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龙与地下城 Wiki



【头   衔】会所夫人The Festhall Madam,荡妇the Lustful Mistress,欢愉之猫 Feline of Felicity,感觉的女妖Succubus of Sensation,茶色妖妇the Tawny Temptress,舞蹈女士the Dancing Lady,赛特之敌Foe of Set,猫之母Mother of Cats,舞者the Dancer
【阵   营】CG
【神   力】D
【神   职】享乐主义Hedonism,纵欲excess,肉欲lust,肉欲的满足sensual fulfillment,会所festhalls,猫cats,寻欢作乐者pleasure seekers
【神   系】¢夏芮丝:泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon禁果仕女the Maidens of the Forbidden Fruit

¢芭丝特:穆尔霍兰德神系Mulhorandi Pantheon
¢妃丽德:拜兽教Beast Cult

¢赞蒂拉:攸尔诸神Gods of the Yuir
【主   神】
【盟   友】安荷Anhur哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil黎尔拉Lliira密里耳Milil努比恩Nobanion塞伦涅Selûne淑妮Sune
【敌   对】赛特Set莎尔Shar劳薇塔Loviatar
【神   国】奔放之野Arborea/1th 奥林匹斯Olympus明水之域Brightwater 以及 约瑟园Ysgard/1th 格拉兹海姆Gladsheim美瑞特Merratet
【徽   记】¢徽记1,夏芮丝:女性的嘴唇Feminine lips

¢徽记2,芭丝特,较旧的:戴着精制的金色耳环的猫头a cat's head wearing delicate golden hoop earrings
【简   介】情欲女神 夏芮丝Sharess 原为穆尔霍兰德神系神系的一员芭丝特




808 DR 新月之年 (Year of the Crescent Moon)
  - 狂信者之焰 (Zealot Fires):位于卡林港内的莎尔、夏芮丝 (Sharess) 以及艾布兰多 (Ibrandul)的神殿被狂热的洛山达牧师摧毁。


2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p099>芭丝特Bast


出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR

  见 泛费伦神系Faerûnian Pantheon(半神力Demipowers) 章节的“夏芮丝Sharess”条目。
See entry for “Sharess" in the Faerûnian Pantheon (Demipowers) chapter.


2eFR<Powers & Pantheons.p051>夏芮丝Sharess


出版时间:1997/09;国度时间:1370 DR


  (会所夫人The Festhall Madam,荡妇the Lustful Mistress,欢愉之猫 Feline of Felicity,感觉的女妖Succubus of Sensation,茶色妖妇the Tawny Temptress,舞蹈女士the Dancing Lady,赛特之敌Foe of Set,猫之母Mother of Cats)

  奥林匹斯与金宫半神力Demipower of Olympus and Gladsheim,

  神职PORTFOLIO:享乐主义Hedonism,纵欲excess,肉欲lust,肉欲的满足sensual fulfillment,会所festhalls,猫cats,寻欢作乐者pleasure seekers
  别名ALIASES:芭丝特Bast,芭丝特尔Baster,妃丽德Felidae“舞者”赞蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer
  神域名DOMAIN NAME:奥林匹斯Olympus明水之域Brightwater 以及 格拉兹海姆Gladsheim美瑞特Merratet
  盟友ALLIES:安荷Anhur哈娜莉·瑟拉妮尔Hanali Celanil黎尔拉Lliira密里耳Milil努比恩Nobanion塞伦涅Selûne淑妮Sune
  徽记SYMBOL:女性的嘴唇Feminine lips(夏芮丝Sharess)
        或 戴着精制的金色耳环的猫头a cat's head wearing delicate golden hoop earrings(芭丝特Bast;较旧的)
  信徒阵营WOR. ALIGN.:任意Any


  夏芮丝Sharess(读作SHAH-ress), 是这位原被称为 芭丝特Bast(读作BAAST)的女神更常见的名字。芭丝特随着 穆尔霍兰德诸神Mulhorandi deities 迁入了 费伦大陆Faerûn。彼时,她已知主要充当着对抗 赛特Set 永恒斗争中 安荷Anhur 的助手和猫咪们的女保护人(猫咪们因为从穆尔霍兰德的民众珍贵的谷物中抓走老鼠的能力,以及对赛特的蛇与蝎的永恒警戒而被尊崇)。当穆尔霍兰德与恩瑟第二帝国达到巅峰,一时之间数不清的 拜兽教beast cult 广为流行。在这段时期,穆兰人Mulan图拉米人Turami 开始崇敬 妃丽德Felidae,一位被北方和西方的野蛮人崇拜的猫科动物、肉欲、游牧民族之女神,在非常短的时间内,更强大的芭丝特将妃丽德的神职与地位融入了自身。然而,异国风格的体验与异域的远方诱惑着芭丝特,如同猫儿一般,她被流浪癖折磨着。当 艾欧Ao 允许 马斯克Mask 扩张其势力的地域范围,将这个 古老帝国Old Empires 的盗贼们纳入其中时(在那之前,这些家伙没有天然神祇充任于此职,并遭受着固有的偏见), 作为交换,他受命接纳一位穆尔霍兰德神力加入 泛费伦神系Faerûnian pantheon 势力的地理范围。
Sharess (SHAH-ress) is the more commonly recognized name of the deity originally known as Bast (BAAST). When the Mulhorandi deities emigrated to Faerûn, Bast accompanied them. At that point, she was known mainly as Anhur's lieutenant in the eternal struggle against Set and as the patroness of cats, revered for their ability to keep rats from the precious grain of the Mulhorandi people and their eternal vigilance against the serpents and scorpions of Set.At the height of the second empires of Mulhorand and Unther, numerous beast cults gained popularity for a time. During this period, the Mulan and Turami peoples began to venerate Felidae, a goddess of felines, sensual pleasures, and nomads revered by the barbarians to the north and west, and in a very short time the more powerful Bast subsumed Felidae's portfolio and position into her own. However, the taste of foreign ways and foreign places tantalized Bast and like many felines, she was struck with wanderlust. When Ao allowed Mask to expand his geographic sphere of influence to include the thieves of the Old Empires (since they had no native deity who served that function and an innate prejudice against such), he required that the Faerûnian pantheon accept a Mulhorandi power into their geographic sphere of influence in exchange.

