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【音   标】MER-kul
【别名/面相】纳'撒尔N'asr安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中)
【头   衔】骸骨之主Lord of Bones,旧神头骨Old Lord Skull,收割者the Reaper,亡者之主Lord of the Dead
【阵   营】NE
【神   力】M→D→G→Dead
【神   职】亡者The dead,耗损wasting,衰败decay,腐化corruption,寄生生物parasites,老龄old age,疲惫exhaustion,黄昏dusk,秋季autumn
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon死亡三神The Dead Three黑暗诸神the Dark Gods
【主   神】
【盟   友】巴尔Bhaal耶各Jergal莎尔Shar班恩Bane
【敌   对】裳提亚Chauntea洛山达Lathander梅丽凯Mielikki
【从   神】耶各Jergal
【神   国】灰色荒野the Gray Waste/1th 奥伊诺斯Oinos骸骨城堡Bone Castle
→飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane
【徽   记】¢徽记1:在一片漆黑的荒野上,一颗面部朝上的白色人类颅骨A white human skull face-on against a black field
¢徽记2:在白色的背景中,一只白色骷髅手从黑色的荒野中伸出a reaching white skeletal hand in white on a black field
(近些年,两种徽记都经常被展示在一面倒置的黑色盾牌上,盾牌有着连续的人类指骨风格的边框in recent years, either symbol usually shown on an inverted black shield with a continuous border of white, stylized human fingerbones)
【相关 神器】角之冠Crown of Horns
【简   介】米尔寇Myrkul,是第二代亡者之主,死亡三神之一,曾为凡人的他生前曾是位人类王子

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p124>米尔寇Myrkul(消逝Dead)


  (骸骨之主Lord of Bones,旧神头骨Old Lord Skull,收割者the Reaper,亡者之主Lord of the Dead)

  灰色荒野强大神力Greater Power of the Gray Waste,

  神职PORTFOLIO:亡者The dead,耗损wasting,衰败decay,腐化corruption,寄生生物parasites,老龄old age,疲惫exhaustion,黄昏dusk,秋季autumn
  别名ALIASES:纳'撒尔N'asr安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch,在 贝戴蛮族the Bedine 中)
  神国名DOMAIN NAME:从前:奥伊诺斯Oinos骸骨城堡Bone Castle;目前:飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane
  徽记SYMBOL:在一片漆黑的荒野上,一颗面部朝上的白色人类颅骨A white human skull face-on against a black field
         或 在白色的背景中,一只白色骷髅手从黑色的荒野中伸出a reaching white skeletal hand in white on a black field
(近些年,两种徽记都经常被展示在一面倒置的黑色盾牌上,盾牌有着连续的人类指骨风格的边框in recent years, either symbol usually shown on an inverted black shield with a continuous border of white, stylized human fingerbones)
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE


  作为 黑暗诸神the Dark Gods 的一员,米尔寇Myrkul(读作“MER-kul”)是亡者(而非死亡,那是 巴尔Bhaal 的领域)之神。在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,骸骨之主the Lord of Bones 于 深水城Waterdeep 黑杖塔Blackstaff Tower 顶上被毁灭,之后 希瑞克Cyric 篡夺了他的神职和他位于 哈迪斯Hades 的家园 骸骨城堡the Bone Castle。不久后,当希瑞克被一支诸神与居民组成的联盟从 纷争之城the City of Strife 逐出时,米尔寇的神职被传递给了 克兰沃Kelemvor
Myrkul (MER-kul), one of the Dark Gods, was the god of the dead, as opposed to the god of death, which was the province of Bhaal. His portfolio, and his home in Hades, the Bone Castle, were both usurped by Cyric after the Lord of Bones was destroyed atop Blackstaff Tower in Waterdeep during the Time of Troubles by Midnight. Later Myrkul's portfolio passed to Kelemvor when Cyric was driven from the City of Strife by an alliance of gods and denizens.

  米尔寇有着冷酷而恶毒的才智和高音调耳语般的嗓音。他永远警觉、从不入眠,从未显露出过惊讶。当某个凡人成功避开了他的指令或是所选择的命运时,未曾听闻他会为此发脾气、作出冷冷发笑外的其它反应。他以恐惧来向 费伦大陆Faerûn 施加影响力,在以言行令世人恐惧自己方面他是一位大师。只是为了保持自己的不可预测,他偶尔会看上去几乎是宽容而怜悯的。在全费伦大陆人民的噩梦中都出现过他那戴着兜帽的骷髅头,他是位几乎所有人类凡人都能清晰描绘的神祇。他小心保持所有凡人能经常想起他——已知他甚至会在敞开的墓穴旁成形,手持长柄巨镰,只是沉默地凝视周围聚集的哀悼者几秒钟、随即消失,而这只是为了提醒每个人,他在等着他们所有人。
Myrkul had a cold, malignant intelligence, and spoke in a high whisper. He was always alert, never slept, and was never surprised. He was never known to lose his temper or be anything other than coldly amused when a mortal succeeded in avoiding his directives or chosen fates. His influence in Faerûn was imposed through fear, and he was a master of making mortals terrified of him through his words and deeds. At times, just to remain unpredictable, he seemed almost kind and caring. His cowled skull head was known in nightmares all over Faerûn, and he was the one deity that almost all human mortals could picture clearly. Myrkul took care that all mortals thought of him often—he was even known to materialize beside open graves, scythe in hand, just to gaze around at gathering mourners for a few silent seconds before fading away, in order to remind everyone that he was waiting for them all.

米尔寇的化身Myrkul's Avatar

  (牧师Cleric 38,战士Fighter 28,巫师Mage 25)

Myrkul enjoyed appearing as a skeleton clad in a billowing black cowled robe and wielding a scythe. He had scaly, wrinkled skin covered with knobby lesions and black, cracked lips. His eyes gleamed with a cold, evil light and were so sunken that his face looked like a skull. His chest and torso were bare bones, and he had four bony arms, not the usual two. Below the waist his bones were covered by withered sinews and wasted flesh. He could fly about so that his rotting, gangrenous feet did not need to touch the ground.

The Lord of Bones could cast spells from any school or sphere, but he could not cast spells that created light (not just fire or heat) as their primary function. When he cast spells, he could cast twice the normal number of necromantic or necromancy spells per round with triple effectiveness (area of effect, duration, range, etc.) at a -3 penalty to his targets saving throws (when allowed).

  防御等级 -5;移动 15,飞行18;生命值 228;零级命中值 -7;#攻击 2次(冻寒之触chill touch 握抓) 和 5次/2轮(长柄巨镰)
  伤害 2d10+8(1d10 冻寒之触,+8 力量) 或 2d12+16 ( +6长柄巨镰,+8力量,+2 专精长柄巨镰)
  魔抗 60%;体型 大型L(10英尺)
  力量 20,敏捷 19,体质 21,智力 22,感知 23,魅力 9:
  法术 牧师P:16/15/14/14/13/12/10,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -5; MV 15, Fl 18; HP 228; THACO -7;#AT 2 (chill touch grip) and 5/2 (scythe)
  Dmg 2d10+8 (1d10 chill damage,+8 STR) or 2d12+16 (scythe +6,+8 STR,+2 spec. bonus in scythe)
  MR 60%; SZ L (10 feet)
  STR 20, DEX 19, CON 21, INT 22, Wis 23, CHA 9
  Spells P:16/15/14/14/13/12/10, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  米尔寇的粉碎性握抓造成1d10点伤害(外加他的力量奖励)和冻寒。该冻寒效果类似于一道 冻寒之触chill touch,每次成功的击打造成1d10的额外伤害和1点临时力量损失(两种效果均无豁免)。如果情况允许他这样做,米尔寇能每轮施展2道死灵学派或死灵领域法术(是神祇们在同时进行物理攻击时,可施展法术数量的2倍)、以两只手扭打、同时还以另外两只手挥舞他的长柄巨镰。如果米尔寇的长柄巨镰离手了,只要他乐意它就会回归其骨爪的抓握。他的长柄巨镰刀也有类似于他的接触的冻寒效果;每次成功击中,它将造成1点临时力量损失。
Myrkul's grip crushed for 1d1O points of damage (plus his Strength bonus) and chilled. The chilling effect was akin to a chill touch, doing an additional 1d1O points of damage with a temporary loss of 1 point of Strength (no saving throw for either effect) per successful strike. If the situation enabled him to, Myrkul could cast two necromantic or necromancy spells per round (double the normal allowed amount for deities also attacking physically), grapple with two hands, and wield his scythe with the other two hands. If Myrkul's scythe ever left his hands, it vanished only to reappear in his bony grasp whenever he pleased. His scythe had a similar chilling effect to his touch; it caused the temporary loss of 1 point of Strength per successful strike.

