attain divinity, come up with a plan for doing so, and confront great peril in order to execute that plan. The plan must always involve at least two of these three things:the performance of a specially researched ceremony or spell of elaborate complexity, great cost, and great personal danger;the use of an artifact;or the sponsorship of a deity.

If all of these conditions are met, the DM may, at his option, allow Ao to smile upon the attempt and elect to invest the character with demipower status. Characters granted such status become part of the culture's pantheon. If they are player characters, they are removed from play and treated as a demipower from that point on.

神力的陨落The Death of Powers

  神力也会死。在 诸国度the Realms 的历史中,这事发生过的次数相当可观。而在诸国度,消逝的神力从死亡中复活的次数同样相当可观。那么,为什么神力会死呢?
Powers can die. They have done so numerous times in the history of the Realms. Dead powers have also returned from the dead numerous times in the Realms. So how can a power die?

毁灭的地点Place of Destruction:

  通常来说,除非有奇异的条件干扰(譬如 动荡之年Time of Troubles)或使用了神器,否则唯一能真正毁灭神祇的地点是在其存在的家园位面——或最少得是在 外层位面the Outer Planes。因此,由于神祇在其家园位面能力最为强大,毁灭神祇非常困难。此外,在神力的家园位面通常栖居着侍奉该神力、极其强大的异界生物,而家园位面也通常部分充当着神祇所得到或创造的强大物品的宝库。
Place of Destruction:Usually, barring the intervention of strange conditions (such as the Time of Troubles) or the use of artifacts, the only place that a deity can be truly destroyed is on its home plane of existence—or at the very least in the Outer Planes. Because of this, it is very hard to destroy a deity, as deities are strongest in abilities on their home planes. In addbtion, a power’s home plane is usually inhabited by extremely powerful extraplanar beings who serve the power and serves in part as a storehouse for the items of power a deity has picked up or created over its existence.

神弑神Deity Kills Deity:

  通常来说,除非遭到了奇异的条件干扰(譬如动荡之年),否则只有强大神力能弑杀另一位强大神力。在较弱神格的神祇中,什么神格的神力才能毁灭另一位这个问题的答案更为有弹性,但大部分神祇,给予他足够的时间、资源、和个人力量的积累,便能在无保留的战斗中毁灭神格比自己低的存在,并能在其他神力、极其强大的凡人、专门设计的仪式/法术、神器或上述之间的组合的协助下,尝试毁灭与自己神格相同的存在。当然,如果祂们遭遇了直接攻击,大部分神力都有能够呼叫支援的神性盟友。此外,权力们也许会愿意让出神职的部分或自己的神性能量给其他人,以免遭其毁灭。这就是为什么进行了神职拆分的神祇——譬如 卡拉苟斯Garagos坦帕斯Tempus——双方都能存活了下来。
Deity Kills Deity:In general, barring the intervention of strange conditions such as the Time of Troubles, only a greater power can kill another greater power. Within the lesser ranks of deities, some flexibility exists as to what rank of power can destroy another, but most deities, given enough time, resources, and personal accumulation of power, can destroy those of lesser rank than themselves in outright battle and can try to destroy those of equal rank with some sort of assistance from other powers, high-powered mortals, specially designed ceremonies/spells, artifacts, or a combination the above. Of coutse, most powers have divine allies that they will call to them it they are directly assaulted. In addition, powers may willingly yield parts of their portfolio or their divine energy to others to prevent their destruction. This is how deities who came to blows over a portfolio, such as Garagos and Tempus, have both survived.

凡弑神Mortal Kills Deity:

  通常凡人可以指望毁灭的唯一神力是半神力。诸国度的半神力作为神祇相当脆弱,因为在大部分案例中,祂们都将家园位面安在了 主物质位面Ptime Material plane,而其个人神域也与 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 地表紧密相联。因此,相较于其他神力,半神力是远更容易的目标,因为通常抓住其本质自我比那些居住在外层位面的神力更容易。
Mortal Kills Deity:The only powers that mortals can normally hope to destroy are demipowers. Demipowers in the Realms are rather vulnerable as deities, as in most cases their home plane of existence is the Ptime Material plane and their personal domains are intimately connected to the surface of Abeir-Toril. Thus, demipowers are much easier targets than other powers because it is generally easier to get at their essential selves than those of the powers who dwell in the Outer Planes.

Demipowers can employ only one avatar at a time, and it takes them a long time (a year) to make another. So it is easier for mortals to fight their way through the defenses of a deinipower than any other sort of power since they only have to go through one avatar.

Then, the mortals must force the deity to meet them face-to-face, a difficult feat when a deity is already suspecting the intentions of visitors because they have just destroyed the deity’s avatar. Getting a power to manifest in such circumstances usually requires elaborate trickery, the help of another power, the use of an artifact, or research into some special spell or circumstance to which the power is vulnerable.

If forced into circumstances that require them to manifest under such conditions, most demipowers would simply leave. Unfortunately, demipowers find it difficult to travel from plane to plane;they must rely on magical spells or items to do so, rather than using an innate ability as all orher powers can. This difficulty with transplanar travel is one reason that most demipowers in the Forgotten Realms setting make their home plane the Ptime Material Plane, and it also means that demipowers aremuch more vulnerable to items or spells that might trap them on a single plane, thus cutting off their escape routes. So, by application of sufficient brute physical and magical force in the exact right place at the exact right time, with clever strategies, adequate preparation, a few dirty tricks, and maybe a minor artifact, it is possible for a mortal to destroy a demipower. Just.

神被遗忘的消逝Deity Dies of Neglect:

Deity Dies of Neglect:Deities need the power provided them by worship to exist. One way for a power to die is for it to have no more worshipers. To intentionally cause a power's death through this method is difficult even for most greater powers. Basically, all the worshipers of a deity have to die, or the power has to gradually lose worshipers so slowly that it does not realize its inevitable fate until it can do little to stop it. Powers can hang on as demipowers as long as they have even one worshiper. And even after they lose that worshiper, it takes them awhile to wither away while they wring the last bits of deific sustenance from the use of their name, their sovereignty over the principles and ideals in their portfolio, and even the awe inspited by tales told about them as myths or parables. During this time they would make every effort to get anyone to worship them. To effectively ensure the death of such a deity, in all likelihood it would have to he imprisoned on its home plane and rendered unable to communicate with any mortal being. Eventually, then, it would die.

多天宇神力,或者说提亚马特是死是生?Multispheric Powers, or Is Tiamat Dead or Not?

  一些诸国度的神力与通常被其它天宇的存在崇敬的神力,共用着相同的名讳。这些神力包括 欧格玛Oghma提尔Tyr梅丽凯Mielikki劳薇艾塔Loviatar西凡纳斯Silvanus、以及 穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi pantheon 大部。对于旅行到其它晶壁系和其它位面的行为来说,这些诸国度神祇和那些与诸国度无关联的神力是同一位神祇。神祇是多维的存在,祂们对主物质位面的许多晶壁系怀有兴趣,国度天宇仅为其一。然而,这些神祇在《神力与化身Faith & Avatars》中呈现的方式,是根据祂们在诸国度中所知状况的。在其它晶壁系中,根据祂们的势力、关注点、以及那些天宇的性质,祂们将给人不同的感受。在某个晶壁系发生的事件,与神祇在另一个晶壁系的行为无涉。只有影响到该神祇所在家园位面(通常在外层位面)的事件发生,才会在所有晶壁系影响到这位神力,而即使是这样,也不用担心这会造成太大的影响。于是,在诸国度死去的跨天宇存在们,只是被迫或自愿地切断了与国度天宇的神性联系。祂们并未消逝,然而当与诸国度的居民相涉时,祂们可能像是消逝了。
Some powers of the Realms share the same names as powers generally considered to be from other spheres of existence. These powers include Oghma, Tyr, Mielikki, Loviatar, Silvanus, and most of the Mulhorandi pantheon. For purpose of travel to other crystal spheres and other planes, these Realms powers are the same deities as those not associated with the Realms. Deities are multidimensional beings and have interests in many crystal spheres on the Ptime Material Plane, of which Realmspace is but one. However such deities are presented in Faith & Avatars in the way that they are known in the Realms. In other crystal spheres, they are perceived differently, depending on their influence, their concerns, and the natures of those spheres. Incidents that occur on one crystal sphere are not relevant to the dealings of that deity on another. Only incidents that affect a deity on its home plane of existence (usually in the Outer Planes) affect the power in all crystal spheres, and even then one has to be careful not to assume too much. So, beings who are multispheric who die in the Realms have merely involuntarily or voluntarily severed their divine connection to Realmspace. They are not dead, but they might as well be as far as the inhabitants of the Realms are concerned.

Many rumors of deific tragedies and triumphs have made their way to the Realms via the crews of spelljamming vessels and the tales of travelers through Toril's many transplanar and transpheric (crossing different crystaf spheres) gates. It is difficult to determine from these rumors when a particular power is actually being discussed. Many powers use aliases in other planes and crystal spheres to try to subvert the loyal worshipers of one deity themselves or to cover for the fact that there has been a change in the divine hierarchy that would disturb conservative worshipers. Other deities have simply chosen similar names, manifestations, or avatars by chance or because a certain form seems to consistently invoke awe, respect, or terror in the natives of many different spheres or planes. Just because rumors have it that a deity or being that has some similarity to a Realms power dies in some other sphere of existence does not mean that the Realms powers are affected one bit. In fact, many Realms beings claim to be powers who are not, and somerimes it is difficult to tell whether or not a being is what it claims to be.

