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2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p051>米克拉特佩克城与米克拉特妖Mictlatepec and the Mictlaneca

  总队伍级别Total Party Levels:42(平均average 7)
  总金粉笔Total gq:8,000
  怪物经验值Monster XP:61,296

设定Set Up

  ·玩家们听说了关于附近一座“亡者之城city of the dead”的传说。当地的村民会尽可能地将死者埋葬在城市的附近,但很少进入城市本身,并且不会在夜间靠近它。
·The PCs hear legends of a nearby "city of the dead." Local villagers bury their own dead near the city when possible, but seldom enter the city itself, and never go near it at night.

Legends state that there are several tombs in the city, filled with riches, but they are guarded by horrible monsters.

·Traveling in the mountains, the Pcs see a nearby mountain whose top has been leveled. A city, complete with temples and pyramids, graces the manmade plateau.

·One or more PCs wishes to (or has been instructed to) visit the "city of the dead." The journey is intended to be a pilgrimage to pay homage to ancestors or nobles buried in or near the city.


  在许多年前,亡者之城the City of the Dead 米克拉特佩克城Mictlatepec萨特卡部族the Zateca 的行政中心,这个部族在当时的统治区域,现在栖息着 瓦克里部族the Huacli。萨特卡部族在他们的山间城堡中统治着数座城市。
Years ago, the City of the Dead, Mictlatepec, was an administrative center for the Zateca, who dominated the area now inhabited by the Huacli. The Zateca ruled several cities from their mountain stronghold.

The city was used primarily for administration, though it later became a center for trade and produced fine pottery. The inhabitants buried important personages in the city, after they had passed on to the next world. Tombs were placed throughout the city and in the surrounding areas as well.

  只有贵族居住在城中,而平民访客被限制于某些区域。只有最重要的贵族才能进入位于城市北端的宫殿群,因为骄傲而傲慢的统治着 阿尔班Alban 便居住在彼处。
Only nobility lived in the city, and common visitors were restricted to certain areas. Only the most important nobles could enter the palace complex at the north end of the city, for the proud and arrogant ruler, Alban, resided there.

  在成功统治了许多年后,阿尔班希望将他的统治延续到千秋万代。他指示皇家 利爪师hishnashaper 创造一个 护身符talisman 帮他实现这一目标。这位变形师照令行事,创造了 永生护身符talisman of perpetual life。阿尔班在余生都一直佩戴着这个 护身符,当他死后,他很快就恢复了生命——几乎如此。这个 护身符 将阿尔班活化为了一具“亡尸dead one”或者说 米克拉特妖mictlanec(即 尸妖wight)。
After ruling successfully for many years, Alban decided that he wished to continue his reign even longer. He instructed the royal hishnashaper to create a talisman which would allow him to do so. The shaper did as commanded, creating the talisman of perpetual life. Alban wore the talisman for the rest of his days, and when he died, he promptly returned to life—almost. The talisman animated Alban as a "dead one" or mictlanec (wight).

Alban's new form horrified him, but when he set upon the hishnashaper to slay him, he was gratified to learn that his mere touch could kill.

  因为日光使他不悦,也因他想要与附近之人分享他的非生命,他命令另一人创造了另一件 护身符。城中剩下等级最高的变形师创造了 永役之刀knife of perpetual service。当被用来杀人时,这把小刀将根据其生前的社会地位,将死尸活化为低级米克拉特妖:妖鬼ghast、食尸鬼ghoul、或 僵尸zombie。
Because the daylight bothered him, and he wished to share his unlife with those nearby, he commanded that another talisman be created. The highest ranking shaper still in the city created the knife of perpetual service. When used to slay a victim, the knife animated the corpse as lesser mictlaneca: ghasts, ghouls, or zombies, depending on former social standing.

