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【主   神】
【勢力 範圍】外層位面,內層位面,主物質位面,非實存位等
【簡   介】類神力是一類超凡存在,祂們數量龐大、不依賴於神力存在。其中一些是諸神之敵,一些與諸神結盟;一些已經成神,一些因諸神而產生;而大部分類神力不在意也不被神力們在意。


  ●惡魔荒神Demon Primordial
  ●史拉蟾領主Slaad Lord
  ●上古邪物Elder Evil
  ●元素領主Elemental Lord
  ●元素親王Elemental Prince
  ●九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine地獄大公Hell Archduke
  ●巴特祖貴族the Batezu Nobility
  ●暗黑八魔將the Dark Eight
深淵領主Abyssal Lord
 ¢深淵領主Abyssal Lord
  ●惡魔領主Demon Lord
   ●奧比里斯領主Obyrith Lord
   ●塔納厘領主Tanar'ri Lord
   ●次級深淵領主minor Abyssal Lord
   ●洛瑪拉領主Loumara Lord
尤格羅斯領主Yugoloth Lord
 ¢尤格羅斯領主Yugoloth Lord
  ●焦炎將軍General of Gehenna
 ¢塔利希德與蓋丁五爵Talisid and The Firve Compantions
 ¢選民Choose one
 ¢神嗣The Children of Powers
 ¢動物領主Animal Lord
 ¢高階泰坦High Titan
 ¢高等精魂Great Spirit
 ¢痛苦女士Lady of Pain

2e<On Hallowed Ground.p048>類神力Near-Powers



Among the creatures of the planes, it's not at all uncommon for lowly beings to rise to heights of great power. No doubt they'd stay there longer if it weren't for the fact that the higher a body gets, the more enemies he has. But that doesn't stop every basher in the multiverse from trying to improve, and every once in a while a lucky few claw their way to the top, hold onto power tenaciously, and fight off all comers.

  本章中所寫的老鳥並非神明(至少暫時還不是),但也差不離了。祂們像散發著惡臭的屍體般、渾身瀰漫著神性的氣息。你瞧,靠著爬上屍堆墳頭,祂們打響了自己的名號,並從腳下的傢伙身上唬弄到了讚美與敬拜。當然,祂們的力量等級差別賊大。最鶸的 深淵領主Abyssal lord,也不是 萬獸園the Beastlands 動物領主animal lord 中的最強鳥可以匹敵的。但名望可以轉化為原始的力量。某一老鳥讓越多人知道自己,越有可能進入諸神的領域。
The bloods in this section aren't gods - yet. But they're close. The smell of divinity surrounds them like the stench of a reeking corpse. See, by climbing the heap, they made names for themselves, and are rewarded with praise and worship from those beneath them. Course, they have vastly different levels of strength. The toughest animal lord on the Beastlands is still no match for the weakest Abyssal lord. But fame does translate into raw power. The more folks who know a blood's name, the more likely it is that he'll pass into the realms of mythic belief.
[印記城黑話:Blood——專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]

  並非所有 類神力near-powers 都「想」成為羽翼豐滿的神明;祂們自覺力量已經夠了,並且時不時會屈尊紆貴地與凡人發生些瓜葛。但無論如何,所有類神力都是些危險存在,能給位面行者的最好建議就是遠遠避開。
Not all near-powers want to become full-fledged gods; they feel they have plenty of strength as it is, and they aren't above interacting with mortals. But all of these beings are dangerous, and the best advice for a planewalker is to steer clear.

深淵領主Abyssal Lords

Abyssal Lord

  這些塔納厘哪怕在所有塔納厘當中也算糟糕透頂——而對多元宇宙來說,塔納厘種族再怎麼往好里說也至少是個壞消息。這些領主們統治著 無底深淵Abyssal 的整個層面,統御著廣闊的塔納厘軍隊,默默地進行著 血戰the Blood War。祂們全靠著自己的堅韌意志和對他人的殘酷蔑視脫穎而出,是結合了諸神般的智力與所有低級塔納厘共有的殘忍與危險的恐怖產物。幾千年來,這些老鳥已使自己充滿仇恨與邪惡的詭計完美無缺,而祂們對彼此、懷著對其他交戰對象一樣熾熱的憤怒。
Of all the tanar'ri, these are the worst-and the whole race is bad news at best. The lords rule entire Abyssal layers, command vast armies of tanar'ri, and prosecute the Blood War mereilessly. They've elevated themselves through sheer force of will and cruel disdain for others, and they combine a godlike intelligence with all that's brutal and dangerous about the lesser tanar'ri - with horrifying results. Over millennia of existence, the bloods've perfected hatred and diabolical trickery, and they rage against one another as much as they fight anyone else.