  也许有个例子能帮助说明这个问题。在某个久远的晶壁系,有位显现为多头彩色巨龙的邪恶神力,被传言已经消逝。她被该天宇当地人称为 塔克西丝Takhisis。而在诸国度,在一些年前,有队来自 血石地the Bloodstone Lands 的强大冒险团,在某个下层位面,遭遇并弑杀了一头强大的多头、类彩色龙生物。它名为 提亚马特Tiamat。它可能是某位神祇的显现,或许只是一只极其强大的位面生物。在同样位于诸国度的 恩瑟Unther 之地,直到刚刚大多数民众还都属于 提亚马特教派the Cult of Tiamat。在动荡之年期间,提亚马特的化身死于最近消逝的恩瑟神王,吉尔伽Gilgeam 之手。
Perhaps an example would serve to illustrate this. In a far-off crystal sphere a power of evil who manifests herself as a multiheaded chromatic dragon has recently been rumored to have died. She was known to the natives of the sphere as Takhisis. A group of powerful adventurers from the Bloodstone Lands in the Realms met and killed a powerful multiheaded, chromatic dragonlike creature on one of the lower planes some years ago. It was known as Tiamat. It may have been a manifestation of a deity, or it may just have been an extremely powerful planar being. In the land of Unther, also in the Realms, until very recently the majority of the populace belonged to the Cult of Tiamat. Tiamat's avatar died during the Time ot Troubles at the hands of Gilgeam, god-king of Unther, who himself died recently.

The being called Takhisis on one crystal sphere may or may not be Tiamat, and in any case her rumored demise had no effect on events in the Realms. From this we can assume that either Takhisis is Tiamat, has a presence on multiple crystal spheres, and is thus not dead—or she is dead and is thus not the Tiamat known in the Realms.

The creature killed in the lower planes may or may not have been a deity. (If it was, in all likelihood, it was only an avatar of the deity, not the true deity.) It was most assuredly thought to be dead on its home turf after the heroes of the Bloodstone Lands dealt with it. If it were the true form of a greater power, they could not have killed it because only a greater power can destroy a greater power on its home tutf permanently. In othet cases, the power disperses and reassembles after a given time (laying aside the Time of Troubles, which by its nature violates most general rules about deities). Therefore, eithet this creature is dead and was not truly a deity but rather a deity's avatar or extremely powerful mortal being, or the creature was a deity and reassembled long after the heroes left. If it was a power, it still may or may not be the same one that was until recently worshiped in Unther.

  无论哪种情况,这位在恩瑟被称为提亚马特的神力,在动荡之年期间,就像其他所有费伦神力一样,被迫作为化身显现。在 诸神之战the Godswar 期间,她被吉尔伽,恩瑟神系Untheric pantheon 极端好妒的首领击倒。在那时,提亚马特的神圣本质被分散为三份,其中之一寄居于 察斯萨Tchazzar,后者是一条 阙森塔Chessenta 的红龙,长期以来一直试图成神。察斯萨最终实现了他的宿愿,并成为了一位半神,但他被迫搜集提亚马特本质的其祂片段到自己身上,以增强他的神力。但他一无所知的是,自己仅仅只是为提亚马特提供了化身的寄主。当察斯萨杀死并吞噬了最后一头容纳了提亚马特部分本质的巨龙时,他完全被提亚马特的神性力量融入。他经历了一场猝然的最终转化,而提亚马特得以再度显现于诸国度。不幸的是,她所做的第一件事,便是试图追平与吉尔伽的比分,后者由于艾欧在诸神之战结束对诸神力的“重新评定”,地位遭受了巨大损失。而提亚马特的化身和吉尔伽的化身都在一场凌乱中死去,其中涉及多个外层位面,并在破旧的 恩瑟拉斯城Unthalass 大部被抹去中结束。提亚马特显然在这场遭遇中被极大地削弱了,而没能显现另一尊化身到诸国度。此外,她还停止了授予法术给诸国度她的任何祭司(祂们主要来自恩瑟和阙森塔)。这导致大部分诸国度的学者得出结论:这位名为提亚马特的神祇已经从自己与诸国度(作为诸国度的神力一员)的互动中抽身。
The power known as Tiamat in Unther, in any case, was forced to manifest as an avatar during the Time of Troubles, as were all the powers of Faerûn. During the Godswar, she was struck down by Gilgeam, the very jealous head of the Untheric pantheon. At this point, the deific essence of Tiamat was splintered into three pieces, one of which came to inhabit Tchazzar, a red dragon in Chessenta that had long been attempting to become a deity. Tchazzar finally achieved his wish and became a demipower, but felt compelled to gather the other pieces of Tiamat's essence into himself to increase his power. Little did he know that he was merely providing an avatar host for Tiamat. When Tchazzar slew and ate the last dragon who housed part of Tiamat's essence, he was totally subsumed by Tiamat's divine power. He underwent an abrupt final transformation, and Tiamat was once more manifest in the Realms. Unfortunately, the first thing she did was to try to even the score with Gilgeam, who had suffered a great loss in status in the wake of the “revaluation" of the powers by Ao at the end of the Godswar. Both Tiamat's avatar and Gilgeam's avatar died a messy death that ranged over several of the Outer Planes and ended in the obliteration of most of the decrepit city of Unthalass. Tiamat was evidently extremely weakened by this encounter and has not manifested another avatar in the Realms. In addition, she has ceased granting spells to any of her Realms priests (who mainly hail from Unther and Chessenta). This leads most Realms scholars to conclude that this deity known as Tiamat has withdrawn herself from interaction with the Realms as one of its powers.

This does not mean that another power with the avatar form of a multiheaded, chromatic dragon that calls itself “Tiamat" cannot become a power in the Realms. In fact, since the Tiamat of Unther is multispheric, if Ao decided to once again allow her a divine connection to Realmspace because worshipers demanded her presence, then she could return to the Realms once more as a deity. Because she is currently dead in the Realms does not mean she died completely;it merely means all divine connections between her and the crystal sphere of Realmspace are currently severed.

动荡之年The Time o f Troubles

  对于许多“神祇在诸国度如何运作”的正常规则而言,动荡之年是个例外。在动荡之年期间,诸国度的诸神力被迫或者将祂们的全部神性力量置于某位凡人化身中,或者如果祂们存在于多个位面,将被迫创造化身,把自己与诸国度未来的全部神性联系的都押进去。因为诸国度的神力们被迫在祂们的化身上投注如此之多,这些化身将是极其脆弱的。虽然一尊化身的死亡并不意味着这位神力的消逝(至少,班恩Bane巴尔Bhaal 在最终的毁灭前,经历了多个连续的化身),而是神力只能将自己显现于某位化身形态,而不能与自己位于外层位面的家园和神力基础联系(如果祂有)。
The Time of Troubles was an exception to many of the normal rules for how deities work in the Realms. During the Time of Troubles, the powers of the Realms were forced to either place all of their divine power in one mortal avatar or, if they exist on multiple planes, were forced to create avatars upon whose existence their entire future divine connections to the Realms were staked. Since the powers of the Realms were forced to stake so much on their avatars, these avatars were acutely vulnerable. While the death of an avatar did not mean the death of the power (Bane and Bhaal, at least, went through multiple avatars in succession before finally dying), powers could only maintain themselves in one avatar form and could not connect with their homes and power bases in the Outer Planes (if they had them).

  然而,在动荡之年期间,只有神祇才能杀死其他比半神更高者的一般规则并未被违背了。巴尔在 巴里斯凯尔桥Boareskyr Bridge希瑞克Cyric神灾剑Godsbane 杀死了。神灾剑即是剑形态中的 马斯克Mask(显然是马斯克的一尊化身)。因此,神力当然可以杀死神力。午夜Midnight深水城Waterdeep 用一道 解离术disintegrate 法术杀死了 米尔寇Myrkul,然后用一道 次元门dimension door 将死去化身的尸体移动到了 宝剑海Sea of Swords] 上。在那个时候,午夜容纳了 密丝特拉Mystra 的一些神性本质,并通过一件密丝特拉徽记形状(在午夜旅行期间与她的肉身融为一体)的吊坠,转化到了自身。于是,再一次,虽然稍微有些迂回,依然是神力弑杀了神力。
However, during the Time of Troubles, the general tule that only a deity can kill anything other than a demipower was not violated. Bhaal was killed by Cyric using die sword Godsbaneat Boareskyr Bridge. Godsbanewas Mask in sword form (evidently an avatar form of Mask). Thus, a power killed a power. Midnight used a disintegrate spell to kill Myrkul in Waterdeep and then used a dimension door to move the dead avatar's body over the Sea of Swords. At the time Midnight held within her some of Mystra's divine essence, transferred to her through a pendant in the form of Mystra's symbol that merged with Midnight's flesh during her travels. So, once again, although through a slightly circuitous path, a power killed a power.

  密丝特拉在试图进入她的家园位面的过程中,于 天国阶梯the Celestial Staircase 死于 海姆Helm 之手。在她与海姆的战斗前,她已将大量的神力转移到她的 选民Chosen、阿祖斯Azuth传道法师the Magister、以及 伊尔明斯特Elminster 上。随着她消逝,她给了午夜有着她一些本质的吊坠,并将她剩余的神力播散入环绕、渗透着国度天宇的 魔网the magical weave 中。伊尔明斯特也得以将其显灵的灵魂作为一种魔法元素唤回,从而弑杀了班恩的一尊化身,但这力量不至于永久地毁灭他,而他的本质得以被米尔寇聚集到一起,然后转化为一尊新的化身。在最后,托姆Torm坦陀罗Tantras 弑杀了班恩。再一次,在密丝特拉和班恩的例子中,还是一位神力弑杀了另一位。
Mystra died at Helm's hand on the Celestial Staircase, trying to gain access to her home plane. Before she battled Helm, she had transferred a great deal of her power into her Chosen, Azuth, the Magister, and Elminster. As she died, she gave Midnight the pendant with some of het essence and spread the remainder of her power into the magical weave that surrounds and permeates Realmspace. Elminster was able to call back a ghost of her presence as a sort of magic elemental to kill one avatar of Bane's, but it was not strong enough to permanently destroy him, and his essence was able to be gathered together by Myrkul and then transferred to a new avatar. Ultimately, Torm killed Bane in Tantras. Again, in the cases of Mystra and Bane, one power killed another.

