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索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira,伟大弓手
【音   标】SOE-lue-nohr Theh-LAN-dih-ruh
【头   衔】锐眼Keen-Eye,伟大弓手the Great Archer,森林猎人the Forest Hunter
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】I
【神   职】箭术Archery,狩猎hunting,荒野生存wilderness survival
【神   系】席德瑞恩诸神The Seldarine
【主   神】柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
【盟   友】裳提阿Chauntea希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien埃达丝Eldath伊莉丝翠Eilistraee芙瑞克Ferrix妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom奥伯龙Oberon梅丽凯Mielikki诺班尼恩Nobanion山达柯尔Shaundakul西凡纳斯Silvanus斯凯里特Skerrit泰坦妮亚Titania席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine各种动物领主various Animal Lords
【敌   对】巴尔Bhaal(消逝dead),苟莱利克Gorellik格兰库尔Grankhul葛洛蓝托Grolantor犸拉Malar摩安多Moander空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness塔洛斯Talos卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee
【神   国】奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus阿梵多国度Arvandor
【徽   记】绿羽的银箭Silver arrow with green fletching
【简   介】索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira 是精灵的狩猎、箭术、以及在荒野和恶劣之地生存之神。

伟大弓手The Great Archer 在弓术方面的超凡技艺是在 诸国度the Realms 被崇敬的其祂神力无法匹敌的。索罗诺尔关注着自然的完整性,以及被开拓与耕作的那部分土地、与处在休耕、荒芜的其它部分土地之间的平衡。


2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p132>索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira

索罗诺尔·岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira

  (锐眼Keen-Eye,伟大弓手the Great Archer,森林猎人the Forest Hunter)

  奔放之野中等神力Intermediate Power of Arborea,

  神职PORTFOLIO:箭术Archery,狩猎hunting,荒野生存wilderness survival
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:奥林匹斯Olympus阿梵多国度Arvandor
  主神SUPERIOR:柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian
  盟友ALLIES:裳提阿Chauntea希劳拉妮Cyrrollalee埃曼提恩基安Emmantiensien埃达丝Eldath伊莉丝翠Eilistraee芙瑞克Ferrix妃艾尔菈Fionnghuala桂伦·流风Gwaeron Windstrom奥伯龙Oberon梅丽凯Mielikki诺班尼恩Nobanion山达柯尔Shaundakul西凡纳斯Silvanus斯凯里特Skerrit泰坦妮亚Titania席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine各种动物领主various Animal Lords
  敌对FOES:巴尔Bhaal(消逝dead),苟莱利克Gorellik格兰库尔Grankhul葛洛蓝托Grolantor犸拉Malar摩安多Moander空暗女王the Queen of Air and Darkness塔洛斯Talos卓尔神系the drow pantheon(除了 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee
  徽记SYMBOL:绿羽的银箭Silver arrow with green fletching
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN


  索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira(读作“SOE-lue-nohr Theh-LAN-dih-ruh”)是精灵的狩猎、箭术、以及在荒野和恶劣之地生存之神。伟大弓手The Great Archer 在弓术方面的超凡技艺是在 诸国度the Realms 被崇敬的其祂神力无法匹敌的。索罗诺尔关注着自然的完整性,以及被开拓与耕作的那部分土地、与处在休耕、荒芜的其它部分土地之间的平衡。类似于 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian费马罗·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine,伟大弓手注视着精灵领土的边界。除了箭术和狩猎外,他也教导了 优雅族裔the Fair Folk 在天然植物中躲藏和穿行而不被侦测发现的艺术。索罗诺尔主要受到精灵和半精灵游侠、猎人、樵夫和战士的尊崇。尤为突出的是,精灵猎人们会为了更好地捕获猎物而呼唤他,而受困于敌方领土的精灵武者们会临时呼唤他祈求援助。最近几个世纪中,有个别人类(主要是些猎人)也已加入了他的信仰。
Solonor Thelandira (SOE-lue-nohr Theh-LAN-dih-ruh) is the elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places. The Great Archer's prowess with the bow is unmatched by any other power venerated in the Realms. Solonor is concerned with the integrity of nature and the balance between exploitation and agriculture on one hand and fallow, wild terrains on the other. Like Corellon Larethian and Fenmarel Mestarine, the Great Archer watches over the boundaries of elven lands. He instructs the Fair Folk in the art of hiding in and moving through natural foliage so as not to be detected as well as the art of archery and hunting. Solonor is primarily revered by elven and half-elven rangers, hunters, woodsmen, and fighters. In particular, elven hunters appeal to him for better catches of game and elven warriors trapped in hostile territory call on him for aid. In recent centuries a few humans, primarily hunters, have joined his faith as well.