During the day, the city appears deserted, because all the inhabitants are resting in their lairs. At night they venture out into the city again, to act out portions of their former lives. Those unlucky enough to see the city at night witness a macabre sight, as the Dead Ones carry on trade, perform religious and state activities, and play the ball game.

If any living being ventures into the city during the nightly activity, he is first treated as a welcome visitor. Higher ranking mictlaneca (ghasts and wights) recognize living beings for what they are, and order others to attack and capture them for sacrifice. Any living beings who venture into restricted areas, as noted below, will also be recognized as intruders and attacked. All mictlaneca have the ability to recognize the true social status of all visitors, even if their outward appearances differ.

  那些被活捉的人将被安排在其中一座神殿中被献祭,仪式将由一位不死祭司使用 永役之刀 进行。
Those captures alive are slated for sacrifice at one of the temples, the rite to be performed by an undead priest using the knife of perpetual service.

During the day, some mictlaneca remain in designated tombs. Unless a specific tomb is mentioned, undead stay in the narrow tunnels which crisscross under the entire city. The peasant zombies lie under the floors of their homes outside the city.

In the following descriptions, all activities and inhabitants given are for night-time unless otherwise noted.

  萨特卡部族的装饰水平比其他 马兹特克人Mazticans 要差。壁画仅出现于少数墙壁,大部分的墙面都被单一颜色覆盖,通常为红色、黑色或白色。
The Zateca were less decorative than other Mazticans. Murals grace only a few walls, while most surfaces are covered with single colors, usually red, black, or white.

The mictlaneca have six forms. All individuals of each type have the same characteristics, as given below.


  防御等级 5;移动速度 12;生命骰 4+3;生命值 35;零级命中值 15;#攻击次数 1次;伤害 1-4;特殊攻击 能量吸取;特殊防御 法术免疫,只能被银或+1或更好武器的命中;士气 14;阵营 守序混乱LC;经验值 975。被能量吸取杀死的个体将变成阿尔班控制下的 半尸妖half-strength。
Wight (1): AC 5; MV 12; HD 4 + 3; hp 35; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA energy drain; SD spell immunities, hit only by silver or +1 or better weapons; ML 14; AL LC; XP 975. Individuals killed by energy graining become half-strength wights under Alban's control.

半尸妖Half-Strength Wight(4):

  防御等级 5;移动速度 12;生命骰 2+1;生命值 17;零级命中值 19;#攻击次数 1次;伤害 1-4;特殊攻击 能量吸取;特殊防御 法术免疫,只能被银或+1或更好武器的命中;士气 14;阵营 守序邪恶LE;经验值 420。被能量吸取杀死的个体将变成阿尔班控制下的 半尸妖half-strength。
Half-Strength Wight (4): AC 5; MV 12; HD 2 + 1; hp 17; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; SA energy drain; SD spell immunities, hit only by silver or +1 or better weapons; ML 14; AL LE; XP 420. Individuals killed by energy draining become half-strength wights under Alban's control.


  防御等级 4;移动速度 15;生命骰 4;生命值 12;零级命中值 17;#攻击次数 3次;伤害 1-4/1-4/1-8;特殊攻击 麻痹 与 恶臭;特殊防御 法术免疫;士气 13;阵营 混乱邪恶CE;经验值 650。
Ghast (32): AC 4; MV 15; HD 4; hp 12; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1-4/1-4/1-8;. SA paralyzation and stench; SD spell immunities; ML 13; AL CE; XP 650.


  防御等级 6;移动速度 9;生命骰 2;生命值 12;零级命中值 19;#攻击次数 3次;伤害 1-3/1-3/1-6;特殊攻击 麻痹;特殊防御 法术免疫;士气 12;阵营 混乱邪恶CE;经验值 175。被食尸鬼杀死的生物,除非得到祝福或被吃掉,否则将变成食尸鬼。
Ghoul (83): AC 6; MV 9; HD 2; hp 12; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA paralyzation; SD spell immunities; ML 12; AL CE; XP 175. Individuals killed by a ghoul become a ghoul unless blessed or eaten.


