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【頭   銜】¢阿羅詩:命運的編織者The Weaver of Destiny

¢羅絲:蛛後The Spider Queen,蜘蛛之後the Queen of Spiders,蜘蛛魔後Demon Queen of Spiders,深淵魔後Demon Queen of the Abyss,蛛網魔域之後Queen of the Demonweb Pits,混沌編織者Weaver of Chaos,貪慾之母the Mother of Lusts,眾卓爾的黑暗之母Dark Mother of All Drow,蜘蛛女士Lady of Spiders
¢辛澤雷娜:被獵殺者the Hunted

¢摩安多:黑暗使者the Darkbringer
【陣   營】CE
【神   力】¢阿羅詩:L→N


【神   職】¢羅絲:蜘蛛Spiders,邪惡evil,黑暗darkness,混亂chaos,刺客assassins,卓爾種族the drow race


¢摩安多:腐爛的死亡rotting death,衰退decay,腐敗corruption
【神   系】¢阿羅詩:席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine

¢羅絲 & 辛澤雷娜:黑暗席德瑞恩諸神the Dark Seldarine

¢摩安多:泛費倫神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】勞薇艾塔Loviatar獁拉Malar席文塔姆Selvetarm
【敵   對】深地·杜菈Deep Duerra伊莉絲翠Eilistraee關納德Ghaunadaur格烏什Gruumsh艾布蘭多Ibrandul齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee拉杜格Laduguer摩安多Moander席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine維倫Vhaeraun布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp血色女王the Blood Queen迪卡拉澤Diinkarazan迪伊林卡Diirinka大主母Great Mother格澤姆尼德Gzemnid伊爾神思因Ilsensine伊西德倫Ilxendren勞格茲得Laogzed曼澤柯瑞安Maanzecorian潑斯洛菲爾Psilofyr辛澤雷娜Zinzerena
【神   國】無底深淵the Abyss/66th 羅絲之網Lolth's Web深坑魔網the Demonweb Pits
【徽   記】¢徽記1,羅絲:有着女性卓爾頭顱的黑色蜘蛛(頭居於圖像底部) Black spider with female drow head (at bottom of figure)

¢徽記2,辛澤雷娜:黑色斗篷與短劍black cloak and short sword
【簡   介】羅絲Lolth 原名 阿羅詩Araushnee,原為柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安的配偶、維倫伊莉絲翠之母。此外,她也是席文塔姆 的祖母,坎普托(未被她帶入國度天宇晶壁系)則是她的面首。

被權力欲腐蝕的她一度與孤狼費馬羅·莫斯德林有染,在她與其子維倫製造的一系列意圖顛覆柯瑞隆的統治並取而代之(在這一過程中伊莉絲翠也被無意識地捲入)的叛亂被粉碎、並導致了安格芮絲的誕生後,她聯合獸人主神格烏什、野獸之主瑪拉、軟泥怪之神關納德、冬季女神歐呂爾 等,組成了邪神團伙席德瑞恩之敵對席德瑞恩諸神的家園阿梵多國度發動突襲,並遭挫敗。
在無底深淵,她作為一位深淵領主在66th 深坑魔網祖格莫伊在內的各色深淵領主彼此爭鬥,並最終倚賴卓爾的信仰重新成神。

在歷經一系列的彼此傾軋和兼併(並導致了齊雅溫紗麗、伊莉絲翠、席文塔姆本體消逝,維倫假死,關納德脫離卓爾神系)後,她於 1375 DR~1379 DR 暫時統一了卓爾神系。但在五版,隨着各色雜毛神的大規模復活,這種統一宣告終結。

2eFR<Demihuman Deities.p026>羅絲Lolth


  (蛛後The Spider Queen,蜘蛛之後the Queen of Spiders,蜘蛛魔後Demon Queen of Spiders,深淵魔後Demon Queen of the Abyss,蛛網魔域之後Queen of the Demonweb Pits,混沌編織者Weaver of Chaos,被獵殺者the Hunted,貪慾之母the Mother of Lusts,眾卓爾的黑暗之母Dark Mother of All Drow,蜘蛛女士Lady of Spiders)

  無底深淵中等神力Intermediate Power of the Abyss,

  神職PORTFOLIO:蜘蛛Spiders,邪惡evil,黑暗darkness,混亂chaos,刺客assassins,卓爾種族the drow race
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:66th level/羅絲之網Lolth's Web深坑魔網the Demonweb Pits
  敵對FOES:深地·杜菈Deep Duerra伊莉絲翠Eilistraee關納德Ghaunadaur格烏什Gruumsh艾布蘭多Ibrandul(消逝dead),齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee拉杜格Laduguer摩安多Moander(消逝dead),席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine維倫Vhaeraun布里博杜普Blibdoolpoolp血色女王the Blood Queen迪卡拉澤Diinkarazan迪伊林卡Diirinka大主母Great Mother格澤姆尼德Gzemnid伊爾神思因Ilsensine伊西德倫Ilxendren勞格茲得Laogzed曼澤柯瑞安Maanzecorian(消逝dead),潑斯洛菲爾Psilofyr
  徽記SYMBOL:有着女性卓爾頭顱的黑色蜘蛛(頭居於圖像底部) Black spider with female drow head (at bottom of figure)
           或 黑色斗篷與短劍(辛澤雷娜面相)black cloak and short sword (Zinzerena aspect)
  信徒陣營WOR. ALIGN.:守序中立LN,絕對中立N,混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡NE


圖出自《Faiths & Pantheons》

  羅絲Lolth(讀作「LOLTH」)是卓爾種族與卓爾社會的女神。她是大部分卓爾社群的本性、風俗、法律的成因和這些社群生存的依賴。通過她那些孜孜不倦地篩出所有異議、違命、敵對信仰、或是褻瀆的蹤跡並加以毀滅,冷酷地踐行着 羅絲之道the Way of Lolth 的神職人員,蛛後維持着對卓爾城市的絕對統治。蛛後在卓爾社會中煽動着無盡的混亂,並為了取悅自己、為了防止自滿與失控的驕傲的滋生或是避免敵對信仰的崛起,而令卓爾一族陷於永恆的同族戰爭之中。羅絲也被 半蛛人chitine 崇拜着,那是一種被卓爾拋棄的小型類蜘蛛種族。
Lolth (LOLTH) is the goddess of the drow race and drow society. She is responsible for the nature, customs, laws, and survival of most drow communities. The Spider Queen maintains her absolute rule over drow cities by means of her clergy, who tirelessly seek out and destroy all traces of dissent, disobedience, rival faiths, or sacrilege and w ruthlessly enforce the Way of Lolth. The Spider Queen foments unending chaos in drow society and sets the drow eternally at war with each other both for her own amusement and to prevent complacency, runaway pride from asserting itself, or the rise of other faiths. Lolth is also venerated by chitines, a small spiderlike race that are castoffs of the drow.

  作為 阿羅詩Araushnee 時,羅絲曾是 席德瑞恩諸神the Seldarine 中的一位弱等神力,也是 柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安Corellon Larethian 的配偶。她是工匠的守護神、精靈命運的女神,在後來,依據柯瑞隆的裁決,她也成為了那些分享她美麗特徵的精靈的保護神。在轉而反對並背叛了她的愛人之前,命運的編織者The Weaver of Destiny 與柯瑞隆剩下了一對孿生小神——維倫Vhaeraun伊莉絲翠Eilistraee。最開始,她先是在 「獨眼神」格烏什Gruumsh One-Eye,獸人諸神的酋長,與 眾精靈的創造者the Creator of the Elves 長年的交戰中援助了格烏什;然後,在旁觀 野獸之主the Beastlord 在費倫大陸Faerûn 擊敗了 赫恩Herne 後,她又安排讓 獁拉Malar 追獵遭削弱的柯瑞隆。當這些計劃由於柯瑞隆的武技與 莎罕妮Sehanine 的干擾而破產時,阿羅詩聚集了一大群懷有敵意的神力——席德瑞恩之敵the anti-Seldarine——突襲阿梵多國度Arvandor。儘管有阿羅詩的背叛和維倫程度小一些的不忠,突襲最終仍然失敗了,而柯瑞隆配偶的背叛也被揭露。依據 席德瑞恩諸神之冕王the Coronal of the Seldarine 的命令,阿羅詩被轉化為了一隻蜘蛛形的塔納厘tanar'ri,並被放逐到了 無底深淵the Abyss
As Araushnee, Lolth was once a lesser power of the Seldarine and the consort of Corellon Larethian. She was the patron of artisans, the goddess of elven destiny, and-later, by Corellon's decree-the keeper of those elves who shared her darkly beautiful features. The Weaver of Destiny bore Corellon twin godlings-Vhaeraun and Eilistraee-before she turned against her lover and betrayed him. First she aided Gruumsh One-Eye, chief among the orcish gods, in one of his perennial battles with the Creator of the Elves, and then she set Malar on the trail of the weakened Corellon after observing the Beastlord defeat Herne on Faerûn. When these plots failed as a result of Corellon's skill at arms and Sehanine's interference, Araushnee raised a host of hostile powers-the anti-Seldarine-to assault Arvandor. Despite the treachery of Araushnee, and to a lesser extent, Vhaeraun, the assault failed and the perfidy of Corellon's consort and son were revealed. By order of the Coronal of the Seldarine, Araushnee was transformed into a spider-shaped tanar'ri and banished to the Abyss.

  作為一位 深淵領主Abyssal Lord,阿羅詩化名為羅絲,並征服了那片污穢位面的相當一部分,並在此過程中趕走了 關納德Ghaunadaur、降服了 齊雅溫紗麗Kiaransalee。蛛後The Spider Queen 隨後將她的關注點放在了腐化席德瑞恩諸神的凡人孩子們和恢復自己的神性上。羅絲的的注意力,由於月精靈英雄 凱絲蕾莉婭·朱頂蘭Kethryllia Amarillis 闖入她的神域,而被再次吸引到了 艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球Abeir-Toril,而蛛後立即開始在柯瑞隆在費倫最殘酷、最腐敗的孩子中培養追隨者。在那之後的諸世紀中,羅絲在好戰的 伊利斯特瑞族Ilythiiri(在維倫和較次要的關納德的謹慎指導下,他們在很久以前就開始在整個 南方the South 蔓延,並征服了他們的親族)中取得了重大進展。羅絲對於精靈的陰謀在 皇冠戰爭the Crown Wars 中達到了高潮,在最後,卓爾被放逐進入 幽暗地域the Underdark,但在那時,她已經使絕大多數深色皮膚的伊利斯特瑞(現在的卓爾)落入她的網中,並引起了費倫無數精靈的死亡和大量精靈城市的毀滅。
As an Abyssal Lord, Araushnee assumed the name Lolth and conquered a considerable portion of that foul plane, driving off Ghaunadaur and subjugating Kiaransalee in the process. The Spider Queen then turned her attentions toward corrupting the mortal children of the Seldarine and reclaiming her divinity. Lolth's attentions were drawn once again to Abeir-Toril by the intrusion of the moon elven heroine Kethryllia Amarillis into her domain, and the Spider Queen immediately began to cultivate followers among the most cruel and corrupt of Corellon's children in Faerûn. In the centuries that followed, Lolth made great inroads among the warlike Ilythiiri, who had long since spread across the South conquering their kin-folk under the careful guidance of Vhaeraun, and to a lesser extent, Ghaunadaur. Lolth's machinations among the elves culminated in the Crown Wars, and eventually, the descent of the drow into the Underdark, but by that time she had enmeshed most of the dark-skinned Ilythiiri, now drow, in her webs and engendered the death of countless elves and the destruction of much of elven civilization in Faerûn.