  芭丝特立刻动身前往探索费伦。她在穆尔霍兰德区域内保留了些许信徒,并继续回应她们的祷告(如果偶然的回应也算的话), 所以她的名字和神力在古老帝国的人民之中从未被遗忘。当在 诸国度the Realms 的其它部分漫游时,她很快成为了会所的守护神。随着她的经过,不可计数、昙花一现的信仰崇拜被创造出来,但其中大部分随着这位女神失去对当前群体的兴趣、前往寻觅新乐事时迅速销声匿迹。在 科米尔Cormyr 和穆尔霍兰德的猫类信仰是那些古老、野性狂欢的主要遗存。女神大部分的图像被描绘成在抚摸一只靡丽的黑猫,这为古老帝国的芭丝特与费伦西部的夏芮丝的联系提供了支撑。
Bast immediately set off to explore Faerûn. She maintained a few followers in the Mulhorandi sphere, however, and continued to answer their prayers (if sporadically), so her name and powers were never lost to the people of the Old Empires. She soon became known as the Patroness of Festhalls as she wandered throughout the rest of the Realms. Numerous shortlived cults were created in the wake of her passing, but most quickly vanished when the goddess lost interest in hercurrent flock and moved on to new pleasures. The veneration of cats in Cormyr and Mulhorand is the main remaining legacy of these ancient, wild revels. The connection between Bast of the Old Empires and Sharess of western Faerûn is supported by the tendency for most images of the goddess to be depicted stroking a resplendent black cat.

  一段时间后,芭丝特获得了一位受 攸木林Yuirwood 精灵崇拜的精灵半神力的神职与面相。“舞者”赞蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer 是位精灵的爱情女神,她的神职有些类似更偏向浪漫——和美丽——的 哈娜莉·瑟拉妮珥Hanali Celani,但更偏向于激情、肉体的爱,这爱总是燃烧地炽热而迅猛、却终将归于熄灭。赞蒂拉是快乐而悲伤的半神力,据称,她利用她的女性花招从其他神系的神祇那里获取情报、说服人类的酋长和国王和平地离开 攸尔Yuir。当攸尔精灵开始陷入与卓尔军队的战斗时,要么为了获取情报,要么为了在与 罗丝Lolth 的战争中诱得他的援助,赞蒂拉企图勾引黑暗精灵神祇 维伦Vhaeraun。然而,她的自我牺牲归于了无用,这位黑暗精灵领主背叛了赞蒂拉并且囚禁了她的化身。维纶想要夺取赞蒂拉的神性本质据为己有,但他失败了,因为芭丝特让他分神了足够长的时间,让这位精灵半神力得以逃走。因为感激且出于必要,极度虚弱的赞蒂拉自愿将其本质与芭丝特合为一体。合一重生的芭丝特/赞蒂拉的强大足以帮助攸尔精灵短时间内击退卓尔敌人。作为这一合并的一个结果,芭丝特开始更加专注于追求享乐,并获得了“舞蹈女士the Dancing Lady”的绰号。
Some time later, Bast acquired the portfolio and aspect of an elven demipower worshiped by the elves of the Yuirwood. Zandilar the Dancer was an elven goddess of love whose portfolio, unlike that of the more romance-and beauty-oriented Hanali Celanil, was directed toward passionate, physical love which burned hot and quickly but eventually died out. Zandilar was a joyful and tragic demipower who is said to have used her feminine wiles to gain vital information from deities of other pantheons and to persuade human chieftains and kings to leave the Yuir in peace. When the Yuir elves began to falter in a series of battles with drow armies, Zandilar attempted to seduce the dark elven deity Vhaeraun either to gain information or to elicit his assistance in battling the forces of Lolth. However, the dark elven lord betrayed Zandilar and imprisoned her avatar, and her self-sacrifice went for naught. Vhaeraun intended to seize Zandilar's divine essence for himself, but failed when Bast distracted him long enough for the elven demipower to escape. In gratitude and out of necessity, the severely weakened Zandilar voluntarily merged her essence with that of Bast. A reinvigorated Bast/Zandilar was then strong enough to help the Yuir elves drive off the drow forces for a time. As a result of this union, Bast became more focused on the pursuit of pleasure and acquired the nickname “the Dancing Lady.”

  迷斯·卓诺Myth Drannor 陷落一段时间后,芭丝特开始尝试欢愉的黑暗面,并堕入了“暗夜夫人Mistress of the Night”莎尔Shar 的影响。被合称为 禁果仕女the Maidens of the Forbidden Fruit 的这两位女神,由于莎尔的宗教仪式而愈加紧密地杂糅为一,直至后来,芭丝特几乎被看作莎尔的一尊名为夏芮丝的面相。在 荡妇the Lustful Mistress 的神职人员系统在诸国度日趋衰败的同时,夜之使者the nightbringer 们宣扬称,她的存在乃是象征万物终将被揽入绝望与失落之拥的先兆。那些在这一期间遇见欢愉女神的人会发现,她的美丽在渐渐凋谢,生命的喜悦离开了她的眼睛。
Some time after the fall of Myth Drannor, Bast began to experiment with the darker side of pleasure and fell under the influence of Shar, Mistress of the Night. Known as the Maidens of the Forbidden Fruit, two goddesses were strongly linked in the liturgy of the church of Shar until Bast was seen simply as an aspect of Shar known as Sharess. The ranks of the Lustful Mistress's clergy slowly dwindled throughout the Realms as the nightbringers spoke of her being a precursor to the despair and loss that all beings will eventually embrace. Those who encountered the goddess of pleasure during this time found her beauty slowly fading and the joy of life leaving her eyes.

  然而,夏芮丝从未完全被莎尔吸收,在 动荡之年Time of Troubles 期间她被淑妮从这黑暗中释放。夏芮丝依附在 卡林港Calimport 的 帕夏Pasha 最深得其宠爱的姬妾身上,以此作为自己的化身。当莎尔赶来,打算如毁灭 艾布兰多Ibrandul 那样一劳永逸地杀死夏芮丝时,她还沉醉在这位统治者后宫的纸醉金迷之中难以自拔。然而,在莎尔得以毁灭夏芮丝并夺取她的神职前,淑妮的化身带着一只装满 永金池Evergold 圣水的圣杯赶到,将夏芮丝浸湿在它的液体中。夏芮丝立即恢复了她凋谢的美丽,并摆脱了 黑暗舞者the Dark Dancers 的苦涩影响。
Sharess was never fully absorbed by Shar, however, and during the Time of Troubles she was released from this dark link by Sune. Sharess had assumed the form of the favorite concubine of the Pasha of Calimport as her avatar and was engaged in a wild life of decadence within that ruler's harem when the avatar of Shar arrived to slay Sharess once and for all, as she had already done to Ibrandul. However, before Shar could destroy Sharess and seize her portfolio, the avatar of Sune arrived with a chalice filled with the sacred waters of Evergold and doused Sharess in its liquid essence. Sharess immediately regained her faded beauty and rebelled against the Dark Dancers bitter influence.