The Lord of Bones could animate or create any type of undead creature indefinitely by touch. All skeletons or zombies he animated obeyed him absolutely. Greater undead that he created were required to perform one service for him and were then free-willed. Myrkul could also automatically disrupt any undead creature of less than divine status with his touch at will, turning it into dust that not even he could reanimate. Myrkul was immune to all forms of attack by undead creatures of any sort.

  若他选择如此,米尔寇的握抓除了正常的冻寒效果外,还将施加 肉体腐化flesh rot(即“干腐病mummy disease”)。这种传染病压制了所有治疗X伤法术,导致被感染的生物只能以正常速度的10%痊愈,并且每2旬造成1点魅力值的永久损失,最终在1d6个月内夺去生命。被触碰的生物能以成功的对抗毒素豁免检定避免患上该病症,但 收割者the Reaper 每次触碰他们,他们就得再重新进行一次豁免。那些患上这种疾病的人,可以利用一道 移除疾病cure disease 正常地被治愈。
If he chose, Myrkul's grasp could confer flesh rot, the "mummy disease," in addition to its normal chilling effect. This contagion negated all cure wounds spells, caused infected creatures to heal at only 10% of the normal rate, caused a permanent Charisma loss of 1 point every two tendays, and was fatal in 1d6 months. Touched creatures could avoid acquiring this disease with a successful saving throw vs. poison, but they had to save again each time the Reaper touched them. Those who acquired the disease could be cured of it with a cure disease spell as normal.

  米尔寇之触还有一项副作用,是在受害者眼中四周所有活物看上去都是能移动、能说话、穿着衣服的骷髅。受害者将看不见肉体,包括表情、嘴唇的动作等等。这并不意味着被米尔寇击打的受害者自动以为自己的同伴变成了不死生物; DM必须简单地向玩家描述效果,并让他们决定自己PC的反应。为了终结该效果,被击打的PC必须每回合进行一次智力属性检定直到成功。
A side effect of Myrkul's touch was that living creatures saw all those around them as moving, talking, clothed skeletons. Victims could not see flesh, including expressions, moving lips, and so on. This did not mean victims struck by Myrkul automatically assumed that their comrades had become undead creatures; the DM must simply describe the effect to players and let them determine their PCs' reactions. A struck PC must make an Intelligence ability check every turn until successful in order to end this effect.

其祂显现Other Manifestation

  米尔寇也可能选择呈现为一个眼睛闪烁着炽热光亮、俯冲突袭的人类骷髅头。如他所愿,这颗骷髅头的尺寸即可如常也可庞大(高度可达约6英尺),并且所有版本都为AC 3, MV 飞行Fl 27 (A),如果对其造成了超过66点伤害,它将消失在火焰之中。(若如此地毁灭它,米尔寇3天内将不能显现或以化身形态神临于 托瑞尔星球Toril 的任何地方。)米尔寇还可能呈现为一只无实质的飞行骷髅手臂,指着某个方向、作出手势、或是挥舞着一柄挥砍着的弯刀。(这条飞行骷髅手臂的数据与上文的头骨完全相同;如同其化身的长柄巨镰,这把弯刀造成1d8+8点伤害并造成1点力量值的临时损失。)米尔寇的所有显现都保留了他化身除具现长柄巨镰和每轮施展2道死灵法术外的所有能力;他的显现们每轮只能施展1道法术。(如果米尔寇的幽灵手臂形态失去了它的弯刀,这柄武器将被溶解,该显现无法将其取回。)一些贤者认为,除了在 灰色荒野the Gray Waste 外的其它任何位面,米尔寇每天都只能显现3次,但这种说法的真实性受到严重质疑,因为其祂强大地位的神力并不受此限制。
Myrkul could also choose to appear as a swooping human skull with blazing lights for eyes. It was normal-sized or larger (up to about 6 feet in height) as he desired, and in all versions was AC 3, moved at MV Fl 27 (A), and vanished in flame if dealt more than 66 points of damage. (If it were so destroyed, Myrkul could not manifest or appear in avatar form anywhere on Toril for three days.) Myrkul could also appear as a disembodied flying skeletal arm that pointed, gestured, or wielded a slashing scimitar. (The statistics for the arm were same as for the skull; the scimitar did 1d8+8 points of damage and caused the temporary loss of 1 point of Strength, similar to his avatar's scythe.) All of Myrkul's manifestations retained all the powers of his avatar except the ability to materialize a scythe and to cast two necromantic spells in a round; manifestations can unleash only one. (If Myrkul's spectral arm form loses its scimitar, the weapon dissolves and cannot be replaced by that manifestation.) Some sages hold that Myrkul could only manifest thrice per day on any plane other than the Gray Waste, but the truth of this assertion is severely doubted, as other powers of greater stature are not so limited.

  米尔寇对 诸国度the Realms 的影响是通过各种各样的仆从生物呈现的。他派遣“死神Deaths”(与 万象无常牌deck of many things 的 次等死神minor death 相同)、骷髅(所有品种,从匐行之爪到 燃骨blazing bone 和 隐窝之物crypt thing 应有尽有)、僵尸(所有品种)和品种多样的其它不死恐怖怪物为他的意志效力。米尔寇在不止一个场合,对仍在世者释放了骑乘着 夜魇gaunt 的黑夜骑乘者军队。米尔寇派送蝙蝠、黑豹或美洲豹、地狱猎犬、梦魇、最深红的玫瑰(看上去好像是黑色,一碰就碎成尘土)、黑玉、黑曜石、缟玛瑙、大乌鸦和乌鸦来展现他的眷顾或不悦,以及援助他的信徒、骚扰他的敌人。
Myrkul's influence on the Realms was manifested through a variety of servitor creatures. He sent "Deaths" (identical to the minor death associated with the Skull card of a deck of many things), skeletons (all types, from crawling claws to blazing bones and crypt things), zombies (all sorts), and a wide range of other undead horrors to work his will. Myrkul unleashed armies of night riders astride gaunts against the still-living on more than one occasion. Myrkul sent bats, black panthers or leopards, hell hounds, nightmares, deepest red roses (that looked black and crumbled into dust when touched), jet, obsidian, onyx, ravens, and crows to show his favor or disfavor and to aid the faithful or harass his enemies.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:可Yes
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:可Yes;专属祭司SP:Yes

  米尔寇的所有牧师和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian) 作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics and specialty priests of Myrkul received religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  米尔寇信仰并不流行,而该信仰的祭司也并不多。许多人出于恐惧而崇拜米尔寇,而在葬礼和其它庄严的场合,人们以他的名讳献上祭品,但很少有人真正把他作为自己的首要信仰崇拜。米尔寇教派Myrkulyte 的祭司们往往会成为喜欢恐吓他人或享受权力的病态孤独者,有条流传甚广的传言说触碰或者对抗米尔寇的祭司将带来死亡。他们小心翼翼地隐瞒着自己的身份,总是会离开他们出生和长大的地方。有些人是被死亡的概念浪漫地吸引追随这位神灵和他的教诲,而他的祭司中有约四分之三是专属祭司。米尔寇信仰的各分支之间关系非常融洽,这主要是因为没有哪个个人有足够的权力有信心能操纵它反对其他人。
The faith of Myrkul was not popular, nor were its priests numerous. Many venerated Myrkul out of fear, and offerings were made in his name at funerals and other solemn occasions, but few actually worshiped him as their primary faith. Myrkulyte priests tended to be morbid loners who enjoyed scaring others or enjoyed the power that widespread rumors that it is death to touch or act against a priest of Myrkul brings. They took care to conceal their identities, always leaving the locales where they were born and raised. Some who were romantically attracted to the notion of death followed the god and his teachings, and of these priests about three-quarters were specialty priests. Relationships between the various branches of the faith of Myrkul were very good, primarily because no single person held enough power to confidently direct it against others.