  自皇冠戰爭以來的諸世紀中,羅絲的追隨者從 達斯克林吉城Dusklyngh特'林海特城T'lindhet、從 古奧杜斯城Guallidurth 到現已陷落的 維爾'德林斯莎爾城V'elddrinnsshar,持續向整個幽暗地域蔓延。雖然有其祂神力在爭奪着她的統治權,但蛛後對黑暗精靈的統治仍在持續擴張,儘管速度比以前更慢一些。羅絲的追隨者忙於對幽暗地域的征服和對地表「妖精faerie」的毀滅,而蛛後也從未停止她摧毀 永聚島Evermeet 精靈庇護所的努力。
In the centuries since the Crown Wars, Lolth's followers have continued to spread throughout the Underdark, from Dusklyngh to T'lindhet and from Guallidurth to now-fallen V'elddrinnsshar. While other powers contest her rule, the Spider Queen's dominion over the dark elves continues to expand, albeit more slowly than before. Lolth's followers have been occupied with the conquest of the Underdark and the destruction of the faerie elves of the surface, and the Spider Queen has never ceased in her efforts to destroy the elven sanctuary of Evermeet.

  自 動盪之年Time of Troubles 以來,出於她擴張信徒隊伍並從而增強自己的個人力量的諸多詭計,羅絲已呈現為兩種額外的面相。在位於 北地the North 之下幽暗地域中的卓爾城市 魔索布萊城Menzoberranzan,在那裡蛛後羅絲——或者說 羅斯Lloth(在動盪之年期間,她現身於那裡時的名字),允許一位混亂與刺客的新半神力,「被獵殺者」茲澤瑞娜Zinzerena the Hunted 的風聞被傳播。雖然茲澤瑞娜曾是位卓爾傳奇刺客,並在之後成為了另一個世界而非艾伯爾-托瑞爾星球的新興半神力,但蛛後最近已弒殺了茲澤瑞娜——或者至少是將她的勢力從 諸國度the Realms 驅逐——並且呈現為她的面相;她以此來測試:如果有額外的神性面相,那麼可用的(雖然被分割了)神性力量的總量,是會增漲還是會減少。在 光照之地the Lands of Light 上,羅絲很久以前就發現地表精靈對蛛後懷有深切的種族仇恨,而這阻礙了她引誘地表精靈中那些極易被腐化之人的企圖。隨着 摩安多Moander,這股對於熱愛自然的地表精靈來說、比蛛後更容易理解(和接受)的邪惡勢力的消逝,羅絲已開始偽裝為 黑暗使者the Darkbringer 的面相和其 腐爛的死亡rotting death、衰退decay 以及 腐敗corruption 神職,並在努力爭取精靈、半精靈和人類崇拜者加入她的信徒隊伍的過程中,復興着它的教團。
Since the Time of Troubles, Lolth has assumed additional aspects as two of her many stratagems to increase the ranks of her faithful and thus her own personal power. In the drow city of Menzoberranzan, in the Underdark beneath the North where Lolth-or Lloth, as she is known there-appeared during the Time of Troubles, the Spider Queen has allowed rumors to spread of a new demipower of chaos and assassins, Zinzerena the Hunted. While Zinzerena was once a legendary drow assassin and later an emerging demipower of a world other than Abeir-Toril, the Spider Queen recently slew Zinzerena-or at least banished her influence from the Realms-and assumed her aspect as a test to see if additional divine aspects increased or decreased the total (albeit fragmented) divine power available. In the Lands of Light, Lolth has long found that the deeply imbued racial antipathy of the surface elves toward the Spider Queen interferes with her attempts to seduce otherwise eminently corruptible individuals. With the death of Moander, always a more comprehensible (and tempting) force of evil to the nature-loving surface elves than the Spider Queen, Lolth has assumed the Darkbringer's aspect and portfolio of rotting death, decay, and corruption and revived its cult in a bid to add elven, half-elven, and human worshipers to the ranks of her faithful.

  雖然蛛後憎恨席德瑞恩諸神的所有成員,但羅絲把最深痛的恨意留給了曾經的愛人,柯瑞隆·拉瑞斯安,是他將它放逐進了深淵、給了她塔納厘的名字。蛛後尤其憎惡她長期以來的對手,莎罕妮·月弓Sehanine Moonbow,因為她部分挫敗了羅絲取代柯瑞隆成為席德瑞恩諸神之首的企圖。蛛後也發誓向 費馬羅·莫斯德林Fenmarel Mestarine 復仇,他在最初墮入她的誘惑後拒絕了她。
Although the Spider Queen detests all the members of the Seldarine, Lolth reserves her deepest hatred for her former lover, Corellon Larethian, who banished her to the Abyss and named her tanar'ri. The Spider Queen particularly loathes Sehanine Moonbow, long her rival, for her part in foiling Lolth's bid to replace Corellon as head of the Seldarine. The Spider Queen has also vowed vengeance against Fenmarel Mestarine, who spurned her after initially falling to her seductions.

Lolth is a cruel, capricious goddess, thought by many to be insane. She delights in setting her worshipers at each other's throats, so that the strongest, most devious and most cruel survive to serve her. Lolth roams the Realms often, appearing in answer to the rituals of drow priests, and working whatever harm she can to the enemies of drow. (During the Time of Troubles, Lolth appeared in the northern city of Menzoberranzan for a short period of time.) The Spider Queen secretly wants to be worshiped by humans and elves of other races on the surface Realms, and sometimes journeys among their communities, whispering of the power Lolth can bring. Lolth is malicious in her dealings and coldly vicious in a fight. She enjoys both personally dealing and causing death, destruction, and painful torture. Even morc, Lolth enjoys corrupting elves and humans to her service. Lolth can be kind and render aid to those she fancies-but she really cares only for herself; her favor and aid can never be relied on. The Spider Queen enjoys the company of and can converse with spiders of all sorts.


羅絲的化身Lolth's Avatar

  (牧師Cleric 33,巫師Mage 31,戰士Fighter 20)

Lolth can appear as a giant black widow spider with crimson eyes, or she can change into the form of a human-sized, exquisitely beautiful female drow. In this form she often clothes herself entirely in clinging spiders, but sometimes wearing drow chain mail styled into artful dresses or tunics. She can also combine the two forms, appearing as a giant spider with a coldly beautiful female drow head. This is the form in which she is usually found in the Abyss, and it is thought to be her true form. Lolth can call on any sphere or school of magic for her spells.

  防禦等級 -2(卓爾) 或 -4(蜘蛛);移動 15(卓爾) 或 9,網24(蜘蛛);生命值 210;零級命中值 1;#攻擊 1次或 3次/1輪(卓爾) 或 3次(蜘蛛/卓爾) 或 3次(蜘蛛)
  傷害 1d10+9(拳擊,+9力量) 或以卓爾武器類型(+3卓爾武器獎勵,+9力量)(卓爾);1d4+特殊(網) 以及 4d4+毒素(齧咬)(蜘蛛/卓爾);或 1d4+特殊(網) 以及 4d4+毒素(蜘蛛)
  魔抗 70%;體型 中型M(6呎高—卓爾)或 大型L(12呎直徑—蜘蛛)
  力量 21,敏捷 21,體質 21,智力 21,感知 17,魅力 23(在蜘蛛形態3)
  法術 祭司P:12/12/11/10/9/9/9,法師W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
  AC -2 (drow) or -4 (spider); MV 15 (drow) or 9, Wb 24 (spider); HP 210; THAC0 1;#AT 1 or 3/1 (drow) or 3 (spider/drow) or 3 (spider)
  Dmg 1d10+9 (fist,+9 STR) or by drow weapon type(+3 drow weapon bonus, +9 STR) (drow); 1d4+special (webs) and 4d4+poison (bite) (spider/drow); or 1d4+special (webs) and 4d4+poison (spider)
  MR 70%; SZ M(6 feet tall-drow) or L(12 feet diameter-spider)
  STR 21, DEX 21, CoN 21, INT 21, WiS 17, CHA 23(3 in spiderform)
  Spells P:12/12/11/10/9/9/9, W:7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7
  Saves PPDM 2, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻擊/防禦Special Att/Def:

  羅絲的蜘蛛形態與蜘蛛/卓爾混合形態的數據幾乎相同。從卓爾形態到蜘蛛或蜘蛛/卓爾形態(或者反過來)都需要一整輪,在此期間羅絲不能採取其它行動, AC為0,也不能使用任何類法術力量。從蜘蛛形態到蜘蛛/卓爾形態(或者反過來)的變形是即刻的。
Statistics for Lolth's spider and combined spider/drow form are nearly identical. Changing from drow form to either spider or spider/drow form (or the reverse) takes an entire round, during which Lolth can take no other action, is AC 0, and cannot use any spell-like powers. Changing from spider form to spider/drow form (or the reverse) is instantaneous.

When summoned to the Realms, Lolth likes to roam the Underdark, basking in the terrified worship of drow. She customarily takes any magical items they offer to her (or that strike her fancy). When encountered, she typically has ld4 such items, of the DM's choice. She can employ these in any form, regardless of class limitations. When she employs a weapon or weapons in combat (she can fight two-handed when she desires at no penalty), they are drow weapons of +3 enchantment of variable type.

  羅絲只能在卓爾形態施展她的祭司和法師法術,而在任何她放棄物理攻擊的輪中,都能施展2道法術、而不是正常的1道法術/1次物理攻擊順序的化身戰鬥能力。除此之外,隨意使用,羅絲還能(在任何形態中)在1輪中使用以下類法術力量:魅惑蛛類charm arachnid(無豁免、僅限蜘蛛的 魅惑怪物charm monster;魔法地呈現為蜘蛛形態的智慧生物,得到-5懲罰的法術豁免)、通曉語言comprehend languages困惑術confusion(生物只要看見羅絲、而不需要滿足受害者與羅絲凝視交匯就會受到影響,但得到1次麻痹豁免以避免此效果)、黑暗術,15呎darkness 15' radius驅散魔法dispel magic次元門dimension door超感ESP(僅卓爾,每輪1個目標)、召喚蜘蛛summon spiders(01-20%;1d6+6 大型蜘蛛,21-50%:1d4+4 超大型蜘蛛,51-90%:1d6 巨型蜘蛛,91-00%:1d2 相位蜘蛛)、巧言術tongues、以及 真知術true seeing。每輪1次,羅絲能使用以下類法術能力:變化自身change self鷹眼術clairvoyance支配術domination心靈屏障mind blank、以及 艾伐的黑觸手Evard's black tentacles。作為類法術力量,蛛後也能每日2次,施展 相位門phase door閱讀魔法read magic,以及每日3次,施展 醫療術heal
Lolth can cast her priest and wizard spells only in drow form and can then cast two spells in any round in which she forgos her physical attack, rather than the normal one spell/one physical attack sequence combat capabilities of avatars. In addition, Lolth can (in any form) use any one of the following spell-like powers in a round at will:charm arachnid (a spiders-only charm monster with no saving throw; intelligent beings who have magically assumed spider form receive saving throws vs. spell at a -5 penalty),comprehend languages, confusion (creature looked at only-the victim need not meet Lolth's gaze to be affected but gets a saving throw vs. paralyzation to avoid the effects),darkness 15' radius, dispel magic, dimension door, ESP (drow only, one target per round),summon spiders (01-20%: 1d8+8 large spiders; 21-50%:1d6+6 huge spiders; 51-90%: 2d4 giant spiders; 91-00%: 1d4 phase spiders),tongues, and true seeing. Lolth can use the following spell-like powers once per day:change self, clairvoyance, domination, mind blank, and Evard's black tentacles. The Spider Queen can also cast phase door and read magic twice per day and heal three times per day as spell-like abilities.