  防御等级 8;移动速度 6;生命骰 2;生命值 8;零级命中值 19;#攻击次数 1次;伤害 1-8;特殊防御 法术免疫;士气 20;阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 65。
Zombie (96): AC 8; MV 6; HD 2; hp 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SD spell immunities; ML 20; AL N; XP 65.

奇瓦瓦狗骷髅Chihuahua Skeleton:

  防御等级 10;移动速度 3;生命骰 ½;生命值 2;零级命中值 20;#攻击次数 1次;伤害 1;士气 4;阵营 绝对中立N;经验值 7。
Chihuahua Skeleton: AC 10; MV 3; HD ½; hp 2; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1; ML 4; AL N; XP 7.

巢穴The Lair

1. 内庭院Inner Courtyard

The ground between buildings is smoothed rock, kept free of plant life. The surrounding valley cannot be seen from here, nor can any other mountains, so all city buildings stand out against the sky. Undead servants (zombies) travel about, cleaning and repairing, while lesser nobles (ghouls) supervise. Two identical groups, each composed of six zombies and two ghouls, move around the courtyard. Some 70 other zombies wander about, gaping at nothing in particular.

2. 扎尔泰克神殿Temple of Zaltec

  神殿北侧的台阶通向30呎高的主平台。在这个平台的西侧、南侧和东侧,有10呎宽、离地10~20呎高的围墙。靠近主平台中心的金字塔拔地15呎,分五段,有一条宽大的楼梯通向其顶部。在塔顶的石头建筑中,有2位大祭司(妖鬼)和3位次级祭司(食尸鬼)等待着屠宰囚犯、球赛败家和其他牺牲品。其中一位高阶祭司持有 永役之刀。这把8吋长的+2匕首由人骨雕刻而成,但不会像普通骨器那样易碎。
Steps on the north side of the temple lead up to the 30'-high main platform. Aprons 10 feet wide surround this platform at 10 and 20 feet above the ground, along the west, south, and east sides. The pyramid near the center of the main platform rises another 15 feet in five-foot segments, and a wide stairway leads to its top. In the stone structure there, two high priests (ghasts) and three lesser priests (ghouls) wait to kill most prisoners, losers of the ball game, and other sacrificial victims. One of the high priests has a knife of perpetual service. This eight-inch long, +2 blade is carved from a human bone, but cannot break as normal bone weapons do.

A similar, smaller pyramid sits in the southeast corner of the main platform. Four lesser priests (ghouls) wait there. Though victims changed by the knife are usually left to become part of the community, those victims who were already undead are brought here. The priests divide the remains so that city residents may feed, a gory event that takes place every night promptly at midnight. At that time, the mictlaneca (except for the zombies) gather from all over the city, and wait at the base of the huge temple.

No commoners (other than victims) are allowed inside the temple.

  在白天,所有祭司都呆在中央金字塔下的一座墓穴中。墓穴可以通过墓顶建筑后的活门进入。除了普通的石刀、永役之刀knife of perpetual service、以及高阶祭司们佩戴的金项链(每条价值10金粉笔)外,里面没有其它财物。
During the day, all the priests stay in a tomb under the central pyramid. The tomb is accessed through a trapdoor behind the building on top of the tomb. It contains no treasure other than normal stone knives, the knife of perpetual service, and the gold necklaces (each worth 10 gq) worn by the high priests.

综合市场与库房Market Complex and Treasury

At the east end of this complex is a 10-foot-tall platform, with stairs to the ground on either side. The western stairs lead to a paved courtyard enclosed by a 10-foot wall. An auction block sits in the center, with platforms on either side. A ghastly noble and two ghoulish attendants sit on each platform, ready to arbitrate disputes and record transactions. Four zombie servants wait near each platform to carry messages and items. A zombie vendor in the northeast corner sells food: animated skeletons of small dogs. He has 18 of the tiny creatures in stock.

