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【音   标】ih-BRAN-duhl
【头   衔】干枯深地之主Lord of the Dry Depths,潜匿之神the Skulking God,黑暗中的潜匿者Lurker in Darkness
【阵   营】CN
【神   力】L→Dead(成为莎尔面相)
【神   职】洞窟Caverns,地下城dungeons,幽暗地域the Underdark,潜匿者skulks
【神   系】FR泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon
【主   神】
【盟   友】马斯克Mask迪尼尔Ilmater
【敌   对】莎尔Shar洛山达Lathander罗丝Lolth
【神   国】喧癫空隧Pandemonium/3th 黑暗空隧Phlegethon艾布兰多之地Ibrandyllaran
→目前飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane
【徽   记】深紫色的背景之上,四道银环交织在一起 Four interlocking silver circles on a dark purple background
【简   介】艾布兰多Ibrandul 是幽暗地域之神,本体是只大蜥蜴。他于动荡之年期间,在深水城下的地脉迷城中被莎尔弑杀并取代。

2eFR<Faiths & Avatars.p071>艾布兰多Ibrandul


  (干枯深地之主Lord of the Dry Depths,潜匿之神the Skulking God,黑暗中的潜匿者Lurker in Darkness)

  喧癫空隧弱等神力Lesser Power of Pandemonium,

  神职PORTFOLIO:洞窟Caverns,地下城dungeons,幽暗地域the Underdark,潜匿者skulks
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:从前 黑暗空隧Phlegethon艾布兰多之地Ibrandyllaran;目前飘荡在 星界the Astral Plane
  徽记SYMBOL:深紫色的背景之上,四道银环交织在一起 Four interlocking silver circles on a dark purple background
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE


  卡林珊Calimshan光辉南方the Shining South 其它地区的崇拜者声称:艾布兰多Ibrandul(读作“ih-BRAN-duhl”)在看护着那些必须冒险进入充满敌意的地下区域的人类,并在侍奉他的人需要之时,为他们提供援助与指导。艾布兰多的崇拜起源于卡林珊的史前时代,甚至比 夏恩帝国the Shoon Empire(现在被称为 伊卡沙Iltkazar)的建立更早。在 德迦the Djen 被击败一段时间前,来自坐落于 卡林沙漠the Calim Desert 地下深处 古奥杜斯城Guallidurth 的 黑暗精灵dark elf 袭击者,从这片沙漠中绑架了一支人类游牧部落。在数个世纪中这些人类充当着卓尔的奴隶,他们因为对完全笼罩的黑暗的恐惧,而无法逃离这座地下城市。
Worshipers in Calimshan and other areas of the Shining South claim that Ibrandul (ih-BRAN-duhl) watches over humans who must venture into hostile underground areas, aiding and guiding those who serve him when they are in need. Ibrandu's worship began in the prehistory of Calimshan, even before the founding of the Shoon Empire, which is now known as Iltkazar. Some time after the defeat of the Djen, a tribe of nomadic humans was abducted from the Calim Desert by dark elf raiders from the city of Guallidurth, located deep beneath the desert sands. These humans served the drow as slaves for centuries, unable to flee the subterranean city because of their fear of the all-enveloping darkness.

  当一只怪物般的蜥蜴从黑暗中出现赶跑了黑暗精灵监工,并带领奴隶们进入了附近的 幽暗地域Underdark 荒野时,这些人类最终逃脱了。这些前奴隶们有些最后重返了地表,并将他们的 黑暗深地之主the Lord of the Dark Depths 的传说带给了地表的部落们。其他人则留在了黑暗的隧道中,生活在游牧的小队伍中,以袭掠古奥杜斯城卓尔和地表人类的农场和洞穴为生。通过从 潜匿之神the Skulking God 得授法术的一项副作用,这群地下居民缓慢地演变为了 潜匿者skulks——某种有着变色龙般能力的怯懦类人生物。无论是地表的人类、还是幽暗地域的潜匿者,尽管在信仰的表现与设定方面有微小的不同,但都在持续地崇拜艾布兰多。从那时起,艾布兰多的崇拜慢慢地蔓延到了许多靠近幽暗地域地点,包括 深水山Mt. Waterdeep 地下的 地脉迷城Undermountain
The humans eventually escaped when a monstrous lizard emerged from the darkness, drove off the dark elf overseers, and led the slaves into the surrounding wilds of the Underdark. Some of the former slaves eventually returned to the surface and brought with them tales of the Lord of the Dark Depths to the tribes of the surface. Others remained in the dark tunnels, living in small, nomadic bands and subsisting by raiding the farms and caravans of the drow of Guallidurth and the humans of the surface. The subterranean dwellers slowly evolved into skulks—a cowardly race of humanoids with chameleonlike abilities—through a side-effect of one of the spells granted by the Skulking God. Both the humans of the surface and the skulks of the Underdark continue to worship Ibrandul, albeit with slightly different representations and sets of beliefs. Since then Ibrandul's worship has quietly spread to many locations with access to the Underdark, including Undermountain beneath Mt. Waterdeep.