  在卓爾形態時,如果她願意,羅絲的擁抱可以產生如同 魅惑人類charm person(以-4的法術豁免檢定)法術的效果,作用於任一性別的人類或亞人。她習慣會留下一隻有毒的蜘蛛去對為她服務的某人進行援助、保護、以及保持監視,並將她所擁有或能得到的任意某件魔法物品給予他們。
When in drow form, Lolth's direct physical embrace, if she wishes, can act as a charm person (with a -4 penalty to saving throws vs. spell) on a human or demihuman of either sex. She customarily leaves a poisonous spider to aid, guard, and keep watch on someone who serves her, and gives them any one magical item that she possesses or can seize.

  在蜘蛛形態或蜘蛛/卓爾形態,羅絲能從她腹部的絲腺施放高達30呎長的網鏈。這張網等效於 蛛網術web 法術,並且覆蓋着腐蝕性的分泌物,接觸造成每輪1d4點傷害,直到成功通過毒素豁免檢定。羅絲可以轉向她的絲腺向所有方向(除非受到了她自己身軀的阻礙)開火,並且除了齧咬和使用類法術力量外,每輪能施放2條絲。羅絲的齧咬有4d4點傷害;受害者必須成功通過-4的毒素豁免檢定,否則將在1d2輪中在顫搐的痛苦中死去。
In spider or spider/drow form, Lolth can cast up to 30-foot-long web strands from her abdominal spinnerets. These webs are equal in effect to a web spell and are covered with a flesh-corrosive secretion that inflicts 1d4 points of damage per round of contact unless a successful a saving throw vs. poison is rolled. Lolth can swivel her spinnerets to fire in all directions (except through her own body) and can cast 2 strands per round as well as biting or using a spell-like power. Lolth's bite does 4d4 points of damage; the victim must succeed at a saving throw vs. poison at -4 or die in 1d2 rounds of in twitching agony.

  羅絲只會被+2或更好的魔法武器擊中。她免疫所有毒素。寒冷與電擊攻擊只造成半數傷害,但羅絲會遭受聖水的額外傷害。(直接命中每小瓶造成3d6點傷害,濺射造成6點傷害。)她有120呎的熱感視覺和80呎範圍的 心靈感應telepathy。她不會被光亮傷害或擾亂。
Lolth can only be struck by +2 or better magical weapons. She is immune to all poisons. Cold and electrical attacks do only half damage, but Lolth suffers extra damage from holy water. (Each vial does 3d6+3 points of damage from a direct hit and 6 points of damage from a splash.) She has 120-foot infravision and 90-foot-range telepathy. She is not harmed or discomfited by light.


圖出自《Faiths & Pantheons》

其祂顯現Other Manifestations

  羅絲極少直接援助她的崇拜者,而寧願旁觀和享受他們的痛苦與掙扎。如果她想要某人知曉她正在旁觀,羅絲會在任意在場的蜘蛛上,顯靈為感覺好像是一對嘴唇露出的微笑。這隻蜘蛛總是被紫色的 妖火術faerie fire 描出輪廓。如果沒有蜘蛛在場,羅絲會創造一團微笑的、巨型蜘蛛形幽影。
Lolth rarely aids her worshipers directly, preferring to watch and enjoy their sufferings and struggles. If she wants someone to know that she is watching, Lolth causes a smirking pair of sensuous lips to appear on any spider present. The spider is always outlined in a flickering purple faerie fire. If no spider is present, Lolth creates a smiling, spider-shaped shadow of giant size.

More rarely, Lolth acts directly. In such cases, her power may be seen as a flickering black, mauve-edged radiance around a person or object temporarily imbued with her power. The Spider Queen's power typically gives one or both of the following aids to affected things:double damage (triple to giant-type creatures) or immunity to breakage or other damage (automatic success on all item saving throws). It also gives any or all of the following aids to affected beings for 1 turn:the ability to strike first in any combat round, a +4 bonus to Armor Class, and a three-level improvement in fighting ability. (For this lasts, phantom hit points are gained and all damage inflicted is subtracted from these points first; when the phantom points disappear at the end of the turn, only any excess damage is actually suffered by the character.)

  羅絲的笑聲——柔軟、殘酷的女性嗤笑——通常被那些失去了她的眷顧、或是發了瘋的卓爾聽到。笑聲也會被卓爾的敵人聽到,尤其是那些獨行、並/或逃進了幽暗地域無盡的洞穴與通道中的傢伙。少於2HD的存在會不由自主地逃離,如同受到了 恐懼術fear 法術影響,直至他們死去、不省人事、或是不再聽見她的笑聲為止。
Lolth's laughter-soft, cruel feminine chuckling-is often heard by drow who have lost her favor or who have gone mad. It is also heard by foes of the drow, especially when beings of these sorts are alone and/or fleeing in the endless caverns and passages of the Underdark. Beings of less than 2 Hit Dice flee uncontrollably, as if affected by a fear spell, until they die, are knocked unconscious, or can hear her laughter no more.

  典型來說,羅絲通過羅絲的侍女蠟融妖yochlol、或是噬魂蛛myrlochar(即the soul spider)的出場來活動。她也通過以下事物的出場或露面來活動:深淵蟻abyss ant、變形蛛aranea、狩魔蛛bebilith、荊棘精bramble(卑鄙妖精petty faeries)、蠍蛛cildabrin、織暗者darkweaver、深龍deep dragon、蛛化精靈、墮落和腐化的愛刺天族eladrin、伊特怪、格瑞洛克蠍greelox、kalin、活化網living web、須腳蛛pedipalpi(大型、超大型、以及巨型種類)、夸賽魔、尋獵物犬retriever、影龍shadowdrak、避日蛛solifugid(大型、超大型、以及巨型種類)、蜘蛛(腦蛛、多毛蛛、大蜘蛛、恐蛛、超大蜘蛛、巨怪蜘蛛、巨蜘蛛、相移蛛、劍蜘蛛、旋窩蛛、守望蛛、以及幽靈蛛種類)、蛛網石寶石spiderstone golem、塔納厘tanar'n、紅寡婦red widow、牆行者wall walker、網鳥webbird、以及蛛人werespider。羅絲已知從未使用騎蛛steeder作為神仆,而它們又被 杜爾加矮人duergar 作為坐騎,這暗示着在羅絲和 拉杜格Laduguer 之間存在着某種遠古協定。羅絲通過以下事物展現她的眷顧:被包裹在琥珀中的蜘蛛、黑色藍寶石black sapphire、datcha、以及蛛網石webstone;她通過造成貴重的物品(通常是寶石)的粉碎成大小大致相等的八份,來展現她的不悅。
Lolth typically acts through the appearance of yochlol, the handmaidens of Lolth, or myrlochar, the soul spiders. She also acts through the appearance or presence of abyss ants, aranea, bebiliths, brambles (petty faeries), cildabrin, darkweavers, deep dragons, driders, fallen and corrupted eladrin, ettercaps, greelox, kalin, living webs, pedipalpi (large, huge, and giant varieties), quasits, retrievers, shadowdrakes, solifugids (large, huge, and giant varieties), spiders (brain, hairy, large, hook, huge, gargantuan, giant, phase, sword, vortex, watch and wraith varieties), spiderstone golems, tanar'n, red widows, wall walkers, webbirds, and werespiders. Lolth has never been known to employ steeders as minions, and their use as steeds by the duergar hints at an ancient pact between Lolth and Laduguer. The Spider Queen shows her favor through the discovery of arachnids encased in amber, black sapphires, datchas, and webstone, and her displeasure by causing items of value (usually gems) to shatter into eight pieces of roughly equal size.

教會The Church

  神職人員CLERGY:牧師Clerics,護教軍crusaders,專屬祭司specialty priests
  神職陣營CLERGY'S ALIGN.:混亂中立CN,守序邪惡LE,中立邪惡NE,混亂邪惡NE
  驅散不死TURN UNDEAD:牧師C:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No;專屬祭司SP:不可No
  支配不死CMND. UNDEAD:牧師C:不可No;護教軍Cru:不可No;專屬祭司SP:可Yes

  所有羅絲的牧師(包括戰士/牧師)、護教軍、以及專屬祭司得到 宗教知識religion(卓爾drow)、宗教知識religion(精靈elven)、閱讀/書寫reading/writing(卓爾語drowic)、以及 古代語言ancient languages(高等卓爾語high drow)(high drow)作為非武器熟練獎勵。羅絲神職成員總是被授予法術 妖火術恆久妖火continual faerie fire(詳述於《Prayers from the Faithful》中)。羅絲神職成員必須是卓爾或 半蛛人chitine,不過人們對後者知之甚少,甚至是在黑暗精靈之中也是如此。
{{sp|sp = All clerics (including fighter/clerics), crusaders, and specialty priests of Lolth receive religion (drow), religion (elven), reading/writing (drowic), and ancient languages (high drow) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Members of Lolth's clergy always gain access to the spells faerie fire and continual faerie fire (detailed in Prayers from the Faithful). Members of Lolth's clergy must be drow or chitines, although little is known about the latter, even among the dark elves themselves.

  蛛後在大部分地表居民中都是恐怖傳說的主題,並被視為令人極度畏懼的卓爾的同義詞。在幽暗地域中,她的邪惡眾所周知,而矮人、斯涅布力侏儒svirfneblin 以及其他種族因她祭司的殘酷力量而憎恨着她。幾乎沒有精靈甚至願意僅僅是討論他們深地之下的親族,更不用說那位在這些親族的腐化和墮入邪惡上被歸咎指責負有很大一部分責任的黑暗女神。只有伊莉絲翠的黑暗精靈祭司甚至願意討論蛛後,而她們對羅絲奴役她們親族們的怒火,甚至比那些地表的其他精靈更為熾熱。羅絲被她最虔誠的祭司們憎惡甚至是恐懼;她們是為羅絲所提供的力量而崇敬她,而並非出於任何感情、忠誠、或是信念。崇敬其他邪惡神祇的黑暗精靈,如同所有向她效忠的男性卓爾一樣,為了蛛後和她的祭司所掌控的權力而咒罵她們,但這並不意味着如果可能,他們會不去為自己奪取權力。
The Spider Queen is the subject of terrifying legend among most surface dwellers and seen as virtually synonymous with the greatly feared drow. In the Underdark, she is a well-known evil, hated for the cruel power of her priests by dwarves, svirfneblin, and other races. Few elves are even willing to discuss their deep-dwelling kin, let alone the dark goddess who is blamed in large part for their depravity and for leading them into evil. Only the dark elven priests of Eilistraee are even willing to discuss the Spider Queen, and their fury at her enslavement of their kin exceeds even that of the other elven subraces. Lolth is hated and feared even by her most devout priests; they venerate her for the power she provides, not out of any sense of affection or loyalty or principles. Dark elves who venerate other evil gods as well all male drow who pay her homage revile both the Spider Queen and her priests for the power they possess, not that they would not seize such power for themselves if they could.