Another noble ghast sits in the stone building at the top of the 20-foot pyramid at the west end of the complex. He is the Minister of Trade, and he supervises all business. Two female peasants attend him.

Other undead often visit this complex to negotiate or trade. At most times, 1d8 additional ghouls and 2d10 additional zombies are in the market complex.

When daylight comes, the market officials retire to the tomb under the pyramid, which also serves as the city's treasury. About 20,000 slimy, moldy cocoa beans are here, stored in slowly rotting baskets. Nearly 2500 similarly decrepit ears of mayz are also here, along with 119 quills of gold dust, 120 gq worth of jade, and turquoise worth 820 gq.

4. 舞者神殿Temple of the Dancers

The "dancers" here are the victims of torture at the hands of undead priests. Captives who are of royal blood are brought here and imprisoned, and tortured for 1d4 nights before being sacrificed.

Stairs lead to five-foot-high platforms in front of the temple. An open doorway leads into the temple from each platform. The northern doorway leads to the tomb which houses the temple attendants during the day. Treasure consists of five gold quills.

The southern doorway leads to a prison area. There are three wooden-barred cells here, two of which contain skeletons (normal ones) in what used to be fine clothing. At the DM's option, another living prisoner may be here as well.

  中央的楼梯通向20呎高的主平台。北面和南面的建筑是用来拷问的,每座建筑物中都有3名食尸鬼祭司在等待受害者。平台中央的建筑物中有2名妖鬼祭司和他们用来进行仪式的祭坛。其中1位有 永役之刀。只有祭司和皇室血统的人才能踏上这座平台。
The central staircase leads up to the 20-foot-tall main platform. The buildings are the north and south are used for torture, and three priest-ghouls wait for victims in each. The central building on the platform holds two ghast priests and the altar on which they perform their rituals. One has a knife of perpetual service. Only priests and those of royal blood may set foot on this platform.

At the south end of this building is an enclosure which houses 17 stone tablets, each four feet tall and three feet wide. These depict previous "dancers," contorted into unnatural poses. A ghoul sculptor is working on a new tablet of a recent victim.

5. 勇士宫Palace of the Warriors

On the east side of this palace is a 10-foot-tall platform with stairs descending to the east and west. A step at the five-foot level outlines the eastern side of the platform. The eastern stairs go down to the main courtyard, and western stairs lead to the palace fountain. A ten-foot-wide walkway circumnavigates the fountain pool.

The central fountain pumps slimy water. Anyone drinking it becomes violently ill, suffering from nausea, vomiting, and cramps for one day. During that time victims receive no Strength or Dexterity bonuses, and they attack under a -2 penalty. Magical cures are effective.

At the western side is a staircase flanked on either side by a ramp. The stairs lead to a twenty-foot-tall platform. From here, two five-foot steps and a ten-foot-tall staircase lead to the top platform. A 30' x 50' stone building sits at the top. Inside is one large room, with a trapdoor leading down.

  这座建筑中住着城市的 战争首领the War Leader(他现在是只妖鬼)和他的26名战士,当冒险队进入之时,他们正在参与战斗演习。在白天,这些居民将在建筑下方的一座大房间内休息。
The building is populated by the War Leader of the city, now a ghast, and his 26 ghoul warriors who are involved in combat exercises when the party enters. During the day, the inhabitants rest in a large chamber beneath the building.

  这座屋子内也有宝藏:大约400块发霉的可可砖,37支金粉笔,28支火椒。(见《真实世界之旅A Journey to the True World》马兹特克的魔法Maztican magic 章节“利爪魔法Hishna”条目下关于“护身符Talismans”的部分)。
This chamber also contains treasure: about 400 moldy cocoa beans, 37 quills of gold dust, and 28 fire peppers. (see A Journey to the True World, under the "Talismans" entry of the "Hishna" section of the chapter on Maztican magic.)