  在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间,艾布兰多在 深水城Waterdeep 地下的幽暗地域被发现。他的崇拜者们所不知道的是,艾布兰多已在 诸神之战the Godswar 期间被 莎尔Shar 弑杀。据信,其化身渐渐僵硬的残骸正躺在地脉迷城某已失佚层级的广阔鸿沟中。莎尔一直看守着她所统治的黑暗以及在其中工作的人,在动荡之年期间,艾布兰多(如同所有神力那样)被迫入了一种次级化身形态,而莎尔,则为他竟胆敢煽动信徒从她的追随者队伍中离去,而将其弑杀。当诸神回归天界时,莎尔已获得了艾布兰多的神力与神职。莎尔那副作为艾布兰多的伪装对其相当有用,令她得以破坏自己憎恶的仇敌 塞伦涅Selûne 的崇拜,而不会引起后者最虔诚的崇拜者——夜之斗篷the nightcloaks 的警惕。莎尔/艾布兰多热衷于对 银色女士the Lady of Silver 的神力进行秘密侵蚀(尤其是在深水城中,那里是塞伦涅力量的中心之一),来对其欣然地嘲弄。
During the Time of Troubles, Ibrandul was spotted wandering the Underdark beneath Waterdeep. Unbeknownst to his worshipers, Ibrandul was killed during the Godswar by Shar. The now-petrified remains of his avatar are believed to lie at the bottom of a vast chasm in a lost level of Undermountain. Shar has always jealously guarded her rulership over darkness and those who work in it, and when Ibrandul was tremendously weakened by being forced into a minor avatar form (as all the powers were) during the Time of Troubles, Shar killed him for daring to subvert followers away from her ranks. When the gods ascended to the heavens, Shar had acquired the power and portfolio of Ibrandul. Shar's guise as Ibrandul is quite useful to her, allowing her to subvert the worship of her hated enemy Selûne without drawing attention to her most faithful worshipers, the nightcloaks. Shar/Ibrandul enjoys the delicious irony of secretly eroding the power of the Lady of Silver, particularly in the city of Waterdeep, one of the seats of Selûne's power.

Ibrandul was a taciturn and moody power, and Shar stills plays him as such when she speaks for him or has one of her avatars behave and appear as his used to. He displayed all intense emotions simply by flicking his tongue or blinking his eyes at a quicker pace. He radiated an aura of gloom, darkness, and ages long forgotten. He was always restless, wanting to stalk off into the dark and roam the tunnels of the Underdark searching for those might harm his followers.

艾布兰多的化身Ibrandul's Avatar

  (巫师Mage 24,战士Fighter 20,牧师Cleric 17)

  艾布兰多(现在由莎尔扮演)偏好两种形态,即潜行者the Stalker和潜匿者the Skulker。潜行者是一头深地中的怪物蜥蜴,外观如同一头有着粗长尾巴的火蜥蜴。他长着灰色鳞片的躯体,有着红棕斑驳的脊背、微红的腹部。与一头无翼、瘦长的红龙相似。据说潜行者漫游于 喧癫空隧Pandemonium 无尽的洞窟中猎杀其它食肉者,卡林珊Calimshan剑湾北部Sword Coast North 的宗教艺术最常将它描绘为这种形态。
Ihrandul (currently played by Shar) favors two forms, the Stalker and the Skulker. The Stalker is a monscrous lizard of the depths that looks like a fire lizard with a long, thick tail. He has a gray-scaled body with a red-and-brown-mottled back and a reddish underside. He resembles a wingless, elongated red dragon. The Stalker is said to roam the endless caverns of Pandemonium hunting other predators and is the form most commonly portrayed in religious art in Calimshan and the Sword Coast North.

The Skulker might be mistaken fora stone golem or earth elemental. He appears to he a humanoid of black and gray stone worn smooth as if long exposed to the eroding force of howling winds. The Skulker has no specific facial features, but his eye patches glow like cool magma in utter darkness. The Skulker frequently shapechanges to alter his appearance, taking the shape of anything from a chisel-featured, bare-chested massive human known to natives of Calimshan to that of a stony roperlike creature known to the drow. The Skulker prefers to appear to mortals while lurking in perfect darkness where he is visible only by his glowing eyes and to aid or hinder others through wit and voices in the gloom.

  在两种形态中,艾布兰多都能施展来自任何学派或魔法领域的法术。他偏好来自元素土、太阳(逆转,仅限创造黑暗效果)、旅者,而不能施展任何创造比简单的一瞬间更长的光亮。(因此,举例来说,他能施展持续时间为瞬间的 火球术fireball,但不能施展 闪光尘glitterdust。)
In either form, Ibrandul can cast spells from any school or sphere of magic. He favors spells from the spheres of elemental earth, sun (reversed, darkness-creating effects only), and travelers, and cannot cast spells that create light for more than a single instant. (Hence, for example, he can cast fireball, which has an instantaneous duration, but cannot cast glitterdust.)

  防御等级 -2;移动 12(潜行者)或 15(隐匿者);生命值 188;零级命中值 1;#攻击 5次(潜行者)或 2次(隐匿者)
  伤害 1d12+11/1d12+11/1d12+11/1d12+11/2d10+11(爪抓/爪抓/爪抓/爪抓/啮咬,+11力量)或 2d10+11(钝击肢体bludgeoning appendage¥2,+11力量)
  魔抗 55%;体型 巨型G(达60英尺长——潜行者)或 中型M 到 超大型H(6英尺到16英尺——隐匿者)
  力量 23,敏捷19,体质 23,智力21,感知19,魅力 17
  法术 祭司P:10/9/9/8/5/3/2,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/S/4
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 3;权杖、法杖与魔杖 3;石化或变形 4;喷吐武器 4;法术 4
  AC-2; MV 12 (Stalker) or 15 (Skulker); HP 188; THAC0 1;#AT 5 (Stalker) or 2 (Skulker)
  Dmg 1d12+11/1d12+11/1d12+11/1d12+11/2d10+11 (claw/claw/claw/claw/bite,+11 Str) or 2d10+11 (bludgeoning appendage¥2,+11 Str)
  MR 55%; SZ G (up to 60 feet in length—Stalker) or M to H (6 feet to 16 feet— Skulker)
  Str 23, Dex 19, Con 23, Int 21, Wis 19, Cha 17
  Spells P:10/9/9/8/5/3/2, W:5/5/5/5/5/5/5/S/4
  {{sp|sp = Saves PPDM 3, RSW 3, PP 4, BW 4, Sp 4

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

The Stalker can attack five times per round—four attacks with his claws and one with his powerful bite. Regardless of the shape he assumes, the Skulker bludgeons opponents with two powerful appendages that may resemble arms, tentacles, or something else.

Ibrandul (in either form) can stand motionless against any rock face and remain completely undetectable by any nonmagical means. He can sink directly into the wall and move uninhibited within it at will, yet still observe events outside the wall as if he were standing in the open air. He can also negate any blindness penalty to his attack rolls (see below) by striking from within a stone wall (provided he can reach his target).

