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红骑士Red Knight,策略女神
Red Knight-Ralph Horsley
【旧   译】殷红骑士
【头   衔】策略女士Lady of Strategy,枪板棋的宗师Grandmaster of the Lanceboard
【阵   营】LN
【神   力】M→D
【神   职】策略与计划Strategy and planning
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】坦帕斯Tempus
【盟   友】坦帕斯Tempus托姆Torm维尔寇Valkur
【敌   对】希瑞克Cyric卡拉苟斯Garagos
【神   国】主物质位面Prime Material Plane国度天宇Realmspace艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球Abeir-Toril费伦大陆Faerûn
【徽   记】一只眼睛是星星的红色骑士棋子A red knight chess piece with stars for eyes
The Red Knight Symbol-5e
【简   介】曾为凡人的 红骑士Red Knight 是泛费伦神系的策略女神。在动荡之年期间,她在怪物大军面前保卫了泰瑟尔,并在那之后被擢升成为了坦帕斯的从神。与被称作坦帕斯之子的乌斯伽相对,她被称作坦帕斯的女儿。

2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p044>红骑士Red Knight

红骑士Red Knight

  (策略女士Lady of Strategy,枪板棋的宗师Grandmaster of the Lanceboard)

  主物质面半神力Demipower of the Prime Material Plane,

  神职PORTFOLIO:策略与计划Strategy and planning
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:托瑞尔星球Toril费伦大陆Faerûn
  盟友ALLIES:坦帕斯Tempus托姆Torm“强者”维尔寇Valkur the Mighty
  徽记SYMBOL:一只眼睛是星星的红色骑士棋子A red knight chess piece with stars for eyes
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:守序善良LG,中立善良NG,守序中立LN,绝对中立N,守序邪恶LE,中立邪恶NE


  红骑士The Red Knight 以策略与计划女神的身份,侍奉着 战争之主the Lord of War 坦帕斯Tempus。她的形象被描绘为一位黑发女性,身披血色盔甲、手握 诸国度the Realms 地图。除了坦帕斯这个唯一例外,红骑士未对任何人泄露自己的真名,因为她意识到:如有任何凡尘或神性力量获得了任何控制她的手段,那么诸国度各地的统治者、乃至于诸位面的神力们的所有计划和策略,都将对这股势力纤毫毕现、表露无疑。
The Red Knight serves Tempus, the Lord of War, as the goddess of planning and strategy. She is portrayed as a dark-haired woman in blood-red armor, with a map of the Realms tightly clasped in her hands. The Red Knight keeps her true name secret from all but the Lord of Battles, as she realizes that if any power, mortal or divine, were to gain any measure of control over her, they would be privy to all the plots and stratagems of rulers throughout the Realms and the powers throughout the planes.

  死敌之锤the Foehammer 的追随者同样崇敬红骑士,但在他们的信仰中,战斗之主the Lord of Battles 才是第一偶像、而她只能列居次席。直到 动荡之年Time of Troubles 后,她才开始拥有少量彰其名讳、独立于死敌之锤祭司的祭职者。红骑士那一撮祭职者的存在,可部分归因于战争日益复杂的性质,他们从 坦帕斯教派Tempurans 那得到的是勉强的容忍,战斗之主本尊给他们的却是显而易见的支持鼓励。一些贤者推测:对坦帕斯而言,无论是将红骑士拔擢到半神力神格,还是对其信仰的鼓励促进,都是为了实现对其死敌 “掠夺者”卡拉苟斯Garagos the Reaver 的自然平衡。
The Red Knight is venerated by the Foehammer's followers in a secondary position to the Lord of Battles. Only since the Time of Troubles has a small priesthood distinct from that of the Foehammer arisen in her name. This small priesthood, owing its existence in part to the increasingly complex nature of war, is grudgingly tolerated by Tempurans and apparently encouraged by the Lord of Battles himself. Some sages speculate that Tempus has sponsored the Red Knight to the rank of demipower and encouraged her worship as a natural counterbalance to Garagos the Reaver, his mortal enemy.

