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Lycanthropes Weretiger


【头   衔】虎妈妈Mother Tigress
【阵   营】N
【神   力】L
【神   职】玩play,好奇心curiosity,狩猎hunting
【神   系】黑暗族裔诸神Gods of the Dark Folk变形者神系the Shapechangers' Pantheon
【盟   友】拜拉多Balador猫领主Cat Lord诺班尼恩Nobanion索罗诺尔·杉岚德瑞Solonor Thelandira
【敌   对】伊莎芭拉Eshebala
【神   国】万兽园The Beastlands(与 猫领主Cat Lord 一起)
【徽   记】绿色的猫眼green cat's eyes
【简   介】芙瑞克Ferrix 是虎人女神,拜拉多的姐妹。

2e<Monster Mythology.p109>前言Introduction(节选)

  在如此多的邪恶与黑暗之后,贤者们欣慰地转向考虑变形者神系中的第二对兄弟姐妹。拜拉多Balador 是熊人之主,智慧而细心,坚强但温柔。拜拉多将他的半人、半兽的天性当作一种祝福接纳;这令他能通过自己的双重本性,来认清许多种族在对待与他们不同者时的狭隘。虽然拜拉多没有从他那获得法术的牧师或祭司,虽然熊人中并非没有可以施展祭司法术者;他们是在成为兽化人、得到 兽化症lycanthropy 祝福(他们是这样看的)前便是祭司。拜拉多为了他们的利益而与他们的神明斡旋。他请求诸神允许熊人祭司维持他们的信仰(当然,要符合阵营的可接受性)。通常来说,拜拉多的恳求会被听从。智慧而亲切的熊人神在森林和精灵神祇中有些好朋友,那些人类的自然神祇则知道熊人对于森林和林地生态有多么宝贵的价值。在神话中,拜拉多 熊爸爸Father Bear,通常是某位伟大的自然/德鲁伊神祇的仆从,而那位神祇因这头熊忠诚而热爱的服务,而给予了他自由作为回报。
拜拉多的姐妹 芙瑞克Ferrix 是虎人的女神,在神话中她经常被描绘熊爸爸的姐妹 虎妈妈Mother Tigress,在拜拉多从他的神祇主人和导师获得了自由时,因拜拉多的恳求也获得了自由。他的姐妹并未如他这头熊这样提供了同样的忠诚或可靠的服务,但这位被拜拉多恳求的神祇是心慈的,在同一时间给予了他们自由,因为拜拉多不会接受只有他自己获得自由。芙瑞克是位轻佻的女神,她永远充满好奇。她想知道任何事,无论她所占有的知识可能是多么地无用或琐碎,同样她很容易因为任何新东西或意外的东西分心。她非常聪明、但并不智慧,这正好与她的兄弟相反,后者并不聪敏、反应也不迅速,但他有着他的猫科姐妹缺乏的深邃智慧。就像达拉格尔和伊莎芭拉通过互补的天性联系在了一起。有些神话讲述了这种双重的互补性,这样的连接不仅存在于每个配对中,在配对本身之间也有联系。但这些神祇之间大多是混乱而任性的,若他们在万物的终点是这样的命运,他们宁愿继续自己的目的与努力,而非对它进行评价。

2e<Monster Mythology.p114>芙瑞克Ferrix(弱等女神Lesser Goddess)

  芙瑞克Ferrix 是虎人们好奇心永不满足的女神。她因自己的目的而对知识感兴趣,并积累了大量的知识储备;但不像她的兄弟,她并不聪慧,而未有效地将有价值的和琐碎的知识分离。尽管阵营不符,但她也漫游于 万兽园the Beastlands、狩猎和潜行(并且如同其它许多猫科动物一样,要求他人顶礼膜拜)。她虚荣并且经常嬉戏玩耍,但在捕食时,她可以是残酷的,而若被取笑或是嘲弄,她也可以是恶毒而凶恶的。
Ferrix is the insatiably curious goddess of weretigresses. She enjoys knowledge for its own sake and has accumulated a great store of knowledge, but unlike her brother she is not wise and does not separate worthwhile and trivial knowledge effectively. Despite her alignment she too roams the Beastlands, hunting and prowling (and demanding adoration from other beings as so many felines do). She is vain and often playful, but she can be cruel with prey and spiteful and vicious if teased or mocked.