  艾布兰多能看穿完美的黑暗,仿若他站在光天化日之下,但如果暴露在最小亮度达到 恒久之光continual light 法术的光亮中,他将遭受失明惩罚(-4)。然而,除了他的普通攻击或施法,随意使用,他还能创造 15英尺半径黑暗术darkness,15'radius 来战胜这一弱点。
Ibrandul can see in perfect darkness as if he were standing in broad daylight, but he suffers a blindness penalty (-4) if exposed to light with the minimum brightness of a continual light spell. However, he can create darkness,15' radius at will in addition to his normal attacks or spellcasting to combat this weakness.

  作为狂风肆虐的喧癫空隧的生物,艾布兰多如呼吸般地了解怎么塑造石头。以每轮1平方英尺的速度,他能由自己的兴趣熟练地雕刻任何类型的石头,包括最错综复杂的细节。艾布兰多能使用这强大的 塑石术stone shape 能力创造任何事物,从自然祭坛、到幽暗地域中可通行的通道、再到石头飞镖。
As a creature of wind-ridden Pandemonium, Ibrandul has learned to shape stone with his breath. He can expertly carve any kind of rock to his liking, including the most intricate detail, at the rate of 1 square foot per round. Ibrandul uses this powerful stone shape ability to create anything from natural altars to navigable passageways in the Underdark to stone darts.

其祂显现Other Manifestations

  艾布兰多通常显现为声音:环绕在拐角的脚步声、呼吸声(常常被误认为风在洞穴中的呻吟)、滴水声(通常是在幽暗地域的干旱区域)、陷落声(在可理解的单词和短语中隆隆作响)、以及奇特岩层和侵蚀模式。许多冒险者在穿越艾布兰多时并未意识到他已到访问过;与之相反,他们发现自己被引导着避开了自然的危险、追随着奇特而自然的标记——通常是跟着隧道墙壁上的热点轨迹(通过热感视觉、每次只持续几分钟),从而达到了目的地。艾布兰多有时会通过自由意志的土元素、融石虫horgar(通过融化石头,来穿越巨型类鼻涕虫生物通过隧道)、幽暗龙ibrandlin 和其它所有体型的蜥蜴、潜匿者、软泥怪(灰色泥怪和水晶泥怪品种)、以及 鬼火will o' deep(见《魔域传奇 怪物纲要Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium 附录3,黑暗生物Appendix III, Creatures of Darkness》)。
Ibrandul commonly manifests as sounds:footsteps around the bend, breathing (which is often mistaken for wind moaning in the caverns), dripping water (often in arid regions of the Underdark), cave-ins (which rumble in understandable words and phrases), and in curious rock formations and erosion patterns. Many adventurers aided by Ibrandul have no idea that they have been visited by him; rather, they find themselves guided to their destinations by avoiding natural hazards and following peculiar-yet-natural signs—typically a trail of warm spots on tunnel walls (visible by infravision and lasting for only a few moments per spot). Ibrandul sometimes works through free-willed earth elementals, horgars (giant sluglike creatures that tunnel through the earth by melting stone), ibrandlin and other lizards of all sizes, skulks, oozes (gray and crystal varieties), and will o' deeps (see the Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium Appendix III, Creatures of Darkness).

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:绝对中立N,混乱中立CN,中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可,若为中立Yes, if neutral;专属祭司SP:不可No
  支配不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:可,若为邪恶Yes, if evil;专属祭司SP:不可No

  艾布兰多的所有牧师和专属祭司都得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)作为非武器熟练奖励。
All clerics and specialty priests of Ibrandul receive religion (Faerûnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.

  任何炽热地热爱黑暗的生物,都曾经能够加入艾布兰多的祭职者。莎尔(伪装作艾布兰多)现在保持着对艾布兰多教派的照管,并授予他的祭司法术。莎尔对她的新追随者们感到满意,并且将所有新接纳成员都转化为专属祭司,虽然许多艾布兰多的牧师——约占全部神职人员的20%——从诸神降世the Fall of the Gods前开始,仍然存在。艾布兰多的神职人员成员曾经包括少许灰德鲁伊(以幽暗地域作为主要地形的德鲁伊,在《完全德鲁伊手册Complete Druid's Handbook》中讨论),但自从动荡之年以来,他们已停止从干枯深地之主the Lord of the Dry Depths得授法术,现在崇拜矮人、侏儒、或是其他幽暗地域神祇。
Any creature who loved the darkness with a passion used to be able to join Ibrandul's priesthood. Shar (masquerading as Ibrandul) now keeps watch over the sect of Ibrandul and grants his priests their spells. Shar is pleased with her new followers and makes all new initiates specialty priests, although numerous clerics of Ibrandul—about 20% of the total clergy—still exist from prior to the Fall of the Gods. Ibrandul's clergy members used to include a few gray druids (druids with the Underdark as their primary terrain, as discussed in the Complete Druid's Handbook), but since the Time of Troubles they have stopped receiving spells from the Lord of the Dry Depths and now worship dwarf, gnome, or other Underdark deities.

  在卡林珊和光辉南方,过去几个世纪中,艾布兰多的崇拜在人类中已显著衰落。费伦的 卡利山特the Calishite 地区下的幽暗地域游弋、只在突袭时出现在地表的潜匿者,他们曾为人类,其队伍仍然狂热崇拜着艾布兰多。因此,潜匿之神在卡林珊,比在诸国度的其他地方,都远更被认为是位邪恶神力。
In Calimshan and the Shining South, Ibrandul's worship has declined significantly over the centuries among humans. Ibrandul is still worshiped with great fervor by the once-human bands of skulks who stalk the Underdark in the Calishite region of Faerûn and emerge only to raid the surface. As a result, the Skulking God is considered far more of an evil power in Calimshan than elsewhere in the Realms.

In the Sword Coast North, Ibrandul's faith is a relatively recent arrival. Here the Lord of the Dry Depths attracts worshipers of a wide variety of alignments and races, and his priests emphasize his defender aspect more than his love of darkness. It is likely that Shar will shift this focus in the near future.