  在 众神之战the Godswar 中醒来,夏芮丝从诸国度前往了 阿梵多国度Arvandor,在那里,她加入了淑妮和精灵女神哈娜莉·瑟拉妮珥永金池畔的嬉戏。一些传说声称夏芮丝是淑妮一位年纪更小年幼、更堕落的姐妹,尽管这种说法严格意义上并不正确。夏芮丝的开放甚至让淑妮和 黎尔拉Lliira 感到脸红。
In the wake of the Godswar, Sharess has removed herself from the Realms to Arvandor where she joins Sune and the elven goddess Hanali Celanil in frolicking in and around the pool of Evergold. Some tales claim Sharess is the younger, more decadent sister of Sune, although this is not strictly true. Sharess puts even Sune and Lliira to shame with her excesses.

  夏芮丝火热地拥抱着她新得到的独立,并仍然痴迷于各种所有形式欢愉的追求,而不在乎淑妮的忠告和莎尔的黑暗请求。她复兴的神职人员借由诸国度的“会所”扩张,并用夏芮丝从她的好友 密里耳Milil 和黎尔拉以及从其他 泛费伦神祇那里挖掘来(未被全部证明)的艳史飨悦信徒,夏芮丝很清楚美好——黑暗——在她的神职与劳微塔的神职之间的界限,而猜疑地在 痛苦少女the Maiden of Pain 面前守护着她的神域。她病态地为 伊尔马特Ilmater 着迷,并频繁地企图勾引他——迄今为止尚未成功。因为他们的相似的猫科天性,夏芮丝和 努比恩Nobanion 相处愉快,但偶尔夏芮丝不可自抑地挑逗他(并以此让其为她苦恼), 因为她想要挑衅他循规蹈矩的天性看看会发生什么。芭丝特和安荷有一段时有时无、断断续续的关系,在深爱与冷漠之间摇来荡去,包括频繁的口角和偶尔的赌气(主要是芭丝特这边), 但当要事来临时,他们都会一直帮助另一方。出于天然本性夏芮丝一直对赛特以及他的种种行为保有着强烈的仇恨,她总是在对抗赛特时的一道可靠助力,并且总会帮助那些为根除赛特的影响力而战斗的人。
Sharess fiercely clings to her newfound independence and remains infatuated with the pursuit of pleasure in all forms despite the counsel of Sune and the dark entreaties of Shar. Her revitalized clergy is spreading through the festhalls of the Realms, regaling worshipers with (wholly un-substantiated) tales of Sharess's bawdy exploits in league with her friends Milil and Lliira and with other Faerflnian deities, Sharess is well aware of the fine—dark—line between her portfolio and that of Loviatar and jealously guards her domain from the Maiden of Pain. She is morbidly fascinated by Ilmater and frequently attempts to seduce him—so far without success. Sharess and Nobanion get along well because of their mutual feline natures, but Sharess cannot resist teasing him occasionally (and thus getting him irked at her) because she likes to fray the edges of his straight-laced nature to see what will happen. Bast and Anhur have an off-again, on-again relationship that swings from deep love to indifference and involves frequent spats and occasional fits of pique (especially on Bast's part), but both of them would always help each other when it comes to matters of importance. Sharess maintains an active hatred for Set and his activities as the core of her nature and can always be relied on to oppose him and aid those who fight to root out his influence.

  夏芮丝极少以化身形式在诸国度展现,但当她这样做时,通常是作为舞蹈女士在属于 边境主国the Border Kingdoms至高橡树男爵领the Barony of Great Oak神行堡Godswalk Keep。她的神职人员宣称,很久以前,当 卡拉苟斯Garagos耶各Jergal 为她的垂青而争斗的时候,她展现并奚落了他们,而他们的化身同时展现的集合处被称之为 三神会面the Meeting of the Three。就像在攸木林的赞蒂拉·舞者一样,据说她又新添了一些化名。
Sharess only rarely appears in avatar form in the Realms, but when she does it is often as the Dancing Lady at Godswalk Keep in the Barony of Great Oak in the Border Kingdoms. Her clergy claim she appears to taunt Garagos and Jergal who contested for her affections long ago and whose avatars also appear in a confluence known as the Meeting of the Three. She is also said to be working in some fashion again in her alias as Zandilar the Dancer in the Yuirwood.

Sharess is a strange and radiant demipower whose beauty is rivaled only by Sune among the Faerflnian pantheon, but whose aura is tinged with faded promise. Her voice is said to be a throaty purr and to give the listener the feeling of being brushed by the softest fur or velvet when she speaks. She is a fickle, flighty deity, who prevents anyone from getting too close to her true spirit. She has the willful independence and pleasure-seeking nature common to felines and is constantly preening and grooming to maintain her appearance. She is often depicted as a voluptuous human female with the head of a cat. Sharess enjoys toying with beautiful mortals—male and female—and she cannot resist casually flirting with anyone she encounters. However, when her ardor cools and her passion is sated, Sharess is easily distracted and quick to move on to new pleasures. She dislikes snakes intensely.

Sharess (as Bast) is served by divine minions that can assume the form of a lion, a leopard, or a small wild cat (a feral domestic cat).