  策略女士Lady of Strategy 举止冷静而依循逻辑,但又显露出巨大的同情心——虽然当对确保计划的目标必需时,她并不畏派遣她的崇拜者走向死亡。她极少出声,据说她热爱有趣的笑话,笑声沙哑。她厌恶轻浮的行为,且看上去并不赞同那些经常改变阵营或反复无常的人。
The Lady of Strategy is calm and logical in demeanor, but displays a great wealth of compassion, though she is unafraid to send her worshipers to their deaths when necessary to secure the objective of a plan. She rarely raises her voice and is said to love a good joke and have a throaty laugh. She dislikes flighty behavior, and looks unfavorably upon those who switch alliances often or capriciously.

  红骑士视坦帕斯如父,祂们有大量时间都在一起度过。他们时而一起狩猎,时而在坦帕斯的宴会厅交流故事与传说,但大多数时候祂们都忙着参观 费伦大陆Faerûn 数量庞大的战场、或是回顾过去的战斗。红骑士视 维尔寇Valkur 为自己在船舶战斗的战术战略上的最佳盟友,不过她对他的期望,有时会超过他除了保护水手一事外、对所有人所承诺的水平。红骑士和 托姆Torm 性情相类,祂们对作战的兴趣和对战士职责的坚守也可谓珠联璧合。众所周知的是她喜欢他,但无论祂们现在是对恋人、还是仅仅是对密友,双方都以非常私人的态度保守着这个问题的答案。自从坦帕斯将卡拉苟斯的品性行为告知她后,策略女士就一直对此君深感厌恶,不过她本尊尚未与卡拉苟斯发生过战斗。她将自己真正的憎恨留给了 希瑞克Cyric,将他视作叛徒与骗子的极致和一位低劣的谋划者予以鄙弃。
The Red Kniggt sees Tempus as father figure, and the two of spend a great deal of time together. They sometimes hunt together or exchange tales his feasting hall, but most often they are busy visiting the numerous fields of battle in Faerûn or reviewing battles of times past. The Red Knight sees Valkur as her best ally in the disposition of naval conflicts, though her expectations of him sometimes exceed his demonstrated level of commitment to all but the protection of sailors. The Red Knight and Torm are similar in disposition, and their interests in battle and the duties of warriors coincide well. She is known to be fond of him, but whether they are in love or merely close friends is a matter they have kept very private. The Lady of Strategy dislikes Garagos from what she has been told of his behavior by Tempus, though she personally has not come to blows with him. Her animosity is reserve+d for Cyric, who she despises as the utmost of traitors and liars and a poor planner besides.

  在动荡之年期间,红骑士活跃于 泰瑟尔Tethyr,在 泰瑟尔森林the Forest of Tethir 汹涌而出的怪物军团的威胁面前,守卫着这个因冲突而分裂的国家。在渺小但坚定的 红隼冒险团Company of the Red Falcon 击败了由野兽与人型生物组成、数量占优的军队的无数作战中,她的军事才能起到了决定作用。
During the Time of Troubles, the Red Knight was active in Tethyr defending the strife-torn nation against an army of monsters that threatened to surge forth from the Forest of Tethir. Her military genius was decisive in numerous battles where the small, but determined, Company of the Red Falcon overwhelmed numerically superior armies of beasts and humanoids.


红骑士的化身Red Knight's Avatar

   (护教军Crusader 25,战士Fighter 21)

The Red Knight always appears in blood-red full plate armor. Her long, dark braids stream out behind her, and her eyes sparkle like ruby stars. Her presence commands attention and respect. She often rides a red phantom charger of twice normal size and sometimes is accompanied by a red war hound of twice normal size. The Red Knight's standard is a plain white field adorned with her symbol. She favors spells from the spheres of combat, divination, travelers, and war, but she can cast spells from any sphere.

  防御等级 -3;移动 15;生命值 179;零级命中值 0;#攻击 2次/1轮(重型骑枪)或 5次/2轮(阔剑)
  伤害 1d8+13(+5重型骑枪,+7力量) 或 2d4+11(+3阔剑,+7力量,+2对阔剑专精奖励)
  魔抗 60%;体型 大型L(10英尺)
  力量 19,敏捷 16,体质 19,智力 23,感知 23,魅力 22
  法术 牧师P:13/12/12/12/11/9/4
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 2;权杖、法杖与魔杖 5;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 6
  AC -3; MV 15; HP 179; THAC0 0;#AT 2/1 (heavy horse lance) or 5/2 (broad sword)
  Dmg 1d8 +13 ( heavy horse lance +5, +7 Str) or 2d4+11 ( broad sword +3, +7 Str, +2 spec, bonus in broad sword)
  MR 60%; SZ L (10 feet)
  Str 19, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 23, Wis 23, Cha 22
  Spells P:13/12/12/12/11/9/4
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 5, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 6