  米尔寇教派全都互称彼此时,会在对方的已知名字或头衔前加上“死神Death”或“至圣死神Most Holy Death”(对资深或年长的祭司),如“死神Death 威廉姆森Williamson”或“至圣死神Most Holy Death 巨魔杀手Trollslayer”。他们的头衔(依升序)如下:大胆者Daring One(初修士,其他米尔寇教徒对其的正式称呼为“大胆的死神Daring Death 某某”,其中“某某”是这位初修士的名字);夜行者Night Walker、白骨言者Bone Talker、裹寿衣者Shroud Wearer、地穴切肉人Crypt Carver、白骨歌者Bone Dancer、仪式供奉者Ritual Consecrator、不死主宰Undead Master、枯萎之主Withering Lord、死亡使者Deathbringer、以及 厄运长老Elder Doom(所有那阶级地位和影响力,已超越了仅仅统治一座神殿范畴的牧师使用的头衔)。所有这些级别头衔,都描述了这位祭司在第一次提升到该名字的等级时,要承担的该信仰的职责或仪式。例如,白骨歌者主持 骨舞仪式the bone dance ritual(一种 活化尸体animate dead 的变体),不死生物守卫在仪式中被咒唤出来,并安置在某处需保护之地;仪式供奉者专注于祭坛、长柄巨镰和用来制作魔法物品(用于为这位神明提供服务)的原料;枯萎之主教诲 枯萎咒wither,这种祷告会带来一种能使 枯萎法杖staff of withering 力量翻倍的法术,死亡使者则获得了 熄灭灵魂quench the spirit,一种 死亡一指finger of death 的变体。专属祭司则被称作 灰人gray ones 或是(不甚礼貌的)“指骨fingerbones”。
Myrkulytes all addressed each other as "Death" or "Most Holy Death" (for senior or elderly priests), adding the honorific before a known name or title, as in "Death Williamson," or "Most Holy Death Trollslayer." Their titles (in ascending order of rank) were:Daring One (novice, addressed formally by other Myrkulytes as "Daring Death X," where "X" is the novice's name); Night Walker, Bone Talker, Shroud Wearer, Crypt Carver, Bone Dancer, Ritual Consecrator, Undead Master, Withering Lord, Deathbringer, and Elder Doom (a title used by all clergy who ascended in rank and influence beyond rule over a temple). All of these level titles described a duty or ritual of the faith that the priest assumed for the first time upon ascending to the named rank. For instance, Bone Dancers lead the bone dance ritual (a variant of animate dead), wherein guardian undead were conjured up and placed around something to be guarded; Ritual Consecrators dedicated altars, scythes, and the materials to be used in the making of magical items to the service of the god; Withering Lords were taught wither, a prayer that brought them a spell able to duplicate the powers of a staff of withering, and Deathbringers gained quench the spirit, a priestly version of finger of death. Specialty priests are known as gray ones or, less politely, as "fingerbones."

  米尔寇的神殿通常是建筑在可怕的地下坟场之上的巨型陵墓式建筑。它们大多被不断燃烧的火葬场喷出的烟雾笼罩着。其外装饰着斜视的石像鬼,而描绘着死亡与腐败的不同阶段的男人女人以及孩童的石像沿着内部大厅的墙壁排列。各种不死生物(尤其是骷髅类不死生物)昂首阔步于厅堂与地牢之中继续着它们古老的追求。有生命或不死的神殿守卫都使用被专门祝圣过的长柄巨镰(造成1d12点伤害)并挥舞着可充能的 多骨魔杖manyskull wand 发射的“骨球bone balls”(类似于在据闻在其它世界被用于航行于天空的船舶)将飞越最多达120英尺,转向避开所有不如动物,然后分解为4d6只骷髅,它们将攻击周围的所有智慧活物直至毁灭。
Temples of Myrkul were typically massive mausoleums built above ghastly subterranean necropolises. Most were covered in a dim haze of smoke belched from ever-burning crematoriums. Leering gargoyles adorned the outsides, and stone statues of men, women, and children in various stages of death and decay lined the walls of the interior halls. All sorts of undead creatures, particularly skeletal undead, stalked the halls and dungeons in ancient pursuits. Both living and undead temple guatds employed special consecrated scythes (which did 1d12 points of damage) and wielded rechargeable manyskull wands that fired “bone balls” (akin to some reportedly used by ships that sail the skies to other worlds) that streaked up to 120 feet, veering to avoid all mammalian life, and then burst apart to become 4d6 skeletons who would attack all intelligent living things around them until destroyed.

  由希瑞克(在米尔寇的前追随者的著作中,称他为 希尔库Cyruk)向米尔寇的转化平稳顺利,并未发生任何困扰着班恩或巴尔追随者们那样的紧张或事件。对此,让我们借用 欧杜林城Ordulin 一个叫 泽波斯特Zeboaster(米尔寇教徒则称之为“至少现在仍然在世的the Still Alive—For Now”泽波斯特)的家伙的话说:“不过是信头换了个名字,并在神殿外面头骨周围加了一圈紫色的阳光罢了。”在遭弑杀并且神力被给了希瑞克的三位邪神中,米尔寇的信徒响应最佳。亡者们禁欲而镇静的祭司们正象征了对这种转变的绝对平静中立(实际上对病态的米尔寇教徒而言已经相对狂热),但这种平静也可能表明以前该教会也历经过这种转变,或是缘由这两位神明之间的相似之处。祭职者们的能力多少有些变化,但米尔寇教徒们应付起来一切都很从容。
The changeover from Myrkul to Cyric, whom the former follower of Myrkul refer to as Cyruk in their writings, was smooth and took place without any of the tensions or incidents that plagued followers of Bane or Bhaal. It was, in the words of one Zeboaster of Ordulin (known to Myrkulytes as Zeboaster "the Still Alive—For Now"),"merely changing the name on the letterhead and putting a purple sunburst around the skull outside the temples." Of the three evil gods who were slain and their powers given to Cyric, the followers of Myrkul provided the best response. The utter placid neutrality of the change (actually relatively enthusiastic for the morbid Myrkulytes) was emblematic of the stoic, unflappable priests of the dead, but might also have been due to the similarity of the two gods, as well as indicating that the church had gone through this changeover before. The abilities of the priesthood changed somewhat, but that was all taken in stride by the Myrkulytes.