Gods who were dead at the end of the Godswar were dead in the Realms unless at the end of the Time of Troubles Ao reinstated them himself, as he did for Torm. However, only deities whose only worship ties throughout the many crystal spheres were to Realmspace could have completely died. Any deity who had ties to other crystal spheres would not have ceased to exist. Ao has influence over the powers of the Realms, not the panspheric and multidimensional universe. Rather, all divine ties between that power and the Realms would have been severed. The power itself would not have been dead, but might as well have been for any inhabitant of Realmspace.

存在消逝Being Dead

  当某位神力(而非只是化身)消逝时,它将被神秘地迁移到 星界the Astral Plane 永世漂泊、慢慢腐烂。神力本身将在星界的银色虚空中无助地漂泊,偶尔伴随着如在沉眠中的搅动,但除非采取特殊活动重注以有力量行动,否则绝不会醒来。
When a power (not just an avatar) dies, it is transported mystically to the Astral Plane to float for all eternity, moldering away slowly. The power itself drifts helplessly in the silver void of the astral, occasionally stirring as if in slumber, but never reawakening unless special actions are taken to reinvest it with the power to act.

Some powers are separated from their divine natures upon death;that is, their personalities and memories are separated from their powers, abilities, and true form. This phenomenon is usually caused by the interaction of a magical item of artifact or relic strength and extremely strenuous and turbulent magical forces in the region of the power when it dies. The artifact, intentionally or unintentionally, acts as a magnet and draws in the personality of the deity and entraps it. Such entrapped powers remember everything they did while they wete alive, but cannot use any of their godly powers anymore (although they can sometimes twist the powers of the item they are trapped in if they can convince a mortal to activate its powers). They are also extremely uncomfortable in their entrapped state as they cannot either reinvest themselves as deities or pass on to whatever afterlife the spirits of deities may have. This generally leads to a continuous struggle on the part of the personality to escape its prison. Such imprisoned powers are cunning manipulators, treacherous liars, and devious foes.

While a power is dead, priests and any other beings (such as paladins and rangers) who relied on the power to grant them spells receive no newspells. Pray all they might, they get not a one. Dead powers learn nothing new, are unaware of activities in the Realms or elsewhere, can use none of their former divine powers, cannot move themselves from plane to plane, and, in short, are about as conscious and useful as a rock. The only thing a dead power can sense, under special circumstances, is the speaking of its name during a ceremony attempting to restore it to life.

The portfolio a dead deity ruled over in life is usually passed on to its destroyer. If that being is incapable of carrying out the duties because of moral and/or ethical differences or the inability to deal with such huge amounts of power, the portfolio is split up among the next most suitable candidates who are already deities in the dead power's pantheon. This second procedure is also followed if a deity dies of worship starvation.

  如果某位被毁灭的半神与某位更高阶的神力分享着某个神职,而毁灭者不能掌控这份神力,那么半神的神力,将自动流向同一神系中、所分享神职的更高阶的所有者。因此,如果 “掠夺者”卡拉苟斯Garagos the Reaver 被弑杀,而且弑杀者不是能成为战争半神的存在,那卡拉苟斯的神职将流向 坦帕斯Tempus
If a demipower who shares a portfolio with a higher-ranked power is destroyed and the destroyer cannot hold the power, the power of the demipower automatically goes to the higher-ranking owner of the portfolio in the same pantheon. Thus, if Garagos the Reaver were killed, his portfolio would pass on to Tempus if his killer were not a being who could become a demipower of war.

从消逝中归来Back From the Dead

Death has been shown to by no means be a career-ending proposition for powers of the Realms. Powers can and do return from the dead. In order to live again as a deity, a power must be worshiped and cannot have been utterly destroyed (something which is theoretically possible, the sages assure us, but which would involve massive destructive efforts on the Astral Plane after the location and identification of the proper divine corpse-island). Then something must be done to suddenly and massively direct a great deal of worship power into the deity. This involves a prolonged ritual in which the dead power's name is repeatedly invoked. Often massive quantities of offerings of the type most favored by the power are also made, and sometimes artifacts are used to somehow direct the power generated by the ceremony more efficiently to the deity. Finally, Ao must decide to let the dead power reestablish a connection with the Realms. Without the tacit consent of Ao, even the most precisely and fervently executed ritual is all for naught.

When a resurrected deity returns to the Realms, it is as a demipower. The power must work its way back up through the divine ranks to its old status if it once held a highet rank. Resurrected deities receive the essential, core portfolios of their previous divine existence when they return to life. This often means that they have much of their previous portfolio stripped away on their return.

神性能力Divine Abilities

No statistics for the powers and abilities of true deities are listed anywhere in this book. The power of deities is impossible to quantify. Statistics quite simply become meaningless when dealing with the powers of the Realms.

  然而,有些神祇比其他的更强大。在被遗忘的国度设定,神力被归入不同的地位:强大、中等、弱等、以及半神。神上神力 艾欧Ao 在这套排名系统之外,同样在下面讨论。各个神力级别所拥有的能力和神力,概述如下。这些适用于神祇,而非祂们的化身。化身在祂们自己的部分讨论。
Nevertheless, some deities are more powerful than others. In the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting, the powers are divided into several different statures:greater, intermediate, lesser, and demipowers. Outside of this ranking system lies Ao, the over-power, also discussed below. Each class of deity possesses certain abilities and powers, which are outlined below. These are applicable to the deities, not their avatars. Avatars are discussed in their own section.

艾欧,神上神力Ao, the Over-Power

  艾欧Ao 是唯一的神上神力。他统治着所有 艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril 不计人类或非人类、所有势力范围的神系。然而,他仅在 动荡之年the Time of Troubles 期间,在 费伦大陆Faerûn 范围内出现过,而在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的其他区域,他的处置显然远更谨慎,因为其它区域从未听说过他。
Ao is the only over-power. He has dominion over all of Abeir-Toril's pantheons, human or nonhuman, in all spheres of influence. However, he has only been seen in the bounds of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles, and he apparently is much more circumspect in his dealings in other regions of Abeir-Toril, as most other regions have never heard of him.

  艾欧的存在超出了以任何方式排列的神祇力量排名。他被认为比其祂神力都更强,在动荡之年期间,他有能力将 被遗忘的国度the Forgotten Realms 几乎所有神祇丢到费伦大陆地表,而他也被认为位于排名系统之外,就像教师们并不在他们用来给学生表现进行评价的分级系统的排名里一样。艾欧对凡人的日常生活几乎毫不关心,但他将诸国度的神力们视为他的造物。艾欧不需要信徒,也不赐予凡人法术。即使是他是否聆听凡人的祷告或请求也值得怀疑。他担任着来自宇宙外部的、诸国度的观察者与守护者。
Ao lies beyond the bounds of the rankings of deities' powers in any way. He is considered to be more powerful than other powers in that he was able to consign almost all the Forgotten Realms deities to the surface of Faerûn during the Time of Troubles, and he is also considered to be outside the ranking system, in the same way that teachers are outside the rankings of the grading systems they use to rate the performance of their students. Ao has little concern for day-to-day mortal life, but he regards the powers of the Realms as his creations. Ao requires no worshipers and grants no spells to mortals. It is doubtful that he even listens to their prayers or pleas. He serves as a watcher and a guardian over the Realms from outside of its cosmos.

  除了他在动荡之年期间的职能外,艾欧对诸国度持续履行的唯一职责只关乎它的神祇。自称动荡之年以来,艾欧决定了谁是神力、而谁不是。(见神力的诞生The Birth of Powers。)他决定消逝或以其它方式失去了与诸国度神性连接的神力,是否被允许作为神祇重返诸国度。他也决定了移民到诸国度的生物所崇拜的诸多神祇,是否被允许建立与 国度天宇Realmspace 的神性连接来服务于祂们的崇拜者。最后,这还涉及了擢升凡人到诸神的地位。只要对方接受那个地位的职责与义务,艾欧便能立即擢升任何凡人、智慧生物到任何神性地位(从强大神力到半神),但他只在动荡之年期间才行使过这项能力、将凡人提升到比半神力等级更高。
Aside from his function during the Time of Troubles, the only responsibility that Ao continues to perform in relation to the Realms pertains only to its deities. Since the Time of Troubles, Ao decides who is apower and who is not. (See The Birth of Powers.) He decides which powers who have died or otherwise lost their divine connection to the Realms in other ways are allowed to return to the Realms as deities. He also decides which of the many deities worshiped by the beings who emigrate to the Realms are allowed to establish a divine connection with Realmspace to serve their worshipers. Finally, this involves promoting mortal beings to the status of gods. Ao may promote any mortal, sentient creature to any stature of godhood (greater power through demipowet) instantly if it accepts the responsibilities and duties of that state, but he has only exercised that ability to elevate mortals to other than demipower rank during the Time of Troubles.

所有的被遗忘国度®设定神祇All FORGOTTEN REALMS® Setting Deities

All FORGOTTEN REALMS setting deifies, from greater powers to demipowers, have the powers described in this section. Although these are powerful abilities, they are taken for granted by deities.