  基本上,祂們便是多元宇宙中最邪惡的八嘎。雖然彼此截然不同,但每位都代表了低級塔納厘種群的理想。屁民們認為 無底深淵the Abyss 的每個層面都有自己的領主,而深淵層面數量的不可計數意味著領主的數量也遠超任何人的想像。不過這張清單列下了其中最為凡人所知的成員、以及祂們的層面(如果有的話):
Basically, they're some of most evil bashers in the multiverse. Each is radically different, but they all serve as ideals for the hordes of lesser tanar'ri. It's thought that each layer of the Abyss has its own lord, and the uncountable number of layers means there must be more lords than a body'd want to think about. But here's a list of those best known to mortals, along with their layers(if any):

  ·巴菲門特Baphomet(第600層,無盡迷宮the Endless Maze
  ·狄摩高根Demogorgon(第88層,惡魔胃囊the Gaping Maw
  ·弗拉茲厄魯Fraz-Urb'luu(據說在 灰色荒原Gray Waste 有一處小神國said to have staked out a small realm on the Gray Waste)
  ·科斯徹奇Kostchtchie(第23層,鋼鐵冰原the Iron Wastes
  ·塞斯伊奈克Sess'innek(第7層,幻影之域Phantom Plane
  ·弗喀里克Vucarik,鎖鏈之伴Consort of Chains(漫遊wanders)
  ·耶諾胡Yeenoghu(第422層,滲液森林the Seeping Woods

  這堆 深淵領主Abyssal lords 在主物質位面佬和位面佬巫師中可謂家喻戶曉。任何與邪魔們打交道的可憐蟲都知曉祂們的黑暗名諱,每當聽見有人大聲念出就瑟瑟發抖。這些領主熱衷於操縱凡人,引導對方做出愚蠢的選擇、或是引誘他們成為偽神祭司。高級邪魔甚至能授予最高3級的法術(如果祂們不嫌麻煩親身登臨授予力量的話,則最高4級)。而且祂們經常通過魔法物品禮物和塔納厘僕從引誘凡人侍奉自己。其中一些可憐蟲甚至圍繞著某一邪魔空洞教導,建立了一些宗教。
These Abyssal lords are well known to prime-material and planar mages. Any sod who deals with fiends knows their dark names and shivers when they're spoken aloud. The lords love to manipulate mortals, steering them toward fool ish choices or luring them into false priesthoods. The high-up fiends can even grant spells of up to 3rd level (or 4th level, if they appear in person to bestow the power). And gifts of magical items and tanar'ri servants often woo mortals into serving the Abyssal lords. Some of the sods even establish religions based around the fiends' hollow teachings.

See, if there's one thing the lords have learned over their long years, it's how to imitate deities. Most of them aren't true powers, but a berk who forgets that might as well pack it in. Abyssal lords don't take lip from anyone, and they're remarkably tenacious when it's their own dignity they're avenging.

  當然,這些領主仍然希望有朝一日能擺脫神明的偽裝、變成真傢伙。而這的確發生過。舉例來說,巴菲門特Baphomet狄摩高根Demogorgon朱庇萊克斯Juiblex、以及 耶諾胡Yeenoghu 都已得到了真正的神性(那位名字已經被從無底深淵所有記錄中抹去的失落不死神力也一樣)。祂們已用自己的邪惡和意志力量,在多元宇宙中為自己創造了位置,而且祂們的上升勢頭仍然沒有放緩的跡象。
Course, the lords hope to one day shed the pretense of godhood and become the real thing. And it happens. For example, Baphomet, Demogorgon, Juiblex, and Yeenoghu have gained true divinity (as has the lost power of the undeead, whose name has been stricken from all records of the Abyss). They've made places for themselves in the multiverse through perversity and strength of will, and they show no signs of slowing their ascent.

If enough Abyssal lords reach such heights, who knows how mighty the plane itself could grow? What's more, because the lords are chaotic, no one can tell what they're planning. They all work separately and thus are even harder to combat. It's a good thing they struggle against one another as well, or the rest of thecosmos'd be in serious trouble.

動物領主Aminal Lords

  你一定是在開玩笑。You have got to be kidding.
  ——碰見了蠕蟲領主萬獸園來訪者Avistor to the Beastlands upon meeting the Worm Lord

  聽人說,萬獸園the Beastlands動物領主animal lords 是祂們所選生物的擬人化具現。也就是說,祂們是些披著人皮的畜生,在賞心悅目的皮囊之下,是純粹的動物靈魂。傳言說,自然存在的每種動物都有一位對應的動物領主。因此,把萬獸園當家的包括 喵領主the cat lord狼領主the wolf lord蜥蜴領主the lizard lord隼領主the hawk lord兔領主the rabbit lord 等等等等、不可計數的動物領主。
The animal lords of the Beastlands are said to be anthropomorphic representations of their chosen creatures. That is, they're animals dressed in humanoid forms, wearing shells that're pleasing to the human eye but bearing spirits that're purely animal. Chant is there’s a lord for every kind of natural animal in existence. Thus, the Beastlands are home to the cat lord, the wolf lord, the lizard lord, the hawk lord, the rabbit lord, and so on, without number.
[印記城黑話:chant——表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. ]

  每位動物領主都有兩種形態:①一隻野獸(理所當然是該物種的完美個體);②一位擁有動物領主微妙特徵的美貌的類人。舉例來說,汪領主the dog lord 對那些給予他關心的人可謂熱情友好的舔狗一條,對那些人眼看狗低的,又守口如瓶、態度兇狠。如果你喜歡某位動物領主的臣民,那麼祂那副貌美如花的類人偽裝足以讓你淪陷。不過,雖說有幾個倒霉鬼愛上了動物領主,但這些人面獸心的老鳥可無法維繫屬於凡人的那份情感。祂們只關心保護自己所象徵物種的野獸——即便這是出於責任而非愛。
Each animal lord can take two shapes: that of a beast (the ideal specimen of the species, naturally) or that of a beautiful humanoid - one with subtle characteristics of the lord's animal. For example, the dog lord is friendly and outgoing to those who give him affection, close-mouthed and vicious to those who show him disdain. In humanoid guise, an animal lord is attractive enough to charm any basher fond of his subjects. And though a few hapless mortals fall in love with the lords, the bloods don't hold with mortal emolion. They care only for protecting their token beasts, and even that's more duty than love.