夏芮丝的化身Sharess's Avatar

  (盗贼Thief 23,巫师Mage 18,咒术诗人Spellsinger 18,牧师Cleric 16,战士Fighter 10)

  当她展现在诸国度时,夏芮丝偏好两种形态。作为 金心女士the Lady of the Golden Heart,她展现为一位丰腴艳丽的人类女性,有着波浪般的乌黑长发和细狭的绿色猫眼。她穿戴着挑逗的服饰,范围包括俗媚的妓女到娇贵的妾侍。她同样以这种形态作为芭丝特展现于穆尔霍兰德,在那时她会穿戴着穆尔霍兰德人服饰。作为 猫科狩猎者the Feline Huntress,她展现为一只巨大的茶色家猫,有着剃刀般锋利锐爪、狡黠锃亮的祖母绿眼睛以及性感的外貌。在数个世纪以来,她未——据任何人所知——呈现为赞蒂拉·舞者的形式。如果她这样做,她将展现为一位美丽且诱人的蓝肤精灵妇女,穿戴着层层薄纱服饰。所有形态都能访问所有法术学派和领域,但夏芮丝偏爱于从魅惑领域和附魔/魅惑与幻术/幻象学派。
Sharess favors two forms when she manifests in the Realms. As the Lady of the Golden Heart, she appears as a voluptuous, bronze-skinned human female with long wavy raven hair and the slitted green eyes of a cat. She dresses in provocative clothing ranging from that of a tawdry tart to that of a pampered concubine. This is also the form she appears in as Bast in Mulhorand, though she wears Mulhorandi garb. As the Feline Huntress, she appears as a huge tawny house cat with razor sharp claws, wickedly gleaming emerald eyes, and a sensuous aspect. Sharess has not, to anyone's knowledge, assumed the form of Zandilar the Dancer for centuries. When she does, she appears as a beautiful and seductive blue-skinned elven woman who wears layered gauzy outfits. All forms have access to all spell schools and spheres, but Sharess prefers spells from the sphere of charm and from the schools of enchantment/charm and illusion/phantasm.

  防御等级 -3;移动 15,冲锋 45;生命值 172;零级命中值 10;#攻击 2次或 4次/1轮
  伤害 1d10+7/1d10+7(爪抓,+7 力量) 或 1d4+10(投掷 +3匕首,+7力量)
  魔抗 70%;体型 大型L(7呎高:金心女士或赞蒂拉)或 大型L(12呎长:猫科狩猎者Feline Huntress)
  力量 19,敏捷 24,体质 20,智力 19,感知 10,魅力 25
  法术 祭司P:7/7/7/6/4/3/1,法师W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1+特殊(见《诸国度的法师与游荡者Wizards and Rogues of the Realms》咒术诗人spellsinger部分,其实际上在法术等级和数目上没有限制)
  豁免 麻痹、毒素与死亡魔法 4;权杖、法杖与魔杖 4;石化或变形 7;喷吐武器 9;法术 5
  AC -3; MV 15, sprint 45; HP 172; THAC0 10;
  #AT 2 or 4/1 Dmg 1d10+7/1dl0+7 (claws,+7 Str) or 1d4+10 (thrown dagger+3,+7 Str)
  MR 70%; SZ L (7 feet tall:Lady of the Golden Heart or Zandilar) or L (12 feet long: Feline Huntress)
  Str 19, Dex 24, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 25
  Spells P:7/7/7/6/4/3/1, W:5/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/1+Special (see Wizards and Rogues of the Realms for details on spellsingers, who effectively have no limit on their number or level of spells)
  Saves PPDM 4, RSW 4, PP 7, BW 9, Sp 5

特殊攻击/防御Special Att/Def:

  在所有她的形态中,夏芮丝可以每轮用她欺骗性的精致指甲(每只都如猎猫的爪子般锋利而致命)或爪子耙抓攻击2次。作为猫科狩猎者时,如果她在一轮内她的前爪都命中了,她将以后爪附加两次攻击,如果命中将造成每只1d12+7点伤害。在以赞蒂拉或金心女士形态,夏芮丝精通所有武器并专攻于投掷匕首,但她极少使用,若使用通常是在就地旋转的舞蹈中攻击。她的投掷匕首是 +3匕首,能随意从虚空中召唤、展现在她手中。她看上去能得到它们的无限供应,而它们将在命中目标后、或在被投掷出1轮后迅速消失。
In all her forms, Sharess can attack twice per round by raking with her deceptively delicate fingernails (which are as sharp and deadly as the claws of a hunting cat) or claws. As the Feline Huntress, if she scores hits with both her forepaws in a single round, she gains an additional two attacks with her rear claws for ldl2+7 points of damage each if they hit. In her Zandilar the Dancer or Lady of the Golden Heart forms Sharess is proficient in all weapons and specialized in thrown daggers, which she has very rarely used, usually in a sort of pinwheeling dance attack. Her thrown daggers are daggers +3 and appear in her hands at will, summoned from thin air. She apparently can access an infinite supply of them, and they disappear again shortly after they strike a target or one round after they are thrown.

  她任何类型的化身外形都能变为任何形式的猫咪,巨大或渺小、幼年或老年、野生或家养通通可以,而且获得所有这个形态的攻击和特殊能力,并保留她本身的防御能力、防御等级以及免疫。同样,在任何时候,她都能通过所有猫咪的眼睛观察,尽管她必须全神贯注于从中挑出重要的景象。借由一系列神性的幻术,夏芮丝也可以展现为任何生物最热切的欲望,但她并不会改变形态来如此做。随意使用,她的热吻能授予一道 夏芮丝之吻kiss of Sharess 或逆转一个存在的性别(如同一件 阴柔/阳刚腰带girdle of femininity/masculinity)。随意使用,她的触碰能创造一道 纵情无度excessive indulgence 法术或 强化感觉intensify sensation 的效果。
Any of her avatar forms shape change into the form of any cat, great or small, young or old, wild or domestic and gain all the forms of attack and special abilities of the form while retaining her own defensive abilities, Armor Class, and immunities. She can also see through the eyes of all cats at all times, though she must concentrate on the input to pick out images of importance. Sharess can also appear as any creature's most passionate desire through a sort of divine illusion, but she does not change form to do so. Her kiss can bestow a kiss of Sharess or reverse a being's gender (as a girdle of femininity/masculinity) at will. Her touch can create the effect of an excessive indulgence or intensify sensation spell at will.

Sharess has the legendary nine lives of a cat, and her avatar must be slain nine times before it is truly destroyed. She can fall from any distance and land on her feet, unharmed and unruffled. She is immune to illusion/phantasms, enchantment/charm spells she does not wish to be affected by, and the harmful effects of necromantic sphere or necromancy school spells. Sharess cannot be harmed by her own daggers; she can be damaged only by spells or +2 or better magical weapons.