  每位神力都有统治、驱动和控制的特定主题、事物、概念或情感。神力密切地围绕和涉及联系着祂们的神职。在祂们的神职范围内,神祇通常是最强的。然而,若祂们消逝并被复活、同神系另一位的神祇消逝、祂们经历了激进的性格转变(像 希瑞克Cyric 陷入了疯狂)、或是神性地位上升或下降,神祇的神职可能会变化。若神系中出现重大的变故——例如一位或者多位重要神祇消逝——或是像动荡之年那样神性动荡的重大时期,整个神系的神职都可能经历变化。
Portfolios:Every power has certain topics, things, ideas, or emotions over which it has dominion, power, and control. Powers are intimately concerned about and involved in their portfolios. Deities usually are strongest in power when acting within the bounds of their portfolios. However, the portfolios of deities can change if they die and are resurrected, another deity in their pantheon dies, they undergo radical character shifts (Cyric going insane), or they ascend or drop in divine stature. Portfolios of an entire pantheon can undergo changes if there is a major shake-up in the pantheon— such as one or more deities of importance dying—or a great period of divine turmoil, like the Time of Troubles.

Within a pantheon of deities, it is important to note that more than one deity may share identical portfolio items or even identical portfolios. However, in such cases, no more than one power can ascend in stature to a higher rank than demipower.

Greater or intermediate powers can create exact imitations of the avatars of deities whom they have subsumed (usually by killing the deity they intend to masquerade as). When a power uses a puppet avatar to appear as another deity, the avatar must behave in all of its abilities (though not necessarily its intent and mentality) as if it really were that of the deity being imitated. In addition, a power's normal avatar form cannot use the abilities of a subsumed deity's avatar itself. Avatars must act with the capabilities they were originally formed to use;if a power wants to make a new avatar with the combined abilities, it may do so, but the differences are obvious to both its own worshipers and the old worshipers of any deity it might be imitating.


  所有神祇都不朽且没有年龄。只有通过特殊手段,神力才会走向死亡。神祇通常的死亡方式是在魔法或物理战斗中被更高地位的神力毁灭。然而,在被遗忘的国度设定中,神祇可以在消逝中归来,而凡人在非常极端的情况下也可以成为神力。(见本章 成为神力Becoming a Power 和 消逝神力Dead Powers 部分。)作为正常战役扮演的一般规则,任何神祇遭受了足以毁灭它的攻击后,将简单的崩散并在之后重组。(投掷百面骰决定需要的天数。)于是,举例来说,看似被某件强大神器撕裂崩解的神力,只会在之后重组。
Immortality:All deities are immortal and do not age. The only way for a power to die is through special circumstances. The usual way that deities die is that they are destroyed by powers of higher stature in magical or physical combat. However, deities can and do return from the dead in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting, and mortals in very extreme circumstances have become powers. (See the Becoming a Power and Dead Powers sections of this chapter.) As a general rule in normal campaign play, any deity suffering an attack that should destroy it simply disperses and reassembles later. (Roll percentile dice to determine the number of days.) So, for example, a power which is seemingly torn apart by a powerful artifact would simply be dispersed, only to reassemble later.


Teleportation:Deities possess the innate ability to instantly teleport to any point on the same plane. They can do this at will and without any chance ot error.


Initiative:When dealing with mortals, all powers automatically receive the initiative. Of course, they can choose to simply wait and see what the mortals opt to do, but they may always act first if they desire.


  所有神祇都理解并能使用任何语言。这假设包括了书写、阅读语言,以及更不寻常的沟通交流方式,例如 爬虫人saurials 的气味语言。所有神力都能穿越任何虚空、通过任何物理或魔法屏障,直接而秘密的地任何存在说话。这力量超越了空间和位面的界限,但(通常)不能超越时间。
Communication:All deities understand and can speak any language. It is assumed that this includes written and spoken languages as well as other more unusual torms of communication such as the scent language of saurials. All powers can speak directly and secretly to any being across any void and through any physical or mystical barrier. This power transcends the bounds of space and planes, but not (as a rule) time.

魔法使用Magic Use:

Magic Use:All deities may use any spell of any level. This includes the spells of priests or wizards and does not require the use of spellbooks, prayers, or material, verbal, or somatic components. In short, invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings. They may also invent new spells or try to improvise spell variations at the blink ot an eye.


Immunities:It takes a +1 or better magical weapon to be able to damage a demipower or lesser power, a +2 or better magical weapon to be able to damage an intermediate power, and a +3 or better magical weapon to be able to damage a greater power. All powers are immune to any sort of magic that would automatically kill them if they fail a saving throw (such as when a saving throw vs. death magic or die or other saving throws to the same effect is required), that would instantly kill them with no saving throw, that would disintegrate them, or that would drain energy or life levels. They are immune to the powers of all glyphs and symbols, which do nothing to them except attract their attention. They are also immune to all psionic abilities not practiced by a divine being, and even then they are immune to psionic abilities used by deities of lower rank than themselves.

授予能力Granted Abilities:

Granted Abilities:Powers can grant any ability or spell of any level to their priests that does not exceed their own capabilities. It is through this ability that deities give priests, paladins, and rangers their magical powers and spells. Note that only powers and other creatures of quasidivine status (such as tanar'ri lords) can grant spells.

强大神力Greater Powers

In addition to the abilities detailed above, greater powers can do practically anything. They stand at the top of the pyramid of deific power, and their resources are nearly limitless. Some of their additional abilities include:


Shapeshifting:Greater powers can transform themselves into any object, animate or inanimate, of any size. In some cases, beings of this stature have been known to assume planetary proportions.

魔法抗力Magic Resistance:

Magic Resistance:Greater powers are 100% resistant to mortal magics,75% resistant to the magic of deities of lesser ranks, and 50% resistant to the spells of other greater powers.

豁免检定Saving Throws:

Saving Throws:All greater powers are assumed to automatically make all saving throws required of them. This is a reflection of their great abilities, mental powers, and physical stamina.

位面旅行Planar Travel:

  随意使用,正如祂们可以无误地传送跨越空间,祂们也可以这样在各个实存位面之间旅行。然而,这些强大的存在不能旅行到 主物质位面Ptime Material Plane
Planar Travel:Just as they can teleport across space without error, so too can they travel between the various planes of existence at will. These powerful beings cannot, however, travel to the Ptime Material Plane.

感知能力Sensing Ability:

Sensing Ability:These beings are practically omniscient. They always know what is happening on the entire plane they inhabit and the planes that any of their or their allies' worshipers or holy objects are currently on. They also know what is happening on the plane that anyone or anything that speaks one of their names or titles is on for a year after the name is spoken. In many cases, they can accurately predict the precise actions of mortals and other deities based on their vast knowledge. Unfortunately, this sensing ability can be blocked by the conscious effort of powers of equal statute.


Creation:Greater powers can create any object, animate or inanimate, they can think of. This process is draining, however, since they are converting their own energy stores into physical objects. Therefore, the deity must rest for one turn per ton of mass she or he wishes to manifest. Thus, the creation of a 10-ton stone statue would require that the deity rest for 10 turns (100 minutes) afterward.

生命与死亡Life and Death:

Life and Death:Greater powers can kill any living mortal creature with but a thought. Likewise, they can bestow life upon any slain mortal being anywhere. Of course, another greater god can reverse this effect immediately if so desired.


Multitasks:Greater powers can perform any number of tasks at once. Of course, natural limitations based on their current physical form may apply, but there is never a penalty on their actions due to complexity.


Avatars:Greater powers can employ up to 10 avatars at a time, moving them between planes at will. If one is destroyed, they requite one day to make another.

中等神力Intermediate Powers

Intermediate powers wield a great deal of power, but are by no means as powerful as greater powers. They often servegreater powers or are ambitious deities trying to work their way up to the status of greater power. Their powers include:


Shapeshifting:Intermediate powers can change into any object, animate or inanimate. The limitations on their powers prevent the object from being bigger than the largest natural or enchanted item of its size already in existence. Thus, an intermediate power could assume the shape of a huge bull elephant, but not one larger than the largest ones found in nature.

魔法抗力Magic Resistance:

Magic Resistance:Intermediate powers are 95% resistant to mortal magic,70% resistant to the magic of deities of lesser stature,50% resistant to the magic of other intermediare powers, and 25% resistant to the magic of greater powers.

豁免检定Saving Throws:

Saving Throws:Intermediate powers have a saving throw of 2 in all categories. Thus, they only fail on a natural roll of 1.

位面旅行Planar Travel:

Planar Travel:Intermediate powers have the same ability to travel between planes as greater powers. They are unable to enter the Ptime Material Plane, but always arrive exactly where they wish with no chance for error.

感知能力Sensing Ability:

Sensing Ability:Intermediate powers always know what is happening within 100 miles of their current position. In addition, they can extend their senses and learn what is happening within 100 miles of any of their or their allies' worshipers or their or their allies' holy objects. They can also extend their senses to know what is happening within 100 miles of where anyone or anything that speaks one of their names or titles currently is for a month after the name is spoken. The sensing ability can be blocked by the conscious effort of powers of equal or greater stature.


Creation:While they cannot create objects out of nothing, intermediate powers can summon or create a duplicate of any object they hold, providing suitable materials are available on the same plane. This is a tiring process, however, and they must rest one turn for every 100 pounds of the object's weight.

生命与死亡Life and Death:

Life and Death:Intermediate powers, while unable to directly cause the death of a living creature, can arrange accidents that can kill any mortal being anywhere. They can raise any previously living being from the dead at will (with automatic success), regardless of the time that has passed since that being died or the current location or condition of the body.


Multitasks:Intermediate powers can perform up to 100 tasks at once without suffering any penalties of any sort. Obviously, there may be physical limitations imposed on this based on the current physical form of the deity.


Avatars:Intermediate powers can use up to five avatars at a time, moving them between planes at will. If one is destroyed, an intermediate power requires seven days to make another.

弱等神力Lesser Powers

Lesser powers often serve other powets in the capacity of helpers. They are the least powerful of the upper echelons of divinity, in that they are entitled to exclusivity in their portfolios among all other deities of their rank and above. Their powers are mighty, but in no way equal those of greater or intermediate powers.