  随着希瑞克被从纷争之城驱逐,死亡和亡者的神职都被授予了曾为凡人的 克兰沃·莱恩斯班Kelemvor Lyonsbane。大部分崇拜米尔寇的祭司也轻易地皈依了克兰沃(尽管有些家伙,主要是那些混乱邪恶阵营者,选择仍然留在希瑞克这边),尽管他们很多人发现克兰沃的方法更为平和,少了令人恐惧的手段很难学习。而所有这三位神明之间相同的运作基础和相同的支撑结构的事实,有助于他们之效忠的轻易转移。(所有三位神明都雇佣了 录命者the Scribe of the Doomed 耶各Jergal 作为自己的总管和助手,而虽然死亡殿堂的本质已经从 骸骨城堡castle of bones 转移到了 水晶塔crystalline tower,但它仍然位于相同的位置。)克兰沃比希瑞克更公平无偏见,但对不死生物的容忍度远不及米尔寇,所以 克兰沃教徒Kelemvorites 中的前米尔寇祭司们需要埋葬掉那些不死生物(而其中许多就是他们几年前唤起的),这是一项他们觉得有些讽刺但并非不情愿完成的任务。除非米尔寇复活,或是 费伦大陆Faerûn 的神性者行列中又出现了一些其它变动,否则米尔寇教会已正式宣告灭亡,并只作为新的克兰沃教会的一部分存在。
With Cyric's defeat in the City of Strife, the portfolio of death and the dead has been vested in the once-mortal Kelemvor Lyonsbane. Most of the Myrkul-worshiping priests have now just as easily shifted to Kelemvor (though some, mainly those of chaotic evil alignment, chose to remain with Cyric), although many find Kelemvor's more peaceful and less fear-inspiring ways hard to learn. This easy shift in allegiance has been aided by the fact that all three gods had the same base of operations and the same support hierarchy. (All three employed Jergal, the Scribe of the Doomed, as their seneschal and assistant, and while the nature of the death palace has shifted from a castle of bones to a crystalline tower, it has remained at the same location.) Kelemvor is more even-handed than Cyric, but far less tolerant of the undead than Myrkul was, and so the former priests of Myrkul who are Kelemvorites are now going about laying to rest many of the same creatures they raised to undeath not that many years ago, a task they find ironic but are not unwilling to undertake. Unless Myrkul is resurrected or some other shakeup occurs in the divine hierarchy of Faerûn, the church of Myrkul is officially dead and only lives on as part of the new church of Kelemvor.


The clergy of Myrkul were charged to make folk fear and respect death and the power of almighty Myrkul so that no one stood against the church or tried to thwart its activities. Myrkul's priests were expected to spread the wotd that touching a priest of Myrkul brings death. They were expected to tell all folk that those in the service of Myrkul had perfect patience and could be trusted utterly—and then conduct themselves accordingly. Myrkulyte clergy were to teach the stories of past and future "doombringers"— mortals who roamed the land avenging dead friends, masters, and blood kin to whom they had sworn oaths, and slaying those who scoffed or who held other gods supreme over the Lord of Bones.

  初入该信仰的人,将借由施展在神殿最受尊敬的已故前高阶祭司身上的 死者交谈术speak with dead,聆听到米尔寇的箴言。这样的法术将使得听力可及的范围内所有人都能理解尸体的话语。米尔寇将借由这个容器说:“去认知我,去畏惧我。我的拥抱面向所有人,它耐心却可靠。死亡总是能找上你。我的手无处不在——没有我进不了的门,也没有抵挡我的守卫。”
Initiates to the faith first heard the word of Myrkul through a speak with dead spell cast upon a temple's most revered deceased former high priest. Such spells allowed all within hearing range to comprehend the corpse's words. Myrkul spoke through such vessels to say:"Know me and fear me. My embrace is for all and is patient but sure. The dead can always find you. My hand is everywhere—there is no door I cannot pass, nor guardian who can withstand me."

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  米尔寇教派的神职人员漫游于诸国度收取费用埋葬亡者和举办葬礼。他们对疾病的抵抗力,使他们成为受欢迎的处置鼠疫遇难者、以及处理兽化症感染者和病患的雇工。他们会尽一切可能来使垂死者感到舒适,但他们认为死亡是自然、不可避免、没有什么值得逃避的。他们非常重视死亡民众可能造成的影响(指称为“从坟墓中伸出的神圣之手”),并将协助民众草拟法规、遗嘱、会指引生者去寻找他们藏匿的宝藏(或是相反,让他们在其死后完成其命令)的神秘诗句。在收取“头骨钱skull fee”后,米尔寇的祭司甚至会答应成为死者的代理人或复仇人,执行死者的遗愿或是生前无法完成的任务。(米尔寇教徒从不会收取转述死者遗愿的活人的头骨钱,而只会收取死者本人死前——有时候是去世前数年——准备的头骨钱。)虽然米尔寇很少会允许他的神职人员复活死者,但将人带去另一信仰的神殿尝试复活,并由死者留下的钱为此支付费用,对米尔寇神职人员而言是套司空见惯又完全可以接受的流程。
Myrkulyte clergy members roamed the Realms burying the dead and conducting funerals for fees. Their resistance to diseases made them popular hirelings for the disposal of plague victims and dealings with infected lycanthropes and the diseased. They would do all they could to make the dying comfortable, but viewed death as natural, inevitable, and not something to be run from. They placed great value on the influence dead folk could have (referring to it as "the sacred hand that reaches from the grave") and would assist dying folk to draft decrees, wills, and cryptic verses that would guide the living to search for their hidden treasure or otherwise dance to their bidding after they were dead. In return for a "skull fee," a priest of Myrkul would even agree to act as an agent or avenger for the dead, administering the wishes of the departed or carrying out tasks they were unable to complete before death. (Myrkulyte clergy members never accepted skull fees from a living person who recounted the wishes of a dead being, but only from deceased persons themselves in arrangements made before—sometimes years before—death.) While Myrkul rarely allowed his clergy to resurrect the dead, bringing a person to the temple of another faith for attempted resurrection and paying for this undertaking with money left by the dead was a procedure both commonplace and perfectly acceptable to Myrkulyte clergy members.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  米尔寇在每日傍晚受到礼拜,而在黑夜时间的任意时候,每位虔诚追随者也都要献上他们的个人祈祷。黄昏仪式The Dusking 是一种涉及了骨骸、人类火化的骨灰、以及墓穴的尘土的仪式,这是一种对所有活物都只是凡物、而死亡距离它们又有多近的记忆。它以一颗(因魔法而)漂浮、发光的头骨为中心,后者盘旋于一张黑色、装饰以骨骸的块状或桌形祭坛。在此时那些不虔诚但又想要讨好安抚骸骨之主的人们的供奉将被接受。敲钟(深沉并有回音,而绝不会是叮当声或高音和金属声)标识着该仪式的开始和结束,此外仪式期间每次献上供品时也都会敲击一次。
Myrkul was worshiped on a daily basis at dusk, and every devout follower was also to proffer a personal prayer at any time during the hours of darkness. The Dusking was a ritual involving bones, the ashes of cremated humans, and grave dust, and was a remembrance of how mortal all living beings are and how close death walks behind each creature. It was centered upon a floating, glowing (thanks to magic) skull that hovered above a black, bone-decorated block or table altar. Offerings were accepted at this time from folk who were not devout but who wished to appease the Lord of Bones. They typically had to kneel at altar when presenting their offerings. Tolling bells (deep and echoing, never tinkling or high and metallic) marked the opening and ending of this ritual and were struck once whenever an offering was made.