  索罗诺尔和其祂所有共同组成了 席德瑞恩诸神the Seldarine 的神力结盟。尤值得一提的是,伟大弓手与柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安、费马罗·莫斯德林、以及 谢瓦拉许Shevarash 在守卫精灵家园边界上的亲密协作。在许多传说中,费马罗据说是索罗诺尔的兄弟,而尽管前者对席德瑞恩诸神产生了隔阂(索罗诺尔认为 罗丝Lolth 需对此负责),但 孤狼the Lone Wolf 与 伟大弓手the Great Archer 仍然是亲密的盟友。自谢瓦拉许神化以来,索罗诺尔一直是这位绿精灵的导师,而这两位均仇恨着 蛛后the Spider Queen 和她的追随者——卓尔the drow,不过索罗诺尔并未像 黑夜猎人the Night Hunter 那样已被仇恨吞噬。索罗诺尔与 瑞里芬·莱勒菲Rillifane Rallathil 在保存与保护自然世界方面亲密协作。不过伟大猎人比 叶之主the Leaflord 更能容忍文明的缓慢发展(这种哲学观上的差异,有时会影响这两种原本能团结一致来在人类的无情扩张面前、保存优雅族裔的宏伟森林的信仰之间的关系。索罗诺尔与 伊莉丝翠Eilistraee 是真正的知心伴侣,有些神话将祂们描绘为异父(或母)同胞,其它神话则暗示祂们有一种正在迅速发展的浪漫关系(这让谢瓦拉许和费马罗都非常沮丧)。在非精灵神力中,索罗诺尔在和其祂与自然世界相关的神力关系密切,包括 “森林女士Lady of Forests”梅丽凯Mielikki(另一位与他有着浪漫关系的女神)、“橡树之父”西凡纳斯Silvanus the Oakfather“护林人”斯凯里特Skerrit the Forester、以及各种 动物领主Animals Lords(尤其是那些与狩猎相关的领主,例如 猫领主Cat Lord狼领主Wolf Lord)。索罗诺尔鄙弃那些倾向亵渎自然的神力,并积极地对抗这些神明和祂们的追随者们的影响力。索罗诺尔最大的仇敌是 犸拉Malar塔洛斯Talos,紧接着的是罗丝和 哀怒王庭the Unseelie Court 的成员。野兽之主The Beastlord 那永恒、不休止的嗜血欲望是对索罗诺尔所珍视的每项原则的卑劣歪曲。类似的,毁灭者the Destroyer 也渴望着毁灭伟大弓手努力缔造和维护的脆弱平衡。很像蛛后,空暗女王The Queen of Air and Darkness 集中展现了那些甚至能在伟大弓手的永恒地警惕下、在精灵那些精类祖先心中扎根的腐化。
Solonor is allied with all the powers who collectively compose the Seldarine. In particular, the Great Archer works closely with Corellon Larethian, Fenmarel Mestarine, and Shevarash to defend the borders of elven homelands. In many tales, Fenmarel is said to be the brother of Solonor, and despite the former's estrangement from the Seldarine for which Solonor holds Lolth responsible, the Lone Wolf and the Great Archer are still close allies. Solonor has served as Shevarash's mentor since the green elf's apotheosis, and the two are united in their hatred of the Spider Queen and her followers, the drow, although the Great Archer is not as consumed with vengeance as the Night Hunter. Solonor and Rillifane Rallathil work closely to preserve and protect the natural world. Although the Great Archer is more tolerant of the slow growth of civilization than the Leaflord, a philosophical difference that sometimes spills over into the relations between their two faiths, they are united in their efforts to preserve the great forests of the Fair Folk from the relentless expansion of humankind. Solonor and Eilistraee are true kindred spirits, with some myths depicting them as half-siblings and other myths suggesting a burgeoning romantic relationship (much to the dismay of both Shevarash and Fenmarel). Among the nonelven powers, Solonor is closely allied with other powers concerned with the natural world, including Mielikki, Lady of Forests, another goddess with which he has been romantically linked, Silvanus the Oakfather, Skerrit the Forester, and the various Animals Lords, particularly those concerned with hunting such as the Cat Lord and Wolf Lord. Solonor despises powers that favor despoliation over nature, and actively opposes the efforts of such gods and their followers. Solonor's greatest foes are Malar and Talos, followed closely by Lolth and members of the Unseelie Court. The Beastlord's eternal, unquenchable bloodlust is a vile perversion of every principle Solonor holds dear. Likewise, the Destroyer's hunger for destruction works to tear apart the delicate balance the Greater Archer has striven to forge and maintain. The Queen of Air and Darkness, much like the Spider Queen, embodies the corruption that can take root even in the hearts of even those of fey ancestry and against which the Great Archer stands ever vigilant.

  索罗诺尔总是在追逐猎物,很少会在同一个地方呆很长的时间。不同于许多的猎人,伟大弓手只会处于对物种之间的平衡的担忧和消灭恶行者(尤其是卓尔精灵)而追踪猎物。庄重(有时是严峻)的举止反映了他所面临的困境,即在文明与荒野、本能与知识、原始状态与家庭生活之间,求得一种可能的平衡。索罗诺尔言出必践,决不轻许诺言。这位神祇最喜爱的策略是,如果他预期将与一位特别危险的敌人作战,他会与这个敌人进行一次身体接触,随后撤离。他每这样做一次,他就能在随后制造出一支专为杀死那位对手设计、将会正中要害的特殊 杀戮箭arrow of slaying。随后他将无情地追捕他的猎物,希望能将其一次击倒。许多来自 下层位面the Lower Planes 的邪魔体会过索罗诺尔的死亡之箭的噬咬。
Solonor is always in pursuit of quarry, and he rarely remains in one location for very long. Unlike many hunters, the Great Archer stalks prey only out of concern for the overall balance between the species and to destroy evil-doers, particularly the drow. His serious, sometimes grim, demeanor reflects the difficulty he faces in forging a workable compromise between the competing forces of civilization and wilderness, instinct and knowledge, and savagery and domesticity. Solonor's word is his bond, and his pledge is never given lightly. Solonor does not close to do battle with an enemy, but tracks and pursues instead, firing arrows from a never-empty quiver. The favorite tactic of this deity, should he anticipate battling a particularly dangerous foe, is to physically touch that being and then retreat. Once by himself again, he can then manufacture a special arrow of slaying designed especially to kill that one opponent, should it strike home. He then hunts his quarry relentlessly, hoping to bring him down in a single shot. Many fiends from the Lower Planes have felt the bite of Solonor's deadly arrows.