其祂显现Other Manifestation

  夏芮丝的偏好显现是一个看不见的吻,这一触碰将带来不可抑止的、战栗的 狂喜术rapture(如同3级同名祭司法术,详见《信仰与化身Faiths & Avatars》的淑妮详述)并加剧了所有愉悦感受(如同法术强化感觉)。夏芮丝也被认为显现为一对离体、漂浮的女性娇唇(犹如一个人类头部宽), 它的亲吻将授予一道 夏芮丝之吻
Sharess's favorite manifestation is that of an unseen caress whose contact brings uncontrolled shuddering rapture (as the 3rd-level priest spell of the same name detailed in the writeup of Sune found in Faiths & Avatars) and intensifies all pleasurable sensation (as the spell intensify sensation). Sharess is also known to manifest as a pair of disembodied, floating female lips (as big across as a human's head) whose touch bestows a kiss of Sharess.

  夏芮丝也通过猫咪、愉悦形状的变形怪、树精(或半羊人satyr)、善良或中立的海妖女、精灵猫elven cat、翼猫以及几位(非常罕见的)非邪恶爱璐魔女alu-fiend的出现向符合其人生的行为展现她的眷顾。她通常终日萦绕着芬香的气味,对任何嗅到者产生一道纵情无度效果。她喜好华丽的首饰、美味的食物以及美丽的东东,并可能授予献祭了此类东东给她的任何人以恩赐。
Sharess also shows her favor through the presence of cats, dopple-gangers in pleasing shapes, dryads (or satyrs), good and neutral sirines, elven cats, tressyms, and a few (very rare) nonevil alu-fiends who act in accordance with her philosophy of life. She often lingers for days as a perfumed scent that creates an excessive indulgence effect in any who breathe its essence. She enjoys sumptuous jewelry, gourmet foods, and things of beauty and may grant a boon to anyone who sacrifices such things to her.

教会The Church

  神职人员Clergy:牧师Clerics,专属祭司specialty priests,潜修者mystics
  神职阵营Clergy's Align.:中立善良NG,混乱善良CG,绝对中立N,混乱中立CN;罕见且暂时地:中立邪恶NE,混乱邪恶CE
  驱散不死Turn Undead:牧师C:可;专属祭司SP:不可;潜修者Mys:不可
  呵斥不死Cmnd. Undead:牧师C:不可;专属祭司SP:不可;潜修者Mys:不可

  夏芮丝的所有祭司、潜修者和专属祭司得到 宗教知识religion(泛费伦Faerûnian)和 宗教知识religion(穆尔霍兰德人Mulhorandi)作为非武器熟练奖励。在夏芮丝的神职人员中,包括少量但值得注意的精灵和半精灵,她们中的大部分将她作为“舞者”赞蒂拉Zandilar the Dancer 崇敬。
All clerics, mystics, and specialty priests of Sharess receive religion (Faerûnian) and religion (Mulhorandi) as bonus nonweapon proficiencies. Sharess includes a small but significant number of elves and half-elves among her clergy, most of whom venerate her as Zandilar the Dancer.

  夏芮丝在广阔的都市区域被崇拜着,诸如深水城、卡林港以及其它 剑湾Sword Coast 沿岸城市。她被男男女女、以职业为傲的专职交际花、堕落富豪以及整日在生活中寻欢作乐者崇敬。在穆尔霍兰德,她也被那些与赛特战斗者崇敬,并以偶尔的狂乱欢愉之夜酬赏他们漫长而艰难的对抗赛特任务,以进一步激发他们的努力。属于夏芮丝的信仰还十分年轻,它的各种仪式还非常的松散和多变。这些冗长的礼拜仪式之间没有多少相似之处,它们各自延伸出了宗教节日与狂欢,着重于肉体上的愉悦,忽视精神上的教诲。许多从前追随 渥金Waukeen 并且拒绝了黎儿拉的教义的追随者开始对夏芮丝感兴趣。
Sharess is worshiped in large urban areas such as Waterdeep, Calitmport, and other cities along the Sword Coast. She is revered male and female professional escorts who take pride in their professions, the decadent rich, and those who seek only endless pleasure in life. In Mulhorand, she is also revered by those who combat Set and rewards those who work long and hard against him with occasional nights of wild pleasure to inspire them to further efforts. Sharess's faith is still very young and its ceremonies very loose and fluid, with long worship services that resemble nothing so much as extended feasts and revels, heavy on the pleasures of the flesh and light on the teachings of the spirit. A goodly number of former followers of Waukeen who have rejected Lliira's teachings have become interested in Sharess.

The few temples of Sharess are typically located in large cities along the Sword Coast, but small shrines to the goddess of pleasure may be found in almost every festhall in the Realms. Her temples are typically constructed to resemble elaborate festhalls, with graceful, fluting pillars, octagonal domes, great halls sculpted to resemble forest glades, secluded nooks, bathing areas in natural mineral springs, great banquet halls, and richly scented massage parlors. Most are guarded by staunch fighters and even exotic sentient monsters who are sworn to protect all revelers who partake in the name of Sharess,

  夏芮丝的神职人员总体上被称之为 夏芮丝祭司Sharessin。在她们的队伍中,男性和女性人类都可以找到,但魅力超凡、身体美貌的女性人类占据了她们中的绝大部分。夏芮丝的专属祭司被称为 感觉者sensates。夏芮丝信徒与 外层位面Outer Planar 同名派系之间的联系未知,这是一个潜在的混淆点。
The clergy of Sharess are collectively known as Sharessin. Both male and female humans can be found in their ranks, but charismatic and physically beautiful female humans comprise the great majority of them. Specialty priests of Sharess are known as sensates. As there is no known connection between Sharess's faithful and the Outer Planar faction of the same name, this is a potential point of confusion.

  夏芮丝的神职人员中牧师和专属祭司各占一半,这一平衡缓慢地转向专属祭司。夏芮丝神职人员(尤其是牧师)阵营限制是薄弱的,有一点偏向于邪恶还通常被容忍。那些保持邪恶、并在态度上似乎无意愿或无能力重回中立的祭司秘密地借由莎尔的代理人祷告转而信仰这位幽暗少女,与此同时保留她们在夏芮丝神职人员中的地位。目前 至福之猫The Feline of Felicity 似乎不愿或无力阻止这些背叛,虽然她们可能很罕见。
The clergy of Sharess is split evenly between clerics and specialty priests, with the balance slowly shifting in favor of specialty priests. Alignment restrictions for Sharess's clergy (particularly clerics) are weak, and a gentle slide toward evil is still often tolerated. Those priests who remain evil and seem unwilling or unable to drift back toward neutrality in their behavior are secretly entreated by agents of Shar to shift their worship to the Dark Maiden while maintaining their position within the clergy of Sharess. The Feline of Felicity seems unwilling or unable to prevent such defections at this time, rare though they may be.