  米尔寇教会只有一种与历法关联的典礼。月宴节The Feast of the Moon 被米尔寇的信徒称作 亡者与我们同在之日the Day the Dead are Most With Us。米尔寇教徒相信在那天所有去世民众的精华都将作为不可见的幽魂在费伦各地复苏、漂流,寻找他们还活着的后代(通过在尘土、沙子或是灰烬中无声书写、或是通过移动物品,而不是通过宣讲来)传递信息或是警告,或仅仅是观察他们。对那些崇拜骸骨之主的人们而言,这是一个在圣歌、祈祷和赞美诗中颂扬亡者的日子,名为 倾倒酒壶the Flagons of the Fallen 的午夜仪式为这一天画下了句点,在仪式上,几杯酒被以法术点燃,让饮下它们的灵魂能在他们的“永恒寒冷”中得到片刻的温暖。
There was only one calendar-related ritual observed by the Church of Myrkul. The Feast of the Moon was known to the faithful of Myrkul as the Day the Dead are Most With Us. Myrkulytes believed that on that day the essences of all dead folk rose and drifted as unseen ghosts across Faerûn and sought their living descendants to deliver messages or warnings (by silently writing in dust, sand, or ashes, or by moving objects about, not by speech), or just to observe. To those who worshiped the Lord of Bones, this was a day to celebrate the dead in chant, prayer, and hymns, culminating in the midnight ritual of the Flagons of the Fallen, wherein glasses of wine were set alight by spells so the spirits who drank of them could be warmed for a brief moments in their "eternal chill."

The only other major rituals practiced by Myrkulytes involved funeral-related observances and the ceremonies some used to accompany their raising (or forcing down) undead. Since these activities were often done for hire, they were frequently dressed up with sinister, impressive rituals to make folk regard the work of the priests more highly.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  蒸汽湖the Lake of Steam 湖滨的 图尔蒙城Tulmon 中有一座俯瞰着这座城镇和毗邻有人定居点西边的、名为 地穴城the Crypt City 的废墟的神殿,而 头骨尖顶The Skullspire,则是神殿高耸、细长的黑色方尖碑。在此处,深暗厄运长老Deep Elder Doom 哈勒鲁斯·穆里巴特Haaeluth Muribaert,一位话语温和但心肠冰冷的老年男性,虽然他体弱多病、但他的智慧如细剑般敏锐,此人掌管着一支由资深神职人员组成、积极活跃的 厄运枢秘会议Conclave of Doom(那些安全地远离“尖顶的阴影the shadow of the Spire”的米尔寇教派神职人员则侮辱性地称之为“说话叽里咕噜的头骨委员会Jabberskulls Council”),该会议指导并训练低级神职人员,并与他们外出查看事态发展。该会议中的一些祭司过去经常进行活化奇怪的不死生物实验,在其上组合来自各种已知怪物的下颌、利爪或类似的东西,而他们的作品几乎总是会消失在连接着地穴城的漫长隧道中,然后在那里出现,笨拙地前进、威胁周边。该教会于 1358 DR 顺利地从崇拜米尔寇转而崇拜希尔寇,随后于 1368 DR 转而崇拜克兰沃。自从该教会从崇拜希尔寇转而崇拜克兰沃以来,活化奇怪形态不死生物的实验已经停止,现在,祭司们花了很多时间在地穴中试图摧毁他们过去创造的这类不死生物。有传言称,借由与头骨检定的金融协定,有些希望保守秘密的团体在这片不死生物肆虐的废墟深处举行了会面并在此存放了贵重物品。这些传言非常像是真的。
The Skullspire in Tulmon on the shores of the Lake of Steam is a soaring, slender black needle of a temple that overlooks both the town and the ruins known as the Crypt City immediately to the west of the inhabited settlement. Here Deep Elder Doom Haaeluth Muribaert, a soft-spoken but ice-hearted old man of frail health but rapierkeen wits, presides over an energetic Conclave of Doom of senior clergy (known disrespectfully as "Jabberskulls Council" to Myrkulyte clergy members safely distant from "the shadow of the Spire") that directs the lesser clergy members, trains them, and goes out among them often to watch what has befallen. Some of these priests used to experiment with animating strange undead assemblages of jaws, claws, and the like from various known monsters and their work almost always disappeared down long linking tunnels to the Crypt City to emerge therein and lumber menacingly about. This church moved smoothly from worshiping Myrkul to worshiping Cyruk in 1358 DR, and then to worshiping Kelemvor in 1368 DR. The experiments with animating odd forms of undead have ceased since the church moved from worshiping Cyruk to the worship of Kelemvor, and now priests spend a lot of time in the crypts trying to destroy such undead as they once made. It is rumored that groups wishing to remain secret hold meetings and store valuables in the heart of the undead-haunted ruins, by financial arrangement with the Skullspire. These rumors are very likely true.

  深死之遗赠The Legacy of Deep Death 是唯一一座在动荡之年后建立的米尔寇神殿。这座神殿由一支米尔寇教派牧师巫妖(他们的法术被认为是希瑞克或 维沙伦Velsharoon 授予,也可能是被发现巫妖状态授予了他们能够在无神时施展祭司法术的力量)以魔法在 剑湾the Sea of Swords 的海床上修建。以神殿为中心半径5英里内的海床都遭受了米尔寇凋死本质的污染。在骸骨之主最后的垂死挣扎中,他被 午夜Midnight 以次元门移动到了远离深水城的地方,在那之后,棕色的阴郁从天空如雨点般落下。米尔寇的遗产是一大群不断增长的食尸水鬼、海僵尸和数不尽的其它水栖不死惊骇,猎杀着从上方过往的船只和通过该地区进行深海旅行的居民。这座神殿本身被一只庞大的不死北海巨妖和一只出现了广泛突变的鲨华鱼人守卫着。
The Legacy of Deep Death is the only temple of Myrkul established after the Time of Troubles. The temple was constructed through magic by a trio of Myrkulyte clerical liches (whose spells are believed to be granted by Cyric or Velsharoon, or who may have discovered a lich state enabling them to cast priest spells without a deity) on the sea bed of the Sea of Swords. The sea floor in a 5-mile-radius around the temple is permanently tainted by Myrkul's dying essence. The brown murk rained down from the sky after the Lord of Bones was dimension doored by Midnight away from the city of Waterdeep while in his final death throes. Myrkul's legacy is an ever-expanding horde of lacedons, sea zombies, and countless other aquatic undead horrors that prey on ships passing overhead and denizens of the deep traveling through the region. The temple itself is guarded by a monstrous undead kraken and wildly mutated sahuagin.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  不亡之龙骑士团The Knights of the Undying Dragon 是支古老的组织,由一群充任了米尔寇持剑之臂的不死生物护教军组成。骑士团包括12位不死骑士指挥官,每位都指挥着一队12位的骷髅武者,而后者每位都指挥着一组12位的黑夜骑乘者。死亡骑士们都骑乘着梦魇;副指挥官和骑兵连都骑乘着夜魇。并不清楚该团体是怎么(甚至是在一次罕见的失败之后)维持规模的,但他们的骑兵力量从未也过变化。他们以位于 东夏亚the Eastern Shaar 境内、夏拉森林the Sharawood 以南、大裂谷the Great Rift 以东、盐之湖the Lake of Salt 阿茹达斯湖Azulduth 以南、消逝已久的 奥哈纳城堡Castle of Al'hanar 的地下城为基地。据信,该组织在在 恩瑟Unther穆尔霍兰德Mulhorand 兴起之前,由消失已久的 艾尔塔巴兰纳Eltabranar 王国为抵御来自 扎卡拉次大陆Zakhara 的入侵者而建立。骸骨之主以他们的永恒奴役为代价,通过不死形态授予了这些即便是已经死亡,也不愿放弃自己职责的 永恒之龙骑士团the Knights of the Eternal Dragon(他们仍然在世时的名字)骑士们永生。
The Knights of the Undying Dragon are an ancient order of undead crusaders who served as the swordarm of Myrkul. The Order includes 12 death knight commanders, each of whom commands a company of 12 skeletal warriors, who in turn each command a platoon of 12 night riders. The death knights all ride nightmares; the subcommanders and troops ride gaunts. It is not known how the group maintains its size, even after a rare defeat, but their troop strength never changes. The knighthood is basedin the dungeons of the long-vanished Castle of Al'hanar located in the Eastern Shaar, south of the Sharawood, east of the Great Rift, and south of Azulduth, the Lake of Salt. It is believed that the order was established before the rise of Unther and Mulhorand by the long-vanished kingdom of Eltabranar to guard against invaders from Zakhara. Unwilling to abandon their posts, even in death, the Knights of the Eternal Dragon (as they were known while still living) were granted immortality through undeath by the Lord of Bones in exchange for their eternal servitude.