索罗诺尔的化身Solonor's Avatar

  (游侠Ranger 34,德鲁伊Druid 29,吟游诗人Bard 19)

Solonor appears as a strong, sinuous male elf clad in a great cloak of living leaves. He casts spells from the spheres of all, animal, combat, divination, elemental, healing, plant, sun, travelers, and weather and favors spells from the schools of alteration, enchantment/charm, and illusion/phantasm, although he can cast spells from any school.

  防御等级 -3;移动 15;生命值 228,零级命中值 -10;#攻击 2次(精灵长弓近战) 或 3次(弓)
  伤害 1d6+14(+5精灵长弓,+9 力量) 或 1d8+17 (+5精灵长弓+3箭,+9 力量)
  魔抗 80%;体型 中型M(6.5呎高)
  力量 21,敏捷 24,体质 22,智力 20,感知 20,魅力 19
  法术 祭司P:12/12/11/11/9/9/7,法师W:4/4/4/4/4/3/2
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -3; MV 15; HP 228; THAC0 -10; #AT 2 (elven long bow-melee) or 3 (bow)
  Dmg 1d6+14 (elven long bow +5, +9 STR) or 1d8+17 (long bow +5 and arrow +3, +9 STR)
  MR 80%; SZ M (6 1/2 feet tall)
  STR 21, DEX 24, CON 22, INT 20, Wis 20, CHA 19
  Spells P: 12/12/11/11/9/9/7, W: 4/4/4/4/4/3/2
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  索罗诺尔挥舞着 长射Longshot,那是一张能不受惩罚地远至以地平线为目标的 +5精灵长弓(见下“教会The Church”部分的“冒险装束Adventuring Garb”分段),并携带着 无尽箭囊Quiver of Endless Arrows,那是一种能每轮供应2支任何种类(猎箭、束箭、银箭、或是寒铁箭)+3箭 的魔法箭囊。每日2次,他能抽出一支针对所期望生物物种 杀戮箭。若他已与其目标猎物发生过身体接触,他可以在之后花费3轮来增强这支特殊 杀戮箭 的附魔。他可以使用它有效对付任何低于半神力地位的对应种类生物。伟大弓手戴着 适应项链necklace of adaptation、穿着 异迹之靴boots of varied tracks。在森林和林地场所中,随意使用,索罗诺尔能使用 进阶隐形术improved invisibility行迹无踪pass without trace、并且能在移动时不发出一点声音。
Solonor wields Longshot, an elven long bow +5 (see below under the Adventuring Garb subsection of The Church section) that can shoot as far as the horizon without penalty, and carries the Quiver of Endless Arrows, a magical quiver that can supply two arrows +3 of any type (flight, sheaf, silver, or cold-wrought iron) per round. Twice per day he can draw forth an arrow of slaying for any type of creature as desired. If he takes three rounds to enhance the enchantment of a particular arrow of slaying after physically touching his intended quarry, Solonor can make it effective against any such individual being of less than demipower status. The Great Archer wears a necklace of adaptation and boots of varied tracks. In forest and sylvan settings, Solonor can use improved invisibility, pass without trace, and move without making a sound at will.

  锐眼Keen-Eye 不能被任何处于其500码内的生物突袭,并免疫任何类型的远程武器,还能弯曲任何目标为他的箭矢的飞行路径,让其回转回去、瞄准发射它的弓手。他只能被+2或更好的魔法武器击中。
Keen-Eye cannot be surprised by any creature within 500 yards of his person, is immune to missiles of any sort, and can bend the flight path of any arrow shot at him so that it turns back around and targets the archer who launched it. He can be struck only by +2 or better magical weapons.


其祂显现Other Manifestations

  索罗诺尔最常以下述三种方式中的一种显现。让生物被笼罩着一团银绿色的光轮中,在接下来的7轮中,为它们提供一道 防护箭矢protection from normal missiles 法术的增益。让弓笼罩在相同的光轮中,让其在接下来的三次射击中获得+3的攻击奖励。让飞翔的箭矢被索罗诺尔的银绿色火焰吞没,使其可以传递一道法术效果,例如 妖火faerie fire火焰箭flame arrow支配怪物hold monster电爪shocking grasp、或是类似的法术,如同等级或生命骰与这位弓手相同的祭司所施展。在非常罕见的情况下,这样的箭会如一支对某一特定物种或个体生效的 杀戮箭 运作。
Solonor most commonly manifests in one of three ways. Beings are enveloped in a nimbus of silver-green light that confers upon them the benefits of a protection from normal missiles spell for the next 7 rounds. Bows engulfed in the same ambient radiance receive a +3 attack bonus on their next three shots. Arrows in flight engulfed in the silver-green fire of Solonor may deliver a spell effect such as faerie fire, flame arrow, hold monster, shocking grasp, or the like as if cast by priest of the same level or Hit Dice as the archer. On very rare occasions, such arrows act as an arrow of slaying for a particular species or an individual.

