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耐克蘇山谷VaIley of Nexal,真實世界從前的心臟Former Heart of the True World
VaIley of Nexal
【所屬 位面】馬茲特克大陸Maztica
【類   型】國家
【簡   介】耐克蘇山谷VaIley of Nexal 是耐克蘇帝國的發源地。



2eFRMZ<Maztica Campaign Set—Maztica Alive.p037>耐克蘇山谷VaIley of Nexal

耐克蘇山谷VaIley of Nexal:真實世界從前的心臟Former Heart of the True World

  現在這裏是一片荒棄的衰敗之地。曾經矗立於此的宏偉城市群以在 哀嚎之夜the Night of Wailing 的衝擊下被粉碎。一些人類返回了湖濱的城市,只剩下 蝰蛇之手the Viperhand 的畸形獸軍還棲息在湖心的島嶼上。霍克西特Hoxitl,這位 扎爾泰克Zaltec 的前牧首,現在已經淪為一頭 下層位面the lower planes 生物,仍然統治着他們。
This is now a region of desolation and decay. The once-great cities that prospered here have been crushed under the onslaught of the Night of Wailing. Some humans have returned to the cities around the fringes of the lake, but only the deformed beasts of the Viperhand dwell on the island in its center. They are still ruled by Hoxitl, former patriarch of Zaltec and now a creature of the lower planes.

  扎塔爾山Mount Zatal 峰頂不停噴湧出灰燼與煙霧,將曾經純淨的山谷籠罩在了烏雲之下。湖水呈現近黑的深褐色,除了最擅捕食的那些魚種外,其它魚類均已絕跡。
The summit of Mount Zatal constantly belches ash and smoke, and this keeps a pall of dark cloud over the once-pristine valley. The lake waters are brown verging on black, and all but the most scavenging of the fish have disappeared.

  熔岩流有時會從這座全 馬茲特克大陸Maztica 的最高峰山頂溢出,沿着山壁兩側流淌而下。灰燼的覆蓋已經毒害了曾經的沃土,以至於山谷不能再生產足夠的食物維持其已經銳減的人口。
Streaks of lava sometimes spill from the summit and trickle down the sides of the peak, the highest in all Maztica. The coating of ash has poisoned the formerly fertile grounds, so that the valley can no longer produce enough food to sustain even its much reduced population.

  如前所述,這些人口被棲息在 耐克蘇城Nexal 本據的怪物統治着。但湖濱的其它一些城鎮則由怪物和投靠獸軍的人類共同執掌。這些差異已顯示在本盒裝集在大地圖中。
That population, as mentioned, is ruled by the monsters inhabiting Nexal itself. However, some of the other towns around the fringe of the lake are shared by monsters and humans who have cast their lot with the beastarmy. These distinctions are shown on the large map included in this boxed set.

怪物人口Monstrous Population

There are some twenty thousand monsters living here, in a valley that once sustained upwards of a million people. Perhaps half of these live on the island of Nexal itself, while the rest are scattered through the towns on the shoreline.

About 93% of these creatures are orcs, with about 5% ogres and 2% trolls. While the individual creatures lair with members of their own race—generally in some large structure that has not been totally destroyed by the eruption—the three types mingle freely in the city.

The monsters are all distinguished by their snakes-head brand, the blood-red imprint of a hand upon the chest, which is the sign of their cult and the only remnant of their human forms. While they are for the most part typical orcs, ogres, and trolls, there are examples of each that are larger, stronger, and smarter than the norm.

In addition to these, there are several unique types of creatures. These are the leaders of the monsters, and generally represent the corrupted forms of the most potent priests of Zaltec. The mightiest of these is Hoxitl, and he is detailed below (see Places of Interest—NEXAL).


  這些怪物說的是一種粗糙的 耐克蘇語Nexalan,各個種族也說自己的獨特種族語言。領袖會說全部三種語言和一種他們的獨特語言。
The monsters speak a crude form of Nexalan, and each race also speaks its own unique, racial tongue. The leaders speak all three tongues, as well as a unique language of their own.