Shapeshifting:Lesser powers can change into any animate object they desire. Their power is restricted, however, so that their new form is an average example of the creature (with the addition of some superficial deific “special effects," perhaps). Thus, if a lesser power wished to become a stallion, it would look much like any other stallion.

魔法抗力Magic Resistance:

Magic Resistance:Lesser powers are 90% resistant to mortal magic,60% resistant to magic wielded by powers of lesser ranks,45% resistant to the magic of powers of same stature, and 20% resistant to the magic of powers of higher stature.

豁免检定Saving Throws:

Saving Throws:Lesser powers have a saving throw of 3 in all categories. Thus, they only fail their saving throws on natural rolls of 1 or 2 unless their avatars' saving throws are better.

位面旅行Planar Travel:

Planar Travel:Like greater and intermediate powers, lesser powers can travel between planes at will. No physical or material barrier can hinder such transit, and they have no chance to arrive anywhere other than exactly where they intended. They are unable to enter the Ptime Material Plane.

感知能力Sensing Ability:

Sensing Ability:Lesser powers always know what is happening within 10 miles of themselves. They can extend their senses to include knowledge of all that is transpiring within 10 miles of any of their worshipers or any of their holy objects They can also extend their senses to know what is happening within 10 miles of where anyone or anything that speaks one of their names or titles currently is for a day after the name is spoken. This sensing ability can be blocked by the conscious effort of powers of equal stature or the unconscious desires of those of greater stature.


Creation:Lesser powers cannot cteate or duplicate any object out of nothing. But they know where to find any object that they desire that already exists. If they desire an object that does not exist, they can sense the location of those who can manufacture it. Often lesser powers have alliances with intermediate or greater powers that allow them to rely on their more powerful friends for assistance with the creation of objects.

生命与死亡Life and Death:

Life and Death:Lesser powers share the ability to raise any previously living mortal being from the dead. They can do this at will and across any distance or barrier no matter what the current condition of the body.


Multitasks:Lesser powers can perform up to five tasks at once without penalties of any sort. Obviously, in some forms they may encounter physical limitations to the number of actions that can be attempted.


Avatars:Lesser powers can only use two avatars at a time, moving them throughout the planes at will. If one is destroyed, it requires one month to make another.


  半神在任何神系中都是最不强大的神祇。神祇们在祂们初次被擢升到神性地位时、当祂们刚刚从消逝中归来时、当祂们与某位更高阶层神格的神力分享某个神职或神职要素时、以及当祂们只是简单地没有能拥有足够庞大的追随者以获得更高地位时,祂们便保有着半神神格。通常,半神力是那些在某一小群体(如 乌斯伽Uthgar乌斯伽族野蛮人the Uthgardt barbarians 中)或某一小区域(像 希阿莉亚Shiallia至高森林High Forest 中)中,特别强大而赢得了神性地位的凡人。祂们拥有以下力量:
Demipowers are the least powerful deities of any pantheon. Deities hold the rank of demipower when they first are elevated to divine status, when they have just returned from the dead, when they share a portfolio or an element of their portfolio with a power of the upper echelons of divine rank, and when they simply do not have a large enough following to gain greater stature. Frequently, demipowers are mortals who have earned divine status or powers who are very strong among only a small group of people (Uthgar among the Uthgardt barbarians) or in only a small region (Shiallia in the High Forest). They have the following powers:


Shapeshifting:Demipowers can change only into animate objects appropriate to their nature and portfolios. Their new form is an average example of the creature (with the addition of some superficial deific “special effects," perhaps).

魔法抗力Magic Resistance:

Magic Resistance:Demipowers are 70% resistant to mortal magic,40% resistant to the magic of other demipowers, and 20% resistant to the magic of powers of greater stature.

豁免检定Saving Throws:

Saving Throws:Demipowers have a base saving throw of 4 in all categories. Thus, they fail their saving throw only on a natural roll of 3 or less unless their avatar's saving throws are better.

位面旅行Planar Travel:

Planar Travel:Unlike other powers, demipowers can travel between planes only via magical spells and devices. Because of this limitation, they tend to remain on one plane more than any of the other types of powers.

感知能力Sensing Ability:

Sensing Ability:Demipowers have the ability to know what is happening within one mile of themselves, any of their own worshipers, or any of their holy objects. They can also extend their senses to know what is happening within one mile of where anyone or anything that speaks one of their names or titles currently is for an hour after the name is spoken. This sensing ability can be blocked by the conscious effort of powers of equal stature or the unconscious desires of those of greater stature.


Creation:Demipowers also cannot create or duplicate any object out of nothing. They must rely on information that they gather through their sensing abilities to try and find any object that they desire that already exists, or use their own time and effort to create it from raw materials or to find a being that can do so for them. Often demipowers have alliances with intermediate or greater powers that allow them to rely on their more powerful friends for assistance with the creation of objects.

生命与死亡Life and Death:

Life and Death:Demipowers share the ability to raise any previously living mortal being from the dead. They can do this at will no matter what the current condition of the body but must have either an avatar or a holy relic present in the location of the body to raise it.


Multitasks:Demipowers can perform any two tasks at once without penalty. In rare cases, the physical form they select may limit this further, but that is seldom the case.


Avatars:Most demipowers can use but one avatar at a time. If this avatar is destroyed, they require one full year to fashion another. Some demipowers are unable to employ avatars or choose not to do so.


  当神力们在 主物质面位面Ptime Material Plane 有至关重要的事务时,祂们必须派遣化身替自己行动。化身仅仅是某位神祇在主物质面位面上的显现。这种显现并不近乎神力那样强大,而只是该神祇的力量在主物质位面上的投射。神与化身之间,存在着一道近乎无限广阔的力量鸿沟。化身包含的只是神之力量的一小部分。然而,化身分享着神力们的许多能力。祂们拥有着与所有神祇相同的传送能力、先攻优势、沟通能力、和免疫(在前述 神性能力Divine Abilities 部分的所有的 被遗忘国度®设定神祇the All FORGOTTEN REALMS Setting Deities 讨论。)。
When powers have vital business upon the Ptime Material Plane, they must send avatars to act for them. An avatar is simply a manifestation of a deity upon the Ptime Material Plane. This manifestation is not nearly as powerful as a power and is merely a projection of a deity's power to the Ptime Material Plane. An almost infinitely vast gulf of power lies between the god and the avatar. The avatar embodies just a small portion of the god's power. However, avatars share many of the abilities of powers. They have the same teleportation abilities, initiative advantage, communication abilities, and immunities as all deities do (discussed earlier in the All FORGOTTEN REALMS Setting Deities subsection of the Divine Abilities section).

  不同于神力,化身可以被毁灭。从未有真神将化身被毁视作善意,而这样做往往会招致神谴。虽然化身可以采取许多不同的形态,但可创造的化身数量和替换化身可达到的频率,取决于这位神力的地位(前文已说明)。《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中给出的神祇化身数据,是这位神力最常见的化身形态。出于对正在进行中的战役的偏好和对遭遇化身时的实际情况,地下城主可以自由地让神祇使用力量和形态恰当的化身显现。
Unlike a power, an avatar can be destroyed. This is never looked upon kindly by the true god, and often results in divine retribution. Although avatars may take many different forms, the number that can be created and the frequency with which they may be replaced depend upon a power's stature (explained previously). The statistics for a deity's avatar given in Faiths & Avatars are for the most common avatar form or forms the power uses. Dungeon Masters are free to have the deities they use manifest in avatars of appropriate might and form for the flavor of campaign they run and for the instance in which the avatar is encountered.

魔法物品Magical Items:

Magical Items:Often, avatars possess magical items of incredible power. Unless stated otherwise, these items always teleport back to the deity when the avatar is destroyed. Deities may intentionally lend their avatars' magical items to beings who are doing them a great service or for their own inscrutable purposes, but an avatar's weapon cannot be stolen away from it by a mortal, nor can it be lost or destroyed without the intervention of another divine force.

职业限制和数据奖励Class Limits and Statistic Bonuses:

Class Limits and Statistic Bonuses:Avatars are unaffected by many restrictions that apply to normal characters. For example, they often have attribute scores over 18 (with their attendant bonuses and immunities), magic resistance, can be of any class without regard to alignment, dual-, or multiclass restrictions, and can even possess a character class while in animal form. They receive the Constitution bonuses that warriors receive even if one of their classes is not a warrior class. They receive a damage (but not a THAC0) bonus for Strengths of over 18.


  化身总是使用下列的THAC0。祂们不因力量或魔法武器得到任何THAC0。祂们并不因为不熟练武器而得到任何惩罚,也不因专精得到任何攻击奖励。(翻阅本章最后的表- Extended Calculated THAC0s,关于直到40级的THAC0值。)请注意,在被遗忘的国度设定中, THAC0值不能超出角色职业-10;某些怪物可以超过这个。
THAC0s:Always use the listed THAC0 for an avatar. They do not receive any THAC0 bonuses for Strength or magical weapons. They do not receive any penalties for nonproficiency in certain weapons, nor do they receive any attack bonuses for specialization. (Consult the Extended Calculated THAC0s table at the end of this chapter for THAC0 scores through level 40.) Note that THAC0 scores in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting can never exceed -10 for beings rated with character classes;certain monsters may exceed this.

防御等级Armor Class:

Armor Class:Avatar armor is only for show (though it may be magical if loaned to a mortal) and does not contribute to an avatar's Armor Class. While some avatars manifest wearing armor and some do not, the toughness of an avatar is integral to its divine nature, and its clothing is but a colorful picture for the minds of mortals. Note that Armor Classes in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting can never exceed -12.

角色职业Character Classes:

Character Classes:Avatars' statistics are primarily derived from the character class levels with which they are rated. When they belong to multiple classes, they receive the best possible calculation from any class to which they belong. For instance, if an avatar is a 35th-level fighter and a 25th-level cleric, it receives a weapon specialization bonus for number of attacks, the hit points of a fighter, a cleric's spells, the ability to turn undead, and saving throws from whichever class is most beneficial. Specific information in an avatar entry always has precedence over implicit abilities given to a character class.