  動物領主們看上去並不偏心。祂們注意得到某條可憐蟲對祂們的臣民們友好還是殘忍,但並不會維持長久的聯盟。祂們中有些傢伙是社交型的(如 狼領主the wolf lord),有些是疏遠型的(如 短吻鱷領主the alligator lord);祂們既可能施下恩寵(如果這對祂們的目標有利)、也可能拒絕援助的請求(如果並不)。就如一位賢者說的一樣,祂們既非道德楷模,也非齷齪小人。
The animal lords don't seem to play favorites. They note when a sod is friendly - or cruel - to their subjects, but they don't maintain alliances for long. They may be social (like the wolf lord) or distant (like the alligator lord); they may grant favors (if it serves their cause) or turn down pleas for aid (if it doesn't). As one sage put it, they're not immoral, they’re amoral.

  所有動物領主都有與其物種相關的強大能力,有些是如邪魔般戰鬥,有些是想風一般逃走。祂們的天賦心靈感應能力使其無法被突襲,而且據說,這些動物領主們知曉自己所負責物種在各個位面(包括所有 主物質位面the Prime)的分布。那一定很難承受,畢竟有數以億(字面意義)計的動物在各個主物質世界中四處吃喝拉撒,即便是真神也很難實時跟蹤整個種族的蹤跡。然而動物領主還是能認出那些虐待了其種族的巴佬,並將災禍降於其中闖入其王國的王八蛋。
All animal lords have powerful abilities related to their species; some can fight like fiends, while others can flee like the wind. Their natural telepathy prevents them from being taken by surprise, and it’s said that the lords know the disposition of their charges across the planes - including every world of the Prime. That's hard to swallow, as literally billions of animals litter the prime-material worlds, and even a true power'd have a tough time keeping track of them all. Still, an animal lord can recognize berks who mistreat his kind, and woe be to those who blunder into his realm.
[印記城黑話:Berk ——巴佬,巴佬。一個笨蛋,尤指那些因為搞不清狀況而把自己捲入大麻煩的傢伙。]

For the most part, the animal lords leave the real gods of the Beastlands alone and are left alone in return. So how did the lords arise? After all, beasts aren't supposed to have beliefs. Does that mean the animal lords aren't even close to true powers, who require faith to exist? Or were they born from the very fabric of the Beastlands, animal petitioners who were the very models of their species, taken and shaped by the plane to watch over their kind?

  無論祂們到底算啥,總之並非不朽存在。偶爾會有動物領主嗚呼哀哉,可能是被嗜血的凡人弒殺,要麼死於其祂動物領主(作為 准神力quasipowers 並不意味著祂們已經脫離獸性),乃至僅僅死於不幸事故。這些苦難讓祂們成了警惕的暴徒和頑強的對手。對付動物領主最好的辦法,就是像對付其所代表圖騰獸那樣對付祂。真的,這很合乎邏輯。
Whatever they are, they're not immortal. Animal lords die off occasionally, killed by bloodthirsty mortals, other animal lords (just because they're quasipowers doesn't mean they've risen above they instincts), or just plain misfortune. That makes them peery bashers and tough opponents. The best way to deal with an animal lord is to treat him exactly as a body'd treat his totem beast. It's only logical, really.

九獄諸領主The Lords of the Nine

  這些老鳥看守著 九層地獄the Nine Hells,祂們便是 巴托地獄Baator 各層面的頭兒。祂們的存在讓 深獄煉魔pit fiend 看上去就是些殘廢的遊魂,而且據說,這些傢伙便是各自領地的真正具現。畢竟地獄的每個層面都反映了其領主的個性,反過來,每位領主也都反映著他那一層面的特質。這兩者之間以一種奇怪而神秘的方式互相作用,那些下層位面學者們相信,祂們最終將在一些邪惡的燦爛閃光中達成聯盟。
These are the bloods who watch over the Nine Hells, the rulers of the layers of Baator. They make pit fiends look like crippled lemures, and it's said they're the vely embodiments of their respective lands. Each layer reflects the personality of its lord, and each lord reflecls the personality of his layer. The two act on each other in ways strange and mysterious, and lower-planar scholars believe they'll eventually achieve union in some brilliant flash of evil
[印記城黑話:Blood——專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]