  貴族家族有她們自己的私有神殿,而在每座卓爾城市都擁有至少一片大型的開放公共集會區域,用作大型儀式、宣戰和類似事務。大部分城市也擁有一座獻給蛛後的宏偉神殿,用於培訓祭司。雖然在大小、富裕程度、以及重要性上有很大的區別,在各個神殿中都必定存在某些不變的布置。內廳預留給了羅絲的崇拜、交易、以及大部分的施法行為。除了與施法和儀式有關的光輝外,這些廳房總是籠罩在黑暗中。前廳被預留給了戰爭會議,而大部分交易中祭司與卓爾男性和外來者的會面也都在此進行。大部分神殿都擁有守護生物,這些生物通常是隱藏着的,並且有時候擁有魔法特質(譬如 翡翠蜘蛛jade spider)。這些守護生物通常包括任何品種的蜘蛛。一旦發生攻擊,即便是無害品種的蜘蛛也能裝備綁在它們背上的裝甲鞘,其上承載着家族的防禦符文;而在智慧的、被魅惑的蜘蛛身上,承載的甚至是能夠釋放主動魔法力量的家徽。蛛後的雕像通常以黑色的石材加工而成,它們存在於所有的神殿廳房中。大理石和黑曜石是雕像和神殿家具所親睞的材料。並且總是有華麗地雕刻為蜘蛛形狀的大號火盆,並有至少一座黑石祭壇。
Noble Houses have their own private temples, and every drow city has at least one large, open public gathering-area for large rituals, calls to war, and the like. Most cities also have a grand temple to the Spider Queen, used for training priests. In every temple, despite large differences in size, opulence, and importance, certain constants apply. Inner chambers are reserved for the worship and business of Lolth, including most spellcasting. These chambers are always shrouded in darkness, except for the radiances involved in spellcasting and rituals. Antechambers are set aside for warcouncils, and most business wherein priests meet with drow males and outsiders. Most temples have guardian creatures, often hidden, and occasionally magical in nature (such as jade spiders). These usually include spiders of all sorts. In the event of an attack, even the harmless sorts of spiders can be equipped with armor-sheaths, strapped to their backs, that bear House defense runes-or even, in the case of intelligent, charmed spiders, house insignia with active magic powers may be wielded. Statuettes of the Spider Queen, usually worked of black stone, are present in all temple chambers. Marble and obsidian are favored materials for statuary and temple furniture. There are always large, ornately carved (with spider shapes) braziers, and at least one altar of black stone.

  根據城市的變化,羅絲教派Lolthite 的神職人員所使用的頭銜範圍甚廣,但其在各自的疆域內都被嚴格執行。舉個例子,在 卡林珊Calimshan 地下深處的 古奧杜斯城Guallidurth,羅絲的神職人員被統稱為 贖罪女祭yom'y-athrins。根據升序,羅絲的神殿之城the Temple City of Lolth 的頭銜等級制度包括:無名者Noamutha、輕信者Khalessa、監視者Kyorla、優越者Alura、命令者Quartha、思慮者Talintha、天命者Elamshina、以及 成就者Xundusa。蛛後的高層祭司被通稱為高階女祭司yathtallars。如果她們統治着某個貴族家族,她們將被稱為 總管母親Ilharess(即主母Matron Mother),否則她們會被冠以頭銜 死侍女王Streea'Valsharess(即黑寡婦Black Widow)。專屬祭司被稱為 阿拉喀涅arachnes。羅絲的神職人員包括卓爾(94%)和半蛛人(6%)。在黑暗精靈中,96%是女性;也有男性羅絲祭司(4%),但蛛後極少允許他們提升到7經驗等級以上。羅絲的神職人員包括專屬祭司(40%)、牧師(30%)、戰士/牧師(20%)、以及護教軍(10%),雖然各座城市之間相對比例有很大不同。
Titles used by Lolthite priests vary widely from city to city but are strictly enforced within their respective domains. As an example, in Guallidurth, deep beneath Calimshan, Lolth's clergy are known collectively as Yom'y-athrins. In ascending order, the hierarchy of titles for the Temple City of Lolth include Noamutha, Khalessa, Kyorla, Alura, Quartha, Talintha, Elamshina, and Xundusa. High-ranking priests of the Spider Queen are collectively known as yathtallars. If they rule a noble house they are known as Ilharess (Matron Mother), but otherwise they are titled Streea'Valsharess (Black Widow). Specialty priests are known as arachnes. The clergy of Lolth includes dark elves (94%) and chitines (6%). Of the dark elves,96% are female; there are male priests of Lolth (4%), but the Spider Queen very rarely allows them to rise above 7th level of experience. Lolth's clergy includes Specialty Priests(40%), clerics (30%), fighter/clerics (20%), and crusaders (10%), although the relative fractions of each vary from city to city.
[譯註:卓爾語yathrin ——drow priestess; Noamutha——lost, unknown or wanderer; khaless - meaning trust or a drow game called Khaless. Because trust is so lacking in drow society, it is often used in an ironic sense to mean misplaced trust.; kyorl ——to watch; alur ——superior; quarth ——to command, used as part of an order; talinth ——consider or to think.; elamshin - destiny, the will of Lolth.; xundus - acheivement or work completed.; yathtallar - high priestess.; ilharess - matron; plural is ilharressen.; streea - to die in the service of Lolth. or suicide.; valsharess - queen. Used as a title to refer to Lolth or the most powerful matron mothers.]


Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft, useless feelings that none can lean on. All drow who do not worship Lolth must be converted or destroyed. All weak and rebellious drow must be weeded out. All who impugn the faith must perish. Males or slaves of other races who act independently of Lolth's dictates (and those other priests) must be sacrificed to Lolth. Those of the faithful whose loyalty is weak must be eliminated. Children are to be raised as loyal worshipers of Lolth, and each family should produce at least one priest to serve the Spider Queen better than his or her parents. Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die.

Such are the commands of Lolth-but the priest who follows them blindly is on a slippery path leading to swift death. Success in the service of Lolth lies with those who are attentive to the ever-changing, often contradictory will of Lolth. Lolth's capricious nature makes hard-and-fast rules few and uncertainty great. Of course, questioning Lolth's motives or wisdom is a sin. Aiding nondrow against drow is a great sin, as is ignoring the Spider Queen's commands in favor of love. (Lolth often tests her priests by ordering the sacrifice of a favored consort.) Drow who lose the favor of Lolth are always given a single chance to redeem themselves. This is usually a dangerous or difficult mission, though Lolth may test certain individuals by setting no task at all and observing what they do. Those who willfully fail are destroyed. Lolth commands other worshipers to do this (in turn, testing them). Those who fail through mischance or poor planning or execution are usually transformed into driders. Lolth often plays favorites among her drow worshipers, but those who ride high one season are warned that Lolth can turn her dark face upon them without warning and undoubtedly will sometime soon.

日常活動Day-to-Day Activities:

  羅絲的祭司是卓爾社會中的統治者、治安部隊、法官、仲裁委員會以及劊子手。她們每日行使着權力,而行事的方式大多都與羅絲本尊殘酷而反覆無常的本性保持着一致。羅絲的祭司為羅絲的期望而努力行動,並操縱(經常是通過暴力)她們的卓爾同類也如此行事。每位祭司的終級目標是獲取並保有羅絲的眷顧the Favor of Lolth。那些在羅絲眷顧中死去的祭司的靈魂,被認為會前往深淵,在那裡她們將被變成蠟融妖和其它僕從生物。那些在羅絲的不悅中死去的,則被送往另一個位面的某個地方受折磨,也許有一天會作為毒蛇或蜘蛛重返諸國度。(卓爾宗教信仰在此類事項上是如此的困惑混亂,而相關內容中的時間與地點也經常變化。)那麼,一位優秀祭司的職責便是完成任何必要的事情,來贏的和保有蛛後的親睞。雖然背叛和殘忍常常會得到獎賞,但羅絲並不贊成那些讓個人的怨恨和復仇,給自己的家族、氏族、城市、或團隊帶來失敗和恥辱的人。
Lolth's priests are the rulers, police forces, judges, juries, and executioners of drow society. They wield power daily, and most do so in a manner in keeping with the cruel and capricious nature of Lolth herself. Priests of Lolth strive to act as Lolth wishes and to manipulate (often by brutal force) their fellow drow to do so too. The ultimate aim of every priest is to achieve and keep the Favor of Lolth. The spirits of priests who die in her favor are believed to go to the Abyss, where they become yochlol and other servant creatures. Those who die in Lolth's disfavor are thought to pass into torment on another plane somewhere, perhaps to someday return to the Realms as a snake or spider. (Drow beliefs are confused on such matters, and often change with time and location.) The duties of a good priest, then, are to do whatever is necessary to gain and to keep the Spider Queen's favor. Although treachery and cruelty are often rewarded, Lolth does not look kindly on those who let personal grudges and revenge-taking bring defeat or shame to their House, clan, city, or band.

聖日/重要儀式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

Lolth requires homage-submission in prayer, plus offerings-regularly from her priests. Ceremonies involving the sacrifice of surface elves are performed monthly during nights of the full moon as deliberate affronts to Sehanine, Lolth's hated rival. Rituals to Lolth are customarily practiced in female-only company in a sacred room or area. Rituals requiring extraordinary power or a public display may be celebrated in the open and in all sorts of mixed company. When Lolth's aid is required, sacrifices must be made. These are traditionally the blood of drow faithful and/or captured foes, spilled with a spider-shaped knife whose eight descending legs are blades(2d6 points of damage). In other cases, gems or other precious objects may be burned in braziers, as prayers of offering are chanted. In large, important rituals, priests of Lolth customarily use eight braziers to provide additional flame material and in homage to Lolth (the flames represent her eight legs). The most powerful rituals to Lolth defy detailed description and are seldom seen by nondrow.

  獻給羅絲的儀式涉及珍貴油脂和香料、活祭品、以及各種類型的財富(尤其是寶石)的焚燒。傳統上,它們被放置在一座黑色祭壇的碗形坑(或燃燒的火盆)中。這些祭品總是在儀式的某個時刻,在羅絲的火焰中被燒盡。若羅絲異常不悅,或是有冒充者在場,那麼黑紅的火焰將從火盆中飛躍而出,在焚盡祭品的同時也可能會焚燒其它在場的財寶,如魔法物品、珠寶以及衣物。典型來說,羅絲的火焰只會羞辱被點着的祭司,將祂的衣物焚毀並造成1d4點傷害,而冒充者和入侵者則將遭受造成6d6點傷害的灼熱烈焰(若在-2懲罰的對抗法術豁免成功,則傷害減半)。而如果以上情況發生,每位在這個廳室內的羅絲祭司立即得到一道免費的 闇炎darkfire 法術來支配,即便她們的法術位已滿、或是記憶了其它的 闇炎。隨這道的法術而來的是立即使用它的強制命令:去炸那些竟如此侮辱羅絲的傢伙。
Rituals to Lolth involve the burning of precious oils and incense, live offerings, and riches of all sorts, particularly gems. These are customarily placed in a bowl-shaped depression in a black altar (or burning brazier). These offerings are always consumed in the flames of Lolth at some point in the ritual. If Lolth is particularly displeased, or impostors are present, the black-and-red flames that leap from the braziers to consume the offerings may also are to consume other valuables present, such as magical items, jewelry, and clothing. Typically, Lolth's flames do little more than humiliate a burned priest, destroying his or her garments and dealing him or her 1d4 points of damage, but an impostor or intruder receives a searing flame attack that does 6d6 points of damage (half if a saving throw vs. spell at a -2 penalty succeeds). If this occurs, every priest of Lolth present in the chamber instantly receives a free darkfire spell to wield, even if she or he is carrying a full load of spells or has other darkfire spells memorized. The spell comes with the strong command to use it, forthwith, to blast those who would so insult Lolth.