These savage beasts live in a violent and brutal world, where the strong rule the weak, and anger is generally expressed with a physical assault. There is great competition among the clans of different lairs, different areas of the city, and different towns. The creatures steal food from one another, and also objects of value: gold, jade, turquoise, etc.

A great number of these monstrous lairs contain significant stores of treasures, looted from the destroyed city or gathered on the beastarmy’s forays into the countryside.


  這些怪物盡皆信仰扎爾泰克。他們尋覓並捕捉人類,以便在每晚 大神殿the Great Temple 中向戰神獻祭。首領們親自帶隊進行,並發出巨大的嚎叫、口涎肆流、以及其它種種令人嫌惡的行為。
The monsters all worship Zaltec with fanatical fervor. Humans are sought and captured, so that every night on the remains of the Great Temple several can be sacrificed to the god of war. The leaders perform these sacrifices themselves, with great howling and drooling and other distasteful displays.

The humans in the neighboring cities service this need as a means of protecting their own lives, and for profit. They capture humans from other parts of the land and bring them here, selling them to the beasts for gold and food.


The beasts of the Viperhand can be organized into an army at the command of Hoxitl. Smaller formations—regiments of a thousand monsters—can be formed by the command of a lesser leader.

Each regiment is composed primarily of orcs organized into ten companies of 95 individuals, supervised by 5 or 6 ogres. The orcs include types with all armaments: bows, spears (with and without casters), slings, and macas. In addition, the regiment has attached to it several companies of a dozen or so trolls each.

人類族群Human Population

  棲息在山谷中的人類是 真實世界the True World 中最卑鄙的一群。他們是各個族群的混合體,包括超過正常比例的外域人。他們潛伏在廢墟中,組成幫派,佔有廢棄的宮宇或房屋。他們通過收集食物及奴隸,並將他們賣給怪物們來求得生存。
The humans dwelling in the valley are the most despicable of all those in the True World. They are a smattering of all races, including a disproportionately large share of foreigners. They skulk among the ruins, forming gangs and laying claim to abandoned palaces or houses. They survive by gathering food and slaves and selling them to the monsters.

None of the humans live on Nexal island proper, but they have actually come to outnumber the monsters in the cities around the shore of the lake. All of the trading transactions are performed on the shore—the only humans taken to the island are those condemned to die as sacrifices.

In other respects, the social structure and living conditions of these humans differs little from the monsters described above. As to warfare, they can be mustered into perhaps eight to ten regiments of 1,000, similar in makeup to the monstrous regiments. (There are far more than 10,000 humans here, but most of them will head for the hills at the first sign of a war.)

景點Places of Interest


The wreckage of the greatest city in the True World slowly sinks into the muck and mire of its marsh-based island. Some of it has been washed away entirely—replaced now by open water—while other sections have been so devastated that they are nothing more than sodden flats.

But other parts of the city remain remarkably intact, and these have been seized upon by the beasts of the Viperhand. The grandest houses have been "fixed up"—i.e., decorated with skulls and bones, hung with tattered banners of war, and inhabited by bands of orcs, ogres, or trolls.

Many labyrinthine passages have been excavated from the rubble, until whole sections of the city have more living space under the ground than they do on the surface. The wider avenues and the plazas of the city allow fairly easy walking. They will be virtually abandoned during the day; at night, the beasts of the city emerge from their lairs, prowling about and snarling.

  城市的巡邏任務和政治權力都已落在了 豹虐食人魔jagres 們身上。他們曾是美洲豹城市,現在已經被腐蝕為了異常可怕的食人魔。通常來說,一位豹虐食人魔會帶着多打十幾個獸人一同巡邏。在罕見的情況下,會有2~5個食人魔組成的隊伍單獨行動。
The general patrolling and authority in the city has fallen to the jagres. These were once Jaguar Knights, now corrupted into ogres, and they are very fearsome indeed. Generally, a jagre will patrol with as many as a dozen orcs in attendance. Rarely, a group of two to five jagres will be discovered on its own.

Jagres have two distinct forms. Their ogre bodies are huge, with all of the attributes and abilities of hill giants. Their feline bodies are even worse, however, for when they shift shapes they become displacer beasts!