九位領主中,有七位眾所周知並留有名諱Seven of the nine lords are known and named:
  ●迪斯帕特大公Archduke Dispaler,第二層(迪斯)領主Lord of the Second (Dis)
  ●第三層(彌瑙洛斯)子爵the Viscount Minauros of the Third (Minauros)
  ●菲爾娜Fierana,第四層(弗萊格索斯)女士Lady of the Fourth (Phlegethos)
  ●第五層(斯泰吉亞萊維思圖斯親王Prince Levistus of the Fifth (Slygia)
  ●馬拉嘉德Malagard,第六層(瑪爾博吉鬼婆女伯爵the Hag Countess of the Sixth (Malbolge)
  ●「墮落執政官」特里爾Triel the Fallen Archon,第七層(馬拉多米尼)大公Archduke of the Seventh (Maladomini)
  ●莫里克羅斯Molikroth,第八層(卡尼亞)男爵Baron of the Eighth (Cania)

  據說第一層的真正領主已被她的督軍——深獄煉魔 拜爾Bel——囚禁,後者目前正在她的宮殿中統治著 阿佛納斯Avernus。至於第九層領主——就像 奈瑟斯Nessus 的大部分地方一樣,仍然是個謎。傳言說他的出現早於其祂領主,並且揣著一根標示著他在九層地獄秘密會議統治權的紅寶石權杖。
The true Lord of the First is said to have been imprisoned by her warlord, the pit fiend Bel, who now rules Avernus in her place. And as for the Lord of the Ninth - well, he's still a mystery, just like most of Nessus itself. Chant is he predates the other lords and carries a ruby rod to signify his rulership over the conclave of the Nine.
[印記城黑話:chant—表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. ]

It's no dark that the current lords aren't the same ones who came to mortal knowledge long ago. The noble baatezu serving below the original lords learned the politics of their masters well and eventually overthrew the domineering berks. No doubt they were overthrown by their servants in turn. Fact is, its probably happened dozens of times over the eons.
[印記城黑話:Dark——任何秘密可稱為dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等於說 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you." ]

  在那些原任領主(就是那些古人所知曉的傢伙們)身上發生了什麼?大部分可能都變成了肉,很可能就是被丟進了阿佛納斯的蟲窩裡餵那些幼蟲。如果祂們重生為了低級形態的魔鬼,祂們也無疑未顯露出自己曾經輝煌的天賦才華。但原任領主群體中有兩位完好無損地倖存了下來:迪斯帕特Dispater,第二層領主;以及 提亞瑪特Tiamat,邪龍族類的女王。當然,她已經被降級為被拴在 迪斯Dis 入口的看門狗——這和支配著整個層面可不一樣。不過,最近的傳言說她從未當過地獄領主,這倒是與大眾的一般認知相悖。
What happened to the original lords —the ones known to ancient mortals? Most're long since meat, probably consigned to the larva pits of Avernus. If they were reborn into lesser forms, they've certainly not shown the aptitude for brilliance they once had. But two of the original pack have survived intact: Dispater, Lord ot the Second; and Tiamat, queen of evil dragonkind. Course, she's been relegated to a watchdog position at the entrance to Dis — hardly the same as commanding an entire layer. Besides, chant today says she never a lord, contrary to popular belief.

Do the bautezu servants of the current lords still seek to overthrow their masters? Better believe it, berk. But on the surface, they're loyal. They seek to elevate themselves by embarrassing or humiliating their lord's rivals. Naturally, the lords encourage this sort of interplay among their inferiors, for it increases the evil that permeates the plane.

The hierarchy of noble fiends below the lords is devilishly complicated and convoluted. The baatezu keep it that way on purpose, so only the nobles know exactly who stands where. Lesser fiends (and mortals) might be helping a noble when they think they're working against him. In the web of politics of Baator, a body has to understand the game before he can learn to play it.

  當然,強鳥們可不會把所有樂趣都留給自己的僕人。據說 九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine 彼此憎惡,不停計劃將另一人廢黜來擴張自己的權位。祂們一會組成臨時、善變的同盟,一會又輕易地彼此背叛。祂們比多元宇宙的任何老鳥都更了解陰謀詭計的來龍去脈,也熱衷於使用這些陷阱坑害自己的同儕。
Course, the high-ups don't leave all the fun to their servants. It's said the Lords of the Nine hate each other, and they constantly scheme to dethrone one another and grab more power for themselves. They form temporary, shifting alliances and betray each other just as readily. They know the ins and outs of legal trickery better than any blood in the multiverse, and they're not averse to using these traps on each other.
[印記城黑話:High-up—強大的。這可以指一個咒語,地位或任何在可衡量範圍內充滿著力量的事物 。也可以是一個有權有勢的人,高層,比如說,派系長老就是 high-ups。如自稱是「high-up」,則不會是什麼好事,這個詞是其它人用來表示尊敬的。]

Chant is the Lords of the Nine could even give the rope to the true powers of the plane - but they choose not to, out of deference. If it's true, the lords are remarkably tolerant. If it's a peel, they've got a remarkably good propaganda machine, because Baator's deities show no inkling of challenging the lords.
[印記城黑話:Give the rope—給條繩子。指絞刑。那些沒有逃脫法律制裁們的被判刑的罪犯們的下場就是這樣,通常只有盜賊們才用此詞。]

  當然,賽特Set 是個例外,他對任何人能想到的任何情況都有一份計劃預案。有個別巴特祖魔鬼聲稱賽特甚至在計劃推翻 第五層領主Lord of the Fifth 萊維思圖斯親王Prince Levistus。顯然,這位胡狼獸神明已經受夠了與萊維思圖斯對其沙漠神國疆域的爭吵。
Set's an exception, of course - he's got a plot for any circumstance a body could imagine. A few baatezu've said that Set's even planning on overthrowing Prince Levistus, Lord of the Fifth. Apparently, the jackal-headed god has had enough wrangling with Levistus over the size of his desert realm.