盗贼技能和非武器熟练Thief Skills and Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Thief Skills and Nonweapon Proficiencies:Avatars whose class ratings give them thief skills (pick pockets, open locks, find/remove traps, move silently, hide in shadows, detect noise, climb walls, read languages) automatically succeed at any use of those skills, so specific percentages are not listed. Likewise, avatars whose class ratings give them nonweapon proficiencies, such as tracking, automatically succeed at the use of those proficiencies if conditions would at all allow success. In general, avatars always succeed at any nonweapon proficiency or ability check except on a roll of 20, and they succeed no matter what if the ability lies within the purview of their deity's portfolio (subject to the DM's interpretation of the breadth of what a portfolio encompasses). Avatars are assumed to be proficient in all nonweapon proficiencies that are suggested, required, given as bonuses, or implied in the duties of any members of their clergy.


  许多化身在战斗中使用武器。当祂们使用某件武器时,这件武器的伤害将被列出,然后是圆括号中的武器的名字和该化身的力量奖励,然后是个加号,后面是化身可能拥有的任何武器熟练伤害奖励。如果某位化身有超过两件可以使用的不同武器,将“武器”加上化身的力量奖励并记下任何专精奖励,而关于这些武器的信息将在化身数据之后的“特殊攻击/防御Special Attacks/Defenses”段落给出。如果攻击是徒手的,那么只会记下力量奖励。化身的拳头徒手伤害是1d10点,但列出勇士职业的化身并不会得到每轮多次的拳头攻击。祂们只会在武器攻击上得到这些。
Damage:Many avatars use weapons in combat. When they use one weapon, the weapon's damage is listed, followed by the weapon's name and the avatar's Strength bonus in parentheses, along with a notation about any weapon specialization damage bonus the avatar may have. If more than two different weapons can be employed by an avatar,"weapon" plus the avatar's Strength bonus and any specialization bonus are noted, and information about the weapons are given in the “Special Attacks/Defenses" paragraph that follows an avatar's statistics. If attacks are made unarmed, then only Strength bonuses are noted. Unarmed damage for an avatar's fist is ldl0 points of damage, but avatars rated with warrior classes do not receive multiple attacks with their fists per round. They only receive these attacks with a weapon.

  不管某些生物通常若干武器奖励或武器附魔才能击中的要求,化身能伤害任何成功攻击到的生物。例如,徒手的化身仍然可以成功攻击和伤害到 高级木乃伊greater mummy,而凡人则需要+1魔法武器才能做到。在这些方面,化身的神性天性远远超过了甚至+5武器的效能。
Regardless of the weapon bonus normally required to hit a creature or the level of enchantment of the weapon an avatar is using, an avatar can damage any creature that it successfully attacks. For instance, an unarmed avatar could still successfully attack and damage a greater mummy that a mortal would have to use a +1 magical weapon to injure. The divine nature of the avatar far exceeds the potency of even a +5 magical weapon for these purposes.


  大部分化身仅有在地面移动的能力。然而,有些化身可以飞行、游泳、或是掘穴,其速度通常与化身在地面的移动相同。在这些情况下,这些额外的移动方式以缩写形式附加在移动速度后面:MV 15, Sw 15。飞行中的化身机动力等级总是为A。
Movement:Most avatars have the ability to move only over land. However, some can also fly, swim, or burrow, often at the same rate that the avatar moves over land. In these cases, the additional movement mode is indicated by an abbreviation following the movement rate, like this:MV 15, Sw 15. Flying avatars are always maneuverability class A.

特殊能力Special Abilities:

  通常,化身都有正常职业能力外的特殊能力。这些被单独列在“Special Att/Def”条目下。
Special Abilities:Often, avatars have special abilities in addition to their normal class abilities. These are described in the individual entries under “Special Att/Def.”

施法和法术Spellcasting and Spells:

Spellcasting and Spells:Many avatars have the ability to cast spells. Such avatars can cast spells while in any form, even that of an animal, unless unless otherwise specified. They do not need to make any gestures, speak any words, or use any material components. When they decide to cast a spell, it simply goes off. All avatars with spellcasting ability can cast one spell per round in addition to their normal physical attacks. If they do not attack physically, they can cast two spells in a round.

The spheres or schools to which avatars have access are listed in their descriptions. Avatars always have access to any spell in the school or sphere, providing they are of sufficient character level rating to access it. This means that they do not have to have memorized or prayed for particular spells like characters must;they can pick from the whole breadth of spells they have access to on demand.

  化身可以施展的法术数量,与同级的法师或祭司相同。举例来说,有17级巫师能力并使用 幻术/幻象illusion/phantasm 学派魔法的化身,能施展1-5级、每级5道幻术/幻象法术,6-7级、每级3道幻术/幻象法术,以及任意2道8级幻术/幻象法术。(参阅本章末尾,延伸到40级的表- Extended Wizard Spell Progression、Extended Priest Spell Progression 以及 Extended Bard Spell Progression。如《玩家手册Player's Handbook》表明的,圣武士在第20级、游侠在第16级获得其最大法术数量。)通常不足以让凡人使用第6或第7级祭司法术的感知值,并不会阻碍化身来施展它们。感知为16或更低的化身,假如有足够的祭司等级,仍然能使用第6和第7级法术。
Avatars can only cast the same number of spells of a given level that a wizard or priest of comparable rank would be able to cast. For example, an avatar with the abilities of a 17th-level mage and access to the illusion/phantasm school of magic could cast five illusion/phantasm spells each from spell levels one through five, three illusion/phantasm spells each from spell levels six and seven, and any two illusion/phantasm spells ofs level eight. (Consult the Extended Wizard Spell Progression, Extended Priest Spell Progression, and Extended Bard Spell Progression tables at the end of this chapter for spell progression up through level 40. Paladins achieve maximum spell progression at 20th level, and rangers achieve maximum spell progression at 16th level, as indicated in the Player's Handbook.) A Wisdom score normally insufficient to allow a mortal access to 6th- or 7th-level priest spells does not prevent an avatar from using them. Avatars with Wisdom scores of 16 or less can still access 6th- and 7th-level spells provided that they are rated as priests of sufficient level to cast them.

If avatars have multiple character classes in one character class group, they receive the number of spells for the class with the highest level only. For example, if an avatar is rated as a 23rd-level cleric and a 16th-level druid, the avatar would receive the number of priest spells due to a 23rd-level cleric.

If avatars have classes from two different character class groups that would give them access to the same kind of spells, they again receive the number of spells for the class with the highest level only. For example, if an avatar is rated as a 19th-level mage and a 17th-level bard, the avatar would receive the number of wizard spells due a 19th-level mage.

神职成员Members of the Clergy

  在 诸国度the Realms,大部分神祇的神职人员中,既有牧师,也有某些类型的专属祭司。的确有少量教会的神职人员中,也拥有其他祭司职业的成员,甚至是其他非祭司组的职业组职业。其他教会则拥有在技术上并非教会阶级制度一部分、但尽管如此却为教会服务着的战士组织。这些组织通常由圣武士、游侠、十字军、或好战的专属祭司如 坦帕斯Tempus 的那些领导或组成。(此外,宗教的神职人员中,可能有非人物职业的专业人士。除非有其它规定,他们被视为1级战士。)
In the Realms, most deities have both clerics and some sort of specialty priest among their clergy. Quite a few churches also have members of other priest classes and even classes from other character groups than the priest group among their clergy. Other churches have fighting orders that are not technically part of the church hierarchy but serve the church nonetheless. These are often led by or composed of paladins, rangers, crusaders, or militant specialty priests such as those of Tempus. (In addition, a religion can have lay members of the clergy who have no character class. They are treated as lst-level fighters unless otherwise specified.)

  在开始时,这种情况可能有些令人困惑。从根本上来说,被遗忘的国度设定的玩家需要记住,玩家的职业并不一定会阻碍他或她成为神职成员——该教会阶级制度的一员。照顾 梅丽凯Mielikki 神龛的信徒的 萝瑞姐妹Sister Loriel,可能是位游侠,而在午后主管那些在 平衡塔the Tower of Balance](密丝特拉Mystra 位于 银月城Silverymoon 中的神殿)中礼拜者的 摩根·星狐兄弟Brother Morgan Starfox,则就像他可能是位牧师、密丝特拉专属祭司、甚或是吟游诗人那样,可能是位巫师。
This state of affaits may seem confusing at first. Basically, what players in the FORGOTTEN REALMS setting need to remember is that the character class of a player character does not necessarily preclude him or her from being a member of the clergy—that is, from being part of a church's hierarchy. Sister Loriel who tends to the faithful of a shrine of Mielikki could be a ranger, and Brother Morgan Starfox who ministers in the afternoon to those worshiping at the Tower of Balance, Mystra's temple in Silverymoon, is as likely to be a mage as he is a cleric, specialty priest of Mystra, or even bard.

To put it plainly, the terms priest, cleric, specially priest, and clergy members are used with specific meanings in this text. Priest is a character class group. Clerics, crusaders, druids, specialty priests, mystics, monks, and shamans are types of priests. Clergy members (or clergy, or members of the clergy) can be of any character class, including priests. When a condition applies to all priests of a deity, it does not necessarily, therefore, apply to all clergy members.

Characters whose class comes from the priest character class group must be members of the clergy and must serve a particular faith. They gain certain benefits from their deities directly, such as spells, and in return they have the most serious responsibilities of all members of the clergy. Members of other classes do no have to be members of the clergy. In fact, it is recommended that only nonplayer characters of other character class groups than the priest group be members of the clergy to avoid player confusion over a character's function in the AD&D game. If a player character of other than the priest character class group chooses to be a member of the clergy, that character must hold to the duties and responsibilities of members of the clergy given below, but does not gain the character class abilities of a priest of the faith.