角色扮演指南Role-playing Notes:

Ferrix' avatars are common visitors to the Prime Material for a variety of purposes. She may simply come to play with other weretigresses, or sometimes to mate with a male weretiger. She may come out of curiosity regarding almost anything from a hidden magical secret to an old temple ruin, or just to view some unusual geological formation or a magical tree buried in a deep forest. Ferrix' avatars are curious above all and will rarely offer hostility to those they encounter. But she has a habit of stalking creatures as if they were prey to see what their reactions are, which can lead to misunderstanding and conflict if the creatures stalked are over-fearful or aggressive. Flattery goes a long way with the avatar, as does the gift of a beautiful gem (appearance matters more than value).


  徽记SY:绿色的猫眼green cat's eyes。
AL n; WAL n (weretigresses); AoC play, curiosity, hunting; SY green cat's eyes.

芙瑞克的化身Ferrix' Avatar

  (战士Fighter 14,德鲁伊Druid 9)

The avatar usually appears in hybrid form, but she also hunts as a tigress. In either form, her fur has an exceptionally beautiful honey-brown sheen. She uses spells from standard druidic spheres, plus charm and combat.

  力量 18/00,敏捷 17,体质 17,
  智力 17,感知 13,魅力 19,
  移动 15 + 特殊,体型 大型L(8-12呎),魔抗 20%,
  防御等级 -2,生命骰 15,生命值 120,
  #攻击 2次,零级命中值 5,伤害 2d4 + 6x2(爪抓) 4d6(啮咬)
  Str 18/00 Dex 17 Con 17
  Int 17 Wis 13 Cha 19
  MV 15 + special SZ L (8'-12') MR 20%
  AC 0 HD 15 HP 120
  #AT 3 THAC0 5 Dmg 2d4 + 6x2 (claws) 4d6 (bite)

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  该化身免疫毒素、疾病、麻痹、或非魔法武器。没有自然的猫科动物会攻击她,并且随意使用,她能 魅惑猫类charm feline,以及每日3次,她也能 魅惑人类或魅惑哺乳动物charm person or mammal(以-4豁免骰避免)。除了进行正常的攻击外,她还能前跃最远达30呎、纵跃最高达15呎、或者后跃最远达15呎;如果她进行了飞跃,她将获得 大步弹跳靴boots of striding and springing 的益处。若在同一近战轮,她的前爪都击中了同一目标,她能以自己的后爪耙抓额外造成3d4/3d4点伤害。每日1次,她的咆哮能创造 恐惧术fear(如同魔杖),并且每日1次,她的咕噜声能 创造情感create emotion(平静calm),与此同时,每日3次,她的舔舐能 治疗致命伤cure critical wounds。她在右前爪上,戴着一枚虎眼石的 人类影响戒指ring of human influence
The avatar is immune to poison, disease and paralyzation, and nonmagical weapons. No natural feline will attack her and she can charm feline at will, and can also charm person or mammal 3/day (saving throw to negate is at -4). She can leap forward up to 30', up to 15' horizontally, and up to 15' backward in a round in addition to making attacks; if she leaps she gains the benefits of boots of striding and springing. If both her front paws strike an opponent in the same melee round she can rake with her back paws for an extra 3d4/3d4 points of damage. Once per day her growl can create fear (as wand), and once per day her purr can create emotion (calm), while her lick can cure critical wounds 3/day. She wears a tiger-eye ring of human influence on her right front paw.