Perhaps the lords are worshiped by some of the baatezu of the plane - it's certainly no dark that they're feared and respected. And some say that the Lords of the Nine are true gods, not near-powers. In any case, for ages beyond reckoning, the lords've been studied and catalogued, their existences debated and fought over, mortal priesthoods established with no abilities forthcoming to some and staggering powers granted to others.

If there's a lesson to be learned, it's this: Whatever they are, the lords want the truth of their natures kept dark. They try to destroy all scraps of evidence, but they're not fast enough to squelch all the rumors flying around the planes.


  說實話,奇點Primus——發條之神the Clockwork God、魔塚們的守護神——就其力量來說,他大約等同於一位強大神力。(雖然奇點超越了性別,但他通常被以男性神力稱呼。)唯一的問題是,他的大部分追隨者並不崇拜、尊崇甚至不知曉他的存在。你看,每種魔塚都僅知曉魔塚階層中其直接上級和其下級。因此,只有第二高級的魔塚——二次塚secundi——意識到了奇點的存在。
To tell the truth, Primus - the Clockwork God, patron of the modrons - is about equal to a greater power on his own merit. (Though Primus is above the distinction of gender, he's usually referred to as a male power.) But the only problem is he's not worshiped, revered'd, or even acknowledged by most of his followers. See, each moclron knows only of the others dircclly above and below it in rank. Thus, only the second-highest modrons — the secundi — are aware of Primus's existence.

  儘管如此,奇點仍然把一切管理得井井有條。他是秩序本身的顯現,代表著 機械境Mecchanus 所代表的一切。在他的領導下,魔塚被期望以最高的效率運作,推進秩序的理念,並將這套結構傳播到整個宇宙中。奇點只與他的二次塚交談,但他的意志將下滲到整個魔塚隊列中。
Nonetheless, Primus runs a tight ship. He's the manifestation of order itself, the representation of all that Mecchanus stands for. Under him, the modrons are expected to function at maximum efficiency, to advance the ideals of law, to spread that structure across the cosmos. Primus speaks only to his secundi, but his wishes are filtered down throughout the ranks.

  這位守護神從 獅子座大鐘樓Regulus、一片位於機械境的廣闊神國實施著統治。奇點通常被描繪為一座能量池、或是一座閃閃發光的燈塔,他是所有魔塚的源頭,是指導它們每個行動的蜂巢意識。信息必須經由指揮鏈上下傳遞,但傳言說奇點知曉所有魔塚知曉的一切(至少是在它們知道後的幾分鐘內)。
The patron rules from Regulus, a vast realm on the plane of Mcchanus. Portrayed as a pool of energy or a shimmering tower of light, Primus is the source of all modrons and the hive mind that directs their every action. Information must filter up and down the chain of command, but chant is Primus knows everything any modron knows (at least within a few minutes of the discovery).

  當某隻魔塚死亡時,它的軀殼將融化、而它的能量將立即重歸奇點。接著,他將發出信號讓一隻低一階的魔塚擢升填補空缺,然後被擢升的魔塚空出的位置將由一隻更低一階的魔塚填補,直至某隻最低階的 一元塚monodrone 被擢升為止。而到了那時,奇點將從自我存在的能量浴中發出一隻新的一元塚,並由更高級的魔塚將其引導進新的工作中。所以,魔塚們毫無個體概念的說法是真的——它們其實都是奇點的延伸。
When a modron dies, its shell dissolves and its energy immediately returns to Primus. He then sends the signal to promote a lower-ranking modron to fill the slot, and a still-lower modron to fill that post, and so on down the line until a monodrone is promoted to replace its superior. At that point, Primus emits a new monodrone from the energy bath of his being, and higher modrons shepherd it to new assignment. Thus, it's true to say that modrons don't have individuality -they're all extensions of Primus.

  每當機械境的齒輪完成17次循環(據 管理者the Guvners 的估計,約289年),奇點將派遣魔塚橫穿 外層位面Outer Planes。雖然 魔塚遠征the Great Modron March 的目的為何基本是個秘密,但老鳥們覺得這是為了獲取目前諸位面運轉情況的新聞。在這樣的信息的滋養之下,奇點和他那詭異怪誕的邏輯將成長得愈發茁壯。畢竟,知識就是力量,據說在奇點的心中鎖著多元宇宙幾乎所有秘密。
Every time the gears of Mechanus complete 17 cycles (which figures out to 289 years as counted by the Guvners), Primus sends modrons off across the Outer Planes. Though the purpose of the Great Modron March is dark to most, bloods think it's to pick up chant on the current workings of the planes. Armed with such information, Primus and his alien logic grow ever stronger. Knowledge is power, after all, and it's said that there are few secrets in the multiverse that Primus doesn't have locked away in his mind.
[印記城黑話:Dark——任何秘密可稱為dark. "Here's the dark of it,"等於說 "I've got a secret and I'll share it with you." ]
[印記城黑話:Blood——專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]
[印記城黑話—chant,表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. ]

史拉蟾領主Slaadi Lords

  在 混沌海Limbo 位面上的法則與 奇點Primus 完全對立。在那裡,在因素物質的漩渦濃湯中,棲息著史拉蟾的神力們:混沌領主the Lords of Chaos。
Primus's exact opposites rule on the plane of Limbo. There, in the swirling soup of elemental matter, live the slaadi powers: the Lords of Chaos.