  在艾布兰多被弑前,他会授予祭司将火蜥蜴转变为幽暗龙的法术,这种“黑暗的链接者”是以潜行者的形象创造的,祭司们能训练用来保卫艾布兰多的神殿。(这些怪物般的改造版火蜥蜴,于《地脉迷城的废墟Ruins of Undermountain》中以《怪物纲要》表单的格式详述,并在本文后文概述。)在莎尔的眷顾下,幽暗龙现在开始了真正的繁育。在 化身危机the Avatar crisis 前,一旦追随者们相对安全了艾布兰多就习惯忽视他们,使其所有神职者全是牧师(而非专属祭司等),并且没有提供足够的神性力量将幽暗龙转化为自我繁殖的物种。可能正视这种对崇拜者的疏忽,以及这对他神力造成的相应的削弱,令他被莎尔击败了。
Before Ibrandul was slain, he provided his priests with spells to modify fire lizards into ibrandlin, the “linkers in darkness”created in the image of the Stalker, which priests could train to guard Ibrandul's temples. (These monstrous modified fire lizards are detailed in the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set on a Monstrous Compendium sheet and summarized below.) With Shar's favor, the ibrandlin are now beginning to breed true. Before the Avatar crisis Ibrandul tended to ignore his followers once they were relatively safe, leaving all his clergy members as clerics and not providing enough divine power to turn the ibrandlin into a self-propagating species. It was probably this inattention to his worshipers and corresponding weakening in his power that led to his defeat by Shar.

  艾布兰多祭者Ibrandulin(即艾布兰多的祭司)初修士被呼作 艾布兰多的孩子Children of Ibrandul,而祭司们则呼之为称作“孩子child”。当加入祭职队伍时,他们将获得 潜伏者Lurker 头衔。资深祭司(那些高于5级者)是 神秘潜伏者Mysterious Lurkeis,而神殿的领导者则是 不可知的潜伏者Impenetrable Lurker。祭司们通常会使用独特的个人头衔,而神殿的不可知的潜伏者在所有需要的正式场合都承认所有此类头衔。
Novice Ibrandulin (priests of Ibrandul) are called Children of Ibrandul, and addressed as “child” by priests. When initiated into the priesthood, they earn the title Lurker. Senior priests (those above 5th level) are Mysterious Lurkeis, and the leader of a temple is an Impenetrable Lurker. Priests often take distinctive personal titles, and the recognition of such title by the Impenetrable Lurker of a temple is all that is required to make them official.


Followers of Ibrandul believe that the Underdark is every bit as vital as the surface world, and darkness is its greatest redeeming quality. In a world without light, there is no tedious and inescapable march of day and night to command the lives of intelligent creatures and no end to the variety of shapes and textures to experience tactility—something which would be lost by merely looking upon them as surface dwellers do. Followers of Ibrandul believe that nothing is good or evil in the dark unless you consider it so, and such value judgments are frivolous.

  新加入 笼罩之暗the Enveloping Darkness(该信仰的正确称呼)的人,将被要求:“在完美的黑暗中,有完美的自由:从别人的判断中获得独立、个性与解放。艾布兰多在黑暗之路上,保护着你、引导着你。他赶走那些会伤害他孩子的人,并时不时向那些冒险进入深地的人揭示伟大的宝藏。只要你对他保持坚定,而他就将站在你的那边。”
{{sp|sp = Initiates to the Enveloping Darkness, as the faith is properly known, are charged:“There is perfect freedom in perfect darkness:independence, individuality, liberty from the judgment of others. Ibrandul protects you and guides you in the dark ways. He drives away those who would do his children harm and from time to time reveals great treasures to those who venture into the depths. Remain steadfast to him, and he will stand by you.”

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

All priests of Ihrandul proselytize among adventurers and the poor folk of cities. Ibrandulin are also expected to build temple fortresses deep in the Underdark to serve as sanctuaries for those who venture in the depths. They are to offer the protection of the Lord of the Dry Depths to those who must hide underground (from justice, their enemies, a plague, severe weather, or an attack on the city) by providing such people with guarded, defensible temples underground to stay in—in exchange for regular rental payments for a bed, food, a niche in the temple, and lbrandul's favor.

Many of Ibrandul's clergy members wander in the Underdark as adventurers or aides to them. Their mission is to persuade everyone they meet to remain below the surface and acknowledge Ihrandul as their defender while below ground. Ibrandulin tend to roam alone in the Underdark, celebrating the darkness, which leads to a relatively high mortality rate among the lower-ranking priests. The smarter Ibrandulin stick with groups until they develop their survival skills and priestly powers a bit more. Shar tends to warn and protect higher-level followers of Ibrandul with the same subtle signs and manifestations that Ibrandul liked to use.

Each time priests of Ibrandul gain a level of experience, they are expected to throw a tithe of a tenth of their total wealth into a deep pit, where it should remain unrecoverable. All priests and more casual followers should throw a copper piece into any pit they cross as a thanks for safely negotiating it and into any nearby hole or crevice whenever they believe they have witnessed a sign from the Ibrandul.

圣日/主要仪式Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  在第5级,所有的艾布兰多祭司必须经历一场秘密的仪式,仪式涉及吞下幽暗龙的血,以及一场由不可知的潜伏者引导的魔法典礼。作为这场被称为 以拉'瑞那克elah'ranak(阿瑟多语Alzhedo 中的“黑暗的护甲Protective Armor of Darkness”)仪式的结果,腕部、前臂、背部和足部都会覆盖上部会让人联想到幽暗龙的交叠着的小块鳞片。除了1d3点永久的魅力损失外,这些鳞片还将给予(现在已经晋为资深祭司)的祭司5的基本AC。
Holy Daysportant Ceremonies:At 5th level, all priests of Ibrandul must undergo a secret ritual involving ingesting ibrandlin blood and a magical ceremony conducted by an Impenetrable Lurker. As a result of this ceremony, known as elah'ranak (“Protective Armor of Darkness” in Alzhedo), large areas of the wrists, forearms, chest, back, and legs are covered with patches of overlapping scales in a fashion reminiscent of the ibrandlin. These scales give the (now senior) priest a base Armor Class of 5 but result in a permanent loss of ld3 points of Charisma.