  不亡之龙的最后战役已经过去了几个世纪,而该组织也被遗忘已久。这队不死骑士每世纪会出现一次,毁灭一头仅知道名为 永存之龙the Everlasting Wyrm 的龙巫妖和几头它生活在夏拉森林(也被称作 蜉蝣森林the Drakewood)活着的后裔。永存之龙在被毁灭后总是会重新成形并开始重建它的群落。据信,奥哈纳城堡的内部容纳了至少20个这样的群落的财富和自 伊马斯卡帝国the Imaskari Empire 以来再未面世的魔法。在动荡之年引起是骚乱和米尔寇的死亡中,死亡骑士们尚未决定是向希瑞克或克兰沃效忠,还是在诸国度各地掀起一阵谋杀与破坏的狂潮,直到该组织所有成员得到永久的安息,以此恰当地赞颂他们陨落的守护者——骸骨之主。
It is has been several centuries since the last campaign of the Undying Dragons, and the order has been long since forgotten. Companies of undeath knights emerge once each century to destroy a dracolich known only as the Everlasting Wyrm and several of its living spawn who inhabit the Sharawood (also known as the Drakewood). The Everlasting Wyrm always re-forms after its destruction and begins rebuilding its horde. It is believed that Al'hanar Castle contains the wealth of at least 10 such hordes in its bowels and magic not seen since the Imaskari Empire. In the wake of the Time of Troubles and the death of Myrkul, the death knights have yet to decided whether to pledge their loyalty to Cyric or Kelemvor or to sweep across the Realms in a wave of murder and destruction until all members of the order are permanently laid to rest as a fitting tribute to their fallen patron, the Lord of Bones.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

All priests of Myrkul wore black robes with hooded cloaks, bound about the waist with a single sash of bone-white hue. Within temples they went barefoot and sometimes also bared their faces, but in public they were always masked, wearing half-masks (extending from the forehead to the upper cheeks) painted to resemble skulls. All exposed flesh was darkened with ash.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

  在冒险时,米尔寇的祭司们穿戴着尽可能好的防具。他们总是披着一袭暗色调的斗篷并戴着他们的头骨半面具,而即便是在战场上,他们也会继续弄黑他们裸露在外的肉体。死亡之主the Lord of Death 的祭司们觉得没有必要隐藏自己的效忠对象,因为死亡总是会最终来临——据传,对那些愚蠢到骚扰米尔寇教徒的人,这个时间还会提前。
When adventuring, priests of Myrkul wore the best armor available. They always wore a dark hooded cloak along with their skull half-masks, and even while in the field, they continued to darken all their exposed flesh with ash. Priests of the Lord of Death felt no need to hide their allegiance as death would come to all eventually—sooner, it was rumored, for those foolish enough to molest a Myrkulyte.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(灰人Gray Ones

  武器WEAPONS:任何钝击武器(类型B)All bludgeoning (wholly Type B) weapons,弯刀scimitars,以及 长柄巨镰scythes
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,混乱chaos,战斗combat,守卫guardian,治疗healing,死灵necromantic,召唤summoning,时间time
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:魅惑Charm,预言divination,元素elemental,战争war
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:长柄巨镰Scythe 或 弯刀scimitar,占星术astrology
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:无None

  ❖ Gray ones command triple the normal number of skeletons and zombies.

  ❖灰人知晓大陆关于不死生物、以及活物的灵魂在死后的最终归宿的信息。这一知识分为两种领域:尸腐学necrology和冥界知识netherworld。(这些知识的领域都与来自《完全死灵法师手册Complete Book of Necromancers》的尸腐学和冥界知识两种知识相同。)   ❖ Gray ones know a great deal about undead creatures and the ultimate destinations of the spirits of living creatures after they die. This knowledge is separated into two fields:necrology and netherworld knowledge. (These fields of knowledge are identical to the necrology and netherworld knowledge nonweapon proficiencies from the Complete Book of Necromancers.)


Necrology :Gray ones are well versed in necrology, the lore of undead creatures. When checking their necrology knowledge, gray ones make an ability check against their Wisdom score. Their knowledge may be used to help determine the probable lairs, dining habits, and history of such creatures (no ability check needed). Whenever a gray one confronts an undead creature, she or he may be able to specifically identify the creature (discerning between a ghast and a common ghoul, for instance) with a successful ability check. In addition, provided the gray one makes another successful ability check, she or he recalls the creature's specific weaknesses and natural defenses or immunities. At the DM's discretion a failed ability check (in either of these cases) reveals misleading or even completely erroneous information which may actually strengthen or otherwise benefit the undead creature.

冥界知识Netherworld Knowledge:

  灰人学习了关于 外层位面the Outer Planes 的宇宙学和结构,特别是涉及 诸国度the Realms、尤其是灵魂死后的最终归宿的那些。除此之外,灰人还了解了关于那些居住在 下层界the nether regions 的危险生物,包括如塔纳厘tanar'ri 和 巴特祖baatezu 这样的邪魔:当检定他们的冥界知识时,灰人进行一次对他们感知值-3的属性检定。以一次成功的属性检定,冥界知识能揭示来自外层位面存在的特殊弱等和天然免疫。以一次成功的属性检定,冥界知识还能确定遭遇的跨位面生物的确切种类。
Netherworld Knowledge: Gray ones steadfastly serve Myrkul, who sees to the disposition of the dead, and so obtain a great deal of arcane knowledge. When checking their netherworld knowledge, gray ones make an ability check against their Wisdom score minus three. Gray ones learn about the cosmology and organization of the Outer Planes and how this specifically relates to the Realms, focusing primarily on the ultimate destination of spirits after death. In addition, gray ones learn about the dangerous behavior of the creatures that inhabit the nether regions, including such fiends as tanar'ri and baatezu. With a successful ability check to the modified Wisdom score, netherworld knowledge can reveal the specific weaknesses and natural immunities of beings from the Outer Planes. Netherworld knowledge can also be used to classify the exact type of extraplanar creature encountered with a successful ability check.

  ❖灰人不受疾病或寄生虫的影响。他们并不能像圣武士那样对寄生虫或疾病免疫,但他们不受疾病使人衰弱的游戏性影响。患有 灰死病gray death 的灰人会因腐烂、枯萎的面部而症状明显,并且会作为载体将疫病播撒到各地,但他不会遭受疾病带来的惩罚。致命的疾病将持续腐蚀身体,直至灰人死亡,但直到死亡发生的那一刻前,不会带来游戏性影响。
  ❖ Gray ones are unaffected by disease or parasites. They are not immune to parasites or disease as paladins are, but are unaffected by a disease's debilitating game effects. A gray one could have the gray death obvious in his rotting, dry face, and be spreading it throughout the land, but he would suffer no penalties from the disease. Fatal diseases continue to rot the body until the gray one drops over dead, but they have no game effect until that time.

  ❖灰人的对抗即死魔法时,豁免检定获得+1奖励。该奖励在使用或防御 米尔寇之手Hand of Myrkul(见下)时不适用。
  ❖ Gray ones gain a +1 on their saving throws vs. death magic. This bonus does not apply when using or defending against the Hand of Myrkul (see below).