  夏芮丝的祭司被期望在它们自己或他人颓废的感官满足中度过生活。每个机会都能挖掘出欢愉,生命就是一段无尽狂欢的生活。每个开始这一信仰者都被教导:“活着就要尽兴。一切美好的必然是舒适的,而一切舒适的也便是美好的。广播女神的恩赐,让所有人都能加入 无尽的生命狂欢the Endless Revel of Life,把快乐带给所有那些痛苦中的人。无穷的体验等待着探索者,所以尝试新的好过品位旧的。”
Sharess's priests are expected to live their lives in the decadent sensual fulfillment of themselves and others. Pleasure is to be sought out at every opportunity and life is to be lived as one endless revel. Initiates to the faith are taught that:“Life is to be lived to its fullest. That which is good is pleasurable and that which is pleasurable is good. Spread the bounty of the goddess so that all may join in the Endless Revel of Life and bring joy to all those in pain. Infinite experiences await those who would explore, so try the new as well as savoring the old.”

日常活动Day-to-Day Activities:

Many priests and priestesses of Sharess run pleasure houses in large cities or directly serve decadent rulers. These pleasure houses cater to all the senses and include fantastic feasts, heavenly baths and massages, unique experiences, such as flight, and every other pleasure imaginable. Wealthy festhalls often employ one or two mid-level Sharessin, and some Sharessin wander the countryside, with Sharess's blessing, seeking new pleasing sensations to add to their repertoire.

圣日/重要节日Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:

  夏芮丝的神职人员可能比诸国度其他任何信仰庆祝更多节日。它们被统称为无尽的生命狂欢。在每日太阳的升起与落下、每年的四季更替、满月展现或几乎其它任何原因引起的庆典和狂欢中,平民们总是会收到邀请。每次此类节日都有几个稀奇古怪的名头,而新节日总是被添加,旧节日总是被遗忘。无与伦比,无论如何 仲夏夜Midsummer's Eve 是夏芮丝信徒中最欢庆的时间,一个最极端地追求无尽欢愉的时机。
The clergy of Sharess celebrate more festivals than possibly any other faith in the Realms. They are known collectively as the Endless Revel of Life. The daily rising and setting of the sun, the yearly passage of seasons, the appearance of a full moon, or nearly any other event is cause for a celebration and wild revel to which the general populace is always invited. Each such festival has several outlandish titles and new festivals are added all the time as old ones are forgotten. Without comparison, however, Midsummer's Eve is the time of greatest rejoicing among Sharess's faithful and an occasion for the most extreme pursuits of boundless pleasure.

主要崇拜中心Major Centers of Worship:

  夏芮丝的信仰中心是坐落于卡林港码头区沿岸的 不朽欢乐会所the Festhall of Eternal Delight。在这个地点,一座更早的神殿在最近的 巡夜梦魇Night Parade期间被毁,而新的神殿甚至比上一座更豪奢。黑色大理石栏杆、耸立的塔尖、摆出诱人姿态的水晶雕像以及广阔、造景的前厅装饰着这个蔓杂的复合体。神殿澡堂因其复原神力和技艺精湛的女按摩师而非常著名,而且这座神殿的追随者们小心地挑选被认为能引起情欲性质的气体在一些房间,而将镇静或舒缓的气体放置其它房间。硕指者Gigantic fighter(几个呈现出巨人或食人魔血统者), 以及一只精灵龙,在其他奇异的祭坛守护者之间,站岗警戒邻近的 旧夜神殿Temple of Old Night发起的频繁突击。
The center of Sharess's faith is the Festhall of Eternal Delight located along Calimport's waterfront. An earlier temple on this spot was destroyed during the most recent Night Parade, and the new temple is even more extravagant than the last. Dark marble columns, jutting spires, crystalline statues in enticing poses and vast, landscaped atriums decorate this sprawling complex. The temple baths are legendary for their recuperative powers and skilled masseuses, and the temple flowers are carefully selected for the reputed aphrodisiacal properties of their scents in some rooms and their calming or soothing properties in others. Gigantic fighters (several who appear to have giant or ogre blood), a sirine (somehow magically equipped to breathe air), and a faerie dragon, among other exotic protectors, stand guard against the frequent raids from the neighboring Temple of Old Night.

从属组织Affiliated Orders:

  夏芮丝未被军事或骑士组织服务着。不管怎样,大部分专职保镖在主要城市加入了由她的神职人员领导的正规或非正式行会。夏芮丝被一个被称为 暮之眼the Eyes of Evening 的 猫人werecat 秘密修女会侍奉着,它也向塞伦涅进贡。这个神秘团体的宗旨和目的未知,虽然传闻她们在满月之夜猎杀莎尔和 洛薇艾塔Loviatar 的教徒。
Sharess is served by no military or knightly orders. Most professional escorts in major cities join formal or informal guilds led by her clergy, however. Sharess is served by a secretive sisterhood of female werecats known as the Eyes of Evening who also pay tribute to SelOne. The aims and goals of this mysterious fellowship are unknown, although they are rumored to hunt cultists of Shar and Loviatar during nights of the full moon.

  在穆尔霍兰德,芭丝特有着比夏芮丝更好斗的声誉。若干冒险队伍对抗着赛特和他的代理人,包括沙漠之火the Desert Fire和真理之匕the Daggers of Truth,将芭丝特视作保护神并得到了其他穆尔霍兰德人信仰的支援,其中包括安荷和 荷鲁斯-雷Horus-Re
In Mulhorand, Bast has a more militant reputation than Sharess. A number of adventuring bands who work against Set and his agents, including the Desert Fire and the Daggers of Truth, count Bast as a patroness and also receive support from other Mulhorandi faiths, including those of Anhur and Horus-Re.