  羅絲會以化身形態進入 主物質位面Prime Material Plane,在愉悅時她會凡人允許聯繫其本尊。否則,羅絲的僕從蠟融妖將是她的延伸。這樣的聯絡儀式需要使用一面焚燒着油脂、煤炭或是薰香的火盆,火盆是以貴重的黑色材料(譬如縞瑪瑙、黑曜石、或是其內嵌滿黑珍珠的金碗)製成容器。火焰被以魔法轉化為了一道暫時連接深淵第66層、與主物質位面的跨位面門。通過這一鏈接,蠟融妖將現身,使用火焰的材料塑造自身的外觀。若此呼喚足夠有力,蠟融妖能從這道門完全進入。只要火焰能保證她們的停留,羅絲經常命令她的侍女留在主物質位面——召喚的火焰熄滅將令蠟融妖立即被安全地吸回深淵。被召喚的蠟融妖能保持代它們到來的 異界之門 開啟,以與羅絲和其它位於深淵的生物進行聯繫。(這樣的聯繫要求她們完全的注意力,令她們在頃刻間陷入呆滯與沉寂。)她們也能派遣從深淵一隻生物到主物質位面,並釋放對其的全部控制、對抗召喚者的意旨。這樣的舉動會導致這道異界之門的毀滅以及蠟融妖的消失。而被這樣派遣的生物通常是噬魂蛛。
Lolth enters the Prime Material Plane in avatar form or allows herself to be contacted only when it pleases her to do so. Otherwise, Lolth's servant yochlol are reached. Such contact rituals require the use of a brazier of burning oils, coals, or incense-burned in a vessel fashioned of a valuable black material (such as onyx, obsidian, or a golden bowl whose interior is studded with black pearls). The flames provide material that the magic transforms into an interplanar gate temporarily linking the 66th layer of the Abyss with the Prime Material Plane. Through this link, the yochlol appear, using flame material to fashion semblances of themselves. If called with sufficient force, a yochlol can emerge fully from its gate. Lolth usually orders her handmaidens to remain in the Prime Material Plane only so long as the flames that brought them remain-the dying of the summoning flame then allows a yochlol the safety of being sucked instantly back to the Abyss. Yochlol who are summoned can keep the gate that brought them open while they communicate with Lolth and others in the Abyss. (Such communication demands their full attention, causing their Prime Material forms to go momentarily blank faced and unhearing.) They can also send one creature of the Abyss into the Prime Material Plane, loose of all control and against the wishes of the summoner. This act causes the destruction of the gate and the disappearance of the yochlol. Such sends are usually myrlochar.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  卡林珊沙漠和 地底沙納塔Deep Shanatar 南部隧道的地下深處的是古奧杜斯城,羅絲的神殿之城。21個貴族家族的主母,列席於這座古老城市的 統治議會the ruling Council,每位都代表了一支(在某些案例中,更多的)蛛後信徒的宗派、教派、或派系。衡量某支宗派的相對勢力的一種標準,是其修建地起的禮拜堂的華麗程度。因此,古奧杜斯城包含數以百計(如不是數以千計)專注奉獻羅絲的神殿,其大小從簡單的神龕、到最謙虛的神堂、再到最宏偉的大教堂。城市的神殿有許多已經被毀——它們的會眾已在長期以來在整座城市無盡的宗教衝突中被謀殺;或被廢棄——它們的會眾已能負擔得起更加浮華(和更具防禦力)的禮拜堂。只有那些崇拜其他神明的黑暗精靈——譬如 薩瑞斯特Sarenestar(即米爾森林)中的維倫崇拜者市民——這樣不可饒恕的異端,能將古奧杜斯城的羅絲教團神職人員團結在共同事業上,而即便是這樣的努力也經常由於各種宗派之間的內訌而註定失敗。
Deep beneath the deserts of Calimshan and the southern tunnels of Deep Shanatar is Guallidurth, the Temple City of Lolth. The Matron Mothers of twenty-one noble Houses sit on the ruling Council of this ancient city, each representing one (or more, in some cases) sect, cult, or faction of the Spider Queen's faithful. One measure of a sect's relative influence is the magnificence of the house of worship it can afford to construct. As a result, Guallidurth contains hundreds, if not thousands, of temples dedicated to Lolth ranging in size from simple shrines to modest chapels to grand cathedrals. Many of the city's temples are ruined-their congregations long since murdered in the endless religious strife that rages across the city -or abandoned-their congregations able to afford more ostentatious (and defensible) houses of worship. Only the unforgivable heresy of dark elves worshiping other gods-such as the cities of Vhaeraun worshipers in Sarenestar (the Forest of Mir)-unites the Lolthite clergies of Guallidurth in common cause and even such endeavors are usually doomed to failure by the infighting among members of the various sects.

從屬組織Affiliated Orders:

  好戰噬魂蛛The Militant Myrlochar,也被稱為 靈魂蜘蛛會the Order of Soul Spiders,是一支僅由男性護教軍組成的精英軍事組織,他們存在於個別尊崇羅絲而又允許男性加入其祭職者的城市。好戰噬魂蛛直接侍奉着該城市的統治主母,被作為無節制破壞的代理人,不知疲倦地獵殺任何被指定為他們獵物、或是干擾到他們追捕的生物,而洩慾般地大肆破壞直到被召回(罕有發生)或被毀滅(他們最常的命運)。蛛後的女侍The Handmaidens of the Spider Queen 由女性護教軍組成,與任何特定城市都沒有永久性的聯繫。這些也被稱為 蠟融妖之女the Daughters of the Yochlol 的女侍女們,在任何蛛後需要的抹平整座城市的時刻,充當着羅絲意志的工具。在歷史記錄中至少有三次,蛛後的女侍襲擊並毀滅了整座威脅要從羅絲的混亂之網中脫離的的黑暗精靈城市。當並未被作為一支混亂與復仇的軍隊集結時,女侍們則在分散於整個幽暗地域的小型連隊中運作,襲擾看上去有維倫庇護的商隊,引導對由 蒙面之主the Masked Lord 或 那潛伏者That Which Lurks 的神職人員統治的城市、打了就跑的突襲。
The Militant Myrlochar, also known as the Order of Soul Spiders, is an elite military order composed solely of male crusaders and found in the few dark elven cities where Lolth is revered and males are permitted to enter her priesthood. The Militant Myrlochar directly serve the ruling Matron Mothers of the city in which they are based as agents of uncontrolled destruction, tirelessly hunting any creature designated as their quarry or who interferes with their pursuit and wreaking havoc until recalled (which rarely happens) or destroyed (their most common fate). The Handmaidens of the Spider Queen is an order of female crusaders with no permanent ties to any individual city. Also known as the Daughters of the Yochlol, the Handmaidens serve as instruments of Lolth's will in times when the Spider Queen needs to bring an entire city into line. At least three times in recorded history the Handmaidens of the Spider Queen have assaulted and destroyed an entire dark elven city that threatened to drift from Lolth's web of chaos. When not assembled into an army of chaos and vengeance, the Handmaidens work in small companies scattered throughout the Underdark, harassing merchant trains that look to Vhaeraun for protection and conducting hit-and-run raids on cities ruled by clergy of the Masked Lord or That Which Lurks.

  那些擁抱了主流信仰衍生分支的諸國度卓爾,通常追隨着某位聲稱自己是某種更高級存在的、富有魅力的凡人領袖。已知這類教派僅有一支仍然活躍(儘管這支也仍然處於下行狀態),它便是 雌蜘蛛教the She-Spider Cult,一種基於 塞爾人Thayan 的宗派,它試圖將 莎爾Shar 的崇拜與對羅絲的獻身聯繫起來。一開始,這個組織在 穆爾霍蘭德Mulhorand恩瑟Unther、以及 塞爾Thay 南部作為一支經營奴隸和毒品的秘密會社獲得了成功,但最後兩位女神都反對這個組織。沒有神性支持的她們最終墮落為了一支犯罪團伙。該教仍然舉辦着虛假的儀式激勵崇拜者,並在犧牲的幌子下殺死敵人。
Drow in the Realms have embraced offshoots of the major faiths, usually following a charismatic mortal leader who claims to be something more. The only such cult known to be still active, albeit in a debased form, is the She-Spider Cult, a Thayan-based sect that tried to link worship of Shar with devotion to Lolth. Opposed in the end by both goddesses, the Cult enjoyed initial success as a secret society operating slaving and drugrunning operations in Mulhorand, Unther, and southern Thay. They eventually degenerated into a criminal gang without divine support. The Cult still stages fake rituals to thrill worshipers and to slay foes under the guise of sacrifices.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

When participating in rituals, priests of Lolth work unclad or wear robes (black, trimmed with dark red and purple-or, for lesser or novitiate priests, dark purple or red trimmed with black). In some cities ornate helms carved to resemble writhing spiders are worn by Lolth's clergy, while in others heads are always left uncovered. Jewelry worn by the Spider Queen's priests consists of spider medallions and other spider designs, all made of platinum. The holy symbol of the faith is a platinum disk at least 3 inches in diameter with an embossed depiction on both its obverse and reverse in jet black enamel of a black widow spider or a platinum spider figurine on a platinum or mithral chain necklace.

冒險裝束Adventuring Garb:

  羅絲的神職人員偏愛卓爾鏈甲,其魔法獎勵從+1到+5。典型來說,這樣的防具其附魔為+1/每4祭司等級。有些祭司也攜帶着與卓爾鏈甲具有相同性能的精金小圓盾,其魔法獎勵範圍從+1到+3。蛛後通常持有精金硬頭錘——同樣具有與卓爾鏈甲相似的性質——其魔法獎勵範圍從+1到+5。除了硬頭錘外,護教軍和阿拉喀涅們有時也持有精金短劍和長匕首,其魔法獎勵範圍從+1到+3(如果她們為貴族血統,則+4)。非牧師的祭司也可能使用手弩,發射飛鏢,射程達60碼,造成1d3點傷害,此外還被塗上卓爾睡眠毒drow sleep poison,若受害者在-4懲罰的毒素豁免中失敗,則失去意識2d4消逝。同樣地,護教軍和阿拉喀涅有時也會使用塗了和飛鏢一樣的毒素的小標槍,射程90碼,攻擊獎勵為+3(短距)、+2(中距)、或+1(遠距)。大部分羅絲的資深祭司都帶着蛇首的 毒牙鞭whips of fangs,並樂於經常使用它們。
Lolth's clergy favor drow chain mail with magical bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. Typically such armor is enchanted to have a +1 defensive bonus for every four levels of the priest. Some priests also carry adamantite bucklers with similar properties to that of drow chain mail and with magical bonuses ranging from +1 to +3. Clerics of the Spider Queen typically wield adamantite maces-again with similar properties to that of drow chain mail-with magical bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. In addition to maces, crusaders and arachnes sometimes wield adamantite short swords and long daggers, with magical bonuses ranging from +1 to +3 (+4 if they are of noble blood). Priests who are not clerics may also employ hand-held crossbows that shoot darts up to 60 yards and inflict ld3 points of damage, in addition to being coated with drow sleep poison that renders a victim unconscious for 2d4 hours if she or he fails a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty. Likewise, crusaders and arachnes sometimes employ small javelins coated with the same poison as the darts, with a range of 90 yards and attack bonuses of +3 (short range),+2 (medium range), or +1 (long range). Most senior priests of Lolth carry snake-headed whips of fangs, and delight in using them often.