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  在战斗中,红骑士根据需要挥舞着一柄 +5枪 或一柄 +3阔剑。她专精于阔剑,并熟练于所有近战其它武器。她的盾牌,是由一整块被 玻璃钢化glassteel 的红宝石制作,在她的魔法抗力失败时如 法术反转戒指ring of spell turning 运作。每轮1次,红骑士能呼出 呼喊术shout(如同4级法师法术),以及每日5次呼出 高阶呼喊术great shout (类似于出自《巫师之页Pages from the the Mages》的8级法师法术,但从未对红骑士造成任何不利影响)。每日1次,她的触碰能 医疗heal 任何与她共同战斗的盟友。最多每日3次,她能重整她所站位置5英里内的军队(只要她觉察到他们的士气崩溃)。
In combat, the Red Knight wields a lance +5 or a broad sword +3, as appropriate. She is specialized in broad sword and proficient in all other weapons. Her shield, carved from a single glassteeled ruby, acts as a ring of spell turning should her magic resistance fail. Once per round, the Red Knight can utter a shout (as the 4th-level wizard spell), and five times per day great shout (similar to the 8th-level wizard spell found in Pages from the the Mages, but never having any detrimental effect on the Knight). Her touch can heal any allies who fight in common cause with her once per day. She can rally any forces she has sided with within 5 miles of her (as long as she is aware of their morale breaking) up to three times a day.

  如非出于自愿,否则没有人能把策略女士摔下坐骑。她那匹名曰 法兰Farra(意即 刚毅Fortitude)的牝马,能用前蹄或是后蹄狠踢敌人,每轮最多2次、每只蹄子造成2d8点伤害,但每对蹄子同时只能攻击同一单一目标。若她选择使用前蹄攻击,那么还能以啮咬额外造成2d8点伤害。并且,只要红骑士在场且状态清醒,那么除去另一位神祇外,无人能够击中这匹牝马;否则,她的AC为2。她有8+8个生命骰。法兰非常地聪明(智力11),她的移动速度是21,而且还能随意使用,伸展出魅影般的飞马翅膀并与一位骑手以移动30 (B)飞行。只有当她的女主人命令这样做时,或是女士处于危难中而她相信那个人将会援助女士时,她才会允许其他人骑乘她。佩萨Paysar(意即 坚韧Perseverance),是红骑士的战犬,她是匹双倍正常体型和生命骰的战犬,她的攻击将施加2倍的伤害,而防御等级AC为4。她拥有平均(智力9)水平的智力,据说她能够追踪任何逃离了战斗或背叛了指挥官的信任之人。
The Lady of Strategy can never be unseated from her steed involuntarily. Farra (Fortitude), as her horse is known, can attack up to twice per round using either her fore or rear hooves for 2d8 points of damage per hoof, but can only attack a single target per set of hooves. If she attacks with her fore hooves, she can also bite for 2d8 points of damage. She cannot be struck except by another deity while the Red Knight is conscious and present; at other times she is AC 2. She has 8+8 Hit Dice. Farra is very intelligent (Int 11), moves at MV 21, and can also sprout shadowy pegasus wings at will and fly at MV FI 30 (B) with a rider. She allows others to ride her only if ordered to do so by her mistress or if the Lady is in distress and she believes someone will aid her. Paysar (Perseverance), the Red Knight's war hound, is a war dog of double normal size and Hit Dice who inflicts twice normal damage with her attacks and has an Armor Class of 4. She is of average Intelligence (Int 9) and is said to be able to track any who have fled a battle or betrayed a commander's trust.

The Red Knight always knows of a foe's plans ahead of time and so she is both never surprised and able to counter most plans used against her. She has an uncanny knowledge of how to use terrain to her advantage, and unfailingly is able to discern places or items camouflaged or hidden from common view and people disguised or altered in appearance from their natural form in any way. She is immune to all enchantment/charm spells and spell-like effects that she does not wish to be affected by and to all nondivine illusion/phantasm effects.



其祂显现Other Monifesbahions

The Red Knight commonly manifests as a chess board on which various pieces are positioned. By discerning the most appropriate next move on the board, worshipers blessed with such a vision can intuit an appropriate strategy for the future for their current situation.