  席德瑞恩诸神呼唤 辉赫神使agathinon、阿修罗asuras、以及 远古树人ancient treant作为他们首选的神仆,但索罗诺尔也被以下存在侍奉着:aasimon、男首斯菲克斯、阿兹米蝠、bariaurs、黑熊、棕熊、bhaerghalas、buraq、cath shee、半人马、库希灵犬、树精、einheriar、eladrin、精灵猫、妖精龙、firboigs、火翼星、firetails、福兽foo creature、frosts、great cats、狮鹫、guardinals、hamadryads、hollyphants、hybsils、勇气具现incarnates of courage、kholiathra、石羊人、翼狮、lillendi、lythari、月犬、月马、oreads、pers、皮克精、受眷者reverend one、喜乐妖精、银犬silver dogs、仙灵、天鹅仙女、sunflies、独角兽、半人狮、狼、以及木巨人。他通过以下来展示他的眷顾:血石bloodstone、黑曜石obsidian、磷铝石variscite、或是 旋枝树木phandar wood 的发现;冬日叮当作响的橡树;射入目标的第一支箭接下来的第二支劈开[译注:即箭术术语Robin Hood的情况];在需要的时候发现猎物。这位神明以自然现象的形式授予兆示,例如鸟类的异常飞行状态或是野生动物的奇怪行为。锐眼提供以下来表现他的不悦:使得弓断弦;箭头剥落、粉碎或是掉落;弓或箭弯曲;或是小树枝突然折断。
The Seldarine call on agathinon, asuras, and ancient treants as their preferred servants, but Solonor is also served by aasimon, androsphinxes, azmyths, bariaurs, black bears, brown bears, bhaerghalas, buraq, cath shee, centaurs, cooshee, dryads, einheriar, eladrin, elven cats, faerie dragons, firboigs, firestars, firetails, foo creatures, frosts, great cats, griffons, guardinals, hamadryads, hollyphants, hybsils, incarnates of courage, kholiathra, korred, lammasu, lillendi, lythari, moon dogs, moon-horses, oreads, pers, pixies, reverend ones, seelie faeries, silver dogs, sprites, swanmays, sunflies, unicorns, wemics, wolves, and wood giants. He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of bloodstones, obsidian, variscite, or phandar wood, the tinkling of chime oaks in winter, the splitting of an arrow embedded in a target by the next arrow, and the discovery of game in a time of need. Omens granted by the god take the form of natural phenomena, such as unusual flights of birds or strange behavior by wild animals. Keen-Eye indicates his displeasure by causing bowstrings to snap, arrowheads to chip, shatter, or fall off, bows and arrow shafts to warp, or twigs to snap.

教会The Church

  神职阵营CLERGY'S ALIGN.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,混乱中立CN
  驱散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧师C:可Yes;游侠R:不可No
  呵斥不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧师C:不可No;游侠R:不可No

  索罗诺尔的所有牧师(包括兼职半精灵牧师,以及精灵牧师/游侠这种索罗诺尔的精灵祭司可用的兼职组合)和游侠得到 宗教知识religion(精灵elf) 和 阅读/书写reading/writing(月精灵文Espruar) 作为非武器熟练奖励。纯职的索罗诺尔牧师必须在长弓或短弓中选择一种武器熟练,其成本是正常的两倍。
All clerics (including multiclassed half-elven clerics and elven cleric/rangers, a multiclassed combination allowed to elven priests of Solonor) and rangers of Solonor receive religion (elf) and reading/writing (Espruar) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Single-classed clerics of Solonor must select a weapon proficiency in either the long bow or short bow, at twice the regular cost.

  虽然索罗诺尔在各地的精灵社会中都受到推崇,但他大部分崇拜者都是那些生活在大城市之外的小型森林社群中的优雅族裔。他的崇拜在日常生活中与自然和谐相处,在其他种族破坏性冲动面前保护着环境的绿精灵和月精灵平民中尤为流行。虽然有些金精灵单纯被可以在索罗诺尔教会中找到的、生活在与森林直接的和谐中所吸引,但大部分 艾尔-泰'奎瑟一族the Ar-Tel'Quessir 成员、甚至是傲慢的 忒-泰'奎瑟一族the Teu-Tel'Quessir 贵族浪漫化伟大弓手的教诲,同时将那些组成了伟大弓手信仰的人视作卑贱、值得略加鄙视者,而轻蔑地打发走。
While Solonor is well regarded throughout elven society, most of his worshipers are drawn from those Fair Folk who live outside the great cities in small forest communities. His worship is particularly prevalent among green elves and moon elven commoners involved in the day-to-day realities of living in harmony with nature and preserving the environment in the face of the destructive impulses of other races. While some gold elves drawn to the simple appeal of living in direct harmony with the woods may be found in Solonor's church, for the most part the Ar-Tel'Quessir and even the haughtiest Teu-Tel'Quessir nobility romanticize the teachings of the Great Archer while contemptuously dismissing those who compose the ranks of the Great Archer's faithful as base and worthy of a small measure of scorn.

Temples of Solonor can be found at the heart of deep forests, only accessible via carefully hidden and guarded woodland paths. The Great Archer's houses of worship are a mixture of natural and carefully sculpted features emphasizing the competing principles that Solonor tries to balance. Most temples are cultivated in a grove of trees carefully tended from seedlings to form two or more concentric rings of forest giants. Each tree is grown so as to form one or more natural hollows within its trunk at various elevations, and vine rope bridges are threaded through each tightly packed grove to connect the chambers in the heart of each tree. At ground level, roots, rocks, earth, plants are woven into near impregnable defensive fortifications to ensure the sanctity of the temple perimeter. Earthen chambers are hewn from the dirt beneath the grove, nestled among the tightly woven root structures. In the surrounding woods, trees are carefully planted so as to create narrow, spokelike paths radiating outward from the central grove. Although not immediately obvious to casual observation, the plant growth along such paths is cultivated so as to impede movement but permit the flight of arrows, thus forming natural shooting galleries in which invaders are easily targeted. Solonor's temples contain both ceremonial chambers adorned with hunting trophies and hollows with more practical applications such as crafting and repairing bows and arrows, the curing of venison and other meats, the tanning of hides, and the carving of bones to form tools and figurines.