祭司与神祇Priests and Deities

As one might expect, the relationship between priests and their deities is of the utmost importance. It is through their deities that priests receive their special powers and the ability to cast spells.

These blessings have their price, however. Priests are expected to observe all the requirements of being members of the clergy, and priests are expected to perform certain rituals, duties, and services not necessarily required of other members of their faith's clergy, depending on their religion. Many of these are discussed in the individual deity entries through this book, but DMs are free to add to, reduce, or revise these rituals and responsibilities of the priesthood as they see fit.

Because priests have such a personal relationship with their deity, rather than just a personal relationship with their faith or church, as is required of other members of the clergy, they also face more stringent penalties for failing in the performance of their duties, turning from their religion, or failing their deity.

改换神祇Changing Deities:

Priests may occasionally fall away from the worship and service of their deities. This always results in a loss of powers and spells, at least temporarily. If a priest transfers his or her worship to another deity and has been a worthy follower of the first, there is a 75% chance that the second deity accepts the character as a priest. Such a transfer is always accompanied by a loss of enough experience points to place the priest in the midrange of the level below his or her current level. These same rules for deity change apply to other members of a deity's clergy who receive spells and powers directly from their deities who change deities, such as paladins and rangers.

犯罪和忏悔Transgressions and Penance:

Of course, priests and others who have a direct relationship with their deities (such as paladins and rangers) can anger their powers in many ways other than a change of loyalties. Behavior violations of alignment codes are usually considered at least minor transgressions and are punished by the temporary loss of low-level spells. Minor transgressions can usually be corrected by an act of penance, such as fasting, meditation, the gift of a minor amount of money to the order, or an offering of another type preferred by the power.

Neglecting to perform the proper rituals or failing to strive toward fulfilling the deity's goals are examples of moderate transgressions. Such infractions are punished by the loss of granted powers and high-level spells and can only be rectified through major penance. In addition to a period of fasting or meditation, such priests must each give at least one moderately powerful magical item to their order (never to be used by them again), and/or undertake some dangerous quest on their deity's behalf.

Priests who commit heresy, a second moderate transgression, or who willfully disobey or ignore their deities have committed a major transgression. Such transgressions are always punished by an immediate and total loss of all priestly powers and spells. If the deity is a neutral or evil one and the offense serious enough, major transgressions may even be punished by death in whatever form the deity has the power to arrange. Penance, if the deity allows it, must be accompanied by a complete sacrifice of all possessions save one set of normal clothing and one nonmagical weapon. Then such errant priests must undertake a seemingly impossible quest involving a high risk of death and donate all treasure recovered, including magical items, to their deities' orders.

Fortunately, the path for most priests is a narrow but well-marked one. For a true and faithful priest, the commission of even a minor transgression should be a rare thing. By and large, the majority of priests should never have to make penance for anything worse than a minor transgression.

非人类神职人员、祭司以及追随者Nonhuman Clergy, Priests,& Followers

  《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中展现的神力主要服务人类或是有大量的人类追随者。有些人类神力允许非人类加入他们的神职人员、祭职者、或以其它方式以法术招引它们。有两种信仰——泰摩拉Tymora贡德Gond 便是这样,他们分别许可半身人和侏儒加入他们的祭职者。
The powers presented in Faiths & Avatars serve primarily humans or have significant human fallowings. Some human powers allow nonhumans to join their clergy, their priesthoods, or otherwise call upon them for spells. Two such faiths are those of Tymora and Gond, which permit halflings and gnomes, respectively, into the priesthood.

Most faiths allow nonhuman worshipers, although the nonhuman deities often frown upon members of what they consider “their" people worshiping outside their pantheon. This divine disapproval is usually communicated downward into a nonhuman pantheon's followers, resulting in a negative attitude ranging from disdain and disapproval to outright scorn and hostility that members of a nonhuman race have toward those of their people who worship “foreign powers." Because of the social battles they face among their own, such nonhuman followers are relatively few. Obviously, half-elves are free to choose their faith from either the human pantheons or the elf pantheon—or, where appropriate, the drow pantheon.

If nonhuman members of the priesthood, the clergy in general, or orders affiliated with a church are allowed, the fact is mentioned in the entries for each deity given throughout this book. If a particular deity is not mentioned as accepting nonhuman priests, clergy, or other servants, then Dungeon Masters should use their best judgment about allowing a nonhuman player character to follow a particular power. In general, if it would make the game more enjoyable for the person involved, a rationale for such characters worshiping a particular deity can be worked out between a DM and his or her player, and the player character can be allowed to serve the power the player wishes. This makes the player happy and provides a unique history for the player's character that a DM can use as an adventure hook later in the campaign. The DM is never obligated to do so, however.

在游戏中表现诸国度神力Running Realms Powers

  许多诸国度的小说都描述了 诸国度the Realms 中的神力们是如何涉及到诸国度生活方方面面的密切细节的。这些都是小说中角色的兴亡。它们都比生活中的样子更戏剧性、大胆和宏大。小说需要让读者接近人物的内心活动,这样读者才能认同小说中的主要人物。它们需要用有限的角色来完成讲故事的任务,来让读者能保持对故事的亲切与连贯。这并不意味着DM在自己战役中需要让诸国度的神力们与任何人面对面地交谈。仅仅因为关于诸国度的小说经常关注诸神力,并不意味着游玩AD&D游戏战役也需要如此。
Many Realms novels have depicted the powers of the Realms as being involved in all sorts of intimate details of Realms life. These are the behaviors of characters in novels. They are supposed to be dramatic, bold, and bigger than life. Novels need to bring the reader in close to the inner workings of their characters' minds so that readers can identify with the novels' leading characters. They need to accomplish their storytelling task with a limited cast of characters to keep the experience of the story intimate and coherent for a reader. That does not mean that the powers of the Realms need to talk routinely to anyone face-to-face in a DM's own campaign. Just because the novels about the Realms have often spotlighted the powers does not mean AD&D game campaign play has to.

The most important principle in having deities in a fantasy role-playing campaign is to use them judiciously and sparingly in one's campaign play. It is certainly possible to run a high-level role-playing game in which deities commonly appear for the purpose of helping player characters. But such a campaign usually stops being fun for the characters very quickly. The AD&D game is designed for a more mortal level of play. The player characters are heroic not because of the tremendous powers they might or might not accumulate, but because of the terrible risks they take in the face of imminent death. To use a power to save characters from those risks time and time again is to sully the heart of the game.

The powers of the Realms do tend, however, to be more active in the business of mortals than the powers of many crystal spheres. They are a nosy and roisterous bunch, sometimes wandering about the Realms in disguise or in avatar form for their purposes. They are prying and aloof, petty and noble, lusty and pure, proud and humble, foolish and wise, loyal and treacherous, ambitious and self-sacrificing, contentious and placid, merciful and strict, greedy and generous, loving and hate-filled, sane and insane, violent and pacifistic. In many ways, they are like the powers depicted in classical Greek mythology in their all-too-human foibles and contradictory behavior. In general, a good working rule of thumb for the behavior of deities in the Realms is to imagine the actions of powers from all of the myths—Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indian, Finnish, Norse, Sumerian, Babylonian, Chinese, Japanese, African, and others. If a deity from any myth is spoken of as having once behaved in a similar way, it is appropriate to base a Realms power's actions and behavior in a similar fashion—within the bounds of good taste.

神祇条目的格式Format of Deity Entries

  该条目是《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》中所述神力遵循的标准格式。请注意,这套格式的注释将以模仿文本中使用的格式给出:
The entries for the powers detailed in Faiths & Avatars follow a standard format. Notes on that format are given here in a format mimicking that used in the text:

神祇名Name of Deity

  (常见头衔与绰号Common Title and Epithets)

  所述位面名与神力等级Power Ranking of Plane Name,
Alignment abbreviations used throughout each deity's entry are: LG=lawful good, NG=neutral good, CG=chaotic good, LN=lawful neutral, CN=chaotic neutral, N=true neutral, LE=lawful evil, NE=neutral evil, CE=chaotic evil.

  神职PORTFOLIO:这些是这位神祇统治、为他带来神力、控制和这位神祇关心的主题、事物、概念或情感。These are the topics, things, ideas, or emotions over which the deity has dominion, power, and control and about which the deity is concerned.
  别名ALIASES:这里给出的是这位神力已知的其祂名讳。这些可能是已经被这位神祇完全包容的“傀儡神”、地域性名讳、古名、或者简单的备用名字。Other names the power is known by are given here. These may be "puppet gods" the deity has wholly subsumed, regional names, older names, or simply alternate names.
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:这位神祇神国所位于位面的层面罗列此处,之后是这处神国的名字。如果该位面并不分割为多个层面,则与该位面名重复。(请注意,有些位面所属层面与其位面名相同。)The layer of the plane the deity's domain is found on is listed here, followed by the domain's name. If the plane the domain is on is undivided, the plane name is repeated. (Note that some planes also have layers with the same name as the plane they are part of.)
  主神SUPERIOR:如果这位神祇接受另一神力的命令,则那位神力列在此处。If the deity takes orders from another power, that power is listed here.
  盟友ALLIES:此处列举传统盟友。Traditional allies are given here.
  敌对FOES:此处列举传统敌人。那些与这位神祇竞争或对抗、但又算不上敌人的神明,将列举在后而非此处。Traditional foes are given here. Powers the god rivals or competes with are not foes. These are discussed in the text, not here.
  徽记SYMBOL:这里对这位神祇的徽记作了简要描述。A brief description of the deity's symbol is given here.
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:此处给出神的虔诚崇拜者们所需要的阵营。神力通常会试图尽可能宽容地吸纳尽可能多的崇拜者。The alignments required of dedicated worshipers of the deity are given here. Powers generally try to be as liberal as possible to attract as much worship as they can.