6. 天文台Observatory

  这座箭型的小建筑每边都有5呎高的台阶,后面则有一座楼梯。在10呎高的平台上安放着一座石制结构。从地板上的一个圆圈标记中,人们有时可以通过墙上的凹槽看见太阳与其它天体。拥有 天文学Astronomy 技能的人物可以认出这座建筑是座天文台。该建筑是空的。
This small, arrow-shaped structure has five-foot steps on each side and a staircase in the back. On the ten-foot-tall platform rests a stone structure. From a marked circle on the floor, one can sometimes see the sun and other heavenly bodies through notches in the walls. Characters with the Astronomy skill recognize the building as an observatory. The building is empty.

7. 阿祖尔神殿Temple of Azul

  这座建筑南侧的楼梯和破刀通向一座20呎高的平台。在那里,阿祖尔Azul 的祭司们整完都在举行仪式。3位妖鬼高阶祭司各有3位食尸鬼助祭。这些妖鬼都不带有这种生物通常的气味。他们没有宝藏。
Stairs and ramps on the south side of this structure lead to a platform 20 feet tall. Here, priests of Azul hold ceremonies throughout the night. Each of the three ghast high priests has three ghoul assistants. The ghasts here do not carry the odor normal to such creatures. They have no treasure.

8. 泰兹卡神殿Temple of Tezca

A staircase on each side, east and west, leads to a 20-foot platform. Two open stone buildings face to the east. They once had thatch roofs, but those have rotted away. A stone structure sits in the middle. It also opens to the east, and a wooden ladder inside leads up ten feet to the building's roof.

Four very depressed former priests of Tezca wait on the top platform for a sunrise they will never see. One ghoul sits in each smaller structure, while two ghasts wait in the large central building. One of the latter may be on the roof at any time.

9. 夸尔特神殿Temple of Qotal

Two five-foot steps and a long staircase flanked by ramps lead up to this ten-foot high, empty platform.

10. 祭司之墓Priest's Tomb

A staircase leads up the west side of this pyramid, to a platform twenty feet above the ground. A small stone structure guards the secret entrance to the tomb in the pyramid. If PCs successfully search for secret doors, they may find a trap door under a small altar. A ladder leads down from there to a large chamber. A richly garbed skeletal figure sits on an ornately carved stone throne. The chamber is dark, unless PCs carry in a light source, in which case the skeleton’s eyes glow eerily. The skeletal figure is truly dead, and the light reflects from emeralds set within the eye sockets.

The chamber holds several pieces of worked gold, worth a total of 2,000 gq, and the two emeralds worth 20 gq each.

Any outsiders who set foot on this pyramid are attacked by any mictlaneca who sees them.

11. 商人宫Palace of the Merchants

This entire structure sits on an extension of the paved central courtyard. A staircase on the west side leads to a 20-foot platform which supports a stone building. A central courtyard, 10 feet on a side, is open to the sky. The female ghouls of the city gather here each night. One room holds eight female ghouls involved in weaving, another holds six who sit and talk, and a third contains four who play a game.

Two other rooms each hold a female ghast and five ghouls. The ghasts supervise the ghouls as they make pottery. Clay is taken from a large pool of water. Each morning, the newly made vessels are returned to the pool to decompose over the course of the day.

A final room holds a ghast merchant and his four ghoul guards. The richly dressed ghast constantly counts the treasure in the room, which includes 2,000 rotting cocoa beans, 320 coral buds, jade and turquoise worth 690 gq, and 42 quills of gold dust. If PCs attack or try to take anything, the ghast calls for help, and everyone in the palace arrives within 2d6 rounds.

12. 仆人宿舍Servants' Quarters

This building sits on a ten foot platform with a stairway on the west side. It is empty except during the day, when the five ghoul potters from building 11 rest under large stone plates in the floor.