卓爾鏈甲Drow Chain Mail

  經驗值價值XP Value:變化;     金幣價值GP Value:2,000 gp;若為+4或+5則需要額外1,000gp

Drow chain mail is a finely crafted, satiny black metal mesh that does not encumber its wearer in the least. It is similar but not identical to magical elven chain mail. It is typically fashioned into tunics, as dark elves share their forest-bound cousins' preference for armor that adequately protects without being overly weighty or restrictive.

  類似於精靈鏈甲,卓爾鏈甲基礎AC為5。然而,卓爾鏈甲是由吸收了卓爾家園的輻射的精金合金製成的,這賦予了其與範圍從+1到+5的魔法獎勵類似的特性,但不會為 偵測魔法detect magic 或類似法術察覺。若卓爾鏈甲在陽光直射下超過2輪(或在5天內曝光時間總計超過5輪,即便每次只持續了短暫的瞬間),就將因此腐爛。在2d6天內,這件鏈甲將失去偽魔法性能並碎成一文不值的粉末。如果被小心地保護不受陽光照射,若未再次在輻射中暴露2倍於其在地表留存的天數(換句話說,兩倍於它移出卓爾土地的時長),它仍然將會在離出輻射區域(換句話說,幽暗地域)1d20+30天後失去其偽魔法特性。若其已不再有偽魔法特性,只要不暴露在陽光下,卓爾鏈甲仍然可作為鏈甲使用;然而,不能復用它的精金合金來重新製成另一件物品。滲入其中的卓爾輻射對它的結構產生了變化,讓其在受到重鑄鏈甲必需的加熱時就會立刻破損,如同被暴露在陽光之下。
Like elven chain mail, drow chain mail has a base Armor Class rating of 5. However, drow chain mail is crafted from an adamantite alloy that absorbs the radiation of the drow homelands, giving it properties similar to a magical bonus ranging from +1 to +5 but undetectable to detect magic or similar spells. If drow chain mail is ever exposed to direct sunlight for more than 2 rounds (or any exposure totaling 5 rounds in a five-day period, even if composed of brief instants), decay sets in. Within 2d6 days, the chain mail loses is pseudomagical properties and crumbles into worthless powder. If carefully protected from full sunlight, it still loses its pseudomagical properties 1d20+30 days after it is removed from areas of radiation (in other words, the Underdark) if it is not reexposed to the radiation for two days per day spent above ground (in other words, twice as long as it was removed from the drow lands). Drow chain mail is still useful as chain mail if no longer pseudomagical, so long as it is never exposed to sunlight; however, it cannot be reforged into another item to reuse its adamantite alloy. The drow radiations that permeate it transform its structures in such a way that sufficient exposure to heat to reforge chain mail causes it to instantly break down as if it had been exposed to sunlight.

The resale value for drow chain mail is doubled if it is known to have never been removed from the reach of Underdark radiation.

毒牙鞭Whip of Fangs

  經驗值價值XP Value:1,000
  金幣價值GP Value:1,000+500 每隻活化首

These whips (often carried at the belt) have adamantite handles, but their mulitple tendrils are living snake heads, 1d4+1 in number. Evil priests are the only beings able to employ these horrific weapons. In drow communities, only priestesses are allowed to possess and use them. The whips, once enchanted, are attuned to a specific individual and may only be used by another being after another attunement ritual has been performed, since they attack anyone who touches them except their attuned wielder. The ritual of attunement requires the consent of Lolth, and priestesses consider such whips personal gifts from her, believing that they cease to function or even turn on their wielder if they are used in an act against the will of the Spider Queen. Forbidden acts usually include using a whip against a matron mother or other ruling priestess.

  活蛇是製造這些武器中所需的。這件武器將變成揮舞者意志魔法延伸的一部分,它的嘶嘶作響、盤繞捲曲、扭動翻騰、伸展探出反映了揮舞者的思想。綁在憤怒的女祭司腰間的鞭子甚至不需要祭祀去碰它,就能對令其憤怒的生物進行威脅。鞭子的鞭須長度1~3呎。各條AC8, HD2,攻擊(零級命中值 14)造成2d4點傷害。這些蛇沒有毒素效果,但它們的長毒牙的齧咬很深,會留下疤痕並注入魔法的波動,既有麻木感,也有貫穿受害者肌肉緊縮的短暫痛苦波。
Living serpents are required in the making of these weapons. The weapons they become part of are enchanted extensions of the will of their wielders, hissing, coiling, writhing, and reaching in response to her thoughts. The whip of an angry priestess can knot about her belt and menace the beings she is angry with without her ever touching it. The whip's tendrils are from 1 to 3 feet in length. Each is AC 8, has 2 HD, and attacks (THAC0 14) for 2d4 points of damage. The serpent heads have no poison effects, but their long fangs bite deep, leaving scars and injecting waves of magic that both numb and shoot waves of muscle- knotting pain through the victim.

Angry drow priestesses typically use these whips indiscriminately on slaves, servants, pupils, male relatives, and casual acquaintances. Injured heads regenerate 2 hit points per day. Slain heads cannot be healed, nor do they regenerate.


專屬祭司Specialty Priests(阿拉喀涅Arachne

  職業需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 13
  關鍵屬性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom
  主修領域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,星界astral,動物animal,混亂chaos,戰鬥combat,元素elemental,守衛guardian,治療healing,死靈necromantic,保護protection,召喚summoning,太陽sun(僅逆向reversed only)
  次要領域MINOR SPHERES:魅惑Charm,創造creation,預言divination,時間time,結界wards
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧師As clerics
  熟練需求REQ. PROFS:禮儀Etiquette,編織weaving
  熟練獎勵BONUS PROFS:訓練動物Animal training(蜘蛛spiders),辨識法術spellcraft

  ❖ Arachnes must be drow or chitines. In some dark elven cities of the Underdark, the clergy of Lolth is exclusively female, but in other cities a few drow males are tolerated in the lower ranks of the priesthood. (None rise above 7th level.) No males are admitted into the ranks of Lolth's clergy among the chitines.

  ❖ Arachnes are not allowed to multiclass.

  ❖ Arachnes are immune to all spider venoms.

  ❖ Arachnes can communicate with spiders of all kinds, and spiders never harm them in any way (except if desired by Lolth).

  ❖在第2級,每日1次,阿拉喀涅能施展 蛛行術spider climb(如同1級法師法術)或 蛛眼術spidereyes(如同《法師法術大全,卷3 Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume 3》中的1級法師法術,或是《幽暗地域的卓爾The Drowof the Underdark》中的1級祭司法術)。若施展了 蛛行術,只要有兩條肢體抓握了被攀爬的表面,它就不會阻礙施法,而較輕的物體不會黏在這位祭司的手腳上。而蛛眼術令施法者能夠通過某隻60碼內的普通或巨型蛛類的眼睛視物,但它不會賦予任何對這隻蛛類移動與注視方向的控制力。
  ❖ At 2nd level, arachnes can cast spider climb (as the 1st-level wizard spell) or spidereyes (as the 1st-level wizard spell found in Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume 3 or the 1st-level priest spell in The Drowof the Underdark) once per day. If spider climb is cast, it does not prevent spell-casting so long as two limbs grip the surface being climbed, and light objects do not stick to the priest's hands and feet. Spidereyes allows the caster to see through the eyes of a single normal or giant arachnid within 60 yards, but it does not grant any control over the arachnid's movements or direction of gaze.

  ❖在第5級,每日2次,阿拉喀涅能施展 驅散魔法dispel magic(如同3級祭司法術)或 蛛網術web (2級法師法術)。
  ❖ At 5th level, arachnes can cast dispel magic (as the 3rd-level priest spell) or web (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) twice per day.

  ❖在第7級,每日2次,阿拉喀涅能施展召喚 召喚幽影summon shadow(如同5級法師法術)或 蜘蛛召喚spider summoning(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 7th level, arachnes can cast summon shadow (as the 5th-level wizard spell) or spider summoning (as the 5th-level priest spell) twice per day.

  ❖在第10級,每日2次,阿拉喀涅能施展 真視術true seeing(如同5級祭司法術,但有2倍的正常持續時間)或 蜘蛛形體spiderform(如同5級祭司法術)。
  ❖ At 10th level, arachnes can cast true seeing (as the 5th-level priest spell, but with twice the normal duration) or spiderform (as the 5th-level priest spell) twice per day.

  ❖在第13級,每日1次,女性阿拉喀涅能施展 支配術domination(如同5級法師法術)。男性卓爾必須以-4的懲罰來投擲豁免檢定來避免此效果。所有種族的精靈和半精靈都無法以其正常的魔抗來避免此效果。
  ❖ At 13th level, female arachnes can cast domination (as the 5th-level wizard spell) once per day. Male drow must roll saving throws to avoid the effects with a -4 penalty. Elves and half-elves of all races do not get their normal racial magic resistance to avoid the effects.

羅絲教派法術Lolthite Spells

  很久以前,羅絲的神職人員研發出了許多法術,而其他卓爾神力和其他非卓爾神力已在接受祈求授予這些法術的並行版本,因此它們已被流傳了出去、不再由羅絲教派獨享。此處只詳述了它們之中的 闇炎darkfire。請注意,任何法術,若曾被指為卓爾祭司法術或羅絲祭司法術,而又已漸漸變得使用廣泛而非獨享,都仍能夠作為宗教專屬的羅絲祭司法術使用;無論其領域如何,羅絲的祭司仍然能無條件地得授這樣的法術。
Many spells developed by the clergy of Lolth long ago have been requested in parallel form from other drow powers or other nondrow powers and have passed out of exclusive Lolthite usage. Of them, only darkfire is detailed here. Note that any spell once specified as either a drow priest spell or Lolth priest spell that has passed into general usage is still available as a religion-specific Lolth priest spell; priests of Lolth can still receive the spell no matter what its sphere.