This introductory paragraph describes the way a power is generally depicted (or actually looks) if it is different from the deity's avatar form. It details additional titles and epithets the power is known by, common worshipers of the power, and the qualities attributed to the deity, such as its general demeanor, bearing, and personality. It also discusses any relations between the power and other powers not covered by the "Allies" and "Foes" entries above.

神祇的化身Deity's Avatar

  (角色职业与等级Character classes and levels)

This paragraph describes the avatar's appearance and the schools or spheres of magic from which it may draw spells. When discussed in this avatar section, a deity's avatar is spoken of as the deity, not as "the avatar of so-and-so," to economize on space. The avatar's statistics use this format and these abbreviations:

  AC 防御等级;MV 移动速度,Fl 飞行(假设自动性总是A),Sw 游泳,Br 攀爬;HP 生命值;THAC0 防御等级0时的命中值;#AT 每轮攻击次数;
  Dmg 每次攻击造成的典型伤害(武器(如果有使用),+力量加成,+武器专精);
  MR 魔抗;SZ 体型符号(以英尺计算大小)
  STR 力量值;DEX 敏捷值;CON 体质值;INT 智力值;Wis 感知值;CHA 魅力值
  法术 P:每级祭司法术数量,包括感知奖励;W:每级法师法术数量
  豁免(豁免骰) PPDM 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法豁免骰;RSW 权杖、法杖与魔杖豁免骰;PP 石化或变形豁免骰;BW 喷吐武器豁免骰;Sp 法术豁免骰
  AC Armor Class; MV movement rate, Fl flying (maneuverability class is assumed to always be A), Sw swimming, Br burrowing; HP hit points; THACO To hit Armor Class 0; #AT number of attacks per round
  Dmg typical damage done per attack (weapon, if one is used, Strength bonus notation, weapon specialization notation)
  MR magic resistance; SZ Size notation (size in feet)
  STR Strength score, DEX Dexterity score, CON Constitution score, INT Intelligence score, Wis Wisdom score, CHA Charisma score
  Spells P: number of priest spells per spell level including Wisdom spell bonuses, W: number of wizard spells per spell level
  Saves (saving throws) PPDM poison, paralyzation, or death magic saving throw; RSW rod,- staff, or wand saving throw; PP petrification or polymorph saving throw; BW breath weapon saving throw; Sp spell saving throw

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

This entry discusses any special attacks or defenses the avatar has, its magical items of note, and any particularly distinctive tactics it tends to use.

其祂显现Other Manifestations

This section discusses other manifestations of a power aside from its avatar. These manifestations are much more commonly encountered than the actual avatar of a deity. They often convey benefits to the faithful or indicate favor, direction, danger, agreement, or disagreement by the deity. Sometimes they are merely used to comfort and assure their worshipers that they are aware of a situation or appreciate their followers' devotion.

教会The Church

In the headings in this section, the following abbreviations are used for character classes; C=cleric, Cru=crusader, D=druid, SP=specialty priest, Mon=monk, Mys=mystic, Sha=shaman, F=fighter, Pal=paladin, R=ranger, W=all wizard classes, M=mage, Abj=abjurer, Con=conjurer, Div=diviner, Enc=enchanter, Ill=illusionist, Inv=invoker, Nec=necromancer, Tra=transmuter, Spell=spellsinger, T=thief, B=bard. Note that the spellsinger wizard character class is described in Wizards and Rogues of the Realms

  神职人员Clergy:这里列出神职成员中开放的不同角色职业。永远记住,某些宗教中可以有没有角色等级的神职成员。除非另有说明,否则那类神职成员视作1级战士。The different character classes open to members of the clergy are listed here. Always remember that a religion can have lay members of the clergy who have no character class. They are treated as lst-level fighters unless otherwise specified.
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:所有职业的神职成员都必须是这些阵营的一员(职业的阵营约束条件仍然生效)。在专属祭司那一节中将特别指出专属祭司所允许的阵营。Members of any class who belong to the clergy must be one of these alignments (within the constraints of the alignments to which the class is restricted). The allowed alignments of specialty priests are specifically noted in that section.
  驱散不死Turn Undead:各神职人员角色职业的缩写与他们是否被允许驱散不死生物Abbreviations for all character classes of clergy and whether they can turn undead
  支配不死Cmnd. Undead:各神职人员角色职业的缩写与他们是否被允许支配不死生物Abbreviations for all character classes of clergy and whether they can command undead

Bonus proficiencies or other game-relevant material applicable to all priestly members of the religion's clergy are presented in this introductory paragraph.

Following paragraphs in this overview of the church discuss the regard of the public for the religion, typical details of temple or shrine construction, names different forms of the clergy call themselves by, distribution breakdowns of kinds of character classes within the clergy, church hierarchy, and titles of different ranks of clergy. Further information on the church is broken down into subheadings:


Here are detailed the beliefs, tenets, doctrines and sayings of the religion.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Typical activities of the church are described here. This entry covers what the church does, as opposed to what the religion believes. This entry also discusses what believers and priests of the religion are expected to tithe or donate to the church or sacrifice to the deity.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Important ceremonies and major holy days in the religion are discussed in this entry.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

This entry escribes major centers of the deity's worship. These may be the largest temples of the god, those with the most far-reaching influence in the religion, or those of historical importance in the religion.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

Knightly and military orders affiliated with the church are briefly discussed in this entry. They are named and the character classes their members belong to are mentioned. The functions and duties of these orders and other information pertaining to their relationship to the church are also touched on briefly.

祭司的祭服Priesdy Vestments:

This entry describes the ceremonial vestments of priests of the deity and any differences between the vestments of different kinds of priests who serve the deity. Differences in garb according to rank or in different regions are also discussed here. Typical coloration or construction materials of symbols and holy symbols of the god are mentioned here if they are important.

专属祭司Specialty Priests(职业名Class name,如果适用)

  所有种类祭司的经验值进展表都可在 附录 1:祭司职业 中找到。
The experience progression table for all priest types is found in Appendix 1: Priest Classes.

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:这种专属祭司所需最小属性Minimum ability requirements for this type of specialty priest
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:这些属性中必须有一项为16或者更高,这个角色才能得到10%的经验值奖励Abilities that must have a score of 16 or above for the charactet to receive a 10% experience point bonus
  阵营ALIGNMENT:除非此处特别注明,否则专属祭司必须与他们神明的阵营相同Specialty priests must be the same alignment as their god, unless specifically noted differently here.
  武器WEAPONS:这种专属祭司可用武器类型Types of weapons specialty priests are allowed to use
  防具ARMOR:这种专属祭司可用防具类型Types of armor specialty priests are allowed to use
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:该专属祭司可主修的祭司法术领域Spheres of priest spells to which specialty priests have major access
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:该专属祭司可次修的祭司法术领域Spheres of priest spells to which specialty priests have minor access
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:这种专属祭司可用魔法物品类型The kinds of magical items specialty priests are allowed to use
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:这位专属祭司必须在1级以熟练槽购买的非武器或武器熟练Nonweapon or weapon proficiencies specialty priests must purchase with proficiency slots at 1st level
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:专属祭司不花费任何熟练槽即可获得的非武器或武器熟练,。专属祭司们可以正常的花费额外熟练槽来提高他们的技能。Nonweapon or weapon proficiencies specialty priests receive without spending a proficiency slot. Specialty priests may spend additional slots as normal to improve their skill.

  ·If any races other than human are commonly allowed as specialty priests by the power, a bullet point in this section notes this.

  ·This section contains a list of special granted powers given to specialty priests of this god. Clerics do not receive these abilities unless that fact is specially noted. (Usually changes to other priest classes of a deity are noted earlier in the first text paragraph of the description of the church.)

  ·类法术能力通常以与它们相似的法术来标识。但某位专属祭司获得一项这样的能力——常用术语描述为“每日1次,这位祭司能够施展 光亮术light(如同1级祭司法术)”——它可以作为普通法术的补充物使用。你不要把这段话理解为这位祭司受到限制,每天或每旬才能使用1次这道法术。这类类法术能力不需要借助言语、姿势或材料成分来使用,在战斗中能如天赋能力般(在《地下城主指南DUNGEON MASTER® Guide》的 战斗Combat 章节 特殊攻击Special Attacks 部分的 天赋能力Innate Abilities 中有描述)使用。无论它们的施法时间为何,都有+3的主动性调整值。
  ·Spell-like abilities are often expressed in terms of the spells they are similar to. When specialty priests receive such an ability—often expressed in terms such as "the priest is able to cast light (as the lst-level priest spell) once a day"—it is usable in addition to their normal spell complements. It should not be read as a restriction on the number of times that the priest can cast the comparable spell per day or per tenday. Such spell-like abilities require no verbal, somatic, or material components to use, and function as innate abilities in combat (discussed in the Innate Abilities subsection of the Special Attacks section of the Combat chapter of the DUNGEON MASTER® Guide). They have an initiative modifier of +3, no matter what the casting time of the spell they resemble is.


Here are listed the religion-specific spells of a faith. Unless the Dungeon Master makes an exception or an exception is noted, only priests of the religion where the spell is listed are allowed to cast these spells. Priests (clerics, specialty priests, druids, mystics, crusaders, or shamans) of a particular religion can always cast these religion-specific spells, even if the spells do not fall within their normally allowed spheres of access. Note that when used as a material component, holy symbols are never consumed in the casting of a spell.

零级命中值扩展计算表Extended Calculated THACOs

Extended Calculated THACOs

扩展祭司法术累进表Extended Priest Spell Progression

扩展法师法术累进表Extended Wizard Spell Progression

扩展吟游诗人法术累进表Expanded Bard Spell Progression