  艾布兰多祭司庆祝的圣日非常少。在乌云密布的夜晚,新月当空、表面世界the Land Above 一片漆黑之时,艾布兰多的祭司将为了被称为 预示典礼the Foreshadowing 的典礼而露面。这场庆祝艾布兰多“所有地上与地下之地都将笼罩在黑暗之中”的承诺的仪式,在午夜时开始。而艾布兰多的信徒在每年 仲冬节之夜Midwinter's Eve,为了他从黑暗精灵的手中将他们解放,而向 黑暗中的潜匿者Lurker in Darkness致以谢意。此仪式被称为朝向 黑暗的解脱典礼the Deliverance Unto Darkness,通常涉及献祭一只巨大的蜘蛛或是其它与 罗丝Lolth 或卓尔族密切相关的存在,以及施展 黑暗之径dark path 法术。而艾布兰多崇拜者组成的长链,然后使用 黑暗之径 法术授予他们的这个能力,去在没有光源的情况下,漫游穿越幽暗地域,虔信他们的神祇会带领着他们到安全的地方。
Ihrandulin celebrate very few holy days. On cloud-covered nights when there is a new moon and the Land Above is pitch black, Ibrandul's priests emerge for a ceremony known as the Foreshadowing. Beginning at midnight, this ritual celebrates Ibrandul's promise to eventually envelop all the land above and below in darkness. Each Midwinter's Eve, the faithful of Ibrandul give thanks to the Lurker in Darkness for their delivery from the hands of the dark elves. This ceremony, known as the Deliverance Unto Darkness, typically involves the sacrifice of a monstrous spider or some other creature or being intimately associated with Lolth or the drow and the casting of dark path spells. Long chains of Ibrandul's worshipers then use the abilities granted them by the dark path spells to wander through the Underdark without light sources, trusting their deity to lead them to safety.

When turning undead, clerics of Ibrandul do not wield holy symbols. Instead, they reach down and grasp at a handful of earth or gravel and then let it trickle through their fists as if they were reminding the undead of what should happen when something dies.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

{{sp|sp = Ibrandul can be worshiped anywhere it is dark and anywhere in the Underdark. Ibrandul has shaped elaborate altars out of the natural stone in numerous large caverns throughout the Underdark. They are recognizable as plateaus at least 20 feet across, worn glassy smooth across the top and having steps that ascend from any accessible side. At the very center of the plateau, Ibrandul carves many runes and glyphs of varying texture and shape so that followers can kneel and caress them while meditating.

  艾布兰多最广阔、最新的神殿是 黑暗希望的深暗神殿the Deep Temple of Dark Hope,最近由“疯狂者”萨兰德Thalander “the Mad”在深水城街道地下深处修成的。这座神殿充当着要塞和探索地脉迷城与幽暗地域的冒险者的庇护所——这需要支付夸张的费用。这座地下神殿也能从 黑暗门径the Dark Gateway(也被称为 上层神殿the Upper Temple),经由双向的 异界之门gate 到达,后者是一座献给艾布兰多的秘密神龛,坐落于 光辉之城the City of Splendors 的 贸易区the Trades Ward。
Ibrandul's largest and newest temple is the Deep Temple of Dark Hope, recently constructed deep beneath the streets of Waterdeep by Thalander “the Mad.” This temple serves as a stronghold and place of sanctuary for adventurers exploring Undermountain and the Underdark—for a steep fee. The subterranean temple can also be reached via a two-way gate from the Dark Gateway (also known as the Upper Temple), a secret shrine to Ibrandul located in the Trades Ward of the City of Splendors.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  黑夜幽影The Shadows of the Night 是支邪恶组织,以卡林珊的幽暗地域为基地,包含零散的潜匿者队伍。这些潜匿者比他们怯懦的同伴稍微勇敢一点,并在地表从事相对规律的袭击,不过他们仍然只会在数量有巨大优势的时候攻击。黑夜幽影被认为由一些强大的邪恶生物率领——也许是某位变节的黑暗精灵或是灵吸怪巫妖illithilich。
The Shadows of the Night is a sinister organization based in the Calimshan's Underdark comprising scattered bands of skulks. These skulks are somewhat more daring than their cowardly fellows and engage in fairly regular raids on the surface, although they still only attack when they have a vast superiority in numbers. It is believed the Shadows of the Night are led by some powerful evil creature—perhaps a renegade dark elf or illithilich.

  堕落骑士团The Knights Fallen 是支由祭司、游荡者以及勇士组成的队伍,他们游弋于幽暗地域的北部地区。他们为艾布兰多寻找那些在黑暗中迷失道路的人,通常是冒险者或勇敢的商人,以可观的费用将他们交到相对安全的地方。他们被认为是以黑暗希望的深暗神殿为基地,但这支组织也曾在东远至 安奥罗克沙漠Anauroch 和南远达 安姆Amn 的地方被遭遇到过。
The Knights Fallen is a band of priests, rogues, and warriors who stalk the northern reaches of the Underdark. They serve Ibrandul by seeking out those who have lost their way in the darkness, typically adventurers or daring merchants, and delivering them to relative safety in exchange for a significant fee. They are believed to be based in the Deep Temple of Dark Hope, but bands of this order have been encountered as far east as Anauroch and as far south as Amn.

  传说中有一支由各种种族组成的巡游队伍,他们自称为 喧闹融石虫the Horgardin。这个组织由艾布兰多的半黑暗精灵灰德鲁伊领导,他带领着他的追随者沿着一条曲折的道路,穿越了据说是干枯深地之主所控制的巨大融石虫,在远古时代创造的幽暗地域。
Legends speak of an itinerant band of wanderers of various races who call themselves the Horgardin. The group is led by a half-dark elf gray druid of Ibrandul who leads his followers along a twisting path through the Underdark said to be created in ancient times by a huge horgar controlled by the Lord of the Dry Depths.