  红骑士以无价的红宝石雕刻的、红色的小棋子作为线索,展现她的眷顾。她以类似的白水晶雕刻的棋子展现她的不悦。已知她也赋予受过战斗训练的动物超凡力量、或是通常超出它们天赋的智力来帮助它们的主人。红骑士被 英灵einheriar、猎杀者marut、天堂圣卫per、以及被塑造为棋子外形的石魔像和守卫石像侍奉着。据说更常见的生物显现了她的出席或兴趣,包括猫头鹰、大雕、隼、象、飞马、马、以及家犬或家猫,特别是那些受过战斗训练的;大部分这样的生物都是淡红的色调。
The Red Knight shows her favor by the discovery of small, red chess pieces carved from priceless rubies. She shows her displeasure by the discovery of similar pieces carved from crumbly white quartz. She also has been known to enable trained battle animals to perform feats of strength or intellect normally beyond their capacities in order to aid their owners. The Red Knight is served by einheriar, maruts, pers, and stone golems and stone guardians shaped in the form of chess pieces. More common creatures said to manifest her presence or interest include owls, eagles, falcons, elephants, pegasi, horses, and domestic dogs and cats, especially those trained for battle; most such creatures are of a ruddy hue.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,护教军crusaders,武僧monks
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:守序善良LG,守序中立LN,守序邪恶LE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可,若为中立;专属祭司SP:不可;护教军Cru:不可;武僧Mon:不可
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:可,若为邪恶;专属祭司SP:不可;护教军Cru:不可;武僧Mon:不可

  红骑士的所有牧师、护教军、武僧和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics, crusaders, monks, and specialty priests of the Red Knight receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  仅仅是在最近,红骑士才成了一位与坦帕斯区分、独立的半神力。但大多数人仍然认为,她是一位如同马 维若丝Veiros 和 狄若斯Deiros(死敌之锤的双胞胎坐骑)那样的、坦帕斯追随者或面相。虽然红骑士在战斗中服务于所有一方,但村民和城市居民认为她是一位文明的盟友,使得少数勇敢的捍卫者能够借助杰出的智力和远见,在对抗快速繁殖的类人生物组成的、饥饿而贪婪的部落中获得胜利。
Only in recent memory has the Red Knight emerged as a demipower in her own right, distinct from Tempus. Most folk still view her as a follower or aspect of Tempus, similar to Veiros and Deiros, the Foehammer's twin steeds. Although the Red Knight serves all sides in battle, villagers and city dwellers perceive her as an ally of civilization who enables small numbers of brave defenders to triumph through superior intelligence and foresight against ravening hordes of rapidly breeding humanoids.

  红骑士仅仅有几座奉献于她名讳的神龛,而除了一座,全部建筑在坦帕斯的神殿中。红骑士的附属礼拜堂由棋子的图像主导,而其地板镶嵌着一张由黑色与白色、或是红色与白色大理石的棋盘(也被称作 枪扳棋lanceboard)。通常它们被大量的守卫石像守卫着,它们有着血红和骨白的色调,被雕刻为各种棋子的形状。
The Red Knight has but a few shrines dedicated to her name, and all but one are found within temples of Tempus. Chapels of the Red Knight are dominated by images of chess pieces and the floor is inlaid with a chess board (also known as a lanceboard) of black and white or red and white marble. Typically they are guarded by numerous stone guardians of blood red and bone white hue, carved in the shape of various chess pieces.