  沒什麼人會認為這些老鳥是真神。從史拉蟾那榨出的一點消息來看,對他們種族來說混沌領主們更像偉大的英雄(而非神明)。傳言說,祂們真身是成功地在權力的階梯上爬上了另一個台階的 史拉亡蟾death slaadi。作為混沌海之混沌的孩子,史拉蟾領主們探索著對祂們而言純粹的可能性,並已發現了一些有些人覺得藏起來更好的秘密。
Few consider these bloods true deities. From what little's been wrung out of slaadi, it seems that the Lords of Chaos are more like great heroes to their race. Chant is they're really death slaadi that've managed to move up another rung on the ladder of power. By exploring the sheer possibilities available to them as the children of Limbo's chaos, they've discovered secrets that some think might have been better left hidden.
[印記城黑話:Blood—專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]
[印記城黑話:chant—表示新聞,本地閒話,事實,情形或者其他任何有關當前局勢的事情. ]

They've come away with greater abilities, but they've also established themselves as individuals, not only in their own minds but also in the minds of bashers across the planes. Each lord seeks an expression of chaos that's beyond what the slaadi form offers, and each embodies a unique flavor of that primal force.
[印記城黑話—Basher,某人,中性詞。一般但不總是,暗指其是個暴徒或打手. ]

  已知只有四位混沌領主的存在。其中最古老的是 癲狂女士the Lady of Insanity 森達姆Ssendam。據說,她是只巨大的金色阿米巴蟲,一團不斷外滲的混沌,任何凡人看見她就會發瘋。森達姆已開發出一種精神力量,讓她能粉碎思想、驅使民眾——並更好地促進混亂。
Only four Lords of Chaos are known to exist. The oldest by far is Ssendam, the Lady of Insanity. It's said she's a great golden amoeba, a mass of oozing chaos, and any mortal sod who looks upon her supposedly goes barmy. Ssendam has also developed mental powers that let her crush minds and drive folks and - the better to promote chaos.

  四位中的第二位是 熵之領主the Lord of Entropy 伊戈爾勒Ygorl。有人說他統治著混沌海(其程度到達了任何人對這一終極混亂位面能企及的控制程度),並實際創造了史拉蟾的 產卵石Spawning Stone。伊戈爾勒使用被燒焦的有翼史拉蟾骷髏形態,而他的巨大的巨鐮能夠穿透任何活物的血肉。他試圖通過派遣大量史拉蟾到各位面到各色寄主中植入它們的卵,來延續這個種族。
The second of the four is Ygorl, the Lord of Entropy. Some say he rules Limbo (insofar as any basher can control the plane of ultimate disorder) and actually created the slaadi Spawning Stone. Ygorl takes the form of a charred, winged slaadi skeleton, and his great scythe can cut through any living flesh. He tries to perpetuate the race by sending masses of slaadi across the planes to plant their eggs in host bodies.

  第三位領主是 「不可預知者」丘斯特Chourst the Unpredictable,這是一隻20呎高的純白色史拉蟾。他除了自己什麼都不關心,他的行動隨心所欲、時刻變化。與其祂領主相較,他更受衝動的支配。有些人覺得他是異想天開的化身。已完全瘋癲了的他肆意地進行著隨機的破壞——直到有其它玩意吸引他的注意力。
The third lord is Chourst the Unpredictable, a 20-fool-tall slaad of purest white. He cares for nothing but himself and takes whatever actions strike him from moment to moment. More than any other lord, Chourst is ruled by impulse. Some think he's whimsy incarnate. He's also totally insane and goes on rampages of random destruction - until something else catches his eye.


  第四位領主是位名作 瑞因布Rennbuu 的史拉蟾藝術家,他是 色彩領主Lord of Colors。他留著一頭令人震驚的白色鬣發,與他不斷變幻色彩的鱗片形成了鮮明的對比。不過,對史拉蟾一族來說他僅僅是個討厭鬼。據說通過改變一隻史拉蟾的色調,他可以真正將這隻生物變為不同品種的史拉蟾。就實際效果來說,瑞因布可以隨其心意地對史拉蟾進行晉升和貶落。
The fourth of the bunch is an artistic slaad known as Rennbuu, Lord of Colors. He wears a mane of shockingly white hair that contrasts starkly with the ever-shifting colors of his scales, and he loves to change the colors of people and objects. To the slaadi, though, he's more than a nuisance. Its said that by changing the color of a slaad, Rennbuu can actually turn the creature into a different kind of slaad. In effect, Rennbuu grants promotions or demotions at his whim.