Since Shar assumed Ibrandul's portfolio, orders of her followers have been (oddly) friendly to those of Ibrandul, although they tend to behave a bit condescendingly.

祭司的祭服Priestly Vestments:

Priests of Ibrandul wear dark purple ceremonial robes covered with a pattern of large, overlapping silver rings and belted with a black sash. The rings symbolize their interdependence (as fellow children of Ibrandul) and also the protective scales of the Lord of the Dry Depths. The holy symbol of Ibrandul is usually carved into a semiprecious stone and carried on a thong or chain, or sometimes formed symbolically from a puzzle ring of four interlinked silver finger rings worn as one ring.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

In general, followers of Ibrandul have a distinct predilection for black and dark purple clothing with silver ornamentation. One might often mistake them for rogues (which they may be anyway) because they seem to dress as if to blend in with darkness. When adventuring, the Skulking God's clergy members wear reasonable armor that protects them yet enables them to move swiftly in the rough terrain of subterranean tunnels. Such armor is always tinted or dyed flat black or a deep purple so as not to reflect any light and is usually crafted from metals or lizard skins found in the Underdark, Ibrandulin wield whatever weapons are appropriate and available.


专属祭司Specialty Priests(暗行者Darkwalkers

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:感知Wisdom 10,体质Constitution 11
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,体质Constitution
  防具ARMOR:最高并包括链甲的所有盔甲;无盾牌All armor types up to and including chain mail; no shields
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,元素elemental,守卫guardian,保护protection,太阳(仅创造黑暗的逆向版本法术) sun (only the darkness-creating versions of reversible spells),旅者travelers
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:混乱Chaos,战斗combat,创造creation,预言divination,治疗healing,死灵necromantic
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师As clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:训练动物(幽暗龙) Animal training (ibrandlin),挖矿mining
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:盲战Blind-fighting,方向感direction sense

  ❖ Although his darkwalkers are primarily humans and (in area of Calimshan) skulks, Ibrandul is known to also have rare dwarf, gnome, dark elf, and half-elf (of dark elf descent) specialty priests.

  ❖暗行者所施展的所有与 黑暗darfeness 相关的法术影响区域和持续时间是正常的2倍;这种翻倍也影响他们与 黑暗 相关的类法术能力。
  ❖ Darkwalkers cast all darfeness-related spells with twice the normal area of effect and durarion; this doubling also effects their darkness-related spell-like abilities.

  ❖ All darkwalkers are granted 30-foot infravision. If they already possess infravision due to their race, darkwalkers receive a 10-foot extension to their range.

  ❖每日1次,暗行者能够施展 黑暗术darkness(如同1级祭司法术 光亮术light 的逆向)或 黑暗之径dark path(如同1级祭司法术)。
  ❖ Darkwalkers are able to cast darkness (as the reverse of the 1st-level priest spell light) or dark path (as the 1 st-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第3级,每日1次,暗行者能够施展 恒久之暗continual darkness(如同3级祭司法术 恒久之光continual light 的逆向)。
  ❖ At 3rd level, darkwalkers are able to cast continual darkness (as the reverse of the 3rd-level priest spell continual light) once per day.

  ❖在第5级,暗行者必须像所有艾布兰多祭司一样,历经 拉'瑞那克elah'ranak 典礼。除了1d3点永久的魅力损失外,这场典礼还将给予暗行者5的基本AC。
  ❖ At 5th level, darkwalkers must undergo the elah'ranak ceremony like all of Ibrandul's priesrs. The ceremony gives the darkwalker a base Armor Class of 5 but results in the permanent loss of 1d3 points of Charisma.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,暗行者能够施展 黑光术blacklight融身入石meld into stone(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 5th level, darkwalkers are able to cast blacklight or meld into stone (as the 3rd-level priest spells) once per day.

  ❖在第7级,每日1次,暗行者能施展 塑石术stone shape(如同5级法师法术)或 潜匿者skulk(如同4级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 7th level, darkwalkers can cast stone shape (as the 5th-level wizard spell) or skulk (as the 4th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 10th level, darkwalkers eyes have been magically adapted so well to darkness by their years in Ibranduls service that they can see in absolute darkness as if it were daylight. However, they are nearly blind within twilight conditions (-1 penalty to saving throws and attack rolls) and totally blind within daylight or equivalent conditions (-4 penalty to Armor Class, saving throws, and attack rolls).

艾布兰多祭者法术Ibrandulin Spells

1st Level

黑暗之径Dark Path


  持续时间Duration:3 小时/级hours/level
  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:特殊Special
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

This spell enables its willing recipients to move in complete darkness without hindrance or risk. The night sky is not usually considered complete darkness, but a cave lined with luminescent lichens is so considered. This spell also works for temporarily or permanently blind creatures who possess nonfunctioning sensory organs as well. Although spell recipients cannot actually see in the darkness, they are completely aware of all natural and unnatural hazards and creatures that they would be able to perceive in fully illuminated conditions and can react accordingly. The spell does not allow the detection of invisible or magically silenced creatures or hazards. Recipients of this spell suffer no attack penalties for darkness or blindness while under the effects of this spell.

  虽然这道法术只能施展在一位单一施法者身上,但任何在法术施展时与受术者存在物理接触、或是与接触者保持着接触的活物,在与受术者保持接触时同样得到这道法术的增益。在战斗中依靠这样的接触链是危险的,因为当生物断开了与法术接触者(以及其它延伸出来的活长链)的直接或间接接触时,这道法术的增益将立即停止。除非法术已经结束,否则重新建立接触将重新恢复 黑暗之径。在施法时未与法术受术者(或是与法术受术者链接)的人,不能在之后加入这条链接或是触碰法术受术者,也不能获得法术的增益;这样的生物无论所在位置在哪都将实际终止一条链接,于是那些连接到这条链接者也将在之后失去 黑暗之径 的增益,直到链接被重组来排除多余者。
{{sp|sp = Although this spell can only be cast on a single recipient, any living creature in physical contact with the recipient when the spell is cast or part of a chain of creatures in physical contact with each other and with the spell recipient receives the benefit of the dark path as well while contact is maintained. Relying on such chains of contact is dangerous during combat situations, since the benefit of the spell stops immediately for any creature who loses direct or indirect physical contact with the spell recipient (as well as anyone further down the living chain). Reestablishing contact reestablishes the dark path unless the spell has already ended. Creatures not in contact with the spell recipient (or the chain to the spell recipient) when the spell is cast cannot later join the chain or touch the spell recipient and gain the spells benefits; such beings also effectively terminate a chain wherever they are positioned, so those linked in a chain after them lose the dark path s benefits also until the chain is rearranged to exclude them.