  红骑士的神职人员,名为 殷红团契the Red Fellowship,是坦帕斯教会等级制度中、一支专注于计划和策略的修道士组织分支。被均分为牧师、护教军、武僧、以及专属祭司(被称作神圣战略家),这个相对渺小的神职人员队伍仅仅在动荡之年后才组成了一支明确的信仰,而自从 小塔之年Year of the Turret(1361 DR)对 忒甘部落the Tuigan Horde 的伟大护教军远征结束以来,这支队伍达到了最活跃状态。不论职等如何,红骑士的祭司都受到一套配以相应头衔严格等级制度的严厉管制。根据升序显示,这些头像包括:侍者Page、侍从Squire、骑士Knight、骑士军需官Knight Quartermaster、骑士司令官Knight Commander、骑士队长Knight Captain、领主骑士Lord Knight、领主骑士指挥官Lord Knight Commandant、以及 殷红旗帜的领主骑士Lord Knight of the Red Standard。高阶的祭司在他们的头衔前冠以他们在神职人员中的相对排名(例如,红骑士信仰排名第八高的祭司被称为 红骑士的第八领主骑士the Eighth Lord Knight of the Red Standard),虽然随着神职人员规模的扩张,这种做法可能将被放弃。
The clergy of the Red Knight, known as the Red Fellowship, is an offshoot of a monastic order within the hierarchy of the church of Tempus that concentrated on planning and strategy. Evenly divided into clerics, crusaders, monks, and specialty priests (known as holy strategists), this relatively small priesthood has only organized into a distinct faith since the Time of Troubles and has been most active since after the end of the great crusade against the Tuigan Horde in the Year of the Turret (1361 DR). Regardless of class, priests of the Red Knight are regimented in a strict hierarchy with corresponding titles. In ascending order, these titles include:Page, Squire, Knight, Knight Quartermaster, Knight Commander, Knight Captain, Lord Knight, Lord Knight Commandant, and Lord Knight of the Red Standard. Higher-ranking priests precede their title with their relative rank within the clergy (for example, the eighth-highest ranking priest of the Red Knight's faith is known as the Eighth Lord Knight of the Red Standard), although this practice may be abandoned as the clergy grows in size.


War is won by those with the best planning, strategy, and tactics, regardless of the apparent odds. Any fool can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with fortune's aid. Only a master strategist can ensure victory and that it will last.

War is a series of battles. Losing a battle does not necessarily indicate the war is lost. Seek out your opponent's weaknesses and recognize your own; avoid an opponent's strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on one's opponent's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured.

In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war. Seek out your enemy's enemies as allies, and be prepared to compromise. Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war. Be ready—and have a contingency plan.

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Members of the Red Fellowship serve in armies throughout the Realms. Many are high-ranking commanders, often of elite squads. Others are well-respected instructors in war colleges in kingdoms throughout the Realms. A few are quartermasters skilled at obtaining and managing supplies or establishing and maintaining supply lines over hostile territory. Quite a few priests of the Red Knight have authored tomes on military strategy.

  在不当值时,红骑士的祭司因他们对游戏的热爱而闻名。虽然他们会避开那些相较于红骑士的才华、更需要幸运女士Lady Luck的微笑的碰运气游戏,但该信仰的祭司致力于在所有类型的抽象游戏中,时刻地磨砺他们的技巧,去进一步地挑战他们在多线思考和新计谋上的进步,去提升他们读取对手意图的能力。
When not on duty, priests of the Red Fellowship are known for their love of gaming. Although they avoid games of chance that require the smile of Lady Luck more than the brilliance of the Red Knight, priests of the faith strive to constantly improve their skills in abstract games of all sorts to further challenge their development of parallel lines of thought and new stratagems and to sharpen their ability to read an opponent's intentions.

圣日/重要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

In addition to observing the holy days and important ceremonies of the church of Tempus, the clergy of the Red Knight observe two important holy days themselves.

  大撤退the Retreat 在每年 仲冬节Midwinter 那天举办。在这庄严的仪式上,红骑士的神职人员聚集在一起,为期一天、回顾过去一年的战役。他们对策略进行讨论、对战斗进行分析、并将积累下来的知识整合到教派的教导中。
The Retreat is an annual event held every Midwinter's day. During this solemn ceremony, the clergy of the Red knight assemble for a day-long retrospective on the previous year's campaigns. Strategies are discussed, battles are analyzed, and the accumulated lore is integrated into the churches teachings.