  索罗诺尔的初修士名为 雏鸟Fledglings。锐眼的正式祭司名名为 隼眼Hawkeyes。依升序,索罗诺尔教派Solonoran 祭司使用的头衔如下:造箭匠Fletcher、制弓匠Bowyer、弓手Archer、灰狼Gray Wolf、雪虎Snow Tiger、 灰熊Grizzly Bear、血隼Blood Hawk、火鹰Fire Falcon、以及 金雕Gold Eagle。高阶祭司拥有独特的个人头衔。专属祭司名为 游侠rangers。索罗诺尔的神职人员包括月精灵(33%)、绿精灵(28%)、金精灵(22%)、半月精灵(8%)、半绿精灵(3%)、半金精灵(2%)、兽化精灵lythari(3%)、以及一小撮(1%)其它血统的精灵和半精灵。索罗诺尔的神职人员包括游侠(36%)、牧师/游侠(33%)、以及牧师(31%,包括除了牧师/游侠之外的其他半精灵兼职牧师)。神职人员大致均分为男性(52%)和女性(48%)。
Novices of Solonor are known as Fledglings. Full priests of Keen-Eye are known as Hawkeyes. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Solonoran priests are Fletcher, Bowyer, Archer, Gray Wolf, Snow Tiger, Grizzly Bear, Blood Hawk, Fire Falcon, and Gold Eagle. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as rangers. The clergy of Solonor includes moon elves (33%), green elves (28%), gold elves (22%), half-moon elves (8%), half-green elves (3%), half-gold elves (2%), lythari (3%), and a handful (1%) of elves and half-elves of other ancestries. Solonor's clergy includes rangers (36%), cleric/rangers (33%), and clerics (31%), including half-elven multiclassed clerics other than cleric/rangers. The clergy is almost equally divided among males (52%) and females (48%).


Walk in harmony with nature and oppose the efforts of those who would disturb her delicate balance. Preserve the wild places from excessive encroachment, and work with those who would settle the land to preserve the beauty that first attracted them. Hunt only for sustenance, culling the old and the weak from the herd so that all species may prosper. Like an arrow in flight, it is difficult to arrest the consequences of an action. Choose your targets carefully, for an ill-considered action can have a long-reaching impact.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

  索罗诺尔的祭司们充当着精灵军队中的侦察兵和弓箭手,精灵定居点中的制弓师、制箭师、以及箭术教练,遥远的农村社区中的猎人和供养者。在那些在很大程度上避开了文明之表象的优雅族裔中,由索罗诺尔的祭职者主持成年仪式。隼眼们通过致力于维护自然之平衡来侍奉伟大弓手。索罗诺尔的祭司们极其痛恨犸拉、塔洛斯或 摩安多Moander 的追随者,常与侍奉叶之主的那些人联合起来,在那些邪神的追随者们露面时将之消灭。
Solonor's priests serve as scouts and archers in elven armies, as bowyers, fletchers, and archery instructors in elven settlements, and as hunters and providers for far-flung rural communities. Among those Fair Folk who largely eschew the trappings of civilization, members of Solonor's priesthood preside over initiation ceremonies into adulthood. Hawkeyes serve the Great Archer by working to maintain the balance of nature. Solonor's priests are deadly enemies of those who worship Malar, Talos, or Moander, and they often join forces with those who serve the Leaflord in order to exterminate followers of those evil gods whenever they make their presence known.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  索罗诺尔的信徒通常会避免无聊的庆祝活动,认为它们会对手头的任务造成不必要的干扰。每朔望月一次,在满月的皎洁月光下,伟大弓手的信徒们聚集起来,为索罗诺尔所传授的技能和由此带来的收获而向他致谢。猎人们供奉无法使用的狩猎战利品献祭,并将未损坏的箭刻上索罗诺尔的徽记然后射向空中,来在苍穹中戳出一个小洞、让索罗诺尔的教诲之光能普照于他的子民(这些箭决不会射向坠落时将会伤到人的方向,包括垂直向上射)。盾会节Shieldmeet 被优雅族裔称之为 柯瑞隆和平日Cinnaelos'Cor(即 柯瑞隆之和平日the Day of Corellon's Peace),每当此时,索罗诺尔的追随者们便会聚集参与大型射箭比赛。据说这类比赛的获胜者将获得伟大弓手的锐利目光,直到下一次盾会节在所有以弓发起的攻击中获得+1攻击奖励的益处。
Solonor's faithful generally eschew frivolous celebrations, considering them unnecessary distractions to the tasks at hand. Once per lunar month, under the soft light of the full moon, the Great Archer's faithful assemble to give thanks for the skills Solonor has taught and the bounty thus provided. Hunters sacrifice hunting trophies that cannot otherwise be employed, and unbroken arrows engraved with the symbol of Solonor are fired into the sky to poke holes in the firmament and allow the light of Solonor's teachings to shine forth on his people (these arrows are never fired in a direction that would cause them to fall where they might hurt someone, including straight up). Each Shieldmeet, known to the Fair Folk as Cinnaelos'Cor (the Day of Corellon's Peace), the followers of Solonor assemble to compete in great archery meets. The winners of such contests are said to receive the Keen-Eye mark of the Great Archer, a blessing that confers a +1 attack bonus on all attacks made with a bow until the next Shieldmeet.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  月暗丘Moondark Hill 坐落于 艾弗瑞斯卡谷The Vale of Evereska(在 哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil 条目进行了更详细的讨论),后者处在位于 莎勒蒂姆the Shaeradim 的最高大的山峰之一的精灵城市的西部边缘。当满月升到 东峰Eastpeak 之上、它的光华如银浪办洒落丘顶时,伟大弓手的信徒们会聚集起来礼拜他们的神明。建于月暗丘陡峭西坡的是 至高狩猎厅the Hall of the High Hunt,那是一座巨大的露天亭子,被紧密的古老 耸影树shadowtop 柱廊环绕。一眼纯净的山泉在山丘之心涌出,蜿蜒穿过一系列的自然洞穴,直到在 耸影林隙the Shadowtop Glade 的中心流走。在居住时,索罗诺尔的神职人员们会居住在月影丘的洞穴中,洞穴之中环绕着信徒的伟大狩猎战利品。祭职者们的首领是“至高猎人High Huntsman”普勒凡·真射Pleufan Trueshot,这是一位古老的月精灵,据说曾在一度覆盖了 黑色之地the Backlands 大部的 远号森林the Far Horns forest 中狩猎。对大部分 艾瑞弗斯卡人the Evereskan 月精灵贵族们感到极度沮丧普勒凡,已经邀请了伟大猎手的人类和半精灵追随者们(大部分是 竖琴手Harpers 或 传令官Heralds)在他们想的时候,在每月一度的仪式上到至高狩猎之厅礼拜。作为回应,一些傲慢的忒-泰'奎瑟一族甚至已经把他们的庄园远远搬到了山谷的另一边去了。
Moondark Hill is located in the Vale of Evereska-discussed in greater detail in the entry for Hanali Celanil-on the eastern fringes of the moon elven city at the base of one of the greatest peaks of the Shaeradim. Eastpeak's shadow cloaks the low knoll in darkness for much of the night when the moon is full, giving rise to the hill's name. The Great Archer's faithful gather to worship their god when the full moon rises above the top of Eastpeak and its light washes over the hilltop like a wave of silver. Built into the steep western slope of Moondark Hill is the Hall of the High Hunt, a great open-air pavilion encircled by a tightly packed colonnade of ancient shadowtops. A pure mountain spring rises in the heart of the hill and winds through a series of natural caverns before exiting at the heart of the Shadowtop Glade. When in residence, Solonor's clergy dwell in the caves of Moondark Hill amidst the great hunting trophies of the faithful. The leader of the priesthood is High Huntsman Pleufan Trueshot, an ancient moon elf who is said to have hunted in the Far Horns forest that once covered much of the Backlands. Much to the dismay of much of the Evereskan moon elven nobility, Pleufan has invited human and half-elven followers of the Great Archer-most of whom are Harpers or Heralds-to worship at the Hall of the High Hunt during the monthly ceremonies whenever they wish. Some haughty Teu-Tel'Quessir have gone as far as to move their estates to the far side of the valley in response.