  若法术的受术者或是与受术者连接的任何人,进入了某片照明区域(定义为:靠近15英尺内的一支点燃的火炬或适当距离内的另一光源如油灯或提灯,或是进入 光亮术light恒久之光continual light 法术效果范围内。),黑暗之径 法术将立即终结,而任何当前正得到 黑暗之径 增益者都必须成功通过对抗法术豁免检定,否则将被震慑1轮并失明1d6轮。
If the spells recipient or anyone in contact with the recipient enters an area of illumination (defined as coming within 15 feet of a lit torch, within an appropriate distance to another light source such as a lamp or lantern, or entering the area of effect of a light or continual light spell), the dark path spell ends immediately, and everyone currently receiving the benefits of the dark path must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or be stunned for 1 round and blinded for 1d6 rounds.

The material component of this spell is a small piece of luminescent lichen and the priest's holy symbol.

3rd Level



  距离Range:10 码/级yards/Ievel
  持续时间Duration:1 轮/级round/level
  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:20 英尺半径球体-foot-radius globe
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过即无效Neg.

  在施展这道法术时,祭司将创造一片静止的临时完全黑暗的区域。正常视觉和夜视无法穿透这片黑暗,但施法者能正常看穿这片黑光的区域并在其中正常移动。在这片 黑光术 的界限内,施法者能正常的攻击和施法。每轮,那些在黑光范围内者被允许进行一次-3惩罚的对抗法术豁免检定。豁免成功者能在那一轮如施法者般视物,而豁免检定者将被彻底的黑暗包裹。在这片球体区域外的角色无法看透里面。
Upon casting this spell, the priest creates a stationary, temporary area of total darkness. The darkness is impenetrable to normal vision and infravision, but the caster can see and move normally within the blacklit area. The caster can attack and cast spells normally within the limits of the blacklight. Each round, those within the blacklit area are allowed a saving throw vs. spell at a -3 penalty. Those who succeed can see as the caster does for that round while those who fail are wrapped in total darkness. Characters outside the sphere cannot see into it.

  普通和魔法光亮将被黑光术浇灭。施展 光亮术light恒久之光continual light驱散魔法dispel magic 将反击这道法术、摧毁这片黑光区域。
Normal and magical lights are doused by the blacklight. The casting of light color=,continual light, or dispel magic to counter this spell destroys the blacklit area.

Creatures within the blacklit area have a -4 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws and have their Armor Classes reduced by 4. Characters with the blind-fighting nonweapon proficiency are only penalized by -2 to their attack rolls and saving throws and have no penalty to their Armor Classes.

  黑光术 法术的施法者能随意终止它,不过并不需要保持持续的专注来维持它。请注意:如果受害者不能看见它们,那么依赖于视觉效果的法术(例如幻术)就不会生效。
The caster of a blacklight spell can end it at will, though continual concentration is not necessary to maintain it. Note that spells that depend on visual effects (such as illusions) do not function if the victim cannot see them.

The material components of this spell are a piece of coal and the dried eyeball of any creature.

4th Level



  施法时间Casting Time:7
  影响区域Area of Effect:接触的生物Creature touched
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术将给予自愿的受术者类变色龙能力,从而快速而安静(无声移动+20%可能性,正常移动速度+2)地移动,或是静止不动并融入周遭环境。在静止时,受术者有90%的可能性被忽略。在森林和地下环境中,法术的受术者能几乎不留痕迹地通过。任何在这样的环境中跟踪 潜匿者 法术受术者,成功率只有正常成功率的1/5。
This spell gives willing recipients the chameleonlike ability to move quickly and quietly (+20% chance to move silently,+2 bonus to normal movement rate) or to freeze into immobility and blend into the background of their surroundings. While immobile, a recipient is 90% likely to be passed by unnoticed. In forest and subterranean settings, spell recipients can pass almost without trace. Anyone following the recipient of a skulk spell in these surrounding has one-fifth his or her normal chance to track successfully.

  当处于 潜匿者 法术效果下时,潜匿者受术者进行的士气检定有-2惩罚。在对抗魔法恐惧的豁免检定上有-6惩罚。
While under the effects of a skulk spell, morale checks by the recipient of a skulk are made at a -2 penalty. Saving throws vs. magical fear are made at a -6 penalty.

There is a 1% noncumulative chance per use of this spell that the recipient is permanently transformed into a skulk. When this happens, the victim undergoes an immediate and permanent physical metamorphosis. Any shift in alignment or development or improvement of thieving skills as a result of the transformation occurs over a period of one to two years.

The material component of this spell is a small piece of skin from a chameleon, a dead spider of any size, and the priest s holy symbol.


  零级命中值 19;#攻击 1次;伤害 根据武器类型,通常是 1d4(匕首) 或 1d6(短剑);防御等级 7;生命骰 2;移动 12;特殊攻击 如5级盗贼背刺(在背后攻击骰上+4奖励,并且在成功时造成3倍伤害),完全无声移动,对手的突袭骰-3惩罚;特殊防御 伪装,难以被追踪;特殊弱点 怯懦;体型 中型M(5-6英尺高);智力 平均(8-10);阵营 混乱邪恶CE;士气 不稳定(5-7);经验值 175;《灰鹰怪物纲要 附录 Greyhavxk Monstrous Compendium Appendix
  Skulk:<>THAC0 19;#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type, usually 1d4 (dagger) or 1d6 (short sword); AC 7; HD 2; MV 12; SA backstab as 5th-level thief (+4 bonus to back attack roll and triple damage when successful), completely silent movement,-3 penalty to opponent's surprise rolls; SD camouflage, hard to track; SW cowardly; SZ M (5 to 6 feet tall); INT average (8-10); AL CE; ML unsteady (5-7); XP 175; Greyhavxk Monstrous Compendium Appendix.