13. 商人之墓Merchant's Tomb

A staircase flanked by ramps leads up the west side of this pyramid. An open stone building sits on top. Inside is a large stone block which covers the entrance to the tomb within the pyramid. No bodies, living or dead, rest in this place. It contains 564 pieces of pottery, some fine and some broken. All treasure has been looted.

14. 勇士之墓Warrior's Tomb

A staircase flanked by ramps leads up to a 20-foot-tall platform which holds a round stone building. The inside walls are decorated with carvings of a warrior in battle. A trap door in the center of the floor leads down to an empty tomb. On the west wall of the tomb is a door which leads to the narrow tunnels underneath the city. The tunnels are just wide enough to crawl through, and are filled with mictlaneca during the day.

15. 球馆Ball Court

Three staircases on the west side of this structure lead up to a 20-foot platform. From the platform, two ramps lead down 20 feet to the city's ball court.

Just after sundown each evening, the city's residents gather to watch the ball game. A team of three regulars (ghouls) plays against a team chosen from the peasants (three zombies). The ghouls naturally win, and the zombies are taken to the temple of Zaltec for the midnight sacrifice. The winners practice for the rest of the night.

If they wish, the PCs may play against the ghouls, who are quite good. Whatever the outcome, the spectators attempt to kill the PCs after the game, either for food or so they can play again (after becoming undead, of course).

16. 皇家建筑群的院落Courtyard of Royal Complex

  皇家建筑群院落不允许有平民进入。这座院落比主院层高10呎。楼梯、破刀和10呎高的台阶通向了周五的平台。中间坐落着一座10呎高的金字塔,阿尔班每晚都会爬上金字塔礼敬 扎尔泰克Zaltec
No commoners are allowed in the royal complex. This courtyard is ten feet above the main courtyard level. Staircases, ramps, and 10-foot steps lead up to a surrounding platform. In the middle sits a 10-foot-tall pyramid, which Alban climbs nightly to worship Zaltec.

17. 皇家建筑群的平台Platform of the Royal Complex

This 20-foot-tall platform surrounds the courtyard of the royal complex. The south side of the platform has several stone supports which once held a thatched roof, long since rotted away. Stairs lead from this area down to the city's central courtyard. A wall 20 feet tall extends from the platform's southwest corner. Five ghoul guards armed with slings stand watch there, alert for hostile intruders.

18. 皇宫Royal Palace

Two sets of stairs flanked by ramps lead to the palace, on a platform 60 feet above the ground. An entryway extends eastward from the main palace building. Nine elite guards (ghasts) watch for intruders here.

  阿尔班(尸妖)的大部分时间都在主宫殿中心的开放式庭院中度过。他带着他的 永生护身符amulet of perpetual life——一件由美洲豹爪和人牙做成的小东西。任何戴着它的人都将在被杀时被活化成为尸妖。
Alban (the wight) spends most of this nights in the open courtyard in the center of the main palace. He wears his amulet of perpetual life, a small item made from jaguar claws and human teeth. Anyone wearing it when slain will be animated as a wight.

Alban is attended by six ghouls (servants), three ghasts (priests), and four half-strength wights (advisors). Holy water and pluma-enchanted weapons will damage the wights. Bright light will drive the wights back, but will not harm them.

  在这座宫殿地下是宝库,里面还有4只妖鬼守卫。宝藏包括10000块腐烂的可可砖,211支金粉笔,20株珊瑚花蕾,价值1060金粉笔的玉石,价值432金粉笔的绿松石,以及价值2370金粉笔的金饰。根据DM的选择,可能还会出现一件利爪魔法的 护身符,但它将正由守卫使用之中。
Underneath the palace is the treasury, with four more ghastly guards. The treasure consists of 10,000 rotting cocoa beans, 211 quills of gold dust, 20 coral buds, jade worth 1060 gq, turquoise worth 432 gq, and gold ornaments worth 2,370 gq. At the DM's option, a hishna talisman may also be present, but it will be used by the guards if possible.