祭司祭服Priestly Vestments:

  所有夏芮丝的牧师都留着长发并把头发整理起来以露出她们的脸和身体的最好优势。夏芮丝神职人员的祭司祭服依照祭司的性别、当地气候、潮流风尚以及祭司品位而大有不同。深水人Waterdhavian 名妓偏好有高度暗示性、让她们看上去半裸的晚礼服,而卡林港后宫里的女人穿戴着透明睡衣、短背心、透明薄纱马裤、金粉以及不可计数的宝石串珠以及用线绳串在一起的钱币和用作装饰的饰链和条纹。男性神职人员通常偏爱专门为其魅力订做的紧身马裤以及松垮的畅怀衬衫。他们通常穿戴着装饰性的腰带和背心。夏芮丝的神圣徽记是一副从黑色琥珀或红宝石中雕刻出的女性娇唇形象,并在手腕脚踝戴着金链。
All priests of Sharess wear their hair long and style it to show off their faces and bodies to their best advantage. The priestly raiment of Sharess's clergy varies widely according to the priest’s gender, the local climate, current fashions, and the priest*s taste. Waterdhavian courtesans favor highly suggestive evening dresses that make them seem half-undressed, while the women of Calimport's harem*s wear diaphanous negligees, short vests, sheer pantaloons, gold dust, and endless gemstone beads and coins strung in ropes and made into decorative chains and fringes. Male clergy typically prefer tight-fitting breeches that are tailored to their charms and blousy open shirts. They often wear decorative belts and vests. Sharess*s holy symbol is the image of feminine lips carved from dark amber or ruby and worn on a golden chain on the wrist or ankle.
[[File:006LfLmpzy7gO9TwMmB09&690.jpg |thumb |429x429px]]   芭丝特的少量祭司和女祭保持着在穆尔霍兰德偏好的紧身卡拉西里长袍(紧身的白色亚麻布长度及膝的女裙)和华丽的胸鳍衣披覆在胸部或胸脯上。芭丝特的神圣徽记是一只戴着金色耳环的猫首。
The few priests and priestesses of Bast who remain in Mulhorand favor tight-fitting kalasiris (tight-fitting white linen knee-length skirts) and ornate pectoral collars draped suggestively over the chest or breasts. The holy symbol of Bast is a cat's head wearing golden hoop earrings.

冒险装束Adventuring Garb:

When adventuring, the clergy of Sharess endeavor to preserve the gifts of the goddess as best as they can and hence typically wear the best armor they can afford. There is no point to living life without pleasure, however, so they always decorate such armor as provocatively as possible.
[[File:0036LfLmpzy7gO9T8Wund3&690.jpg |thumb |421x421px]]

专属祭司Specialty Priests(感觉者Sensates

  职业需求REQUIREMENTS:敏捷Dexterity 10,感知Wisdom 9,魅力Charisma 13
  关键属性PRIME REQ.:感知Wisdom,魅力Charisma
  防具ARMOR:任意,但装饰得有挑逗性Any, but decorated provocatively
  主修领域MAJOR SPHERES:共通All,混乱chaos,魅惑charm,战斗combat,医疗healing,守卫guardian,保护protection
  次要领域MINOR SPHERES:动物Animal,创造creation,元素(水) elemental (water), 死灵necromantic,旅者travelers
  魔法物品MAGICAL ITEMS:如同牧师Same as clerics
  熟练需求REQ. PROFS:舞蹈Dancing
  熟练奖励BONUS PROFS:唱歌Singing,艺术才能artistic ability (选一pick one), 以及 乐器musical instrument(选一pick one)

  ❖ Although humans make up the majority of the clergy of Sharess, elves, half-elves, and the rare halfling may also become specialty priests.

  ❖ Sensates are known for being arrestingly charming and light on their feet. They receive a permanent +1 to both their Dexterity and Charisma scores to a maximum of 19.

  ❖每日3次,感觉者能迷魂fascinate一只单一生物进入非战斗状态(如同3级法师法术 暗示术suggestion)。如果目标通过了它的豁免检定,它能选择无视该 暗示术,但是它不能意识到该祭司对它使用了魔法攻击。
  ❖ Sensates are able to fascinate a single being up to three times per day in noncombat situations (as the 3rd-level wizard spell suggestion). If the target makes its saving throw, it may choose to reject the suggestion, but it will not recognize that priestly magic was being used against it.

  ❖ Sensates receive a +4 bonus to their attack rolls and a +2 bonus to their damage rolls when attacking divine minions or any sort of mortal servants of Set, snakes, evil nagas, hydrae, yuan-ti, histachii, ophidians, and other snakelike or serpentine living beings (particularly those of an evil nature). This bonus does not extend to undead creaturcs or constructs of any sort

  ❖在第3级,(最多)每年1次,感觉者能施展 寻找魔宠find familiar(如同1级法师法术)。如果法术成功,作为应答她们总是收到某类猫科动物,而且只要她们还有一只活着的魔宠,就无法获得一只新魔宠。一个例外就是魔宠达到了其物种年龄的老年;如果是这样,它能选择退休。祭司能在那时寻求一只新魔宠,但必须照顾退休魔宠直寿尽而逝。
  ❖ At 3rd level, sensates may cast find familiar (as the 1st-level wizard spell) once per year (at most). They always receive some sort of feline in response, if the spell is successful, and cannot seek another familiar so long as they still have a living familiar. The one exception to this is if the familiar reaches old age for its species type; if it does, it can choose to retire. The priest can then seek a new familiar, but must care for the retired familiar until it dies of old age.

  ❖在第5级,每日1次,感觉者能够 魅惑人类charm person(如同1级法师法术)或 变身术alter self
  ❖ At 5th level, sensates are able to charm person (as the 1st-level wizard spell) or alter self (as the 2nd-level wizard spell) once per day.

  ❖ At 7th level, sensates may speak with felines of all sorts at will. Felines they are addressing are never hostilely disposed toward them unless they are attacked or threatened.

  ❖ At 7th level, sensates can summon a great cat three times a tenday. (The DM should choose the type each time the ability is used.) The cat appears within 60 yards and attacks a sensate's opponents until she or he commands the cat to cease, the opponents are slain, or 5 rounds+1 round/level of the sensate is exceeded* The cat does not check morale, and it vanishes when slain. If no opponent exists to fight, the summoned cat can, if physically capable, be asked to perform other services for the sensate.

  ❖在第10级,每日1次,感觉者能够 魅惑怪物charm monster(如同4级法师法术)或 强化感觉intensify sensation(如同3级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 10th level, sensates are able to charm monster (as the 4th-level wizard spell) or intensify sensation (as the 3rd-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第13级,每日1次,感觉者可以施展 记忆之骸memory mack(如同5级祭司法术)。
  ❖ At 13th level, sensates are able to cast memory wrack (as the 5th-level priest spell) once per day.