痛苦女士The Lady of Pain

  關於 痛苦女士the Lady of Pain 的所有猜測多到足以讓一位 管理者Guvner 塞滿十座圖書館。或許她是位塔納厘雜種,為了避開 無底深淵the Abyss 渴望復仇的諸神力而躲在了 印記城Sigil 中?或許她是位強大的人類法師,是第一位習得後者的秘密——並因此能夠控制——無極尖峰the Spire籠城the Cage?又或者,她是從某位龍神的蛋蛋中孵出來的嗎?沒人知道,但這不能阻止這些巴佬亂嚼舌根。
A Guvner could fill ten libraries with all that's been guessed about the Lady of Pain. Is she tanar'ri-spawned, hiding out in Sigil from the vengeful powers of the Abyss? Is she a powerful human mage, the first to learn - and thus control - the secrets of the Spire and the Cage? Is she a hatchling from the eggs of a draconic deity? No one knows, but that doesn't stop berks from flapping their bone-boxes.
[印記城黑話:Bone-box—嘴巴,得名於其中的牙齒,獠牙或其他之類的。 "Stop rattling your bone-box,"是告訴一個笨蛋停止恐嚇或是吹牛。]

  不過所有人至少都同意這點:女士的刃發和神秘身形讓所有窺探她的人心中跳動著恐懼。而那些反對她的人將被逐入 迷宮the Mazes 或是直接剝皮。她是印記城的象徵,這就是所有人需要知道的全部。
All that folks can agree on is this: The Lady's bladed head and enigmatic form strike fear in the hearts of all who spy her. Those who oppose her are spun off into the Mazes or flayed outright. She's the symbol of Sigil, and that's about all anyone needs to know.

  當然,痛苦女士可不僅僅城市的標誌物——她也是這座城市的守衛,女士控制著傳送門,防止這個地方落入潛在的征服者之手。諸神被拒之門外;事實上,印記城是少數幾個由凡人決定、凡人能自己呆著的自由之地。許多人讓 管理者the Guvners、和諧會the Harmonium 和 慈悲滅絕會the Mercykillers 為這份自由制定了規則,但女士對此並不在意。
Course, she's more than the city's icon - she's its guardian as well, the one who controls the portals and keeps the place from falling into the hands of would-be conquerors. The gods are kept out; fact is, Sigil's one of the few places where freedom is determined by mortals and mortals alone. Many folks let the Guvners, the Harmonium. and the Mercykillers set the rules of that freedom, but the Lady doesn't seem to care.

See, the Lady can't be appeased or appealed to. She can't even be worshiped; any berk who praises her name is thrown into the Prison - if he's lucky enough to escape her dreaded gaze. The fact that folks go out of their way not to worship her sets her apart from most other near-powers (if that's what she truly is).

  無論真相如何,印記城關於女士為什麼不允許信仰的謠言四處紛飛。其中一個謠言涉及了傳送門之神 奧斯卡Aoskar:在幾千年前,女士將他踹出了城裡,他的名字現在是一道詛咒。但傳言說,只要 門城the City of Doors 中保持著沒有神明的狀態,奧斯卡就將保持死亡狀態。所以只要人們開始向女士宣誓,這位前傳送門神力就可能再度歸來。
Sigil being what it is, rumors fly about why the Lady won't abide worship. One involves Aoskar, god of portals: The Lady booted him out of town millennia ago, and now his name is a curse. But chant is that Aoskar'll stay dead only as long as there's no god in the City of Doors. If folks start pledging themselves to the Lady, the former power of portals will be able to return.

That's just one strain of the barmy talk than runs daily through the city's wards. Hard truth is, no one knows what the Lady is or what she's up to, and chances are no one ever will. She remains a mystery, and it's no dark that sods who dig too deeply for answers wind up in the Mazes (or worse). Best to let it lie.

神嗣The Children of Powers

Occasionally, when a power roams the planes, a mortal catches his (or her) eye. Usually, the cutter is especially beautiful, virtuous, or wise, but needn't be any of those things. After all, gods can be a randy lot, and they're used to having their way. They don't hesitate to press their suit on mortals who draw their fancy. The result of this union is almost always a child with divine blood flowing in its veins.
[印記城黑話:Cutter—傢伙,夥計。 對於其他人的一種普通稱呼,不限男女,由於這種稱呼帶有一些親切的意味,所以比稱呼別人berk要好得多。]

The offspring of gods, it seems, are always destined for big things - for good or ill. They're children of fate, the result of immortal meddling in the morial realm. The powers have little to say over what happens to 'em. More often than not, they grow to become great heroes, entering the legends of the pantheon. Some even become demipower. But that ain't always the ease. Some turn to villainy, using their divine heritage to draw on abilities no ordinary sod could counter.

Either way, children of powers show up now and again, each with unique gifts that set them apart from the crowd. Some realize who they are; others don't. Some'll help a body out; others'll treat him like a bug. But remember, berk: The gods watch over their children, and there's no worse foe than an angry parent - especially one who can shoot lightning bolts.