  女王的开局让棋法the Queen's Gambit 在 四月Tarsakh 的第一天庆祝。在节日期间,红骑士的神职人员在这宴会和耍花招的日子舒展身心。当天将举办长达一日的国际象棋和围棋(一种从 卡拉-图大陆Kara-Tur 舶来的游戏)锦标赛,锦标赛的获胜者将得到赏识、应得的头衔、晋升,以及,(有时候)来自神殿军械库的珍贵礼物。
The Queen's Gambit is celebrated on the first day of Tarsakh. During this festival, the clergy of the Red Knights unwind with a day of feasting and gamesmanship. Day-long tournaments of chess and go (a game imported from Kara-Tur) are held, with the tournament victors receiving recognition, titles of merit, promotions, and, sometimes, a precious gift from the temple armory.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  战略之战要塞the Citadel of Strategic Militancy 已经成为红骑士信仰在坦帕斯教会庇护之外的中心。坐落于 海滨路the Coast Way桑达之径Thundar's Ride 的交汇点、约为 博德之门Baldur's Gate 东北40哩,这座小城堡为 [[血鹰家族the Bloodhawk所有,属于这个次要、自封为贵族、分属于整个区域包括死亡之地the Fields of the Dead的家族的一部分。这座城堡是由 塔里克·血鹰Taric Bloodhawk 在一个世纪前,用 失踪女士之年Year of the Lost Lady 的战斗期间,从一个兽人酋长的秘密部落那里劫掠来的钱修筑的。
The Citadel of Strategic Militancy has arisen as the center of the Red Knight's faith outside of the aegis of the church of Tempus. Located at the juncture of the Coast Way and Thundar's Ride, approximately 40 miles north and east of Baldur's Gate, this small castle was the hold of the Bloodhawk clan, part of the minor, self-styled nobility scattered throughout the region encompassing the Fields of the Dead. The castle was built by Taric Bloodhawk over a century ago with money he plundered from an orc chieftain's secret horde during the battles of the Year of the Lost Lady (1241 DR).

  在 诸神降世the Fall of the Gods 的那个晚上,凯瑟琳·廷朵儿·血鹰女士Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk——荣拉·血鹰领主Lord Ronlar Bloodhawk 的唯一继承人,和她的冒险队——红隼冒险团,一道在探索围绕 坦帕斯之泪村Tempus's Tears 的废墟。在那个晚上,她被策略女士附体作为后者圣者的本体。红骑士将红隼冒险团锻造为了一支渺小、但强大的佣兵团。她率领这支队伍向南,在那里这群人独力担负起根除一支怪物军队之责,后者从泰瑟尔森林涌出,威胁将侵犯东北陷入困顿之季的泰瑟尔。红骑士的战略才华让冒险团能够战胜了怪物压倒性的优势,并为他们永远地挣得了在泰瑟尔历史中的一席之地。
During the night of the Fall of the Gods, Lady Kaitlin Tindall Bloodhawk, sole heir of Lord Ronlar Bloodhawk, was exploring the ruins enveloping the village of Tempus's Tears with the rest of her adventuring band, the Company of the Red Falcon. During the night, she was possessed by the Lady of Strategy to serve as her avatar host. The Red Knight forged the Company of the Red Falcon into a small, but powerful, mercenary company. She led the band south where the group was single-handedly responsible for eradicating an army of monsters that swarmed out of the Forest of Tethir and threatened to overrun the northeastern quarter of beleaguered Tethyr. The strategic genius of the Red Knight enabled the Company to triumph against overwhelming odds and forever earned them a place in Tethyr's history.

  然而,当凯瑟琳·廷朵儿女士在 诸神之战the Godswar 结束返回她祖辈的家园时,她发现这片土地已被劫掠、城堡变成了冒烟的废墟、所有的居民都被杀害。因为悲哀而心碎,她发誓复仇,但她从未能查明罪行的凶手。她根据对家的回忆重建了城堡,并将它作为一座神殿奉献给了红骑士。
When Lady Kaitlin returned to her ancestral home at the conclusion of the Godswar, however, she found the lands pillaged, the castle a smoking ruin, and all of the inhabitants put to the sword. Broken-hearted, she vowed revenge, but she could never discover the perpetrators of the foul deed. In her family's memory, she rebuilt the castle and dedicated it as a temple to the Red Knight.