  ❖每日1次,灰人能够使用 假死术feign death(如同3级祭司法术,但只影响他们自己)。
  ❖ Gray ones are able to feign death once per day (as the 3rd-level priest spell, but affecting only themselves).

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,灰人能够 活化尸体animate dead(如同3级祭司法术)或 腐烂术corrupt(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, gray ones are able to animate dead (as the 3rd-level priest spell) or corrupt (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第9级,每日1次,灰人能够使用 枯萎术wither(如同5级祭司法术)。
  At 9th level, gray ones are able to wither once per day (as the 5th-level priest spell).

  ❖ At 10th level, gray ones can summon a minor death to fight for them. A minor death appears as a skeleton wearing a robe and wielding a scythe. A minor death can be summoned once per tenday. The summoned minor death fights obediently for 10 rounds (1 turn) or until the fight is over, whichever comes first, and then disappears. If the minor death disappears before killing its opponent, another minor death cannot be summoned until the gray one kills a living creature. Characters slain by a minor death can be raised again.

次级死神Minor Death

  次级死神Minor Death(1):零级命中值 1;#攻击次数 1次;伤害 2d8(长柄巨镰);防御等级 -4;生命骰 8;生命值 33;移动 18;特殊攻击 1的零级命中值并且先攻骰自动为1;特殊防御 不能被缴械;免疫寒冷、火焰、毒素和电击伤害、睡眠术sleep 法术、以及所有附魔/魅惑法术(如同不死生物);不能被驱散;体型 中型M(6英尺);智力 平均(10);阵营 N;士气 无畏(20);经验值 5000。
{{sp|sp = Minor Death(1):THAC0 1; #AT 1; Dmg 2d8 (scythe); AC -4; HD 8; hp 33; MV 18; SA THAC0 of 1 and automatic initiative roll of 1; SD cannot be disarmed; immune to cold, fire, poison, and electricity damage,
spells, and all enchantment/charm spells (as if an undead creature); cannot be turned; SZ M (6 feet); INT average (10); AL N; ML fearless (20); XP 5,000.

  ❖在第15级,每旬1次,灰人能唤来 米尔寇之手Hand of Myrkul。这是一种非常危险的力量,灰人只会在最可怕的情况下才会使用。祈唤 米尔寇之手 将导致灰人的双手燃烧6轮。在此时 米尔寇之手 必须被用来触碰一只生物(以一次成功的攻击骰),否则力量将会消散,再也无法供那位灰人使用。(祈愿术wish 可以逆转它。)若 米尔寇之手 触碰了任何活物(无论体型如何),该生物必须进行一次对抗即死魔法豁免检定。若目标失败,它将立即被杀,躯体化作尘土,而 米尔寇之手 将熄灭直到度过一旬。若目标豁免成功,该灰人必须在随后进行对抗即死法术豁免检定(没有作为灰人通常有的奖励),否则将遭受与目标相同的命运。若双方都豁免成功,那么只会 米尔寇之手 仍将继续运作,在下一轮仍然可用(直到6轮的时限)。
  ❖ At 15th level, gray ones can call up the Hand of Myrkul. This is a very dangerous power is only used by gray ones in the most dire of situations. It may be called forth only once a tenday. Invoking the Hand of Myrkul causes a gray one's hands to flame for six rounds. The Hand must be used to touch a creature (with a successful attack roll) in this time, or the power is wasted, never to be used by that gray one again. (A wish can reverse this.) If the Hand of Myrkul touches any living being (regardless of size), the being must make a saving throw vs. death magic. If the target fails, it is instantly slain, its body is reduced to dust, and the Hand of Myrkul is extinguished until a tenday has passed. If the target succeeds, the gray one must then make a saving throw vs. death magic (without the usual bonuses for being a gray one) or suffer the same fate as the target would have. If both target and gray one succeed at their saving throws, then the Hand of Myrkul is still operating and may be used the next round (up to the six-round time limit).

米尔寇教派法术Myrkulyte Spells

  除了列于此处的宗教特殊法术外,建议扩大米尔寇神职人员的潜在法术选择范围到列于《完全死灵师手册Complete Book of Necromancers》的祭司法术。
In addition to the religion-specific spells found here, it is recommended that the potential spell selections of Myrkul's clergy be expanded to include the priest spells found in the Complete Book of Necromancers.

2nd Level

骨啮术Bone Bite


  距离Range:5 码/等级
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级
  施法时间Casting Time:特殊
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 根骨头或碎片
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell causes any bone or bone fragment to become a razor-sharp pair of jaws that bite any living being they strike except the caster. They either bite someone they are in contact with or someone they are thrown at and strike. The caster throws the bone jaws at his or her normal THAC0. The bone bite jaws bite once for 1d6+4 points of damage and remain attached, bony fangs clinging, as they transform into a second, arching pair of jaws on the next round that automatically strike for an additional ld4+2 points of damage.

Any amount of time can elapse between the casting of the spell and its biting attacks; a caster can pick up and throw bone bite jaws several times if they fail to hit a target or leave the jaws in a niche or corridor as a trap. They even function underwater and so can be hidden in a pool or bucket of water. A priest can have no more bone fcite spells than four times his or her level left undischarged. Additional bone bite spells may be memorized, but fail to work when cast if they exceed the limit. Bone bite teeth can puncture armor, carapaces or bony plates, dragon hide, and all known nonmagical barriers and substances. Undead creatures are unaffected by this spell, and bone bite jaws do not bite them.

The material component of this spell is a bone or bone fragment.

4th Level



  距离Range:5 码/等级
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术可以使祭司污染纯净的水或物质,在坚硬的石头或板甲表面上制造出一个弱点或不规则处(把手或可见的标记),或者对物质进行其他有害的改变。受 腐烂术 影响的魔法药剂在提供治疗时会减少1d4点;如果效果无关生命值,药剂的持续时间将减少1d4轮。圣水会变成单纯的水,但是邪水会功效加倍(有害的效果)。正常的饮用水仍然可以饮用,但是它的味道会变得难喝,而且不能用来清洗东西。被腐化的物品在所有对抗伤害的物品豁免检定上减少3点,除非它们是魔法的。此外,如果一个物品被用作武器,它在1d3回合中每次攻击造成的伤害都减少2点。魔法物品的所有魔法功能和属性将消失1d3回合,尽管它们自身的物品豁免检定不会受到影响。
This spell enables a priest to contaminate pure water or substances, create a weak spot or irregularity (handhold or visible mark) in a wall of solid stone or surface of armor plate, and otherwise modify substances harmfully. Magical potions affected by a corrupt spell are reduced in the healing they bestow by 1d4 points; if no hit points are involved in their effect, their durations are reduced by 1d4 rounds. Holy water becomes merely water, but unholy water is doubled in efficacy (harmful effects). Normal drinking water remains drinkable, but it tastes tainted and does not cleanse things washed with it. Corrupted items have all their item saving throws against harm reduced by 3 points, unless they are magical. In addition, if an item is used as a weapon, the damage it inflicts is reduced by 2 points per attack for Id3 turns. All magical functions and properties of enchanted items cease for 1d3 turns, though their own item saving throws are unaffected.

  这道法术的施法者必须选择一个没有生命的物品或液体来受到这道法术的影响。魔法不会影响体积比施法者身体更大的所有固体物品。在这种情况下,只有局部区域受到影响。例如,一个试图污染一个湖泊或大型游泳池的祭司只能腐化他接触处附近的水或者等于他身体体积的所选择的效果区域,而不是所有的水。腐烂术 会让受影响的位置或物品短暂地闪烁着绿色光芒,但这是无声的。
The caster of this spell must choose a single nonliving item or body of liquid to be affected by the spell. The magic does not affect all of a solid item larger in volume than the caster's body. In such cases, only a localized area is affected. For instance, a priest trying to contaminate a lake or large pool would succeed only in harming the water closest to his touch or the chosen area of effect that equals his body volume, not all the water). Corrupt involves a momentary flickering green radiance over the spot or item it is aimed at, but operates silently.