The near-powers described above don't exhaust the list - not by a long shot. They're just some of the better-known (or more important) bloods who teeter on the brink of true godhood. Others exist, those who either can't draw enough faith from their followers or can't get enough of a foothold to make a case.
[印記城黑話:Blood——專家,智者或是任何領域的老鳥。一個角鬥士冠軍可以是一個 blood, 一個強大的巫師也可以是blood.稱呼某人為blood是對其特別尊敬的一種表示.]

  吉斯洋基人githyanki 自己也注意到了他們的類神力永遠無法進入這個大聯盟。看,就像魔冢,他們不會信仰他們的守護神(吉斯洋基人對成為祭司沒有興趣),而獲得神性的關鍵便是敬拜。他們對他們的女王——一位名為 維拉基斯Vlaakith 的強力老鳥——懷有的僅僅是尊崇(以及恐懼)。她居住在一座位於 星界the Astral Plane 面積最大的吉斯城市 圖納拉斯城Tu'narath 的宮殿中,吞噬著那些讓自己的力量超過了界限的吉斯洋基人精華。這是因為她是一隻巫妖,這一情形有助於她在一段很長的時間中掌控吉斯洋基人種族的力量。
The githyanki themselves see to it that their near-power never makes it into the big leagues. See, like the modrons, they don't worship their patron (githyanki don't care to become priests) and worship is the key to divinity. They merely revere —and fear — their queen, a mighty blood named Vlaakith. She dwells in a palace in Tu'narath, the largest gith city on the Astral Plane, and she devours the life essence of any githyanki who gains too much strength for himself. That's because she's a lich, a condition that's helped her to hold the reins of power over the githyanki race for a long time.

  有人說 卡瑟利Carceri 的 格里萊屍魔gehreleths 情況相同——他們缺乏對自己的守護神和父親 「三面之人」阿索波斯Apomps the Three-Sided One 真正的信仰,無法讓他成為一位真正的神力。無論情況是否屬實,格里萊屍魔無疑會以某種方式向阿索波斯,這位在很久以前創造了格里萊屍魔的瘋狂 巴納羅斯魔baernaloth 致敬。其祂巴納羅斯魔在見到他作品的那一刻就將他驅逐了出去,現在阿索波斯還在尋求對自己過去同胞的復仇。因此,他充滿了對其祂巴納羅斯魔的珍貴造物——整個尤格羅斯魔種族——的仇恨。
Some say the gehreleths of Carceri are in same boat—their lack of true worship keeps their patron and father, Apomps the Three-Sided One, from becoming a full power. Whether that's true or not, the leths definitely pay some form of tribute to Apomps, a mad baernaloth who created the gehreleth race long ago. Upon seeing his works, the other baernaloths drove him out, and now Apomps seeks vengeance on his former fellows. So he fills all his 'leths with a hatred of the prized creation of the other baernaloths—the entire yugoloth race.

  最後,並非所有類神力都棲息在 星界the Astral外層位面Outer Planes。有大量傢伙在 內層位面the Inner Planes 安了家,這並不能阻止祂們在物質位面世界擁有崇拜者。但就像祂們處在諸位面的邊際之間一樣,這些類神力的領土與控制範圍的劃線是混亂的,這可能就是為什麼祂們無法成為真神。
Finally, not all near-powcrs live on the Astral or a Outer Planes. A good numher make their homes on the Inner Planes, and it doesn't stop 'em from having worshipers across the primematerial worlds. But the lines of territory and control are messy (just as they are between the borders of the planes), which might be what keeps some of these bloods from true divinily.

  尤其是在 元素位面the Elemental Planes,關於統治權的衝突一直不斷。阿卡迪Akadi延-西-賓Yan-C-Bin 都宣稱掌控了 空氣Air;谷藍巴Grumbar歐雷莫克Ogrémoch 都不會拋棄 大地Earth;卡署斯Kossuth伊密克斯Imix 都自稱為火之王;而 依斯提悉亞Istishia奧利德拉Olhydra 爭奪著對 水Water 的控制權。當然,阿卡迪、谷藍巴、卡署斯和依斯提悉亞都是不打一絲折扣的神力。其祂四位則只是毫無希望的追趕者。
On the Elemental Planes, especially, rivalries flare over the right of rulership. Both Akadi and Yan-C-Bin claim mastery over Air; Grumbar and Ogrémoch won't budge from Earth; Kossuth and Imix call themselves kings of fire; and Islishia and Olhydra vie for control of Water. Course, Akadi, Grumbar, Kossuth, and Istishia are honest-to-goodness powers. The other four are wannabes who don't really stand a chance.

  側元素位面The Para-Elemental Planes 的較少爭議。一位老鳥說自己是某個位面的主宰,然後故事就這樣結束了。這就是 埃卡克Ehkahk赤利比亞Chilimba畢溫博Bwimb克里歐那克斯Cryonax 如何分別成為了 煙霧Smoke、岩漿Magma、軟泥Ooze 與 冰Ice 的「統治者」。讓我再說一次:祂們能夠在位的原因有可能只是沒人感到在意而將祂們趕下台。
The Para-elemental Planes are less contested. A blood says he's master of the plane, and that's the end of it. That's how Enkahk, Chilimba, Bwimb, and Cryonax got to be "ruler" of Smoke, Magma, Ooze, and Ice, respectively. Then again, it's possible that they're in charge only because no one else cares enough to knock them out of power.