  今日战略之战要塞是一座军事力量的堡垒,并作为新建的殷红战争学院Red War College所在地。这所学校迎向整个诸国度的军官,后者由他们的君主赞助学习策略和计划。要塞的墙壁布满了红色和白色的大理石,而在中心要塞是血红色的圆顶。中央教堂是一副巨大的抢板棋,在那里,祭职人员在宗教仪式中进行着战略对抗。半径20哩内耕地上劳作的农民,很乐意接受要塞扩张领导权。收获过后的土地在寒冷的冬月被用作训练场。至高女士High Lady血鹰管理着以她的君主——红骑士之名蓬勃发展的要塞,并担任着该信仰的殷红旗帜的首席女骑士First Lady Knight of the Red Standard(高阶女祭司)。
Today the Citadel of Strategic Militancy is a bastion of military might and serves as the home of the newly founded Red War College. This school caters to military officers throughout the Realms who are sponsored by their lieges to study strategy and planning. The Citadel's walls are checkered with red and white marble, and a blood red dome tops the central keep. The central chapel is a giant lanceboard on which the priesthood engages in strategic battles during religious ceremonies. Farmlands in a 20-mile radius are worked by peasants who gladly embrace the Citadels expanding hegemony. The harvested land serves as a training field in the cold winter months. High Lady Bloodhawk administers the burgeoning complex in the name of her liege, the Red Knight, and serves as First Lady Knight of the Red Standard (high priestess) of the faith.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  殷红猎鹰组织the Order of the Red Falcon是一个由侍奉红骑士与血鹰女士的护教军、勇者、以及几个圣武士组成的团契。虽然人数稀少,但这个组织的精锐骑士们是危险的对手,他们于无数的场合,在压倒性地优势面前获得了胜利。总部设在战略之战要塞,骑士团的许多人在殷红战争学院担任着教官。其他人则有定额地任职于整个诸国度的各种军队,在军史方面对军官进行培养。而在罕见的场合下,他们全部将被召回要塞,并由血鹰女士亲自带领投入战斗。
The Order of the Red Falcon is a fellowship of crusaders, warriors, and a few paladins who serve the Red Knight and Lady Bloodhawk. Small in number, the elite knights of this order are dangerous opponents who have triumphed in the face of overwhelming odds on numerous occasions. Based in the Citadel of Strategic Militancy, many of the knights serve as instructors in the Red War College. Others serve stints in various armies throughout the Realms training the officers in military history. On rare occasions they are all summoned back to the Citadel and led into combat by Lady Bloodhawk herself,

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Clergy of the Red Knight wear blood-hued suits of plate armor or plate mail for ceremonial functions over which is worn a white tabard embroidered with the Red Knight's symbol. They are not forbidden to cover their faces with their helms like Tempuran clergy are, however, and so they often sport full helms when visibility is not a concern and they wish to convey a grand impression. When not armored, their clerical robes are red, although the shading varies slightly from darker to lighter with increasing rank. They wear the symbol of the Red Knight carved from a red-hued gemstone on a chain around their necks.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

Adventuring garb for priests of the Red Knight is the best armor they can obtain. Although their armor can be battle-worn, most priests strive to keep it polished and unmarred, as befits a commander seeking to inspire both his followers and the bards. All clergy of the Red Knight have a battle standard, paint their heraldic symbols (if entitled to one) on their shields, or display the symbol of the Lady of Strategy on banner or shield to form a rallying point for troops when they are going into organized battle. Covering or concealing such a standard generates no disapproval from the church, however, if a stratagem should require it.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(神圣战略家Holy Strategists

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:智力Intelligence 13,感知Wisdom 13,魅力Charisma 10
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:智力Intelligence,感知Wisdom
  防具ARMOR:任意(板甲plate mail、野战板甲field plate 或 全身板甲full plate 优先)
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,魅惑charm,战斗combat,预言divination,医疗healing,守序law,保护protection,旅者travelers,战争war
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:创造Creation,守卫guardian,死灵necromantic,思想thought,结界wards
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:礼仪Etiquette,纹章学heraldry,陆地骑乘land-based riding(马horse)
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:工程学Engineering,游戏gaming,狩猎hunting

  ❖ Holy strategists can cast spells from the travelers and war spheres as if they were twice their actual level. (Only the effect of the spells is impacted, not the number of spells available.)

  ❖ Holy strategists are resistant to illusions, and get a +1 bonus to their saving throws vs. spell against illusions for every three levels of their ability (rounded up) to a maximum of +5.

  ❖ Holy strategists can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no crossover penalty.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,神圣战略家能施展 锐耳术clairaudience鹰眼术clairvoyance(如同3级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, holy strategists can cast clairaudience or clairvoyance (as the 3rd-level wizard spells) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,神圣战略家能施展 预言术divination(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, holy strategists can cast divination (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,神圣战略家能施展 推导术consequence(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, holy strategists can cast consequence (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 7th level, holy strategists can make three attacks every two rounds.