1st Level

暗力斗篷Cloak of Dark Power

  (祭司Pr 1;塑能Evocation,轉化Alteration)

  持續時間Duration:3 輪 + 1 輪/級3 rounds+1 round/level
  施法時間Casting Time:4
  影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道法術將創造一團奔跑、旋轉着的力量的黑暗靈光,環繞着這位施法者。甚至是在地表世界開闊的白天,這道靈光也將在全日照的效果面前保護施法者的身體和穿戴或攜帶的東西。在暗力斗篷效果下,施法者所穿戴或攜帶的、被灌注幽暗地域輻射的武器和防具,不會在光照下開始失去它們的力量,而這位卓爾施法者也不會遭受由光照帶來的戰鬥懲罰。直接對暗力斗篷施展的 恆久之光continual light 法術將使得兩道法術都無效化。
This spell creates a dark aura of coursing, swirling power around the caster. The caster's body and anything she or he wears or carries is protected by this aura from the effects of full sunlight, even under the open, daytime sky of the surface world. Arms and armor imbued with the radiations of the Underdark that are worn or carried by the caster do not begin to lose their power, and the drow caster suffers no bright light combat penalties while under the effects of a cloak of dark power. A continual light spell cast directly agianst a cloak of dark power negates both spells.

  籠罩在 暗力斗篷 中的祭司在所有對不死生物的處置中,視同等級+1。蜘類(和其它使用了蛛類形態者)對着斗篷者的攻擊-3懲罰。
A priest shrouded in a cloak of dark power functions as if she or he possessed one additional level of experience in all dealings with undead. Arachnids (and others using arachnid forms) attack a cloak-wearer at a -3 penalty.

2nd Level


  (祭司Pr 2;轉化Alteration)

  領域Sphere:元素火Elemental Fire
  持續時間Duration:2 輪/級rounds/level
  施法時間Casting Time:5
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 處火源One fire source
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  這道魔法被研發用於對羅絲的崇拜儀式,但已被調整為一道進攻式戰鬥法術。法術將把普通的火焰和點燃的燃料轉化為了 闇炎darkfire
This magic was developed for use in rituals of worship to Lolth, but has since been adapted into an offensive battle spell. The spell transforms a normal fire or ignites unlit fuel into darkfire.

Darkfire gives off no light at all, although creatures with infravision see darkfire as brighter signature than regular flame. All of its combustion is bent to producing heat and magical energy, which it does very well:Contact with a brazier, lantern, or lamp of darkfire typically inflicts 2d4 points of damage, plus flammable items or garments worn or carried by the target must succeed at item saving throws vs. magical fire.

In battle,darkfire is usually caused to emanate from one of the caster's hands. It does not harm the caster at all, except to burn away clothing it touches. A blow from a flaming hand inflicts 1d8 points of fire damage.

  在手臂上燃燒的 闇炎 可以隨意願變為火把或用於投擲。每輪可以這樣擲出一個 闇炎 球體,球體的攻擊正如施法者的直接命中,射程10為呎。投擲的闇炎造成1d3+1/每施法者等級的傷害,直至最大值的10級。一旦失手,它的火焰效果會影響到其所落位置。當它失手時,在燃盡前它將在所在位置肆虐1d2輪。
Darkfire from a flaming arm can be willed into handfuls and thrown. One ball per round can be so thrown, and such a ball attacks as if the caster were striking directly and has a 10-foot range. Thrown darkfire does 1d3 points of damage plus 1 point per level of the caster upon striking, to a maximum of 10th level. In the event of a miss, its flame affects wherever it lands. When it misses, it rages where it lands for 1d2 rounds before burning itself out.

3rd Level

隱藏物品Conceal Item

  (祭司Pr 3;幻術/幻象Illusion/Phantasm)

  持續時間Duration:1 回合 + 1 輪/級1 turn+1 round/level
  施法時間Casting Time:1
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 件物品One item
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道魔法讓施法者能夠使某一件單一物品變得除了自己外完全不可見,這件物品需無生命、重量小於其體重、並且一直被其攜帶或接觸。這道法術甚至將隱藏魔法或陣營的靈光,而將這件物品所在位置向 真視術true seeing 展現一片空白、搖擺的白霧區域。
This magic enables the caster to render utterly undetectable, except to himself or herself, any single nonliving item smaller than his or her total body mass as long as she or he is carrying or touching it. The spell conceals even magical or alignment auras and shows true seeing a blank, wavering area of white fog where the item is.

This spell is usually used to conceal a carried magical item or weapon; priests of Vhaeraun typically use it to hide holy symbols. (When cast on any holy symbol, spell duration is tripled.) Developed by a priest of Lolth, this spell has been requested of Vhaeraun by most of his priests and granted to them also.

Its material component is a small handful (about 2 ounces) of the dust of any powdered gemstone. (Cheap stones, such as quartz, are fine.)

5th Level

移焦不死Undead Focus

  (祭司Pr 5;死靈Necromancy)

  施法時間Casting Time:5
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 只不死生物One undead creature
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  移焦不死 令1隻不死生物成為施法者法術的焦點。這只不死生物能被祭司的支配不死能力或不會妨礙到這道法術的法術控制,但這道法術並不會自動賦予這只不死生物的支配權。施法者能通過這只不死生物來灌注所選擇的、當前有的任何法術。這樣的法術從這只不死生物釋放,但由這位祭司來執行所有施法活動,包括使用材料。施法者與對應不死生物之間的空間距離無關緊要,但彼此必須同處於一個位面。除非施法者保持對該不死生物和其周圍環境的觀察、或是以其它法術來做到這點、又或者它處於某處非常著名的地點,否則通過其釋放的法術將漫無目的地從對應不死生物擲放出來。
Undead focus allows one undead creature to become a spell focus for the caster. The undead creature can be controlled by the command undead priest ability or by spells without hampering this spell, but the spell does not grant automatic control of the undead creature. The caster can funnel any chosen currently carried spell through the undead being. Such spells are emitted from the undead creature, but the priest performs all casting activity, including component use. The amount of space between the caster and the undead creature does not matter, but priest and undead creature must remain on the same plane. Unless the caster keeps the undead being and its surroundings in sight, other spells are used to see it and its surroundings, or it is in an extremely well-known location, spells must be hurled blindly from the creature.

  通過這只不死生物施展的法術需根據需要選擇。祭司能通過這只不死生物施展多道法術,頻率為每輪1道,直至不死生物毀滅或達到1道/每祭司等級的最大值將 移焦不死 法術消耗殆盡。若未提前結束,這道法術將在10回合/每施法者等級後期滿。
Spells to be cast through the undead can be chosen as needed. A priest can cast multiple spells, one per round, through the undead creature until it is destroyed or a maximum of one spell per level of the priest has been cast, exhausting the undead focus pell. The spell also expires after 10 turns per level of the caster have expired.

  藉由這道法術,躲在幕後的祭司不需親冒矢石而使用某隻不死生物作為施法的校正聚焦點。它可以施展在受 還魂屍revenance 和/或 不死戰力undead battlemight 影響的不死生物上,且這些法術將同時生效。在這樣一隻被增強的不死生物身上施展 驅散魔法dispel magic 將只會終結那些法術中的一道(隨機選擇)。
With this spell, a hidden priest can avoid direct combat, employing an undead being as a spellcasting righting focus. It can be cast on undead creatures affected by revenance and/or undead battlemight, and the spells function simultaneously. A dispel magic cast on such an augmented undead creature ends only one of these spells (choose which randomly).

The material component is a drop of the caster's blood.


  (祭司Pr 5;轉化Alteration,死靈Necromancy)

  領域Sphere:動物Animal, Necromantic
  持續時間Duration:4 輪 + 1 輪/級
  施法時間Casting Time:每2個目標最多1輪2 per target to a maximum of 1 round
  影響區域Area of Effect:1隻小型有生命動物或蛛類/每卓爾等級One small living animal or arachnid/level one drow
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道法術令這位祭司能將一隻或更多小型有生命動物或蛛類轉化為巨蜘蛛。(見《怪物圖鑑MONSTROUS MANUAL》一書中的蜘蛛Spider條目;這些蜘蛛是外形和能力類似於大蜘蛛的巨蜘蛛。)不同於普通的巨蜘蛛,這種由法術創造的蜘蛛沒有致命毒素;反之,在毒素豁免檢定結果失敗的受害者將被震懾1輪(不能攻擊和主動活動),並且在法術的剩餘持續時間中遲緩(類似於 遲緩術slow 法師法術)。
{{sp|sp = This spell enables a priest to turn one or more small living animals or arachnids into giant spiders. (See the Spider entry in the {{sp|sp = MONSTROUS MANUALtome; these spiders are the giant spiders that are similar in shape and abilities to large spiders.) Unlike normal giant spiders, the bite of the spiders created by this spell is not a fatal poison; instead, failure of the poison saving throw results in the victim being stunned (no attacks or deliberate activities) for 1 round and slowed (as the slow wizard spell) for the rest of the spell duration.

  即便被轉化的是通常有毒的蛛類生物,這道法術也會將其變形為上述那樣的巨蜘蛛。所創造的巨蜘蛛除了能在網(即便是有粘性的 蛛網術web法網術spellweb 法術)上輕鬆爬行外,還能夠結網。若施法被以任何理由中斷,或是被變形的蛛類已經承載了某道魔法咒文(比如它們是由其它生物變形為蜘蛛的),法術將破滅,而施法者將被震懾(可以進行條理清楚的思考或行動),持續1輪。
Even if a transformed creature is an arachnid that is normally poisonous, the spell transforms it into a giant spider as described above. The giant spiders created are unable to spin webs but can readily navigate in existing webs, even the sticky strands of web or spellweb spells. If spellcasting is interrupted for any reason or the arachnids to be transformed already bear a magical dweomer (for example, they are other creatures polymorphed into spiders), the spell is ruined, and the would-be caster is stunned (unable to think or act coherently) for 1 round.

  若法術被使用在任何卓爾身上並克服了其魔抗,對應卓爾將暫時變形為受施法者控制的蛛化精靈。(見《怪物圖鑑MONSTROUS MANUAL》一書中精靈,卓爾Elf, Drow條目關於蛛化精靈driders的詳述。請注意:被轉化的卓爾將保留其自有的法術、生命值、智力和許多職業能力。)
If this spell is used on any drow and overcomes his or her magic resistance, the drow is temporarily transformed into a drider under the caster's control. (See the Elf, Drow entry in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome for a description of driders. Note that transformed drow retain their own spells, hit points, intellect, and many class abilities.)

  這種控制類似於 魅惑 法術,並將持續1 輪/每施法者等級。若蛛化精靈被命令去做任何有悖其本性、羅絲或是其上級的明確意願、或那事本身顯然是有致命危險之事,這種控制將立即被打斷。變形為蛛化精靈形態或從蛛化精靈變回需要花費1輪,在此期間這隻蛛化精靈不能採取任何行動,這些變化將發生在法術期滿時或是施法者的口頭命令之下。被影響的卓爾(除非羅絲有意,否則)將不會記得在作為蛛化精靈時的時候和行動。
This control is like a charm spell and lasts for 1 round per level of the caster. It is broken instantly if the drider is commanded to do anything contrary to its nature, the known wishes of Lolth, or its superiors, or that would be anything clearly fatal to itself. Transformation to and from drider form takes 1 round, during which time the drider can take no action, and occurs at the spell's expiration or upon the verbal command of the caster. The affected drow usually (unless Lolth desires otherwise) remembers nothing of its time and actions as a drider.

The material component of this spell is a spider of any type small enough to be held in the caster's hand.