  Notes: Class and racial abilities supersede these statistics when applicable.

  SD—90% invisibility when immobile, one-fifth normal chance to track in forest and subterranean settings.

  SW—Skulks try to run when first wounded or when the odds are less than two to one in their favor. They never engage in direct combat unless trapped, but rather backstab and run, to later sneak up on opponents again.

6th Level

创造幽暗龙Create Ibrandlin


  施法时间Casting Time:7 小时hours
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 枚火蜥蜴蛋fire lizard egg
  豁免检定Saving Throw:无None

  这道法术在若干个世纪前由艾布兰多的祭司研发,目的是为了促进坐落在幽暗地域的艾布兰多神殿的可怕守护者的诞生。幽暗龙通过魔法地改变了火蜥蜴卵而创造,这种可驯化的怪物被以一种《怪物纲要Monstrous Compendium》表单的格式详述于《地脉迷城的废墟Ruins of Undermountain》盒装图书中。自动荡之年以来,幽暗龙已开始了真正的繁育。考虑到这道法术材料成分的成本,这道法术很可能会因此相对较少被使用。
This spell was developed centuries ago by priests of Ibrandul to facilitate the creation of fearsome guardians for the temple of Ibrandul located in the Underdark. Ibrandlin are created by magically altering fire lizard eggs to create the trainable monsters described in a Monstrous Compendium sheet included in the Ruins of Undermountain boxed set. Since the Time of Troubles, ibrandlin have begun to breed true. As a result this spell is likely to lapse into relative disuse, given the expense of the spell components.

  施展这道法术是段漫长而艰难的过程。那些施展这道法术的人,必须在尝试施法前以长达1旬的祈祷和禁食来做好准备。施法者必须在随后将圣油和钻石尘的混合物涂抹在这枚已受精的活火蜥蜴卵上,并环绕这枚卵跳上一段长达7小时的仪式祈祷舞。施法者每舞蹈1小时,就必须进行一次体质能力检定。在任何一次体质能力检定中失败都将使得这道法术完全失败。这道法术能在1旬后在同一枚卵上以新的材料成分再次尝试。二次失败将杀死蛋中未成熟的火蜥蜴,使其无用。当 创造幽暗龙 成功施展时,材料成分将被吸收到这枚卵中,在1旬后,一只未经训练的幽暗龙将从卵中孵出。
Casting this spell is a long and arduous process. Those who cast this spell must prepare themselves with a tenday of prayer and fasting before attempting the casting. The spellcaster must then coat a fertilized, living fire lizard egg with a mixture of holy oil and diamond dust and perform a seven-hour ritualistic prayer dance around the egg. Each hour of the dance, the spellcaster must make a Constitution ability check. Failure of any Constitution ability check results in the complete failure of the spell. The spell can be attempted once again one tenday later on the same egg with new material components. A second failure kills the unhatched fire lizard in the egg, rendering it useless. When create ibrandlin is successfully cast, the material components are absorbed into the egg and an untrained hatchling ibrandlin emerges from the egg one tenday later.

The material components of this spell are Ibrandulin holy oil and 3,000 gp worth of diamond dust.


  零级命中值 11;#攻击 5次;伤害 1d8(爪抓)/1d8(爪抓)/1d8(爪抓)/1d8(爪抓)/2d8(啮咬);防御等级 3;生命骰 10;移动 9,攀爬 5;特殊攻击 火焰喷吐;特殊防御 免疫基于火的攻击、疾病、毒素、腐蛆以及其它寄生虫;魔抗 40%;体型 巨型M(40英尺或更长);智力 半智慧(4);阵营 守序中立LN;士气 无畏(19);经验值 7000;《地脉迷城的废墟Ruins of Undermountain
  {{sp|sp = Ibrandlin:THAC0 11;#AT 5; Dmg 1d8 (claw)/ 1d8 (cbw)/1d8 (claw)/1d8 (claw)/2d8 (bite); AC 3; HD 10; MV 9, Cl 5; SA fire breath; SD immune to fire-based attacks, disease, poison, rot grubs, and other parasites; MR 40%, SZ G (40 feet or more long); INT semi-(4); AL LN; ML fearless (19); XP 7,000; Ruins of Undermountain.

Notes: Ibrandlin can pry open doors and carry prey or objects. They are not smart enough to wield magical items on their own, although they can duplicate actions they have observed. They sleep 50% of the time. They respect and obey those dressed as priests of Ibrandul and can understand brief commands, along with instinctively protecting their lair (usually a temple of Ibrandul).

SA—Serpentine bodies enable ibrandlin to rear up on their tail and attack with all four claws while biting or breathing fire. They breathe fire every fifth round in a cone 5 feet wide at the mouth,10 feet wide at the end, and 15 feet long for 2d6 points of damage, save vs. brearh weapon for half. While they cannot bite while breathing, if a “bite” attack roll succeeds in the same round that they breathe, a victim directly in front of the breath weapon takes maximum damage from fire (12 points) with no saving throw. With a successful attack roll, an ibrandlin can pin a victim beneath its body in lieu of three claw attacks, but does not automatically rest its weight upon pinned victims. If a victim continues to fight after being pinned (using spells with only verbal components or at an attack and damage roll penalty of -3), she or he then feels the ibrandlin's weight and suffers 1d4 points of crushing damage per round. A single ibrandlin can pin up to five man-size victims. To escape requires successful Strength and Dexterity checks in the same round even if the ibrandlin is dead. Escaping from beneath a held or paralyzed ibrandlin is at a -10 penalty to the ability checks.

  SW—When ibrandlin hurl or throw objects, they attack at -3 penalty; misses land 1d10 feet from their intended target.