  ❖在第9级,每日1次,神圣战略家能施展 幻景hallucinatory terrain(如同4级法师法术)或 群体隐形术mass invisibility(如同7级法师法术)。
  ❖ At 9th level, holy strategists can cast hallucinatory terrain (as the 4th- level wizard spell) or mass invisibility (as the 7th-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 10th level, holy strategists can cast wizard spells on scrolls from the schools of lesser or greater divination as a mage of the same level. They are automatically able to read such spells and only such spells.

  ❖ At 13th level, holy strategists can call for a war horse, similar to the fashion in which a paladin does. This animal need not be a horse, but it is always a steed of exceptional intelligence for its species and possessing maximum hit points. The holy strategist must find this animal in a memorable way, most often by a specific quest. Holy strategists have bonded not only with war horses, but pegasi, griffons, hippogriffs, wild tigers, and buffaloes.

  ❖ At 13th level, holy strategists can make two attacks every round.

红骑士法术Red Knight Spells

1st Level

解析对手Analyze Opponent

  (祭司Pr 1;预言Divination)

  距离Range:10 码/级
  持续时间Duration:1 轮
  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只生物/级
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效

This spell facilitates the quick analysis of a single opponent by the spell-caster. At 1st level, the priest can divine one salient weakness or strength of a single opponent. At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter up to 9th, the spellcaster can determine an additional strength or weakness. The target of this spell is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is successful, the spell is wasted and nothing is learned.

For example, if this spell was cast by a 5th-level priest on a troll, he might learn that trolls can regenerate (a strength), that they are particularly susceptible to fire (a weakness), and that this particular troll was partially blind in his left eye. The last nugget of information might translate into a +1 bonus to hit, at the DM's discretion, if the priest attacked so as to exploit the troll's weakness.

  根据传说,坦帕斯Tempus 最早的祭司之一赢得了 红骑士Red Knight 的眷顾,在与一只 罗刹rakshasa 交战前运用了这道法术。借此他猜出了这个恶魔种族的弱点是受过 祝福 的弩箭,这个事实现在为 诸国度the Realms 各地的许多冒险者所知。
According to legend, one of the earliest priests of Tempus to win the Red Knight's favor employed this spell prior to battling a rakshasa. With it he divined that diabolical race's weakness to blessed crossbow bolts, a fact that is now known by many adventurers throughout the Realms.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol, which needs simply to be touched to cast the spell.

3rd Level

骑士走法Knight's Move

  (祭司Pr 3;转化Alteration)

  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术类似于3级法师法术 闪现术blink。以让人联想起国际象棋同名棋子的风格,运用骑士走法的施法者能使自己的物质躯体直接从一个点闪现到另一个点。
This spell is similar to the 3rd-level wizard spell blink. In a fashion reminiscent of the chess piece of the same name, the spellcaster employing a knight's move can cause his or her material form to blink directly from one point to another.

Unlike the wizard spell, the spellcaster can control the timing, direction, and distance of a knight's move within certain constraints. The priest can blink at any time during a round in lieu of taking any other action. Alternatively, the caster may perform some other action at his or her normal initiative and then blink at the very end of the round after all other actions of other individuals have been taken.

The direction and distance of the blink are under the control of the priest, who can blink from his or her current location to any location in sight within 5 feet times his or her level to a maximum of 120 feet.

The material component of this spell is the priest's holy symbol.

{{四级|四级标题 = 5th Level

心灵感应广播Telepathic Broadcast

  (祭司Pr 5;转化Alteration)

  距离Range:10 码/级
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级
  施法时间Casting Time:8
  影响区域Area of Effect:施法者的盟友
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell puts the priest in one-way telepathic communication with all allies within range. No opponent hostile to the spellcaster can “hear” the telepathic broadcast. While this spell is in effect, the priest can telepathically broadcast instructions, orders, information, or anything else desired at will, so long as the information can be transmitted verbally. The priest cannot select which allies hear the message; anything chosen for broadcast is heard by all allied forces. This spell also does not allow the priest's allies to respond.

The caster must choose the language the broadcast will be sent in. Allies who cannot understand the language in which the caster is communicating hear the words but do not understand their meaning without additional magical aid.

  这道法术的材料成分是这位祭司的圣徽,以及一撮来自灵吸怪或其它有心灵感应能量生物干燥大脑的粉末,或是一滴 锐耳术药水potion of clairaudience 或是 超感药水potion of ESP
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a pinch of dust from the desiccated brain of a mind flayer or other creature with telepathic abilities or a drop of a potion of clairaudience or potion of ESP.