  月精灵村庄 斯兰申村Ssrenshen(被人类称之为 月出丘Moonrise Hill),坐落于位于 塞伯湖Lake Sember格拉丽尔the Glaemril(在 月出峭壁Moonrise Crag 脚下,一片古老、茂密生长的 灰烬树ash、暗木树duskwood 和橡树之中) 之间的 深渊谷Deepingdale 的北部区域。类似于西南边的精灵村庄 维勒萨尔村Velethuil(即 布里斯塔村Bristar),它是这片谷地的军队中许多技艺精熟的精灵弓手的故乡。月出丘的弓手们以他们在弓方面的惊人技艺(如射中一只在1英里外飞行的鸟的一只眼睛)而闻名,而优雅族裔则把该村弓手们的高超技艺归功于索罗诺尔的祝福,以及可以追溯到 迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor 陷落前的古老传统。在 旧冠之年the Year of Old Crowns(-91 DR),月影战队the Moonshadows(一支由游侠、战士、战士/武士、甚至是个别以其在弓术方面的技艺知名的法师组成的队伍),为了保护 塞博霍姆Semberholme 的、以及其周边的森林而建立了起来。虽然环塞伯湖的精灵存在今日已大为减少,但月影战队的古老传统依然在被斯兰申村的精灵弓手传续,并且他们还在继续在该地区巡逻。在村子的中心是一棵古老橡树的化石残根,其直径几乎有50呎,在几个千纪前,它的树枝曾经高耸入云、覆盖了村庄和峭壁的秃顶。树心被开凿出了一个大洞,它既充当着月影战队的礼拜堂,也被作为索罗诺尔的神圣庙宇。月出树洞Moonrise Hollow(这座神殿与厅堂的名字)由挖空的树桩和在其古老根系中挖掘出的泥窖构成。许多最伟大的狩猎战利品和 科曼索Cormanthor 最伟大弓手的坟墓都可以在这些土地穴找到,而同样能找到的还有 翠绿之箭the Greenshaft,这是索罗诺尔教派信仰的一件神圣的圣物,据说它是优雅族裔开始在无尽的森林林冠之下漫步前一段时间,从 森林猎人the Forest Hunter 的弓中、在 精灵之林the Elven Woods 射出的第一支箭。
The moon elven village of Ssrenshen, known to humans as Moonrise Hill, is located in the northern reaches of Deepingdale between Lake Sember and the Glaemril at the foot of Moonrise Crag in an old, thickly grown stand of ash, duskwood, and oak trees. Like the elven village of Velethuil (Bristar) to the southwest, it is the source of many skilled elven archers in the army of the Dale. The archers of Moonrise Hill are known for their amazing feats with the bow-such as hitting the eye of a bird in flight a mile away-and the Fair Folk attribute the prowess at archery of the village's in-habitants to the blessings of Solonor and an ancient tradition dating back before the fall of Myth Drannor. In the Year of Old Crowns (-91 DR), the Moonshadows, a company of rangers, fighters, fighter/mages, and even a few wizards known for their skill at archery, were formed to guard the forests of Semberholme and its environs. While the elven presence in the woods enveloping Lake Sember is much reduced today, the ancient traditions of the Moonshadows are continued by the elven archers of Ssrenshen and they continue to patrol the region. In the center of the village is the petrified stump of an ancient oak tree nearly 50 feet in diameter whose branches once towered over both the village and bald-topped crag millennia ago. A great hollow has been carved out of the heart of the tree, and it serves as both the chapter-house of the Moonshadows and as a sacred temple of Solonor. Moonrise Hollow, as the temple and hall is known, consists of both the hollowed out stump and the earthen cellars dug amidst its ancient roots. Many of the greatest hunting trophies and tombs of the greatest archers of Cormanthor may be found in these earthen catacombs, as can the Greenshaft, a holy relic of the Solonoran faith said to be the first arrow shot from the bow of the Forest Hunter in the Elven Woods in a time before the Fair Folk walked beneath the endless forest canopy.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  索罗诺尔的教会有大量从属的军事组织,其中成员规模几乎没有超过几廿武者的。牡鹿猎人The Stag Hunters、飞逝雄赤鹿团契the Fellowship of the Fleeting Hart、黎明之狼the Wolves of Dawn、影之束the Shadowsheafs、绿弓骑士团the Knights of the Green Bow、锐眼猎人the Keen-eyed Hunters、以及 弓手骑士团the Archer Knights 是由献身于伟大弓手的精灵游侠、战士、和/或祭司组成的战队的典型案例。许多声望更衰的队伍也潜行于 费伦大陆Faerûn 被阴影覆盖的森林小径中,保卫着林地、优雅族裔、以及他们居住期间的盟友们。
Solonor's church is affiliated with a large number of military orders, few of which number more than several score warriors. The Stag Hunters, the Fellowship of the Fleeting Hart, the Wolves of Dawn, the Shadowsheafs, the Knights of the Green Bow, the Keen-eyed Hunters, and the Archer Knights are particularly famous examples of bands of elven rangers, fighters, and/or priests dedicated to serving the Great Archer. Many less renowned bands stalk the shadowed forest paths of Faerûn as well, guarding the woodlands, the Fair Folk, and their allies who dwell within.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