召喚蜘蛛Spider Summoning

  (祭司Pr 5;咒法/召喚Conjuration/Summoning)

  持續時間Duration:1 輪 + 1 輪/級1 round+1 round/level
  施法時間Casting Time:8
  影響區域Area of Effect:1d4 只蜘蛛spiders
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道法術將喚來1d4隻/每施法者等級大蜘蛛(詳述於《怪物圖鑑MONSTROUS MANUAL》一書)來服務於這位祭司。只有真正的蛛類會被這道法術召喚,其它類似的蟲類生物和使用魔法變為蛛類形態的生物(例如使用了 蜘蛛形態spider shape 的羅絲本尊或某些法師)。它們將在法術施展的這輪,在施法者100呎內出現,並在此後的輪絕對服從於施法者的命令。它們有其自然的最大生命值和毒素積存,並且會以對施法者的完全忠誠奮戰到死,依循施法者無聲的心靈驅策為目標、依指向移動、依使命完成。施法者能施展其它法術而不需打斷對這道法術的控制。當法術期滿時,任何倖存的蜘蛛都將消失,回到它們來的地方。
{{sp|sp = This spell calls 1d4 large spiders (detailed in the {{sp|sp = MONSTROUS MANUALtome) per level of the caster to serve the priest. Only true arachnids are summoned by this spell, not similar insect creatures or beings using magic to take arachnid form (such as Lolth or a wizard using spider shape). They appear within 100 feet of the caster on the round of the spell's casting and obey the caster's command on the round thereafter. They have their natural maximum hit points and poison reserves and fight to the death for the caster with utter loyalty, following the caster's silent mental urgings as to targets, direction to move, and tasks to do. The caster can cast other spells without ending this spell's control. When the spell expires, any surviving spiders disappear, returning whence they came.

The spell's material component is a dried arachnid corpse.

6th Level

羅絲的融合Meld of Lolth

  (祭司Pr 6;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  持續時間Duration:1 小時/級hour/level
  施法時間Casting Time:1 回合turn
  影響區域Area of Effect:1 只生物One being
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:特殊Special

  這道經常被祭司們用來在開戰前連接自己與強大卓爾男性(以及在必要時控制他)的法術,讓施法者能夠將心靈與另一隻生物結合。這種 融合 令這位施法者能通過另一隻生物的眼睛視物、閱取它的思想、通過心靈感應與被鏈接的生物溝通。
Often used by a priest to link herself to a powerful drow male before a battle (to control him when necessary), this spell enables the caster to join mind with another creature. The meld allows the caster to see through the other being's eyes, read its thoughts, and communicate telepathically with the linked being.

  施法者不需中斷連接就能正常行動、說話、施展法術,並且能夠(需在未在施展另一道法術或使用任何靈能能力時)完全 控制 被連接的生物,不管距離多遠都能控制它的身體。若施法者與被連接的生物處在了不同的位面,這道法術將被打斷。施法者能使用被連接的生物作為當前記憶的法術的焦點(即釋放源),通過被連接的生物施展它,但這將立即終結 融合
The caster can act, speak, and cast spells normally without ending the link and is able (whenever not casting another spell or using any psionic abilities) to dominate the linked being completely, controlling its body regardless of distance. The spell is broken if caster and linked being end up on different planes. The caster can use the linked being as the focus (source of emission) of a currently memorized spell, casting it through the linked being, but this ends the meld instantly.

  若被連接的生物的智力低於施法者,它每回合可以進行1次對抗法術豁免檢定來中斷 融合。若被連接的生物智力與施法者相當或更高,而且變得不願再處於 融合 中(舉例來說,被命令投入危險中),它每隔1輪獲得1次對抗法術豁免檢定來擺脫 融合
If the linked being's Intelligence is less than the caster's, it is allowed a saving throw vs. spell once per turn to break the meld. If the linked being is as intelligent as the caster or more so and is or becomes unwilling to be in the meld (for instance, when ordered into danger), it gets a saving throw vs. spell once every other round to escape the meld.

  每當被連接的生物遭受傷害時,施法者必須成功進行對抗即死豁免檢定。若豁免失敗,受到痛苦折磨的施法者將遭受1d6點傷害。若連接的生物死亡,施法者必須成功進行身體休克檢定,否則將立即死亡。施法者能在決定中斷 融合 1輪後自行中斷。
Whenever the linked being suffers damage, the caster must succeed at a saving throw vs. death. If the saving throw fails, the pain-wracked caster suffers 1d6 points of damage. If the linked being dies, the caster must succeed at a system shock roll or die instantly. The caster can willingly end a meld 1 round after deciding to do so.

蛛之齧Spider Bite

  (祭司Pr 6;塑能Evocation)

  施法時間Casting Time:9
  影響區域Area of Effect:施法者The caster
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道也被稱為 毒之齧venom bite 的法術,賦予了施法者某種蜘蛛的帶毒齧咬能力。釋放這種毒素需要成功的攻擊骰,而施法者也只能齧咬暴露或着衣的肉體;防具是無法咬穿的。帶有毒液效果的齧咬的次數以及那些效果的力量,取決於施法者等級:
Also known as venom bite, this spell confers the poisonous biting ability of a spider to the caster. A successful attack roll is required to administer the poison, and the caster can only bite exposed or clothed flesh; armor cannot be bitten through. The number of times the bite has venom effects, and the power of those effects, depends on the caster's level:

等級  使用次數  發作時間  毒素效果(豁免失敗/成功)

11-13 僅1次齧咬  2d6    20點/1d3點
14-16 2次齧咬   1d4+1   25點/2d4點
17-18 2次齧咬   1d2    30點/2d6點
19-20 2次齧咬   1d2    30點/2d6點
20以上 2次齧咬   即刻   死亡/20點
{{sp|sp = Level  Uses    Rounds to Onset Poison Effects if Save Failed/Succeeded
{{sp|sp = 11-13  1 bite only 2d6    20 points/1d3 points
14-16  1 bite only 1d4+1   25 points/2d4 points
17-18  1 bite only 1d2    30 points/2d6 points
19-20  2 bites   1d2    30 points/2d6 points
Over 20 2 bites   Immediate Death/20 points

  蛛之齧 在施展後能保存數小時或數天。然而,一旦齧咬被發動,無論它是否造成了受害者中毒,都將被認為花費了1次魔法使用次數。受害者得到-3懲罰的對抗毒素豁免檢定來避免齧咬的效果。
Spider bite can be saved for hours or days after casting. However, a bite delivered, whether it successful in poisoning a victim or not, is considered to expend one use of the magic. Victims receive a saving throw vs. poison at -3 to avoid the bite effects.

  在法術仍然有效的任何時候,施法者都免疫毒素。同一時間在同一位施法者身上不會有超過兩道 蛛之齧 法術激活。
For the entire time this spell is in effect, the caster is immune to poison. No more than two spider bite spells can be active on the caster at one time.

7th Level

蓋爾的斗篷Cloak of Gaer

  (祭司Pr 7;死靈Necromancy)

  施法時間Casting Time:1輪round
  影響區域Area of Effect:接觸的生物Creature touched
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

  這道強大的法術以一團微弱的魔法靈光環繞被保護的生物。它在生物被迫進行身體休克生存骰或其生命值降低到6點或更少時生效,而這可能已是數日或數年之後了。它也可以施展在正好受傷了的生物身上。在被保護的生物必須進行身體休克生存骰或生命值被降低到6或者更低的輪中,蓋爾的斗篷 將被觸發並發生以下情況:
This powerful spell surrounds the protected creature with a faint magical aura. It takes effect (days or perhaps years later) when the being it is cast on is forced to make a system shock survival roll or when the being reaches 6 hit points or less. It can also be cast on a just-injured being. In the round that the protected creature must make a system shock survival roll or is reduced to 6 hit points or less, the cloak of Gaer is triggered and the following occur:

  ❖ The system shock roll succeeds automatically, regardless of the creature's Constitution.

  ❖ The protected creature regenerates severed or missing limbs or body extremities.

  ❖ 斗篷 將淨化被保護生物身上的所有毒素、疾病、精神錯亂、魅惑 效果和外部心靈影響、詛咒和毒氣效果、奪舍或共生/寄生生命(即便是友好且被請來的)、以及 弱智。它也將消去任何先前施展在被保護生物身上的 遺忘咒forget 法術的影響。
  ❖ The cloak purges the protected creatures of all poisons, diseases, insanity,charm effects and outside mental influences, curses and geas effects, possession or symbiotic/parasitic life (even if friendly and desired), and feeblemindedness. It also cancels theeffects of any forget spells previously cast on the protected being.

  ❖ The cloak restores the being to full wakefulness, alertness, sobriety, and and a pain-free state.

  ❖ The cloak heals the protected being of 4d8 points of damage.

  若這道法術在其受到將其生命值降低到6點或要求身體休克生存骰的重創後2輪內,被施展在受創的生物上,它將具有上述效果,並且允許已在身體休克生存骰失敗的生物進行二次嘗試。這個骰將有+22%的獎勵。若又失敗了,死亡將發生,但 淨化再生 效仍將影響屍體。
If this spell is cast on a hurt being within 2 rounds after the major injury that reduced it to 6 hit points or required a system shock survival roll, it has the above effects and allows a victim who has failed a system shock survival roll and died a second chance. This roll is made at a +22% bonus. If it fails, death occurs, but the purge and regenerate effects still occur to the corpse.

  若是在受重創後3~9輪內施展的,則允許其進行二次身體休克骰,但沒有任何獎勵;其它法術效果生效如上所述。如果在以上時間之後再施用這道法術,它便只會 淨化再生 (即便是在屍體上)。
If this spell is applied 3 to 9 rounds after a being has been stricken, it allows a second system shock survival roll, but without any bonus; other spell effects occur as noted here. If the spell is applied later, it only purges and regenerates (even on bodies).

  這道法術的材料成分是4滴液體,分別為聖水、施法者的血、以及露水。驅散魔法dispel magic 無法這道法術等待被激活時終結它。這道魔法已經將許多卓爾從死亡中拉回、前往獵殺仇敵。據謠傳某些卓爾法師在使用類似的法術。
The spell's material components are four drops each of holy water, the caster's blood, and dew. A dispel magic cannot end this spell while it waits to be activated. This magic has enabled many dead drow to return and hunt down foes. Certain drow wizards are rumored to use a similar spell.


  (祭司Pr 7;防護Abjuration)

  持續時間Duration:1 round/2 levels
  施法時間Casting Time:7
  影響區域Area of Effect:10呎/每等級×10呎Creatures in a 10-foot-wide path that is 10-feet long/level of caster
  豁免檢定Saving Throw:無None

When this spell is cast, the priest is able to cause all creatures in the path of the area of effect to move directly away from his or her person. Repulsion occurs at the speed of the creature attempting to move toward the caster. The repelled creature continues to move away for a complete round even if this takes it beyond the area of effect. The caster can designate a new direction each round, but use of this power counts as the caster's principal action in the round. The caster can, of course, choose to do something else instead of using the repulsion attack.

This spell is not effective against any drow or creatures of chaotic evil alignment, but other evil creatures are affected. The priest must be able to confront the creatures to be affected:She or he must see them and be seen. As the casting ends, flickering black flames seem to emanate from the caster, streaming outward to define the pathway of effect of the spell.

The material components are the priest's holy symbol; a miniature sword blade, normal dagger, or knife; and a flame, spark, hot coal, or ember.