  ❖在第15级,感觉者能触碰被诅咒的受害者,解除 阴柔/阳刚腰带girdle of femininity/masculinity 的诅咒。
  ❖ At 15th level, sensates are able to undo the curse of a girdle of femininity/masculinity by touching the cursed victim.

夏芮丝的法术Sharess Spells

1st Level

纵情无度Excessive Induence

  (祭司Pr 1;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  施法时间Casting Time:4
  影响区域Area of Effect:1个活物One living creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:特殊Special

This spell enables a Sharessin to cause its recipient to focus on his or her current activities to the point of overindulgence for the duration of this spell. When the spell is cast, its target receives a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. If the saving throw is failed, the victim's current actions that round become compulsive and excessive for the duration of the spell

Each round, the target must make an Intelligence check and a Wisdom check (both at a -2 penalty) to perform any action besides his or her compulsion. For example, if Blenzer the Bulging was eating when the spell was cast, he feels an overwhelming urge to gorge himself for the duration of the spell. All surprise checks are made with -2 penalty during this period.

If the victim of this spell is attacked while under its effects, the spell is instantly canceled. Likewise, victims do not truly injure or kill themselves while under the this spells effects, although they may come close due to gluttony or some other behavior.

The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and three fresh flower petals.

3rd Level

强化感觉Intensify Sensation

  (祭司Pr 3;附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm) 可逆Reversible

  施法时间Casting Time:6
  影响区域Area of Effect:1个活物One living creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.}}

This spell enables a Sharessin to intensi/ sensations in herself or a single recipient. Unwilling targets receive a saving throw vs. spell to negate this effect. Any physical or emotional sensation can be heightened to unbeliev-able heights through the application of this spell, often disconnecting the recipient from reality, creating an extremely heightened interest or emotion, and proving to be an immense distraction from dealing with fast-paced and changing circumstances (such as in a combat situation). While this spell is in effect, all ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls (minimum 1 point of damage), and saving throws are made with a -2 penalty, and all wizard and priest spells are cast with a 1d4+1 casting time initiative penalty.

  虽然这道法术大部分时候是用于享受欢愉,但用这个法术来提高疼痛也是一种潜在的伤害手段。在这个法术效果下受的伤害视为比实际伤害要高25% (向下取整), 虽然这并不提升法术的实际伤害(增加的25%伤害如同幻觉一样会在法术结束后消失,这些伤害不能杀死目标,但能令目标不省人事)。因此目标可能因为疼痛的折磨而陷入昏迷无法继续战斗。类似的法术诸如 痛苦鞭挞whip of pain (法师或祭司的版本都包括)、有痛苦描述符的法术或者会令人感受到疼痛的触摸法术,造成的伤害视为实际伤害的2倍(如果有持续时间,则持续时间也提升为两倍)。
Although normally employed in pleasurable situations, this spell can be used heighten pain as well to a potentially incapacitating level. Damage suffered during the effects of this spell is perceived as 25% (round up) worse than it actually is, although the spell has no effect on the actual damage inflicted. (Basically, add 25% to damage (rounding down) as phantom damage that goes away when the spell ends and that cannot kill a target, though it can render him or her unconscious.) As a result, the target may collapse into unconsciousness wracked by unbearable pain even if she or he could normally continue to fight on. Likewise spells such as whip of pain (both wizard and priest versions), symbol of pain, or pain touch have twice their normal effect (or if inapplicable, twice the duration).

  该法术的逆转,钝化感觉deaden sensation 可以抑制身体的疼痛或其他不良情绪。在这个法术效果下,施法目标会免疫造成疼痛的效果、有痛苦描述符的法术或其他的魅惑型法术(并终止其效果例如魅惑、恍惚、恶心等)。所有在这个法术效果下受的伤害视为比实际伤害要低25% (向下取整)并保存这些未结算的伤害(减少的25%伤害会在法术效果结束后被应用)。这使得夏芮丝祭司在本应该失去意识(或者死亡)的时候继续战斗,虽然这意味着在法术的终止后她可能会立即失去知觉(如果损伤程度通常会导致这种效果), 而严重的可靠下他可能会立即死亡。
This reverse of this spell,deaden sensation can be employed to suppress physical pain or other harmful feelings. While this spell is in effect, the recipient is immune to the effects of ivhip of pain, symbol ofpainy pain toucht suggestiorij other charm-type magics (and it terminates an existing charm) emotion, stunning, or nausea. All damage received while the reversed form of this spell is in effect is perceived as 25% less than actual, although the full effects are felt when the spell ends. (Reduce the damage by 25% (rounding up) but keep a total of the amount of points of damage held in abeyance. When the spell ends, all unapplied damage is applied at once.) This dulling of pain can enable a Sharessin to fight on beyond normal unconsciousness (or death) for the duration of the spell, although the Sha-ressin collapses into immediate unconsciousness upon the spell's expiration if the damage would normally cause this effect and may die instantly if seriously enough injured.

5th Level

夏芮丝之吻Kiss of Sharess

  (祭司Pr 5;转化Alteration,附魔/魅惑Enchantment/Charm)

  施法时间Casting Time:1 轮round
  影响区域Area of Effect:1 只活物One living creature
  豁免检定Saving Throw:通过则无效Neg.}}

  该法术能让一位夏芮丝祭司授予任何生物的最美好、最愉快的愿景,效果类似于一道 有限祈愿术limited wish spell(如同7级同名法师法术)。施法者和受术者都不能控制这个法术的效果,其来源是受术者的深层潜意识。(DM必须裁决其效果。)如果该法术的受术者不想受法术影响,她或他必须成功通过对抗法术豁免检定。
This spell enables a Sharessin to grant any being's fondest and most pleasurable wish, similar to the effects of a limited wish spell (as the 7th-level wizard spell of the same name). Neither the spellcaster nor the recipient has any control over this spell's effects as they come from the depths of the recipien's unconscious. (The DM must adjudicate the effects.) If the spell recipient does not want to be affected by this spell, she or he must make a successful saving throw vs. spell.

Unfortunately, this spell effects only last until the following dawn, never seem so wonderful in retrospect, and seem to have little lasting impact on the recipient's life. For example, a serving maid might masquerade as an exotic princess for one night at the annual ball, but in the morning the prince turns out to be a lout, all her fabulous garments have been misplaced, she still has to go back to her old job, and her debut is quickly forgotten among the city's social circles and her common friends.