The ceremonial garb of Solonor's clergy consists of suits of silvered chain mail—elven chain mail, if available—with silver cloaks and leaf green hoods. The holy symbol of the faith is either an oversized arrowhead at least three inches in length embossed on both faces with Solonor's symbol, a silver medallion embossed with the head of a stag, or three feathers attached to a leather disk hung from a leather cord.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

  在非正式场合,带绿兜帽的银斗篷将被换成叶绿色带兜帽斗篷和皮靴(如果可能,则为 精灵靴elven cloaks精灵斗篷elven boots)。索罗诺尔的追随者偏好任何种类的弓(除了十字弓)、匕首、小刀和长剑、矛。精灵弓尤为被珍视,一如那些魔法弓和箭、射手护腕bracers of archery、以及 艾罗娜箭袋quivers of Ehlonna(在 诸国度the Realms 中被称作 梅丽凯箭袋quivers of Mielikki索罗诺尔箭袋quivers of Solonor)。索罗诺尔的祭职成员都穿着皮甲、镶嵌皮甲、或是无声精灵链甲。(最后一种详述于 艾瑞汶·伊拉希尔Erevan Ilesere 条目下 冒险装束 部分的顶部。) The silver cloaks with green hoods are exchanged outside of ceremonial occasions for leaf green hooded cloaks and leather boots (or elven cloaks and boots, if available). Solonor's followers favor bows of any sort (except crossbows), daggers, knives, and long swords, spears. Elven bows are particularly prized, as are magical bows and arrows, bracers of archery, and quivers of Ehlonna (known as quivers of Mielikki or as quivers of Solonor in the Realms). Most members of Solonor's priesthood wear leather armor, studded leather armor, or silenced elven chain mail. (The last is detailed in the entry for Erevan Ilesere under the heading Adventuring Garb.)

During their years of experience, elves have found that often archers are attacked without much chance to defend themselves. They have therefore created the elven bow (either a long bow, short bow, or composite long or short bow), designed to fire with the same rate and accuracy of a normal bow of its type, and yet the elves can use it to fend off attacks until they can defend themselves with a better weapon or spell. The elven bow is a beautiful piece of work, carved mostly from wood, highly decorated and polished, with substantial metal inlays. These inlays enable the bow to be used as a parrying weapon until the elf can draw a more suitable weapon. Meanwhile, the elf's bow is not damaged by the attack and can be used again. If used as an offensive weapon, the elven bow acts as a club, causing 1d6 points of damage to S- or M-sized creatures,1d3 to L-sized or larger creatures. Elven bows weigh 8 pounds and typically cost 150 gp.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(游侠Rangers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:力量Strength 13,敏捷Dexterity 13,体质Constitution 14,感知Wisdom 14
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:力量Strength,敏捷Dexterity,体质Wisdom
  防具ARMOR:任意Any(若穿戴比镶嵌皮甲更重,会对某些特殊能力带来惩罚penalties to some special abilities accrue if wearing heavier armor than studded leather)
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:动物Animal,战斗combat,植物plant,旅者travelers
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同游侠Same as rangers
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:长弓Long bow、短弓short bow 或 复合弓composite bow(包括 精灵弓elven bows);动物知识animal lore,设置陷阱set snares,生存survival(林地woodland)
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:制弓师/制箭师Bowyer/fletcher,狩猎hunting,追踪tracking,武器专精于长弓或短弓weapon specialization in long or short bow

  所有的索罗诺尔专属祭司均为游侠。该组织成员的能力和限制,除了上面和下面已的改变,集中在“附录 1:亚人祭司Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests”的精灵祭司中讨论,并全面详述于《玩家手册Player's Handbook》中。
All of Solonor's specialty priests are rangers. Their abilities and restrictions, aside from the changes noted above and later in this section, are summarized in the discussion of elven priests in "Appendix 1:Demihuman Priests" and detailed in full in the Player's Handbook.