  如果将三道 腐烂术 施展在一个非魔法物品或一个大型物品的一个特定位置上(例如,墙壁上的一个点),这个物品必须在一个对抗强酸的物品豁免检定中成功,否则会粉碎/崩溃/消失,在该位置产生一个洞。大型物品的轻微破损(换句话说,在厚石墙上几英寸深的洞或孔)可以通过施放额外的 腐烂术 来扩大。通过使用 腐烂术,一位被囚禁的米尔寇祭司,随着时间的推移,可以打破一个牢房的墙壁或让手铐掉落。
If three corrupt spells are cast on a single nonmagical item or on a specific spot in a large item (for instance, a place on a wall), the item must succeed at an item saving throw vs. acid or shatter/collapse/fall away, causing a hole at that location. Minor breakage in large items (in other words, a hole or cavity reaching a few inches into a thick stone wall) can be expanded by casting additional trios of corrupt spells. Through the use of corrupt, an imprisoned priest of Myrkul could, over time, breach a cell wall or cause manacles to fail.

5th Level



  持续时间Duration:6 轮
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只接触的生物
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊

  这道法术能让一位米尔寇祭司复制一根 枯萎法杖staff of withering 的力量。施法后,该法术会持续最多6轮,或者直到做出一次接触受害者的成功攻击。米尔寇的祭司可以采取其他动作,不需要集中专注来维持法术,尽管法术的效果只能通过祭司的手或其他肢体传递,而不能用武器。
This spell enables a priest of Myrkul to duplicate the powers of a staff of withering. Once cast, the spell lasts for up to six rounds ot until a successful attack to touch a victim is made. The priest of Myrkul may take other actions once the spell is cast and need not concentrate to maintain it, though the effect of the spell can only be transmitted through the priest's hand or another limb, not a weapon.

A successful hit inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage, ages the victim by 10 years, and, if the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell, causes one of the creature's limbs to shrivel and become useless. Check by random number generation for which limb is struck. (For example, on humanoid creatures roll 1d4: 1=right arm, 2=left arm, 3=right leg, 4=left leg.) The aging effect causes the victim's abilities and lifespan to be adjusted for the resulting age increase and can cause ability scores to drop or an elderly victim to die of old age.

  所有的效果都是永久性的,除非被治愈。再生术Regenerate 可以使萎缩的肢体恢复正常,休息或治疗魔法可以治愈所造成的伤害,但只有一道 有限祈愿术limited wish祈愿术wish 或其他专门治愈或减轻衰老的魔法才能恢复受害者的青春。
All effects are permanent unless cured. Regenerate restores a withered limb to normal, and rest or curative magic cure the damage done, but only a limited wish, wish, or other magic specifically able to cure or abate aging can restore the victim's youth.

This spell has no effect on beings bearing holy symbols of Myrkul. Ageless creatures and noncorporeal beings (undead, elementals, tanar'ri, baatezu, and other powerful exttaplanar beings) cannot be aged or withered.

6th Level

痛苦衰变Dolorous Decay


  距离Range:10 码/等级
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只受伤的生物
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊

  这道法术能影响一只目前已经受伤的生命;不死生物和健康的生物免疫法术。痛苦衰变 是一种身体的腐烂和枯萎,会从现有的伤口扩散,造成额外的伤害。目标生物将获得对抗法术的豁免检定来对抗 痛苦衰变。在最初的豁免检定中成功的目标生物会因为此法术的冲击而缓慢1轮(如同 缓慢术slow),但是之后不会有进一步的效果。如果最初的豁免失败,受害者会受到1点伤害每施法者等级,在下一轮缓慢,然后允许第二次豁免。如果这个豁免检定成功,这道法术就会在没有进一步效果的情况下结束;如果失败,受害者将承受之前衰变伤害一半的伤害(向下取整),并在第三轮被缓慢。
This spell affects a single currently injured living being; undead and healthy creatures are immune. Dolorous decay is a rotting and withering of the body that spreads from existing injuries causing additional damage. The targeted creature receives a saving throw vs. spell against dolorous decay. A target creature who succeeds at this initial saving throw is slowed (as the spell of that name) for 1 round by the impact of the spell but is then free of further effects. If the initial saving throw fails, the victim suffers 1 point of damage per level of the caster of the dolorous decay, is slowed for the following round, and is then allowed a second saving throw. If this saving throws succeeds, the spell ends without further effect; if it fails, the victim takes half the previous decay damage (round fractions down), and is slowed for a third round.

  这一循环豁免检定和造成的伤害会继续,每一次造成的伤害都是上一轮的一半,直到最小伤害1点;此后,每次只会造成1点的伤害,直到受害者在一次豁免中成功。腐烂的扩散循环会一直持续到受害者死亡或在豁免中成功,这会打破法术。痛苦衰变 是不会传染的,但是它可以(在DM的选择下)导致丧失行动能力或者无法使用肢体,如果损伤足够严重的话(通常至少需要受害者损失超过一半的生命值)。
This cycle of saving throws and resulting damage continues, each bout of damage being half that suffered on the previous round, until a minimum loss of 1 point is reached; at that point only 1 point of damage continues to be inflicted until the victim succeeds at a saving throw. The cycle of spreading decay continues until the victim dies or succeeds at a saving throw, which breaks the spell. Dolorous decay is not contagious, but it can (at the DM's option) cause loss of mobility or the use of limbs if the damage is severe enough. (Typically over half the victim's hit points must be lost.)

熄灭灵魂Quench the Spirit


  距离Range:60 码
  施法时间Casting Time:9
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.

  这道法术是7环的法师法术 死亡一指finger of death 的祭司版本。熄灭灵魂 会磨灭受害者的生命力。施法的牧师念出咒语,将指骨指向受害者,然后将其折断。受害者有权进行一次对抗魔法的豁免检定。如果豁免成功,受害者不会死亡,但是法术仍然对受害者造成2d8+1点的伤害。如果受术者死于这种伤害,她或他仍然可以被正常复活。如果被害者的豁免失败,他会立即死亡。受害者既不能被复活也不能被复生。
This spell is a priestly version of the 7th-level wizard spell finger of death. Quench the spirit snuffs out the victim's life force. The casting priests utter the spell's incantation, points the finger bone at the victim, and snaps it. The victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. death magic. If the saving throw is successful, the victim does not die, but the spell still inflicts 2d8+1 points of damage upon the victim. If the subject dies of this damage, she or he can still be revived normally. If the victim fails the saving throw, death occurs immediately. The victim can neither be raised nor resurrected.

  在那些没有通过豁免检定的人类目标身上,法术会慢慢改变他们的尸体,在三天之后,施法者可以通过一个特殊仪式,将他们的尸体活化为在施法者控制下的邪咒僵尸。这个创造僵尸的仪式只需要祭司的圣徽和六瓶邪水。这种神秘变化可以在活化之前被一道直接施放在这样的尸体上的 有限祈愿术limited wish 或 一道类似法术抵消,防止仪式在受害者身上起效。一道完整的 祈愿术wish 能使熄灭灵魂的受害者复活。
In human subjects who failed their saving throws, the spell initiates changes to their bodies such that after three days the caster can, by means of a special ceremony, animate their corpses as ju-ju zombies under the control of the caster. This zombie-creation ceremony requires simply the priest's holy symbol and six vials of unholy water. These mystic changes can be reversed before animation by a limited wish or a similar spell cast directly upon such a body, preventing the ceremony from working on that victim. A full wish restores the subject of quench the spirit to life.

The material component of this spell is a fleshless human finger bone.