  相對來說,大廣場上並未堆積什麼瓦礫,因為它沒有被建築物擠滿——而眾多矗立於此的建築物都是基礎牢固的金字塔,並未隨着城市的其它部分一起蹦達。納爾特科納Naltecona 的宮殿部分完好,其中仍然貯存着許多寶物。
The great square has also been left relatively rubble-free, since it was not crowded with buildings—and many of those that stood here were solidly-based pyramids that did not collapse with the rest of the city. The palace of Naltecona is partially intact, with many of its treasures still inside.

Hoxitl has made his lair in the temple of Zaltec, atop the great pyramid itself. He has heaped around him many of the treasures gathered by his minions from among the rubble—countless objects of gold and jade, as well as talismans of hishna and pluma. He is usually attended by two to eight jagres.


  防禦等級AC -3
  移動速度MV 18"
  生命骰HD 16
  生命值Hp 89
  零級命中值THAC0 5
  攻擊次數NO. ATTACKS 3次
  傷害/攻擊DAMAGE/ATTACK 1-12/1-12/2-20
  特殊攻擊SPECIAL ATTACKS:法術spells

  作為 扎爾泰克Zaltec 的前牧首,霍克西特仍然保留着他的全部祭司法術。他可以將利爪和戰鬥領域作為主要領域訪問,並擁有16級的施法能力。
As a former patriarch of Zaltec, Hoxitl still retains his full range of priest spells. He has major access to the spheres of Hishna and Combat, and uses spells at the 16th level of ability.

特扎克城與阿扎特城TEZAT and AZATL:

  這兩座湖濱城市遭受的破壞與耐克蘇城類似;而它們的第四個鄰居 左提爾城Zotil 現在已經被熔岩淹沒。兩城中棲息着人類和人型生物,其中的人類數量遠超他們的怪物表親。
These two coastal cities have suffered damage similar to that in Nexal; their third neighbor, Zotil, is now submerged by lava. They are inhabited by humans and humanoids, with the humans being far more numerous than their monstrous cousins.

  在這些馬茲特克大陸的半潛鎮,生命的買賣就像一夜的住宿般廉價。醉酒和鬥毆非常常見。一些創業者甚至開辦了酒吧和酒館,同時供應從 烏拉托斯城Ulatos 儘快的威士忌和朗姆酒。這些飲料的威力遠超本地的 沙母仙人掌酒octal,已經引起了許多問題——而且異常受歡迎。
These are the dive-towns of Maztica, where lives are bought and sold as cheaply as a night's lodging. Drunkenness and brawling are common. Some entrepreneurs have even opened saloons and taverns, while importing whiskey and rum from Ulatos. These drinks, far more potent than the native octal, have caused numerous problems—and are extremely popular.

Humans who appear without weapons or alone, without strong companions, are at great risk in these cities. Many are the young thugs who gather into gangs and capture unwary travelers for sale to the beasts of Nexal. These gangs tend to have large caches of treasure, generally well-hidden.

Though these cities lie under the blackened pall of the volcano, and within the very shadow of the monstrous army, they receive a certain amount of commerce from the outside world. Enterprising merchants and traders from Ulatos (always with many armed guards in attendance) bring loads of all sorts of goods, come to trade for the gold that can be found in abundance.

扎塔爾山與火焰洞窟MOUNT ZATAL and the FIRE CAVES:

This volcano still spews lava from its crest and from an aperture on its western face. It is a dangerous environment, fit only for fire lizards—and perhaps, even darker creatures from the sinister realms of lava and hellfire.

Other cave mouths dot the surface of the peak, most of them invisible from ground level. Some of these are lairs of the fire lizards that are quite common on the higher elevations of this peak; others lead inward along dark and twisting tunnels toward the unknown heart of the mountain.

The volcano and its connecting passages lead to a vast network of underearth terrain—great oceans of molten rock, steam-filled caverns, crystalline pools, even a pool of pure, liquid gold! These passages are almost certainly fatal to characters not protected against extreme heat, but to those who use pluma or other sorcery to protect them, these fire caves can lead to a whole new environment for adventure.