  ❖ Rangers dedicated to Solonor must be elves or half-elves. While most rangers in Solonor's service are green elves or moon elves, elves and half-elves of every subrace are called to be specialty priests of Solonor's clergy.

  ❖ Rangers in Solonor's service, whether they are elves or half-elves, are allowed to multiclass as cleric/rangers.

  ❖侍奉索罗诺尔的游侠,可以选择任何可以获得的长弓、短弓或复合弓(包括精灵弓)的武器专精或熟练组。举例来说,若在《玩家指南PLAYER'S OPTION: 战斗与战术Combat & Tactics》给出的武器掌握规则在本战役中被允许使用,索罗诺尔的游侠神职人员被允许变得武器掌握于长弓、短弓或复合弓(包括精灵弓),但不包括十字弓或其它类型的弓。
  ❖ Rangers in Solonor's service may select any available weapon specialization or group proficiency in the long, short, or composite bow (including elven bows). For example, if the weapon mastery rules given in PLAYER'S OPTION: Combat & Tactics are permitted in the campaign, Solonor's ranger clergy are permitted to become weapon masters in the long, short, or composite bow (including elven bows), but not crossbows or other types of bows.

索罗诺尔教派法术Solonoran Spells

2nd Level

锐眼术Keen Eye

  (祭司Pr 2;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级(最多3次射击)round/level (3 shots maximum)
  施法时间Casting Time:5
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  亦名为 公牛之眼bull's eye,这道法术将协助受术者使用远程武器精准射击。在被赋予 锐眼术 期间,所有的精准射击都不受-4的攻击惩罚,并且受术者不会遭受正常的在主动性上的+1惩罚。在未进行精准射击或进行任何类型的近战攻击时,这道法术并不会为远程攻击带来奖励。同样的,它也不会减轻在精准射击时因其它因素带来的正常惩罚。
Also known as bull's eye, this spell assists the recipient in making called shots with a missile weapon. While gifted with a keen eye, all called shots are made without the normal -4 attack penalty, and the recipient does not suffer the normal +1 penalty to initiative. This spell provides no bonuses to missile attacks that are not called shots or to attacks of any sort made with melee weapons. Also, it does not provide a bonus of any sort if the normal penalties assessed for attempting a called shot are mitigated by other factors.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a hawk feather.

3rd Level

弓手的堡垒Archer's Redoubt

  (祭司Pr 3;塑能Evocation)

  持续时间Duration:5 轮/级rounds/level
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

When this spell is cast, an invisible barrier, pierced only by a narrow arrow slit, comes into being and totally encompasses the caster. This shield provides the equivalent protection of AC 2 against all frontal attacks and AC 0 against all other attacks. The barrier also adds a +1 bonus to the priest's saving throws.

  弓手的堡垒Archer's Redoubt 是无法移动的,并且自愿退出其范围将立即终结其效果。然而,箭缝的位置可以由施法者以意志移动。不过,在处于 弓手的堡垒 中时,是无法有效使用近战武器或投掷武器的,但它可以无碍地发射十字弓或任何种类的弓。
It is not possible to move an archer's redoubt, and voluntarily exiting its confines ends the spell effect immediately. However, the placement of the arrow slit can move as mentally directed by the caster. Although it is not possible to effectively employ a melee weapon or hurled weapon while within an archer's redoubt, it is possible to fire a crossbow or any sort of bow without hindrance.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

恒满箭囊Everfull Quiver

  (祭司Pr 3;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:1副箭袋和2支箭One quiver and two arrows
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术将附魔1副箭囊和其容纳的至少2支箭。在随后的每轮中,这位施法者将能每轮从其中抽出2支箭,而不改变箭囊中的数量。若一轮中有超过2支箭被抽出,则该法术的效果将被立即终结,并且这些箭中只有前2支不会消耗箭囊的存量。若施法者外的任何人试图从这副 无尽箭囊endless quiver 中抽出箭矢,这道法术也将立即结束。
This spell enchants a quiver that contains at least two arrows. In every round thereafter, the caster can withdraw up to two arrows per round without depleting the total number of arrows found within the quiver. If more than two arrows are ever withdrawn in 1 round, the spell effect ends immediately, and only the first two arrows withdrawn do not deplete the real supply. If anyone aside from the caster attempts to withdraw an arrow from an endless quiver, the spell effect ends immediately as well.

  施法者能从中抽出任何类型的箭矢,只要这种类型在施法时存在于该 恒满箭囊 中。因此,若祭司施展了 无尽箭囊 在一副包含一支轻箭、一支束箭和一支银箭的箭囊中,每轮1次,他能在之后抽出两支银箭、一支银箭和一支轻箭,以此类推。在此法术效果持续时间内,拥有恒定魔法的箭矢不会从 无尽箭囊 中被抽出,即便在 无尽箭囊 中有一支或更多支魔法箭。箭矢在从 无尽箭囊 中抽出后,将在2轮内褪为无物。
The caster can withdraw any type of arrow that was found within the overfull quiver when the spell was cast. Thus, if the priest casts endless quiver on a quiver containing one flight arrow, one sheaf arrow, and one silver arrow, he could then withdraw two silver arrows, one silver arrow and one flight arrow, etc., per round. No arrow drawn from an endless quiver while the spell effect lasts is ever magical, even if the one or more arrows in the endless quiver are magical. An arrow drawn from an endless quiver fades into nothingness in two rounds.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol, a quiver, and two or more arrows, none of which are consumed in the casting.
